Webinar on Certified Practitioner in Agile Testing (CPAT) on Thursday, August 20, 2020

    This conference will now be recorded okay hello everyone uh thank you for joining in uh good morning good afternoon good evening to uh people uh joining in from different time zones i hope you all uh i would like to welcome you to this uh webinar on certified practitioner in

    Agile testing which is brought to you by agile united in association with verity software step in forum and right so before i uh move to the introduction of our speakers and the topic for today we’ll just like to give you a small uh instruction let’s let you give a

    Small instruction to all the attendees so you all are in mute mode at the moment and you can ask the questions in the chat box and once the speakers are finished with the presentation they can take the questions up they can answer them accordingly so uh this is almost around two hour long

    Webinar and it is being recorded uh at the moment as we speak so moving our presenters for today i would like to welcome uh carlo andrea who is the co-owner cfo the agile testers and co-owner ceo of quality accelerators uh i we also have bathroom with trailer coach at the agile testers

    And last but not the least we also have kyle alexander simmons ceo sound down okay sorry for that disturbance i think someone uh okay anyways so we have last but not least kyle alexander simmons as well the ceo of bright test so uh just to give a brief introduction of all

    The speakers i’ll start with carlo van trier so carl uh is a ceo and boss and who is also a facilitator and miss development human and recruitment he also is a speaker an agile coach scrum master and last but not least a context-driven tester that was a brief a very brief

    Introduction of carl uh moving to basque river now bas is a curious uh open and outspoken and impatient person he daydreams past every final frontier he is also a go-getter until the end professionally he is a test engineer coach and always likes to return to a stage

    And also likes narrative he is also a language purist humorous and crazy about how it feels and hopeful hopelessly in love with scrum uh talking about kai kai is the ceo of pride test he is energetic loyal and hardworking canadian from winnipeg after completing his bachelor’s degree at the university of

    Iloba in german literature and mathematics kyle moved to berlin in 2006 with a daad scholarship and got his masters and communication languages so after working for several years at various agencies gaia stumbled upon an incredible part which led to where he is today the ceo of a global exam provider

    Called bright test uh so in this webinar the you can expect the following points on which this the presenters would be talking upon uh first thing is a brief introduction about high united uh c-band uh what is cpat and introduction of the cpac course people should also

    Get an impression of why this course was developed and what it will bring to them uh so some of the points here are uh what is the core of testing a short introduction of what is this people also gain a core overview of business of testing second what is agile development in an

    Introduction of development the viewers understanding of the basics of agile agility and finally what does testing in a text mean the takeaway here is that the viewers will have an understanding of the extensiveness of all job components concerning testing in an agile context as opposed to a water

    Text and also last but not least an introduction and an overview of what drive test is and what it does so without further ado i would like to hand it over to carlo hello uh you can proceed please thank you thank you for this introduction we will start with the introduction to cpat

    First of all in the past we have a lot of certified testing trainings like ictp But something was missing because they are basically theoretical training test techniques which you do need also in the other part and there’s a lot of basic trainings about agile but then the situation appears that the cuts rating no longer exists so we are missing something that’s specifically targeted to

    Testing in an agile environment so that brought us to the idea to create the course ourselves and also the current trainings are missing the practical part it’s a lot of theory we’re missing practical practical part of testing in the training so that made us create new training which consists of

    Um not only on what and how so that helps you to actually not have the theory only but also practice everything so it’s not just telling you what to do but also what to do with how to do it um a lot of trainings at the moment are still focused on

    All testing techniques coming from the hall working in the national environment because they asked for newer and better techniques so how does this look in real life i will switch to touchscreen so all right we see that probably so we figured out that for testing in an entire environment it

    Needs very specific skills and i will draw one first one that’s really important are people skills so you just don’t need only test skills you need people skills as well in an environment because we’re working with a small team um that means you need to have the ability to have

    Special skills like asking questions as a tester it’s really important that you have to know how to ask good questions because a lot of things are not clear firsthand so you must be able to we got the info that the screen isn’t visible because you’re it’s showing like

    Your your display picture and not the full screen yes so in the uh so what we need to do is if you see about there’s a view active cameras uh there’s an option uh where you can click on doing every one so you need to click on view active cameras

    And cardo screen would be maximized practice get feedback not only about products but also about prospects and for teammates as well so that it means that you need specificity in order to do a good a good way also you need to have critical thinking skills as a tester you need to be critical

    On everything in the project um usually a lot of people are don’t have this critical mindset so it’s very important for tesla to have a critical mindset and we will teach you how very important one story telling skills as a tester you no longer produce very big

    Reports so you need to report in a different way by telling the testing story to your product owner to your customers what have you done why have you done it so that’s really important skill as then well next big group of skills that we will train you are agile skills

    Of course in any artist or initial environment you need to know about vision so we will teach you something about agile mindset but it’s not a trigger it’s a mindset so we’ll teach you about that um next we will also teach you something about history Very important because that’s basic ideas behind measure you need to be familiar with that of course we will teach you something about scrub it’s not spread of course the scrum is the most used within agile so we’ll work through the basic things from sperm as well in three

    The third important group of things of course are test skills of course you still need test skills um but in a different way because you’re working in an angular environment with very fast deliveries maybe every week or every two weeks or maybe even every day

    So you need to teach we need to teach you something about risks which are still very important all of that should still be based on that’s the risk there is you cannot do it in advance anymore but start the program but you need to be able to continuously

    Assess the risks and determine what to do so the next thing we will take you in something about the project how does the project look like uh who’s involved in the project this is actually an acronym that’s strange in the course and this will help you understand your environment

    Besides the environment that’s something else it’s another acronym and it’s called products this will tell you about the product you’re able to test itself so it’s also very important of course if you are a buyer that you have your products then we will teach you something about exploratory testing

    Of course most of you already know all the ictv testing techniques uh but ngr requires some different techniques as well because there’s a lot of things that are uncertain you need to handle those things as well there’s less documentation so you need a technique to help you to find a notes

    An extraordinary thing that will help you do that and others at least we teach you something about this but we need speed you need to be fast so you need to automate some of your tests so it’s awesome we will teach you the tools we will teach you the

    Basic ideas of how to make good testosterone because there’s a lot of tools there’s a lot of tools training um we will teach you something about what should you have so that’s the last part the last big block we call technology skills also very important that you need to have

    Technology skills with technology skills we do not mean all the tools you need to have that as well but those are separate trainings but we need the skills in order to help you run through all these other parts one of them is like how to determine the risks with the tool called risk

    Storming and we use this knife that we are cards with that this will help you Get inside the risks of the product then there’s something we call our documents we will teach you about that as well equipments are a way to find find your verbs and share your knowledge about a product with a big group of people it could be end users or people from the business

    Or even your own team and we do something we call a section which will help you become a melody so this is i think the next part really one important the most important other thing is what we were missing this really needs to be a practical training

    So it’s not just the theory it’s really three days or just three what we do is we do a lot of exercises exercises are built around your kidneys um and those exercises always we do them like this you get the exercise you do the exercise after you’ve done it it probably does

    You get some difficulties with it we will explain theory behind the exercise and then you do it again so then you will learn the most from it by experiencing really what to do the whole cage is running through the three-day course it’s also interesting to know we’ve used actual hardware so quick

    So it’s not the song theory theoretical part we actually use arduino software um during the training which makes it really fun and really usable and last the last point is important you can use this tomorrow so everything in the training you will learn you can use tomorrow

    So i think that’s question to what cpap is how it was developed so now i want to switch to us i will tell you some more all right that’s it what’s up it’s yours hello uh my boss uh it’s a terrible name except for uh people in holland you can

    Forget about it you could call me batman if you want to um i don’t want to dive into this right away and i’ll ask you a question to get uh directly to the point of where this particular part is going forward and the question is what is the testing i’ll give you like

    30 seconds or so to think about uh for example if you get into a party and someone’s asking you what you’re doing well i’m a software tester what do you do what do you actually do and uh well feeling only 30 seconds uh we found that

    A lot of our audience but also other co-workers by the problem with uh defining what they’re doing and uh although you can put it on chat just put it in your mind what am i doing the whole day and um we get an experience like

    Um let me give you an example uh i’m checking quality well that opens up a box of pandora uh because then you get a question like what was supporting them and i think we all know that there are huge discussions on what is equality or what it’s not our people

    Are more practical and say well i’m searching for birds right and then you have the next problem of course but if you don’t find bugs you don’t get paid well that’s a little bit of a problem um and there are also more reliable definitions like uh

    Well i have to i have to look because i don’t remember i don’t have had but it’s something like determining whether a software complies to the customer demands determining whether the software complies with the customer’s and often that is a problem because the customer in practice often don’t know what it wants

    So we put this question to our colleagues and a lot of co-workers and they came up with a workable definition and that is this one testing is maybe you can write this down it’s better uh testing is giving insights and i hope you can read this because my writing isn’t that good

    Giving insight inside on wrists where a rich is a fresh press to customer value value that is related to the particular product so breaking my name something on the corner um there are two elements here that i want to dive into concerning this definition and that is risks

    And customer value but first we take risks now no legs were on risks i think a lot of people aren’t while working with us there is one company or organization i must say who is quite an expert on risk and that is uh the department of defense

    In the us they need to be right uh and um they make a scheme which i think is quite marvelous and picks up all elements of certain risks we have to take one step back and step back we’re taking is we consider risks as being fixed well uh there are various other people

    At the department of defense i presume i don’t know them but they said well there are things we know and then of course you can imagine there are things we don’t know since we don’t know now i can tell you i would have come up with the same scheme so far so

    Maybe that’s not the big trick another big trick is the layer they laid off they said there are things we know that we know that we know we know and those are holes if you think about a little bit but like i know this is a chicken you

    Don’t see it but i see it this is a chair and it’s called a fact but then there are of course things that we know that we don’t know so uh i’m not sure if for example that what’s on the street but i can ask so the solution

    To things we know we don’t know uh which is a potential risk is asking questions but if we ask questions and we get the right answers we transport possible risks here to facts and that is what we do if we are we are concerned about risks now the more interesting part

    Is things we don’t know and we have the same layer here so things we what are things that we don’t know that we know i’ll power on that a little bit what are things we don’t know we know well that’s called they call that i must say uh intuition it’s intuition

    For example and it’s a very plain example is you’re testing the software and at some point your computer explodes well you don’t know what’s going on but you know something’s wrong and that’s called this is a very plain and simple example of intuition now the last part

    Which is also very important of course things we don’t know we don’t know you really have no clue what is going on you can see this as well walking into the light and you’re looking for anything that’s there you have no clue whatsoever and that to solve this problem we use exploration

    Now in our language these first things things we know we know and things we know we that we don’t know we uh call them chess because there are things that we know we just have to ask all our effects and there we can bring on like automation or other kinds of approaches

    That can check those facts but there is a whole different area that people don’t think about much and that has to do with things that we don’t know uh like using your intuition or your exploration skills and those are often uh addressed to with uh testing for example

    Or acceptance testing where you have a lot of people who are just coming in doing their software thing and they say like well this is but it works just fine and then we have this the area and then we explore this area which we know not of

    Now why is this and really the last part or maybe even questions why is this important risk gap so you start with a new project and you’re there for let’s say a week two weeks and you know things right uh you know things because you played with the software

    You found your first box and whatever and there you have what you know that’s around here but remember the definition of just just throw it away and give an insight on risks where risk is a threat to the customer value that means that our basic uh job

    Is to give insights on all risks which means we have to know more than that probably somewhere around here if you knew all you would be a dead god uh i presume nobody’s watching i will be in denial but at least you have to know enough to be able to close this wrist

    Gap that’s why you have things like asking questions exploration and using your intuition you have to think about gossip from developers or talking about shaky software or let’s say in production things go some areas go wrong the whole time time and time again there are there should be like little alarm bells

    Telling you to address those with for example export protesting well uh oh there it is again this part we call chess because we know what we’re doing and this part we know we call intensity now we want to exploration and we want to use our intuition to get this information that’s somewhere around

    Here which still vaguely maybe a pool of sharks that are all uh threatening uh custom value into this area so that we know what we’re talking about how we can address that particular risk of those particular risks right that’s one that i think about the risks yes i’m talking about risk gap

    Come to the second part of the definition and i hold it up again this is good for my exercise um customer value yes and i’ll i would like to take you back a little bit when i started testing in 1999 i always think of the prince hit but that’s not an issue

    Right here uh i uh i was having uh an easy time it was uh summits of uh the waterfall culture and i’d like to talk to you a little bit about culture it had like let’s say four pillars that the culture was based upon and the first one was that something was good

    Uh the first one was um that the process was holy uh you have to follow the process now i’m not sure if everybody’s is aware of this there’s no and there were big schemes with arrows and boxes and you had to fill in all these boxes with a lot of documentation

    Or contracts or other kinds of things and um the highest attempt this big construct and i have for example have to wait for uh documentation although easy way i could do that um and so the first pillar was process process was only you had to follow this process

    And first it created a lot of documentation and that was my main clue to do something right so the second pillar of waterfall is documentation if you have this documentation you can derive your uh you can analyze it to death right and then i have all these investigations and i can

    I can fill up with data into the physical test data and i just execute the test and then i’m done and i will repeat that that time after time well i wasn’t very much concerned with contracts but that was the third pillar uh wonderful method said approach uh the parties involved

    Uh sort of like enemies right you had been aware of that i’ve seen that a lot of times you have the software deliverer who wants it to get the most out of it and you will have then the client who wants it to pay less for a more

    Software like working software yes and um they were constantly in contact with the locations where each other sort of allowed me to get to the maximum of their own their own uh situation so there is contracts all the time and they were explained until the last detail right so you have to plan

    And that’s maybe the fourth and last pair of wonderful method for all works according to a big plan i work with companies that work like with three or four year plans to get the job done well did it work i have numbers here that concerning the dutch society i’m not

    Sure where the world but i think it will look the same but up to 50 or 60 percent of these projects failed uh that was due to uh several things but the parking things were half of the time the problems were killed because of concrete negotiation broke um

    There was no collaboration right and another big part of the problem was that as soon as the software was ready after three or four years it was outdated people from jews and anymore so there were big problems concerning that here we go custom value of what was delivered

    So agile arose now what did agile do in basic terms they reversed these pillars they said no it is no longer a process that it’s holy what is homie is that people will talk together communicates okay they will work together and if the process needs to be changed

    It will be changed still need it but it’s not a holy thing anymore now concerning to documentation for example you have big bottles i remember well it was the only thing i needed and uh there’s been no no it’s not a target to produce large files of documentation what is necessary

    Is that we have though here here comes working software and i still can’t remember that i was a little bit shaken because without documentation what could i possibly do but working software was the targets and that’s quite obvious ended so the third pillar was no we don’t know that many things anymore

    We collaborate so instead of elaborate it’s not my native language so i have to search for some words sometimes uh we have to collaborate instead of the negotiate right and the last filler is instead of the big plans that took years and then made something that nobody was using

    We had to and that’s very important we spoke to change respond to change okay and that brings us a little bit to the edge of mindset so um yes so sparkly waterfall didn’t do the customer value delivery while the gmt wanted to do that that was the central bars delivering customer value

    About jeopardy the basics is quite simple it starts with the mindset but you can see it and the mindset you might say is you need to be flexible it’s respond to change it’s about delivering customer value every time every week or every two weeks or every four weeks

    Preferably every day right that is the mindset and you need to be flexible if things change you’ll change well those four pillars here those are the values of agility i won’t write them again but these are called values where agility but mindset is based on now over course they created by 12

    Principles which i will not address to all of them but it’s a principle like i don’t even know in my head uh like uh wrote those down it’s like you work together you deliver every time your delivery must be consistent we talk together instead of what i was doing 99

    I didn’t talk to anybody necessary etc there are all principles to make sure that the values are respected and the mindset is taken care of well about those 12 principles and the values and in the mindset you have what is working and the most common right now is from

    But you have still think you have uh what’s working like extreme programming or crystal clear for example there are all uh these ways to get these principles values and mindsets into a workable uh container and well there’s the principles there are many many but then uh the last things that are actual practices

    Like gaming or like the artifacts of scrum like uh the five-minute talk in the beginning or let’s say you when you’re ready with your month and you talk to each other how everything wins there are endless agile practices concerning activity and that is a very short basis of working some view

    On what should have what you deliver the most customer value and what i’ve earlier talked about what risks are and the brilliance and pencils it has become much more than that and i think the cpap is uh for uh the main part the giving answer to that particular uh issue

    So giving back this to karma thank you very much for watching and goodbye thank you much for this part we will now switch back to the presentation and we talk about um right screen sorry it starts at the beginning here we didn’t test this sorry quick summary

    Yes there we are so back to testing an hr context how does the role of the test fit in an engine where you’re working because in the past we had documentation we could do create our test cases up front and then we got the product delivered

    And then we could start testing and we created books and then we gave back to the developer and fixed it and we would test again and we had waves of time and months maybe to do it but then it has changed the mapping so we created a test case based on

    Documentation but that’s not possible anymore because we do way less documentation we created reports that were solved maybe or maybe not we didn’t even care and we created test plans and write a lot of documentation um and then what’s the value of doing that um and there was the idea

    At least in the netherlands that anyone would be a tester so your first start in ite was eco tester because everybody can do it um of course that’s not true not anyone can do it this is not the way we were at the moment so at the moment we have to give

    Insights and risks to mitigate risks as best we have to prevent books we still have to find them of course and let it be solved and learn from and learn a team also about quality awareness we have to help them because we’re not the only one that influence the quality

    Of the product and we have to tell the story what’s done what’s not done and how are we going to do it so that’s dramatically changed in the last couple of years i will now draw something again okay so we already saw i will address those last

    Points the first one of course the most important one is still risks it’s our job it’s a different way so we have to use different tools to get inside continuously it’s a continuous process to get this robot already crossed you know nothing this is what we know effects this is what we

    Want to know and we know it all which we never will do and we have to make sure that we cover this part and the more things we test the more you know so this line will move in that direction as soon as we are here

    Then that’s good we can go with throw it to the customer and then we decide to do another change so this line is switched because there are our new things that we don’t know so we have to do it again make the lines now here and bring it up to

    Continuously do that so it’s one of the most important things that has changed we what we did in the past and we made one big product risk assessment at the beginning of the process and we said okay here we’re gonna define all our risks and that will be finished until the end

    Of the process that’s not true anymore you’ll be fine generally which you know here and they are only vetted for the next delivery so you do it again and again every time which is good because you can learn from it in some ways this disappear and there are new risks and your risks

    Can come from production and come from all kinds of things that you do the second thing that’s really important for an intel tester is you’re not just a tester you are a person that makes your key quality aware you’re an ambassador of quality because most of the team members are for instance developers

    They are really good at developing and you want to produce something you want to build something and they are less interested in quality and thinking outside of the box of what would go wrong they might be fun but how could we work instead what could so testing is not just something from a

    Tester is something from a team that the team will do if we for instance we draw a nice development cycle project this is the default one we have to move the different faces like the plan we build we integrate and we deploy we operate and we do something with feedback

    From production this is a typical cycle in this cycle there’s a lot of places where you can do tests for instance when we start building we can do a unit test boost to do the unit test usually the developer does the unit test so developer is already a tester as well

    Integration maybe here we use something like security maybe do something with performance during the integration we also maybe do when we do that integrated we can do explore testing here during uh for instance the deployments we can So we cannot say that the tester is the only one responsible for testing everybody is responsible for testing that depends on what that you do at which moment you do which tests so it’s really important to have this in your strategy so you need to have a technology that points out

    Who gives what that’s and when i belong and by whom they don’t so this extremely important so now you have your steps then the third important thing that’s changed between the past and you have to tell what did you do and what did you go to really important to tell what you didn’t

    Do and also why why did you do the test and why didn’t you do the other one what were the results of your tests another big report now you can tell the story about the results and very important your thoughts or maybe your worries about certain things many things you didn’t do because

    You didn’t have the time or maybe you just don’t have a good feeling about it but intuition is saying i’m not sure about that part you need to tell this and you also need to be able to tell in an appealing way as long as you went to the holiday and

    You say okay i went to africa i saw three elephants who drove it in the gym and then go home again that’s a really repeating story of your honor to africa so you have to tell an appealing story in order to get to the rest of the team to the po

    Or customs so that’s really really important that you are able to tell with that story it’s a part that’s really different from the past where you just have to deliver a reward and last skip you need to be able to keep up your skills so your level of mastery

    Is important if you don’t keep up with because you’re telling the story and they have to believe what you’re saying we need to be credible also of course very important you need the critical thinking skills very important to keep those today because you will see

    That in your team you will be a person with the most critical thinking skills so that’s i think the most important differences between a regular testor in a more wonderful environment and a national tester which will be able to ascension in short iterations um during the measure so this will finish my part

    And i think now we will switch to crowl who will say something about writing so thank you so carol for us it’s yours i’ll give you rice hello everyone thank you so much for joining today i’ll uh i think i’m going to get the i just became the presenter

    So i’m going to share my screen now as well let me know when you can see hopefully everything is working i will start the presentation here all right hopefully yes perfect all right well thank you so much for joining today and welcome to the agile unite webinar if you’ve joined later as well

    I’ve seen some people joining throughout the whole presentation thank you so much to carlo and advanced for explaining to us a bit about the course and giving us some insights about what it would be like to join the course my name is kyle siemens and i’m the uh the ceo

    Here of uh a brightest and i’m going to tell you a little bit today about our agile united certification and a few of the others as well so one sec here so um basically we’re global exam providers so we partner based here in berlin germany um we collaborate with local experts and

    Thought leaders throughout the industry and across the globe to create new certifications and also offer the right the main ones from the leading suppliers so you may know the big ones like istqb which is focused of course in software testing uh if pog which is the the leader we’re the global

    Exam provider focusing here on function point analysis and is aqb which we are offering now as well in the area of software architecture the last little one that i’ll talk about is the uniteds um there’s a lot hidden behind that word so we’ll get into that right now

    Um just very briefly i tell united there’s not so much to say anymore i think everything’s been explained quite well um but what i can say is that basically our uh it’s a three-day course that uh ends in the certification and the you’re not learning here how to test you’re not learning here

    How to read an agile pamphlet about the 12 uh steps uh the manifesto um you’re going to actually be learning and how to live in the the mentality that is agile as an agile tester and within your team so it’s it’s quite a different perspective from a lot of other trainings out there

    Um just one sec it’s not going there we go so it’s a member of a team of the ones we’ve launched already you can see here quite a few just to mention a little bit briefly about each one um selenium united is about uh learning how to to create a good selenium code

    Uh or use selenium in a good way um with either java or python blockchain united is here focused on ethereum and uh how to use that properly um devops united is focused on the role of the tester which is kind of funny because i know that’s the

    The tester is not necessarily this kind of role that you you know develops um but it’s basically focused on the role of the tester of someone coming and joining into a developed scheme and how to be how to understand how things are working uh artificial intelligence united is quite an important one this

    One here is focused on um ai and also again the role of the tester so how to to do that and to make sure you have the right data to do any ai and we also have the data analytics uh united uh and this one has been created by

    Three people also from the netherlands and well this one is a two-day course basically teaching people how to um how to deal with proper data and deal with big data and ensure that you have the following all the rules that includes with gdpr and protection data protection which is the growing importance

    Uh has always been important but as of growing importance now that people are actually taking it seriously so that’s really a positive term um the positive uh another one with the performance testing united this is focused uh again a very technical course so start with the theory of performance testing

    Uh what that actually means but then move quite quickly into the tool of j meter and uh and be able to do that one and the last one which kind of sticks out because the logo is quite different is the design sprint alliance and this one here is uh basically how to

    Run a design sprint in two days um a design sprint is only four to five somebody would be actually running the design sprint it would be four to five days two days um and basically you’re not as mentally invested or uh like you would be as if you would

    So you go through and focus more on the sides uh of how a design switch is done rather than actually doing it and getting results and there are three which are shown very briefly these ones are in the progress right now so the cloud united api united and esthetics united

    If you are interested in joining any of these review committees you can send me an email and uh i’ll let you join there as well so just to find a little bit about the agile united it’s the three-day hands-on intensive course where basic knowledge of software testing and agile methodology

    Will not be covered so that’s why we have it as a prerequisite so as to be ctfl or cgfl agile tester could be beneficial it’s not required but beneficial um and the full list of business objectives and learning objectives um you can find on the website so there’s a successful um for

    Successful candidates it’s also important to know that you will receive a badge from branches as well that’s from acclaim uh badging services by crudley and this you can share on all of your linkedin profiles facebook whichever ones you’d like you completely make that decision on your own

    And it can be verified in real time so it’s a bonus in there above and beyond for your certificate so just a little bit i’m not going to go through the whole istp today that would be a long talk on itself but just again to mention the prerequisites we’re focusing here

    Again on the certified tester foundation level and the agile tester extension um you will notice on the topic there’s also an agile technical test here but it’s already getting quite quite far in the theory so these are the two main ones that we consider our recommended prerequisites now

    Um for brides just a little bit how we work so we’ll collaborate with many training provider partners around the world and we call them tpps and you can actually go to our website and find all the different links through the providers this is a filter to search through them

    You can find the ones that are nearest to you in india you probably know very well that verity software and verity training experts they are actually one of the main ones that we collaborate with and so they’ll probably be the main go-to for for most of you here um for local exams

    Uh we have a partner in india the indian testing board so they will generally administer the exams a lot for us in india and we will also then uh provide a certificate from branches together with the acclaimed badge um so just a little bit of my contact information

    Uh if you want to send me an email or have any questions about any of the courses or exams that we offer uh or just want to say hello um my name again kyle alexander siemens my email is kyle brightist.org you can write to my team and i

    At infowebbridges.org or check out the website at www.brightest.org and we do also here for the for our partners that have joined in this webinar i’d like to give another thanks to the agile testers carlo afantria and bass crew and you can reach out to them as well carlo

    And boss here’s their emails and the info um also with renee uh and anil for verity who are going to be offering the first courses for agile united in india as well uh quite soon they’re just finalizing the date so if you have a team that you

    Would like to have a course uh created for you can reach out to vinay or anil and uh now we get to the fun part if we have any questions out there from our our wonderful viewers seriously a few things in the chat here someone’s been sent to me as well

    So um i will have a question here for the agile testers if you would be willing to say a little bit about the differences between scrum and kanban the differences between scrub and cannon um i think they are really uh there’s quite a difference both they are of course er excel which

    Is working with scrubbing their cycles of about two weeks in which you decide what will we do next two weeks or next week and you plan it in advance you have your stories and you put them on the board and you work one by one after two weeks or one week you release

    Software with combo you have the same board where everything is prioritized because you don’t put any data on which you will go live so you pick our advice of the item you work went through and you assumed some point you decided okay now we go live with this part of the

    Functionality we had in the last day two days week two weeks so it’s a different way of worm uh it’s really depends on your organization which will fit the best but if you have a lot of interruptions for instance if you have a product that’s already live for a long time you

    Have a lot of products incidents could That’s the big difference uh and i i did receive another one as well we’re getting some private messages sent um why should i take this course i think we’ve gone through this quite a lot but i guess my the real question is here is what makes this course so special

    Yes that’s a good question of course first of all you will learn a lot of techniques mindshare is very important to do your work as an agile tester of course it’s fun as well to do the training i don’t think it’s really a practical course like i said you can do something

    With what you learn the next day already as you’re a customer or at your company i think that’s really important and it’s it will create a testosterone mindset in that environment instead of teaching you friends to do your work another question here which i believe i can also take a little bit on

    Um someone was asking about the exam and how it’s set up and i apologize i think i flew over that one a little quickly um basically the exam is 40 questions and you need 65 to pass it’s multiple choice um i recommend anyone who’s willing on challenging the exam to go to the

    Website agile minus united dot com or dot org both will take you there um and there is a sample exam which can be downloaded as well as the syllabus and have a look you can also see all the training providers that are offering it if you’re in the the netherlands area

    And of course i recommend the agile testers or even if you want to have an online course from somewhere else to reach out to them and in india i recommend you reach out to anil and uh and or vinay um from verity software for a quote there as well

    So i hope that helps a little bit but you can take your exams are available on uh brightest um you can take them at pierce new test centers you can take them uh in your very own home or you can also take them uh in a group in your office either with

    As a paper exam or electronic exam so i hope that helps there and any further questions coming in now I haven’t received any more private messages from anyone how about you carlo and uh and boss no no all right any final questions and comments from the from verity software of course i want to say thank you all for joining there’s a of course a lot more information on agileunited.com

    Um you can also see two minute short videos from the agile testers team they’ve done i believe six or seven already they’re planning to do eight in total so you can get a little bit of snake twelve okay we’re gonna go for all twelve so the first ones are already available

    There as well so there’s a video um a video portion of the landing page and they all can be found there and uh we’re also going to put the recording of this webinar so you can see it there as well okay any other comments or questions from anyone i guess we’ve answered everyone’s

    Questions well thank you very much uh carlo and boss and thank you very much to the wonderful team at verity software uh and step in forum for this opportunity and uh look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions just send us

    One of us email i can go back again to all that information and uh yeah talk to you all soon thanks a lot uh thank you everyone thanks a lot kai thanks a lot carlo and buzz for that wonderful presentation i really hope it was really helpful to all the participants and

    They would be eager to take up this course uh once we have the dates out so you can uh go to uh the following websites which have been mentioned there or you can write to uh the gentlemen uh whom you see on screen right now you can reach out to us for

    More details uh so we will be uh mentioning the dates uh the dates will be out pretty soon on when the next batch uh will be uh there will be conducted in india so with that a big thanks to the participants also uh and hope you all have a great weekend

    Uh a great week ahead thanks kyle thanks for the wonderful webinar thanks all the participants who have attended this webinar you

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