Vanlife UK Adventure : The Best Overnight Parking Location in North Yorkshire?

    Welcome to my channel! Join me on this exciting vanlife UK adventure as I explore the mystical Druid Temple Stones near Masham in Yorkshire. In this video, I take you along on my journey in my trusty Citroen Dispatch camper van, sharing insights into vanlife experiences and the allure of ancient sites.

    Discover the rich history and significance of the Druid Temple Stones while I immerse myself in their serene surroundings. As I delve into the mysteries of these ancient monoliths, I also discuss various vanlife issues, offering tips and insights garnered from my own experiences on the road.

    If you’re passionate about vanlife or fascinated by ancient history, this video is for you! Join me as I embrace the freedom of life on the road, share my thoughts on leaving behind mountain biking videos, and offer a glimpse into the unique joys of sleeping under the stars in my cozy van setup.

    Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more exciting Vanlife UK adventures and exploration of intriguing destinations like the Druid Temple Stones! Let’s embark on this journey together. 🚐✨

    00:00 Vanlife uk
    02:05 Lets Go
    03:25 No More MTB Videos
    05:20 The Druid Stones Temple Pilots
    07:55 I Love The Forest
    08:49 Vanlife Cooking Dandelion Wine
    10:58 Vanlife Garden Center Harrogate

    #VanlifeUK #DruidTempleStones #YorkshireAdventure #CitroenDispatch #VanlifeIssues #Masham #AncientSites #VanlifeTips #OutdoorAdventure #TravelUK #CamperVanLife

    Thanks to my Patreons:
    Kenvin Hallam
    Che Che
    Adam Parker
    Mark Thorpe

    Parking location can be found at

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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    Welcome to the Yori Dales well we’re back out in the van again straight after work on a Friday to this really quite nice location which I’ll show you tomorrow morning because it’s ABS when I say it’s pitch black out there it’s absolutely pitch black out there so I’ve

    Turned up it’s probably about what time now it’s about half 7 it’s very very peaceful and outside occasionally I can hear an owl hooting away the diesel heaters on just to take that little edge off we’re not exactly eating like royalty tonight we’re having a pot Noodle and a can of John

    Smiths got that Curry pow strong welcome to Ellington fth now if you can imagine the most perfect Park up for me would be somewhere remote so you were dark skies and then somewhere that was near the Woodland or a river or a stream and that’s exactly what I’ve got here

    The only sound we’ve got this morning pheasants Birds last night was an hour and it’s not often that I actually find a place where I have a good night’s sleep and believe it or not I only woke up once last night in the van which has

    Got to be an absolute record for me perfect parking and I’ll put the details of this further on in the blog if you want to go and get them just listen to that the conditions are actually not that bad here there’s a little bit of mud when it comes to the ground few

    Little puddles here and there but baring that it’s actually quite good now I think if you get here early enough you you’ll probably get the two best spots which are perfectly flat there are a few little bits of slightly off kilter so if you’ve got any band ramps it really will

    Help let’s go pep let’s Go you’ll find on the way down towards the Biv whack but a lot of the roads are all single track like this well you know what I mean when I say single track coming from mountain bike because obviously these were meant for horse and cow these weren’t meant for modern day

    Traffic so just be prepared if you’re coming down here that’s any later than early morning you’re going to get into the old reversing and backing up and things like this so I would recommend that you come nice and early get the roads to yourself nice and peaceful I’ve been asked here on the channel quite a few times when are you going to be doing Mountain bite videos again and the easy answer to that is I’m not not for the foreseeable future anyway there are so many great Mountain bik channels out there that I think that my content

    Just got lost in the flood with everybody else’s and it really didn’t Stand Out hence it didn’t really work a vast part of that Community was very toxic towards me and I’ve talked about that on the channel some of the things that were said to me were absolutely horrific appalling that mountain bike

    Community I have made the best friends ever friends for life and that won’t change at the minute in my life I’m just enjoying the Solitude of being in the van getting no sleep hence the glasses you know I don’t sleep very well when it comes to the

    Van Channel at the minute is in a bit of a transition why I don’t really know which way I’m going are you going down the van life are you going down the Great Outdoors a combination of those two I would really love to do but the mount some biking unfortunately is no

    More I even considered get rid of both the bikes but as I said I have made some of the best friends ever and I probably will keep the bike for those I’m not saying I won’t do the old mountain bike again in the future but at the minute

    It’s the Great Outdoors van life and just getting out there and I hope you will stick around and support me through this journey because I can’t really do it without you the dream the pipe dream the pipe dream would be in order to get a few patreons and build it up

    Eventually over a few years and be able to give up work and travel and make more content but I’m sure everybody out there wants to do that same sort of thing but that’s the pipe dream that’s what I really want to do but I can’t do it without your support anyway there’s some

    Woods to get lost in there’s some Druid temples behind me let’s go and have another little look so now you know Welcome to the through its Temple up near massam these were built by somebody called William Danby who was a very wealthy landowner and at the time

    There was a real unemployment issue in the Villages around the area and so he paid them a shilling a day to build this what he claimed was based off Stone Henge as was fashionable over 200 years ago Thomas actually hired a Hermit to live in the hall in one of these walls

    And he stayed there for seven years way down deep in the middle of the jungle the only stipulation was he wasn’t allowed to cut his hair he wasn’t allowed to speak to anybody and eventually he got sectioned sent him slightly mad this table slab here supposedly has been used by the UK

    Satanic Society people have found pigs heads and blood on here now whether that’s a myth to ham up the location and get more tourists to come here I don’t know now you know I know I love spooky things and have a real affinity for the

    Past evil and I just don’t get a Vibe here at all might be because I know a little bit about the backstory but it just doesn’t have that spiritual feeling for Me Maybe you come here and you feel completely different many people who claimed to do wild camping around here have said very

    Spooky strange things go on at night way down deep in the middle of the Jungle uh yeah no I haven’t lost me marble are some random instruments here in the woods what I was going to say to you was it seems to me that because last

    Night I slept so well in the van it’s got to be a thing of sound I didn’t even have the disp of heater on last night I thought I’ll just wrap up in the sleeping bag I was well toasty I only woke up once which is very rare for me

    So it has to be silent I think that’s what it is so whether I’m going to have to get some earplugs or maybe black out the uh the eyesight on a night time I don’t know because the woods were dark and it was just beautiful last night

    Night all he could hear was the owls and the birds occasionally and this morning was just like the crescendo the orchestra of the forest I absolutely loved it so let me know if you’re a van life of you slep Indy van whether it has to be absolutely silent or do you need a

    Disp backer on that Death go sign me Up there is something fundamentally awesome I think about being in the woods when it’s raining there’s just a certain atmosphere and I always find it’s the same thing thing when I go up to the Lake District I like it when it’s a little bit dark grim and

    Moody but maybe just maybe that’s my personality I really do enjoy being out in the woods a little bit Grim not the best for filming today I might get some more we’ll see I’ll go back to the van if it help if it holds up then I might go do some more we’ll See we’ll see I was going to be taking you guys with me for a 4 and 1 half mile hike here around the forest and up onto the malls but it looks like the weather’s going to be absolutely terrible now the forecast has completely changed as it

    Does if you’ve been to the Lake District you’ll know that it’s got its own mini climate 20 minutes later it’s completely different sunshine and whatever unfortunately here in Yorkshire we’ve gone from Grim to Grimmer so I probably will knock this little hike on the head it’s not the best for filming however I

    Am staying out for two nights and I might just there’s a logo on the bag there’s no logo on the bag I was given this little mother to review so I may look at this tomorrow and what it is it’s not a tent well it’s kind of a tent you’ll find out

    In the next video coming on the channel I think might have given it away when you’ve seen the label but we will be looking at this little mother in another video coming real soon watching the on Tennessee Hills I wish I could it I never

    Will CU I’m not a painter can’t stay in the light just sitting here sipping on D L why you make change On just popped into a Garden Center here in aragot just for a coffee and a buy eight quid I know we say sometimes when you’re going to go out and do van life it’s all about saving money and things like that but do you know what it is I think I

    Just need to get a lot more organized when it comes to food and clothing and the thing that really Buggs me about van lifee is storage now the van lifee group the people out there living in small Vehicles how it doesn’t drive you insane I drive myself absolutely insane like

    The lens yeah I put it down I go to do something else go me pocket I’m sure I put it in that damn pocket and then I’m rumaging around in the van where is it where is it was in that pocket just little things like I put my

    Glasses up here I do something else I get out of B and then I knock my glasses out onto the floor and it’s just like all these little things just really really annoying me about van life oh I just feel like I haven’t got enough space but I can’t complain anyway

    You may have noticed here on the channel That occasionally we use torches I say we me being me booty boots on the ground and turn it off I can’t turn it off well that’s just great that’s another one you may have noticed that I use head

    Torch now I’m using this which is the fenex let me get this right this is there’s a 65t this is the 65t um baby this is the top of the range one because in my life I may not have much money but the money that I do have I

    Like to buy good things top of the top of the range that I can get now I can highly highly recommend this head torch it comes with one of those I think they call it an anaconda where you can twist it on the sides make it tighter

    But the thing I like about this torch is that it has multiple levels of brightness uh such as that’s flood but it also it also has three levels of spot light as well which is probably no good me showing you this in the van right now but it’s really really comfortable and

    The thing I like about this is it lasts a long time and it’s super super bright now the reason I think this is called a TR not because it’s ridiculously priced is because a lot of Trail runners use it and this is something that I wouldn’t mind actually getting into being out on

    The malls especially on the nighttime that feeling of vulnerability of being out in Mother Nature is something that i’ really likeed to get into now I hated running when I was in for par I absolutely lutely hated running they they got us to do like 5 miles three or

    Four times a week and I I I suffered and I hated it but eventually you seem to your Fitness gets to a certain level and then as we came over the Cav Lake Golf Course one Tuesday on PT I felt like I couldn’t feel my legs not in that way

    But it was like we were sprinting and I wanted to absolutely belt it for the last mile and a half maybe a bit more we’re not talking 4 minute miles here but you know when we’re giving it some and I really enjoyed it it’s almost like

    You don’t feel your legs you just get into a momentum so I would love to get into fell running trail running so if you’re into all that sort of stuff and you want to take an absolute Noob will’ll probably run from here to other side of car par and blow a lung

    Out let me know how I should proceed and get into that or where I should be going I suppose do you do you do this on hiking trails or do you do this on normal well foot paths I guess so yeah so it’ be around the otlet area so if

    You’ve got any suggestions let me know in the meantime I think I’m going to be heading over Utley way cuz last night I H me looking a little bit tired I stayed out at uh is it elvington Forest uh we went to The Druids see The

    Druids STS so I probably might not stay out tonight I’m a little bit tired but we might just go out for Sunset if there is any it’s pretty Grim but we shall find out it’s all on life it’s all good let’s get going boots let’s get going


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