Instagram: sarahbwater
    tiktok: sarahbwater

    Cling of roses too it all comes back to you it all comes back to you la La la la la la prium la la la la la la la la la la oh la la la la oh la la la oh if you feel lonely say it loud there’s no time like present tell like you feel it say it proud be true and let

    Us see you for the star that you are no point in dreaming small cuz there’s a RoR flying around and darling there’s no time to be down the S you’ll be coming AES soon all comes back to you it all comes back to you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh youoh ooh ooh

    You the word is your be call of roses soon all comes back to you all comes back to you Play it cool you got to look right I got to keep it smooth you going to want it right they going to bring it down I got to feel good you want to see my moves let’s we going to build it up and then we tear it down they going to know our

    Name all over this town we going to Stir It Up and do things our way so if you want to BR we get out of our Way I’m feeling fly tonight like a rocket ship I want to drive fast in this red wheel and show all yeah I can glit a ball and play some dop I want to play the game I want to roll it dice I got an easy hand it’s going to Make let’s get our shoes on I’m know with all you fussing this party totally busting Oh la la la la oh la la la la oh la la la la oh Lac La if you want to say it say it loud cuz someone out there listen if you’re going to think you think out loud cuz you don’t know what you miss until you let them all in oh oh oh tell them what it’s all about oh oh

    Oh and if you’re going to dream it dream it be cuz someone out there listening everyone’s got a voice to give and it’s time I here you whistling cuz there’s no point at all oh oh oh in dreaming small oh oh oh oh is there RoR flying

    Around daring there’s no time to be down s you’ll be cling of roses too it all comes back to you it all comes back to you la la la la oh la la la oh la la la la la oh la la la la la la la la la la la

    La la la la oh if you feel lonely say it loud there’s no time like PR tell like you feel it say it proud be true and let us see you for the star that you are no point in dreaming small cuz there a ruler flying around

    And darling there’s no time to be down the sun say you’ll be coming AES soon all comes back to you it all comes back to you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh youoh you the word is your V calling of roses soon all comes back to you all comes back to You Play you got to look right I got to keep it smooth you going to want it right they going to bring it down I got to feel good you want to see my moves we going to build it up and then we tear it down they don’t to know our

    Name all over this town we going it up and try it okay we’re switching scenes we’ll see if everything’s working or not hi guys do we have audio do we have video what’s going on hello hello everyone I’m in the UK I’m in Plymouth good day everyone almost good

    Afternoon sorry it’s a little bit of a late start I had a mail package this morning all right well the tour is starting now surprise I think I told you guys that I was going to Greece but um no we’re doing a winter UK tour instead um it’s

    Really hard to get your bike out of Plymouth is what I’ve learned today well not today I leared in the last few weeks so we have to ride our bike to an airport um so that’s the plan we’re going to do a little UK winter touring

    To get to an airport before we go to Greece um but yeah look at my bike it’s still here after baning it for 6 months um we have Mitch over here if he wants to say hi more scared more scared yeah m c my bike for like 6 months he bought me new

    Pedals oh yeah pedals yeah he even got me a bike box packed it up and then I was like oh it’s really hard to ship a bike never mind and he apparently cleaned mold out of my helmet yeah it was apparently looking scary vinegar V vinegar and warm water

    Yeah so thanks for keeping it hopefully yeah so mitches with us is going to cycle for a little while until it’s probably a good time to turn around cuz he has to come back I’ll do about 10 15 miles video cuz B will turn back that’ll

    Be 20 or 30 yeah that’ll be a good day look there’s dogs playing in puddles oh okay that’s a good start to the trip look at this oh my Lord he’s doing circles I need a video of this hold on friends oh no he stopped oh my God

    Gosh they’re having so much fun okay sorry sidetracked Joe thank you for the 12 months oh I don’t have sound okay we should have sound GRE is the word gree is the time is the place is the motion sorry I almost missed that thank you Joe Greece is the word grease

    Is the time Greece is the place in motion thank you all right are you guys ready for another Tour Winter touring I’m scared I don’t like the cold but here we are um so yeah I guess we’re heading this way oh there’s another dog there so many dogs right so warm with [Applause]

    Me I’ll soon warm up hopefully I got how many layers on 1 two three four four layers on it’s about 10° 10° 10° yeah 10° but yeah let’s get our helmet back on so yeah I haven’t rode this bike since I crashed we did just a few minute ride to test it out

    But I took it to the bike after I crashed and it got a good look over so hopefully it’s all good okay I just need to adjust the cable and then we can get touring there a I already got all right guys go back s thank you you can’t

    Oh why isn’t my chat rotating maybe I don’t have screen rotation On weird I didn’t expect that to be my first problem chat rotate huh why isn’t it rotating it’s stuck sideways 1 second maybe I have it so it doesn’t rotate oops now I’m pressing buttons auto rotate I think it’s on now okay oh there’s there we go okay guys we got

    It the dogs are having the time of their lives all right let’s do this I just need to put my gloves on okay oh you know what I should do is uh fix my nose right before we go um so my plan for the UK touring I kind of have two

    Options is I can either ride to London and get a flight um I’d go a different way than how I came before maip 250 just resubscribed for 11 months thank you maip for 11 months so yeah we could go to London or we could go to Manchester a very different

    Way poy 37 K 100 thank you poppies for the 100 and thanks you maep for the 11 months so yeah well we’ll have to decide where we want to go but we can decide when we get towards Bristol okay ready yeah Ready Steady go ready steady all

    Right be noisy for a while because of the traffic yeah ring towards some traffic here but it’s a good place to start like look it come out here when it’s sunny yeah okay let’s go okay the camera might be a bit tilted so you guys will have to adjust

    Me all right let’s start this tour day one UK and we’re off so I’m definitely not in biking shape so this story might be a little hard on me I guess this is the pre- tour before the real tour oh shoot I’m on the wrong side of

    The road already guys I’m in in the UK I need to remember that we’re biking with Mitch uh I think his username is Mitchie in chat he stored my bike for like 6 months when I crashed and he has a lot of bikes and does a lot of bike riding so he’s

    Joining us for the first um like 10 15 miles yeah there he is yeah Mitch not hitch close yeah welcome everyone we’re back on the road so my plan is to do some camping even though it’s winter in the UK I do want to try to do some camping I

    Actually brought a camp stove with me it’s the one that I brought in Japan for like my very first tour because I thought if I was cold I could whip up some boiling water and um trying to warm myself up with the warm water

    So I did bring a stove on this trip so hopefully we can do some cooking that could be fine camping in this sweather yeah I’m going to cry Trevor right before I left he’s like so Sarah what were some of your favorite days of traveling like what moments do you really

    Love and I was like why is he asking me this so I told him he’s like all right remember those you’ll have to remember those when things get miserable for you I was like oh he’s like yeah this trip you’re not going to enjoy it very much

    Cuz it’s going to be cold I was like oh gosh Trevor he’s like you just need to remember the moments it’ll be fine oh go okay my sound was too quiet I no my sound was too loud at the park but now with the cars I can’t hear

    It but I think that was was that Jacob with the 200 bits can someone retype that message that came through cuz I kind of missed it about to up my volume s more Vi shot enjoy UK and hopefully we avoid the rain thank you thank you I hope so too actually yesterday was

    A pretty sunny day I was doing so many like chores and tasks I had to complete but it was nice yesterday today’s a little cloudy all right oh I don’t think I’m on my mic guys I think we’re on the camera mic all I’ll have to tell Mitch that I need

    To pull over I just need to get closer to him one sec guys Trevor’s going to check for me okay M just point I’m too far away oh there’s a train I I’m going to pull over for one second oh here here oh Trevor fixed it there goes the Train all right the wind should be much better there we go much better yeah I know the mics make a huge huge difference I’m using the road Wireless pros and guess what guys I have an affiliate link for a road now if anyone’s interested in some mics that will cut out window

    That’s a fun new thing all right they all for a b you get around there but take you that’s a rude turn don’t fall off your bike don’t fall off your bike I got passed all right let’s go oh I I sorry I lost my words I’ll

    Have to stop for food and a coffee at some point hopefully in a not long future cuz I haven’t had breakfast or coffee today um apparently there’s a grocery store Sansbury or sandsbury coming up so I might have to check her Out yeah thank you welcome to the UK messages I got here Um like I think it was on uh Saturday Saturday evening well no Saturday afternoon I arrived into London and then I took a 7-hour bus to Plymouth it was a long long travel day the bus after my huge flight was a bit killer the bus was also 2 hours

    Delayed so yeah it was like 9 hours of flying and a 7h hour bus but I don’t think I’m that jet leg thank you yeah pus is pretty far from London it’s a good truck but uh look at us we’re on a sidewalk we’re not on the roads right now that’s pretty Nice all right my brakes work that’s good it’s kind of tight in here isn’t it thank you oh here’s the same spre oh I need to up my volume ah ah I need to stop one second okay my volume is full blast I think Alex gifted some subs how many

    Subs did Alex gift us he CJ’s here I keep trying to ride on the right side of the road I’ll get you used to it two two gifted songs from Alex thank you Alex the person in fronts um is Mitch he kept my bike for 6 months for me after I crashed and his that’s chat his name is Mitchie yeah we’re on an actual like cycle route today so it’s a nice start to the tour yeah very nice of him cuz I was

    Like oh I crashed I need to go the twitchcon and then I’ll come get my bike but I did not do that oh Alex is in a work Road couple miles away oh really avoid all right there goes our bike pass this is yes my sign language was for Alex all

    Right let’s do some Road riding it’s cuz I talked about the cycle PA isn’t it as soon as you mentioned them they disappear oh gosh Alex left their gifted nonbinary cor Subs Alex left gets it a tier one sub to nonbinary uncore they have given 497 Subs in the channel thank you Alex

    For gifting us sub to nonbinary appreciate it I don’t think he can hear me but I do appreciate it why do we go in the middle that’s so weird well there’s kind of a bike line right now there you go this road riding isn’t too bad I must

    Say I just need to remember left side of the road Sarah to the left to the left don’t ride on the right but I have a question are you also supposed to walk on the left side cuz I feel like people aren’t doing that it is kind of weird being on my

    Bike again though it felt a little weird at first cuz I’m like oh last time I rode this I fell that bus actually says beware of cyclist stay alert people walk on both sides on the UK so there’s no like way to do it here cuz I’ve been trying to walk on the

    Left and then I feel like everyone’s on the on the right I’m probably in the wrong gear beware cyclist they bite yeah so keeping up I’m trying my hardest but I’m also trying to reach chat so I get a little behind sometimes cuz yeah Mitch likes the cycle

    He’s gone on quite a few bike trips he’s showing me some photo yesterday yeah the guy in front of us is a a twitch chatter if we’re voting between London and Manchester you vote Manchester I was going to have a thing where [ __ ] could vote and you guys choose my direction

    Cuz we’re going to do something new on this stream this is a little teaser we’re going to have a thing called side quest um which you guys can unlock different side quests that I go on so side quest will be like going to a certain city and doing like a walking

    City stream or doing a fun activity at a certain city maybe going to Wales or something like fun little side quest missions that you guys can unlock feel like that could be fun and it will switch it up from just biking to doing maybe some City

    Stuff and I thought calling it a side quest is fun cuz we do go on side quest sometimes here oh a bit of climb I’m not prepared take me with You that’s a nice fat you really got to see it oh my Lord here comes the asthma okay Mitch is flying okay I think we got through the worst part I just have asthma so my heart goes a bit crazy you used to mod here AR you still a

    Modder okay guys we’re good it just stopping I think I did not get a kickstand I went to a bike shop yesterday and they didn’t have any all right first hell I’m kind of sweaty already though just I to awkwardness here okay I’m unzipping all my layers oh nonbinary you have a different

    Account I see what you mean I could definitely mod you again I’m sweaty I on for a little while read the chapter stop this one oh you can use my data the other un oh it is can you read YouTube chat I don’t know if I can is there a YouTube chat in

    Here CU I don’t know if they look different or not on my phone yeah soes anyone want to test a YouTube chat and say hi from YouTube see if I can see it cuz I did try to add it to my queue I might take off my down

    Coat this would be the time I would like a kickstand I would say because now I can’t take off my coat okay yeah my side quest mission is to find a kickstand you guys are going on the floor for a second get here oh my gosh okay so I’m wearing a

    Fleece well I’m wearing a Marin whe t-shirt a fleece a down coat and like a windbreaker it’s a little too much I wonder if I don’t need the windbreaker I’m going to try without a windbreaker okay did I want to write it from YouTube so I don’t know if I can see it

    I might have to look into that YouTube Chat thing cuz I’m using stream buddy and you can have both implemented I was melting yeah the down cut was a bit overkill on top of a police yeah it was cold wasn’t it okay I’m also switching to not full

    Gloves still early it was quite a bit bmer yesterday was it it was I think it’s cuz the sun was out a bit more okay you got both open doesn’t look like you’re seeing it okay once we um once I stop and sit down I’ll try to get YouTube

    Going um I just have to do some settings I think yeah so sorry YouTube um I’ll get i’ll it working cuz there is a way um I might have to do one more thing before we take off my phone is quickly dying well the weather looked like it

    Was supposed to be good for a few days for me just plug in my Phone okay we can get going again oh yeah that will help hHow I yeah so I know I can I must just have the wrong Link in there so I’ll just have to find what link to put into stream buddy all right ready yeah last time I did bring the Sun to the

    UK hopefully I could do that again yeah one another one oh look at this traffic circle I went through the middle FES that’s what killed me last Time King C 2,112 just resubscribed thank you for 8 months hello Sarah sorry I missed the beginning of the stream I hope your bike is doing well and you are having a good trip so far how’s it been holding up in your absence I think you can call for the 8

    Months I believe no worries about missing the start of the stream we’re just getting going now really uh everything’s going pretty good it kind of feels weird to be back on my bike again I’m a little scared about some things but I’ll get used to it fast I

    Think but yeah the last thing that killed me was a pothole where are we going okay I figured out where we’re going I was a bit confused do you leave of the train uh I think Mitch might have done that he was taking really good care of my bike he

    Was looking over it to make sure it was all all good doesn’t sound crunchy currently to or could for you gifted CLA without Ary a subscription to or could for you gifted a tier one sub to CLA without Ary have 304 gift Subs in the channel thank you T for the gifted Subs

    I think the bikes go on this side and then the people go on the left for this road but yeah sometimes the other roads here look nice and all a sudden they’re H hold like crazy Trevor said I’m not allowed to crash anymore oh Lizzie unor senrose raided my stream

    With 58 viewers Lizzy senrose thank you so much for the raid welcome in Raiders hi everybody welcome to the UK um today is my first day of bike touring we’re back on the road again um I’m currently in like Plymouth in the UK and my plan is to cycle to a big

    Major airport so either Manchester or London and then we’re going to go fly to Greece so I’ll be in the UK for like uh maybe cycling for for around 10 days and then we’re heading over to Greece to do my my tour well what are you guys doing on stream

    Today hope you had a good stream and I’m Sarah by the way I don’t know if I said that oh there’re streaming travel Z doors walking through the day at the beach okay so they’re Outdoors as well how was the weather over there we got swy yeah I think we got swy and

    Chat hot and humid here ah it’s a little bit colder in the UK I’m doing uh camping as well on this trip I’m going to try to Camp as much as I can and I’m a bit nervous about how cold it will be so I brought a little camp stove with

    Me so I can boil some water if I need to get warm fast my GPS is not eting speed accurately okay we’ll have to look into that we um switched some of our GPS stuff around there’s so many of these Gates holy I’m a little

    Sick uh now I don’t have speed to get up this hill Oh no I didn’t steal any of Trevor’s cold temperature equipment for this trip I’m out of gears just got to get up this hill okay look at those pretty flowers hi from the The Raid tour as the France no tour to

    Sarah I’ve actually cycled part of the tour to France though um when I was on a Tanda bicycle I think but yeah this trip is kind of hard to explain um in June I was riding from do and following like the coast of the UK and I got to

    Plymouth and I crashed my bike so I left it here and I’m finally back picked up my bike and uh yeah the plan was to go to Grace but I couldn’t get my bike out of Plymouth so we have to ride our bike out of Plymouth I don’t know if that makes sense

    I’m really tired this is a hill it probably doesn’t look like a hill but I’m out of Gears yeah but yeah we had a lot of Adventures in between my bike crash like I did a really big Asia tour I went to Japan kind of went all the way

    Down then I took a ferry to South Korea explored around South Korea did a bike tour around juu Island then I flew to Taiwan and rode my bike all the way around Taiwan thank you there a house are nice yeah I’m just out of Gears yeah I

    Know I think I do have a trip command you guys could try it out I forget what I wrote in it I did res up earlier and it blocked like the entire uh screen could be moved up a little oh so screen more the top cuz I might be able to slightly change

    It oh the shout out’s not working oh my God no look at the whoa there’s GI GI Turtles here oh my goodness I thought that wasn’t much of a break this is why I can’t get up hills I don’t have many gears okay how’s my heart doing is a heart rate monitor on

    Screen welcome back to England thank you we’re back we don’t want to scare you ah why isn’t the heart rate on it must have disconnected as I’m wearing it I even made Alex buy me another charger because I couldn’t get it no heart going worry miles all right thank you all

    Right um so my bike is a what is my bike my bike is a Riverside 520 tour from decathlon I forget how many gears it has I think it’s like 11 or something but I could be so wrong I haven’t read this read this in so [Applause]

    Long oh my commands are all out of date we’ve done some tour in then take a break in a minute yeah maybe go downhill up another Hill then for a while okay I just a bench around no we can keep going for a little bit and see all right yeah

    Ready h no we don’t have hitch with us but we got a mitch with us by 11 yeah so I’ve toured on Trevor’s bike which is aona Sutra um and his bike has so many more gears I always feel like I ran out of climbing gears really fast like it’ll be

    Like barely a hill and I’ll be like well that was all my gears question of the day I thought I changed the question of the day I thought it was like have you been to the UK I swear I did change that one that house there all this used to be

    A big country or state oh yeah sold all the land off in the’ 607s and so that’s the original house at there chadwood house and all this is just gr trees wow we’re almost on edge of pouth now anyway around here we go on the so Lane in the road

    Whatever oh on the road one more Hill one more all right one more Hill we can do it I hope it’s always embarrassing being by cars and going really slow hey guys is anyone from America cuz guess what you can subscribe to hellofresh and use my code to receive

    One free breakfast item per box while your subscription is active we are currently a hellofresh partner so if you never checked out hellofresh and you’re interested and you also like breakfast Now’s the Time to check it out you do have to be a first time hellofresh

    User but if you want to it definitely helps support this stream but yeah it’s for America only this one but breakfast is always yum always yum but yeah my parents really like hellofresh cuz my dad was definitely not a cook and Hell fresh got him into the kitchen so they really like

    It with the easy to follow recipes and then Trevor and I used to it’s really fun to do of fresh recipes together and they’re good as well I just had three boxes before I left and they’re all Mighty delicious 10 out of 10 but yeah I said breakfast free breakfast

    For life all your subscriptions active yeah what am I is Grease Grease is apparently H I was looking at the climbing map it’s going to be a bit of struggle some days hey that girl has blue hair like me oh the right lane oh in the right second this

    Is I have no idea how roundabouts work but apparently we’re going for it thank goodness I had a toy guide we’re riding with Mitch he is a viewer in chat he’s also the guy that kept my bike at his house for 6 months [Applause] that’s another

    Hill so yeah he’s riding with us for a little bit today and he’s going to do a urn another one just wait some turn left after this little yellow on should be okay go go go huh I guess they don’t stop for cars or for people in the UK do they are you

    Supposed to what’s the rules yeah I heard there’s some climbing today cuz I had a goat in mind and I told Trevor 999 he’s like M you might not make it that far today oh we have the zebra Crossings a cuz in Canada our car will stop no matter where you

    Are we’re just always stopping oh new rules say they’re supposed to but no one does it all right well that’s good to know only on zra Crossings oh my Lord why it just keeps going uphill oh no we’re not going up okay thank you Lord see so yeah we’re starting in the

    UK to get to a major airport then I’m flying to Greece and going to bosia Albania and all those kind of places going up from Greece hey it seems flatter now maybe for a little bit St PS you said London Manchester Manchester is quite a bit further but that’s if we

    Want to have a bit more fun in the UK cuz I’ve kind of been to London but haven’t been in Manchester into country oh oh no I’m going to have to like sit down and sort that out um I look at the benches we got to go down this way bit L

    Okay there’s a p down might outside the oh there’s a right yeah Hills I don’t think so know first day you legs you wa legs muscles yeah they going down that way okay mostly yeah if there’s a village I might get coffee or food cuz I haven’t eatting

    Today have you no or coffee nothing nothing I just went to the post office have down hill down hell yeah okay my trip and troops command is confusing but I don’t know what command should be explaining what trip we’re on yeah no coffee I’m struggling I also

    Didn’t sleep last night like I was up till 4:00 a.m. I was like oh my God my lung’s at 600 um so yeah I’m a little dead inside I was really nervous about starting my trip the first day is always the hardest day when you arrive into a

    Country cuz you have all the problems you need to sort out to get get things moving nice so yeah I don’t know if it was jet leg or if it was just anxiety where did he [ __ ] [ __ ] is out of here maybe it’s a combination

    Yeah but um guys if you want to see how my day went yesterday I posted a um Instagram real and a Tik Tok a little mini Vlog of my day yesterday or no not of my day yesterday my travel day and then I’m currently editing the

    Footage of my day yesterday today so I’m trying to do mini Vlogs on Instagram and Tik Tok I don’t do I not have a Tik Tok command I do have a socials command I think oh my gosh maybe I don’t I should anyway there’s my Instagram link

    My Tik Tok is also Sarah B water but yeah I’d love it if you checked out that video give it a little love trying to stay active on more more social medias instead of just twitch try them I always film so much stuff and then I never edit

    It this time I’m going to try to edit a video video every day even though I’m live Shooting for like hours it’s fine down we go I’m really happy I took off that down coat every day yeah I know hey there’s a bench uh sure maybe since there’s a good bench

    There yeah I’ll try to get the chat going I’m in the wrong here okay cuz we’re also live streaming on YouTube so let’s try to get YouTube chat on my gness I just need to figure out what link I need drink some water maybe okay lean it in a

    Bit yeah it’s just hard to pick it up yeah YouTube Chat is dead but it should get coffee out machine yeah maybe some got proper CA time uh it’s 12 see it says my YouTube is connected connected to YouTube YouTube chat uh is anyone on YouTube right now can you say a little

    Hello cuz it says it’s connected little hello oh is that from YouTube a swagy said hi dang it I don’t know what link I need to make it work cuz I are we hello Channel ID okay let me see if I can find my channel ID okay I already put it in and

    Everything all right can I get another little hello from YouTube H I don’t know what to do I don’t think I saw any YouTube chats okay what time is it in Canada 5:00 5 in the morning okay cuz I could ask hitch yeah but he’s not going to be wake at five

    Hey once you are awake you help me get my YouTube chat chat working okay sending him some messages so hopefully he’ll see it when he’s awake uh Emon Alberta so I think I think it’s mountain time my hair is stuck in my Helmet okay slowly yeah it’s a little delayed see you there you go walked her how far do you think we’ve gone um six or seven miles I forgot to start recording it we done four miles okay maybe seven miles I know what I always say it’s like half eight

    So we done about n hey that’s not bad or 10 okay I’m going to just quickly send a DM to wyver the CEO of stream buddy uh I don’t think think he’s alive yet hey sorry okay I just need to send a picture to him oh my phone doesn’t want to send a

    Picture oh not camera photos I can s him a Selfie okay also message Trev okay wish she the best thank you neo okay we’ve done 11.2 km let’s drink a little bit of water and then we’ll definitely have to get some coffee do are you normally a lot faster on the bike not much no do a ride aage

    About 10 miles an hour okay I’m not fast so I’m you might be feeling really slow waiting for me behind you especially going up the Hills do it every now and then got a monthly contract the ve and if you they do an offer where you get have like unlimited data for like five days oh really oh a little promo thing yeah check na if you can can use the DAT

    Off this phone the fre the fre phone I’ve got is unimited anyway but that one’s the backup then theing not crashing oh well I gu trying and then it gets stuck keep say connecting oh on Twitch got the chat one you can connect to one on mine right

    Now but I know it doesn’t help you in the future matter because I have three going oh I know what it was the Wi-Fi yeah WiFi off this oh i’ got to wait a while for the data to pick up on that pH it’ll pick up in 20 minutes or a hot spot Weather thingy not working oh what is none of my commands working probably not weird Okay um I guess I’ll have to start making a list of things that not working this is what always happens when we first get back on tour it’s a bit of a hot mess for a little while before

    We’re all back together um it’s about 10° it’s kind of cold but not freezing like when I’m riding I feel good but once I stop I feel cold it’s part of the charm yeah it’s part of our uh streamer charm chilly cloudy not raining not raining not like

    Saturday oh Saturday it was raining yeah when I got picked up it was raining but Sunday was good okay I’m good to go whenever you are yeah is your phone connected or still [Applause] waiting yeah it’s working it’s working now okay I forgot cuz I got like 10 gab

    Data package on that oh yeah on that phone if it runs out that goes fast doesn’t it I use a water the other pH oh look it we got weather I think unless Mike just typed that in’s that uh we’re trying to get the weather command working oh weather command is broken but

    Not on your end wow look at us it’s not us for once in Canada it was able tot EAS work to fah or I can’t yeah I never knew that one multiply by 1.6 one 1.6 yeah in Canada it’s minus 21 where I live so it’s a little different still cold

    Though the helmet Sarah’s wearing kind of reminds me of a Soldier you’re Mitch who’s Mitch all right it right go down the road uh do a little loop around and over and then gets more more and more country more and more country all right let’s go welcome to the UK thank you so Ivory Bridge was a place I was looking at the map

    Yesterday yeah it’d be nice to get a little coffee that’s warm caffeine oh yeah we had a lot going on oh oh tiger gifted a sub to Wyber thank you tiger a subscription tiger a one to they have given 26 gift Subs in the channel it smells like

    Farm but yeah we got the CU of stream buddy up in here we got to get up this hill yeah oh yeah it’s strong we’re [Applause] good sorry I’m trying to message Wyber I didn’t realize he got back to me already so if what if you’re watching I did rename my YouTube

    Channel to make it the same as my twitch is that why the link isn’t working cuz Yeah I broke a couple YouTube links one when I changed my name it was a bit of a disaster uh it’s a YouTube thingy so I need to like I wonder what I can

    Do I couldn’t find your YouTube because of that oh dang what oh I should not have changed my name I just wanted them to be the same but yeah a few links have been broken and I tried to change my YouTube link and it does not

    Work cuz yeah a lasting dream he was my old YouTube channel and then I tried to rename it to Ser Bridgewater oh no this is Mitch not hitch okay why we give me a link so once I stop I’ll have to check that out so guys don’t change your YouTube name it causes

    Issues hey is that a new weather command thank you mods for doing so much stuff oh I got something in my eyeball I don’t have sunglasses I just realized seems like we got some weather things going on now okay so we’re using stream elements own weather command nice I wonder how hard

    It is for it to like change when we get to different places okay I’m going to stop um I’m going to stop over here okay you can’t hear me never mind we’re stopping later I was going to try to fix the YouTube we’ll do it once I’m stopped at a table

    Sorry my commands are all over the place right now wait what’s my trip command for this trip I thought trips was my country’s list and I thought trip was for what I’m doing right now hm I swear I made some commands but they’re not working all right it’s flat for a little

    Bit oh there’s a horse yeah my link is off solution don’t stop bother F say not TR had to fix it oh no okay thank you Wyber though I might have to I don’t know figure something out it’s weird that changing your name just causes that many

    Issues so how many people have had coffee today this the sunshine it was pretty sunny yesterday but today it’s definitely been a bit more cloudy when I went out this morning the clouds were like settled kind of down low it seemed kind of foggy I was like

    Uhoh but then they kind of went away a bit yeah had four nice cup of tea for me I am in England now maybe I need to get into tea oh gosh yeah oh a cold brew yum I’m in the UK so see what kind of see just blocked English

    Breakfast all right we got up the hill that car gave me so much room thank you are you calling me a snail dog so careful snails can die on this road are you referring to me it smells not pleasant there’s a new laot people are following more people to give a lot more

    Room to cyclos uses what is the rule here give them like a meter 1.5 ah nice I feel like a lot of people do give me space there’s just some that cut it a little closer then you would like but a lot of people are respectful I

    Feel there illegal as well camping in the UK I think it depends on where you are rules are changing one of my favorite places to cycle is Denmark CU they have little shelters that you can stay in for free it’s 100 lb Sunshine it is sunshine that’s nice that’s some good

    News smells like cotton candy yeah or what do you call it doesn’t it it’s better better than the f yeah why does it smell like on Candy huh go down here oh this is all right we have four more Kil C oh four more kilometers uh maybe I should

    Wait I’ll probably wait till I get to a cafe yeah oh my phone closed everything smells like a farm again guys no more CAU candy um my chat closed I’ll open it back up once I’m not going downhill I hit a bump and I think chat just said

    Bye oh there’s a little Hat Thing Mitch I’m going to stop I’m taking a picture it’s so cute I’ve heard about these it’s one of these things I know there’s some in Plymouth I think there’s at least a Facebook page about um they’ put them on post well post boxes

    Um it’s they call them like bonnets like bonnets or something like that b oh I guess this was it but they just made their own that’s the modern ones the old round ones around it’s so cute little bears having a picnic and a Memorial Garden

    Yeah there we go we got a flat bit but it’s alongside the main road so it’s quite noisy at oh is it the lane you can go around it’s a little bit hilly so you be better off on the flatter stuff yeah it’s cute though okay here no maybe it’s new at way

    Got Memorial oh yeah what all back on the road okay left I’ll let you go first yeah this seem busier that was a nice little downhill though all right so at 4 kilm I think we’re going to a town that will have a cafe we’ll get a coffee and maybe some food from

    There I think we’re going through a few towns today all right we’re kind of climbing again already now we going to turn back on all right this is Mitch in front of us he kept my bike for me at his house so he’s our tour guy for the start of

    Today cuz he’s into bike riding too so he’s joining us for the first section he’s a little faster than me though I was sh thank you the plan is to not crash this time it should be good I’m collecting Trev and mitches and hitches I

    Am yeah I got a lot of bagage with me emotionally physically draging us down I do have a Dynamo Hub the Dynamo Hub only charges wait no it doesn’t charge sorry it Powers the lights on my bike so I have front and rear lights all the

    Time so it doesn’t charge anything but I always have lights on which is good cuz I always forget to turn them on oh yeah guys guess what we’re using our brand new Bella box so I ordered the parts um for the new Bella box and it

    Got to my house after the road trip so I put it all together built it and and it seems to be working so far so yeah we got a new Bella box upgrades it’s a lot smaller a lot lighter and a lot less power hungry so my batteries won’t die as

    Fast which is going to be really really exciting cuz yeah the Bell box with pretty power hungry before and like I don’t know if this makes sense to everyone but my camera has an HDMI cable and I used to have to have the cable plugged into this little

    Thing called like a cam link and then that plugged into the Bell box so there was kind of like a weak point in the connection where things could fail but now the camera just gets directly plugged into the Bell box so that’s a bit better yeah

    And I have a Wi-Fi one of my Wi-Fi is Hots spotted to the Bell box you so technical I know hitch hasn’t built his own Bellow box but I have I didn’t know why I was watching it oh gosh he’s a smart guy I don’t know much about tech

    You have a dark CLA idea what is what is your dark CLA idea oh and someone asked where my camera is my camera is on my right shoulder that’s where you guys are so this is a slight uphill right now but it’s not bad this guy has a cool hat thank you yes

    Parrot or Predator you can pick AI steer the bike well a um swagy has some controls I I swy might be Ai and when he says go left I go left when he says go right I go right or opposite sometimes okay sometimes I do get my lefts and rights mixed up it

    Happens to the best of us this is an interesting path hunting lodge way are we going this way we have to think interesting welome back to the UK thank you very much we’re back I’ve been back for one full day I was so busy yesterday running

    Around trying to get all my stuff sorted before today but I did pretty good oh with a heavy bike I don’t trust it Trevor and I fell in sand once I don’t know go that way the thank you how about that good all right yeah okay

    Yeah I don’t trust sand and I don’t trust mud I don’t trust puddles I one of the modems might need reing all right I have to do that when I the plan is to go from Plymouth to either London or Manchester and then we’re flying to Greece so this isn’t

    Even my bike tour really this is just a rescue mission to get my bike um my plan was to um not even bike in the UK I just couldn’t get my bike to an airport so we’re we’re biking instead cuz like At first I was trying

    To get my bike on a bus but a lot of buses won’t take bicycles and the only bus that does take bikes said it was already full which was kind of weird to be honest um and then I was trying to Curry it to grease like have it in a box and

    Fly it but that got really confusing cuz I didn’t have an address to send it to uh anyway that’s why we’re doing this and then I also thought about doing a train but the train ended up being so Expensive almost there it doesn’t feel too bad yeah but yeah I I was like flying on the eth and I still didn’t know what I was doing with my bike my bag was still stuck in Plymouth oh yeah it was also going to be really expensive to ship my bike to Greece it was going to be like $500 probably more in the end once I got it there but yeah this doesn’t count as my shaking time which is nice so maybe I can still go to twitchcon we’ll

    See go after the blue one after the blue what we got the light got let go I lost connection to my chat but we might still be live look at these little houses they’re so cute yeah we still disconnected but we could be live which is always

    Awkward it’s a little castle in front of us probably a church but well there’s a group of bikers all right Bo bling my phone is still not connected strange cuz we’re in a town now a bench a I know there’s a cafe down there it’s down inside a shopping I don’t think you

    Actually take your bik to it oh in a shop M yeah there must be another one it connected yeah sorry I do have chat back now taking a little video as my bike slowly rolls away petties okay yeah we can walk says okay yeah that’d be good um get back in

    Here I always push on this side but I always lean my bike on this side sorry one second okay this is a cute Town though oh I think this is Ivory bridge is this Ivory Bridge fridge oh no bicycles yeah I see the sign that’s crazy oh my gosh that’s

    Huge okay that’s really cool did he just eat a fish I think he just had a snack there’s one like right at the glass here wow it’s like as big as a human the way sit in sit out um maybe sit out or maybe in I guess we’ll

    See are you going to get something too coffee yeah I need to see if I remember my lock combo oh yeah it’s been a while oh yeah I think I know it one two three four almost I need to figure out where my wallet is feel like my helmet it might have

    Been on too tight do I have a mark yeah yeah like I can feel it when do we leave 11 okay let’s see I do have chat back are we live sorry the internet’s a bit iffy trying to make sure that we’re live Village you know vage was more

    To a lot of people um work in PR think just commute from here yeah I guess it’s faster in the car certain times a day yeah that that lethal because we’re all rushing to get back home I see yeah it could get crazy okay I think we can we used coffee great for

    Compost Yeah and those sweet Potato do you think we should sit in or out kind of want warm up a bit Maybe corner see the here oh from here yeah yeah USB modem okay I’ll do it once I sit down I’ll check it I need to check some modems once I said I got things I think these are yeah I’ll probably get that cheese toasty yeah and um what you dring uh flat

    White uh yeah and was that yes we and do you have um like almond milk or soy we’ve got soy milk yeah can I do that one and toast do you want me the salad um sorry do you want any crisps or salad with the tast oh no that’s okay it so

    Quickly I forgot I trying to use thatone to get with I can’t thank you here yeah try Thanks yeah that’s good that we can see the bikes I’ll have to step at a shop along the way that’s good oh you do yeah I’m never yeah I just try if you get a bit really sh bit tired yeah is it kind of just like electrolytes butel yeah you need to

    Drink AIT water oh uh one you only think mil away so yeah from to still have another tr day but it’s not that I might be able to do it if we got a lot of HS out of the way yeah but once you leave I’ll have to pay more attention to directions

    No no no no I don’t want to start a cat fight I think I might start a cat fight here for you put some yogurt on hitch I should have I think you guys got it all you’re actually look gentle you didn’t use your claws I appreciate that that is a Highway isn’t

    It I have gift G Smarty And I have orange but I think it’s something else oh mil yeah thank you for the coffee and toasty oops are we alive okay this is a bit of a Mess yeah hopefully it wasn’t too mad thank you very much sorry about that I don’t like hot milk oh that’s cold milk yeah I always do cool and everything sorry guys I’ll find a tripod I think it’s actually on the Bike I might just run outside quick and grab a little stick you guys can s up MIT cor uh my legs I can feel them for Feel like I don’t know how to walk to engage bra I got a new tripod I don’t really know how to use it oh I think you just pull yeah right old man time he so clean his Flack see I’m trying to read can’t see that just shaking the camera around

    Sorry it’s kind of awkward I don’t know how to get both of of us her frame we thought about doing in me over there West CO you’ve been yeah I haven’t been over there you yeah oh was it Scotland you been to Scotland um I got it backwards

    But a lot of it I used to got um take mountain bike up with me in the car oh and just park up some M bik do a lot of wild camping hiking and wild camping cuz yeah you camp in Scotland right that’s one the places that’s why I want to go

    There yeah but was it quite Hy where you were or yeah but it’s one of the things you got to put up with it I mean it’s like down here yeah Deon is all Hills you’ve been on the easiest bit so far really I remember when I first ented Deon

    Yeah back to the UK oh gosh this might be way loud welcome back to the bik tour thank you great for 16 months hopefully you can hear both of us I put the mic kind of in the middle in the middle turn shots try again keep saying it’s connected oh

    There is it know trying to do it shut it off and then we started maybe it’s a phone neither got okay okay sorry my nose is snotty one second it’s cold out oh I wanted to take pictures and videos they’ll be in a bit better scenery in a while anyway oh really the

    Uh youve gone through the bad day but the sh it wasn’t even that bad there’s a little bit of roads but yeah oh gets a lot better less traffic and um shame really you’re not going on some like the narrow lens stuff like that cuz they’re really nice but you get car up

    Behind you something like that you got to try yeah CLE faster or get out the way toasty oh I just I didn’t order any food did I bring your waterprof when you come up to Scotland yeah definitely somehow I got really lucky last time in the UK I only

    Saw rain today well it wer rain today I brought a waterproof jacket than me as well I’ve been up in Scotland in April now we got um nothing been for a while we got like April and May there plenty snow on Hills well I got sunber in Scotland oh true get some there

    Yeah and did a motorbike trip to Norway oh yeah yeah that 15 years 15 years ago everybody saying oh it always rains in Norway so on like just up in his waterproof gear mhm 400 miles up to Newcastle to caps FY it rained all the

    Time got on the ferry I think it’s was about 20 hours to saan got a few other side it rain for 10 days for 10 days straight yeah I yeah you’re like well I didn’t even bring it so did you watch Trevor’s Norway bike

    Trip some of it yeah yeah did he do any other the parts you went on or was it different I think so I went up mostly up the West Coast oh went from Stang went in land a bit there’s a place I can’t remember name it

    Now and um really do all base jumping went down there camped there one night okay and there’s a road that only Built about probably about 30 years ago I think and it six hours down the hill and it goes into the mountain does a loop around inside the mountain and comes

    Back out again like the tunnel yeah yeah so I heard they got a lot of tunnels yeah nojo no way it’s really nice is I just got no memory exactly where we went I was looking at bit and pieces and going along side one big field or something I thinking yeah I

    Remember that you go like 15 years things change a little I’m there another place boss or something like that um one come found a found a campsite this little old woman running the campsite she oops she could speak any Engish turn out R his other guy on the

    Like like that go in the field and put your tents up just go and you said was it in Norway where you put the cake for the lady and got some ear yeah got to the campsite and young girl there in the bar could change

    The C so go a big guy used to work in a PP so he went change the we got know two three beers each out of that easy work and no way it small small beer 330 M I can’t say it it’s about £5 back then

    Yeah cuz Trevor I don’t think drank much when he was in Norway but I can’t remember like what he paid cuz he went out a couple times with some guys and with Tanya but yeah I know he’s like holy it’s crazy yeah yeah love no I really know went up

    Got up to Artic Circle went up past there Camp there and then I had to come back the other guy he was on a big BMW motorbike and he went all the way up to uh North Cape and that so Trevor went up there didn’t he yeah yeah he’s got to go back

    Pi a trailer up he does yeah we keep leaving things places had a bike andth he has a bike trailer in Norway yeah that’ be fun so what are you going to do assume you’re going um twitchcon don’t know I’m assuming he’s going to twitchcon but I don’t I even

    Know his plans I don’t know if he knows his secret don’t tell no I think none of us know I don’t think he knows he’s doing could probably go up to Norway and ride down with the trailer oh yeah he probably could well across the guy met on the

    Ferry that went up to Norway and he went across into Sweden down through Sweden into like was it Denmark and all that we go European stuff only place I’ve been Europe on is on motb been to um from fouth you can get furry across northern France mhm that’s what I was

    Supposed to do yeah I used to get night ferry over there so we get on ferry go in the bar have a few beers crash out in the cabin wake up in the morning get some um breakfast get back on the bike and went across France France Switzerland yeah then then back across

    France into Northern Spain you get another Ferry back yeah sander Northern Spain you get Ferry back to Plymouth again oh yeah so you do a nice long route that’s an interesting route cuz yeah cuz my bike was kind of stuck here I’m like do I just take the

    Fairy to France is that easier yeah but no well you could have gone across the France and hitch Sarah hitch Sarah Hitchin I’ve done it once yeah on stream bit nervy is it just being on your own that or I’ve hitchhiked in Australia yeah but out of necessity cuz I was

    Stranded um but I was I wasn’t alone I had some people with me yeah but yeah Trevor and I have never gone hitchhiking together yeah maybe one day yeah I wonder people might not want to pick got couple yeah so people just R in the car and stuff

    Like that yeah people say like well there’s a girl so maybe more people would stop but then people are like well now there’s two people so it’s like I wonder how it would work cuz when I was checking in Australia there was I think

    Five or six of us yeah which we had a lot of people so we had to like split up into smaller groups keep away from wouldn’t that be crazy if like I finally get back to my bike and it’s gone that’s what kept doors yeah it’s

    Spent I think when when I picked it up I think two or three nights in the garage and I was doing a lot of work in the garage so I need the room so I put it indoors and then when I’ve been decorating indoors which moved it around to

    Suit this so much spent the last two nights out in the garage in Nicole’s poor thing back to reality bike yeah yeah this is um I young us I’m old but used to come out used to be like a village you didn’t have half these shops here really yeah you know I’m

    Talking like I’m 65 that’s so I’m talking about 50 years ago no there’s a lot more yeah it’s good little like you get out here pubs and that a lot of pubs that this way out in the countryside they do more food than drinking that yeah it seems like I’m going

    Through a lot of towns today Trev pick up oh that’s in Japan or something he h that I can never watch hitchhiking cuz I’m normally always on a trip yeah I was able to watch some of his last um hitchhiking oh when he went to um La D

    La yeah I want some of that she didn’t get like one or two more left she would have been there when he got got the flight yeah I remember I’ve started watching him um about four years ago he hit in across Europe just before lockdown yeah he’s

    Still mad about that CU he didn’t finish to finish out yeah the story watching just he got into Italy but I didn’t I think someone just used to host them ra didn’t I thought who’s this guy yeah got good personality in that but actually I’m beating Trevor de Gree

    Yeah it’s a country he hasn’t been been yet oh well yeah I beat each TR to three countries you need bring things a lot of things back from Greece and hang them on the wall in your place to prove that I’ve been there before I’ve been to Greece welcome to

    Grace cuz yeah I beat him to South Korea he came like shortly after I did but I beat him to Taiwan in GRE yeah keeping only done bit I’ve never been like um only don’t like France Spain Switzerland got brother lives um I don’t live he homes a house down in southern

    Spain but it’s up in the mountains oh in the mountains yeah but cuz um him and his partner bought it 80 months or so ago CU they only allowed down there for so many days a year yeah to go down for like a month or two then come back I

    Never thought about that if you have a house over there you can only be there for your Visa yeah yeah so you’re only all three months and if I go over to visit them they’ve got to write me a letter to invite me over I can’t just go

    Why cuz I don’t know cuz we’re not in EU anymore as sprits oh really I was looking up looking it up someone in his um other silly things right your passport has got to be had more than 6 months on it oh before expires people have been turning

    Out airport and stuff like that and they got three months left on there for whatever on their passport and they’ve been denied a flight six months that’s interesting are you limited how much time you spend in the UK um I think there probably is a limit but it’s quite long one spend a

    Year yeah I think it’s quite a bit of time because we’re like Commonwealth Canada yeah oh yeah it’s get yeah I don’t know but for you guys from the UK you also get 3 months over there yeah after when he did his ride across Canada

    I watched quite a lot of that oh yeah and that was every a lot of people saying it’s really really good ad for Canada because all the people helping him out and stuff like that you know when the bike pack broke down yeah everyone stops I remember his first

    Puncture took about 45 minutes minutes you didn’t have a 6m on oh every time yeah so yeah yeah that was quite funny stop I thought you would have learned how to fix a punch before we left I still need to learn yeah but I’m never going to get one you

    Hope yeah hav it yet somehow no even with not using my bike that’s why I always always kind the spare energy and PES if you get a if you’re run on today it’s just raining yeah something like that or you want to get somewhere quick to put the

    Tube in but always shck the inside of the tire find what’s going in punch it otherwise you put new tube in and get punch right away yeah it’ll take me a while whenever I have to do my first one like that I used to ride Bo on his kid

    Dad used to make us fix like little kid got to fix your own bike you ride it you fix it yeah when I was a kid I never had to do like stuff so yeah we’ve done where’s my map we’ve done 17.8 kilom that’s not bad about 11 I still trying to

    Convert I used to work in I used to work in Neo doctor we used to work on air compressor in back when working lot St in in Fahrenheit oh so that’s over years if a g packed up they put a c well they

    Used to put it Cent on it so he used to they call it Celsius so we used to be able to work the temperatures out but I can’t do distances to oh distance yeah I just always say it’s like double but I know that’s not accurate yeah yeah no it’s

    1.6 so 10 is 16 I think that’s about right or I say some like when I was in when went to Europe think I I say like 30 km hour was 20 stuff like that on the auto routes I think you go up to 20 km hour if it’s drive you got slow

    Down if it’s wet or something like that in Canada we like say distances by how much time it takes to get there and apparently that’s weird to a lot of people cuz yeah everything’s like oh it’s just a 20 minute drive so how many fahren in a

    Kilometer 250 off the top of my head yeah yeah you go at um say North Dev somewhere like B bridge if you didn’t drive on the 838 main went backwards said B was 60 mil because of the roads it take you two hours almost 2 hours windy yeah CU I think I’m going

    Through Bridge Water this time yeah yeah yeah but you been on quite a few roads who use K rout you around quite Road any Alex was showing me he’s like look at what you going to go on and it’s like windy little hedge roads where the hedges are like really tall he probably

    End up the take your down one what you call devil motor you go down go down Lane it’s not much water than a car yeah it’s got grass growing in the middle those allat you got grass GR in the middle yeah we call it Deon Motorway I guess see some Deon motor

    Big no I remember right before I crashed I was kind of on those kind of Roads yeah you picked a bad one yeah I know where that place is I meant to go out there one day and have a look at it see you she you left anything behind see

    What pole it was yeah yeah you know they might have fixed it by now but some of I’d be surprised hopefully they did some of the ls of that they’re just terrible I went out the roide the other week and after some heavy rain you run on just you see the P

    There’s water yeah no there’s a lot about that crash like it just finished raining so it was really muddy but that was kind of good mom is here Mom’s here hi Mom we’ve done 17 kilometers so far just had a cheese toasty and why did I forget the name of flat

    White feel like I need a nap after I sat down though yeah I did not sleep last night I went to well I was still awake at 400 a.m. and my Alarma set for six yeah I set mine I set mine for seven and went off and I didn’t want to get up

    Yeah I did not get up at I probably could have had another hour what taking that parel it yeah the parcel took a little time I waited in line and I got to the front and she’s like like oh your box is like a little heavy she’s like if you take out like

    One thing it’ll be like 20 lbs cheaper so I was like okay so I had to like go dissect my bike or my box open and find something that was Heavy enough and I had to like try to ret tape it back up

    Oh no but yeah then I had to go wait in line again yeah I made a friend in line though oh I’ve done they tooken about that you like people try him dump the queue in that yeah he’s like hi I’m like oh hi I’m s yeah so I met another

    Trevor another Trevor yeah how many trevors are in I know like six trevors Now but yeah I shipped a little box home with some camera gear that I wasn’t using and my Crocs oh yeah yeah I know seven yeah be like K I like that little she came out with cute yeah cute little B glass here’s the milk bottle

    Guys see little on other about that tiny little thing yeah they they start like the old um old bottles you used to English milk bottles you don’t get much anymore like the ones that outside the door yeah there’s at least 99 Trev yeah there is there’s 999 trevors 999 Trev

    Yeah says there’s total of 72 Trev in World 72 72 yeah but there’s only one pitch content oh thank you very much brilliant aren’t I assuming they can hear me oh yeah I tried to put the mic in between us yeah hello this man has a lake on his property you do I

    Don’t got a leak in the roof you got a leak in the roof not a lake yeah what we up to um I just ate a cheese toasty and had a coffee we’ve done 17 km so far um surprise we’re doing a winter Bike Tour until I get to a major airport

    And then we’re going to grease um um cuz yeah I couldn’t get my bike out of Plymouth and the easiest solution was for me to it well that rest country UK rest country Plymouth as it say pouth um guys is my heart rate on on the screen yet or is it still not

    Working GRE yeah so most of this will be solo bike touring but Mitch is into biking he has multiple bikes more than I do too many too many yeah so he wanted to come which is nice cuz now I got a little budy wonder my heart’s not working in in

    Theory show the what my heart rate monitor isn’t showing did it connected for your phone cuz yeah it’s connected on here my heart is 96 but it’s not showing on the streamable Cofe 97 oh you have it on your watch yeah it’s on the watch Garing watch I’ve

    Always wanted one of those well handy because I’ll use it down the gym sometimes doing like cardio and stuff like that you can connect to the app on the phone see your heart rate and everything even counts your steps yeah I like that yeah my phone automatically

    Counts my steps and I for some reason I just like seeing it yeah I have a manyi competition in my head about doing a lot yeah not where he want to say there is no heart she has twitch Tow on the other phone and connected bling Samsung Google for the

    Win do I have a now I’m asking if I got a heart all yeah we’ve been riding the bike um it’s doing good yeah she’s out a test on it yesterday for Road on theong side road on the right hand side of the road instead of the left yeah and I didn’t

    Realize until a car is coming at me9 F working then is it I only got chat on H Factory you have a heart so I lost the charger for my heart rate monitor it’s like a really weird one so I had to get Alex to order one to

    An Amazon Walker cuz they don’t sell them a can that’s problem the gar mon they use um reel connection on the back like a magnet no it’s not magne it’s got a weird plug with three or four little pins in you thought it’ be USB or they

    Could have one count boil charging but I’m surprised with a watch yeah cuz yeah mine’s like a little mainnet thing comes with a silicon strap but yeah like that like those tell you heart oh yeah but it came with a looked horrible when I bought it came with a gray

    Silicon strap so I bought an orange one cuz I like orange but it’s silicon I was getting a rash here so I bought this one now yeah that feels like it should be nicer not more comfortable cuz mine is just fabric straps yeah that are like vult this been bleached in the swimming

    Pool I think was oh no that wasn’t the orange one sorry the that’s not the orange one right no that supposed to be car Sarah got no put me looking for brain 100 heart I got a why is this not connecting oh no that’s T my heart rate

    Gets up to like 200 as soon as I start pedaling yeah yeah but cuz like Trevor has a really fast Cadence compared to me but I think it’s cuz my heart goes crazy as soon as I get my cardio up that I can’t like keep it so I always pedal slower but

    Harder which Trever pedals faster but less resistance T says winter thought March was spring is the winter in the UK it’s cold over here it’s not as cold as Canada no I looked over there he likeus 20 something yeah where I live it’s like it’s been likeus 21 every day yeah I

    Watched some on sometimes on YouTube used to do like heav hop tring and he’s in Place he’s he’s driving around in um he gave it a heavy truck driving he’s going back into truck driving again he drive around doing Uber and stuff like that but it’s not enough money in it he like you getting Uber someone might call you you got to drive halfway across town and

    It’s freezing cold yeah I look at the root but they’re all meant to tires stuff like that I’ve never used winter tires over here in this part of the country probably do yeah probably doing Scotland we are up North but I’ve never had to have winter tires on car down

    Here yeah like if you go on certain roads you’ll you have to have winter tires or you can’t go on them that one that one was a kid um father worked for a local electricity board you in the winter used to give a Landover to drive around used

    To go have to go up on dmore they like four-wheel drive big chunky toes and used we used to snow a lot up there back in the 6070s so yeah used to go out there and uh just play around the snow for a few hours so how cold does it get over there

    Not likeus 20 but you can get or does it get that cold but um don’t more than that no probably I’ve been out Inus 5us 10 there sometimes but that’s got to be a bad day I always spend a lot of time Hing on the D lovely remember spend more time on

    The bike you ready yeah I feel like a nap though War maybe guys we’re in transition yeah never s here right away yeah it down here yeah there’s actually quite a bit of snow at Emon right now it feels like proper winter even though it’s March we’ve been over to this [Laughter]

    House oh there’s a cute dog a golden retriever okay I’m just going to Chuck some stuff on my bike I’ll meet you out there oh you’re good oh yeah it’s colder out here look at that doggy could tell Bo scratched a round rock no no scratched around Rock walking around

    It’s a bit chilly a slip stream oh yeah I don’t have one of those I think Trevor had one of those for his be like oh is it yeah it’s just enough it keep the CH off enough it oh you want to find shot you want bit

    Later oh I guess I can go later on is then the yeah done done that’s quite a bit of a trick I need to do it anyway last year I was running quite a bit over Wednesday I spent more time on a Bight down the G that’s boring oh yeah very very

    Boring do you have any like um do you have like Swift or anything like the online they’ve got um I don’t know what they got Bo down there got big screen in front you do like train train on oh like at the gym anything that get barded with very

    Quickly yeah I like zift cuz it’s kind of like a game like you race people cuz if I’m just on a bike with nothing yeah oh yeah you do it on with these and they got like three or four bikes in a row so be on with someone she like race them

    But yeah I just do like the Basic Fitness I sit there and pedal at certain Cadence yeah faster than you pedal faster than you normally would you get out and ride it’s actually makes you ride in easier I used to watch like Trevor when I was working at the hospital and

    That was kind of fun but um yeah Canada our internet sucks and I’d run out of data in like 3 days the guy who’s with me is Mitch he kept my bike at his house for like 6 months he got me new pedals he cleaned the mold out of my

    Helmet you haven’t seen the pedals yet most important part of the bike then you don’t go anywhere hot pink cuz yeah he replaced my pedals and he also got pink ones again yeah of course right special delivery off I think that’s where I got my pedals actually too back just

    Walk yeah okay just do a wide turn well like how happy the dog is yeah I’m a bit obsessed with this dog oh sorry I think the camera is super assed plant oh bunch of different things I’m no good at Gold no those plants got I built them girl

    Upstairs so it’s like a collab you built them she plants them honestly yeah I’m not good at plants either I get it from my mom yeah we kill everything well years ago someone in the family gave me a cactus you know one like TP like catus to see in the desert

    That the arm sticking out a little baby one like dead in 12 months you kill it yeah you overw waterer it how you over water no I overwatered my Cactus too and it died oh Donuts sorry got sidetracked is very British we come out the warm yeah it’s a bit cold

    Now Road I wonder if we can still go down there oh my mom doesn’t kill sorry here but you want around here yeah to get yeah I can’t even do a U-turn okay my mom doesn’t kill plants anymore sorry she’s she’s become a a plant lady now that’s a nice

    River you guys want a little look maybe I should take a little video that’s the river m e r m e m that goes right out to the Sea lovely beaches down there oh really that comes off that comes off d m that’s my face River okay it’s a nice

    River oh yeah right yeah I need to get biking and then get warm again oh is that a telephone booth but plants phone box email text plus phone and plans that’s fun I’m getting sidetracked I need a picture of this as well I your bik you go around side up

    The door I don’t know what’s in there some of them some oh do they put junk it’s junk not books junk there’s biles down in corner and they actually have a rack in there and people like put books in there so we share the books V free library a but yeah this

    One’s just magazines yeah magazines a different kind of Library magazin oh it’s called Tory not Side Track te I’m just on one big Sid trck tour oh I can’t okay okay it’s not a one way no more that’s your attempt to keep phone boxes around uh

    A nice rest we’re going up here again oh we are what the heck I’ve seen some phone boxes here but I can’t remember phones were still in them okay but there is like phone boxes well they looked like phone boxes in Korea but they’re actually like filled with

    Stamps that you can collect while biking and that’s really fun Trevor was doing the Grand Slam South Korea Bike Tour and I did part of it when I went around juu Island so not phone boxes but they look like them I really think like the Euro should

    Do kind of the thing that South Korea did have the little uh bike passport it’s so fun do you think we could pitch it to euroo oh yeah I’ll be warm soon we’re going up is that a yellow double decker bus that’s interesting Premium Gold actually I think I tried to use a

    Phone box or was that in Australia cuz when I when I travel I don’t really have like a cell phone number so hey they can be useful yeah I wonder what the weather in Athens Greece is like today that gu’s going fast oh we 10 bike on the path I

    Think there it has my heart 128 heck yeah not bad for me it’s still beaten that’s that’s good news on this um trip I actually brought something I’ve never had before which is some cycling padded shorts my mom got me some for Christmas I’m not wearing them

    Right now cuz they’re shorts and it’s cold but if my butt starts to hurt I’m put those on I like Mitch’s coat it’s very high Biz hello Sarah how are you aie I’m doing good day one of tour is actually going pretty [Applause] smoth you haven’t seen me air hit for ages I’ve been doing some streams um here and there I just finished a big Asia tour it was about 4 months long then I had a couple months back in Canada but I was still doing

    Some streams it and I just got a car so we did a little road trip stream like a week ago but yeah now I’m back to full-time um travel streaming so you’ll see me like every single day if you want are you riding together yeah so this is

    Mitch he’s the one that kept my bike for me uh he’s into cycling so he’s joining us for part of the day and then he’s going to turn around cuz he has to go back home so he’s going to do like a proper full day of touring as well

    I’ll be traveling for probably like a few months so probably biking for 10 days here in the UK but we’ll probably take some days off in cities and do some City streams and then a few months in Europe then we’ll go to Twitch on then we’ll see how I’m

    Feeling so it’ll be a lengthy trip if everything goes well is hch keeping well yeah so I got some news H and I moved we living in Victoria in a micro suite and we felt like we needed a bit more space it was time so we moved to Emon

    Alberta found a little townhouse with basically the same amount of rent so we’re busy moving we ended up needing to buy a car cuz Emon is a car city so yeah just moved been moved for about a month and uh yeah I I like that we mov

    To Edon cuz I have so much family there it’s really nice and there’s a an airport close by to us and rent is so much cheaper in Emmitt so feels like good upgrades to me a bit colder though it’s like- 21 where we live every

    Day CLE route in the UK it do St oh it does and then you’re like why did I go over there I hate it when they do that or like they have like the big curbs that you have to go D dong yeah those make me

    Angry what is that in the road is that part of a car no those are birds what is that oh maybe it’s just a bag it’s just a bag guys not a part of a car you are oh yeah I see what you mean I don’t think you two could have

    Picked a better place especially for what you both do for activities and work thank you swaggy I think it’s a good fot for us and there’s a lot of activities like down there’s kind of like a a river that goes through Emon and there’s like bike

    Riding you can do down there in the winter there’s cross country skiing snowshoeing so we can stay active if we want to oh hores I wish they were closer so yeah I want to get some Cross Country Skis will the weather be good enough for Shing back

    Home I think it could be fun to do some snow sorry Mitch is going fast but I think he’s trying to go slower for me I’m just slow we’ve been doing some climbs today nothing too bad though I do complain though oh my gosh my auntie who’s lives in like

    Emmon said we’re getting up to plus 12 this week so the weather gets good once I leave I see Interesting I can’t believe that cuz yeah it’s been like minus 20 p a puddle yeah oh oh yeah is that where we could have like cyle through it or you can do yeah there um old rail yeah I couldn’t remember where we were looking sheep ponies yeah C up there is

    That where the pig was yeah yeah Somewhere Out There should have gone that way get over it thank you for the gifted sub to my auntie um yeah I was trying to figure out why I L soon play right then but I’m currently on a hill Oh

    Oh kind of looks like it disconnected from my uh speaker I’m not sure why so I’ll have to see if I can reconnect [Applause] it it’s that glass some glass but thank you get get over it it goes slow do I have any more gears oh I do

    My heart R is making ears go up uhoh spaghetti I really do blame my asthma for my heart rate though I think they’re linked oh keep go in if you want Yeah I can just wait you can all laugh if you want what are we laughing at on Facebook there’s a bathtubs in fields appreciation so bathtubs in fields appreciation oh yeah I need a picture of this then evil twin thank you so much for the 11 months we’re back on the [Applause]

    Road okay there’s are bathtubs in random Fields appreciation where’s the bathtub oh there it is there’s the bathtub yeah there’s um weird things like bathtub and Fields Appreciation Society corated iron corrugated iron and um what’s see one there’s country lines and even wor Gat Appreciation Society

    They’re all on Facebook they might be on inst CH X or whatever it’s called now I don’t know maybe my thing just turned off so there do you wander around you see uh what something oh sorry my speaker turned off I think just trying to quickly didn’t you didn’t I’m not sure why

    Honestly I feel like I just got tired okay people said taking a picture of a back tub is totally fine there no one in it there’s no one in it that’s a plus first time chat look at that little banana good to see you first time chatter

    Duster yeah not now and then I’ll show you okay so I added some emotes that you can use if you’re not subscribed some Jelly Cat plushes we got a banana a mushroom a potato and some [Applause] eggs oh yeah I haven’t shown you guys I did find um happy egg in my

    Piers happy egg is a little Jelly Cat plushy the little egg plush that I bring traveling with me cuz I thought it would be really funny to take all these really cool travel photos of an [Applause] egg the clay Factory I think like the mes are kind of

    Hard to see what they are cuz they’re so small but yeah they’re fun is what more power efficient my [Applause] bike I was trying to be more lightweight this trip my doll box yeah I built a new the day before I flew it’s a lot smaller a lot lighter

    And it takes a lot less power to run it so it’s going to save me so much battery which is exciting so right now I have one battery powering the belly box and I have one battery powering the camera in my USB modems so only two batteries in my backpack so

    Yeah that’s Deon yeah Farms Green looks Lush yeah how long can you go without recharging I go like two and a half days um so I guess this will be a test to see how long I can go I got I gave three to Mitch because I did not know appar um me

    I probably have a couple in the UK okay we should be back a little blip this is nice it’s still in use it looks pretty this road years ago this be the main ro oh this one going T so there’s another main road or yeah

    Oh okay oh yeah I remember on the map now oh yeah it does so kamut says to go up here as you can see okay let’s let’s go the flat way sure yeah a do you want to climb you can climb I’ll meet you okay we’re detouring kind of got stuck detour [Applause]

    Cuz I would definitely complain going up that hill Oh there’s a book books library in the telephone booth my heart it’s over 200 get Mitch to pull me up the hill that is a brilliant it’s like on a chain around and get a toe um so we are biking to a major

    Airport I started in Plymouth we’re either going to ride to London or to Manchester we’re going to be heading up towards like Bristol and then making the choice on what way I want to go Manchester is farther but it’s a place I’ve never been to so that could be fun oh look at

    Those They look fake I forgot what they’re called now I forgot the name of them they’re nice They look fake though I don’t know if you guys could see those flowers cuz they’re kind of up high the giant pink flowers oh hitches here hey hitch welcome to the bike door day one

    Welcome to the UK potholes potholes potholes okay we’re good we survived I have a fear of potholes now fin on the RO to Manchester single could be rough yeah there’s a euroo I think a euroo route that goes up that we found found online so I have a little while before I

    Have to make a decision but it could be fun to go a different way we will also be going through the town of Bridgewater that’s kind of exciting yeah I was wondering if that was a train a hype train are we alive I hope so hi I’m upgrading my bike tour set up

    To my first proper Touring bike I’m super excited do you or chat have any budget touring bike recommendations or tips thank you are you getting a brand new bike as well or just gear for your bike because my bike is a pretty budget friendly touring bike it was like the cheapest Touring

    Bike on the market when I was shopping yeah brand new bike okay so I am riding it’s called a Riverside 520 tour it’s from daflon so if you’re here from Europe they us to cathlon everywhere um however this bike I like it it’s good but I feel like I would

    Like a few more gears to get up hills cuz I feel like I do run out of climbing gears kind of fast but yeah I’ve been using this one on multiple tours I just sometimes struggle a little bit going uphills but I think you can like upgrade the gear range if you

    Want but yeah I haven’t had oh more horses many problems with this bike I’m like what problems have I had I think I took it in to get the Dynamo Hub fix I just had a wonky cable but I don’t know if I brought it in for anything else

    And we’ve done some big tours on this but yeah equipment wise that’s budget friendly I we have or paniers which I think I say the name wrong but I think those are kind of pricey but they’re waterproof and very durable we also got a sub store thank

    You for the 10 months for some reason my audio is on low but I will say one of my favorite things is the orle front paner bag for the handlebars it’s just so easy to open and close I love this little bag here and I do like that the spike comes with a

    Dynamo um hub for the lights so I don’t have to worry about them pretty much stand to I really like them cuz yeah they’re waterproof they’re nice they’re easy to take on and off your bike I’ve crashed a lot and they’re still good can you rig up the Dynamo to charge

    Your phone actually I don’t know I don’t know too much about that I only use it for the lights M I can’t remember whether it’s there or go on and turn off again I came this way before to that H you got signal that okay I do you don’t yeah I’m okay no

    Okay oh s go difference on the same [Applause] Ro thank you very much that way and dog back and then goes that way she go the next turn next one and see yeah yeah oh so there is an ebike version of my bike I didn’t know that I probably did

    Know that at one point but I forgot but yeah I didn’t have much info but I tried I will say tolon is really good to get some bike gear from because it’s like relatively not super expensive like some outdoor stores I loved kathon I get like so much stuff from there when I’m

    Traveling like all my bike gloves I got some UV arm sleeves it’s really nice we only have like two in Canada oh here okay hopefully there’s no secret Hills there’s some wind head head wind yeah More Country now yeah it does feel real for me coming out almost here get

    It’s almost boring really because just go cha it tra it tra it oh you don’t like that so much that’s fair I don’t either and get up you go out other little Lanes further out and it’s just so quiet a bit early ready got I’m surprised how many flowers there

    Are all these covered in flowers are dael those yellow ones yeah I don’t even know if we have those in Canada no no I don’t think they just grow like they do here they could I just maybe I’m not in the right area I don’t want to make any

    Claims maybe there’s definitely nothing growing right now in Canada oh Pim roses ignoring it but we had to get the bathtub daffodil season started oh nice I think I heard that cherry blosson season in Japan has started early this year I think normally it’s a bit later uh oh

    See I’m out of Gears already and this isn’t very steep is there a horse there yeah okay I have to take a picture iy hello hello you want to come and say hello there electric fence you won’t come near oh probably people mess around that was coming he Blinky he’s a big

    See a bit as well oh he stopped hores I should have tow up and Tow you up the hills yeah we’re trying to figure out how we could tow me up cute put tent over bathtub and sleep what do you think of the tires on the Riverside 520 so these tires I feel

    Like are good honestly I don’t know much about bikes but I will say knock on wood I’ve never had a puncture I’ve never had any problems fatal knocked on wood so they’re strong they they won’t come there they put l fences yeah bit scary like up on

    Dmore it’s all open land and you get ponies and that and people they’ll come up to people in the set in their cars and people start feeding them can poison them because lot um they dark there’s ponies out there know Darold ponies and they’re very

    Um local to that area look like a big Shin Pony you know really hairy oh yeah all year round but people come up and start feeding carrots and crisp and all this kind of stuff and it makes them H sick yeah but they’re like um like a recognized breed oh yeah

    People look after them that but these are just only only hes got coat on um I I know how many kilometers I’ve done on this bike there’s a command if you do trips yeah I I feel like I should know but I don’t actually know how many kilometers let’s check out this

    Command uh so Portugal in Spain was 2,299 and then I did 731 so around oh you in Portugal and Spain didn’t you yeah around Trevor did yeah yeah 3,00 on this bike here that’s fair new that’s we done about oh Longest Ride I’ve only done that really yeah well only two weeks old

    All right um the other bik the orange on carbon fber one I’ve done about 3,000 miles in that but that’s six years I don’t ride it every day I’m haven’t done any super long rods on it about 70 miles how many bikes do you have uh one two three four five oh and

    There’s a sixth one that’s in the garage an old canell that a friend uses so I’ve actually got six haven’t been it for years so yeah I’ve got six bites but I might end up selling three oh yeah one that you just don’t really use sing three and get another one more

    Of like a town bike or short trip bike the horse kind of came close I don’t know if you guys can see it so well cuz we’re using an action camera enough it I don’t know oh yeah it is aiming quite a bit up cuz when I’m riding I kind of hunch

    Over do you hear that Trevor he has six bikes more than you only six there’s a there’s a rule in it hi n plus one for bikes you always got have another bike that’s what Trevor says hi a lot of people even around here R like Ride Like Fat are but electric folks

    Oh but um they tend to be a bit older don’t Chu yourself please I know you stay away from the string then oh it’s not electric fence or is it is it just string tape in the middle might be top it’s just string see for her her I’ve been sexist don’t

    What are you I’m so sorry hey horse I got to pump my bike number up there’s a horsey wanted to be twitch famous like what she doing you’ve been seen all around the world look at her not me he likes your coat maybe yeah he

    Did look at me for a second and then went back to you where she probably because um he’s looking at the hi consider getting a horse I would love a horse you little packs of raisins a little pack of raisins the horse not the

    Horse my nose is a bit snotty oh oh do I oh I do have a tissue Trevor should we ride a horse to twitchcon yeah yeah yeah good idea I think that would be very unique content are you Reck Galloping up horse well horse horse and what’s it

    Call it the Trap that little little buggy behind it on there yeah you on you can sit on the horse perfect we can do like a Cinderella Carriage yeah put Trevor in the back Trevor Cinderella yeah yeah right I’ll put this i s the phone around cuz this one is getting a

    Bit R down oh you did swap them hydrate oh hydrate horse gone 2024 I wonder what’s the most unique way someone’s gone to twitchcon probably hitchhiking now that I think about it a helicopter hitchhiking potentially Tandon bike could be the most unique way they want know any other unique ways people got to

    Twitch con yeah I think there’s some German friends horse con yeah that like bike to Twitch con but I think they’re are all on solo bikes but I could be wrong robc is flying his helicopter into twitchcon he yeah I couldn’t see the screen on to see the screen for What on

    The on the twitch chat I need the grasses on a bit oh I’ll survive oh can you increase Tex size um you just on the twitch chat yeah oh if you use um on the PC remember yeah I guess you won’t need chat much on your

    Phone for biking but there’s like an app called dank chat and I know you can make the text really big on that one because I used to have it big on the tandem but I don’t know if you can do it on the Twitch app oh you cycle the twitch con

    Offensive language no readable colors yes animated I can sort of read it going slowly yeah my brain does anyway they lost interest now oh oh sorry he spooky movement spooky I was out Runing a friend of mine um why he’s coming back I’m sorry um where was that

    And look at him he’s rolling oh no he did a full roll full roll stop I need to take a video of this I am taking a video already no he got up do that again roll over roll over do that again that way

    I’m not doing it so you copy me I don’t want oh I did not expect a full roll oh again my gosh monster is he going to roll oh oh Chase Chase his friend oh my gosh that was crazy wait he’s digging he might do it again he did a dig first last

    Time oh we only got one he’s thinking about it oh excited horse zoies activated he does have the Zoomies the yies rain he’s digging I thought he was going to do it last time he did a few digs then laid down he got the Zoomies okay he probably won’t do a full

    Roll again that was crazy did you guys see the roll I hope so cuz that was pretty [Applause] cool Charing 54% good little little Chargers he your little thing like that oh yeah a little power bank honey saw coming on a bike just a again yeah hooving hooving call it it

    Can’t be pouring can it like do it’s got to be got to be hooving is it hooving no Okay okay right you’re ready yeah rested for a bit rested saw a horse do a full roll Bye going he came back byebye roll over roll over call you rolly rly poly by I bowed see you I almost dropped my bike a car first bye horsey thank you for the show oh yeah this is going to suck horse can you tow me can I just ride

    You I hope I’m on my lowest all right hell start I hope someone clip the horse doing a roll cuz I can feature Clips on Twitch I need to feature that one oh there sheep over here so they can watch the horse roll around hell’s clipped it perfect oh the white ones snow

    Drops that was amazing has anyone in chat seen a horse do a full roll you have many times what I’ve never seen it I think there’s a car coming when someone tells them okay oh there’s the sign hey we did it there’s Devon looks h yeah I heard some camping sites might

    Not be open this time of year because of the Season cuz I’m trying to camp this trip so I’ll be curious to see if it’s open or not oh you do that’s where I the that’d be really cool to see a wild pig oh we’re going back up the

    Look sorry I have a fear of water cuz Trevor fell really hard in water once so now I’m a bit sketched out have a fear potholes puddles sand and mud that’s a lot of fears is that a lamb oh it’s a pig it’s a dog not a pig

    It wasn’t that hard you smacked your head Trevor and you broke some stuff too not on your body but equipment wise that’s what helmet is for that is true wear your helmet kids in adults more sheep oh yeah I guess it is the season coming but once you get get

    BLS late April early may I always feel that start summer when I oh started summer purple ones purple a little r start to learn you know a lot like even if I was in Canada and I see these flowers all the time I wouldn’t know the name of them yeah it’s pretty down

    Here what was that oh I didn’t see it I missed aat in field oh do you take pictures of boats boats Fields boats and Fields her Little River this is still maybe wide for the UK in Canada this would be tight oh so yeah a car has to pull over

    Yeah I feel like I couldn’t ride a car here no it seems intense yeah that’s a slight uphill but not bad I can hear it the weather’s nice birds are singing that’s true I was thinking about the birds oh they can hear her yeah yeah lovely day

    Nice where it’s like chaos of day one Alex did you not see the horse do a rly pulley that’s the chaos of day one so far there’s the clip O 4hw k just resubscribed for 15 months good to say you back on a bike it’s a squirrel H buddy yes he going to jump can you guys see that squirrel hi I don’t know that’s power line or phone line think it might be power line that size

    The way he goes I want was for you H’s bunny H’s bunny feeds Squirrels thank you AAR Hawks for the 15 months we’re back on the bike day one winter touring really fullly horse and Pat ninja squirrel uh my enemy can we keep Mitch to keep him for all of the UK trade for hitch trade in a hitch for a

    Mitch I mean I haven’t had to think about directions it’s been kind of nice he even took me on a detour to avoid a hill s stitch stitch can I be Stitch it doesn’t work does it there’s no tea in my name but Stitch is blue and I kind of have blue

    Hair we can make it work right but I guess like s works like what’s the sitch over the Bridge uh oh I’m running out of power I’m in the wrong gear oh my gosh holy moly I got it guys we got it yeah we almost lost me there sorry prepare for this I rode my bike on Swift for like 10 days to prepare for this

    Check the maps minute check the maps got fast oh so we’re almost at South yeah we’ve done 26 kilm three-wheel bike is 5 and half miles so 8 K 8 km I’ll do that you will there is um got a seam Railway Co there and they

    Have a cafe so you want something big to eat there up to you well after that I’ll turn back okay go up to um ash Burton got cafes and that further on that’s further yeah okay yeah yeah we can go to that next town I have a look

    Anyway I don’t know they got the steam trains running they have them most of the time it’s in the summer I think oh yeah steam trains that was quite a big big ride I thought it like one of those USB oh CU yeah we’ve done how many they say

    25 I think you’re going to do more kilometers than me today yeah yeah i’ got to go back I so double whatever we do that’s crazy I’m not bothered like that I got all day I’ve got LS so it gets dark I just keep going yeah I us to

    Do that years ago in the summer time go out in the afternoon or evening just wait till it got dark then go yeah there two cars let I’m trying to camp tonight we’ll see where I end up yeah well you got a bu back I mean as it’s almost three

    Now about 15 you’re about halfway to the spot we told yeah you don’t get lost I you’ve got the signs anyway so I do just follow follow route two yeah those are nice r two you shouldn’t get lost you need find that place I should be good the only

    Thing with that is looks like a bit of a dog walking outa but once you get in deep dogs should be okay yeah travel he’s going to plan sometimes like C the bik across across the ground for like 100 200 M something like that just to get Qui spot yeah see what

    Doesn’t look popular lot of cars but yeah I have a little camping stove with me this time so we can cook some meals as well boil some water before bed um but guys hey a reminder if you’re from America and you like breakfast did you know you can use my code for

    Hellofresh to get free breakfast for life as long as you’re subscribed you have to be a first time hellofresh user but if you use my code you can get free breakfast one per box while you’re subscription is active my hello fresh code for Americans fres c yeah only Americans

    Only americ you like breakfast yeah no not another car but yeah if you check out hellofresh use my code it helps support the stream and you get breakfast and well meals TR and I cooked three really good meals before I left on tour we done like what

    15 how K you say uh like 25 I think about 15 yeah there another five so time I turn around time I get home I have done 40 miles or 65 km I wonder how how tired it’ll be tomorrow I have a in the bath ah jealous

    Right two more cars and we’ll go okay ready yeah go up a hill yeah there’s a little bit of climbing today I was warned nothing like insane though but curious to see how I feel tomorrow the weather’s been really good today though I’m at like a really nice

    Temperature this is met from chat Mitch uh held my bike for me for 6 months and uh took good care of my bike he’s also really into biking he has six bikes at home so he’s out for a cruise with us today so he’s our tour guide of today out of Plymouth

    You want to try it London and Muse sometimes the bike Lanes just come to a dead end and then you have to like awkwardly get back to the road so sometimes it’s not worth it to get on the bike lane oh wow they got a full

    Garden sorry my nose is a little runny it’s kind of cold out so I had to do a bunch of laundry yesterday cuz I spilled disinfectant that you put on like wounds in my bag when I crashed the bottle broke and it smelled so like bad like so pungent

    Whatever that like ointment stuff is I washed it like twice before I left but yeah I opened up my bag I’m like oh I could still smell it so bad I walked around so much yesterday trying to find a laundry mat I walked really far to one that said

    It was supposed to be open and I had my big parcel of me to ship home everywhere I would go was closed and the one that was supposed to be open had a little note on the door saying gone for Mother’s Day be back at

    4:30 but the shop closed at 5:00 so I had to hand wash all of my clothes in the sink yesterday and I was really nervous that I wouldn’t be dry for today so I sat on the floor blow drying a lot of my clothes yeah but

    Everything was dry in the morning I just had to make sure my fleece was dry the one that I’m wearing now but yeah I still feel like my clothes still smell like it I don’t know if I’m paranoid or not it’s just such a strong

    Smell that was a little TMI for you guys but that was a huge task I had yesterday but yeah I was supposed to go to this really cool laundry mat that was like the front is a cafe SL burger shop and then in the back you do laundry so it’s

    Like a fun place to hang out and clean your clothes so I was a little sad that that was closed anyway technically my clothes should be ultra clean cuz I got disaffected [ __ ] all over them wood fire pizza oh and uh oh do we have to be on the road again

    Yeah back on the road more de is that her dad no this is Mitch from chat um I crashed my bike 6 months ago and he picked up my bike for me and held it while I went to twitchcon and then he held it for 6 months until I I got back

    And started tour again so he’s been holding my bike for me so he’s a chatter and new friend now so he was really nice and held on my luggage and my bike for me for so many months is it 9 months I keep saying six but I guess it’s

    March yeah oh stream buddy just closed weird but yeah he held my bike for so Long but yeah he took good care of my bike he even bought me new pedals and he cleaned my helmet cuz apparently it was growing mold which uh I can I can’t even think about that right now I’ve been watching this stream for a while but this is actually the first

    Bike ride I’ve seen no way that’s crazy when did you start watching Max oh does the UK not have time change cuz yeah Canada just had a time change am I going to marry Mitch I’m actually dating another boy named hitch not Mitch I know it’s a bit confusing

    Oh was at the end of the month also guys it was Mother’s Day in the UK yesterday and I just thought Mother’s Day was the same in Canada so I called my mom yesterday I was like happy Mother’s Day and she’s like what are you talking

    About it’s not Mother’s Day I was like what but there was a sign on the door everyone was holding flowers so yeah not Mother’s Day is that a stove or a little pot anyway I pre-wed her happy Mother’s Day and I almost told hitch to call his

    Mom well I did tell him to call his mom that would have been so awkward yeah I think Mother’s Day in Canada is in like May I it’s May 12th or something yeah May how did I meet hedge oh super super romantic we met on

    Tinder it was like PE Co we both moved to a new town when it was like the biggest restrictions like you couldn’t go outside at all and all that stuff so we didn’t know how to make friends so we were on Tinder cuz you can like talk to

    People get to meet people without seeing them in person cuz you can’t really meet people in PE in person anyway yeah I wish it was more romantic like if you guys know awwards travel to little gas bar met in a really cute romantic way they’re like scuba inst structures in like Thailand or

    Something I wish I had a story like that they got lost at sea together see but yeah I didn’t really actually use Tinder that much I have one friend and we would kind of go through it together but I would never answer people I only answer two people one another pilot and then

    Hedge and I only ever met up with hedge sorry for the few snipples here and there hitch had there is I don’t even know if he did to be honest also he thought I hated him cuz I think he was like telling me about his plans I was like oh cool have

    Fun with that and yeah that kind of like closed off the conversation and made it seem like I wasn’t interested but I’m just awkward okay I just don’t know what to say sometimes so that’s what came out and hitch thought I didn’t like him but somehow he asked me for a second

    Date I think it’s cuz I had a car sniffle cuz he needed to buy a TV and he needed somebody with a car you think that’s a great story the most romantic story used for my car hitch uses everyone for their cars hitch watches TV yeah we watch

    Movies together it was like 3 days before Christmas so we did call each other our Christmas buddies cuz we were both going to be alone so that part’s romantic we haven’t got each other gifts after knowing each other for like 5 days sniffle okay dokie so yeah I still call him my Christmas

    Budy so I believe it was like yeah only 5 days before Christmas so we watched a lot of Christmas films together and he did get me a really cute gift he made me handmade coupon that I could redeem and he wrote me a really cute card I still haven’t redeemed them I

    Redeemed one of them they don’t expire ER rote on the back they’re also addressed to the wrong Sarah they’re addressed to Sarah B Bridgewater I’m Sarah an Bridgewater this is a massive Hill what the heck I’ve been climbing forever there’s so many many Coopers I’m a bit jealous am I okay

    No I need to stop climbing Hills I’m out of gears finally up around that way up here I’m puing going that yeah that was long I was like trying to tell a story and I was like oh gosh my heart go down there on the main road like

    That too risky taking CH and going down but this way all right looks a little windy oh it’s still uphill too Park oh National Park dartmore smells like horses is that a toilet brush what the heck there’s a toilet brush on the side of the road yeah I started in Plymouth

    Today I’ve done about 27 km I want to see a dartmore pony we were talking about them earlier oh God I think that’s the other side of the toilet brush that’s the little cup you put it in my gosh I think I’m going to pull over TP should be coming up in a

    Bit I’m not sure can’t ride on theide it I think swagy says this is the right way yeah he hasn’t told me not to go I’m just using Google Maps uh we just came up here is there you know the 838 is it possible to Circle alongside that is

    Like foot path or not no no okay yeah definitely best that way cross right okay it’s good probably to be pretty washed outy this it was pretty hammered then and we had a lot of range so a lot bagage yeah oh wow yeah today’s my first day of touring just Started it seemed easier yeah it’s it’s a great place to to go around yeah I I was here like in the summer so now it’s a bit colder but it’s not I’m from Canada so it’s not as bad yeah right like minus 20 where I live yeah so it does feel a bit

    Warm couple months ago oh yeah morning but like that was weird like never before yeah we don’t get it by the water noral there like the sow Steep and everything carries here you get Frost and over yeah well good luck guys you take care out there yeah swy says the top isn’t too

    Far I hydrated a little bit saying there be EAS yeah yeah swy says this way is fine something might be a farm won do that just satellite satellite VI oh yeah yes hydrator HDR I’ll blow my nose real quick pigeons pigeons No Pigeons I don’t mind pigeons I don’t like seagulls they

    Right here they’re okay when they’re in town you know that bont Park where we stopped we took a photo of the side yeah in there you get like pigeons that hang around town they’re evil they evil they’re evil and people go in there and feed them and then they get more evil

    They feed the pigeons seagull come in as well I just go in and feed the squirrels cuz I’m nice squirrels not pigeons I don’t mind the pigeons cuz they’re cool but seagull like scream used to work you to get an old building in the neighbor you get them

    Buildings through a window or down duct in and just mess everywhere and you go to do a job you got to get a firm in and contact in to pressure wash everything out H yeah that’s why pigeons in town no thank you yeah here there no problem yeah seagulls hate hitch they

    Keep pooping on him yeah yeah I think it’s been like three times now yeah sorry about all my sniffles guys yeah and un metal road yeah there’s lots of stuff like that um either on metal Road they use like B tracks stuff like that or you get Bridal Wass which

    Um oh Bridal way Bridal was you can cycle on there’s other things I’ve been through some bad Bridal oh yeah that’s when I got lost bad or foot passes a no no you’re supposed to walk it but no one around who cares oh cuz Bridal way just

    Means horses can go down yeah what was on remember that’s 81% sorry I just have chat on I can’t see what you can see oh you can see me scary oh it is you sorry about that it’s different in Scotland pretty much um any track you’re allowed on py

    On and stuff like that when you yeah I want to get that sometime I was going to get a van and take the mountain bikes up and do some mountain biking and around cuz all like bike pass trails around oh like proper Trails spend like six months driving around in a van with

    Mountain bikes and getting filthy and sharing you want to go or you want to yeah we go if you’re good I should be able to make it it’s going to be a hard start though yeah all right steady ready go walk Ready Steady go okay feel like something’s making a

    Click in the back of my bike right now is this Devon I don’t does this count as Devon we’re in dartmore National Park oh it is Devon I remember Debon being very H last time I was here all right guys I’m about to die got up the step part there

    There goes my asthma it’s really lovely then my heart rate monitors give up on me they might have disconnected oh maybe I need to take a video it’s kind of hard with the gate come that way maybe I can get my phone up here I feel like it’ll be hard with the action

    Camera so where the bright brighter sky is we’ve come from roughy that oh we did yeah I need those bright cloudes oh that’s pretty though we did hear me oh about 10 only 10 seconds 10c delay heart rate going down trying to CL the suspect it says it’s at 155 right

    Now what does it say on screen okay that was a good little climb do you sleep in hotels or tents I have a tent with me I’m planning the camp as much as possible about your heart rate going down yeah see I have a tent you getting used to the hills

    No definitely not so soon but I’ll probably stay in a hotel every once in a while to recharge give your R have a day off day off once in a while yeah but I’m planning to Camp I should be camping tonight that is the plan for this trip I brought a little

    Camping jet boil stove so I can boil some water if I’m really cold Trevor taught me a trick you boil water put in a water bottle and sorry you put it in between your legs so it Heats your main arteries and it makes you a lot warmer

    Fast so I can put that in sleeping bag with me at night ready yeah it still looks like it’s going up doesn’t it yeah it it does warm you up really good Trevor and I went on a couple camping trips in Canada like winter camping and he did that trick with

    Me it was good because I’m a very cold person I actually have rainer’s disease or rainer’s disease I don’t know how to say it but I lose circulation in my hands and my feet and they go kind of like pure white and it’s really hard for me to warm back up once

    I lose the circulation in my hands and it’s kind of like painful so it’s bad if I get too cold there’s a car behind us so we got go is it wide enough here yeah yeah oh that downhill downhill sorry I got sound oh you do I just had chat on a

    While we will be going through Bridgewater I think on this trip I’ve gone through it on a train and through it on a bus I think but I never stopped yeah be right I’ll be into this at least it’s downhill all right this is better little

    Bumpy yeah I’m not even mad at the headwind right now oh that’s my voice I thought there was another person but if it came up this way couple of months time it would be full of flowers oh it would have be nice part of it yeah we can’t judge it too hard right

    Now in the winter you see it they trim hges back oh so it doesn’t get too wild they grow back and then they always go back yeah they old days good old days have people doing by hand Yeah by hand that would take so long yeah that’s right oh gosh bues number two Boing we’re back on route swagy thank you Mitch is flying I’m still a bit paranoid to go too fast downhill cuz uh yeah this is how I crashed last time I was going downhill so I’m still a bit like ah scared scared yeah let’s not we’ll go this way am I

    Trapped that blue side means no okay oh I’m am trapped oh gosh let’s see if there’s any other ways stay longer we just have to pay more I got this really funky fresh drink and I used osum to get It You want Some hi baby well bye oh she went for them oh she’s got a knife [Laughter] God It’s actually War that’s Crazy in I was a lot of fire I can feel like he from here this might be my first dog encounter hi hello hi no first dog Cafe and I have money to buy treats this time so we should have more cat action hey how you doing so yeah we have coffee and cats so it’s going to be a good day sorry I decided that I wanted to put my hair up oh listen to this cat

    Breath listen to it can I go this way I might have to go out this way am I allowed on this road cannot be adjusted why did I get honked at I don’t know if I’m allowed on this road you can’t bike on the highway well that’s Lovely isn’t it look at

    Him look at it this is so Cute what there’s lots of cute cats here I see the one that I gave a dollar to yesterday good stuff sorry one second see Sarah gave a dollar to a cat yesterday I gave like I don’t know how many dollars to people at a wait what

    Was it uh rocking sex show yeah we had different evenings our evenings were a little different look at this one’s p see they like the butt Pats hi you’re so Fluffy at this I’m going to go play are we back live only small children can I wanted to go down the slide um there’s apparently mini golf and rock climbing in our here out so I think we need to explore this hotel I also need to show you guys the crazy dinosaurs that

    They they got eggs I don’t know if we’re going to get any but we got lucky that guy yelled that there’s a bridge we’re kind of going in and out everyone’s holding their breath spe be long I hope it’s good for you I hope you’re not super sore CP

    Yeah I did so much walking yesterday like I was already like could already feel my legs yeah I how many steps I did yesterday I was going to say dinner’s on me but uh maybe dinner on you guys we did meet the wine and dine goal so thank you oh where are we

    Going okay that was kind of confused there that one come down done thank you I feel dead inside to yeah all right I think that was the top T TS there’s a car coming cars oh yeah don’t forget to make Clips if there’s any good moments that we need to remember on the channel it probably post some to instagam as well I don’t know oh yours is still struggling yeah the water is Crystal Clear it’s insane we look high up

    Wow oh yeah like we come in more and stuff like that put the Valle and stuff oh big valys not I wouldn’t be happy is there I wonder if it’ll be open I I think I might want to try one more kickstand yeah just sometimes it would be really nice to Have not another kickstand it’s just sometimes really convenient to have a kickstand another one to murder this looks a bit scary a bit rough well look at this view oh my gosh okay I might have to stop taking a quick video it’s pretty oh the pit stops for

    Videos that’s nice that’s nice finally a downhill okay I need a kickstand sponsor or I need someone to invent a really heavy duty kickstand for fat touring by okay smells like Farm it’s pretty though it’s very very green quite Lush R course down there horse Ring

    Course like what point to point Just One Direction don’t do laps or anything the other here yeah yeah that polish scrub in the middle used to be a big old grandstand oh really but um I think a club it was some kind of club that owned

    It all and they sold got rid of it that’s 8 she got the main Highway imagine being living down there like 100 years ago we probably had a little lane going through probably trucks and everything yeah but this is what deon’s like he like this Deon it’s a bit Sunny

    Would be nice oh oops wrong side okay we go on the right or on the left to the left who that was a crow I think we got a bit of a downhill e downhill to the next town sounds pretty good to me it’s nice be I’m sketched out by these roads s m just used to this I’m like oh no I’ll get better at going downhill it’ll take me a little time though I’ll be like Mitch once again all right it’s kind of cold going downhill it’s a bit breezier and there’s a car thank you okay

    What that says no let’s see what mine says oh yeah mine does look like it goes down this way yeah there confusing trying to get faster is it to go that way is it go where you are that we take you in just po po po carry

    On this road where what [ __ ] itself yeah so just got carry on on that very much thought it might be nearly sorry guys um Mitch is the one who kept my bike for nine months in storage after I abandoned it that but he’s going on a really long

    Bike ride today he has to go all the way back with what we’ve done today like oh my gosh I don’t think I would have done that he’s gone far oh look at all those daffodils wow [Applause] take a train back yeah I wonder what time he’ll get

    Home it’s getting kind of cold with this wind bit chilly so I think we’re heading to a town where there’ll be food and stuff get some snacks in us cuz yeah what time does it get dark here cuz it’s almost 4 wait I wonder what time I I’ve been

    Here only 2 days so I can’t remember when it got Dark in 2 hours at 6 and we’ve been riding for how many hours five oh boy it’s a long ride see I think we started around 11 today bit of a later start uh cuz I had to go to the post office this morning and get everything set up for day one

    Tomorrow will be an earlier start though because we will be Camping and I think the sun rises kind of early I took the bus to Plymouth from London so was there like a 7our bus that I took go this way yeah so we’re up early I guess this is the town doggy oh Lord sorry there’s some like got

    Nervous okay we’re heading to the center of town all right oh left sorry oh it’s going to rain tomorrow morning I’ll have to check my forecast and see what time it is already getting a bit cold but maybe it’s just cuz I was going downhill so I think we’re

    Turning I have a Riverside 520 Tour Bike from the campon we have to go all the way around to get to the city center brutal clear by 10 o that’s like 4 hours of me waiting for rain but we can probably get go to a cafe and chill wait for some rain to

    Pass a town center oh these houses are cute I love there a shot there but I don’t know I know there a CA down at the railway station but I don’t know they would be open now oh it’s kind of 4:00 yeah I mean try it if you like to go see

    Yeah okay yeah let’s go take a peek yeah we can go see later on you could go to you know where I said that other Cafe was yeah I don’t know how far I am do you we go down now have a yeah let’s do that yeah kind

    Of you were going to go you know show you that Cafe up there yeah that yeah I could probably make it yeah if I push get anything I’ve got to think about heading back anyway you do I’m getting worried about you I’m not yeah you’re enjoying it okay I’m worried

    Carry on car carry on I’m just going to quickly blow my nose it’s get a cold okay I wonder if we’ve done most of the hills cuz yeah there’s a town I was thinking of making it to but it’s a little bit farther this way somewhere okay I guess we’ll

    See if there’s some stuff open cake oh the sun’s out here there’s Sun this is a really nice road though yeah that coffee house looks closed oh my um trap closed itself weird it’s been doing that sometimes there’s a little uh Park it’s going to say picnic but it’s a park stairs

    When I ever back in India are there bike routs in India to do food cost like 10 cent I wish where where much I think we’ll turn butterfly Farm Cafe it might be closed otter and butterflies oh my what otter and butterflies it’s closed yeah that’s kind of late makes sense otter and

    Butterflies a great family visit whatever the weather follow the signs oh yeah it’s Close wonder what time it closed it did we just miss it oh go back to that shop if you need to buy stuff for this evening or whatever I won’t want to go on anymore as’s not that far away anyway that’s another town yeah okay yeah I’ll just

    Keep going and try to get to another town find dinner yeah some groceries oh yeah this town here Ash as okay yeah it’s like 20 minutes 5 km yeah I could do that and then it’ll be 3.7 M 25 minutes on bu moderate Hills moderate Hills and

    Then I don’t it’s a bit bigger place than this yeah and there’s probably like more like a filling station stuff like that I mean you could get in there they probably have coffee machine or something like that yeah yeah I think I’ve done I’ve done no I can’t believe

    We’ve gone this far so far well cuz it gets dark in 2 hours I got lights so for extra lights in the back me bag as well okay 192 19.27% all those be down got back up I know it’s why I can’t believe what you’re doing two week old bike so he’s breaking

    In oh yeah two week old yeah you’re test ring it first real ride but you like it yeah this is good don’t feel any heavier of silver than that Carbon Fiber One yeah I’ve had that six years so get rid of that and get rid other

    Things well there you go yeah so have you have to go back out here on the main Ro I think yeah tell you something um yeah no I’m just going back and then onto the route over there so not too much post I need to take a video of the

    Otter and Butterfly sign cuz that’s a weird combo oh yeah I’m like otter and butterflies that’s interesting all right well I guess I’ll say goodbye once we’re up the hill yeah yeah but yeah honestly I can’t believe how far you’ve gone I’m impressed anyway I’m impressed with you you still have to ride

    Back but we’ve been riding for like 5 hours apparently but yeah I just going to stop once we get to this sign up here and then I’ll continue I think it’s the right here the sign is that it oh no maybe this tiny one yeah yeah I need a picture of

    That otter and butterflies don’t forget to visit okay yeah M’s heading all the way back to Plymouth absolutely mental okay all right 2 hours till Sundown you think you’ll be riding in the dark a little yeah not too worried you’ll have to message when it’s your

    Home it’s 7° yeah or is it 10 oh 10 feels 6 s do we f oh we’re back okay that was just a weird little thingy so how’s everyone’s day going today have you been enjoying day one of [Applause] tour yeah you’re excited yes

    Y get some then I S send button ear on he going send any chat I’ve like for the app and then restarted oh yeah there we go yeah all right ready yeah all right I think we just go up here and then we’re going our separate ways come

    All right so I think I’m going that way and Mitch is going the other way all wa what way am I going right I’m going left I’m going left you’re going right I’m going right guys don’t worry I’m not lost already no urns allow so I just have to

    Ride on the road here I think [Applause] yeah well thanks for holding my bike for nine months in storage I got say bye to Mitch oh I can’t do I the space bar it’s not working you got to read his message without spaces everyone say bye Mitch fingers on am I no me

    Not frozen what not my bro yeah watch over s for me all right said bye but yeah thanks for holding my bike for 9 months yeah instead of 9 days and for getting me a cardboard box and then telling you to take it out of the cardboard box pedals ped best rock

    Got some power bouns yeah but thank you so much it was worth it had a good day out hav we so uh yeah it was good it was nice that we were able to actually ride together cuz if I flew my bike we wouldn’t have been able

    To so it kind of worked out yeah I always come back and see some more North Devon to rest of UK can’t miss that yeah don’t want to miss m of UK do you but plenty of Years yet for you to do that it finish all the UK yeah for sure spend

    A year here I could until they kick me out yeah you love Scotland and whals whals is good most the UK is good keep away from some c yeah stuff right there you know makes you feel good yeah I’m impressed well done thanks and I don’t mind keeping a bike for 9 months

    I’ve never roll it with anything with it except put pedals on you you did some maintenance yeah they working all right yeah good everything’s perfect no problems Le a Dono works yeah it does work yeah I was a bit worried about that but when the guy said me it’s a resistance in the

    Magnets yeah I I don’t notice any difference so yeah yeah go head off we have a great R back yeah I’m probably doing less kilometers than you but yeah message me once you’re home hav’t got really that much far to go but it depends you find about get to as

    Find some grow yeah find somewhere for the night a it yeah we’ve done 37 km that’s a big day than well I started my recording a bit late so i’ probably about 2122 but yeah I six I can go a bit more direct I think as

    Well we took that turn off instead of going a steep hill stuff like that oh but you can go down the hill yeah find flatter bits well good luck there this is D you read up down I understand yeah I feel that today all right well let you get on before get get

    For another couple of hours yet so you got plenty of time but yeah we’ll see where I make it it’ll be interesting that place we worked out I believe work out right that place we found sh name it yeah and the cafe in the morning yeah I

    Should be able to hit the cafe all right Cafe yeah I’m going to try to get there all right see you ready oh I got to wait for a car bye all right ready all right byebye I think I’m going up this hill imagine if I already turned the wrong way he’s

    Clapping all right guys it’s you and me me and you nice guy for sure he held my bike for 9 months so so we’re going to try to get to the next town for dinner and some groceries then I will assess where I should

    Sleep I had a goal in mind it was a pretty big goal I don’t know if I’ll make it there cuz yeah the plan is to camp tonight hopefully I can get my first night of camping in so it’s 4:30 sun sets at 6:30 so yeah we’ll see how much more we

    Can get done so we’ve currently done 37 km we got downhill right now I feel like I might have gone faster with Mitch because I felt like I had to keep up and um I didn’t have to worry about directions cuz I was just following so we might be going slightly

    Slower now cuz I have to actually look at a map and pay attention to what the heck I’m doing but oh my gosh he went so far we would we’ve been riding the bike for 5 hours [Applause] my first solo traffic Circle I’m slow oh God I’m in the wrong gear I was going down a hill all right I think I might be turning here hopefully this is right heck yeah I made a right turn AKA a left turn but I was in the right direction all right day one of tour I’m feeling

    Pretty good even though I didn’t sleep last night I was really anxious about starting today I don’t know I was worried about how cold I’d feel how hilly it was going to be cuz I know this area is hilly but it’s been pretty good riding today nothing too crazy

    Crazy and we haven’t had much day one chaos occur the most chaos we saw today was a horse doing a full rly pully I got swaggy in chat my mom in chat in Ric in chat yeah this day is a little different than day one Australia that’s for sure we’ll see how

    I sleep tonight I should be tired I think I’m ready for food though for sure we’re still climbing almost to the top of this thing all right SLE and then we go down and then we probably go up hi from Sydney oh it’s Steve I know you’re

    Australian we can hard get up the H thank you cumer and trying it is kind of cold it is uh 10° out so it’s not like super super cold but definitely not summer this is my coldest to actually no this is one of my colder tours I’ve been doing I did a pretty

    Cold tour in Japan cuz I was cycling in Japan in the winter and I had to tap out cuz I got too cold so this is going to be interesting I got layers I got mittens um I got a camping stove so hopefully it’ll be okay holy moly I feel like they’re going

    The we a bit fast what do you reckon guys the car was kind of flying but we finally rescued our bike we reunited we’re reunited it took me nine months but the buck is doing good I tried to be more lightweight this time of course everything still adds up

    In weight so the bags still feel heavy but I cut back on a few things the biggest thing I cut back on was bringing a laptop I used to bring a laptop cuz I thought I’d do editing and some computer work while on the road but

    I ended up never doing that even though I thought I would so it’s just a lot of weight for kind of no reason so no computer this time that was a big one and then I only brought how many t-shirts three t-shirts two Marena ones and one cyclan

    Jersey so yeah I try to cut back a bit oh my Lord why look at how big that Hill is oh oh my gosh this is my biggest hell of the day it’s not going to be we soon okay if I can carry my momentum up thank

    You okay it looks steeper than it is it looked like it was going to be Steep just kidding I don’t like climbing I passed the bad part oh that’s exciting news that’s good to hear okay okay hitch wants more Hills pitch loves to climb Hills pitch is a hill fan that’s why he went to Norway and Ro to the AR

    Some stuff for him to find to give him a little game I probably moved all the kitchen stuff around so he’s going to play like find the spatula find the cheese grater that’s the games Trevor gets to play because I brought a bunch of kitchen stuff from my parents house to

    Edmonton and I reorganized some of the kitchen so that’s what Trevor gets to do what a fun game yeah you’re in the middle of like frying an egg and can’t find a spatula got a little bit of speed there for a little bit the hidden chocolate was definitely more fun can’t confirm

    I wonder how I’m going to feel tomorrow I can kind of feel my legs already a bit snipple okay I slowed down we are trying to Camp the goal tonight is Camp it might be hard to find a place to put my tent uh but I’m hoping I hope I find

    Something cuz I really do want to camp as much as possible um I have a new Bella box so it’s less battery intensive so my batteries should last quite a bit longer so it’ be really lovely to Camp so I’m going to try my hardest and my

    Darnest oh wow look at that little stream elements message guys sniff if you’re from America and you like breakfast guess what you can use my hellofresh code and receive one free breakfast item per box for your subscription is active it’s a way to get some free breakfast we also getting meals delivery

    To your house with fresh produce easy to follow instructions so if you’re from America and never tried out hellofresh before you want to support the stream you could sign up using my my code I’d appreciate it a ton my uh parents use hellofresh my dad

    Would never cook uh all he knew how to make was a macaroni craft dinner but hellofresh actually got him in the kitchen with my Mom they’re cooking together I think he liked the recipes that came with it like the printed out recipes that you follow and most meals are pretty fast to

    Make like I feel like it’s like 20 to like 35 minutes most of the recipes so yeah if you want to check it out we got a we got a little code Katie does go hard though guys when I was a child every Saturday my father and I would clean the

    House and then Wy macaroni every single Saturday growing up that was the routine and then eventually I got old enough to make macaroni so he wouldn’t even make it anymore it turned into my job to make the macaroni anyway it’s a Canadian staple a classic there’s like a horse statue up here

    Interesting so we’re still in dartmore I think like a bunch of horse stuff we haven’t seen a dartmore pony yet though that would make my day a Petro station uh the next town I think is in a few kilometers and then I think I’m ready for dinner I’m kind of hungry

    It will pick me up would be lovely okay so what way am I supposed to go left or right because I kind of shows me going straight right okay we’re going right friends wait is this the right side of the road yeah oh shoot then what way am I going straight I

    Think where am I turning I’m kind of confused I think we’re Turning I think we’re going left I’m definitely not on the kute course okay sorry my nose oh then left up here and then I think I’ll be back on course okay oh there’s a trail I didn’t see where that dog came from got it I didn’t see the trail I’m definitely

    Hungry I can feel my uh tummy he this the town I didn’t take me long to get to why is Center uphill it is quite H today St break uh I think I have sniffles cuz it’s kind of cold out I think that’s what’s causing them okay this hell isn’t that bad I

    Just am tired it’s definitely time for a break then I’ll blow my nose I feel like my heart’s going fast right now okay that dog wants to say hi one second get I can do this I think that’s the top okay Hill start though ready Freddy let’s try to climb I’m not ready

    I lied okay ready three two one hell start I did it I’m not participating in SN Rockets guys that’s a hitch thing okay I thought the hell was going to stop it has not come on welcome back to England thank you welcome back to Devon it’s really

    H I thought that car was coming straight at me so I kind of bailed I definitely need to Fig out I’m not feeling super hot oh we got a nose raid maybe I should blow my nose one moment I think my speaker turned off oh it didn’t it just didn’t come

    Through we got a raid from jayzy thank you Jay for the raid welcome in everybody I’m Sarah I got a sniffly nose currently cuz it’s a bit cold in the UK um thank you so much for joining us welcome Raiders how’s Jay doing where is he right now Jay’s been kind of going

    All over the place recently let me do a quick pull over get off the road for a sec welcome everyone let me say hi to you I’m a bit sweaty warning I just finished climbing a massive Hill okay hi I’m Sarah this is day one of my bike tour I’m in the

    UK um I started in Plymouth if you guys know where that is I’m in Plymouth or I was in Plymouth and um I rescued my bike I crashed my bike about 9 months ago here and I had a viewer keep my bike for me and um I am

    On a rescue mission got the bike we’re running to a major airport we’re either going to go to London or we’re going to ride to Manchester a little Greece if that made sense we’re doing about 10 days of riding in the UK then heading over to

    Greece and kind of going up to like Bosnia Albania those kind of places um yeah so it’s going to be a massive tour we’re just in the UK right now retrieving the bike but yeah it’s day one we’ve done about 40 km so far I’m really sweaty I’m really hungry so we’re

    About to go get some food in this town um cuz yeah I’m starving it’s time for dinner so we’re going to get dinner see how much time we have left for the sunlight I’m camping tonight so I’ll have to go find somewhere to camp but yeah that’s the plan thanks for joining

    Travel in general cuz sometimes I do City streaming as well all right let’s get back on the road sorry my nose is kind of sniffly it’s kind of cold out but yeah that’s a plan guys let’s go find some food oh sorry the camera’s at the ground

    But I think we’re getting into the town center right now so we should be able to find something only one open shop in this town wait no dinner oh that’s a bit sad I’m really really hungry okay I think we’re kind of in the town center

    Now I might have to stop and Google what’s open there’s a bar and restaurant right here okay let’s pull over quickly and see what’s open okay it’s kind of annoying my bike doesn’t have a kickstand so like whenever I stop I still have to like hold my bike

    Up kind of lean it against the wall all let’s see restaurants there’s a couple places there is the r mullet which sounds like fish and chips there’s I don’t know how to say that Indian takeaway we can get some Indian food that could be good uh it’s only 1

    Minute away so I might go there cuz I’m vegetarian oh did I go past it already I think I did um head Southwest on West Street 332 that’s speaker so I’m going to go back and see if that Indian place is open get some warm meal on

    Me there’s Chinese takeout is there okay I’m just going to go back real quick and just see you guys just came from NJ I don’t know I think it’s over here somewhere change voice to Native accent oh my Google we do have um chat um Brian he’s British good old

    Brian uh I think it’s this one your Destin is on the right let’s see if it’s open kind of awkward I don’t know where I put my bike says it’s open is it only takeout though I don’t think there’s a place to sit I kind of want to sit down Somewhere Secret Garden c i lunch and dinner window looks closed where he live he he didn’t go sitting there did he we head for for metal doorm oh Donuts Oh Oh I thought they Crashed okay Okay That was a big One okay this is the one that had the short legs look at [Applause] him why none of the internets are working signals back okay I’m having some network issues I think thank you for the prime ly live at the moment okay I think one

    Of my modems died um so I’m going to try to charge this um really quickly and then I can’t find a place place for food the Indian takeout yeah you can’t sit down there’s a fish and chip place open but that might not be a good option for

    Me um but I’ll try to see if I can find anything else cuz I am very very hungry and that’s of course when everything breaks is when I’m starving it’s okay what’s open after 5 there was like a place that I walked past up there where the internet wasn’t

    Working but it looked very closed when I walked past it so I was kind of confused okay let’s try to turn on this other modom hopefully we can get some stuff working okay I think it’s on okay let’s Google again some restaurants seems like some things are closed until

    Tuesday oh most things are closed huh greedy bird oh no everything’s not open until Tuesday there’s a pizza box oh you have to eat outside I kind of I’m a little bit cold so I’d like to go inside if I could Victoria In it’s a pub I think that might be the place I walked past earlier I don’t know if there’s internet over there silent a whistle where is this one sorry oh this one we also walked past okay I guess we’ll walk backwards and I’ll see if the internet stays connected or

    Not uh if I can’t find anything we’ll have to uh we’ll have to uh go to the next town all right we just got to do a uturn there’s a spar there so I can get groceries let’s so there’s two pubs apparently up here yeah there’s a spa right there if I

    Really need food there was like Indian take out which would be nice and warm but I just kind of want to sit inside I know I saw one PB for sure I’m not sure about the other one oh there’s the old in so this is one this one looks quite

    Closed looks like it’s under construction okay we’re walking past this one up here we’ll see if it’s open your destination is on the right a veggie pop pie o that sounds good I just want something warm also it’s kind of I don’t know what

    To do with my bike if we go to the pub here I wonder how far the next town is from this Town is this open chip homemade pudding ice cream fudge hot beverages dogs welcome is that open how do you get inside I’m bad at doors fresh on my mail served all day from 12 noon made puddings ice cream fudge it’s quite pricey I’m just so hungry guys what’s on their menu does anyone

    Know let me see if I can find it online what is this one called xan ah menu I think they got pizza oh they do have shepherd’s pie guys I need to figure out how to get inside okay um where where would you put your bicycle that’s my next

    Question cuz if I put my bike on the sidewalk here I kind of take up the entire sidewalk that’s the thing bring the bike in and all my crap um I don’t know I do want to go here though beep be beep beep just going to park it in this thicker

    Area I’ll go in and see where they recommend that I leave my bike I just feel bad cuz it kind of takes up most of the road but I kind of want to be able to see it I don’t oh yeah they have a wall of garden okay yeah

    I got a lot of questions I’m guessing I just open this look at it this is so cute together I’ll tell you thisai kaai Kawai yeah okay is it is it a show or show this stage no no yeah yeah this stage is it just this okay sorry that’s okay I wasn’t

    Sure what this was we got some yogurt I think oh I didn’t get this last time running oh wow oh your little face is so Sweet excuse you okay all right um next time don’t buy the food buy the deer okay hi gorgeous hello I don’t have anymore look at the baby look at the baby come on here I want to show the camera come here thank you don’t follow babes you got a caterpillar on you you’re

    Welome how was that you went right over your face can you see little legs oh he’s going around it where you going little guy I can go yes yeah okay just a little just okay baby come here no I want to give it to the

    Baby ah baby I got you okay I don’t got you hit the deer no I want it to give it to a baby dang it I never got to feed the well hi guys welcome to day one of of Portugal bug touring um today is the

    First official day of the bug tour we did like a short stream yesterday for but today we’re actually going to ride the bike and ride it into Porto and check out the city all right what a start you know remember Australia that was a crazy start to tour I think the

    First day of tour just brings chaotic energy that’s my theory I’m sticking to that first day is chaotic we just walked through a farm okay favorite cat we got this one we got the pumpkin spice cat over there that has a bow we had the other Short Cat we have the locker

    Cat there’s a few cats I think I like the pumpkin spice cat the most your own guys I’m so so hungry and I’m a bit sad I bet once I go back inside the Internet won’t work I just locked my bike up and I’m like okay sure did we up again still alive

    Okay we are okay we’re going inside and we’re just going to hope for the best guys I’ll ask if they have Wi-Fi okay just me in my mess he wasn’t playing with me everything’s pumpkin spicy says yeah the cat’s pumpkin spice well he has an orange bow on really prettyat favorite that’s fair

    Want H out down here Oh get in there yeah it’s good stuff isn’t it you want like a little bit more yeah get it get it some more water she’s just balancing cute there’s a girl coming 53 we did it 53 guys broken nothings okay this is very s ride my boots when I got home after ride riding my motorcycle my filled with really um took took my boots off as soon as I got off black to the FR door hor take the

    Boots so I put them on the radiator to dry one of my turn the radi still yeah went to get my boots this morning it dried up a little bit what do you like to drink I’m trying to they have rainbow bread and rainbow dip for prize oh my god let’s

    TR or just the one yeah sure what candle yeah doesn’t need a video let’s see for Goodings all right you did okay okay thanks we’re trying to get some dinner at a pub but I’m a bit confused I gota go ask some questions okay um so yeah

    What would you like I have some questions yes uh are these like pot pies or pork pies do these have all have meat in it uh no so but unfortunately we don’t have this one oh you don’t oh we’ve got the spiced butter bean pie and that one

    Doesn’t have meat no that’s that’s spicy butter bean okay I’ll try that one yeah and could I also just get like a glass of water yeah um yeah Che okay thank you for the raid guys I got to tell him I’m live streaming because

    I’m the only person in here and I’m G to sound crazy but thank you so much for the raid okay PW we bring tea biscuits and lots of Tire parets thank you yeah yeah good yeah uh yes please yeah I do a little like live stream while

    Bike toy so I’m just going to be talking to myself just sorry you know I’m not like completely weird okay I’m like I’m the only person in here so I feel a little weird this tripod I don’t really know how to use it yet all right guys I had to just warn

    Him that we’re going to be talking to ourselves it was a little quiet there’s no music either okay I got some water I got a pot pie we’re doing good thank you yeah asking for a place to Camp I do need to find some Woods cuz the sun sets in an hour I

    Think yeah thank you Raiders welcome what were you guys up to on stream if you came from K’s stream m m giveaways that’s nice they were doing some giveaways it sounds like yeah we got to try our cider cheers day one you okay all right that side area is

    Good I need to see what way I’m leaving town maybe let’s figure out where we can go camping probably get out of this town hopefully find some Woods I’m not super good at finding camping spots let’s be real trying to look at Google views H we might have to get some

    Assistance you’re really Brave to do this tour thank you I’ve done quite a bit of solo touring um I’ve been to Japan Australia uh Portugal Spain Belgium UK um South Korea Japan again and Taiwan yeah would you like CHS potatoes uh chips yeah potatoes okay I might message swagy and

    See if he can help me find in a little camping spot okay where’s swagy I he might be asleep no what time is it the swagy in chat oh the CER is good it’s nice and fruity actually let’s see how far we’ve gone 41 kilm my goal today was 50 so we’re not

    Too far off I just need to figure out where the heck I can get into some Woods he was on na and Discord was he hi SW see any woods see if I can get a little bit of help um cuz when we were riding today I was like

    Lowkey trying to see if there’s any good camping spots and doesn’t really look like it’s easy to get into like Woods or stuff here but hopefully I can find something I I found it really easy to Wild camp in Portugal as soon as I got to Spain it

    Was hard last time I was in the UK I stayed at campsites ask the Barm man I might have to also got water cuz I’m probably dehydrated as heck um but actually we should also look at the weather oh it is supposed to rain tomorrow the rain starts at 1

    A.m. and it looks like it’ll stop actually it’s like a lot of rain tomorrow it looks like it might kind of looks like rain is on the forecast all day tomorrow but I don’t know maybe it’ll change I do have a waterproof camera with me this

    Time and um a waterproof like bag to put over my backpack so we could try to ride in the rain that’ be a really cool day though yeah we will probably be R in into looks like in this area there’s a lot of Farmland it might be hard to camp

    Today just the last um back yes thank you this place is cute I got a candle look at National Trust Henry okay let me Google that oh what is the National Trust is it like a force that you can hang outed I could probably get out that

    Way I think it’s going the opposite direction I need to go though but that’s okay sending some screenshots to my mods natural trust you might get thank Oh that’s oh so you can’t camp in them interesting a lot of campsites are aren open the winner let’s see technically you’re not allowed to Wild

    Camp so we’re not wild camping normally I set up my tent once it’s dark and then we leave when the Sun rises I’m a bit worried about the rain tomorrow though I hope it changes I hope it’s changes its mind so Landon UK’s Farmland yeah I was

    Talking to Trevor and he did mention that so it’s kind of hard to find places Trevor did say like if I get really stuck I can probably knock on a farmer’s door and ask to put my tent in their yard but that’s a bit bold isn’t

    It I guess Devon is a lot of farms wonder what this SP is sorry guys I’m just staring at a map um I’m just trying to see if I can find anything know uh I ordered a cider oh so I gu said check na okay I think

    Thank you can I get you any sauce uh what kind of sauce got ketchup mayonnaise brown maybe I’ll take some ketchup yeah Trevor do you want to help me find a bush to sleep in this is so English sauce I steamy exciting the in no calculator thank you for your Prime thank you thanks a of neck little and you can see the steam I’m excited cuz I’m kind of cold good stuff sorry a chip we got potatoes this is cabbage find a in the corner there is a dry of

    Wine excuse me you there to talk there or not really you youtubing yeah if you don’t mind if I’m talking and stuff you won’t be on camera or anything no matter but you mind if we talk no go ahead yeah are you sure oh yeah totally okay I just

    Want to make sure that we’re okay we can do background on yeah some Ambiance you may not want them though no it’s totally fine yeah I don’t want to interrupt you no no no no we’ll be fine I just okay yeah thank you guys before yeah I’m doing a bicycle tour

    Yeah so I’m filming the roads and stuff does that actually gain you any money or is it just yeah so right now it is my job it’s kind of weird I don’t understand never someh how that works yeah it’s like you pay the bills yeah somehow that’s aming then yeah so I kind

    Of go to different countries and I ride my bike and I have people kind of like on my shoulder watching so I do are you from us uh Canada yeah Jesus how should I said Canada uh it’s like it’s at twitch do you know yeah so it’s live

    Video so people watch as I go so I start when I wake up in my tent and I stream all the way till I go to bed camping yeah I try to today’s my first day of tour actually I started I started in Plymouth oh yeah

    Yeah wow okay yeah so I’m going to try to camp tonight but I’m having a hard time finding a place there’s a lot of Farmland here what you me you working I mean I mean where can you camp no no there’s a there’s a a campsite Caravan site up the hill to the

    Woman on a cooking course she’s staying there oh really yeah so literally if you go look at ashon cooking school on your Google Maps or what Maps you use cooking school let’s see if the old fashion system can find it for you oh I think I see it so if that’s on

    Your right hand side you carry on past that on your right hand side Parker Farm Holiday Park yeah oh that’s that is it got 10 10 spots which a all Park yeah but I mean you have to like free some where you can just jump in you got the

    Dark the dark the Moors where watch out for the beasts for the Beast yeah have you ever seen American Werewolf in London no is there a beast there yeah exactly cuz I see sorry I’m just going to so I found I think the cooking school you’re talking about that

    One yeah yeah so there’s a place literally if you go past that on your right no that’s Jesus Christ my fat fingers so go pass it on your right hand side it should be where which how far was it John sorry was it further past on your right further past further past like

    Kind of how far John what was it called he’s too busy now uh we’re not from around here I’m not from I live in Kent Kent I don’t think I’ve been there Southeast London Southeast London yeah and I’m in the middle of nowhere you’re in the middle

    Of nowhere I might have been there there’s Park you’re in middle of nowhere from bloody Canada about 6,000 miles away there Parkers Farm Holiday Camp what is we are at the moment your Dy yeah about a mile up the prob a mile and a half oh this one that’s the one

    Yes okay are you cycling or walking cycling yeah so I have like a Touring bike with a bunch of bags on it okay yeah yeah okay nice yeah it’s quite heavy it’s day one it’s up a little Hill though so you might need to push it up there that’s okay I’ve been climbing

    Hills all day today it feels but it’s quite level once you get to the top of the hill it’s quite level compared to what you used do oh there’s pigs yeah you’re in Farmland around they’re not friendly they’re not friendly don’t pet the pigs so kind the

    Year um I used to live in Victoria which is kind of by Vancouver but I just moved to a cold place I moved to Emon kind of moreth yeah it’s a bit Scotia what yeah oh well used to live in there 6 months of a year used to live in Ontario just

    Outside of Toronto oh you probably see more Canada than I have and then we had our honeymoon and we went up to Quebec and Montreal doing the road trips a bit so I’d love to do across the trans transcontinental Highway yeah Canadian Highway you’ve seen where Canada than I

    Have well we are a bit older you a lot older yeah yeah I go everywhere but Canada it’s a beautiful country and the people are so nice compared to the ganks right well thanks for the info cuz yeah I’ll check this out and see I don’t

    Know how much it costs or anything else or if there’s pitches free I’m not sure it’s just that a lady staying there on our cooking course and she said it’s I think they have set checking times okay well maybe if I’m late I can try to pay in the morning sometimes just

    Sneak out before no no of course I’m pain okay yeah that’s great cuz yeah I was just trying to find some woods but everything is like farmland and Devon it seems yeah you need to be safe as well you need to be safe yeah will you got Poli station

    Here how’s the food is it worth it I’ve only had one chip so far but it’s great yeah I’m really excited for warm food it’s kind of cold I’m nervous about camping I’m sure they’ll rearm it for you if you want no my food’s warm I’m cold oh it used to

    Be just out so it’s like it used to be one of be that you find rarely yeah and now you can I think even wepon so that’s the only main we got a minute that’s kind of vir guys I think we might have found a place to Camp my

    Doesn’t with craft I was brought up on Smith smooth we might have found a place going back to I wasn’t even born in the 2000s 2002 yeah yeah so J so Youngy just yeah January yeah all right that amazing and I realized it’s just a big

    Clock they have a number you can call in cheat you think foring probably and what are you going to do for join this P what you going I could try to do that it’s not really far let’s see if they have hours was the class clown that the

    Didn’t you I don’t think they do have hours s down someone see a phone number anyway Jesus they do have a website can I just ask how old you are if you do this for a I’m 26 shut up is she have you checked her ID doesn’t look old enough to

    Actually have a class 26 yeah okay you’ve had an easy laugh suppose I know I know I everyone thinks I’m young but that’s very useful sometimes yeah well is useful as well especially when you’re older as well you that would be haed no I’m fine with

    Getting ided all the time I don’t when I travel but back home I’m always ided because America it’s 21 drinking as well isn’t it yeah well Canada as well I don’t know if it’s the same but have a place that sell beer and then if you wanted liquor you’d have to go

    Through a different store yeah you do is that still the same yeah austral not oh you can buy it at the grocery stores here I forgot about that yeah yeah no we have separate drink separate you want to get some beers and you want to get some mon you have go to

    Different you can buy it at the motorway service station that then drink in the car the way and we end no we got some friends at the pub now guys not supermarkets and corner stores Al here oh no he fell no my kickstand is not standing straight

    Right now and I don’t really know why is it because my weight’s really unbalanced why or is the ground weird um kickstand thank you oh my goodness there’s a bunch of steam coming out of did you see a little just a little sneeze look it’s our child you all right oh

    No it throws up I’ll accept it you want a cuddle look at that face are you the new Grumpy Cat this cat is the one that’s the most playful I think yeah it doesn’t want to be pet he just wants to like play collect my my

    Things you want to go sit on Trevor’s lap you are me no I want the cat too I want Trevor to get a cat line thank you thank you that’s all I wanted I got the prize ice cream it’s pretty much gone all right we are talking to KI who’s a a

    Streamer from Portugal uh she met up with us in Port so and she’s like oh you have to try all these Foods I was like oh I’m vegetarian I’m like is there anything that I can’t try She’s Like H does anyone know who this dude is oh that’s some good tongue

    Oh I want to show want to show the cat tongue one sec done [Applause] for Fire tattoo we’re back at a battery die which I’m kind of surprised the batteries I got are supposed to be really good so now I’m kind of concerned that one went from 100 to dead so I might not have enough batteries I just gave three batteries to

    Mitch cuz I thought I had too many but now I might not have enough the ride today was pretty good we rode with Mitch the the person that kept my bike for 9 months and um he wrode really far he rode like 40 km with me we’ve done about 50 now I

    Think 50 km but it’s been a lot of climbing and going down Hills and climbing I that last all I had was the Tor R because okay everything is dying at the same time all right we should have audio back I might have to order some more

    Batteries I’m kind of I’m really shocked by my battery situation oh yeah so it should be shoved about 20° so know where we’re sleeping tonight I might have to pay in the morning but it should be all right Chev and I had to do that a few

    Times on the tanm tour we’d get there late at night and then we’d have to pay in the morning I’m pretty sure there’s probably camping spot since it’s like winter I don’t think they’ll be all full one more but yeah I’m curious how cold I’m going to

    Be am I okay just pay for one drink on C asse any left I assume yeah yeah everything worked well today normally day one is chaos normally day ones are the most interesting the most chaotic but today the most chaotic thing was the horse rolling around ask Mitch to bring my batteries

    Back like just kidding Mitch I couldn’t do that to him I’ve got the day isn’t over yet we still got some biking to do maybe I should also go to The Spar grab some snacks I got extra water if I need to heat it up I just need to remember how

    To light the fire and not explode so no I bought some fuel yesterday for the little what is it called Jeet boil mostly pies a p house what’s the best pie you do um I’m going to go with a winter game currently is that really G

    Be shoot I did buy a ler from poundland got poundland I actually got one so I think it’ll be really good it has like a little bit of a stem to it so I can be a little bit farther when I’m lighing it oh the food is good I got potatoes

    Which I wasn’t expecting so I’m quite happy good a torch lighter but it’s not like a full one it’s like a Shor one stay right yesterday oh well so you going all the way through to next Sunday no to this Friday yeah Friday night it is good that I have a

    Potato um have you done to before am kind of cold still I think I am was a bit sweaty in my fleece so it’s not that nice I have a down coat in my bag and if I stay at campsite I might be able to shower which I had to buy a

    New um towel yesterday Trevor and I have these like little travel towels that are like quite small I think they’re like microfiber but I thought I had it in my bag here but I don’t so I might have lost that towel I bought this like really really small one that’s super lightweight and

    It’s like thinner than paper so I don’t know how good it’s going to work two it’s the thinnest thing I’ve ever seen super absorbant I’m I’ll I’ll let you guys know like the vibe of the pub I want to see what you guys can see because I’m kind of backl by a

    Window let me take a little peek I can’t I can’t see what you guys see oh no it looks okay I still got my heart rate monitor on oh yeah and you can kind of see like the candles in the background that’s cute yeah it’s a nice place I’m really

    Happy I got a war meal I was kind of worried that we’d have to eat outside today we also got vegetable this is like more of a balanced maale than Trevor and I cook at home Bristol is a great place been a while since I’ve been

    There we did I I went to Bristol last time I was here right is Bristol where like we did the Unicorn corn hunt yeah it’s supposed to rain tomorrow the forecast isn’t looking so bright okay Bristol is where we did the Unicorn would you become in the Manchester way

    So I need to decide if I’m going to London or to Manchester I’m going to bike up to Bristol and then make my choice but we might go to Manchester just because that’s quite different than what we did last time to we only 30 minutes away from Manchester that’s really

    Close but yeah I guess we’ll see what the weather does mik got a cheeky one I got a cheeky cider today it’s a good cider I don’t know what the heck it is but it’s nice how many days do you think you’ll be biking here if I do 50 kilometers every

    Day it will be like 10 days to Manchester or it’ll be 8 days to London that’s if we do 50 every day today it might just be shy of 50 because we started a bit late CU I had to go to the post office but they do yes so the bigger they obviously

    With so they’re all B but then see there’s five little p symbols those ones you also can come as a smaller option so smaller p As I can finish sounds nice and hilly too today was really hilly which I kind of expected because right before I crashed my bike it was very hilly so I kind of knew I had to get out of the hilly area but all the hills are manageable I still complained

    But I was able to get up though I do need a doggy bag I can definitely eat more don’t worry I think we can take her time I think I’ll just have to cycle the last bit of today in the dark but I think that’ll be fine if I go Manchester route bigger

    Hills yeah I heard grease is quite hilly so maybe it would like prep me for grease maybe potentially M roads aren’t too busy I also have lights on my bik what’s my twitch yeah um do you want me to just tell you or write it shame yeah think he’s getting

    Pen make him open it on his phone and follow not very memorable thank you for the sub welcome to the UK thank you for joining us yeah that’s okay it’ll look like that when you find it I have a different hair color in the picture hopefully I can write this nice enough

    What uh oh okay ran out a room okay it’s Sarah bridgew water I ran out of room that’s all right okay brilliant thank you very much yeah thank you I need my business cards you everywhere just brilliant no business cards actually I might have some maybe I

    Don’t there might be some in the secret pocket somewhere business card we look about right now I’m not no no I was born in I don’t think my business cards actually still work because I had a QR code on my business card and then the link I think got

    Changed because I wanted it to be the same as my twitch username so I might have accidentally broken the QR code so maybe I just need to make some new ones I have to read your poem cuz I turned off the audio sorry I’m being Brian today Sarah

    Having end of the day food let her eat don’t be rude unless Miss dropping some pros you deserve some I suppose first day of an English Bike Tour days of fun to come we ensure thank you very much oser Haw sorry sorry I am not Brian but there’s English accents around us oh

    W thank you for the daily poetry we appreciate it hopefully I said it okay enough I tried claps claps claps thank you very much the big get in B you just can’t use comp words if I’m reading it yes my dad Trac such a cool Pub it really is a cool

    Pub 10 out of 10 staff 10 out of 10 candles oh and I got a little pie I got a proper meal 10 out of 10 customers very so yeah was there for about six months we got Prime sub Xander thank you for the prime I appreciate it thank you so much

    Thank you everyone who’s resubbed today or subbed for the first time I do appreciate it a ton and if you followed the stream also thank you very much I appreciate every single follow as well we just passed like 20K like last month which was really exciting so thank

    You we also got another sub from Terry for 14 months hey Terry we also are on a hype train got another hellofresh box today sah um guys if you don’t know I am a hellofresh partner if you’re from America and want to try out hellofresh

    For the first time you can use my code and get free breakfast um as long as you’re subscribed to hellofresh so if you’re into breakfast and want to try out hellofresh you can use my code and it helps support the stream I’d appreciate it but you have to live in

    America this one is only American only I’m cpto as yeah I think I’ve had one person sign up so far so if you guys want to check it out I definitely appreciate it um yeah TR and I cooked like three hellofresh meals before I left on this trip and they’re all really

    Good we had some really interesting ones actually oh wow we also got another sub from John of 16 months thank you very much John for the 16 months I appreciate it yeah Hop On Hop on the hype train thank you guys for hopping on gave us another 100 bits Cho

    Cheo the chips are really good I love potatoes thank you guys for the hype train we also got another 100 bits from ever dark thank you guys it’s nice to see everyone here for the first I do appreciate that you guys all came back hope you guys are excited exactly

    And just do what you can afford to do but just and the dist so far terms of longterm future of it go up one second I can get the distance toino so the distance so far is 41 km that 41 km today we still have a few

    More to go my goal today was 50 but I kind of started the stream late so it makes sense that I didn’t do 50 so I’m not mad at what we did today cuz we started at 11 which is quite a light start P tabl get cheap 41 km think I lose the

    Money because I have Trevor’s been on my channel here and there Trevor and I just bought a car so we did a little road trip together tev and I also moved provinces so we were busy moving house 25 cent tables and all the other bits of pie so the amazing thing there was

    We you got mik with a gifted sub to stream elements thank you we got a level two hype train right now Trevor was also nominated for the streamer Awards and he did like um how many days was it he did like a week long hit checking trip to La for the streamer

    Awards so he did a mini trip in between moving house and stuff so Trevor’s doing good guys don’t worry he’s all good yeah so I have like a chat here and then everyone that’s watching can type and I can talk back to them so it’s kind of

    Fun because like if I’m making decisions they can give input and tell me like where to go and stuff so to Manchester London M yeah yeah so they canot of Manchester as yeahp oh lipo I’ve been to Bristol last time I was here just for like one day going through

    Yeah but I was thinking Manchester cuz I was like in London kind of around that area before so it’d be kind of nice to go up you also if you go to got yor which is so beautiful that’s but it is Elric no Elric yeah or

    A tand them you need to find some schmu to actually take I have a tandem bike back in Canada we rode it from France to Norway did you do Norway as well that pies it was really good yeah yeah CU yeah I think if I go towards

    Like Bristol I could also like go check out cith and stuff I’ve never been there yeah that’s a big city as well that’s the thing with cardi that’s it depends on what you’re are yeah back you go up to North Yorkshire I mean North Wales

    And you go up to that snow down here so picturesque but it becomes sparse that’s the problem Oh Liverpool’s way up there I see it’s near Manchester you’re not far away oh yeah it is I got lost in the map yeah oh yeah I could probably go to Liverpool man Bingham

    Yeah that’s what we call but for for Canada’s sake they on the map you probably moved thatal yeah in Canada like a short drive for us like to go see my parents at seven hours like that’s fine like will drive four hours to go to the cinema

    Yeah have you seen theze of absolutely Jesus do 200 miles to go to the cinema yeah yeah cuz where I grew up I grew up in like a small town the closest city was 4 hours away and it’s just Canada yeah well now did you say you’re in

    Edmonton yeah well that’s remote as well isn’t it kind of yeah at least it’s a city though so we don’t feel like we have to like Drive cold yeah like the week before I left it was likeus 21 every day bunch of snow I remember the first time I turned

    Up to Canada well my fiance was Canadian ly I’ve never seen so much snow just before Christmas it must have been 2 feet in one day yeah and then I went and went there snow blower I what’s a snow blower I didn’t even know what snow we

    Don’t have snow blowers in the UK that’s fair yeah got clear the PA you don’t because that by law apparently I don’t know what say is you have to clear your sidewalk yeah soide your house yeah yeah it gets really tall like taller than people yeah I lived in Victoria for a

    Little bit and that was like a nice little warm change yeah but it’s really expensive so we ended up back in so how long you been doing this this uh only like two years so not super long my partner he’s also a twitch streamer he does hitchhiking on live stream so he’s been

    Doing it for I so do you ever meet sometimes yeah I was just in South Korea and he came to South Korea to do his own trip so we kind of meet up here and there it’s kind of weird but it’s another world he’s and like we met up in like Belgium

    And rode our bikes together for a bit cuz yeah we just find each other around the world yeah but we had uh he’s in Canada we had like a little bit of time off together because we were moving to Emon so we had like two months off together

    Now it’s time to go again you’ve had enough of it now that’s it yeah right bye see you in June SS a perfect relationship run away for a bit come back yeah yeah we want to figure out how to do more trips together like with the tandem bike cuz that was

    Fun but sometimes it’s hard yeah living 247 with the same person all the times yeah the tandem was a bit crazy cuz you’re on the same bike and then we go into the same tent every night we like always together but it didn’t break us

    Up somehow you cuz I think that was like two months maybe three months ofy Co was stressful for a lot of people when you’re in the same house all the time you couldn’t yeah actually in Canada we used to live in a micro Suite

    So it’s just like a bed it was like 315 Square fet we lived there for 3 years it’s kind of Jes anything yeah that’s what we said yeah cuz yeah it was super tiny yeah it’s a kind of a weird life but it’s fun it’s so different as well I I can’t

    Believe it just mental yeah it’s crazy because like before this I was working in a hospital like fulltime and it’s like a very different career path yeah so what’s the big picture no idea no fine yeah just see what happens amazing hope for the best but

    There’s lots of you know y’s L you know but she wouldn’t understand the accents she’s she’s going up to Liverpool or Manchester there weird I have to pull out a translator just high pitch it’s like Canada as well you know they’ve got so many different Dialects can be strange yeah cuz I lived in Australia in Australia for two years and I stayed at hosts and there’s a bunch of people from the UK and they all had very different accents there are some I don’t know where they were from but I can never

    Understand them new cost is probably the wor and they speak very quickly yeah and then yeah I had some Irish friends and once they were drunk I’m like newcast you know so much fun up in newcast Newcastle that’s right just before you get to Scotland Liverpool you get your

    Bik lock it up you need to lock it up you could like here you probably be able to leave it out I left it in an alley you’ll be fine cut really Newcastle it’s a lovely city as well it’s really friendly the further you North you go as

    Well the more friendly people become oh really everyone’s been so nice so far down here as well but London is its own busy kind of that they want to be talked to they want to socialize that’s fair I don’t think I talked to anyone in London it’s just you know you sit the

    Tube or you sit well we I don’t we call it the underground on a you yeah you talk to somebody they think they’re an idiot or you know you nuts yeah don’t talk yeah yeah everywhere is so different from each other yeah you know Yorkshire they’re so friendly and they

    Just want to chat to you yeah cuz I do a lot of traveling in like Japan and stuff and like when you’re on the trains no one says a word It’s So Different yeah and I never locked my bike in Japan no but Japan is China you’re sitting at a

    Table and people sit oh yeah together sh at the same table you like yeah up at the bar yeah cuz yeah I I was doing like the videos there and I found it hard to go out to eat cuz I’d sit me next to like all these people I’m like I don’t want

    To film them cuz I feel bad so it’s hard to find like your own table to hide at yeah that’s fun that’s okay you more you’re hry communal Japan yeah thumbs up yeah I’m drinking a cider it is getting darker out actually I should see how many kilometers I have to go

    I don’t think it’s far trying to load it it’s not loading it won’t load okay it’s fine we’ll figure out how far it is later let’s see the food the food is being eaten I have really good lights on my bike cuz I have a Dynamo Hub um so my

    Lights are always on which I really like and Mitch made sure they’re working hey Chatters just tipped 1337 welcome to the UK Sarah here’s something to go towards your cider and food good luck on the journey thank you very much Chatters for the tip for my meal and my drink I

    Appreciate it a ton thank you so much for tonight thank you a 10 it was a good meal I was so hungry um I think before I go to campsite I’m also going to go to spar pick up some food it looks kind of small but I’m sure they got snacks

    Bye guys yeah thank you well they were nice they actually helped me find camping spot I’m kind of surprised it’s open in the winter but hey it works cuz it’s the winter I’m sure not all the spots are taken so I’ll just pay in the morning if they’re

    Closed we’re biking just a little bit more to go find a camp spot my map is not loading for some reason but it’s not super far might be off um route just a little bit but that’s okay my heart spiked I don’t know I had a little shiver I’m like kind of

    Cold she was let’s eat some more potatoes it’ll be interesting setting up my tent in the dark I haven’t set up the tent in a little while I’m glad you guys like my new emotes I added some random um Jelly Cat emotes the potato was a good choice

    I might actually have to tap out soon I’m getting kind of full I’ll try to drink my cider in my water need to drink more water okay so yeah I’ll update you guys on Discord if the rain is really bad and I’m going to have a later start

    Hopefully it’s not like fully raining we can actually try to ride a bike but it’s not looking great it’s looking kind of grim but it could change trff and I just um waterproofed one of my action cameras it’s the action camera I bought in South Korea it ended up

    Working so we like got some like what is it called it’s not epoxy it’s like stuff that you like put around tiles in like the shower and stuff sealant I don’t know what called anyway we bought some of that and like glued it around the camera where it

    Can’t get wet and like sealed it in the waterproof case silicone that’s the word yeah so we silicone that camera in and then I bought a new waterproof cover for my backpack so we should be waterproof oh didn’t know that you have a of the3 but I will not

    Okay you’ll get you’re looking at that’s that’s how want we don’t have much internet in this town um we kind of hit like a weird place in town where there’s not much internet we just have one Wi-Fi that’s working so as soon as we leave here we’ll probably disconnect a little bit

    But yeah I think I’m gonna go to spar wait does anyone know why the stream elements doesn’t work at least for the donation page stream elements what the heck I get a white empty screen by all the streamer streamlabs does work that’s weird I wonder why I’ve never heard anyone mentioned

    That problem before that’s an interesting one sorry to say but I’ve known it to snow at this time of year in the UK yeah that’s why in the title it says Winter UK tour CU it’s kind of cold cuz I don’t like that cold so that feels really cold to me yeah drink some water and then we might get back on the bicy Alex tipped $10 have a nice meal thank you Alex we also got another tip so I think dinner

    Is covered by chat tonight thank you guys I appreciate it was that Alex testing the tips thank you guys we yeah it’s getting dark I wonder what kind of snacks we should get from Spar I wonder what they’ll have I just want to see what time they close star I can’t

    See $10 for snacks yeah I got to get some some chocolate cheese day is thank you so much I would like some chocolate a potato some crisps I went to Tesco yesterday and they have the meal deals and I got really confused cuz you’re you’re allowed to

    Kind of m a snack and a drink but I was confused if snacks only means potato chips I think it does I definitely need to put on my down coat though oh they label what’s included normally next to the mains it was so busy in there I was

    Intimidated like the aisle for the meal deals was super super busy I kind of panicked also do you need a Tesco card to get the deal or can you get the deal without the card Alex has to give me A tes tutorial yeah cool you guys are supporting the

    Stream definitely thank you for supporting the stream helps out a ton so we can keep doing this I’ll send you a Tesco card QR code thank you cuz yeah like um self checkout kept mention mentioning a testco card so I wasn’t sure if I got the deal or not ask everyone to scan

    Those that’s True it’s freezing outside is it said I bet it’s freezing outside is it I’ve been we’ll pay and we’ll finish biking I don’t think it’s fully dark out yet though do you fly with your equipment or do you have to ship it um typically I fly with like my b in all my

    Gear so I just put the bike in the box and put it as like a check bag um Air Canada I think charg is only $100 to ship it which which is really good this time my bike was already in the UK cuz I crashed n months ago and I

    Left it here so this time all I had was like a backpack and like a personal bag it was kind of weird but typically I have a bike box and then I get like a big cardboard box and I put all my piers and all the other stuff in there

    And I tape it up oh $50 50 sorry 100 each way or 100 yeah but yeah we got a big carpet box put all the other gear in there and then for my carryon is where I put all the batteries and stuff that I need do that make sense

    Easier than you assumed yeah it’s not too bad it’s kind of awkward um flying from a country to back home because you have to like source of boxes but we always get it done the hardest one was when I was leaving Japan with a bicycle for some reason they don’t keep cardboard like

    Every store I looked at they’re like oh we don’t have cardboard no cardboard so I had to buy like a bike bag and I took my bike and I bubble wrapped it box St I have no idea I never solved that mystery I had to tap

    Out I think like as soon as they get boxes they just recycle it like right away also Trevor H I don’t know if you can see what battery this is but it was charging my bellow box and it’s dead and today’s been a short streaming day so I don’t know if these batteries

    Are going to be good asking tell we still Al yeah it’s really fast for that battery to die I’m kind of concerned because I gave three batteries to Mitch anyway we’re going to give try to pay think I dropped a cable I will just let you know I serve this at 2000

    That’s been to Ser oopsies I’m just GNA pay I just let them finish ordering comy in yeah it was really cute we got a candle yeah so I think I have five or six batteries with me yeah two of them are almost dead aromatic can you charge here I should have maybe

    Done that I didn’t think about it there’s probably a spot to charge I’m about to leave I need to go find that camp spot buy some groceries yeah we still have a few batteries no I didn’t see how many wats the Bella box draws I don’t even know where I look at

    That oh with the Super Tank um tomorrow I’ll use the Super Tank and we’ll see yeah sorry guys I’m just waiting to pay but that kind of got busy just explained I sell this two3 so you get two in this here okay my bag is in an now so

    Hopefully it’s still in the alley why is my heart rate so fast I think it’s cuz I’m shivering I got a proper shiver and I can’t stop it what is my heart rate it’s 120 I think yeah I’m just about to pay here just waiting thank you

    So heart it’s always I do have it really fast heart I think it from the shers sh the food they took it away this yeah can I just pay for that one I don’t think I can tap this one I can I put doesn’t seem like tap in the UK

    Okay you can yeah perfect you want to receip uh no it’s all good thank you maybe I’ll see you in chat yeah thank you yeah all right super nice we also learned about a campsite I might already lost the internet wait did I walk past did I walk past my

    Alley where is my alley was dark in my alley hello my bike is still here it’s dark we’re still alive okay it’s cold though I I’m Trucking on a down coat cuz it’s way bad jelly my friends but we’re going to go can you see it it’s a

    Bike are you kidding me my bike is so heavy oh that’s brutal look how steep that Is that’s Annoying he antlers is he trying to get through there oh he actually made it made the hi baby well he’s sniffing you you want to Snuff their face okay hopefully my internet comes back here says we’re connected but I don’t have chat oh no we do okay hi we’re going to go to

    Spar then I’m going to camp what time is it is it s where a spar I think if I go out this way yeah wait I’m in the UK got to get on the left side of the road I keep messing up what side of the road to be

    On I think it’s just on this corner here we’ll see if it’s open oh my gosh I want this fur coat stunning wow everything in here is so colorful wow that is beautiful come back tomorrow and ride my bike with that for coat I think that’s kind of a great

    Idea oh it may be closed oh no it’s open till 11: okay just going to park my bike out the front door here go a oh it’s it’s the food look at all the Penguins they’re definitely like cats they’re just like having little naps everywhere I guess they’re not in

    Sunbeams like cats but they’re in the shade that so cute left then turn left all right I think this is the left it’s talking about how long is this trip going to take um uh there is a a gate why is there a gate now turn

    Left where does this go to what is happening it just says stop this can’t be right that’s weird all righty you want to sniff their face what are all these noises oh it’s it’s the food There you go oh yummy you Dro some on the ground you want some more he’s like you don’t really have any let’s see I got a bit more uh yeah I just these here okay uh just one card yeah you like a receipt uh no I’m all good okay perfect thank

    You okay have a good night sorry oh wow Adventure yes where you going uh today’s my first day I started in Plymouth um I’m going to oh thank you from Canada welcome thank you I’m South African BN oh South African really that’s place here yeah oh lovely love it

    Nice where’s your mode of transfer right here how are you going um I’m either going to go to London or to Manchester then I’m flying to Greece to start my actual tour enjoy Deon yeah what’s brought you to Deon lady about N9 months Sarah chlo nice to meet you got some snacks yeah

    Some chocolate where you doing um where you cing uh just up the road I think there’s a campsite that’s open uh I’ve looked to go camping for the first time in we next week next week Yeah oh Cornwall there you go there yeah nine months ago I went from I think it’s called do to can’t what do we think it’s called do do I don’t know I forgot you’re it was nine months ago you’re like a real person yeah but then I

    Crashed in Plymouth so I left my bike here okay all right fix yeah so I came back and I wanted to go to Greece but I couldn’t get my bike on a plane so I have to ride to an airport which airport uh yeah other

    London or Maness I need a pick exter has a airport and go to Spain my mom lives in Spain but she’s like yeah SP okay r a live from R air there you go yeah but tonight it yeah camping tonight bloody yeah I normally I normally camp like in the

    Summer so this is like winter touring it’s still very wet still very cold we’ll see how I do what campsite again uh I don’t actually know the name it’s just kind of up the road a bit not too far yeah I know but Le has a couple yeah

    I was just surprised there’s some open right now I was at the pub and some guys were telling me the ex yeah it’s quite heavy canadi and traveling the world really yeah she’s going camping here camping yeah I normally do like wild camping and stuff bike touring too normally not I

    Just crashed my bike like N9 months ago and I left it here so I had to come get it so good good yeah I’m heading to Greece where I actually wanted to start my tour cuz it’s a bit warmer there so I just have to do like 10 days of riding to an

    Airport yeah so I’m testing it nice I don’t know the one you’re talking about yeah I don’t know either but I think go show in your phone you got your Easter treats got me Easter got some hot chocolate if I’m cold water yeah I got a

    Little jet boil stove so I can get warm water if I need you’re literally an inspiration thank you yeah I have like a camera so I like film what it’s like to B Tour during the day so I film from like when I wake up in my tent until I go to bed

    Yet with all these names I’m like I don’t know where this way there’s a bridge go left but I wouldn’t do it at night oh I think I was in dartmore today yeah it’s beautiful yeah like the dartmore Park area swim yeah CU I started in Plymouth today oh

    Plymouth that’s where I left the bike there’s an amazing campsite we can definitely do but you’re going that way yeah she knows where she’s good tonight where’s a good camp tonight I’m trying to go to the this one up here Farm if it’s open is the one to go for

    Farm yeah it’s on the river beer a farm right on the river you can have a wash in the morning they got showers get rid of that beer a farm beer how do I spell it B B A R A they’ll put her up they’ll this one there it’s not far it’s three

    Miles we I’ve just come from there not the actual campsite but my never stayed myself I live here no okay so there a couple good place tents yeah field River if it’s open it’s open in May um I mean March we’re only just in know March I

    Know I heard a lot don’t open until later this young lady OMG love it love it you must have a lot to download from your camera I beon be better yeah I don’t know where you’re going instead but isit mixed I just got a couple names from those guys Jes I’d

    Put you up you sleep at my ass for night seriously I live 500 me that way do you yes would you let me sleep on your floor I have a spare bedroom do you actually there we go and then beer Farm in the morning I a paramedic Lily cuz yeah I’m

    Not working till satday no cuz yeah tomorrow I was just going to keep following this blue line kind of going up beautiful go in go in go that’s the main road though yeah it’s so beautiful if you can go off the past pop to Tav yes may I’m popping in get my some

    Food all right I have a spare bedroom okay and you can have a shower if you don’t mind me crashing for a night okay all right thank you all right I w’t be long okay yeah I’ll just put my stuff in my perfect I almost dropped my

    Phone that it just go straight to the crowd um so I actually do it’s kind of like YouTube but it’s all live streaming so it’s all live video so automatically goes and people watch it um oh yeah STS up in wherever you yeah yeah so I have

    People watching right now in chat so they can see as I go during the day all right yeah oh cool so yeah such a nice lady are watching right now yeah oh my god really that’s hilarious hi everyone that’s so funny yeah so it’s kind of fun cuz they

    Can like help decide and make choices with me and see it as I go yeah oh wow he from all over the world yeah a lot of people are from the UK right now cuz of the time zone but we got some people from Canada America and just like

    Portugal Spain I think are in here oh my god well I can ask where is everybody from yeah so yeah it makes it more fun than just always be by myself yeah I get to talk to people all day yeah that’s amazing I’ve actually

    Got to be some in a minute so I’ll leave you soon to meet you I’m glad you got some to say yeah that’s that worked out crazy yeah CU I just wanted snack yeah yeah all right lovely luck thank you bye Peru Netherlands no way okay well I think I have a home

    In a shower guys what was her name again so do I tell her that I make a live video and if I can stream going there or is that a bit awkward clowy from South Africa yeah don’t sh going in there yeah always just all

    Right um it’s it’s a short walk like is it yeah honestly for real you can’t good a campsite yeah you can no I just got pizza for dinner the fire’s lit I have a rest oh wow and it’s a three-bedroom Cottage you got your own room and you

    Can have a fcking shower amazing yeah and then hit the road in the morning okay yeah so I do like a live video on my shoulder so people were saying hi in chat to you and stuff and saying you’re so nice oh God I don’t know if that

    Makes sense yeah yes it does yeah pop it in your pocket bring your bike you c not not in a wet muddy I’ll stop my camera cuz I don’t want to show where you live and stuff thank you yeah but do you mind if I stream a little bit there or do you

    Want no camera really okay I’m as I said I’m oh by the way I’m 44 years old okay I’m 26 I moved to England when I was 13 oh when you’re 13 yeah and we’ve moved around a lot oh yeah I finally bought a cottage the right people come see it

    Exciting them a okay okay so yeah I’ll just stop the camera I didn’t know if you were vegetarian I am but is that one vegetarian you figured I don’t know my my partner is vegetarian oh really okay I’ve just been trying to write an essay on evidence based practice oh

    Really are do you only accept fullsize cookies oh sorry at the mom in the background rubbing her face on the ground there you go so cute there’s his mama oh I haven’t even seen you before that one oh I see you this one has such a squished T

    Hi I need to change the camera angle down yeah sheh okay hi baby I go open the gate the gug yeah yeah okay um because you can go there no on there no okay and then I can get out okay okay thank you I open the gate thank you so much it was a gas station person okay might as well ride the bike over

    All right guys here we go I don’t know if I see anything yet distinctly not interested in that for that moment maybe we K I’ve never seen it so interested yeah they’re cleaning the machine maybe should I go get food I’ll wait for love you after yeah

    I’ll let her finish cleaning it and we’ll go get some treats I got my two dollies today they go by so fast like they just disappear so I learned to buy crackers from a place that’s smaller where there’s not deer like already surrounding you we learned from last

    Time oh oh yeah I forgot they eat clothes as well buy some crackers yeah we’re GNA buy crackers why is this a Christmas activity Sarah can do that yeah oh look he’s coming right over hi wow he’s like right in front of us that’s crazy hello oh my gosh he’s right here he’s

    Looking at you whoa that is crazy hi he likes you well he’s kind of leaving but are you hi gorgeous you want a flower get the Sheep so so created my stream with 217 viewers a she hey soic thank you for the raid thank you so for the raid welcome

    In Raiders we’re here with some sheep feeding them um they rejected help uh no it’s okay uh it’s really heavy perfect no thank you there’s a dog this is my first urn of the day the video’s flashing wait I thought you wanted me to go

    Wait is the GPS just confused what way I was facing yeah I’ll start restart the GPS once one second it’s a few steps believe you think I’ll just leave those there it’s it’s very heavy yeah okay right you have a a very yeah thank you okay thank you thank you

    Thanks my butt’s soggy now I got soy bud You you’re and the one in the bed’s just looking be like what happened it bite you it thought I was a tree hi baby you’re my favorite wow that’s hurtful to all the other cats I mean you didn’t even give it a treat though yeah I did oh you did

    Okay I thought that one got ignored no a selfie there’s a timer thank you you for swim they look so little I wonder if it’s a baby or if it is just the size is this a hippo what are you is it a micro hippo he so

    Little do you guys know the Canadian house hippos he’s basically that size I think he’s itching his nose on the wall look at his little feet how long can you stay under there not sure pixie Bella look at this oh my gosh oh yeah now the eggs I’ll smell eggs now he’s

    Freaky look at him does he have eyeballs I don’t even know he’s freaky there’s a bunch of pretty fish up here though no he does have an eye it’s near the front of his face there oh that one’s bright fish there’s another eel down here so dear I think I’m out of crackers

    Yeah I’m out of crackers hi hello I don’t have any though I’m sorry can I catch you him he lik me how do you call a deer over don’t hurt her scared the baby away yeah youate no it’s fine I was having problems so did you yeah I just updated

    The Bell box oh perect I don’t know why see here this one yeah say hi K made it I made it I ran I was like dodging people no it’s really busy here where are you heading um today I here’s my zoomed in camera of the big Buddha here

    Look at the little mops on the the plant is quite insane and then over here we have the gold one which is crazy the mounted detail on him wow sheesh I just sto my coffee I tripped on my shoes I think I have to go pay for my

    Stuff last night cuz second floor is where the reception is I think they made her call good morning we hope you enjoyed the breakfast and wish you a wonderful day look at that I think that’s what it says on this side but they wrote an English for me

    Cute okay I’m going to go show some cat go for it I’m going to drink some coffee yeah Trevor Has coffee so this is the cat I give a dollar to it’s in the same spot as yesterday so we got this cutie patootie the little to be

    All right I broke the stream for that photo but it’s a good photo cheers guys cheers Trevor please do a dive maybe they’re just posing yeah they do get a little aggressive I fed some yesterday so we’ll see hi babies can I all right dear apparently cats in Japan like Pats more

    Than pets there’s a girl like patting us like patting them and they they were they were loving it doesn’t that just depend on the cat I don’t know like she was just patting them M this one’s at exploring people come here soch she hi baby You’re a good dinosaur yes you Are there’s a turtle I need to ditch my bike I Turtle there’s a turtle goodbye bike I don’t need you anymore I need a turtle come here oh my God there’s a turtle he’s eating grass look at him oh my goodness guys look at that little turtle he’s eating

    Some will they take it do you just hold it out oh my God I’m a Disney princess oh my God gosh I’ve never done this really pigeon oh my gosh oh no are you kidding me my bike is so heavy oh that’s brutal look how steep that

    Is I just do I trust the control panel that’s just wide open oh uh I’m going to say it doesn’t work put that back there I made a mistake what did you get the wrong thing yeah you got a button I got a button oh but they think

    It’s a treat they’re going to be so disappo guys it’s a button I thought they were both treats I thought it was different kinds but it’s a button well you guys can play with my button it’s just kind of pointy no it’s in a case guys at least there’s cats around me

    You can get it oh this one came back this one’s greedy do you want to see if I can seems like he’s chill right now see the go I’ve already got your Ling me yeah I mean I don’t really agree but this time I think she’s right you can’t keep lyes on

    George I don’t know why this isn’t working so we’re going to cell phone I want to treat you by taking me to the one second we got a fireplace wine Pizza there’s a dog that’s not here right I’m going say it yeah my back is just out here it’s

    Perfect yeah and I got my own Rim she’s getting me a to it’s very very lovely it’s too CR I’m just going to grab a um I don’t want to keep Nish away from them as much as camera mount for my um one second you spent so long trying to get away from

    Dad and now you’re to make up with that oh just this is when I moved to Deon s years ago really that’s how I discovered this place come on and you’re on the Ed of and watch movie do the dusting welcome thank you thank you so much for

    Taking a random stranger off the street not that random I’m not been where you’ve been and um that’s a very brave thing to do at this time of the night on a Monday on a Monday night find a campsite in no you staying here and then you are going here

    Camping there’s your glass thank you oh yeah’s the remot very collectible item thank you cheers M’s ever here and Charlie and Li well we got adopted well from a girlfriend South Africa she’s super nice she’s a surfer she’s traveled a bit for on the phone but she’s

    Asleep she gave me a couple of books to look at tell you call heck yeah what she hasn’t changed her mind she still wants to join you out there sh I tell you what why don’t we book her flights when she’s 100% be yeah th I’m looking after

    Her just turn it down a little bit okay um I’m just going to grab a battery so we going to charge my phone but yeah crazy crazy amazing we don’t get adopt it as much as Trevor does um cuz we’re not hitchhiking so this is kind of wild for

    Us yeah and I’m definitely charging batteries tonight um yeah she keeps saying that we’re really awesome it’s so nice and I get to have a shower I know you yeah we went off scpt today feel like the camera’s a bit about do you guys think it’s not my birth parents fault

    They just wanted what was best for me yeah we got adopted okay here’s day one craziness so something did happen on day one look it’s so warm I’m taking off a sweater off to me that a bird bring me up I think she has a

    Bird but yeah we got some wine we got allary about it so C I did not expect going to spar to end up like that online I’m not good that do you want to say hi or would you rather not I can say hi to chat so we have a few people

    Watching from all over the world it takes a few seconds but they’ll say hi B I don’t mind there we go this pays for stuff as well I get that yeah so I’ve been doing it for like a couple years now and yeah it’s been

    Able to keep me traveling for a while so it’s kind of cool I’m old school I’m 44 I I saved up my glass collecting money to go took aut when I finished my a level in Israel in 1998 anyway been there done that crazy yeah after school I went to Australia

    For the working holiday Visa yes three months and it was two years I did farm work so I could stay yes the yeah get and then I had to leave and that was during Co so I kind of got stuck would you have stayed in Australia I was

    Trying my hardest really oh you liked it oh I liked it but I was like um it’s not South Africa it’s not England it it made me appreciate really and here my first place I travel to so I I just fell in love I lived in a little surf Town

    Actually by Sydney so that’s why not bar no manly it’s like you take a fairy from Sydney all my friends live in Byron b I never even got there cuz I was wa yeah you know how big it is it’s like a whole continent yeah it’s huge I didn’t even

    Leave per to get to my nearest place was barley yeah that’s why I never went to per cuz I went far so far I always wanted to do the railway line did you go to U it just closed down when I got there and you weren’t allowed to climb it

    Anymore and you can’t it’s just a fence they closed it and I wouldn’t want to go in any other way yeah I think they just closed it right when I got there noot they like it yeah I don’t though they get excited meeting people okay hi

    Cuz it’s part of like traveling it is it very much is tomorrow young lady go to bed with this book and this is the Hall of the Southwest places to camp I’ve stayed at several five grid sixth grid but you don’t turn up later this time of night

    It’s not going to be pleasant no it be like cold I’m trying to find food and then I got stuck there and I’m pizza’s in it’s dark pizza’s in and wel come oh you oh I do this is Marvin Marvin Marvin he is my nephew your neph I lost my

    Sister around six years ago oh that’s another story I inherited him and another one but he’s still going you think he’s about 17 years old he’s a coil oh really he has a heat lamp he likes the heat yeah he 17 I would never have a Cage Bird ever ever he was a ref resue too oh was he from a care home Avery and he’s been bullied and picked on he’s happy as he if you hear it singing in the morning it’ll be moment really she’s safe

    Everyone good yeah you are I’ll have to show the dog if it comes back oh she’s Sky she’s shy yeah if you whistle should come down really oh yeah here she comes Mom oh yeah this guy I don’t know her nickname is fruit pastel hey who are

    You I think sky likes me he does she would have growled otherwise oh really she would have do we have the same energy yeah she’s cool and you got sweater on cuz it was cold it and um we ripped up the carpet the tree and she’s

    Feeling it oh so she wants a sweater and where’s the springtime we been waiting for see she likes you I want to dog so bad but I can’t cuz I’m always gone traveling I I’ve I’ve only had two this is my second I jet from a puppy in Brighton yeah that black

    Dog yeah the black dog but this one she found me really I bought my first house cottage oh cotage and she need a home yeah she’s is she watching TV she watches watches like she follows the story line What’s happen people seem surprised at that she watch she doesn’t

    Now Bo Les wow is this your favorite I don’t think so oh bloody extenders want the remot you can pick something out no she’s she watches wow your back is the way sorry she like your back is the way sort it out see she comes in your bed in your she

    Was yeah she’ll tell you there you go sorry about that she Sarah you do your thing also want some books books take to bed you want me to put it on your bed if you want to yeah you can relax I’ll probably forget you w you need to look

    At us this is where you are in the world when I moved here from Bright as a paramedic cuz I couldn’t afford to live in Bri I bought this cuz I didn’t know the area so it’s wild swimming walks but they’re all circular oh really you the

    Swimmer you don’t it’s stunning oh yeah it’s stunning welcome to Dore this is just camping in the southwest yeah and good campsites with people like us perfect bye don’t worry about that was sky sky sky was a rescue but she reminds me of a Whi it which is the dog TR I really

    Want yeah so yeah we got we got adopted she’s really lovely got books a fire but you can see the glow of the fire there’s a [ __ ] to Marvin I don’t know if I can film can you put your dad on please he’s busy a [ __ ] to [ __ ] tail I

    Don’t think I said that right please Mother’s Day hi he’s dancing can’t talk to you right now hi Marin so yeah my b box wasn’t working so we don’t have a mic on so we’re just using this audio but yeah crazy got some wi so day one of tour has gone really

    Well I’m beside a fireplace I couldn’t think of a better ending to a cold day I wonder if Mitch got home deps I hope might to be riding do something I should have done a long time ago she reminds me of my mom oh so much better in the camping yeah

    Especially if it rains oh yeah I need to figure that out I’d like a picture of your stuff yeah take it we can take a picture if you want one we can do that in a minute yeah yeah go on let do it I’m not very

    Good at online stuff right I think I have marks on my head for my helmet too it’s like adds to it come on Sarah welcome welcome episod is that all right yeah pizza’s on I haven’t put pesto on cuz that can flued p oh right I forgot notari I

    Learned that like recently too I was like I make my I make Wild Garlic oh really cuz yeah I was eating the bagel one day and people like Sarah that has parmesan like yeah pesto can be made without but parmesan no yeah don’t notice it in pesto no I pick Wild Garlic

    Cuz yeah I didn’t know pesto had it it’s parmesan I put cheddar in for my partner and she loves my making of it which is soon there you go right yeah I want to leave you to it oh yeah I’ll end it soon I just wanted

    To show enjoy it yeah thank you she’s looking good she’s right she can say okay thank you when you want to wash you know where everything is yeah that’ll be great okay I got the photo I don’t know care something of i t writ and chat need to do 12 miles

    Long time ago ah oh I knew I like this wine I’ve had this one before I like sweet wine afri yeah I do drink this one a lot at home it’s the only one I do yeah it’s um I’m going to show them yeah it’s this one New Zealand do it well as

    Well actually which is why we need to be there this is one of my goto back home in Canada I am just we’re not thinking I’m half Jama well we did 41 kilm today I think Barefoot yeah I didn’t know was South African I thought it was from I

    Don’t know where I thought it was from fell apart what an outcome that’s so crazy it’s so nice in here but yeah I don’t know how long I’ll stream because just yeah I’m getting hosted but we’ll stream a little bit longer and then I’ll say goodbye to you

    Guys and I’ll shower and go to bed and all that good stuff um but yeah tomorrow might be raining so I’ll update you guys on Discord if things change or what’s happening cuz I don’t know we’ll see how much it’s raining tomorrow you updates but we’ll stream a little bit

    Longer you for for weeks but I don’t want to be too rude super super nice I can’t believe it and there’s a dog I wish hitch was here I need to show him the dog I might just need to stay for days after you made the decision that’s true it won’t be cold

    Tonight yeah we got pizza in the oven we got wine today was like one of the best first days of tour I’ve ever had sorry cuz we didn’t really have many issues kind of crazy yeah and the fire is going oh yeah my mom will probably find out tomorrow morning where we

    Stayed I feel like normally she’ll be like no Sarah don’t go into strangers houses but I think she had approve of this one I think you guys would agree with that did Alex just $50 50 treat your your host to something if you get the yeah I wonder maybe we could like I

    Can get her coffee or breakfast in the morning oh the dog didn’t like Brian that was just Brian it’s okay here is Brian BR spooked the dog thank you Alex I might try to offer coffee or something or breakfast in the morning cuz yeah you didn’t say a dog food and she was

    Anyway yeah she’s concerned that there was a man here cute dog very cute dog I want a dog like like that I think she’s on the phone telling somebody about me never want to hear from you again the dog’s leaving 100 17700 thank you very much M for the 500

    Bits we be clean tomorrow it’ll be lovely well today was a pretty good day I don’t know how long I’ve been streaming it’s not the longest day streaming wise but I think it was still pretty solid yeah I think she understand she said hi of you guys and saw you in

    Chat about your mom I tried to explain it 9 hours yeah but maybe I’ll we down soon so I can hang out with the host and everything um if I raid someone who should we raid any suggestions cuz yeah I don’t want to be Rude wonder what other Journey she’s been on yeah she’s told me a lot already she’s done a lot of things she has like three surf boards here you mind if I bring 700 friends into your house thank you Ki is streaming okay we can rate her I re is online car

    What is online maybe K’s online oh yeah we got adopted by Chloe from South Africa we’re in her Cottage she is still yeah I’ll end it and then oh you don’t have to I took a picture of this my partner Karen yeah is a musician in North said you’re all right not yeah

    We’ve taken in Sarah just evening she’s got books she’s you yeah no I’m going to end it and then we can talk and hang out so you can relax yeah drink more wine yes enough to share oh she not come in again I had to share with my partner as

    Well hi pleas back hi oh by the way where I stop smoking I Vape see in Canada we’re not allowed like flavors and stuff it’s probably a good thing uh I only have one of these because my one where I cut down nicotine completely didn’t charge today cuz my

    Charg in the ambulance from satday night anyway hi everyone isn’t Sarah awesome and she isn’t Chloe awesome she took a stranger you’re not a stranger you’re traveler oh I was going to say my mom will see this tomorrow and she’ll probably be happy good good she she

    Hates it when I camp camping late at night you got to turn up in the afternoon you got to sit up cuz normally I just find a bush and I crawl into a bush and she hates oh my God no that’s not camping that’s like survival Instinct that’s not camping even that’s

    Not World cing anyway what’s your mom’s name Diane Diane interly uh my partner Karen’s mom is Diane have an MRI scan today for a bad back oh gosh anyway yeah this is where where you are yeah have to have a flick through when you snuggling upstairs after a shower

    There you are here now I’m not online as much I like we we as home this is one of the best swimming spots you Lally 20 minute cycle yeah Plymouth no yeah you survived Plymouth I survived pouth we call it the Muff in ambulance terms it’s like don’t

    Put us 35 Plus ambulances every day holding anyway I live here cuz yeah I can kind of see where I CED I went from here to Ivory Bridge oh you went there yeah CW’s nice but you nearly end on um welcome to Ash BR thank you yeah on

    There no I was like where are we you’re in Ash bton we’re in that abys you’re in ash Burton and this is DMO and it’s so pretty here Dart more horses or ponies yes they oh what and the goats well the Sheep the Sheep make me I was actually

    They they free rain oh yeah sheep I was riding with a guy that watches my videos today and he was showing me pictures of these pigs from dartmore that he saw he telling P the ponies are and they sit in the winter and they’re they so but they’re not they’re

    Not bothered and then come the tourists SE and they’re like hi like you got some food yeah but they don’t even want that no they just want this is a very lovely book yeah lots of pictures too not I’m old school yeah I’m 79 born this is

    Don’t more there’s more water than you realize yeah it’s very dry and you can cycle and love it and then you’ll find all sorts yeah little pools swim there it’s probably too cold right now it’s too cold right now that’s why you here yes you are oh my gosh I actually had to

    Take off my sweater good S I like the heat love the heat that’s why I’m always out of Canada I can’t welcome to England yeah cuz yeah I was- 21 when I left Canada how do people even survive you Eskimos might and um others might but um we just have big

    Coats but they dress right yeah oh by the way I’m wearing these old jeans bench jeans I’ve had for ases lady you need to go and get yourself in a hot shower yeah but I got some pizza Welcome to my home thank you much all right we’ll say goodbye we’ll send everyone

    Off to somewhere who should we send you to guys see I’m not very modern like this on my study desk you want to know what the topic is evidencebased practice anyone into evidencebased practice evidencebased practice Yeah Yeah I’m going to end the video anyone want to write a paper yeah well

    That’s the whole point yeah hierarchy of evidence and B okay yeah I’m just going to close this and then I can’t raate someone my thing is broken okay we’re going to rate Ki if she’s still alive2 at s Bridge Water that was such a coincidence as you said I wonder if

    Mitch got home I walked in the door 42 mil ridden see you got a good place for the night wait Mitch sent that message hey Mitch made it home he just walked through the door yes Mitch made it home what a good way to end the stream okay Mitch I’m so

    Happy you made it home I’m inside a house it was great ring with you today thank you for Everything I’m going to rate Ki all right guys I’ll see you guys tomorrow I’ll update you about the rain on Discord but yeah thanks for joining me for day one of the UK tour I’m with Chloe tonight hope you guys are nice and warm inside as well MCH made it home

    Thanks for joining me thank you for all the reubs don’t forget to follow if you haven’t and yeah thank you guys so much I’ll see you tomorrow for day two I’m going to be clean and showered in my batter are going to be charged so yeah have a wonderful evening guys to

    Tomorrow for day two we did 41 kilom today Entre all right bye oh here’s the pizza everyone’s saying goodbye right now well say we got pizza say vegetarian pizza say good night yeah it’s even vegetarian it is because it is well not vegan not vegan yeah which I’m vegetarian not be it so

    It’s perfect okay bye see you in the morning

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