The Saudi Arabian GP came and went and Max Verstappen won again. But the real story was Ollie Bearman, who is surely the greatest Formula 1 driver in history now. Phill and Terry are joined by their own super sub, Drew Stearne, to look back at the Bearnaissance and ask – what does this mean for his career, for F1 and indeed for humanity? Also Red Bull’s implosion continues everywhere except the track, so that’s fun.

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    0:00 Intros
    1:02 Welcome
    1:47 Hello Phill
    2:44 Hello Terry
    3:16 Hello Drew
    3:43 The latest on Red Bull
    12:10 Massa goes legal
    20:40 Subscribe and SEND MONEY
    21:45 Tony Dodgins preview
    24:05 Red Bull
    27:11 Ferrari and Ollie Bearman
    34:40 McLaren
    39:52 Aston Martin
    44:01 Mercedes
    47.19 Haaaaaaas
    47:57 Williams
    48:24 Alpine
    49:00 RB
    50:05 Sauber Kick Stake whatever
    50:54 Terry’s State of F1
    53:27 Byeeeee

    Welcome to for Formula One Sake. The F1 podcast that takes its staffing cues from Ferrari. Get the red phone and call the backup. Has Ollie had his appendix out? What’s happening? Welcome to Formula 1’s Sake, the podcast that isn’t as important as one person.

    No, I don’t think we’re important as any people are we. No, but which, which one of us is Max and which one of us is Horner? I mean, I’d like to… I think you are both, aren’t you? Welcome to Formula One’s Sake, a fan of hairy bearded men. Long before it was fashionable

    I dunno what this reference is for. Bears NOW I get it. Welcome to for Formula One’s sake. Buying up all the stock of F1 driver voodoo dolls with removable appendix append appendices? Appendi? Append… See, I wondered appendices, but that sounds too much like a book,

    Even though an appendix is also a book, but appendices feels like it sounds, I think. it sounds like a Formula E team, Welcome to for Formula One’s sake, finishing comfortably last in our big rebranding Not a euphemism, Oh no. It was a, you know, it was a euphemism.

    Welcome to, for Formula One’s sake. The podcast F1 deserves. I’m Drew Stern, and tonight from the Formula two Paddock, I’ll be taking over at very short notice from Ollie pt, who is ill. Although I was primed to host a different podcast this evening, and

    I’ve been hurriedly fitted with a beautifully designed FFF one S T-shirt, and now I’m expected to perform as the eyes of the world are upon me. Will I fuck it up or will I be voted podcast presenter of the day? We’ll found out as we look back at a disappointingly Miss, a free

    Saudi Arabian Grand Prix in Jetta. We’ll talk super subs, predictable winners, and hopeless has beens, and check in to see if red Boulogne has imploded yet. That’s all to come. Joining me is a man who needs a haircut. It’s Phil Truman’s. Hello.

    Uh, those of us, uh, those of you who watch on YouTube, and there are literally dozens of you now. It’s going very well. Thanks for asking. Um, well notice that I’ve been wearing hats for the last, uh, last few episodes because I really, really need a haircut.

    But the trouble is when I had long hair, I used to travel a bit to go to like a long hair specialist barber. And now I don’t have long hair, but I don’t wanna let my barber is a long hair specialist? Barbara? you mean a lady’s hairdresser?

    No, no, he’s a property, he’s a barber, but he, he does long hair instead of Sure. ’cause barbers, normal barbers, they’ll just go get the clippers out. B bash bsch, 12 quid on your way. 12 quit. I’ll bless you. I mean, it was 12 quid a couple of years ago.

    But, um, but the trouble is, it’s a bit, it’s like half an hour drive away to the guy I’ve been going with. And I really like him. We talk about cars and I, I don’t wanna let him down, but I haven’t had time to go and now I’ve got short hair.

    I need my haircut much more often. And I, I haven’t had my hair out for ages. I’m just wearing hats all the time. I’ve gotta say Phil, this is one of the most boring subjects you’ve Well, it’s only been a, it’s only been a week since the last race.

    What am I gonna have done? Nothing. And beside him is a man who has had a haircut. It’s Terry Saunders. Now we’re talking. I was getting my hair bleached by a professional, professional hair bleacher. Not You’d already bleached it though. When? Last week you said I was gonna bleach it, but she wasn’t

    There, so I bleached it myself. Oh shit. I’ve got nothing Quick. Let’s go Are you gonna tell the same story again? Amazing. Any haircut related anecdotes? No, no, I’m between haircuts at the moment. I’ve been, um, I’ve been getting to know my enemy listeners might remember

    I got laid off last year and, um, my whole department got replaced by ai. So I’ve been spending the last couple of months really getting up to speed with the latest developments in AI and basically using AI to create really weird images of things that Have you been working for the Royal family?

    Perhaps? It’s only been a week since the last episode, but things in F1 don’t stop. So let’s check in with the news, which will almost definitely be out of date by the time you hear this. Let’s start with Red Boulogne, which is rapidly turning into a series

    Of plot twists worthy of Game of Thrones, except with less blood and hopefully less disappointing. Conclusion, since we last spoke helmet, Marco was maybe going to be suspended and now isn’t, although he’s insinuated that he might be off if things don’t chill the fuck out. And Maxin has hinted that if Marco goes.

    He might go to, which immediately saw everyone link him to Hamilton’s seat at Mercedes. Other apparent news is that the woman who complained about Christian Horner has apparently been suspended while German broadcaster RTL reports that Horner himself has given her some 700,000 Euros as a severance payment.

    Topped up to a million by Red Boulogne allegedly. Oh, that’s nice of him. What a nice man. a lovely guy, isn’t he? This, I mean, red Boulogne doesn’t seem like a very nice place to work. I’m gonna say that they put a lot of money into making fast cars.

    Not so much money into hr. Yeah, you do have to wonder what HR is doing. HR is just Jasper Stafford, like with a fast mustache. Yes. So once again, with Red Boulogne, because nothing’s been officially confirmed and they’re about as transparent as a brick, we don’t really know what’s

    Going on, but you know, we, we’ve sort of, we are bottom feeding and reporting what everybody else is reporting. the Smoke Without Fire Theory suggests that whatever’s going on is rather distasteful. it does, it does seem weird because you would think that Max Steppen is the number one prize asset.

    There are three big assets in Red Boulogne. You’ve got Adrian Newey, max Steppen, and Christian Hoder. ’cause you know, whatever you think of him, he has done very well at Running Red Boulogne and now, now a UU has not been talked about much in this last couple of weeks.

    Oh, and there’s helmet Marco as well, obviously. And it feels like Horners come out fighting saying that Max was stab. If he wants to go, I’m not gonna stop him. No one person is more important than Red Boulogne. He says whilst going, but actually the whole company’s going to Apart from

    Support me because I’m more important than Red Boulogne. In fact, I think it should be called Honer Horn Boulogne. because there was even a rumor this week that he was trying to buy the Formula One team himself. Oh God. Well, he used to run a team, didn’t he? Didn’t he?

    He used to run, was it, uh, was it Arden? He used to run, I can’t remember. I definitely had a team in one of the lower formula. it feels like quite an apt name, doesn’t it? Um, Yeah. but I, but I dunno.

    So now, then, then this whole thing with hel Marco, who was getting done for, was gonna get done for leaking stories to the said he was that Red Boulogne didn’t say this. He, he said this himself. He just came out and said, oh,

    Might be getting, might be getting, uh, might be getting suspended. It feels like the equivalent of being caught if using the office printer, doesn’t it? It’s like, it’s not really a thing, Oh, maybe I’ll leak some secrets. Sure.

    I went down to that news agency in Woking, but, you know, what are they gonna do? Um, but it’s a glorious mess, isn’t well, it is, the, the interesting thing about this is that Marco now apparently has had a chat with the boss of Red Boulogne, GMBH, which is the parent

    Company, which is like Red Boulogne proper, that does all the drinks and everything and has apparently sort of come to a sort of truce with them. And there seems to be a, sort of, what I’ve heard described as like an uneasy piece at Red Boulogne for the moment.

    But what’s been interesting is that. When Horner was going through all the stuff, and when Joss Forin came out with his nonsense last week, max Fortin was very kind of like, ah, yeah, you know, I’m, I’m sure they’ve all, I just want, no, everybody happy, la la, la.

    But as soon as Marco came out with something and said, oh, maybe I’ll leave Forin basically said, well, if Marco’s going, I’m going. Or worse to that effect, like he has nailed his colors to helmet. Marco’s face. do you think Marco is that, which is Harry? He loves the eye, obviously.

    Um, do you think Marco is his real dad? I mean, no, because he looks so much like his dad. Uh, otherwise that would be a good theory. Maybe his Maybe that’s his mum. oh, Albert Marco is his quite famous, um, Just ’cause you’re famous doesn’t mean you’ve had that

    You’ve lied about your child, as, as they famously say. Yep. Um. royal family. What Oh, allegedly. Uh oh, that’s good. No, I don’t wanna be sued by the royal family. You can cope with the red Boulogne. With red Boulogne, but no. I think being sued by the royal family would be a breeze.

    Right now they seem in quite a disarray. Yeah, nobody’s sweating about that, are they? Um, Oh, nice. good, good call back there. Um, so yeah, it does seem that Tappin’s allegiance is very much with hel Marco, and this has Yeah.

    Prompted some wild speculation, which we are all too happy to get involved in that. If Tappin goes, where would he go? Would he go to Mercedes? But it would have to be Mercedes, wouldn’t it? Because he is not gonna go to Ferrari with Hamilton for, for a fact.

    I mean, I can’t, I mean, I’d love it, but I I mean it. I, my immediate reaction is no, but then having said that, like Ferrari, were quite happy to, happy to jettison science for Hamilton. And I’m fairly sure if they thought they had a sniff for Steppen, they probably jettison,

    I, I dunno. Lalu is on a pretty juicy Yeah, but look, they wouldn’t Jet and You, I mean, when you think about it, Forin, when he, I mean Hamilton, when he goes there, he’s gonna be 40. Vapin is like right now the best driver. I I, I wouldn’t put it past him.

    You know what Ferrari like, Oh my God. That would hurt more than 2021 Abu Dhabi, wouldn’t, it? If you just say Ferrari and wouldn’t put it past them. I mean, they’re not quite as bad now as they used to be in the Enzo days. But Ferrari famously ruthless.

    Louis, we’re just gonna go through our contract and we just wanna make sure that They got rid of you are okay with, you’re okay with being a reserve driver? Yeah, Well, yeah, they hoofed pro. They hoofed prossed out. ’cause he said the car was a bit like a truck, so

    Yeah, but the car was a bit like a I know exactly. And he was, he was telling the truth and they still kicked him out and he was like a multiple world champion at that point. So. Well, I But I think they’d get

    What we wanted to see is Hamilton and Max in the same Yeah, if they got rid of see what they’re I mean, the same car would be amazing. Yeah. Be like the old days where they swapped between drivers. Between, yeah. That’s great. Oh

    No, I think, I think that, I think they’d get, if Max was sniffing around, I think they’d fire the clerk. I think they’d tie, I think they’d fire Hamilton before they’d file a clerk. ’cause while I think, while I think that Hamilton is a more complete

    Driver, they’ve got longevity in the clerk because he’s young. yeah, All eyes would be on them though, if they had both of those drivers, like, and every shot in every coverage would be of their two cars, bath legged out. Hopefully that would, that would be massively

    Adrian ey would design two entirely separate Ferraris for what each I am. I might, I, I hope I live to regret this, but I’m starting to feel a little bit that maybe Hamilton is on the down slope. no, no, no. Maybe hugged on Ebe when he got out the car.

    Oh yeah, he’s, he’s a lovely man. But you know, I like Sebastian Fettle as well. He’s a lovely man. He’s got the same birthday as me. What a great guy. But you can’t argue that in the last couple of years he was nowhere near what he used to be.

    And I just worry in the last couple of days, I hope I’m wrong. I think you’re wrong. I, I, I was thinking the same thing. ’cause it feels on the surface that George Russell is faster than Lewis Hamilton because you know he is, but Sure. You can prove a lot of things with

    Facts. yeah, exactly. If you use numbers to quantify statistics, then actually everything’s easy. But I do feel like, and this might not be a good thing, but I do have a feeling that if you, if the Mercedes this year was as fast as the red Boulogne, Lewis would just find that extra gear.

    And I still believe that with all my heart, Oh, all your heart. That’s beautiful. Well, we’ll have to wait and see. But um, in the meantime. Let’s see if Red Boulogne tears itself apart. There does seem to be a bit of a weird truce at the moment, but I

    Mean, how long is it gonna last? Clearly, there’s a lot of people at Red Boulogne that all hate each other. they should do a reality Oh, I would watch that. Get rid. I mean, drive to survive. I don’t care about anymore in the house. All Access.

    Red Boulogne behind the scenes Big Brother, I’d be all over that. Remember Felipe Masa being rather butt hurt about the handling of the 2008 Singapore GP Crashgate scandal. He feels it basically cost him that year’s World Championship, and now he’s officially filed a lawsuit against the FIA Formula One Management and Bernie Eckelston.

    Remind me what this was all about. So this goes back to the 2008 World Championship where for those of you new to the sport or who’ve been drinking a lot and can’t remember. Masser Or both? Masser was essentially driving for Ferrari. He was, he was basically the world champion elect for about

    30 seconds at the Brazilian Grand Prix last race of the season. He won it and it looked like Hamilton wasn’t going to come fifth or sixth or wherever he needed to be Is that Glock? there was the famous is that Glock moment where Hamilton over took Tim o

    Glock on the last but one corner and got whatever place it was, fifth place and won the championship by not very much. And NASA was devastated. NASA is now contending that an instant earlier in that season at the Singapore Grand Prix, where Fernando Alonzo,

    We might need a primer on who these drivers are because I, the younger listeners won’t know who these old drivers are. Felipe Massey was a balding Brazilian man. Lots of fun, quite little. Um uh, so the Singapore Grand Prix 2008. I mean, it was a whole other incident.

    There was a, there was a crash gate of Scandal. I know it’s hard to believe that there’d be a scandal in Formula One, but there was, whereas it emerged that Fernando Alonso, who was at Reno at the time, his teammate Nessun PK Jr. Crashed, bring out a safety car, which benefited Fernando Alonso

    Considerably in terms of getting and getting a short Pitti pit stop. And did he win the race? I can’t remember, but he certainly did. Well, uh, it turned out that PK crashed deliberately, possibly with, possibly without Fernando Alonso’s knowledge. I think that was the end of Brito, wasn’t it? That whole legally without

    Legal, legally without Jesus Christ, from memory. I think that was the end of, uh, that that marked the end or certainly a ban of, um, Flavio Bri, wasn’t it? That was based on that, Bria Tory. It was the guy from, the guy from Reno who looks like he spoke cigarettes, pat Simmons.

    Lots of people got in the pks. anyway. Masses contention. Is that there was an interview with Bernie Leston quite a long time later, quite recently I think, where he basically said they knew that this was dodgy and they didn’t really do anything about it ’cause they thought that would be best.

    And Masser is now saying, I lost the championship because of that, because I would’ve won had it not been for that safety car. Now this conveniently overlooks the fact that Mass didn’t finish that race because this was back at the time when you could refuel in the middle of a race

    And he went flying outta his pit stop with his fuel rig still attached, uh, nearly flattened one of his team members and, uh, was at the race as a result. So he didn’t finish that race anyway, but he’s contending that were it not for that. I would’ve done much better in that race.

    I would’ve had more points. I would’ve won the world championship. I’d have had a lot more money, I’d have had a lot more success, and this is your fault that this has happened and I’m gonna sue you. And he basically wants, I think, a, an acknowledgement that that is the case

    And some sort of financial recompense. But I think that the, the acknowledgement that this is a case is more important to him probably. ’cause I’m sure he is not short of a few quit. I mean, I, I think this is interesting because this should, I mean by rights, this should stretch further.

    So for a bit of context, I watched the 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix in working with a bunch of McLaren employees. And it was very exciting. I was in a pub in working in the days of my previous podcast, and they’d invited us along and there was three me and a few friends.

    And when Hamilton won, they all got their, their, what was those? The pink, the red T-shirt, the Victory t-shirts they had, which think of how many Unworn victory t-shirts McLaren must have made in the last 10 years. ’cause like, we better have a box just in case. now.

    Yeah. That’s why they went to Orange, be like the ones they have in cycling where, you know, you win jerseys at the end of a cycling race and they literally have blank ones in the back. And then as somebody crosses the line, they’re just ironing a logo on it.

    But I got really drunk that day because they were, ’cause basically all the people in the pub got a massive bonus if Hamilton won the Got what? Sorry. a massive erection. Sorry. Bonus. Bonus. And so, and, and by bearing in mind, this was a, you know, the, the car, the pub

    Car park had a lot of flash cars in it. These people were not short of money, but they were getting a lot of extra money. So then the champagne came out and it was like, you know, like a, I was like being at full run race.

    They were spraying the champagne over this pub and I got so drunk that I took the next week off work because I was so hung over. And I wouldn’t say I lost my job from it, but, you know, it didn’t But I didn’t, keep it. I didn’t, yeah.

    Let’s say I didn’t keep it. So if Funny Pay Masser is successful in this, uh, court case, then I’ve got a right to sue McLaren for getting me so drunk that I lost my job. So. were you with McLaren? I used to be Ron Dennis. Okay.

    No, it was when I was doing my old podcast, we had some, basically that podcast was quite relevant in that people from 41 admitted to listening to it. So we had some McLaren staffers who had listened to it a lot, and they invited

    Us to watch the race with them because it, it was basically all the staff that don have anything to on the day. So they’re not at the race, they’re not in mission control, they’re just in the That was presumably back in the day where there were basically just three F1 podcasts.

    Yeah, yeah, exactly. It was, it was me and Murray Walker getting pissed back in those days, but yeah. were the days. But anyway, But yeah, so I think so, yeah, if he wins, I’ve got a right to sue and, and then think of all the knock on effects.

    Everyone has to sue everyone about everything, even covid. So I, I’m gonna, I’m gonna sue Ross Braun about Covid. I have a certain, a certain amount of sympathy for Philippe Masser because, no, actually I’m thinking about it now. I don’t really see his case like.

    You, you, it wasn’t, it wasn’t like you didn’t win that race because of that incident. You didn’t win that race because you are, you went out of your pit stop before you were finished and you knackered your own race.

    So even if that happened or not, you still had to make a pit stop. You, you may well still have made that mistake. it’d be better if he was finding a lawsuit against the FIA Fullon Management, Bernie

    Olson, and Giuseppe, who was my fuel guy that day, who really fucked it all up for me. That would make more sense. I, I, you know, will, I’d be intrigued to hear the arguments, the legal arguments for this, because I can’t see it on the face of it, but who knows?

    Have you been following this, drew? Uh, vaguely. I, I, I think digging up the past, I, if you can make some money outta it and you needed the money, I kind of get it, but it just makes you look petty so it. Other thing, it actually helps you build up your personal profile.

    So if it’s not for the money, then I’m not entirely sure what the apology is actually going to benefit him. I, mean, you can, if you’re someone who’s triumphant in, in those small defeats, big defeats, I guess, at that stage and just owns it and, and understands that

    This was part of your history and that’s what made you, um, there’s loads of drivers that never made a, uh, a Formula one world Championship, but that we still hold dear in our hearts and our great characters when we, we get to see them

    And they’ve gone on to be very successful, um, in, in other walks of life. So the fact that I’m not sure what, if it’s not the money, and if, if there was money coming and he needed the money, then okay, then I kind of see the point.

    But if it’s not about the money, I really don’t see how this is going to benefit me in any shape or form. In fact, that’s a good point. ’cause it’s making me think if the, if he wins this, I’m gonna sue Felipe Masser because Felipe Asher has always been.

    Tar has being one of those people who in the, in the face of losing has, you know, put a brave face on it. And he’s a real sportsman and he’s a hero. And what, that’s how you should, you know, come on kids. That’s how you should act.

    If you lose, you should like, hold your head up and be proud and then 20 years, 10 years later, sue fucking everyone because you’re a little bitch. When are the lawsuits for Abu Dhabi 2021? Gonna start I Exactly. Well, that’s the other thing. be the next one.

    The only way this, the, the only reason I back this is if he calls OG Luck as a witness, and the judge goes, is that Glock? Tell us how wrong we are. You can do so via the coolest and uncool social medias.

    We are at, for F one’s sake, on Twitter slash x, uh, Instagram and on Facebook, and why not hide the to YouTube and comment on our videos? We promise not to block you you’re mean, or you can email us Alternatively, if you think we’re right, then why not buy us a

    Beer at the Whinging Mustache? The Whinging Mustache is a pub, sort of, it’s also a way of life, but it’s mostly an Apple subscription where you can get ad free versions of this podcast this week renowned F1 journalist Tony Dungeons, joins us in the whinging mustache and

    Told us what the current crop of F1 drivers can do to make themselves legends. Here’s a clip. They’ve got the basic competitiveness and, and, you know, need to win. They, they’ve all, I think they’ve all got that. But, uh, in terms of being a, a personality, I think it’s, it’s so,

    Which probably more difficult these days to, because you, you know, it’s. Because of sponsors and, and commitments and you mustn’t upset this person. You can’t say that. And you’ve got, you know, you’ve gotta be a much, much more a aware, it’s more of a commercial business.

    Whereas back in, you know, back in the older Scarry days, you know, and even, you know, the seventies, you know, you got people like, you know, Andretti and, and shechter and louder and, you know. Hunt. They said exactly what they thought and they, they didn’t care, you

    Know, and, and, uh, they didn’t have to worry so much about it. I mean, back then it was a ciggy company. That was about it, you know, but, but you know, they, they would, I remember, you know, when Hunt tangled with Andretti and z, you know, he’s, he’s like, you

    Know, problem with James honey thinks he’s the king of the goddamn world, not the world champion of the world, you know, and what am I supposed to do? Pick my nose and follow the king, you know, and very quota stuff he would always come out with. And, uh.

    Now, nowadays, you know, anything they say gets sort of jumped on and, and, generates headlines and stuff. So they, uh, a bit more aware that, uh, I don’t think it’s a good thing. I like to see people being, being outspoken, but it’s, it’s more difficult for them.

    Who, aside from, uh, Sapin and, uh, and, and Hamilton and Lonzo already on your list, who stands out on the current grid for you as somebody who, let’s say you revised this book in five, six years time might, might be on the, the, the long list.

    Interestingly, because of Hamilton’s recent decision to go to Ferrari, I think Charles LeClaire is a, a guy who, uh, has got the potential to, win multiple world titles in the right car. But it hasn’t quite, uh, you know, it hasn’t quite fallen for him yet.

    So, uh, I would be keeping an eye out for, for him. And I think it’s gonna be fascinating when Hamilton goes to Ferrari to see what happens between the two of them. That was legendary, iconic, and available F1 author and journalist Tony Dogen, speaking to Terry and Phil earlier this week.

    You can hear the full interview right now by subscribing to the whinging mustache on Apple Podcasts, and there’s a free seven day trial right now. Head to our page and join us at the whinging mustache. Or if you just want to say, thanks for making sense of F1 for another

    Year, you can donate a one-Off Pint or three to us at ff one Pint. Pint. Okay. Let’s have a look at the teams and find out who’s happy and who might get an invite to a Turkish embassy. Red Boulogne max Tappin might be trapped in a burning roam, but he’s fiddling

    Away happily and racking up the winds. At this point, it doesn’t look like anyone can stop him, and even Sergio per seems to be doing okay. Not in qualifying, but in the race at least he’s doing his duty and coming home.

    P two, is there even a glimmer of hope that this won’t continue forever and ever and ever and ever. I mean, the aforementioned madness at Red Boulogne still gives me hope, but the trouble is the car is just so much better.

    At least an inva tappen sand is so much better, still, maybe even better than it was last year. I think it would get to the point where, you know, the factory would have to literally be on fire and for them not to be able to get, like spare bits out

    To them at the races, for them not to be quite a long way ahead of everyone. I, I, I worry, I wonder they can just stop working on, I I wonder if they’re working on next year’s car already. Well, I’m starting to to picture Christian Hoarder as some kind

    Of hony dog who’s trying to fuck everything that You are starting. so well. Yeah, because I before, before that, before this contra controversy, I thought he was a very. It’s a happy man, but, um, so my only hope now is that whenever they bring

    Upgrades, a hoarder just ruins the ball by fucking them in the articulated lorry. So you go, I’ll get it, I’ll get it, I’ll get the new, uh, exhaust. Oh, I dunno what’s happened. I dunno what’s happened to this? It’s all wet. we should say, we have no concrete evidence that that

    Is what, what’s happening. Unless Adrian ey is such a genius design. He is putting, he’s putting dubby holes I mean, maybe that, maybe that’s, maybe that’s, maybe that’s why they’re so aerodynamically slippery. ‘ cause they’re actually slippery. is that gonna be an FFIA guidance on the 2026 cars is that the holes

    Cannot be wider than a blurry penis Well they, they have to bring out, they have to bring out those like modesty panels. It’s like, oh, we can’t Christian Horner’s working on the car again. Oh Oh, I Christian horny, I think he’s broken curfew. He’s working on next year’s car from what I’ve heard.

    Yeah. model. No, Christian, that’s, that’s in Park Fur Bay. It’s awful. Minute, minutes until it’s of age. Oh God, no. I, you know, do we wanna call the championship after two or 24 races? Yes. Yes, Maxs won the championship. That’s so depressing. But there’s, yeah, there’s enough.

    The soap proper going on behind is keeping me entertained. We’re, we’re only in trouble if there’s no scandal anymore of, uh, like anything, if everything goes no, no, no. I mean, I, then we’re in trouble. I entirely agree.

    I mean, I think this year has been the best start of a year for fucking years, and the races have been boring as shit. watching the races is the least interesting bit, which is has, it should be. Yes. Ferrari. The Ferrari isn’t as fast as the red Boulogne and probably never is

    Going to be, but Charles Le Clark has had a largely error-free weekend to get the best result possible. Carlos Sz blotted his copy book by losing control of his appendix, but he was ably replaced by Ollie Berman who got seventh place on his debut. Might he be back for Australia? Maybe, I mean,

    My nephew had an appendix out and he was in hospital for a week. Carlos signs was back at the track the I know I was, that was insane because I, I’ve also had my appendix out. It was a while, it was like 25 years ago, but I was in hospital for a

    Week as well and it absolutely sucks. So to see science at the track the following day, admitted. Did you see the video of him, like hobbling into the track? He did not was captain. He was major. Captain Tommy, wasn’t he? It was absolutely off his I’m doing this for children in need.

    Yeah, he’s absolutely loaded up with them. Not heroin. What’s the legal heroin? Morphine. Don’t wanna start that rumor. Carlos sites is on heroin. Um, I think he was loaded up with painkillers and just had to make it a, make an appearance.

    But I mean, I can’t see him being ready to fly halfway around the world and get back in physical shape for, for It does seem like a big ask, doesn’t it? And I mean, I wrote a tweet based on this, but I, I do feel like what

    Should have happened at the end of the race with Carlos Seinberg at the track is when Bearman got outta the car, he should have slid his fist into his appendix wound and then just opened his hand inside Carlos Sz. ’cause that would’ve given him at least three Grand Prix in his career.

    Like video drone. It’s what’s And Ferrari, I, I think Ferrari would’ve respected him for that. That’s what Enzo would’ve done. That is why Enzo would’ve done He used to fix his drivers. what? That’s a very different, very different thing. Unless it wasn’t. Um, I mean, I think we’re gonna talk about b and.

    More in, uh, the preview episode that you’ll hear soon, but let’s talk about him a bit now because I thought that was one of the most impressive drives I’ve maybe ever seen. Some gutsy stuff in there. I think he was great.

    I’m gonna say the only negative thing I have about him, which is that he looks like a kind of chavy kid that would be asking you to buy him cigarettes in the shop. Would I hanging outside the shop? They, excuse me. Can you buy us a beer, get some cigarettes,

    He didn’t sound like that though. Did you hear him speak? I don’t think I have heard him a very curious accent because he’s he? Essex, but I think he’s spent, I think he spent a lot of time because he was racing in Italian F four and I think maybe German F four.

    And he has a sort of Italian German Essex accent. It’s very weird. He seems like a lovely boy and was just like, you know, I’m more than pleased to be here. But yeah, he does, he does sound quite funny. Um, the more I’ve thought about what he’s done.

    And the more I’ve sort of read about what he did and what he, what he had to go through, the more impressed I am, like the amount of pressure on his shoulders. And he’s 18, he’s the third youngest F1 driver ever. The youngest British F1 driver ever.

    He had one hour of free practice three to get used to the car. And he’s not just going into a back market team where nobody really cares, you know what’s going on. He’s in a blooming Ferrari, the second fastest car on the grid.

    He came within a whisker of getting into Q3 and he finished what, 20 seconds behind the clerk in a car that he’d never driven. He’s driven some other F1 cars but never raced them. Well, he’s driven a hass that doesn’t It’s barely an F1 car. Well, in fairness, it is a Ferrari essentially.

    Um, you know, he had next to no notice, the pre the pressure, my god. Like the, the amount of people looking at him, the amount of, ’cause he was doing a lot of press beforehand as well. He must have been getting briefings on just about everything because

    The jump from a spec F two car and. Every other car he is ever driven to a top end formula one car. I think even if he had driven this car before, it probably would’ve changed now because they’re all forever upgrading them and changing bits and bobs to learn everything about it.

    To to get even the most basic understanding of the tires. ’cause we all know how sensitive the tires are. Look at pry last year, not, you know, super fast, super talented. Took him ages to get to grips with how the tires worked. Somehow Beman pretty much managed to do it.

    I think he absolutely nailed it. I was so impressed by him. Yeah. Do you know I’ve, I could say a lot of funny things about, I think that he should be disqualified because who, who, who qualifies for Polar race and doesn’t show up to the fucking race? That’s disgusting.

    Go to the F two s, go, no, I’m too big for these guys. And you know, typical FIA Shiers, they’d be like, right, we’re throwing the fucking book at him. ’cause that’s disgusting. But do you know what jokes aside for once? I think he was fucking brilliant.

    Yeah, I mean, you know, we, we piled praise on Liam Lawson last year when he came in at short notice and did a really good job. I, I think Bearman did a, um, a better job still, you know, taking nothing away from Lawson who did, who did brilliantly, but absolutely smashed it.

    Now whether, I mean, I, I suspect he’s absolutely now in with a shout for a seat in 2025. And I also wonder if this will make teams think more carefully about getting young kids in, because, you know, there’s been a debate for several years now about the

    Fact that they’re just keeping the same old sods and, you know, just winning F two now isn’t gonna guarantee you a seat. Look at, um, poor Cher last year, um, now it’s proven that you can put a kid into an F1 car and they’re up to speed pretty quickly.

    Yeah, but that kid’s gotta be at least as good or better than Kevin Magnusson. And that’s a big but I mean, this is another thing, like B Berman has a pretty good record. I was looking through his record and it’s good, it’s good. It’s, it’s more than solid, but it’s not spectacular.

    Like he didn’t come in and absolutely blow everybody away. Um, he, the two seasons of F two, you know, he won a couple of races in his first season of F two, which is great, but he’s not, he’s not somebody who

    Jump, he’s not somebody who jumps out as like, oh my God, this kid’s, the next beds thing, the next big thing. But he’s absolutely smashed it. And you know, when you’ve got the likes of, you know, Logan sar, Joe Gwu U uh, who else? Magnusson Actually, Holcomb Holgenburg had a reasonable weekend. BOTAs

    Fuck. Fuck Holgenburg. I’m Why are those guys still there? And I can, I could I by the argument of like, you know, you’ve gotta be super cautious because these are big investments. There’s a lot of money going into this. You need a safe pair of hands.

    But if, if somebody like Bearman can come in and perform like that, then there are others that can do that. There are others that, you know, people are rating higher than Bearman, although, you know, again, he is very good and he’s highly regarded, but let’s get some more fresh blood in.

    Let’s not have another year where we don’t, you know, if it wasn’t for this, we wouldn’t have had any rookies this year for the first time in Formula One ever. So, you know, I, I, I think it’s, I think it’s an all round good, good thing.

    Not that I wanna encourage too many good news stories in Formula One, because that’s not our stock in trade, but, you know, happened? What’s happened, Phil? you know, we’ll be relentlessly positive for these five minutes. But I, we’re all unilaterally praising a driver. That’s never happened.

    Well, having said that, we were all full of, uh, two years ago we were full, full of, uh, full of praise for Nick Dev Rees and his Williams Drive. And look how that ended. So. Yeah, good point. Actually. Maybe young people are shit, but Nick Dre is about 40. That’s true.

    Yeah, that’s a good point. I mean, Nick de Reese is, is, is, uh, certainly late twenties, so it is not even quite the same thing. McLaren after his rookie season last year is Oscar Pry starting to take charge at McLaren. The Australian was faster than Landon Norris in qualifying and cruised

    Home in fourth in the race, four places ahead of the Brit, even though Norris got a headstart on everyone. Is this the start of Norris’s new position as the number two driver? Hmm. Maybe, I dunno, this is a bit unfair on Norris I think.

    ’cause he did get caught out by the safety car and he did a jumpstart that somehow wasn’t a jumpstart, but also gave him a How did he not get penalized for that? something to do with the transponder, Is it something that because he stopped because I, I thought it was

    Like you, you have a certain amount of leeway, like if you creep forward and you’re not over the line or something. That’s you stop before the lights go But watching the replay look like he before quite a lot. I was quite surprised it didn’t go off. I think

    Remember sev vettel doing the same at one point, like he rocked forward or something. Is it, is it, is it like when the kids with magnets disable the, the, the tags in stores to shoplift stuff? Is he just sitting there with a magnet on his transporter then just go, I’m just gonna whoa.

    Wait, I didn’t know this was the thing Was that a Uh, so I’ve heard, Are there tags on all your clothes, Phil? Yeah. Turn around. No, Like they’re on their house arrest you. You can’t go into next without setting off alarm I’m not saying

    I really hope if you get, if you get like a, what’s it called? A tag for if you’re under highest arrest. What? Ankle? Ankle tag. I hope that could be deactivated with two magnets as well. Um. Yeah. But yeah, you as, as you were saying, like it didn’t actually

    Give him that much of a headache. ’cause he, he went and then he stopped. I was like, no, just embrace it. Go for it. Take 14 places before anybody else has the front. I mean, what’s the maximum penalty you can get for jumping the start? Can you get I don’t know.

    I feel like, I feel Could you go from the back, go right early, overtake everyone, and then take the 10 seconds? ’cause you would’ve I feel like we should have a copy of the rules. I mean, the stewards must have leeway to avoid that.

    You can’t just Leroy Jenkins he way to like turn five before everybody started, Oh, I know that I’ve tried that in the form of one game and they, it doesn’t let you, it disqualifies you. I’d imagine. Yeah. It’d be, at the very least, a stop co penalty.

    I think maybe, maybe a black flag. A couple of penalty points. Pric was very he’s, he’s he’s getting it. He’s getting, I called it next world champion. Well, no, I think the next world chapter is gonna be Ollie Bearman. I. Because that guy can do no wrong until he does the next

    Yeah, but the trouble is like, to go back to Berman for a second, if he is in for a drive, he’s not going to Ferrari, obviously. He’s probably gonna go to Ha ’cause he’s their test and reserve driver already, isn’t he?

    And he’s driven their cars in FB one, so he ain’t, he ain’t gonna be winning any, you know, I mean I could see him as a replacement for Hamilton when he retires in a few years. But maybe, anyway, sorry, we’re not, we’re talking about McLaren now, aren’t we? Yeah, PRA iss really good.

    I mean, he’s, no Wly bearman as you say, but he’s doing, he’s doing a good job. He’s only bearman now the gold standard for driving. Yes. I think that’s exactly how it should be. Sure. Center was good. But you know, Anyway, what was that thing?

    Was it, were you talking about this the other week or was I listening to another podcast? Which is where it’s when the policeman says, when you’ve been pulled over for speeding. Were we talking about that? I mean we probably have, at some point, we’ve been doing this 10 years, I can’t remember.

    Who do you think So the, the story. Yeah, exactly. Or who you are. Nigel Mansor, Damon Hill, Lewis Hamilton. It’s when they start saying Norris Berman or whatever, instead of Lewis Hamilton. No one would ever say George Who do you think you are? Andrea Kimmy. Antonelli.

    Do you reckon it varies around the world as well? Like would It’s always a British driver. who do you think you are? Rio. Harry Anto. I can’t do an Indonesian accent, but I’m sure it’s something like that. I think you I don’t think I should, uh, anyway. Yeah. Norris, I dunno.

    Norris just had a bit of an off one, but he wasn’t the only one as we’ll get to when we get to Mercedes. But I dunno. But this, I mean, I’ve, I’ve thought this about Norris and we’ve said it to about the clerk in the past as well. Like too many little mistakes.

    If you, if you’re being touted as like one of the next big dogs, the next first step and the next Hamilton, the next Alonso, the next fettle in his prime. You should’ve nailed out. You should have got rid of all those mistakes by now. I think maybe.

    But then again, Sapin was making a lot of mistakes for a long time a couple year, said, I, but then they’re now but I, I, I saw someone on the interview on the F1 TV coverage being like, the thing with Sapin is he never makes a mistake. Can you like, yeah. Now

    Well, yeah, when it matters. Oh. Oh, when he came into F1, he was seven, so, you know, I think it’s fine that now he’s 12, he’s iron them The only way, the only way they could get him to learn the track was by putting a triangle piece in a triangle hole.

    There’s a joke there somewhere, but I Something about the play bus. I’m not quite sure. Aston Martin. Fernando Alonso wasn’t terribly happy at the Bahrain Grand Prix, but Saudi was much more successful for the Spaniard as he attempts to ingratiate himself in

    A top team for next year future world champion land Stroll, however, had a less successful weekend twitting the wall and burying his car in the crash barriers just to get daddy’s attention allegedly. Fernando Alonzo is going to have an entertaining season, I think for us.

    Maybe not for him because he is, he has got, he’s got his eyes on the prize and I don’t think anymore that that prize is getting the Aston to the point where it can win a championship. I think his, his, his eyes are now firmly on that Mercedes seat. Or even Red Boulogne.

    Let’s, let’s face it, he’s I mean that, nobody’s talked about that. Could he, could he, could he get perza seat? what if, if they get, if Max Sapan goes oh, oh, you what? You, wanna get the next yeah. Yeah, if Max Sapan does go, which I don’t think

    Is very likely, but if he does go to Mercedes, can you imagine it’d be Alonso Hamilton and Ver Stafford in the top three cars? It’d be mental. But I think what’s most interesting about Alonso is, yeah, I think he’s looking very hard at Mercedes. He’s probably looking quite hard at Red

    I think he’s looking away from Aston Martin. That’s the Yeah. And I think what might happen is he might end up like shitty in his own home and Do you, do you think, do you think, do you think Fernando Alonso would do something

    That alienates everybody around him and means he can’t get a drive anywhere? Yeah, I got a, I got a that would be unprecedented. yeah, I think he’s gonna be in the factory slagging off the current, I dunno why. I just get a feeling he’s got it in his character. I I’ll blackmail you.

    I’ll blackmail you. I’ll blackmail you. and then next year he’ll be like, no, I really love driving for Eston Martin again for a third year on a one year contract. Uh, Yes, it has always been my dream to finish eighth at the Italian Grand Prix. Uh, yeah,

    Lance Stroll, what’s he even playing that anymore? He’s not even pretending to not enjoy being a full on driver I now can’t remember if it was at the start of this weekend in practice or if it was last weekend at Bore.

    I can’t genuinely can’t remember, but like there was a point relatively recently where Lon Stroll drove to the level where I was like, oh, that’s pretty good. Because what frustrates me about S Stroll is that somewhere in there there is quite a good driver.

    It’s just that we see him so rarely, and then he goes and does, you know, admittedly, this is a hard track to drive, but that’s the kind of, that’s the kind of mistake that I’ve only really seen people make at the swimming pool in Monaco.

    It was a mistake of somebody who had other things on his mind. Anything else? mcc any, and, and, everyone, everyone listens to this is as sad as we’ve all been and we’ve all tried to do a full length race on an Xbox or something.

    And what we discover, and I think I speak for everybody here, is not that it’s hard to race a car, it’s just hard to concentrate for that log. Have you ever tried to do like any kind of long Monaco race? yep. It’s almost impossible. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    It’s the one time where you’re like, God, actually for forgetting talent and you know, fitness and all that, it’s just really hard to, to not just be like, oh, what’s that for of 25 laps into a full length Monaco simulation, you make one tiny mistake and you twatted into the wall.

    And obviously in that you can just go flashback. Let’s do it again, but I think, I think Stroll’s probably got enough money to do a flashback. Daddy, can you spend time? buy me the Large Hadron Collider. Uh, well. Uh, I’d say he’s gonna be outta a drive, but is he, he’s

    Cursed to stay there forever. I think if he carries on like this, this year, they’ve They’ve got to, they’ve got to, haven’t they? But they won’t. No. I don’t know. I’m talking to myself now. I don’t understand. They have to. They can’t, but they won’t. And they will. Yes. Mm-Hmm.

    For more cutting edge insights, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Mercedes. After all the preseason cautious optimism at Mercedes, it looks like they might have made a lemon again. Toto Wolf has spoken of a fundamental problem with the W 15, namely that

    It’s not very good at going around high speed corners at high speed. Yeah, that seems pretty fundamental. George Russell managed to finish sixth with Hamilton having an off weekend in ninth. But what’s up with the car then? So I’m starting to imagine what’s going on at Mercedes, which is they

    Designed really good cars and for years they designed the best car. And the last few years they keep thinking they’ve designed the best car and they get to the start of the season. They realize they haven’t, and I think it’s an IT problem.

    I think somewhere in the settings of their big super computer, there’s like you, you know, if you, I mean, I don’t use Windows anymore, but you know, if you use Windows, you never know. Again, you’re in some menus.

    And sudden you click on a menu and you get some like really old fashioned menu come up and you’re like, oh, that’s strange. That’s still here. And then there’s a box to tick. And I think that’s what’s happened in Mercedes. Somewhere deep in the settings, there’s a box that’s ticked that

    Shouldn’t be ticked or a box that’s not ticked that should be ticked. And it’s fucked all of their settings. ’cause now they’re saying again, for the third year of running the, the stuff they’re getting in the simulator isn’t correlating with the track. And I think just imagine if they’ve made a fantastic car,

    But there’s like one setting that’s going, Nope. Yeah. They, they haven’t turned anti-aliasing on. Yeah. Something like that. You know? And it’s just like, why is it all, why is the car all blurry? It’s all blocky’s. why is all it is all going through the CPU instead of the GPU. Maybe that’s the

    Yeah. Something like that. Like someone’s gonna one day go, oh my God, a MD instead of Nvidia. we had the wifi Uh, we’ve been refer, we’ve, we’ve been running it local instead of on the cloud. Yeah. Which is maybe why they’re trying to get max staffing.

    ’cause he’s very good with computers, isn’t he? He is, he’s on it all the He is always on his computer. Yeah. They probably don’t ask him to drive. They’re just saying they, they’re like getting a grandson ride to be like, we’ve got all these poured popups on our computer.

    Can you get rid of them? It’s like, oh, He’s like Lex from Jurassic Park. Niche reference for you there? No, the original one. Uh uh uh, you didn’t say the magic word. Uh uh. It’s a unique system. I know this. Yes. I have watched Jurassic Park a lot,

    I watched Juss Parker at the cinema and I spilled all my popcorn. I dunno why that’s the memory that comes, or was that Robin Hood? Princess Thieves. Anyway, the nineties. you know Were you in? Chel him in around 1995 and saw a small, small, awkward boy with another

    Family because for some reason this other family took pity on me and took me to the cinema and I spilled all the popcorn they brought me. ’cause I bought a big popcorn because I didn’t know how to act with other people.

    I make it sound like I was raised in a by wolves or something. Was it, was it dancers with with humans. Maybe it was bury wolves. Something with Kevin can we do a, can we do an early nineties film podcast? Oh Yes, please. it’s called Fucking Water World. $200 million that cost. Oh

    Worth every penny. It’s not as bad as everyone said it was. Anyway. The also Rans has Uh. Kevin Magson managed to get himself about three months worth of penalties, but then selflessly sacrificed himself by annoying the fuck outta everyone behind him. So Nico Holgenburg could scamper up the road to get a point.

    It wasn’t pretty, but it worked. I was actually quite entertaining that once I realized what was going on. No, I hated this. And you’d think with all my state of F ones, this would be the kind of thing I’d love, but I fucking hated it. I hate ’em all. I hate house.

    I hate Kevin Maxon. I hate Neil Holberg. Done. Williams, Alex Alban was thwarted in his race four points by being smooshed in the wall by Kevin Magnuson, and then got stuck behind him for ages. Logan Sargent was thwarted by crashing in FP three and being slow in the race. Get rid of Sergeant.

    Bring in literally anyone from F two. I think they should have Ollie Berman doing both cars. We’ll get rid of ALBUM as well. Yeah. Fuck it. I’m sick of everyone. Alpine after being slow as hell in Bahrain. The Alpines were perhaps slightly less slow in Saudi, but only one

    Of the cars made it past lap one. Pierre Glee had to retire straight after the start with a broken gearbox while Ocon got stuck behind the Magnuson train and finished 13th. I mean, still woeful, but slightly less woeful. That’s not really an endorsement though.

    No, but he is saying something in this, you know, remember we, we’ve just changed all the rules to make overtake it easier, and then Magnuson could decide to go slow on purpose and no one could overtake him. Oh, well done. Formula One. Well fucking done. RB if the wheels weren’t already off.

    The Daniel Ricardo hype train, they’re surely now being packed away into storage as the honey badger has been run over by his own decrepitude, nearly half a second of sun snow in qualifying. He then had a lousy pit stop and dropped the car at the end of the

    Race right in front of Sergio Perez. Yeah, good luck getting that seat now. D Rick. In fairness, SUNO was only one place further up the road, but he got a penalty for an unsafe pit release. Do you remember in testing everyone was saying, oh, the RP looks good. It I do remember that.

    But I’m gonna choose to not believe it. Um, yeah, and Rick, I mean Ricardo might have all the excuses in the world and he might have been unlucky and he had a bad pissed stop and all the rest of it, but

    There’s nothing that says that you are shit for doing years in McLaren being last all the time. I was gonna say, it’s not like this has just just happened. He’s been shit for years. Are they go into the RB and being like, oh, he’s still shit.

    I think, I think two swallows make a summer. What I mean, your summer sound a your summer sound a lot more fun than mine. steak kick turns out that even with the cars painted bright green, we only notice Albers when they smash into the wall in practice. Hi Joe.

    So it’s a big old I’m getting a pathological hatred for veltri, BOTAs mustache and mullet. Like it’s just with the green suit and everything. It’s just not funny. Just you’re embarrassing yourself. Go home. It’s all he is got. Is that his No, no, no. He’s got a lot of money and a bike.

    Yeah. And yeah. Yeah. Fine. It was, it was it in we another, they had another ship pit stop. That’s the one thing I did notice. This race, they had BOTAs last race had a terrible pit stop. And was it show? Was it show this time? I Yeah. It was the same problem that

    They, their, their I’d forgotten how to make wheel nuts. Brilliant. As we’ve heard repeatedly over the years, F1 is full of nonsense. Enough is enough solutions must be found. But there is one man who has all the answers and he will share them with you.

    Now it’s time for the state of F1 with Terry Saunders. All hail Ollie Bearman. What a breath of fresh air it is. Having a rookie make an unexpected debut and generally doing well. Just looking at my stats book, the last time that happened was, oh, last year with Liam Lawson.

    Am I complaining about new drivers getting their shot? Absolutely not. I’m complaining that having a driver thrusts into the limelight and given a chance was so refreshing that it just showed up. How many deadbeat has beens are filling up the grid? It’s like Formula One. It’s an episode of Dad’s Army.

    Don’t tell him science. I have a solution. F1 has an age problem. Actually, no, it’s not age. It’s story drive to survive. Shown that the sport, watching public have an appetite for a narrative. We love a good story. And what else is a 2024 season?

    Do we care anymore that Nicker Holgenburg will never get a podium or that Kevin Magnusson is a dad? Or Ry BOTAs Hamilton is getting out of it. And Alonso could have fathered half the grid, but with them the story is still key. We want to see their fight. Daniel, Ricardo. Nah, nah.

    F1 at its best is a Sportive three. Carefully balanced halves. , those at the top of their game, fighting for the championship. Those on the downward slope to retirement. And those with the potential to become great. And as long as these groups are equal, we have an entertaining story.

    But in recent years, the downward facing dog seemed to occupy well over half the grid. And thanks to years of Mercedes and Red Boulogne dominance, Eddie, with potential as soon sliding into irrelevant, except Valry fucking BOTAs is in the bloody way.

    Move aside so that many more can fail and therefore we can have more bearman failing that we just have to wait till the 2026 rule change where appendix removals will be mandatory. Anyway, I’m not one to talk.

    When I saw that Bearman was getting driver of the day, it brought a tear to my eye. So I therefore tender my resignation. We are getting soft in our old age. That was the same thing when he hugged his dad I can’t be cynical. Yeah, that’s really nice. I can’t be cynical.

    I was, I mean, I hope Bearman has a bit of a career at four one, so I can grow to hate him like all the other drivers. I’m sure that when George Russell was first on the scene, I was excited

    By him, and now I think he’s a And, uh, and maybe that’s the saddest thing about this weekend, is watching someone with such hope, with such dignity, with such grace and talent. And I’m enjoying watching him, and yet I know in a couple of months I’ll hate him. And who’s the loser

    Circle of life. That’s it from us. We’ll be back even before there’s more racing with another of Phil Truman’s race previews, and we’ll be answering your questions in listeners’ corner. Until then, is Goodbye. to Phil Goodbye. We haven’t had time to talk about F1 Academy, which was on TV and was

    Quite good, but it was got silly towards the end of the second race. and to Terry Saunders. there’s a Italian bloke with a hat. It was also a Ferrari debut driver. Once, uh, he was his birthday this weekend. Happy birthday. We haven’t got Oh. about it.

    . In the meantime, check out our Facebook page, F1 sake, and follow us on Twitter at for F1 Sake, And check out our YouTube channel where you can see us as well as hear us if you’re watching on YouTube already. Here’s something just for you.

    Oh, oh, that’s gonna, we’re gonna lose subscribers. However you want to watch or listen, just type in for F one’s sake to something and see what comes up. Terry. Where can people buy merch? We’ve got a whole load of new merch. We’ve made new T-shirts. We’ve made new, uh, caps.

    We haven’t made them. I’ve designed them. We, we’ve got some caps. We’ve got Dutch caps. Oh my God, that actually is not a bad merch idea. In modern Formula one. You can buy your max stuff branded Dutch Cap. Anyway, go to Shop, shop, shop, Thanks for listening. I’ve been Drew Stern, goodbye.

    But bye. Bye.


    1. I have been listening to the podcast for about 4 years. First time watching it. Many thanks for the years of hilarious entertainment. I do like that you are on YouTube. I have done the obligatory things you youtubers ask for L+S. Good luck with the channel.

    2. I've had a brain wave… how about the driver who finishes bottom of the drivers championship is replaced by the f2 winner? That way there's a direct route into f1 for the winner and the worst performing driver is out, seems like a win win to me… also love this pod, highlight of my week seeing its released, especially now you put out the videos not just audio, been listening since the 2019 when I first come across you and listened to every pod since 👌

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