Don’t get the hump on #humpday! Sort out your #PTproblems on Ask (or SAY) ANYTHING about Portugal Wednesday with…

    First up, Jacqui Acevedo of Expats Portugal joining us with her look at life in Portugal, as well as sharing upcoming attractions over at

    Also, Paul Rees of Rural Properties, with a 20-year background in the building and renovation processes of Portugal, more at

    Heather Binder of ‘Boots on The Ground, Portugal’ joining us too for one of her twice-monthly visits, sharing her personal experience of helping people move to Portugal.

    Day-to-day, Heather Binder has turned her hard-won experience of relocating to Portugal, along with her former background in real estate, into an exciting consultancy service for people with an interest in doing the same –

    Find out more about us, Portugal and moving to Portugal at

    Please support our work, this community and learn loads more about Portugal at

    Discover the D2 ‘Residency through Investment’ Visa –

    Need to exchange Dollars for Euros? Try

    Contact Carl Munson –

    Want to create live shows like mine? Try

    In Portugal there’s a YouTube show full of fun facts you need to know Carl rings the bell and the lber show to the GMP morning featur guests will come and they will blow your mind the audience will do so in kind the little bity mix with some Insanity on the morning show with

    GMP good morning Portugal and I’d like to welcome you to another fantastic day hey Gers mson here with the good morning Portugal show live stream and podcast and after the excitement of the last few days and the intensity of the last few days how about we take it a little bit easier on this um happy hump day Wednesday the 13th of March I was told

    It was Friday the 13th this week that must yeah I saw I saw a a post and it said um full moon this week uh the clocks have gone back is it uh forward the clocks have changed and is a Friday the 13th that is completely wrong isn’t

    It and that person hoist on their own patard um a self-fulfilling prophecy of a bad week where they called all those things wrong there’s not a full moon this week according to Mrs M or maybe there is I don’t know but there you go there’s an an indication of um of my my

    Midweek fatigue there after all this election coverage great Portugal club last night thanks to those gentlemen who turned up last night oh and a lady as well later on in the uh proceedings we have a meeting every Tuesday evening 8:00 with a bit of a check-in for The

    Mastermind of the Portugal Club so um shout out to you the Mastermind thank you very much for what you do for the good morning Portugal show see you next Tuesday oh did I just say that didn’t mean to say that um and this morning we welcome Paul ree back at 9:00 going to

    Find out more about his beloved Central Portugal and um his his new love I think you could call it after he’s couple of decades here in Portugal he moved from the algar to Central Portugal and doing some great work there and I thought this morning it might be nice to put pedo

    Grand and that sort of area on the map a little bit more and find out more about it and of course with his two decade life here in Portugal see what he thinks let’s put the election into perspective and see what he’s made of previous elections and what goes on in Portugal

    Politically of course Heather binder joining us at 9:30 this morning on one of her twice monly visits and she’s been very kindly showing people how to access the Seth portal which it sounds like has been UNM mothballed and she’s been able to do some residency renewals and she’s

    Been showing people how to do that uh online so she’ll be showing us how to do that this morning as well if you need some help with that from Heather stick around until 9:30 and 8:45 the weekly check-in with xat Portugal as well it’s going to be an interesting webinar tomorrow evening

    With Daniel re of re and pelicano I’m getting quite German AR aren’t I with my rolled ARS um I think I need to sort of just get a little bit more Latin and less tonic um with my Daniel ra of RA and pelicano will be with us um tomorrow

    At 7 well I’ll be with him at 7:30 tomorrow on the Xbox Portugal webinar and a Dream Team session at 9: so we’ll talk to Jackie about that and um her wonderful view of life it was my pleasure to record some uh interview material with her about her experiences

    Of being here in Portugal and she always comes up with something a little bit different and new from the Jackie angle the Jackie POV so we’ll talk to her in about 10 minutes actually here on the good morning Portugal show let’s see how you’re doing this morning coach Turner

    In B’s in and Pete yes sorry Who Who Are You you calling a see you next Tuesday it’s just how it came out Pete good morning it’s good to see you Pete I thought we might see you in the last couple of days hope you’re well

    And thank you for your very kind message as well Peter yes um pop over to smdp when we can be sure of some lovely weather in the bay it’s looking like a nice one today for the Meetup um so see you there if you’re coming to the no to

    See you next Tuesday see you this lunchtime at the San martinho deporto Meetup and you’ll seen the opening slide this morning not a meme but an advertisement for the storytellers Palace the next number three I am the resident journalist for these you know and this one is coming up really looking

    Forward to this one an immersive experience with a test of your pallette um which I failed miserably every time um when I’ve taken part in the wine tasting pairing competitions I don’t know Doug that’s my it it’s a very poor bit of stereotyping apologies to our German community this

    Morning um unique tasting menu wine tasting tea tasting coffee tasting not to mention amazing food live Faro as well but don’t let that put you off uh 22nd of March that’ll be um well nearly a couple of weeks away but 22nd of March that’s a week on Friday isn’t it a week

    On Friday at 7 o’clock and you know what right we can do a little bit of a deal on that if you want to come to San Martino deporto and take part in that which is the last two the first two in this series 13 at the table have been

    Exquisite epicurian extravaganzas I call them and you won’t be disappointed if you come along meet a wine maker hear about their their craft their skill and their particular angle and the Beautiful products that they create and pair them with beautiful food and a little bit of an emphasis on the tea tasting that’s

    Infus will be there again and you may have SE I’ve got a little video actually let me just show you the video of the tea that was poured we had tea at the end of our meal last time so let me just take that off the screen oh there you

    Are and um play a little vid of um how it went last time this is just this is just part of the evening oh th this legendary uh bit of video is from the storytellers and I no I haven’t deleted it here this is the fine tea experience we had at the

    End of the meal as well last time delicious make come alive yeah yeah so delicious I feel so good inside so delicious you tell me oh yeah so Delicious incredible I don’t think there were enough glasses on the table there were there so absolutely superb join us for the next one of those on Friday the 22nd at the storytellers Palace and if you’d like a little bit of a deal on that uh we can organize that for you if

    Uh if you get in touch with me and we’ll let them know that there’s a gumper coming to take part in that 13 at the table number three at the storytellers palace here in San Martino dep Porter so how are you I’m just going to take it a

    Little bit easier than I have over the last couple of days been staying up too late watching what’s going on with the politics I had an idea today do you know do you remember did you do this when you were at nursery school or kindergarten do you think maybe at around and I’m

    Sure Heather won’t mind this at around 9:25 to 9 35 we have a little snooze everybody is quiet for 10 minutes and just has a little lie down or a bit of shut ey 40 winks and we have a little sesh there what do you think just like

    When we were at nursery school and maybe then when we wake up we can have a story and a plastic cup of Ry and a little snack or something like that that’s what we should do isn’t it this morning let me know what what you think of that idea

    And you know something else as I was looking through my pictures this came up again the first time listening to Dark Side of the Mo now Paul’s joining us at 9 and I think he said his first time album with a with a a bit of vinyl that

    Really hit him as a teenager and really made a profound effect on his life was Ziggy Stardust I think um David Bowie so we’ll talk to him about that as well when he joins us at 9: this morning and always interested to hear about your musical memories as well so let us know

    Your first album too and I’ve got music to play from Robert Yonka uh this week as well Robert’s got a new tune out so we’ll make sure you get to hear Robert yona’s tune new release from him inspirational music from Robert always a pleasure to play his music on the show

    If you’re a fan of Robert yon just search him online y n k r Robert Yonka and you can find his new release online as well and tell him you heard about him on the good morning or you prompted by the good morning Portugal show good

    Morning to you Robert if you’re tuned in this morning over tomor right um let’s go back before Jackie joins us in a few minutes and see that James was in at 748 mindful moment from that man then you you can’t stop the waves but you can

    Learn how to surf that is the mindful moment this morning and thank you for filling in this space the teuck shaped space this morning John kabat Zine so good advice there you really can’t stop the waves folks and does it feel like they’re a bit choppier than usual at the

    Moment to you um the fact that some people then a mindful dad joke can’t distinguish between etymology and entomology bugs me bugs me in ways I can’t put into words very good and let’s do your visuals now so that I don’t forget them I’ve not looked at these and

    He gets me into all sorts of trouble sometimes with these 45 whole seconds of uninterrupted meditation there’s Lisa with her Legos at the top there or similar toy and if I remove your very own comment here on the screen we can see what the punchline is of this and

    Then wondering if my ex really even liked me to begin with oh yes that can happen that’s a meditative moment isn’t it which is turns out is not very meditative but eat my shorts the past leave me alone and now you see what you’ve done James you’ve have you

    You’ve got people this is how how um eager the mind is to seize upon things it’s an excellent uh illustration really isn’t it of the power of the mind you will have started people wondering if their ex really even liked them to begin with of course course they did didn’t

    They um let’s have a look at your other visual this morning then over to the Star Trek Enterprise Star Starship Starship Enterprise I always feel bad when I make Star Trek Mis references or or or appear to know nothing about I and I watched it on a Thursday night I think

    I never really got into Star Trek or Star Wars forgive me um my nephew needs but I do find these funny my nephew needs a job do you have any suggestions he should apply for the search and Rescue Team they’re always looking for someone Captain Kink that’s called

    Naughty right okay um let’s go back to your comments B’s here as well ol bonda from seya today I hope to launch a fundraising campaign for the people of grindavik who are losing their homes is that because of the volcano if I may I will send a link with permission during

    The show of course you can absolutely uh for anyone who wants to help out the people of grindvik who appear to be losing their homes there never mind Wednesday is the new Friday it is me upday what’s going on there and let’s go to the god Squad tip of the day then and

    Say hi to Jackie The Humble crafter D B everyone and bond the rain has finally stopped so out for a walk this morning with a coffee on rout well done we had a the family had a really late night coffee last night was lovely in the Bohemia Cafe where I had a

    Bohemia beer it was very nice oh and who’s coming to the Kash DEA Beer Festival this weekend I’m not sure which day to go let me know if you’re going along to the Kash beer festival if you’re going on the Saturday or the Sunday might extend that trip to the

    Black sheep Pub as well that that is pouring draft Guinness and I think is it St Patty’s Day on Sunday we might be speaking to Bobby on Friday so we’ll find out more about that and how we can celebrate St Patrick’s Day here in Portugal so maybe Kash is a good day to

    Go to uh sorry maybe Sunday is a good day to get to Kash for the beer festival and and then along to the black sheet Pub let me know if you’re heading way for that I like this Albert Einstein quote says coach Turner do not grow old

    No matter how long you live never cease to stand like Curious children before the great mystery into which we were born yeah and have a little snooze at 9:30 as well make sure you you do that yes that’s excellent never ceased certainly to stand like a cous child

    Before the great mystery into which we were born such a good reminder and to see the majesty and Miracle of Life I think there are so many forces at work at the moment that are tell telling us life is dismal and difficult and it is at times isn’t it no question about that

    But we got to get the balance right so thanks for that coach Turner God scor tip of the day and talking of rays of sunshine and positivity I’m hoping we’ll have Phil Cookland on the show tomorrow morning talking about his new project which is a real contribution to human

    Happiness God score tip of the day then if you don’t want to walk who wouldn’t want to walk um apart from those who can’t um if you can why wouldn’t you what other activities are good for improving stamina and over over all Health swimming is possibly the best all

    Around exercise as it works most of the body and then oops up sad you hear I it oops upside your head rowing with a sliding seat runs it quite close though using some 90% of your body’s muscles though just getting out into the garden and tending the plant is also good for

    You of course getting to the green gym right and all the benefits of being outside in the open air the vitamin D and the fresh air really any activity where you are moving around and building up a sweat is helping you keep you healthy is helping to keep you healthy

    And who doesn’t like to build up a sweat first thing in the morning yes and Michael Bon also in should we have his greeting we will we’ll have his greeting until another one is sent in on 913 5933 over to you Michael B [Applause] Portugal that does Echo a little bit

    Through the valley there and um maybe we’ll get Jackie to do it while she’s here across the rooftops of kashkash this morning as well oh it’s it’s um 8:47 let’s just say a few more quick Hells then um douy good morning to you me and Doug are starting a new podcast

    On Friday evening just before the we’re like the fluffers for the man cave so we’ll be having a chat two men with big columns um here in he of the Portugal news me of the Portugal resident and we’ll have a chat and he said what are

    We talking about on on Friday and I think we’ll certainly we’ll we’ll come our mutual love of Portugal and then we we will go into the old F sphere if I may refer to it as that and look at life through the lens of men of our age and

    And Endeavor to be good Elders see what that what that might mean on Friday night at 9:00 and maybe you want you might want to join us at 9 on Friday evening I think we’ll have a glass of wine in hand and we’ll be quite unguarded Doug is Doug’s unguarded

    Anyway isn’t he um I think he’s gone past that threshold of not bothering too much about um how he wants to express himself publicly although he does say from time to time well you can’t say that anymore can you that you know that that that thing and I’ll be I’ll be

    Talking to him about that I think he I think he does say what he wants and then says you can’t say that anymore we’ll talk about that on Friday that funny that funny device of men of a certain age saying you can’t say that anymore having just said

    It morning to you there Michael douy Pete nuet thank you for your feedback as well on the sh interview yesterday and Owen good morning to you mate inspired by Incognito album positivity I was cooking yesterday photo sent morning oh let’s have a look at to Owen’s food as

    Well this morning but now um and now nice big round of applause over to kashk were you giggling about men of a certain age there yeah I you say your fluffers the fart is fear I’m not really I’m not really selling it very well am I no you’re not telling it at

    All that’s put most funny okay yes good morning good morning to you Jackie how are you how how is life over there this morning uh very very good um we have something great really interesting I think coming up this Thursday I wanted to mention um recent pelicano uh D will

    Be talking about buying and renting property in this country and one of the things I tell people and this is a really important one because um as a person who purchased property March of 2020 in the beginning of lockdown and the pandemic besides it being a difficult

    Time I always say I made every single mistake you could make in purchasing property and I think we talked about that I think I shared that with you I heard it was a new website about moving to Portugal called don’t do what Jackie oh my gosh I so made every

    Mistake um and I think that this if you ever thought about renting or buying it this is a really important one because I will say the first mistake I made there’s two I used dreamx and I had an excellent real real estate person but I assume dreamx here was the same as the

    Us because it’s the same company that was my first mistake the second mistake I made was when Remax said oh don’t get your own attorney don’t spend the money just use our attorney I was only to realize later that that attorney was never representing me it was only

    Representing the seller I had no representation in that situation just that alone changes everything doesn’t it and so um that’s just the beginning so I would strongly recommend anybody especially if you’re coming from the US but anyone because even though laws are different in very different in

    The UK this is an important one because the mistakes are incredible that you can make and if nothing else retain your own lawyer yes that’s that’s the first first thing and I think Daniel will also be showing people how to buy a tiny house like the one in the picture any any size

    Of house uh will be talked about tomorrow evening always great to talk about and you know what I’m going to do the first thing is going to ask him about the election result and what it means in terms of the Machinery because he he he was uh one I think he studied

    Law as well as being an expert in um house purchases and what you’ve just talked about and also citizenship he covers citizenship doesn’t he oh and the will thing about making sure your will works here in Portugal oh we just made an appointment with him yesterday to get

    Our will excellent yeah yeah he does that um he’s also a student of the Constitution here in Portugal so we’ll talk to him about how how soon a government might be formed and how soon thereafter it might be able to make law if they don’t have a hung Parliament and

    Then have another election early next year we’ll see what happens so that’s Daniel of and pelicano at 7:30 tomorrow evening and dream team at 9ine of course Jackie it was a good one last last week you were out and about weren’t you oh yeah yeah um ex pet Portugal um with one

    Of their Affiliates I was working which is expat C and we were doing a scouting trip through um Porto yeah uh Lisbon kashk they did setable and the algar cool and and these people fell in love with Portugal in the rain and it was so cold yep yep that’s

    That’s interesting so you what did you do did you did you get on the back of the bus with them and and then and you’re part of the team you know interpreting and and explaining what goes on here um there was it it was a

    Kind of a a very different model and I I really did appreciate it because people were learning about how all the different neighborhoods let’s say in Porto and all the different vibing neighborhoods in Lisbon and kesk and how that’s different than isub and so one of the the most important things

    Is that people had the freedom there was a schedule but people said you know I think I’m going to spend an extra day in AAL because I think that’s where I want to live and I’ll catch up with you on the following day so there was a lot of

    Kind of in andout of people moving around which really I thought worked very very well as a model because they weren’t stuck on the bus the whole day doing things they didn’t want to do yeah you know fair enough some people like that don’t they I think some people like

    To have every every one of their needs taken care of and that’s that’s some people’s idea a great trip I would say that’s kind of us you know the Boomer kind of thing but we there were there were people as young as 24 on this trip really well that’s quite an interesting

    Change demographic change isn’t it yeah I would say it was 24 to 74 with the average age in mid 40s to early 50s that’s interesting so do you think there there is a demographic shift there that the the average age of people looking at Portugal and moving to Portugal is

    Dropping I I really think that because um one of the I think the big reason is this if you’re going to do the math and you’re coming from the states and let’s say your taxes may go up a bit here not what you think it is but they

    May go up if you’re not ready for Medicaid or medic uh yeah Medicaid believe then it makes huge economic sense to be here because you may be paying slightly more in taxes but you’re going to more than make up for that in your health care yeah and what that’s

    Going to cost you yearly so for this kind of group in that age group especially the remote worker this still makes a lot of financial sense and it’s safe and it’s beautiful and and and the food is amazing and it I just can’t I think there is a new demographic coming I

    Really do very very interesting okay and um if people want to get on to the scouting trips with you and I might like the sound of that it’s a little less formal and that you can focus on the areas you want to go to get in touch

    With next p Portugal about that yes absolutely get in touch with us and we’ll as we usually do we’ll help you kind of figure this whole thing out when’s a good time for you how to do it and and I would say one of the most important things about

    This and this is what struck me I am lucky enough to do consultations with people who want to move to Portugal and what makes those consultations so uniquely satisfying and so amazing is that people who are thinking about changing their life at a Crossroads in their life excuse me are

    Filled with hope they’re like this is something great this is something new I’m going to do and maybe they don’t ultimately do it but most do but they’re filled with hope and positive energy oh how lovely to be in the atmosphere as well I guess that was that was really

    Nice well that’s how it is basically every consultation I have yeah yeah but now we have a whole group of people like this and that real positive energy of hope it like kind of feeds this group and the spro is just like oh it’s so lovely to be around people like this yes

    Absolutely absolutely um yeah that’s that’s a very interesting point and um I can I mean I guess you can’t you can’t live in that all the time okay you can’t keep moving to Portugal once you’ve done it but there are ways of keeping that alive or connecting with that energy

    That’s wonderful um how inspiring says Jim White how inspiring Jackie good morning to you Jim lovely to see you here um before you go Jackie I need your cashk weather report of course how’s it looking over there perfect we’re getting the occasional glimmer of your kitchen because Pete was

    Concerned that you have an intruder behind you but it’s just breakfast being made relax Pete it’s just breakfast being made oh I I thought I thought it was completely blacked no it’s um with with the with the way the Green Screen Works there’s occasional flash of your

    Kitchen be but that’s because the the sun is probably very bright and and lighting up it’s not a problem this is a breakfast show we are seeing breakfast being made in real time occasionally I got no problem with that at all um wait I see a little bit because I moveed too

    Much you go there you go what you what are you having for breakfast in the beautiful cashco sunshine I am having a m good excent and a Mingo nice excellent okay um and we’ll be talking to Paul who’s joining us in just a moment about his um The

    Experience he had as a teenager listening to David Bowie album do you remember the first profound album you listen to as as a teenager or maybe even younger um as a teenager Believe it or I grew up on mtown and R&B you are so lucky well

    That’s because I grew up in the projects of New York City part my life but um but the real shift was the first time I heard of Bob Dylan album okay yeah yeah and that was really because that was so different than anything I had ever heard

    Um where I grew up so that was really that’s quite the contrast isn’t it from the beautiful Melodies and rhythm of mtown and the the upbeat uh stomp dance floor Stompers he he made the blowing in the that was exactly it seual conscience though I mean it does Mark a shift

    Doesn’t it in the I guess that is in many ways it is you know it’s the move from middle school to senior School almost isn’t it and the the the seriousness that one can cultivate in those years as well that Bob Dylan will of course have reflected back to young

    People wow okay and don’t forget Jackie as well we have chosen the Eurovision tune it’s called Gro this year so the Eurovision entrant has been chosen and Portugal refused to um go for a a sort of cynical Eurovision tune they they go for the one like the most which I think

    Is a lovely way of doing it um and the the tune this year is called Gro and it’s by an artist called iolanda and that was the other election that happened last weekend the choosing uh the choice of the festival deal winner who will be representing Portugal um

    Erica over there is asking and where are the Eurovision song contest viewing parties if you’re having one of those do let us know I don’t know if there’s going to be an expo Portugal Eurovision party for the should be they should shouldn’t there yeah it’s it’s an interesting event if not brilliant

    Musically it’s an interesting cultural event these days thank you Jackie I’ll see you tomorrow evening you will enjoy your breakfast enjoy your mango see you byebye and I think we should keep that Applause going uh for Mr ree who’s just joining us now in Central Portugal oh oh look at him

    Enjoying the Applause this morning the agulation who doesn’t like to be adulated first thing in the morning how are you I’m very well early start I’m north of the serid strella so I’m three hours from home so I’ve got some the sound is good the lighting is perfect I mean you

    You look like you’re having a beautiful Central Portugal day there this morning it’s um Crystal Clear actually it’s fantastic um the sound is good there’s a bit of music from the inter marhe loudspeaker because I’m sat in the car park of inter in where am I Gua Goa okay

    Interesting why is there uh music well they just pipe music through the PA there did they into my show it to clearly to put people in a happy shopping mood um not quite sure how that you might you might have to get run to the store at any minute as you’re being

    Conditioned musically to purchase things well I’ve already had an angry moment because there was a queue to get a coffee so I had to do disgraceful you you didn’t fight into world wars for that sort of treatment did you honestly I mean then they know who I

    Am right and we’ll dwell on music for a moment I think when you saw this you were and I’ve mentioned you this morning and and your reference to David Bo and the Ziggy Stardust period I think that was was that special for you if I remember correctly from your comment it

    Was my first album yeah so remember buying it pedling pedaling home buying it with a um I think with a a record voucher for my grand oh happy times for 10 B much an album cost then maybe a quid I don’t remember and um yeah and lying is a disaffected youth listening

    To it thinking this is quite exceptional it’s like nothing I’ve nothing I’ve ever heard before and I followed Bow’s career with huge interest the ups and the Downs the low periods Berlin and S of happy reemergence as a as a um good-look middle-aged creative and I still haven’t been able to listen

    To his last album the one he released almost on the same day as his death I think right what would You’ you’d find that too difficult yeah I still would yeah and it’s just a thing now I’m sure if I sat down and did it but it’s just a lifetime with

    Memories really it’s funny how music is also the soundtrack of our years yeah absolutely yeah it’s interesting very it’s yeah certain songs come on and immediately you’re you’re back back somewhere you know which takes us back into inter Maro doesn’t it because it’s in congruous sometimes how a strange

    Classic from the 70s or 80s will turn up on a supermarket PA system or Portuguese radio and who knows you might you might be you might have a Celestial moment as visitation from David Bowie in Isle 7 um one of these days in inter Maro somewhere in central Portugal in yeah

    The fresh fruit fruit and veg yeah a special moment right there you are in in central Portugal and I was hoping um this morning you might tell us a little bit because you’ve lived in Portugal a long time you have a a long connection long-standing connection with

    Portugal and you’ve seen well you know whilst there are some people in this community for whom this is the first um exciting election um you’ve seen one or two uh in in your time here and also to f us a little bit more on your for you

    To tell us a little bit more about the area you’re focusing on in central Portugal as a tension around the world I think um starts to fall more on areas outside of The Usual Suspects here in Portugal so let’s start with the election thing how do you know how many

    Elections you you’ve witnessed here in Portugal well however many since O2 um 2002 so uh I remember PRI srat and then Pedro pases coelo and and the the faces sort of blend into fny they into mug shots quite rightly and um and then we end up with a

    Current onass it’s nothing else but an onass okay you know it’s as if one party won by a vote it’s effectively the same it’s completely hung hung Parliament so I don’t envy the president having to as best he can um unravel it but what is there to

    Unravel the the the country has decided what it wants it is a democracy yeah um regretfully at times I’m I’m often I’m often dictatorship but only if it agrees with me so um but uh yeah it’s it’s interesting the rise of shagga Ventura in shagga has been impressive

    And it’s to me it’s a bit of um how can I put it like a pressure valve where people are so up with what’s going on around them um in terms of Frozen wages higher prices etc etc um which then is firmly blamed on whatever government is in then on comes somebody

    Who’s talking sense um probably to the Bas at instincts of our of our makeup uh and yeah clears up 20% of the vote if that didn’t exist we may would we still be neck and neck with um left and Center ground interesting but that’s the

    Situation we’re in and it’s um it is now up to the president of the Republic to hold the interviews with the various Party heads including the tiny ones um and say probably say what would you do in my position well it sounds like that’s what you would do in his

    Position the key thing for Portugal every year is getting the budget through right um and without a budget that relates straight to Brussels Brussels needs to know the country is being well run it’s within its parameters um you know it’s still a detonation we’re not flushed with money

    Even though there a there’s a current account Surplus at the moment but um it’s important to get that through and with a hung Parliament if there’s bickering over that that could go on there’d have to be another election yeah and that’s that’s what people are saying already

    That okay we we’ve had a go go at it we might run something that doesn’t really work for a while um but we need a a proper result next year early 2025 uh who knows what will happen then if it’s the same situation I don’t we’re

    Going to end up in a sort of Italy situation where the government changes every 11 minutes um a general election is a it’s a sort of big weighty thing U that happens a lot of effort goes into it but this result is um yeah

    It’s kind of I wish I I wish it had never happened but I remember election before where been clear majorities but if you look at the when and the last soci government got in not the second time which was a massive majority but the first time they didn’t actually get the most

    Votes um it was up to the president to say right if you can link up with with the left left left wing with the with the commies with whom they hadn’t shared bread for decades um you’re in which obviously that left the PSD even though it had a

    Majority of the votes um not continuing in office so that of flexibility that can come in from um the president but it will be a true test of his negotiating skills I think but I’m kind of not sure what there is to negotiate because shager um doesn’t really want to play

    With anybody they feel very empowered they’d love another election yeah and if you take the other two party who can they link with to make a big majority they can’t so it’s just a it’s a weird situation and uh imp as you put it yeah absolutely right a great

    Analysis thank you for that Paul you know with your longer term perspective on these matters and yeah it does seem a bit deadlocked and you might say um a little you know too much democracy um which has not just you but other people you know saying yeah how about been

    Benign dictatorship as long as it agrees with what I think about life I mean that’s what we’re experiencing isn’t it it’s like it’s it’s too much democracy which you have to say on one level is a great thing but it’s not the best thing for getting stuff done is it and having

    A functioning Society because they they haven’t even come together to form a government to make any laws yet and that’s looking very unlikely yeah I mean I could be rude and go back to Churchill’s quote about the average voter but but I won’t um I think I think

    The public were fairly well informed over this one um there’s a lot of a lot of buildup a lot of pre- publicity a a lot of shouting and a lot of very very good speeches um so I I don’t think it’s a case of um like the pre-brexit period

    Where there was clear misinformation for a political end I think here it was well discussed and widely discussed and the country politically is in a mess you know it’s it starts with finances as ever you know a biging household is usually bickering over money um and that

    Has an impact on on all sorts of aspects of life I think think here post post covid there’s a bit of a bit of a brexit um effect on Portugal but not a huge amount but postco certainly um the country spent a lot you know it’s

    Not it’s not a rich country it’s 10 10.4 million people um and I think you correct me if I’m wrong but the amount of taxpayers it’s under 3 million I mean it’s children and old people first and they seem to be the the vast majority so

    It’s a yeah it’s a if you look at the finances first um any party that says it’s going to um sort the money out will naturally get a large proportion of the vote Yes and in a a benign dictatorship we could have children and old people

    Paying more tax as well couldn’t we that might help a little bit um but not not a massive vote winner but then again you don’t need that if you’re a dictatorship do you no pocket money tax ex we could bring back bring back the cigarette lighter taxs we’ve solved it Paul we I

    Knew we would I knew we would um I think it would be great to influence some more financial literacy within the people of Portugal I think that’s a good idea worldwide isn’t it and that probably does connect with the church or quote you know people um I guess are not in

    The most educated State sometimes which makes them quite a good asset to the government and to or to politicians that is uh and maybe in tax the Portuguese uh maybe tax the Portuguese and maintain the current taxes for foreigners oh that would probably go down well um with

    Shager there good morning to you stepen white um and there’s some talk about oh you might be able to answer this the nanu is here this morning as is Larry good morning to you Larry McCarthy um always looking for Lou Reed’s Perfect Day Transformer album perhaps it’s today

    Excellent thank you for that memory there yeah this uh one Euro house um European thing I think that was more popular in Greece and Italy no such thing here um in Portugal has there’s not been anything like that here is there Paul no no there has been there’s

    Help from local councils as much as they can help and there’s I don’t know if it still exists but there used to be a sort of young married couples’s Grant um to encourage um babies I remember that in the algar it was Far East and Far West the most under

    Underpopulated areas but there’s no there’s no one pound one Euro houses um here I mean this scheme I looked at it in Italy and Greece I think um but you had to um there’s a reason why houses in villages become abandoned and why Villages become abandoned sadly if you’re if you’re

    Repurposing them for tourism that’s one thing and I think they’re certainly the local Authority could take a part in that in providing you equivalent toer meal location and a grant on that and tax breaks on that but there there’s any so much a local Authority can do you know it can

    Give relief on planning permission um on building uh licenses it could I mean not avoiding them but not charging so much for them yeah but the Italian experiment it looks great it’s a great headline Grabber um but if you want to buy a an old crumbling Italian Village house it’s possibly earthquake damage

    And there’s a reason nobody wants to live in it because the cost of doing cost of doing it up is way more than its resale value yes and there’s also you had to live there for a certain amount of time you can’t have as Holiday Homes so they were genuinely and still are

    Trying to repopulate uh has it attracted SES of of um American retirees to regenerate the uh Cafe Nero I don’t know I’ve never seen any reports on the success or otherwise of such a scheme very interesting and yeah I think you’re going need a lot more than a euro to

    Bring it back into any sort of habitable State um and it looks like the um just quickly an aside on on the um encouragement for people to have children and and move to the interior I see the birth rate is rising uh positive um birth rate is rising here in Portugal

    As are the number of sexually transmitted diseases but I suspect the um again the the foreigners might be getting blamed for the latter there we we’ll um see what people think in the chat about that a bit of news it came on the same day more children but more STDs

    Um was the was some of the reporting that I saw last week um and we’ll come back to your comment Stephen it’s a good one as we talk more and continue this theme Here of regeneration because I think that’s a lot what you’re about Paul cheapest Antonio found 4,000 EUR in

    The countryside um I read that a Portuguese YouTuber bought half an abandoned Village yeah we picked up on that as well in the countryside for 100,000 and is restoring it for tourism and it is located in the pan Jesh National Park a beautiful place to be similarly beautiful to where Paul has

    Focused his attention here in Portugal so tell us more about that um then Paul this this this region and maybe connect it if you can with this whole um drive towards regenerating the interior of Portugal yeah it’s all down to economics um it’s it’s down to money I think

    Govern can try and influence and make things easier but the end of the day it’s lots of people making economic decisions um I based rural properties equidistant between Lisbon and Porto for very good reason um because it’s more active than say over in the Castello

    Branco um area I don’t mean the region I mean the city so it’s pedroo Grand I suppose is our Heartland um if you drew a 40 km circle around that so takes in castan deig Venus so it’s a an area that is a well-known second home area for Portuguese families many have hereditary

    Homes there but have gone to the cities to work um and the buildings that sit empty a lot of them are owned and used in the summer so it’s not the case where there are so many ruins the village I live in there’s two Tumbl down houses

    And the rest are in perfectly good condition so that’s of about 150 properties so it’s to do with economics and the that north south axis um and then heading just Inland or west of fera dege is a a buoyant um area yet it needs more um to be able actually to House people

    To house tourists and to house incomers um houses need to be uh upgraded so firstly they need to be sold and there’s a tradition in Portugal of hanging on to houses till they fall in to to hand on to their children and children’s children um when push comes to shove and

    When the economy is at a low people lack money um then older properties do do come up for sale and as prices rise generally properties come come on the market because people think wow i’ never thought my 30 grand house was now worth 80 so it’s the economics of it I mean

    All I do is buy uninhabited buildings um legitimately from owners and recreate them as um I’d say fit for purpose not quite sure what the what the word would be but um one step below luxury homes so homes that have got insulation heating double glazing um cooling if necessary um it’s

    Just creating something that Portuguese Nationals or incomers can get the key open the door and everything works and it’s all it’s equivalent of a new house but in in an old in an old uh frame if you like very good we we had a little

    Look at the location on the map there c a key town that you mentioned there fig Vos as well and pgo Grand itself um sadly some people will know that as the center of the fires um somewh six or seven years ago as well um and and

    That’s why it was in the news back then but what an amazing area this is and interesting you talk about Portuguese second homes it’s a bit different isn’t it I think the Portuguese second home phenomenon and it’s it’s a very different sort of cultural angle this is

    The country where it’s not always viewed as a positive thing to inherit a house if you come from the UK there’s a kind of dream isn’t it like the um that Russell Crow movie where he gets an email from a lawyer who says you know contact your your your distant Aunt who

    You never met has left you a house in in Tuscany that’s that’s the dream for Brits isn’t it to have that happen whereas in Portugal like oh no we’ve been left another house in in central Portugal from a from a cousin or an auntie or something is that what you

    Mean second houses these they belong to the family don’t they rather than an individual necessarily yeah I mean it’s a it’s a result of no inheritance tax so if if your all four great grandparents own two houses your grandparents own four and yeah so it goes on and you can

    End up with with um fairly elderly people owning five six seven eight properties and 58 different tiny plots of land you know it is a pain that the annual cost of them is not significant um the equivalent of the council tax bill IMI is not not great on

    Older properties in these areas so they yeah they sit so a lot of what I do I do it the other way around I don’t wait for things to come on the market I often will identify something that I like the look of and find out who owns it and

    It’s inevitably oh someone around the corner or oh Liz boa somebody from Lisbon and they come only in the summer and that’s their nice new house over the hill so it’s um and when people approach they say oh well we never really thought of selling it um yeah you’re right they sit there

    They’re like a collection a collection something sitting in a drawer so like a house version of an of an heirloom as and you say you know going into some dilapidation possibly in the countryside and out of sight of mine that’s the other thing isn’t it I mean a lot of

    These are you know I see this even in s Mar depor where I live you know like there’ll be a lot of um renovation and and upgrades and new builds here and then between two you know brand spanking new buildings or recently upgraded buildings an old thing where where I’m

    In my mind I’m walking past it thinking the the the people who own this moved to Brazil or somewhere else in the world and they don’t even know they’ve forgotten it’s here the people in the town live with it every day with its roof falling in and the actual owner of

    It is miles away and hasn’t thought about it for and sometimes maybe even I’ve completely forgotten about it in this Gem of a place yeah and you end up with one property owned by you know 30 different people it becomes impossible at some point the if you have a

    Crumbling house in a town the council will um insist that you repair the front of it at least and if you you don’t they’ll do it and send you the bill and and that started to happen when I left the alav it wasn’t the reason I left um

    But but some of the things were bits of house were falling into the street obviously there are sa safety issues can I just quickly go back to the pedral Grand fires because it of yeah you’re right it is it did put it did put Pedro

    Grand on the map um in not a positive way and it was internationally reported there was um High number of deaths um and it’s it the the aftermath the political aftermath was um despite expressed sadness and a presidential visit um it showed that the rural regions of Portugal were not following the

    Perfectly sensible fire regulations that had been um put in place some years before and that’s what was concentrated on as a result and and then up and down the country um around Villages you have to have X meters cleared um your land you can’t just let grow as scrub land

    You’ve got to clear it all these things were as understand it were perfectly good ex existing laws um but weren’t uh being adhered to or certainly the GNR weren’t involved in finding people that hadn’t cleared their land that that now’s very different um all I seem to

    See year in year out is Road cruise streamming to the side of the road and removing lines of trees to the 10 10 meter Mark um it’s really a question of every little helps that people asked me about the fs and I said well there two big fars last

    Year one was in the alav and one was over between here and Castell Branco so wherever you’ve got Greenery and forests that people like there’s a likelihood there’s a possibility um as far as it happens and this is a a pretty Woody country the important thing is how that’s dealt with

    And the the subsequent well the government at the time um has put enormous resource into um perhaps headline resource but into um fire what do you call it when you got Lookouts Lookouts they call them sappers here don’t they as well yeah yeah you’ve

    Got you got you got them as well you got the people up up um tool structures looking out over the countryside you’ve got some drone drone usage you’ve got um hopefully a bolstering of fire um firefighting resources there’s certainly more airplanes under contract more far fighting the the good thing about the

    Central area is that if there is a fire there’s plenty of water to put it out um and I did sit by cabril reservoir one summer watching the planes com coming in and scooping up water and yeah just making it over the far end luck it’s quite nice Valley but it’s quite thank

    You for for for making that point um because it was reported around the world and I think it did put people off the idea of living in that region it is a risk isn’t it as as people know from other parts of the world where the

    Conditions are are such that there is a fire risk and there is a wildfire risk in in Portugal and in central Portugal although as you say there’s a there massive fires in the AL Garen over K bran away not in this area perhaps that massive wakeup call from 2017 um did

    Some good despite you know the awful situation that people were seeing around the world we’ve only got a few minutes left Paul and we’ve got a couple of good questions from Steve um who’s always Keen to talk about these matters of course what are your thoughts on the

    Government I think we’ve covered that maybe bringing more attention to the more rural areas like Central Portugal or parts of the anio I think that if they incentivize moving to these locations especially for businesses The Cure factor for Portugal there will be something special and um he

    Continues um yeah do you think the government will eventually auction these forgotten properties what are the rules around this so do you do you get a sense along with some of the incentives that you’ve already mentioned there might be more um is anyone talking about that at the

    Moment more government support yeah to to have people move to the interior to make it better known and and to incentivize it in even greater ways I mean there’s a there is a employee Grant I think it’s up to three or 4 th000 for people moving to Inland areas I think I’m always

    Suspicious of Grant L businesses you know if you if you have a big Grant to set your factory up in the middle of nowhere um kind of is that near your Market is it the most sensible place um I’m kind of capitalist in in leaning in

    That uh I think money talks and if if you want to set up a wood chipping Factory you’re going to do it in the middle of the forested area an ice cream factory you’ll have in Kash or the ALG you know I don’t think artificial um government um incentives

    Work long term I think you end up with white elephants and the country is full the country has herds of herds of white elephants I’ve not seen that on any of the tourist approches but that would be this April 1 is coming up we could do something on the herds of white

    Elephants that you could see in in in central Portugal you’re talking about the the the pink cycling pavement presumably that sort of thing where EU money comes in and there’s an in congruous pink cycling pavement that’s that starts at one roundabout next to a dual carriageway and then suddenly ends

    It’s those sort of things I think you’re referring to right well yeah it is and it’s it’s things where the alal stadium is another one that sits in the middle of nowhere costing 30 grand a month um and it’s not not much used I think the biggest use was from the football club

    In Jala um for no I I think money talks and if we provide services in the central region for tourism more tourists come there’s certainly far more tourists wanting to come here then there is space I mean it’s ludicrous and for people to live here we need to provide nice current

    Livable houses equivalent that you would get in in the South and in the Lisbon area you in terms of terms of finish they’re a fraction of the price and all around you you’ve got Countryside that is like the best possible parts of Scotland but without the midges so it’s um again I’ve

    Not seen that on a tourist broer but that could work Paul actually yeah I I think yeah you’ll be getting some calls I think from the copyrighting team of tourish Portugal um and um you make a good point money does talk and perhaps that’s the way forward is to be

    Selling um a particular kind of life in central Portugal to people who can afford it and want to do that and maybe it’s a different kind of 15 minute experience you know you’re living 15 minutes by car from a city where you can get all the amenities and then live in

    The Splendor you’re talking about in a very nicely appointed refurbished home with the most amazing views you connected to the to um you know the Internet by some very good Portuguese fiber connection broadband and that’s a lifestyle worth selling isn’t it around the world yeah it is and in terms of

    Affording it you know if you’ve got 100 Grand I don’t know what you could buy in the algar now well certainly not Lisbon if 100 Grand here you’ve got you’ve got a load you got a load of choices you know it’s um there affordability with the connectivity with

    Its positioning um this I mean pgo Grand is 3,400 people in the whole camera and they are it’s open door po policy to people like me and Steven saying the more old buildings you can you can prize out of the hands of of owners and renovate the more people come they’re

    Sold quickly you know and each it’s phenomenal if you look at it economically and in percentage terms we could there’s no shortage of stock put it that way so we’re working hard to create nice homes that people buy and move here and and love they use them as

    Al or part time you know summertime only or full time all year round so it’s lucky people lucky people and keep up that great work keep up that great work Paul I’ll leave you to um go and listen to more music I could hear it occasionally coming through the loud

    Speakers of it’s like you’re in a Chinese car park you know with government messaging coming through the speakers is it a bit like that but it’s more sort of consumerism rather than politics coming coming through it is special offers if I ate pork I would be rushing to the pork counter right now

    You’re get you’re getting these urges are you that it’s working its magic on you all right almost subl you know yes um well I’m interested to see your receipt later on to see what you’ve succumbed to in the intermar car park there in central Portugal always great

    Talking to you see you again next month yeah keep up that great work over there all right see you mate thank you very much for being here there he goes and we will keep the Applause going because we’ve got the Heather binder joining us the Heather binder everyone

    Oh good morning to you Heather be how are you this morning I’m pretty good I apologize for the glare behind me but my blinds are um needing servicing so they are stuck at the moment we haven’t done a a blind maintenance special Mrs M doesn’t know how strong she is I think

    She has seen to a few of the blinds in our house as well oh why do I always say these things just as she’s into just to get in trouble she’s a strong independent woman and sometimes that backfires I understand that very much yeah right well I’m also

    Taking it as a sign when we spoke to Jackie in kashkash earlier there was beautiful sunshine bursting through her windows we spoke to Paul there in a car park in inter mar car park in um near the S Della Mountain um Range also beautiful sunshin coming through my my

    My back passage is very well L this morning and it looks like you’ve got glorious sunshine in Kash as well yeah we have really good Southern Exposure so we so I get the the morning sun which is awesome because it warms up the house

    And uh is pretty uh but when I’m on Zoom or podcast or whatnot it it does this so I think it’s I think it’s Heavenly it’s a Heavenly effect there and the things you learn on this show honestly look you can make toilet paper with bamboo aren’t

    You glad you came this morning it’s strangely stretchy there’s always like such good um like bung hole and like there’s always like these little catchphrases and uh you know my mind just like wres to the gutter every time I mean I’ve been on for like a minute and we’re already like strangely stretchy

    We’ve got strangely stretchy haven’t we like that I think I imagine Paul is going to be buying some strangely stretchy um bamboo toilet paper especially if it’s if it’s um if he’s conditioned to do so by the PA system of the inter marhe car park Leela also

    Joining us good morning to you good morning Portugal and Heather who’s in the cage that’s the question um so my African great parot uh is normally in the cage but she actually sleeps in my bedroom in a in a a kennel or travel kennel um so she can watch me because

    That’s I’m her person and that’s what African grays do is watch other watch their significant other basically as they sleep and so I keep her in bed because she needs to sleep about 12 to 14 hours right now a day so she’s still sleeping oh I love hearing about the

    Habits of of parrots with you and so does she do you wake up you know like that spooky thing um sometimes you might get it if you’re staying with an a an elderly aunt or Grandma and there’s an old doll that’s parked up on sh in the

    Room and you wake up and go oh thank goodness it’s just the doll with with those parot sleep with one eye open to keep an eye on you in that similar way uh I don’t think she sleeps with one eye open per se although they are supposed

    To like sort of take turns watching their their you know um uh chosen birdie but I think uh you know she definitely knows what I’m up to and she’s paying attention and she um she’ll make she’s made a kissy noise this morning and when I got up and the cat

    Got up and and uh she she talks sometimes but she’s not supposed to she should be sleeping but she uh she woke me up the other morning saying another innan thing that my husband taught her oh really how what a wonderful what a wonderful situation well he teaches her he teaches

    Her the weirdest he me he teaches her madeup stuff she says words but he teaches her like literal things he made made up that are strange for some reason she’s fascinated so she’s always picking up weird words and when I was first with him he literally tricked me and because

    I had a dog named June bug and he was like yo is Icelandic for June bug and he he tricked me into thinking that because I didn’t know not to believe him at first this is like 10 years ago and anyways he goes home for the weekend and

    And I’m sitting there and all of a sudden the bird just starts going yo yo yo like a broken record because that’s what they do when they first learn a new word that they really like so anyways he’s always teaching her stuff like that I’m like teach her some Portuguese or

    Like you know like words but and she does she does talk some but anyways maybe it’s good because at least she doesn’t say bad things she just says made up things yes okay well let’s see if she’s if she comes into the maybe we can teach you something through the

    Gumper community here um and yes so we’ve not talked about Portugal yet um a toy we’ve just got one more toilet comment I think uh I love my Japanese toilet says Pete and this is a true story I think the targeting air drying and most of all the heated SE I do hate

    A chili bum first thing in the morning oh and wishing a Ramadan Mubarak um of Muslims in Portugal thank you Leela as well and yes I’ve got a little bit of education on Ramadan from Frank which I’ll probably share um in the next couple of days as well so thank you for

    My education there Frank I I just fessed that I know nothing about Ramadan really um you know apart from a sort of customer yes Ramadan muar and not knowing what I was talking about so I found out a bit more from Frank so thank

    You for that um FD and yes so let’s talk about how helpful you’ve been to PE people in the last 48 72 hours I think Heather especially so because the um the Seth portal is what out of moth balls uh yeah you know I’m no expert on

    The portals because you know they things change all the time but I was able to get on and log into my father’s stuff and do the automatic renewal and then one of my uh good friends did the same and they got their renewal and they’d been trying to get you know appointments

    And unsuccessfully of course and um so when I told them to do this and it worked it was really exciting and then uh that was last Friday I did that and then Sunday 48 hours later I could pay for it so I went to ATM on Sunday and

    Did the magic reference number and was able to pay so yay so we did automatic renewal for my 84y old dad which is great because trkking him hours away for a residency renewal um appointment is not pleasant idea so that was really good and of he was expired in December

    Member uh and so that was really good so just to clarify only already expired or expiring in the first quarter which would be the end of by the end of March are is my understanding that’s what’s eligible potentially eligible to Auto Renew on SEF right now if you already

    Have the residency card if you’re new here and you just have the Visa it’s your first one this will not work for you so don’t waste your time if you have family reunification that’s a whole another Bowl ball of wax so don’t waste your time there but um if you’re at the

    End of your first twoyear period or your subsequent threeyear period or or one of those then um then this should work at the same time I think I crashed it because I announced it and I think everyone flocked to it and then uh and then it it kind of went a

    Little sideways again maybe but the key thing is to follow the instructions because you have to keep it in Portuguese if you convert it to English it literally will give you an error and won’t work ah so it get is a bit of a glitch and you and you lose contact with

    What you’re trying to do there but I did if people email me if they would like I will send them the instructions so it’s Heather and then boots on theeg ground so if you if you need those instructions if you’re my Facebook friend which you’re welcome to be

    Heather binder or or our our Facebook friend uh like you know on boots on the ground Portugal on um Facebook um I also posted the instructions there so people can follow those and and uh it’s it’s it’s got the Portuguese so you if you are English speaking you you don’t you

    Can follow that and not have an issue okay that’s it there right I had the boots on theeg ground to get an email you got it that’s wonderful that’s wonderful the Bird that’s hilarious uh pinky enjoying the parrot talk Portuguese parrot talk this morning and

    And yes so was your birds got Portuguese citizenship I guess you know sort of just a natur she does well I mean I don’t know citizenship is a push but she does have a passport she has a pet passport and I did bring her from Arizona and uh she’s on the endangered

    List uh unfortunately now is since 2017 I think African gray Congos ended up on the endangered list and so that was quite the ordeal so yes I I learned a lot about as I as I know a lot from experience of a million and one crazy things that to do in transitioning and

    Moving to Portugal uh which is of course why I help people do all those things and we’re we really focus on being your guide and not just visas because visas obviously really important but we really really are focusing on the other aspects the soft aspects the the other hard aspects helping people

    Transition um really looking to kind of build that side of uh Services because there’s there’s nobody that helps you from thinking if I even should move to all the way through to two years in and getting your driver’s license and having a residency card and you know just like and and building Community

    Being really a big huge thing I know you’re a big proponent of as well you know that’s great and and is that where where the action is at the moment because it’s fascinating Mrs M as an astrologer she’ll say that’s incredible I’ve spoken to three what Geminis today

    And they’re all in real estate and they’ve all got and they they tend to group together by some sort of ugly bugly Universal forces and energies that she gets these Trends do you get the same thing with with with helping people move to Portugal similar sort of demographic um representation is that

    What goes on with you as well I think uh I’m in Libra so not a Gemini um and I would say uh ultimately yes there’s definitely waves you know kind of the um Murphy’s Law like you’re really busy or you’re really slow or you’re you know so there’s waves

    And things and um I definitely see uh certain similarities with my clients but I think that’s because uh partially because of me because uh people either gravitate towards me or really don’t and so um if people like my energy and that you know then they tend to be people

    That want to grow and and um enjoy this journey and are positive and they’re not doing all this crazy weird negative stuff we see everywhere and you know they they gravitate towards that so I do see uh I wouldn’t say a demographic as much as there’s a certain sort of

    Mindset of wanting to grow into this you know vibrant new life and being ready for that and so I I have really good success with my clients as far as transitioning and being happy here and and uh staying and I think that’s because I do a very you know holistic

    Sort of approach if you will that’s that’s a great testimonial isn’t it or um a great um it’s not a good testimonial when you’re your own testimonial strugling for the right word it’s a great observation observation we go people who come under your guidance

    Tend to stay and I was I was going to say to you you know is it less panicky do you think and I was because there was definitely a a pandemic Panic wasn’t it like well we we should get on with it and do it and people did and I think

    There might be other reasons why people are panicking and getting all there’s a lot of political Panic um for a good reason you know when we when roie Wade went like if I wasn’t already here I would have been signing up you know what I mean so like I get it

    Um I get it and so yeah I definitely had my first phone call that was just very much like if the election goes this way we’re we’re speeding up like these are people wanted to relocate anyways but uh there’s a lot of people out there that are moving younger um than they expected

    Which I did as well but I I did that Jackie Jackie was saying that um about how people in in the in the group she works with AG is coming down for sure but that also I suppose is part of trends of migration isn’t it the people

    Who tend to lead the way are the ones who are able to afford it and have got the time to devote to it and they’re the kind of trend setters and leaders of the wave and then others will follow in their foot steps which it sounds like is

    What’s going on at the moment um hi friends says Cordelia this morning good morning to you Cordelia I posted up my conversation with Cordelia on our YouTube channel about with yeah with business people the conversation she has with business people here in Portugal that’s up on our

    YouTube channel and bandi just back from a gorgeous walk oh it’s a gorgeous morning just back from a Fab walk through the bada and um here is a testimonial look Cordelia says about you Heather you helped her find a pharmacy that was open one night at 11 p.m.

    Condoms are available from machines as well you don’t necessarily have to I’m only kidding Cordelia but sometimes that is that is a bit a bit of a a concern isn’t it if you’ve had a like if you’ve been in casual well yeah it was I remember it was like 11 11:30 at night

    Or something and um i’ I’ve had a couple people contact me that we’re in sort of emergency sort of situations and uh you know needing help and there is a great app uh which again if you if you message me I can give you that or Carl can maybe

    Post it do you know that app that tells you which pharmacy in your area to us but yes and you know what Cordelia I think might pop it into the chat for us she probably will yeah thank there it is yeah so that you can uh look on that and

    That will tell you the 24-hour pharmacy in your area and the reason that’s important it changes um so you know in cish where I live you know there’s there’s one Pharmacy that will be 24 hours all the time but they rotate between several pharmacies in town y

    Okay and yes so you need to keep up with that using that app thank you so much C really helpful there got a question in from the op who really should be in bed now at 3:41 in Montana my kind of person up up up in

    The middle of the night I love it can you answer that for the lp sure well the monetary requirements for the D7 which is the passive income Visa went up with the minimum wage which is 820 uh a month so that’s the current uh requirement for one person and then if

    You have a significant other they’re going to be another 50% on top of that and then each child’s uh will be 30% on top of that so 820 and and divided out and so those are also if you take that annually that’s also the minimum requirement for funding the bank account

    So it’s about €10,000 um for the primary person 15,000 for a couple Etc adds another um I think it’s 2500 about a year for per child okay thank you for answering that Heather um Mary’s here as well buy Heather in car hi Mary Mary bought me this beautiful mug what a lovely

    Connection from Denmark what a oh is beautiful yeah her daughter lives in Denmark I love this mug so thanks again Mary and Larry is asking when is lunch um when is lunch yeah we’re at pal from one o’clock Larry see you there be look looking forward to seeing you again in in real

    Life um at the Meetup this lunchtime so I never make that I never make that sorry it’s been noted it’s been noted I know bind but we we’ll have to come over to Kash to see you and you should come you should come to the meet up on Monday

    On Tuesday next week I know to trendy to trendy Kash D because I want to ask you about Kash we’ve talked about Cas G this morning where where Jackie is we’ve talked about Central Portugal where Paul ree is doing some amazing work C Dash gets cooler and cooler is it cool Dash I

    Think we might call it um we’ve got the black sheep Pub we’ve got the um Beer Festival this weekend and every time I go there I find something new tucked around a little corner is the popularity of a cool Dash continuing or you trying

    To put a lid on it now you don’t want any more people moving there you know it’s it’s it’s hard not to be a cheerleader for the area you live when you truly love it and you you see the benefits so I will just say that

    But I I I with my background in real estate and helping people move here and figure things out and figure out where to go and all the things um I am able to do something that a lot of people aren’t which is take their needs and separate

    Them from my likes and try to help place but absolutely because this area is great for a million and one reasons and is really you know popping and this is uh you know an an amazing area for for families for you know really why but I definitely think

    That uh each region and each area has has something for everyone so it really is a matter of your situation and what you’re looking for what you want but for us we see these new all time there’s a ton going on and uh it’s the best sh C agrees I likes the

    IDE yeah and and when there were so many Americans moving there I did rename it C Dash but I think that we can change it from C Dash to co to cool Dash especially wonderful for families my son can do almost all of his activities by walking how wonderful I’m out of the

    Chauffer business uh there and Antonio um underlining your advice there to oregonians loving Portugal the op thank you heather for that and Antonio adding it’s always related to the minimum wage 820 at the moment that’s likely to change of course uh with the it changes every year um you

    Know basically so so yeah when you get when I get into third quarter I always kind of update that because you know starting to get into fourth quarter submissions and beginning of the year and stuff so yeah definitely keep up on that if not um going to be moving

    Forward to later or get in touch with us and we’ll help you yeah excellent so what’s coming up then in in cool Dash uh anything anything you want to tell us about including your Meetup of course yeah the the Meetup I have Tuesday night uh it’s always the third Tuesday of the

    Month from 6:00 to 8 and it’s at TOA 7 and again you can see that on my Facebook page personal as well as the business page and uh I think I have post that to the uh your your platform as well Carl absolutely excuse me and um that’s great

    Come on out we have people traveling all the time and um the last couple ones I’ve had my own clients that were here looking for housing in Lisbon and and cish um two different sets of clients and then this last one I actually had clients that just arrived that were mine

    That you know actually are here now so that’s exciting uh as well as that that you know are just friends you absolutely have you can be local you can be anybody so as long as you’re uh open-minded and welcoming we welcome you um as far as other things yeah there’s like beer

    Festival there this weekend at the um I think it’s at the Expo Center and there’s some music stuff going on I have a WhatsApp group um for anybody that wants to join that for the area and we post all the goings on and the different flyers and so forth and so

    That uh also allows people to connect if they’re looking to hey I want to get dinner anyone want to meet up tonight in town or you know whatever so that’s all really important as well okay excellent Mary my two dogs and two cats got their Portugal pet passport a week or two

    After I arrived can’t wait until I get mine well maybe one way of doing it if you identify as a cat or a dog which some people do these days you might get your residency do documents F Mary I don’t think you’re getting I don’t think you’re getting a pet

    Passport but I think Mary mean she can’t wait till she gets her Portuguese passport which she’s working on so yeah it’ll be a few years yet but definitely uh she’ll be in line for that so let’s here here’s another question for us this morning Heather good to have you here

    Any good places to rent for a month in your beautiful city now San martinho very touristy and um it will get expensive if you rent for a month you’ll probably be T paying tourist prices uh certainly as you know as we go from spring into summer it gets more

    Expensive I would I I’d love you to come and see us here in San martinho deporto but you might get better value down the road in San martinho uh sorry in kashena K Dash Dara and then you can come to San martinho you can go to fge and you’re on

    The rail network to get to other places yeah we can uh get all over so easily and and alasa it’s a great area for that um so yeah definitely we can we can help with that and and uh check it out because Carl and I are like 20 minutes away from each

    Other it’s not a big deal yeah September well definitely I mean I can if you want to stay in so much in your deporter you’d be most welcome and I’m sure we can find you a month’s rental and yeah September is a good time like it it can it can change in a

    Day the the crowded beaches you know once work it’s deserted again that’s a lovely time to come O so hopefully we’ll see you then what were we going to add to that uh well someone asked do you have to have a pet passport no you don’t you

    You can arrive you know on the health certificate you do have to have health certificate depending on where you’re coming from and um you’re welcome to be my Facebook friend I see that comment there and anyways um it’s Heather binder b nde r and you’ll see my smiling face and anyways

    Um what is he saying oh pet passport so no you do not have to have a pet passport when you arrive you can take your pet to the vet and request a pet passport at that point which would then allow you to travel in you know I don’t

    I don’t know exactly what it allows you to do actually I guess go to the other shangan countries with your pet without having to go through that rigar roll but we’re pet pets are good in Portugal it’s the vaccination record as well it we’re talking about the same document it is

    Really what it is it’s it’s the record and it’s got the microchip and you know all of that good stuff so yeah it’s another taxation opportunity I think because I I adopted well I didn’t this family adopted a Mrs M we suddenly we got three cats all right it just it just

    Turned out I was going to say a cat I thought there was three yeah there are three there are three of the blighters in this house sorry to cat fans um I’m more of a dog person I think that’s a matter of record now one I got my

    Husband to admit that he Lov Cat last night I was so excited yeah this happen no there was a mo my family tricked me into that all the time I I’ll be petting you got tricked yeah I get it know happens a lot I’ll be petting a cat

    Because it’s you know it’s the right thing to do the cat will be purring away a little moment and they go oh look dad you do love cats don’t you no I don’t get off but this is what happened to me I got a a um CTT man turned up outside

    On the buzzer you know you need to sign for something I what now because usually it’s you know some government thing you’ve forgotten about or overlooked and they you know they they sudden suddenly sending you a massive bill or summons or something like that meaning meaning the post office

    Yeah the man on his the man on his and he gets me to sign have you got some ID I think oh this is serious and it was a it was because I’d put my name down on one of these cat things you know an operation or something suddenly suddenly

    Um alcabasa um camera have decided I am the nominated human for this cat and I get sent the passport and it felt really serious you know this massive as well because as I was feeling the envelope as as the guy was giving to Blind me what’s

    This is this is like a pages and pages of court documents or something I thought it some really serious infringement and it’s it’s a Portuguese pet passport I mean a bit over the top I think especially when so many animals are Strays here and then suddenly when

    You you know you you try and help out you think hold on a minute what does this mean I’m now you know I’m now I’m now owned by this cat is what it feels like Anyway does this include pugs dressed like Barbie dolls well I I I I’m a pug believer

    Absolutely okay but oh Douglas Hughes he’s the guy that commented and made this whole fit because there was a my mother-in-law posted a really cute picture of a pug dressed in clothing which I have to tell you Douglas Hugh I have to say I say I had a pug her name

    Was Talia she was beautiful she loved wearing clothes and one time during Halloween we we went to the store and we got outfits for all the dogs we had quite a few rescue pugs and we dressed them all up and we came home and we put

    Her in these fairy wings and she was so pissed off because I they were just Wings they weren’t a full costume we literally we literally had to go back to the store Carl turn the wings and buy her this whole ladybug costume that had like was like full body much happier

    Because she would she wouldn’t settle down she was freaking out see you a cat would be so ungrateful this is part of the reason I don’t like cats they got humor yes exactly now I think what’s going on is a bit of jealousy Doug would is transferring here he’s projecting I

    Think Doug would like to dress like Barbie and he’s taking offense I he actually was a really nasty comment and I blocked him which I rarely do he actually called it cruelty which you know I get it anthropomorphizing wow I said that you know but you know you you can’t

    Judge because yeah Doug I I I had a dog I’ve had dogs that hated dress being wearing clothes of course and I never I don’t dress my animals all the time but but um it’s fun I think there’s a moment of connection between you here because

    Look all pugs look pissed off all pugs look pissed off hey got as long as they’re positive about it it’s okay Doug’s bitter because he can’t dress like Barbie and in his work life and I am apparently because my cat gets more male than I do yes that’s that’s true and I I

    Wish my cat got more mail than me God that would be amazing I think we can organize that maybe next time Heather it is one minute past 10 we need to go and help people move to Portugal so thank you very much for being here this

    Morning I shall say goodbye to you need to have a look at Owen’s dinner from last night so I’ll say goodbye to you now and we’ll see you soon back on this screen here thanks for being with us this morning CIA Chow Absol love to you and all your animals

    Over there and to the husband who teaches the um parrot strange words uh I do want a Friday okay so watch us on our new podcast at nine o’clock on Friday evening where Doug promises to be dressed like Barbie and if Heather you still got those wings I think they would

    Make a fine addition to douge out f as well let’s take a look at Owen’s dinner which he’s very kindly sent us on an O 0351 00351 913 5933 this looks fabulous only trouble is can’t find it um right now oh yeah here it is um not a dog’s dinner as we were

    Talking about there with um Heather or a cat’s dinner but a beautiful what is this that um that that Owens cooked up last night so juicy he says a s steak pan fried carrot leak and potato mash creamed mushrooms and spinach video to follow on Owen food Alchemy on YouTube

    And of course we’ll see him again soon on Craft Beer corner you going to come and see us in Kash the weekend we’re going to see um James there from the anom brewery of course from l so I’m looking forward to that and I think

    Saturday is the day that we be at the beer festival in kashh going to get the train over there and I have a few beers woohoo says Doug looking forward to his wings and Barbie out and can Barbie dressed like a pug I guess so um this is

    This Today’s show has opened so many cans of worms that we can’t possibly uh conclude or resolve or come to any agreement on this morning but we’ve got tomorrow and we’ll see you with the portuguesa um after his controversial well the latest of his controversial videos portuguesa on YouTube check it

    Out um and you can have a chat with him tomorrow when he joins us tomorrow morning on the Thursday edition of the good morning port IAL show so we’ll see you then take care and bye for night you can have one of these a nice big round

    Of applause for you and we’ll see you again tomorrow morning take care bye for [Applause] Now

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