This week i take a trip along the canal and bake in my makeshift portable oven. And whilst we are at it, let’s talk fishing.

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    Cyrusher Trax, Step-through All-terrain Ebike

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    #wildcamping #stealthcamping #adventure #ebiketour #vlogs #healthylifestyle #cyrusher #ebike #oex #eurohike

    Well good morning good afternoon or good evening whenever you’re watching this video really welcome to or welcome back to my ebike Adventures so um what are we doing today well as you can see behind me we’ve got blue skies so I’m going to make the most

    Of that today it might be blue skies but uh it’s still pretty fairly nippy but what we’re going to do today we’re going to go back to um the Royal military Canal essentially um to a spot where I camped in December um because on my last video somebody mentioned

    About um having a stew etc for camping so off to you sir thank you thanks so after that comment on the video I thought I would see about making a stew but what every stew needs is dumplings as well so um which got me on thinking about baking while we’re out

    Camping so what I’m intending to do today is we’ll set up a fire and uh essentially I made some uh scone mixture so today hopefully I’m going to be uh oven baking a couple of scon which uh I did my blue P thing and uh I prepared them

    Earlier only the mixture mind and I just cut them out um but yeah we’ll uh when we get there we’ll get everything set up and hopefully we can uh have some nice SCS yeah it might be nice today um like skywise but uh this time of year obviously comes with

    Its consequences because tomorrow’s forecast is torrential rain and uh we’ve actually had um some milder rain of late so I’m hoping that this track isn’t quite as muddy as it has been in the past but yeah it’s actually quite warm if you stand still or if you’re just walking mildly but

    Uh yeah riding through into the windo can get a bit um chil on the old hands for sure also as well because of the canal I’ve been thinking about um thank you I’ve been thinking about um getting my fishing tackle well somebody said to me on the comments

    Excuse me I can’t remember names I’m terrible for things like that um but said oh it’s a perfect opportunity to go fishing and uh yeah it is actually it is um unfortunately for me about 30 years ago someone thought it was going to be a

    Good idea they broke into my uh into my garden which was really not that well accessible and uh they stole about2 and half th000 worth of sea fishing and freshwater fishing equipment and I’ll be honest I didn’t have insurance and uh I know silly me right so um yeah unfortunately I kind of

    I just lost heart in it all in fishing but going to the canal a few times now sitting there and after a comment about fishing I was like yeah maybe it is time to rekindle that that love I had once cuz I used to

    Love it I used to go fishing when I was like 6 years old you know all the way up to my 30s probably or well mid 20s and then yeah unfortunately I had all that stolen um so oh it’s my favorite it’s mud hopefully I can go around the majority of Ito

    Yep mission successful the water does seem to hang along here though on the surface for so long and it’s quite a popular route for people walking their dogs cyclists like myself cuz it’s absolutely beautiful along here and in the summer well yeah that’s absolutely gorgeous it’s been a a place that I’ve

    Love to come to and escape the harsh reality of Life on quite numerous occasions to be honest throughout my years living down here in Southeast Kent oh no can I get yes I avoided the big puddle So yeah I’m thinking next week because uh one thing I did find actually um while I was digging around that’s not paying attention went through a load of mud and didn’t want to turn because I don’t want this bike to go sideways and I know some of you might be

    A bit disappointed that I didn’t crash but I’m sure there’ll be another one coming at some point but yeah anyway so um while I was having a good old search for something last week actually found a uh a 12T float rod essentially that I purchased for a

    Holiday when I went on the norol broads um now I remember buying it and I obviously had a reel and everything else those things though I just can’t seem to find anywhere so I’ve got alone Rod which has literally just been used once um so my thoughts

    Are that uh maybe next week I’m going to take a ride out to Canterbury the city of Canterbury and uh essentially that’s where I go to get a lot of my stuff because they’ve got a big go Outdoors store there so I’m thinking yeah next week perhaps we can go over

    There um take you along for the journey and uh Go and show you the store and some of the bits that I’m going to get essentially but I think it’ll be a nice ride um I’m still not sure which route is like fre routes to Canterbury

    Um I don’t really want to take the main route I’ll be honest with you cuz it’s quite a fast Road um and yeah to be honest with you like Fast roads I mean they’re all well and good but I always feel a little bit more vulnerable when there cars doing

    60 well they should be doing 60 but I’ll be honest with you there’s many as many cars that go along there and they don’t they go way over 60 m hour because everyone’s in a hurry and everyone’s Above the Law well not everyone but you know and yeah I’m not saying that you

    Know people are driving unsafely but you don’t have much protection on a bike as you do in a car so um yeah I’m going to look for maybe some back some back roads that go there so that we can have a bit more of a relaxed Journey over to the city of

    Canterbury and maybe if we’ve got time we’ll uh we might even be able to go and explore the city as well but um we’ll have to see cuz it’s quite there’s a lot of elevation changes essentially so um I’m not really sure how the batter is going to fare but

    We’ll see when we get there I’ve Got Confidence that I can get there and back it’s just how much battery that I’ll have for the return Journey if we go exploring but uh oh oh the deep mud oh no oh oh oh saved it sideways again some of you will be

    Disappointed I bet so I bet half of you only tune tune in to see me crash I probably would um right anyway I’m here at my uh little spot where I did a Camp stealth Camp stealth Camp rather Camp stealth a stealth Camp as you can hear behind me there’s

    The uh Port limb tour going off right let’s get this bike hey that’s so steep I bet it doesn’t pick that’s the thing with the GoPro and the insta 36 60 they don’t really pick up on that on how steep hills are Etc absolutely nothing like you

    Know when when I look back at the footage sometimes I’m just like it doesn’t even look like a hill and I’m like trying to get up it but uh yeah yeah so thank you cameras for making it look nothing like what it is anyway I’m here I’m by the canal it

    Looks absolutely gorgeous today so um I’m going to turn all these cameras off and get set up right catch you in a [Applause] Bit right so uh I want to saw this little bit of wood up um so that we can use that for the fire that should be about the perfect size for our uh for our fire pit and uh it’ll be logs like this that will give us a good coals

    Essentially so that we can cook with so I’m just going to take another little bit off of here lovely that’ll do right one thing I uh I haven’t shown you yet um so I’ve got these natural BS um they’re really cheap they’re just um wood essentially wood

    Shavings uh all rolled up in into a ball now obviously these are quite easy to light if you’ve got a lighter but uh in the event that you don’t have a lighter and hopefully I’ll be able to show you although I’ve not tested this yet but uh hopefully we should be able

    To start this fire with uh the Bushcraft knife that I’ve got um from VSP knives um highly recommend anyone that’s looking for a Bushcraft knife it’s a good definitely a good place to start and uh they make some really good knives essentially all right so uh we got our Bushcraft knife and

    Also our Ferro rod and it’s this Ferro rod that’s going to uh make make the flame essentially so uh what we’re going to do how this works you run the base the spine of the knife 90° across the Ferro rod and as you can see although I’ve not used this one yet

    So um you want to get down close and get some Sparks in there and hopefully there we go that’s got it right let’s get some of that these are just uh Twigs that I found essentially lying on the ground so we can use these up get our fire

    Going yeah as I said um we’re going to be uh hopefully baking some scans uh with our fire pit there um but daytime so I’m going to make my lunch quite simple I’m just going to have a super noodle not tried these before they’re like a pot noodle typees thing but yeah

    I thought I’d give it a try CU it’s nice and easy I just need to boil up some water and uh now I could do that on the fire obviously um I’ve got a billy can um such purposes which I could use but we’re we’re not using the Billy can for that

    Today uh we’re going to use the Billy can as an oven so uh I just brought this with me because it’s nice and simple and it’s quick to use I brought an old gas bottle out with me today um there should be enough gas in there Famous Last Words um yeah there

    Should be enough gas in there to pour some water um to make that I’ve got coffee um Etc with me as well that I’m going to have right um another thing I don’t know I’ve seen a few people um mentioned about buying these um that say that they

    Don’t come with the feet the takana this one comes with these feet the hero that does not come with these feet I think it’s because um essentially the um the pot is that little bit smaller so there’s less head room etc for the parts to go inside also the her the hero

    Doesn’t come with this accessory as well which you can use obviously for a tent heater frying pan all sorts of other things so uh yeah just be bear that in mind I think the hero is about 35 39 so between 35 and 40 and this this one’s 70

    From go Outdoors so uh yeah to be honest I’ve thought the extra 30 you get about 1.2 L in this even though it’s a one liter pot um you can actually get about 1.2 lers in it um quite safely as well without it really sort causing an issue let just pouring

    Enough water in here for our coffee and really oh this is the uh it’s super simple I’m sure it is and I think I’ve made a big boo boo I think I may have only bought I need to find it really um I think I might have only just brought a teaspoon

    Oh you know I write lists all the time and um they’re not helping are they right anyway let’s uh that’s enough for me coffee let’s just put a little bit more in there and uh hopefully that’ll be enough right so uh went out and bought a brand new Billy can

    Essentially because my old one I couldn’t find um for the love no money so essentially I had to buy a new one the problem with this one is and it’s a bit of a school boy era because what I wanted to use it for is

    For baking as well um I don’t know if you can see these um these plastic these are plastic um so that’s not conducive to being on a fire so they do do metal ones so I’m expecting these to uh to not last for our uh our cookery session

    Today um and that’s a bit of a school boy error but um there are other ways of securing that lid um on there anyway so um yeah if these do come off then it’s not a big problem but yeah it’s a bit of a school boy error really on my

    Part our water is boiled we’ll turn that off and uh right I think first things first we’ll make our we’ll pour some water in there for our coffee and get that made right wonderful let’s give this a quick stir up it says Ready in four minutes so we pour it up to the

    Line I believe and stir give this another little stir up oh that’s uh much easier now that hot water has uh had time to soak into these noodles yeah these taste like super noodles with a bit of sauce essentially and eating with a teaspoon is not so bad after

    All but yeah sitting by this canal definitely gives me that urge to go fishing again oh that reminds me as well somebody commented on the canal and said that there was tension carp in there now I was under the impression that um this canal essentially was still filled with pretty much rud and

    Eels eels being in a massive abundance by the way um that isn’t the case because I’ve done a bit of research since but you know that was what I what understanding I had of the canal um so yeah the uh whoever whoever said that there’ll be carp in that Canal is absolutely

    Correct so yeah I’m uh I’m looking forward to uh maybe catching a carp or maybe a tench so yeah fishing looks like it could be on the agenda when I arrived at this spot there’s um quite it’s quite disappointing to see actually there’s uh a few Cris packets

    Just lying around on the ground couple of empty cans they weren’t here when I camped and it is quite annoying because people should be taking that stuff home with them um or if not I mean there’s bins all the way along here um you know every 200 300 yards or so there’s a

    Bin so why leave it here it just infuriates me really and to be honest with you you know eventually people doing that they just going to spoil it for everybody else because the local Council will probably get fed up with it or the land owners and they put signs up and all

    They restrict access along there and then how many people are going to miss out you know on such a beautiful location you know just a sh CU it it it weighs nothing you’re going that way home anyway so you’re passing a bin you know stop leaving your rubbish out in the wild

    People I’m not saying that any of my viewers would do such a thing I’m sure that kind of stuff comes with maturity for the most part that’s my only problem now I’ve come to the uh I’ve almost got noodle soup now just a the last little bit probably up to

    There so uh B appetite right I think um I’m going to turn that camera off just for now have a look at this fire see see where we are and then see about doing some baking although I think I’m going to have a drink of my coffee and just

    Chill and relax for a bit before I do anything else I think it’s uh scone making time which is uh what we’ve all been waiting for essentially well I know I have right so let’s just pop our board on there and we’ll bring out our Billy can right so what we do with

    This um essentially um we’re going to use it like this I lay this on top of the Embers in this configuration now um unfortunately um I did order a small grill that will fit in here um so that we can lay our scones on unfortunately it hasn’t arrived so I’ve cut out a

    Small square of uh this we’re going to slide that in there and then we’re going to pop our scon on top of this this is already being um just lightly greased at home already rather than bring out any any butter I just greased it before I left and then

    Here are the two scones that I prepped at home so I’m hoping that they’re both essentially going to fit on here although it might be a little bit heavy which I think it is actually it’s just a little bit too heavy and unfortunately it’s uh pushing that

    Down but um essentially what you want is um you know something with a that’s a bit sturdier um that will just sit there like so um inside the can such a shame and I don’t think I can put anything underneath that really I don’t even know if I can get both of

    Them in as well without it being problematic but we shall see right we going to pop our lid on smooth it out the way and then essentially there we have our oven got some nice hot Embers there ideally you’d want some uh heat resistant gloves to do this but

    Um that’s uh something on my list of something else to purchase but um right now I’m not sure how long these will take but essentially and as I said I’m not sure whe these plastic things are going to hold up there some other Embers that I just pulled out the fire

    Essentially you kind of want heat all the way around if possible we want that heat to transfer really ideally as I said on all sides for it to be an effective oven all right we’ll leave that for a few minutes and then come back and uh

    Open it up again in a minute and see how we are I think we’ve had mild success although they are a little bit on the burnt side but that’s because um this was actually touching the bottom but these are hooked although a little bit burnt on the bottom but uh if that was

    Raised um off of the bottom of the can then that wouldn’t be a problem at all right yep that’s cooked they are cooked but yeah they look gorgeous to be honest and if you don’t mind the crispy bits then that’s great but there we go fresh cooked scones out in the wild

    This looks and it tastes absolutely gorgeous little bit crispy on the outside but you know I like it I like it yeah so I’m not sure how well that’s going to pick up on the um on the camera but essentially that’s the kind of coals I probably should have cooked with

    Rather than it um I mean there was still a few Flames there but um again daylight hours um were evading us and I kind of wanted to uh make sure that we uh had enough daylight it was probably um hampered by the fact that the uh the tray hit the

    Bottom of the Billy can so um I will get better results essentially um when I get the tray when that arrives so um but we’ll do we’ll do something else um maybe some sort of pizza um on a uh sort of small French dick or something um that we can utilize the

    Billy can for as well right well uh that about wrapped it up again for another video um well almost um I’ll probably film some of my ride home as well and uh you can see some of that but uh yeah it wasn’t the um the best outcome with the scones um

    But as I said you know many a time now um that um aluminum foil just wasn’t rigid enough um so it touched the bottom and essentially that’s kind of what led um to the bottoms being burnt the way they were but um if you just took the top off um

    And you you know you discard the bottom bit they actually tasted really nice they were really nice actually um poly enjoyed them and I had them when they were still that little bit tiny bit warm as well so uh it gave them AOW AOW aoud enough time for them to cook through

    Fully you know so uh yeah but it you know I’m just thinking um yeah come follow me for some more useless cooking tips um but no uh in all serious um we we’ll do some others and uh yeah yeah perhaps if you if you’re going to

    Use a billy can for an oven um then don’t use aluminium foil um especially with something heavy like a scone mix um it’s just not going to work anyway um as always this daylight stuff is evading me fast so um I kind of need to pack down and and uh H tail it

    Out of here um but as always if you like this kind of content then um hit that like And subscribe button and uh hit the Bell notification um to get notified when I upload a video basically every Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. um but you can watch it anytime you like um but

    Yeah you know thanks again for coming along for the ride um wow um3 something subscribers already honestly I’m really stoked um and I’m really happy that some of you have come along and chosen to come along for the ride with me um yeah it’s really quite

    Inspiring really so uh yeah I’d like to you know whether you subscribe whether you just come along and watch the videos you know thank you from the honestly from the bottom of my heart um thank you very much I do really appreciate you know every single one um all the

    Comments as well um you know thankfully the Channel’s quite small so I do get around to answering all the questions um but uh obviously if it does grow then uh I I will always Endeavor to do my best um but yeah anyway enough of you be

    Yabbering I’ve got to get on crack on and uh pack away this stuff and uh H tail it out of here but yeah thanks again catch you Soon Right well uh we essentially I’m all packed up now ready to go um leave no Trace absolutely no trace of me being here in fact I’ve even picked up a few bits and pieces of crap other people have left behind anyway um my back camera is fine except my SD card’s

    Full so I can’t record it uh on the way home essentially right just going to walk walk the bike out and then uh yeah I don’t know if I’ll include this part of the journey in the video all that mud slippery going up that bank I’m glad I walked it out

    Oh righty he then let’s hit the road you know another thing as well that’s uh immediately apparent for me anyway my backpack feels massively lighter already let’s avoid this mud we’re not going to avoid it all have to go through that mad love it anyway enough of the silly voices

    Um yeah I I’d say my backpack weighs about 2 kilos at the moment and I would have said without weighing it it was about 4 and 1/2 kilos um when when I came out essentially I picked up an ebike battery and then picked up my bag and

    They were very very close so uh yeah I’m guessing that was about 4 and 1/2 kilos on my back and I’d say that’s halfed at the moment so uh yeah the things I’ve eaten um the water for one obviously that weighs quite a bit um but yeah makes it makes the journey home

    Much more bearable right I’m thinking as well oh it’s going to be so nice when the spring comes cuz all these dead trees you know that’s they’re all going to come alive well not the dead ones but you know the non Evergreens that’s all going to come

    Alive and it’s going to be such a beautiful color coming through here oh we got a car coming down here must be uh Council officials cuz uh there’s no other way for a car to get access along here essentially is he moving or is it must be something to do with either the

    Csel or the uh or Port Loom Zoo cuz I know they can get access along here but yeah that’s the first I’ve never seen that before oh it’s quite cold though that wind’s bitter


    1. Hi Glen, another great video. I really enjoy your content. I'm an E cyclist and so is my partner. Could you give some more info as you ride on ebikes, legal parameters, makes etc. I hate to critique but believe as an example you should wear a helmet, especially off road tbh…..please give me a shout out on your next show. Regards AndyC.

    2. I'm sorry Glen, I'm late with my useless comment. To be honest, I had spent Monday with my other hobby, amateur radio, a new transceiver arrived and wanted my full attention.

      I want to make it short. I'm more of a depressed old man, but I heard myself laughing out loud several times during this video. Especially when you tried to outsmart physics in the oven with a piece of aluminum foil.

      Your summary, your calm humor and the authenticity overall brought a nice conclusion and rounded things off. Thanks again, never stop beeing like you are 🧠💪🫀

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