This is the videorecording of the , held at the University of Pisa, Italy (Monday, 23rd -Wednesday, 25th October, 2023).
    More info here and here…

    0:00:00 Quentin Rome (PatriNat – OFB, MNHN, FRANCE): “Monitoring, impact and control of exotic hornets in France”
    0:14:00 Mar Leza (University of the Balearic Islands, SPAIN): “Spread of Vespa velutina in Spain, successful control on the Balearic Islands”
    0:29:58 Federico Cappa (Università degli Studi di Firenze, ITALY): “An update on the current status of invasive hornets in Italy”
    0:47:45 Anabela Nave (INIAV, PORTUGAL): “Situation of Vespa velutina in Portugal in 2023”
    1:07:41 Norman Carreck (Carreck Consultancy Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM): “Is the Asian hornet now established in the UK? “
    1:18:28 Bram Cornelissen (Wageningen University and Research, NETHERLANDS): “Vespa velutina edging towards establishment in the Netherlands”
    1:37:50 Jasmijn Hillaert (Research Institute for Nature and Forest, BELGIUM): “Tackling the spread of yellow-legged hornet in Flanders (northern Belgium): insights from the Vespa -Watch citizen science program”
    1:56:42 Linde Morawetz (AGES, AUSTRIA): “Vespa velutina ante portas –Austrian situation and preparation for its arrival”
    2:08:41 Lukas Seehausen (CABI, SWITZERLAND): “Invasion and management of Vespa velutina in Switzerland”
    2:20:25 Sandro Bertolino (Università di Torino, ITALY): “Management of the invasive hornet Vespa velutina in Italy: from surveillance to early warning and control strategies”
    2:36:15 Paula Souto (University of Coimbra, SPAIN): CONTROLVESPA: “Development of strategies for the control of Vespa velutina nigrithorax Buysson, 1905 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) invasion”
    2:51:36 María Shantal Rodríguez Flores (Universidad de Vigo, SPAIN): “Urgency of the implementation of control methods derived from the joint investigation on Vespa velutina”
    3:07:54 Chuleui Jung (Andong National University, KOREA): “Vespa velutina: post invasion pathway and its distribution modelling in Korea”
    3:25:36 Natasha Garcia Andersen (Apiary Inspector of America, USA): “Vespa velutina in the US”

    So many things have been told already yesterday so I will be I will go very quick on some things or many things I think and uh Beginning by the monitoring already everybody has already seen this map and I have it in English you you see

    The address if you want to use it sorry I forgot to put the to share the screen um so you already seen this uh toize the nesting preferences we we have uh all the nest destroyed in some areas and we make standardized uh monitoring Inon when the

    The tree of the leave the leave and we can uh you can see in this map the are in red and the expected nest what we have in the in the I don’t I don’t forget the name in the it’s it’s in blue and we saw we saw that

    Tina is speci who like to nest in urbanized areas so we can adjust our nich modeling with with with adding of long which make this Maps I think you you already know it and uh as we can see it’s almost the distribution you have to De

    So P colonized almost all Z it can colonize today for has already already said so we WECT many nest and we show the most important things it’s uh one Colony can eat in his life almost 100,000 insects which make around 11 kilogram of insects which is not

    Nothing and to know what what they eat we do with with we C nest and we catch in front of N and we take their food so we can an analyze what they eat I we go quick also because it it has St so we have a an opportunistic

    Species which in urban areas is mostly because we have K mostly on on Urban and anally grouped insects like social insect on social was was show with bumblebees but also scaving Scavenging flies or pollinators but as it’s an opportunistic insect as see it PE of pation is in October uh has low impact

    On on wasps because wasps are at at the end of their life cycle and uh when you catch fly and scavenger it’s a mostly common fight so they can eat many insects but it’s not an impact so important on wi for but is there is a big problem we have

    Sh uh depending on the number of onet what do we say flying in front of of B the the activity of the of the colonies is decreasing and we show that we can have a paralysis when we have 12 oret in front of of p and when we

    Analyze the density of or net Nest the predicted density the de colon density we can have a map of the impact of of theet in all the territory we we have done this in for FRS and if we have the maximum dity in every place in France uh

    We could have a mortality due to V now which is around 30% which cost 30 million R shes but it was in the worst case scenario it’s not what Sur today and if Sunny if the keepers are doing nothing to protect behav so us we’re almost near 5 to 10%

    Probably but it’s not we to to accumulate other data so since uh one year now we have proposed National control plan for Thea and uh one of the most important things was the destruction of Nest but uh what I say to them is we have colleag

    From inra they show that if we destroy the 30% of of colony we do nothing it’s only a reduction of predation in the good case but most of the time it’s nothing and uh today in Mons we destroyed only 30 to 40% of Nest uh for a cost of 12

    Million each years for nothing in for the regation and almost nothing for the prodection of the and the problem is the detection assest today we have only one method which is thef technology and uh with this method if you want to destroy all the nest in Fr

    It sh year or more than 60% it will cost 2, 250 million R each years which is really excessive and we have money for this so it’s not a solution we also evaluate the spring fing with with itap uh for this we work with a local partner in in free Department in France

    And uh it was difficult today because work B and some bers are not uh used to to follow protocols so we have less data than we expected and we only show which is surprising a tendency to decrease in the number offness if we

    Put CS at 200 M of of B it’s a new tcy it’s not published so I think it will be difficult but the recommend to put traps around around Beav at 200 Ms to to test the method with the big prion that today there is no selective traps they are

    They best best trap today but they’re not ideal TRS so what we recommend most is Ru impact on Colony by using muzzles I think you you know this it’s a mesh your potent font of the B it only reduce the stress not the pred but we sure that it

    It help to maintain an activity of 80% of the colony Al we have 20 in front of Bel and we recm to put electric traps electric ARs and high capacity traps with better better baits and uh also it’s novelty I hope it will be accept by the keepers as you see the

    Density is not the same in every place in in F and in in Europe and today uh the most important things uh we work on to stop the destruction of nest in high density areas because most of the time they you leers and collectivities they they paid a large amount of money

    For almost nothing there is no impact of predation on be and for the cost of one of Nest you can buy one off or 10 mule so we say to them it’s uh it would be better in this Aras to stop destruction and to helpers to are clearing protective equipments like mle traps

    Better traps and uh UPS so now I will talk of uh it’s good for time we talk ofal in France I’ll be quick so we detected in uh 2022 2021 uh on FL of and we go there we we try to tag them are not interested

    To for us so we F the next by by saying and we found two nests that we success to to destroy Nest which are very difficult to find there are in the in wall or in the floor and we ask bers as we we saw we heard that this onet is a

    Big problem for beekeeping we as beekeepers it’s we have there to be to monitor the presence of on the on their be part and uh in 20 in 22 we have only again one observation on the M eyes and we go there in Marill uh I didn’t right it so it’s in

    Mar in first Mon and we go there we destroy the nest and when we come back there was two other observation so for nest in total and what we observe at this period is That this seems tot like SP so it’s not overing in front of bay eyes it’s going to to the K be it’s it’s quick very quick and so I I thought it was not a problem of bers were not the good Target to monitor the species and

    We as to naturalist to make observation and this year it was listed as invasive species and so due to naturalist we have two new departments uh so now it’s you see you have everywhere for and the two friends and the problem is that we have a low predation anies we have a low

    Density so it’s very difficult for us to detect the species and uh when we make uh research from for data in l in collection naturalist collection which are not to forget and with J we do this map and we show that the speci is naturally spreading to the north and uh

    Which is a big problem because it’s it’s listed as an invasive valant special inance but prob it’s only netive and we began to work on Niche modeling but the people with who might do this uh go with from the museum so if someone want to do this with

    Me we have plenty of data and the same thing it’s we need help for genetic analysis and determining the impact because question there is nothing on on the evaluation of impact of the species on B on Bing and we don’t know also what it is what is it Spectrum perhaps it’s

    Mostly other and the impact native insect could be important so thank you sorry for The or the behavior in the H is probably different Did You observe the hunting and how he went in go to to the gra of be take one and go away if there is no be it pass away so I think it’s a for me but I don’t know the species it’s like

    It’s if the colony have other source of food you prefer other source of food than only colony it’s I think it’s biggest not the better place isus and if there is no other food they go to big to toes and they can make a big big problem but I think it’s a

    Problem of the availability of food of the spray it’s a supposition but for me it’s really not be a biggest big problem as vtina because uh the big problem with vtin is that over inant next presentation will be given online by University of the b island Spain she

    Will be talking about the spread OFA in Spain successful control on the Bic Island so good morning um I start to explain uh the situation in Spain and I want to explain our particular case in the Valar islands in the case of Spain so I am trying to put

    Here as you can see here the yellow leg Hornet it has been expanding throughout the territory even uh reaching the sou region of the country so uh it is established in the northern regions Navara Bas country Gala and canabria and in Catalonia so the first detection was in

    2010 and recently is detected in extrem laa andalia and Valencia so in andalia in 2022 so it’s really recently so what happened in Spain so in each territory control work is held by one organization on another and there is no coordination between them so the particular case of

    Each uh place is different so here if you want we can move to the case of the Val Islands here the first detection is in 2015 so the laboratory of Theology of the University of the Bic Islands receive a sample from an apy of a beekeeper located in soer soer is here

    And in soer is a town in the mountain area in the north of the island there is a port the port of soer with commercial connections with the Iberian Peninsula and other parts of the continent so once it was confirmed that it has an species we move to the area and indeed

    We saw here you can see the Hornet we saw Hornet spring on behive so then we realized that it wasn’t an accidental capture there is or there was indeed a nest so here I present you the first filter study on the strategy of rication of the velutina that has been

    Established in the West moster Mediterranean andelo it could be an example of a detailed planning here you can see all the steps and execution of an operation of a radication program for the yellow leg Hornet we report here all the steps we following since the detection so the establish of a

    Multidisciplinary team uh and all the methodology in the field and laboratory more specifically we investigate the combination of the following method so spring trapping of Queens detection of the present of adults using traps use the cense science data for the detection of the present detection of NES using triangulation or destruction of NES

    Using mechanical uh methods so the first step after the confirmation was the establishment of the multidisiplinary working group and the working group um was created in order to coordinate the following aspects for example the assessment of risk and impact determine the extent of the infestation evaluation of treatment options communication with stakeholders

    Including uh beekeepers but to the citizens ship decide about whether to eradicate contain or do nothing and detail the planning methods the working group as you can see here was formed by specialist from the administration technical staff from the government um the environmental agents The Specialist technicians from the health and Wildlife Management

    Department of the kip and uh uh the University of the Valar islands and we have another group um formed with um um beekeeper and local cils uh concerned and beekeepers too so our main objective was to locate and remove correctly The Nest first of all

    We have to detect the Hornets so how we can detect the Hornets we have two different options two ways we develop an app bestp uh and also we have uh 24 hours phone numbers available to for citizens to call or send a message so the second method um involved

    Is the use of traps so from October 2015 an intensive service were implemented in the radio of 35 kilm around the first detection in soya traps normally were craft made following the classical FAL trap uh design we confirm the species and then we track the speciment we locate and remove uh the

    Nest and of course we analyze all the nest and based on the data we conducted investigation along a different line next in the following slides we will closely examine how we did all of this so uh the first part is locate the nest so uh we need an adles of the Hornet so

    When an adult was detected from a public report or a trap feeding points as you can see here I can put all the time so um feeding points with protein attractant ra feed were set in the areas in order to identify the direction of these adults took to the nest so at

    Least three fly roads departing from three different feeding points were necessary to define the location of the nest by means the triangulation so binoculars were used to track the ad hornuts so here you can see all the works in order to remove all the nest so the nest

    Were removed manually during the night here you can see this is the port of soer during the night and here all the technicians uh trying to to remove the nest so the technicians had to reach the nest usually by a climbing a tree then the nest was entirely removed and plac

    It in a sack here you can see it and after that if any individual was observed uh with a domestic spray insecticide was applied and all the Nets were frozen at 20° below zero for at least 48 hours and a revision of the place after one week was made in order

    To check if the horns revile the nest and if it’s the case remove it so I previously estate from October 2015 intensive Sur were implemented in a radius of three uh 35 km around the first detection so the first detection is here and you can see all the traps

    Um uh put in the in the field in soer so the trapping campaigns can be separately into two different periods spren trapping and detection of the present of adults and the tring area was determined by the Pres of Nest found in the previous Cain and we put five kilm

    Radius from the oer Nets in order to cover the potentially spreading of the yellow l leg horners regarding to citiz and science here you can see no no something are you’re muted uh let me see if I can put the chat um how can I do okay now you listen me great okay

    You’re muted again I don’t know what happened and now you listen me uh yes sir I don’t know what happened okay so the first year um we found um one Nest so please confirm that you listen me yes yes okay okay so the first year we only found one

    Nest the second year nine Nest the third year 20 nests and what happened then we in 2018 we only find one embryo nest and 10 Queen Queens in traps so the next two years we didn’t uh find any Nest or hornet despite having been um a lot of working in in field

    So uh the team did notop Raising awareness about the specimen in the has invading ons it will be detected again and after officially declaring the radication of these species in the islands so in TW in 2021 we have uh a new uh new Nest found thanks another time to to Citizen uh science

    So this PES was theed to Citizen report and what happened uh were there Le hover n from the first entry or it was a new entry so the competent Administration quickly located the nest and sent um it to the university for the analyze and based on the genetic analyses we have concluded

    That it has a new introduction and we know we knew that the second introduction is from the mainland Spain from Catalonia probably but the first introduction is from uh Italy so that means that allness detected and the mov the first time um as a result of the first

    Introduction uh and this is the new uh introduction and listen uh the nest hosted males so we have have pH two scenarios there was already A reproduction nest and the species was already dispersing on they were sterile M unfortunately uh they were a sterile M so we have here some indicators of the

    Radication of these species in mayorca that we are in the we was in the early stage of the invasion is confinment to a relatively limited uh area the proper planning and activities conducted and the support from local people however it is essential that Financial Resources for implementing

    These measures uh and it is mandatory to enforce uh the biocurity policies so an eradication plan is not a complete plan without a post eradication planification so if you wish to read all the details you can find them in these two papers and now what we are doing now we

    Implemented an early detection and rapid response trapping Network in the entry ports here you can see all the Trap stations and a distribution area of PL Matan see really closely to uh Garden uh centers not only for best baltina for more than for 20 different species and 12 trapping stations or

    More or less workpl and we visited every two weeks approximately and moreover we are developing in basap really similar to bpap but in this case for 20 different species and past year we recently detect the European hornet B parro and for the VAR kland is an exotic species which

    Despite not being included in the 20 Target species of our uh um trapping network but we found it in a best pelua trap so the European hornet is naturally pres in AIA as you know but absent in our Island it was detected in a port

    Once again a port in this case in the Northwest in other in Alodia and based on the pr predatory principle the ministry decide to classific it at the potentially invasive species and start to to find uh the nest so shortly after implementing the we reported the new species not previously detected

    Demonstrating that an preventing and eradication invasive species uh the success of these trapy methods so we have uh must stay alert and um we have to following our work uh trying to detect these besta or best orientalis or all of these bested we study in this working group so thank

    You very much I don’t know if you have any questions best Rao is a nonnative species on the balic islands but how have we have you judged it is a invasive yeah we we don’t know that it is invasive so we explain to the ministry the competent Authority in order to to

    Work with these uh species and they say that uh for the precautionary principle we have to stay alert and we have to find uh the nest so we don’t decide it the the authority decide um uh that these species could be an invasive spaces okay thank you very much

    Our next speaker is federo Kaa from the University of Florence Italy and he will be talking on an update on the current status of invasive Hornets in Italy okay so here we have uh in Italy the three species of uh the Gus Fest but and this situation is quite interesting

    Because uh two of them are native in some part of Italy but neon native or invasive alien in other regions in particular the European hornet is native to the Italian Peninsula and the island of Sicily but it’s alien in Sardinia and I think p is going to give us uh an

    Update on the situation because they have been monitoring the uh presence of best and also the behavior of the European hornet in um Sardinia uh the first I mean it was reported in during the 19th century uh sorry the 20th century but the first specimen were collected in northern part of um

    Sardinia in 2010 and the Oriental Hornet maybe is the most interesting of the three species since it is native in the uh terranean um uh Seaside the terranum coast in the southern part of Italy especially the campan in Sicily it has become neoa native so probably we have

    This expansion of the uh range of the species probably due to urbanization climate change changing environmental conditions so it has become neon native in leum and in Tuscany and probably also UA but it’s also alien in Sardinia and in fi Vania Julia and then of course we

    Have uh the uh yellow light Hornet which is alien all over the place in Italy and this is the distribution from this um uh paper which was was published this year from the colleag from turine of the three species in uh Europe and I will I

    Will go a bit more into details on the distribution especially of uh vesa uh vtina and vesa orientales in the different regions of Italy and so this is the uh situation as you can see we have like the um belua is at least is confined in the

    Northern part of Italy and while vest parentales is distributed as I said on the coastline of the uh uh tyranian regions and then it has become more and more common in Lum and we have it in Tuscan and then it is alien in Sardinia in C and in fre Vania

    Julia and as regards the arrival of the yellow leg Hornet and the spread in Italy the first record was from the colleagues that were conducting the uh a surveillance campaign in between theur and kedmon from the University of Turin and they found the first male in

    2012 he uh came from France then in the following year we had the first Nest that were found in liua in pedmont in 2013 in 200 16 we found uh a positive apy in uh venito but the species was not established at the time in Vito uh between 2017 and

    2023 we had the arrival in uh Western liua in Tuscan and unfortunately the species has become established here in Tusan in 2021 we had the first record between lumbardy and Roman in 2021 20 2 the first positive epor in ID Romania and Veno and 2023 the first mess in

    Emilia Romania and Veno and I will go into a bit more detail in a few slides so as regards liua and petmom they are were the first regions that were invaded by the Asianet so the uh vtina and the project live stop vesa uh was carried out uh by the

    Colleagues from University of tuine between 2015 and 2019 and the project has the Merit to have located and destroyed in this uh five years more than uh 2,200 nests uh it has established a surveillance uh network of more than 1,700 um monitoring stations and it has also the Merit to have developed the

    Harmonic Rudder to detect the nest of the uh yellow leg Hornet but unfortunately the probably the the destruction of this Nest has delayed the spread of vtina in Italy but unfortunately as you can see we have lots and lots of reports between Lura and tuskan apart from the ones that we

    Have in uh Western Lura uh so if now the in liua the situ the uh the management of the species uh is uh um carried out by this institution which is par Theory which has invested lots of funding from 2019 this year and they have destroyed around 2,300 nest of estina during these

    Years and these are the distributions of the N were destroyed by the PCO in these four years and in pmon the situation is quite strange because even if the the regions on the boundary of liua we have very few nests that were reported over the years in pedon so this is a very

    Strange situation I don’t know it’s because of some uh Geographic or environmental conditions but it it looks like the species is uh spreading uh uh alongside the coast rather than in the mainland and so as regards the situation in Tusan so in the region we at the moment we had

    The first report it was in 2017 this EP was positive to velutina in Stoya and we also had the first reports of adults in epies at the boundary between uh Eastern Lura and tusam and in this case the was not found so only individual in the aies but starting from

    This point vertina has established in Italy and how the situation has uh uh progressed in Italy as you can see uh year after year from 2018 to 2020 we had an increase in the number of uh sightings of other individuals and also Nest that were signaling in in Tuscany and the situation

    War last year and of course this year is getting even worse and we had uh around 15 nests of vestina that were detected and destroyed between the two regions last year and Stefano has just told me that uh this year we have more than 200 Nest that were uh destroyed so far

    Between tasan and liua and if you think that most of this nest last year were signal were reported between uh the end of October and December when you have not foliage cover the trees is it likely that when Stephano told me that is estimated we could have 500 Nest between

    Tuscan and liua this year so this me a prediction and as regards the other regions where valtina is present or maybe is establishing uh we have um Veno as I said the first individual was detected in bergantino in an in 200 uh 16 during the uh summer then the following

    Spring uh another adult individual was found in a trap in lumber at the boundary with lito but it seems that the population was not established at the time then we had fua between lumber and Emilia Roma in 2021 so two years ago and then another exciting last year in Emilia Roman and

    Also in ven I think the colleagues from uh uh uh thats going to give us a bit more detail about this presence and it looks like the uh the species has established in the region of Roman and V since this year we found the first nest

    Of uh vest pentina in these two regions and haard West orental so the Oriental or as I said is native in southern part of Italy but is heading north and in particular we have an increase in the number of reportings of the uh positive aies to the presence of the Oriental

    Hornet in the southern part of Italy over the years and then uh population of best orientalis has establish in 201 18 in fudi in the city of triest because it looks like Oriental is uh like like the urban Islands so the urban environments then the species was

    Reported in Tuscany in 2020 in the city of gret in the city center and in 2021 was signal in CER so it arrived in Sardinia where of course is alien as interested while here is can be considered in TAS neon native and then also in 2021 October we had the first

    Nest well all individuals but probably anest because we had many of them in the in the city center of Florence and we found that the first apar is positive to uh the vest orientalis and also the first nest in Florence last year and this year we found the first apiary

    In the province of Luca that was positive to both vest oralis and vtina and to conclude uh we have this uh monitoring Network surveillance Network which is top velutina probably most of you know the the site it was created in 2016 from together together with the colleagues from CA and University of

    Piza University of Florence of course and it is an Outreach platform uh not just to collect the records of the Hornets in Italy but also uh providing uh information about the trapping techniques or uh sharing the news about the presence of the Hornets in Italy and we have received more than uh 7,500

    Reports in the last six years and uh more than 1,00 reports only this year and to conclude at the moment we have this project which has just started in Tusan uh the region Tuscan has given us uh around 1,000 um so 100,000 EUR to Monitor and control the presence of vest patina in

    The region and the activities are carried out by University of Florence University of Piza and the beekeepers associations we are active in the region and the main goals of the project are to create a surveillance Network to monitor the spread of the species in uh Tuscany and of course training of uh uh

    Beekeepers uh pce control Specialists and also citizen to uh recognize the presence of the Hornets the different species of hornets and how to correctly destroy the nest in detect and destroy the nest in the region and also the funds should cover for the the uh expenses for the equipment like

    Radiotelemetry or the equipment that we used to destroy the nest and also the squat are supposed to be destroying the nest and with that I would like to thank all the colleagues from the different uh research institutions and all the beekeepers which are like on the front

    Line in the fight against bestest and best orientalis and I hope that I uh was in time with minutes okay so thank you everyone so now and when CH yeah yeah absolutely you know you know we were talking about this with Elena yesterday in fact I asked for

    Like some suggestion question because I think the situation of the Oriental vnet is very tricky and also I mean if you think about the situation in Tusan uh I I said okay it should be neon native in TASC but if you we think about the

    Arrival of esales we had like this uh s sudden appearance of the Oriental hornet in the uh very city center of the city of bretto but there were no positive epies in the countryside at the the border between Lum and tasan and then another a further jump to the city

    Center of Florence so that is why I think with best orental we must be very cautious also for the management and also as regards lury WEA we have like the first appearance of best oralis in the port of Genova in 2018 and now we have the first Nest so

    Should we consider neon native Vesta Ori Al is in liua because it’s thetive in tasani or is alien in Lura it should be considered alien in fi so I think with West orientales we’re still like you know a bit on the situation is very confusing and we should understand

    What’s uh I mean how to define the species also for aort management and also for you know the regulations and polies that I know was talking about yesterday that is why I said netives but I’m not 100% sure that is the right uh definition of vest orientalis I hope that I somehow answer

    I know that it’s not very satisfying I I I don’t know at the moment how to correctly uh Define the species also because the term neon native I mean is is a bit debated from uh like the okay there another question okay from the people online from Kennedy

    Okay great to do you believe velutina can be undetected in some regions of Italy for some years is this due to AOW activity profile of pioneer nests or due to a low detection by citizens unaware of vtina in their region okay thank you for the question it may be but I must

    Say that the for for example the appearance of vtina in Vito uh then surveillance uh network was established also in V mon of the situation so and also I didn’t say that in 2016 after the positive EP a found a nest was found a secondary Nest was

    Abandoned or maybe it was destroyed I mean we don’t know if the population was killed so is it possible that it wented but if we think about the task and situation once you have the species usually becomes more and more common in epies so I think it’s very difficult

    That especially B keep is as I said are on the front line they didn’t uh uh detect the presence of the species but it may be of course especially the the very first n you can have in a region y thank you very thank you fedo next presentation will be given

    Online by Annabella na from Portugal and she will be talking about the situation of vesa valtina in Portugal in 2023 yes okay good morning to everyone is a pleasure to to me to stay in this important team and with very good Communications until now and after my communication also well uh the the

    Situation of vtina in Portugal that’s the goal of this presentation uh and the presentation is um have a summary more or less expressing that timeline uh the first detection uh in Portugal of vtina that is an evasive speci it was in 2011 and uh because beekeepers uh uh

    Quickly understand the problem uh there are um talking about this problem and it was creating uh at uh in 20 30 an online platform to U civil uh science to put the the possible uh view of Nets in 2015 uh it was established an action plan for surveillance and control F by

    The competent entity the government in 2017 uh it was established a commission for uh the implementing of the plan and to make the rules and everything uh in particular the ways and the importance of establish uh the continuity of the passive surveillance that is the the next detection in online

    Platform and an active surveillance by uh uh the surveillance in um uh traps enological traps in 2019 um the government established FS uh budgets for the next destruction and uh to um uh put money in the beekeeping prom program to give possibilities to beekeeper to fight uh to this spey uh

    And in 2020 it was establish the uh active surveillance Network and uh the active surveillan uh national uh online platform in 2021 there was um budgets to the inter municipalities uh uh inter Municipal municipalities to develop a project to uh surveillance and control the speci we

    Have in the uh uh in Portugal in Continental uh 33 intern inter intermunicipal Municipal and 16 from this total have projects that are finished by now and it was very important measure in the in the country and the next P step is the revision uh to implement uh more

    Knowledge and other directions if there is important this the revision of the action plan for the surveillance and control that was established in 200 uh 15 uh well this action plan for surveillance and control uh have different competent entities in different process uh Information Management passive surveillance active surveillance net destruction monitoring

    Training and dissemination the most important five process are uh the surveillance the control the training actions dis mination and investigation and different entity are coordinating this process uh with the big teams involve other uh uh other other other entities very important also the the municipal councils The Beekeeper associations the

    National uh conservation and Forest Institute very important also and the director at general of Health from uh many others that we see in this diagram well what is the the process of the Vish of ltina in Portugal since 2011 in 2011 Vish of ltina was it was in 2011 the first

    Detection in the north as we see in this uh uh map uh and the continuing of the distribution is more or less important uh uh after years uh along the coast near the sea the Atlantic Sea uh and uh um this is this is the information that

    We are presenting in 16 colos conference in the 2020 and now this is the the the information that are in current um date uh we have um Nets uh and also P ltina um more than in the center in direction to the South but uh we have an an lower anantu

    And alar without visha this is this is a very good information and the this information came from the citizen uh observations that put the the the observation in a platform and after that the responsibility is from the council the municipal municipality Council that go to the field confirm if there is or not

    Uh a net from V of ltina and go to destroy or to let him in the in the in the field if there isn’t problem or if there isn’t confirmed the Vish voltina Nets we can we can uh see in this map in this graphic uh that the dynamic of the

    The active surveillance of the Nets platform is uh um is increased is uh until 2021 more or less we see the the dominant tendance and uh the last two years 2022 and until now in 203 33 the number of Nets are in decreasing and we it’s very important

    This tendance and until now we have in the country uh 125 more or less thousand uh Nets uh during this period we Implement also the active surveillance uh and the active surveillance was established uh uh by a project um uh very important project Atlantic positive project uh as Den talk

    Yesterday and uh this surveillance active plan uh it’s important because we we intend to to see uh during during uh in all year the dynamic of the pacing in all the territory and we see here the invaded zones buffer zones and not invaded zones and we have uh the

    Contribution of the surveillance by people that are training to do that uh from Natural Parks City councils and beekeeper associations in the beginning we have none traps and last year um we uh we have 45 participants entity with 33,500 records and now at this moment we

    Have more than uh the Double of the the the records from uh last year this is very important because we can uh make the surveillance in all countri including in the places where there isn’t until now Vish of ltina and the first records of new places came became

    For our surveyance is very important that and we made alert and we can also because we have this process we can also see that there are difference in the bio uh in the biology of the spey in annual cycle of the spey in many regions in Portugal because they they don’t need in

    Many places to to pass to hibernation we see since September until January workers Founders and males in activity and we capture in our traps uh and also we can say because this a vped uh Works Workshop or a meeting that the capture of is that is a

    A native species was increased in our for uh uh active surveillance and until now absence of visha Orient Alish this is an important information also for uh all teams I I think we think well what we uh have to to control the speci in the Nets because we know uh yesterday

    People talking and Denis Terry talking about the the problem of the the the the don’t have pheromone to to capture and to control we have only the control uh in the Nets and in the plan we have three uh three possibilities to do it mechanical means and uh we have

    Information about we can what what are and we we can use what it is and we can use the incineration and the conditions to use different of these uh mechanisms and the bioside the bio side is uh established because we have a director at general of Earth that put the information in a

    Platform and we can see in the platform what are the the products that are permitted or regulated to use in Portugal like in other uh countries in Europe and uh if we see in the pesticide properties datab base uh the site is there um more of the uh all all the the

    Substance that we can use by professionals are in this table and we see that most of them are uh the family of perro and uh if we see the the family of classify resistance from Iraq is all the same it’s it’s it’s the same if we

    Change the the the substance uh this is a very problem in what we if we think about that and if we see the environment fight the ecotoxicology and the human he Health uh the panoram is not very good also and uh it’s very important to use this this knowledge and to combat the

    The spey but to use them by the the better way because if we see the DL 50 to uh many species and many places in environment uh there are a big a big foot in what we are doing and we must do with big responsibility uh and this is very

    Important uh to to to remember each time we we do things in the in environmental and by control also uh we we are putting money to to to help country uh mon IP alties to fight uh but isn’t enough like yesterday someone as talking about and uh the municipalities

    Have project and are in in progress to implement new strategies more knowledge and more um um internal ship collaboration is very important that and to improve measures to to stablish more uh uh details to do better uh since 2015 50 uh there was training actions in the

    In this plan also by the coordination of General director at of food and Veterinary Health we see here there all the country uh uh uh are uh now with many uh with personels with training um informance uh about Vish lutina surveillance systems suspicious of Nets

    And how to destroy uh the Nets since the North to the South and last year because we have money to go to the the uh Portuguese Atlantic iseland there are also uh uh training actions there are also information about uh more about the speci uh but um until now there isn’t

    Vtina in our Atlantic Iceland a sour pag and M archipelago well we are doing a lot not enough all of us know that a lot to make better dissemination we have an action plan bases for active surveyance a manual for good practics and to combat and information about the biologic and

    Morphologic difference between the species and uh in last year uh we have we had a forum a very important forum to us and international Forum also for vtina and all of this information are online we can also uh see the communication and uh um and no more

    About that uh we have also in also a YouTube channel and we have um some videos that we think are very important by the society uh active surveillance combat me methods biology combat and precautions in Portuguese and biology combat and precautions in English and this is very important uh tools to uh

    Improve knowledge and coming to the finix of the presentation the investigation is the one step very important in the plan and inav was uh uh in three projects J Vish positive and V Vish um and there are other projects very important also in Portugal two from the the thee keeper planning action go

    Visha and Arma for visha and now there is one very important project also control visha uh in the University of qura and I think there was there will be a presentation from this team in this meeting um there are many information that we are interest interesting and we

    Are doing uh we have also scientific articles and we are uh in progress in many subjects in studies in phds and in uh other uh ways to better know and this Dynamic is very important and I think is the most important to to share to now uh

    The future the we have all the same quaries and um well uh we are here to to better know and to uh improve our knowledge uh thank you very much and um I’m at your disposal thank you thank you very much due to time constraints just one question

    Thank you very much for your speech and was quite impressed by the high decrease of the the presence of the nest in the last few years this could be the effect of the contol methods or something else to be to go on with the environment sorry it’s not clear the

    Question the Nets the the in the last few years report that the Nets are decreasing is it the Nets so this could be this is the effect of the control methods we apply or something else could go on in the environment oh okay uh I think I think

    Both both the the climatic conditions are very important you know we know that but also um as uh we are we are talking during in this meeting the the measures the political measures are very important I think all the dissemination that we can uh improve are very important to the knowledge of the

    Citizens and to be alert of uh uh some some difference that you can see uh the perar Nets are very easy to to see because the the the past are very Urban Pest and most of us are very uh sensitive to something that uh can appear quickly and I think I think both

    The the the climatic uh conditions because the temperature the humidity the the weather change and and are affect the dynamic of the species but um I think the most the most important is the know the knowledge of the civilians of which one of us that can uh improve better techniques uh better early

    Detection is the more important and the surve the surveillance the active surveillance is very important but because in in the new places the for detection it was in a insect in the net in the in the in the Trap and the after C uh uh the council uh stay in alert and

    More um and and more alert to implement measures I think it’s the answer to your question no because there are interference okay thank you okay thank you very much thank you also okay next presentation will be given by Norman KCK United Kingdom is the Asian oret now established in the

    UK okay good morning everyone morning to everyone here and to those online so hello Peter and hello Lynn who are out there in The Ether um so I’ve posed this question here um and I have to say the answer is I don’t know uh so you can

    Draw your own conclusions at the end of the talk um and the second thing to say is that I’m not personally involved in any of the work that’s uh that I’m going to be talking about I am an interested Observer I am a be keeper um but I also

    Sit on our government’s be Health advisory Forum as an independent Scientific Advisor so so I do actually have a uh an interest in this um so yes we’ve heard Lots about the yellow-legged Asian Hornet um British ARS are you know separated from Mainland Europe uh but uh

    DOA to Cal is only about 40 kilometers so we have been aware that uh the Asian Hornet will get to Britain eventually and we have had a system of uh Sentinel Apes at ports and airports for some years looking for various things not only Asian Hornets um but in

    2016 uh we had our first Nest devation Hornets at tetbury in gleria which is not near a port uh or an airport particularly so was I suppose a bit of a surprise and this is one of the the uh first nest and so far most of the nests

    In the UK do seem to have been uh in the tops of uh of trees and we’ve heard a lot already about how vital it is that um all the authorities who could possibly be involved in this work together closely uh and that uh we all learn from the experience of different

    Countries uh so in the UK we have various organizations involved so there is an organization called the national non um uh um what’s it called National non non uh Native species uh Secretariat that’s it yes and so their responsibility is is to look for all invasive species and the

    Asian Hornet has been on their list for some time and so they have the responsibility of sifting through photographs which members of the public and beekeepers have been sending in uh and of course most of those photographs are of European Hornets hob flies wood wasps and and various other strange things uh

    But they go through those uh and pick out the ones that look like Asian Hornets and then pass them down to our national B unit which is an organization called the animal and plant health agency and they have a network of inspectors whose responsibility is primarily to look for uh foul brood in

    Bees um but they’ve also got added to their tasks uh looking for Asian Hornets um and there’s another organization called the food and environment research agency uh which does the research part of this and then we have the British Beekeepers Association which is an umbrella Organization for the various

    Local and Regional um beekeeping associations and Bob here was a trustee of the British Beekeepers Association for for a while and so the BBK has set up uh Asian Hornet action teams in each region uh which I think it’s fair to say sort of vary in their uh how how well

    Organized they are but many of them are very well organized and uh beekeepers have gone over to Jersey and elsewhere to find out about uh Asian Hornets and so there are some very well-informed and enthusiastic beekeepers around uh but here we have a bit of a problem in that

    The uh official animal uh and health plant agency have so far really not uh encouraged the involvement of beekeepers and and I think that’s something we need to think about you think what could possibly go wrong um so as I say uh there have been some uh sporadic incursions over the

    Last few years and and this is a paper published in 2020 looking at the nests we’ve had so far and you can see they’ve been fairly widely distributed um it did seem to me that uh there might have been something going on if you look at uh numbers seven and five

    On the south coast there that’s an area called The New Forest which is a large area of semi-natural vegetation and Sandy soils which is a really good place for European hornets and and ideal habitat um but the results from from this paper suggest that uh all the nests

    Found up to 2020 were quite small there was no sign of new queens or males and that although the individuals collected were related to uh hornets from Mainland Europe particularly France there was no evidence that all the the samples collected in the UK were directly related to each other so no evidence uh

    In 2020 that um uh that that uh the thing was established uh and then of course we had the covid pandemic and there was a huge reduction in the amount of uh cross-channel traffic uh particularly people um and the number of nests went right down and you can see that in

    2022 last year there was only one Nest pound now was that a genuine thing or were people becoming complacent um things changed very rapidly early this year though uh and we started to get reports in the paper that there were um Asian Hornets particularly in Kent uh

    And in July I was invited over to Ireland to talk to the Irish beekeepers about possible threats to Irish beekeeping and the Asian Hornet was one of the things they wanted me to talk about and I prepared my slides about a week before I went and I actually had to

    Update my uh slide several times during the week as the number of nests increased to five by the 28th of July um and things have increased considerably since then then uh and we got articles like this in the guardian from my my colleague Dave gorson from Sussex University who’s a bumblebee expert and

    In his opinion uh the Asian Hornet is likely to become established in the UK and then we actually started getting reports from beekeepers that Asian Hornets were actually damaging uh their um uh their their bees this is the Daily Mail which isn’t the most reli able of of newspapers but nonetheless this is

    This is concerning uh so this was the situation in September and you can see that there were sporadic findings all around the country uh but most are concentrated in the southeast of England so uh to look uh a bit more closely um you can see that there there have been a

    Lot of findings so I live just to the West on the south coast there where it says brighter in Ho so they they quite close to to where I I live uh and I have had a bait station out in my garden and although we’ve had lots of European

    Hornets this uh summer so far none uh but the area of concern is over uh on the southeas of Kent Coast nearest area to Mainland Europe particularly around feston which is a channel Port uh and the end of the channel tunnel and reading between the lines it uh looks as

    Though there were nests in that area last year that may have been missed um and this is the situation as of a few days ago we’re now at 70 nests uh and in in 55 different places in uh England um and there may well be more more to come

    So clearly this is a a huge increase on anything we’ve had before uh so this is a a statement from our national B unit saying uh you know it says 66 here so this is out of date already um asking beepers to keep their eyes open and

    Quite tellingly uh it says analysis of Nest this awesome has confirmed the presence of G and drones so yes there are uh queens and and males going out there um and so you know it is looking suspiciously like uh this Hornet is established in the UK so will Hornets

    Thrive in the UK well I think we were very complacent and we thought well you know first of all we’re in Ireland so it won’t get here uh it rains a lot and it’s it’s reasonably cold in the winter but uh you know it seems to be surviving

    In parts of Northern Italy where uh the conditions are not so very different and the the the nests are surprisingly weatherproof um and this modeling exercise was done a few years actually suggests that um most of England and Wales are certainly very suitable places uh for uh the Asian Hornets to live

    Maybe not in Scotland uh uh but we need to be concerned uh so I stop at that point um I don’t know the answer to the question we actually have a be Health advisory Forum meeting tomorrow uh when I hope that uh there will be some more information about hopefully the the

    Genetics of these new colonies but it’s looking a bit um dubious at the moment our next speaker is um Bram corelis pronouncing really badly cornelis from W no so University in Netherlands yes he will be talking about vtina aging towards establishment in the Netherland so I’m going to start already

    Actually um while I was sitting here I was I was thinking about the talks and about what people are saying and I’m I’m actually going to say exactly the same thing as other people are going to say because basically what we’re doing is we’re telling the same story for a

    Different location and a different time point or time frame um and I like that I think it’s important but at the same time I think I want to use my time a little bit more and more in terms of the I guess in line with the color spirit

    Because the spirit is really about networking and collaboration and I I I think I want I want to skip some slides let’s put it that way I want to go through them quite quick uh to show you that where the fesa valtina is in the Netherlands I’m not

    Going to talk about the monitoring I have slides on that I even have an introduction of our group I’m going to skip that as well and I’m going to go to the end because I think it’s more important to think about what we need to

    Know and what we can do together to get there so um yeah so let let’s see um I’m going to skip everything here don’t worry I’m going to start right here um so so for the Netherlands we have from 2011 already a modeling paper it’s in Gray literature uh which which

    Gives some predictions of whether the the V Tina can actually become established in in the Netherlands or can occur there um and this is actually for a future climate scenario it says plus 1° you can see and well if it’s pink pink colors if it’s red colors we kind

    Of assume based on this modeling that it can establish and especially when it’s a little bit hotter it’s it’s probably a little bit better for the for the vesa valtina and actually that came true in in 2017 from the south we from from Belgium from flers we we had an incursion uh in

    Late in year October there was a sighting of of hornets and these were actually found and they were the nest was tracked with with beining I don’t have to explain you anything because that’s been done before so I’m going to skip that um and they used a drone with

    A with a thermal camera which works really nicely in the Netherlands because it gets really cold already uh in October in general especially during the evenings and nights um so so what I I did now is actually take all the data that we have from a public uh site where

    All the reports all the observations are reported vaml you can check this link and you can you can see all the data uh so what is reported there is observations uh not specified uh in any way but they are confirmed observations and the nest that I’m showing is nests

    That have been destroyed so that that really have been found and have been confirmed to be destroyed and between brackets you will see when I go on uh the the the prediction based on on the experts of how many nests remain so this is the first sighting on the coast in in

    The Netherlands in zand province of zaland uh so year one year two we have four nests more observations then we have less and you see it a little bit different distribution but it’s I mean it’s it’s NS one um and then when we go to 2020 we see more nests and you can

    See the brackets appearing that’s that’s the information we get from from people doing the work uh destroying the nest that there’s actually Nest being left uh behind uh 2021s we don’t have that many Nest destroy and we don’t really know what’s what’s happening uh in terms of

    Nest staying behind but you can see the observations of individuals going up and you can also see that it has a bit of a distribution over the southern provinces uh there and 2022 well that’s that’s when we hit the jackpot I guess um and we had 100 almost 150 nests that were

    Destroyed and it was assumed that about 30 nests stayed behind and then we are kind of in this exponential growth right so so for this year I I I used the data up until last week uh and you can see that we already have the same number of

    Nests destroyed by now and there’s approximately 600 left that’s what we hear from the people in the field and especially in the province of Zealand where they are really kind of struggling with with with keeping up with with control so um we kind of can say that in

    The southern part of the Netherlands it’s already there it’s established even though we try everything uh we definitely see that that there’s volunteers involved but there’s just not enough happening to really get to grips with it so so we’re there basically for that part and you can see that also moving

    Up um we had early warning signs uh you can see here the numbers for up until May 2023 uh so it was already clear at that point that we were going to going to have quite some uh some nests in in the mland so who are players um I can go

    Through this but this is basically Al the same as in other other countries uh what I really want to point out that the real players in this this game are the beekeepers and the volunteers that do the actual work um we have Pol policy makers talking about what is important

    And what is not and how many much money they can spend on it but it’s actually the volunteers and the beekeepers in the field that are really doing so um how are they doing that I will skip this because we’re doing the same thing as they’re doing on Jersey and I’m thinking

    There’s going to be more talks on you do the monitoring there’s definitely a lot of people involved so the beekeepers do a lot U but what I really want to think about and want to discuss maybe if I have time left I’m trying to get there to that point is discuss bottleneck and

    Also discuss research opportunities um so the real bottleneck for for the Netherlands is that at the moment we don’t have enough volunteers we have po uh policy making and decision making takes a lot of time and there’s a Time lag the southern provinces are very aware of what’s happening but are

    Struggling to get the budgets uh to to do something and the northern provinces in the middle and in the middle of the country they are starting up basically although there are already sightings of nests and everything uh and then we have the national policy which is actually

    Completely uh lacking at some points uh especially when it comes to doing any research and then there’s also the debate on impact and implication uh of of fesa valtina and I I think that’s very very crucial because some people argue that it’s not really a problem uh

    And I think we need solid data actually to to support the fact that we think that it’s actually problem of course we all have this scientific knowledge but we need to use that to make people more aware of the of the of this problem and I think that is actually something that

    Cols can do we did that with the small high Beetle task force we wrote we wrote a paper on on the on the fesbook on a small high Beetle um Invasion for biological invasions was an overview of what things you can do uh to stop it uh

    And what is needed but also the scientific state-ofthe-art and I think we really need that we need to as a group we need to bring that forward so we can use that all in our different countries to to make policy makers aware of what is needed and maybe in some

    Countries this is not a problem but for us funding is really a problem when we when we do research on this kind of topics um so some research ideas I have and I will explore in the coming uh year uh one of them is this uh I think uh

    Biological control agents well has been said before that could be a way forward in in in looking for ways to control it and one of the ways I have a colleague anep and she is working on on fungi in in in Plant Pathology um and she suggests that we can actually improve

    The pathogenicity of of of strains of BCA so biological control agents like materium like boaria um by actually taking the breeding and the selection to a different level where we focus more on the target uh uh that that we want to want to deal with instead of taking in

    You know uh going through a whole process of of multiplying spores or or hi hi um yeah the growth of the hle growth so I I think we we want to explore that so if any else is working on that kind of topic then let me know because that’s that’s the callor spirit

    Right we do things together so so let me know um and then the other thing I was thinking about is is this picture uh I discussed yesterday with SRA a little bit already where honeybees Go I mean I’m a honeybee scientist I’m not a wasp SP scientist so I’m very interested in

    What is happening with the honeybees and so honeybees go through this this this um um cycle where in summer there’s a lot of pollen it decreases towards winter and when it decreases that is the trigger for brute to actually uh stop being reared and when there’s no brute

    There’s less activity bees stop using uh basically using their energy uh and they do not age physiologically which makes them winter bees so they become long lift from short lift six weeks old to six months old uh that’s basically what it what it means now if we add predation

    I’m wondering what what what how how is that different from this process because it coincides with the actual process of of uh creating wind to be so if this paralysis is taking place what is happening inside the hive if if paralysis occurs where there has no no

    More foraging activity uh well then you just get Long Live bees so I’m wondering what is happening there I want to know and and this is one thing I also want to investigate so I’m curious if somebody who wants to work on that as well so in

    Summary yeah I think we are we it is established at this point um yeah and and and uh like I say the beeps do a lot of work and they do a lot of monitoring and eradication which is uh until now what is was being done and we have some

    Institutional restraints to to a shoot to to go forward so looking at bi control and the health I think is important but I also I made this slide this morning I’m I’m thinking with my col’s brain here it’s like what can we do and I we need to think about

    Networking we need to think about research like I showed so if people want to join let me know there’s hardly any room to discuss because I have to take a flight at at three o’clock so you know approach me if you can uh in the break

    And we need to publish I really think an opinion paper should be made and also maybe a policy paper or a combination of that we need to get the science out there and we need to make chunks that are are really useful for policy makers that they can really understand what is

    Going on and we get the message across because that’s what we need to do so I’m wondering I have one question sorry who sees a b and who sees a wasp raise your hand if you see a wasp a that’s funny I was just wondering because there’s so many wasp people I

    Was wondering if they would see a wasp or a B but okay it’s a b right yeah it’s a dog actually buger thank you we’ve been working with the for the last couple years use of biopesticides especially on paper and it takes like two weeks for a worker to die after we

    Apply to foror and three weeks for a giant to die and very low percentage of giants die at application so I’m not entirely sure that the use well you can you know select selection yeah environments but I don’t think I was talking to the yesterday about the use of biological agent

    Control I don’t think that that would be very easy to do and also if you how are you going to apply for example the scores of the individuals and also they have lots and lots effect from T insects and other species so I’m not enourage to

    We think that there safe because of the origin and also the mechanism of action delay of course to sy so that’s actually the the purpose of this this uh this scheme is to actually see if you can optimize if you can breed for pathogeny or or maybe in know

    Inoculation time but not because what what happens with with the BCA that are out there in general they are they are produced on mass right so they they have a system where they optimize production but they do not optimize pathogenicity and that’s that’s the key of of this

    Slide I was very short in in trying to explain it but but I think we can we can improve it there this is something that we want to explore for plant pathogens but I think it also we can try it for for for vesa vtina about the application

    I completely agree I haven’t figured that out yet but I thought this was a first step and I know there’s others who are already come beyond that U but I really want to kind of see where this is going and and collaborate yeah yep thanks yes this one ah yeah wait

    So we we are pathog genicity is is the key right and uh this could be different traits that we are talking about but we we want to get away like I explained we want to get away from these uh these methods where we actually uh grow the

    The the strains or grow the the bcas in cultures but look at more how it’s functioning on the target um because we we we’ve gone away from that and if we if we can repeat that if we can uh set up some kind of breeding system I mean I

    I say it 10 times you know try to breed it 10 times maybe on the target see if what are the select the most uh pathogenetic uh strains uh that you find so try to try to see if we can increase that pathogenicity so the efficacy goes goes up which traits are exactly

    Involved it could be inoculation time it could be um I don’t know um growth uh whatever uh we don’t know exactly but we need to kind of I think it’s it’s an opportunity to figure that out if that’s an option MH yeah no I I agree I don’t know either

    And and maybe we find out it doesn’t and then we have to think about application can we can we make it more direct can we can we apply it in such a way that we are not uh damaging any other insects with it so I don’t know I it’s we’re

    Exploring like I said this is a first step this is a model that we want to use for plant pathogens and I’m I’m interested to see if it works for for entom pathogenic fungi as well thank you it’s a question do you think bent would be humped slow down by valtina presence or

    Would it compete more with kabro and bioch control is any risk assessment for was seen alongside screening of bcas and why fungal and no BR parasites that’s all good questions um with regard to orientalis I think I’m not even sure if it would survive in the Netherlands and and maybe someone else

    Has a better picture of that um it’s not up there yet uh there’s no not really modeling I think modeling is ongoing so so we have to check if if it’s actually able to to become established in the Netherland um then with in terms of parasites um yeah I think that’s an

    Option as well uh but it’s a whole this different system so for sure that would be interesting if I think about there’s one one sighting of veroa actually on on vtina right I read it somewhere don’t know if if that’s correct so who knows I don’t know yeah right um and the other

    One was about bcas sorry with the lab ah there we go we can check uh giving it to the lar well that that would be an option too I mean that’s oh yeah applying it in the colony that that’s definitely good H risk assessment uh at the moment we are just

    Trying to see if the system works uh do not go beyond that so but I think that’s definitely important when you in the end if you want to want to apply biocides or base shars or whatever it always it’s always needed so yes um yes and again

    Invitation please talk to me if any of these topics you think you want to collaborate let me know that’s why we are here so and I have a plane to catch up three so yeah you have a short time frame coffee break yes name next talk before the coffee

    Break is from Jasmine EL Online from Belgium tackling the spread of yellow legged hornet in Flanders Northern Belgium insides from the vesa watch Citizen Science Program H hello everyone um I hope you hear me well and otherwise you can just say it in the chat um I’m from Belgium

    And I will um talk today about the assessment of the invasion of vtina in Flanders which is the northern part of Belgium so in fanders the following response chain has been um uh has been adapted during the first five years of the invasion of Vespa vtina so we have a

    Monitoring platform vaspa watch. be and uh individuals are encouraged to report a possible uh individual or nests of FPA vtina on this platform afterwards um the report is synchronized with I naturalist where um the report was validated by the in naturalist Community uh then this data was uploaded again in the database of

    Fbe uh in case of an individual uh it was possible that this was uh that the sighting was noticed by a volunteer called Vasa Watcher and then that person could start a nest detection if he had uh the possibility to do that uh and in case a nest was found um a trained

    Professional was contacted for eradication and that person could then afterwards report its management action of that Nest within the f.b uh platform now uh I will go into detail a bit more about the Vasa watch uh platform it was launched in 2019 uh so far the total reports that

    Have been handed in are more than 24,000 and we notice that the total number of participants is over 11,000 uh unfortunately in November 2022 uh the UN naturalist account was suspended because of uh the inappropriate reports that we also received from the citizens and in 2023 we refurbished uh the website so

    Here you have an example of how the website looks at this moment um so there is no longer a link with I naturalist uh the uh database is managed uh by IET so it is anet database which is um hidden behind the website of all nests and also

    The management actions but in the future we want to collaborate again with an open data platform uh for instance observations. org um now if we look at the the trend of the total number of reports of individuals and the total uh number of reports of nests that we have received

    Since um the start of the invasion uh we have this graph here on the right it is it is showing the number of reports independent of of uh species identity so over all including all species that we ever uh received and we see that uh participants citizens they are uh highly

    Encouraged to report nests um but they are a little bit discouraged uh from 2019 until 2021 to uh report uh individuals um this is because nests uh were always managed for free until 2022 so there was a a strong motivation to report nests at our platform uh but

    In 2022 we suddenly noticed a high increase in the number of individuals reported and there are several reasons uh for this um so this might possibly be due to the Intensive media campaigns uh that have been um initiated last year by beekeeping or associations uh of course

    This is also related to the high number of nests uh in our region uh and it also might be of other reason reasons such as uh the the uh Nest detection that is linked to to reporting of individuals or um a high number of U yeah beekeepers that want um

    Nests to be found in their surroundings now if we look a little bit uh more in detail to the ratio of correct reports of individuals uh we see that um the ratio of correct reports is increasing over time so uh people seem to be uh better capable of recognizing

    This species um with the time that the species is present in our country uh so this might uh reflect the learning outcomes of Citizen science um but it might also uh potentially reflect um the effect of increased involvement of more experienced uh volunteers and now I will talk a bit

    More about Invasion dynamics of the species so um so the species was first um observed in 2017 um but that Nest that was observed in 2017 was already an inactive Nest observed early in the year so the species was already present the year before in

    2016 and for the moment in 201 uh 22 uh we noticed that 7% of the region is invaded uh and in the eastern part of uh Flanders uh The Invasion seems seems to happen a bit uh more slowly than at the western part H this might be because of the forests

    That are present in more forests that are present in that region that might affect the speed of the invasion or it might also hide the nests so that they are more difficult to find and more difficult to report then if you look in detail on the uh Trend in occupancy and Nest densities

    Uh over time uh we see that the average Nest density so far um is quite modest with 1.4 um Nest per uh kilometer um Square um git cell but the maximum density is already seven nests per kilometer Square uh grit cell and here in 2018 uh

    The maximum density is two nests uh per kilometer squar but uh in that case I looked it up it was like primary Nest very close to secondary nests so that of course also counts as two nests within the same kilometer square or is it is in

    Fact the same uh Colony uh so that’s something to keep in mind when you look at these numbers um and then uh this graph um this shows uh the comparison between the total number of nests per municipality uh during the first years of the invasion uh compared to the total number

    Of nests reported during the three last years and uh during the first years the total number didn’t exceed 10 whereas uh during the last three years the total number might already exceed UH 60 nests per U City or municipality so there is a high increase in the number of nests uh

    Reported we are also uh we’re interested in where the nests are um observed and reported and especially the link uh with urbanization so do we observe more nests in rural suburban or urban areas and um interestingly uh more nests seem to be reported in suburban and urban areas but

    We are not um confident whether um this is really linked to the occurrence of the species or whether this is just an observer reporting bias this is in then in detail um the number of uh nests that were uh reported um over time and as you can see um there was a strong

    Increase from 14 nests in 2018 until uh uh um 1,500 nests in 2022 uh so um almost all of the reported nests are successfully managed during the first five during the first years and since 2022 uh control cannot follow population development anymore um and you see that there is

    Always a small number of nests that is not treated and that uh reflects the number of inactive nests that are reported so when a a nest is reported as but it is inactive then it will not be managed anymore so during since the start of the invasion there are many uh strategies

    Applied to find nests uh of course I think everyone is familiar with the wick bait station um method and um with triangulation and beining and uh I will not go into to detail into this but this is the method that was most often applied by the vesa

    Watchers um and besides that uh we also um support these uh volunteers by uh providing a heat map of activity of the species in Flanders and it is hosted online um during one of the previous colos meetings I discussed this map in detail so I won’t will not do this today

    Uh but if you have questions you can always contact me uh there is also a second app um which is hosted by one of the volunteers uh of fespa watch he is a very motivated uh beekeeper and this app is uh allowing um volunteers to um register wig baits

    Where they have been put in the surroundings and also he volunteers can register flight times and flight directions and volunteers can as such cooperate within the region and see where there are other volunteers uh active looking for nests and that’s how they find each other and the data that was collected by this

    App was um analyzed by a master student uh of mine last year and she found that there is uh for instance a very interesting link between foraging speed and also level of urbanization so the average uh foraging speed is a bit uh higher in rural areas compared to

    Suburban and urban areas and it is something to take in account when you apply the 100 meter rule uh per um one minute flight time uh if uh you perform uh Nest uh searches by Wick bait stations and if you are more interested about uh the results of this thesis you

    Can look it up and contact her now I will shortly compare the management situation uh between the first years of the invasions and the uh current year so uh until 2022 uh 2021 until 2022 management was uh performed intensively areawide over Flanders and almost all report nests were successfully

    Managed but there are probably also a high percentage of nests that was not found So based on the heat map of activity we could also um uh check uh the the the activity of individual Hornets and then see where there was activity but no nests found in the

    Surrounding and that’s how we estimated that uh in 2020 this uh there are at least 40% of the nests that are not found uh but this number shifts between years um but in 2020 this was estimated to be at least 40% um and currently in

    2023 there is no uh the fing is no longer proportional to the number of nests um the there is a a very complex Patchwork of managed and unmanaged areas in Flanders it’s very um challenging for us to communicate this um in a clear way to uh the citizens uh because because

    It’s very complex um there is there is some funding but at level of provinces and municipalities um there is at this moment not yet a management regulation in action um this remains to be adopted and um unfortunately since this year it’s very challenging to monitor nests and also their management so uh until

    2022 because um management actions were regulated at the level of Landers we had a clear overview of which nests were managed and which not but this is a very um um yeah large challenge this season one of the positive news is that there is a coordinator for Vespa

    Assigned since this year and she is uh um yeah having an overview of Nest destructions in case there is um some funding available in the local uh by the local government so the conclusions are the following uh fanders is being further invaded a management has unfortunately become a patchwork and we will continue

    Um research on species it will focus on uh the uh sensitive uh natural areas um that we need to prioritize in order to focus control efforts we will we will also continue to uh perform research on the impacts of the species in the region and we aim to perform Dynamic modeling

    Uh to inform control thank you for your attention thank you very much I think that we there were some questions but they were already answered by other people let’s check is there any Qui quick questions in the audience on the audience no let’s quickly check I think they have already answered questions about

    Belgium think okay one question about what you said that in the forest the quantity of n can be um underestimated I agree I don’t deny that it is very the speci is very to humans but I think in Forest the Quant proofness is not being properly assessed or because

    Of the lack of P because of the vegetation made with P KY in 2021 we improving the tracking method and in the cus we found around 10 per square kilm in one square kilometer and these n were not the Ed by the people working around so it is probably also a good

    Point to study and understand thank you for presentation okay um thank you uh well I I could understand most of the question but the question itself is not really clear to me would it be possible To she said that probably probably the nests in the not urban area like in the forests are underdetected because they are not really looked for Maybe by people or I don’t know in general by citizen or be hippers and she said that she went with P Kennedy and they found

    10 nests in one square kilometer there were and they were not being detected not be detected before so probably we should work on it try in the forest yeah we are we are aware of the reporting bias and we we are a bit afraid of course that that is

    In fact the case uh that of the of um the urance of the species that it’s probably equally abundant or more in rural areas but uh that it’s just very hard to locate them yeah I think somebody’s writing something no okay so I think that we there’s another question I’m not sure

    Of that naturalist naturalist typically have a bias towards natural areas with lots of biodiversity I know if you want to answer wants to answer nobody wants to answer everyone’s just a remark okay I think it’s uh we can further discuss while having the coffee and thank you very much Jasmine for your

    Talk see you later hello I hope you have your energy reviewed H because we have a quite interest interesting session now beginning with Linda mores from agas Austria the name of her talk is best baltina and the foras Austrian situation and preparation for its arrival please Hello everybody welcome back from

    Me as well um the next 10 minutes will be focused on a country where the best Pabo still is not here um the I think it’s the only talk of of a country where we don’t do not have it and I hope you get some insights in uh

    The problems we’re facing at the moment um my name is Linda morit I’m working for the Austrian Agency for health and food safety an agency concerned with health of human health and uh human um animals and PL topic uh Health topics and in that regard we do have a

    Department of Agriculture and B protection so I begin with a slide you know very well but I zoom in very fast because uh we are now interested in the ausan situation and you see ausum is in the middle of countries which do have the vtina we we are neighboring seven

    Countries and out of out of the seven countries we now have uh five countries which have the west ltina and this situation changed very drastically in the last three months that’s the reason why I’m going into that detail so first the first occurence in Hungary was mentioned yesterday quite

    Often it was very shocking for us because it was very very near to the Austrian border and then we have the situation in the Czech Republic and nearly one month ago where they also found the best p um just to give a short overview about how we perceived the Hungarian situation

    Uh it was a situation where we saw how good Facebook canver so there was a Facebook post I’m sure many of you saw it in different channels of a beekeeper an Hungarian beekeeper who said we do have a problem I see woa at the moment

    Uh at that moment we were not that sure if it’s really a correct I think because uh the fs were so so different and we didn’t know if if the peekeeper collected them from the net or if they were valid but then it showed very fast

    That it was an urgent situation and it was an urgent situation very near to Austria 20 kilometers to the Austrian border and also another Nest was uh another aing reported as well best paboa so we think maybe it’s at least two nests but we do not have any confirmation from the from the

    Hungarians at the moment for the second location uh it was already notified as you all know and um in in the 5th of October we got the information by Facebook that the N was removed again uh we don’t have a verification here uh and I’m very sad that the Hungarian

    Colleagues uh didn’t manage to come and has been very interesting to hear their stories and then we have the sightings in check in fact it was much more or less exciting for us but it was quite a way away from Austria around 100 kilometers from the Austrian B border

    Near to the uh um uh German border um it was in the city of Pelon I spoke with the scientists from from check there and they uh um confirmed this sighting very very fast uh the nest was detected it was a Big M media outreach at the moment

    Whole of Czech Republic spoke about uh West pava at the moment and it was officially notificated but what is more interesting for for us in Austria in this situation uh what happened in Austria from that moment it was it’s amazing how good BKE keeper connected via Facebook so they connected with us

    They connected with the authorities uh they conect connected with the uh Hungarian uh authorities and also forwarded us important emails G uh gave us information so we work together very closely the downside of this Facebook uh situation was and I’m sure it’s in the same in each country there was many

    Emotions and there also were horror stories I come back to the horror story story think later um we then decided to do a short information just to make the public aware that we do have a problem very near to the or border it simply says Asian Hornet is found near Oram

    Border and it called for uh sightings for suspicious sightings because it could have spread to us we don’t know yet what we did get were were 54 reports uh some uh without photos but the most with photos and I’m sure you know all the classical animals which are sent in

    There we had lots of wo we had a lot of scolia because scolia was quite frequently this year in in the east of Austria but uh many people saw that animal for the first time and for sure it has to be special but we also had the

    Sighting of a mall Cricket which which showed us people just sent in things they didn’t know and they were frightened off so I think all you know this pattern uh quite interesting was the nest exciting oh thank you the exciting uh um because it was such a bad quality and

    It was near the border and we were really afraid that maybe it’s a abandoned primary Nest but with the help of uh cron we could more or less assure that it was uh um I think it’s the same situation in each country because and that’s the

    Reason why I will go very fast about the next two slides we do have the sitation we have our small country have nine federal states each of them are responsible for alien species and for the horned then we have us which do have a competence in Beal but we are not

    Responsible but beekeeper think we are responsible and want us to act so I’m I’m sure it’s it’s a very common situation then we have the beekeepers what we try at the moment and I think we’re really lucky because we do not have it yet but have a warning from

    Hungary that we try to start networking now speaking about the situation when it comes so bringing in the federal stat uh St uh States the our department the beekeeping organization but also the the Ministries concerned with uh uh honeybees and in our case it’s even Free Ministries concerned with them so that

    Would be interesting but also universities agricultural sector and so on but then and that’s my last slide but in my feeling it’s the most important slide is I have the feeling we do not use the colors Network yet as we should do it in our situation we have many open

    Questions and questions we can which cannot be answered by Reading literature but only can be answered uh by discussing with you and getting input for example the beeer hor stories I don’t want to say oh these are hor stories they’re not true but I also know

    How how fast the net can exagerate and how fast the net can produce horos so when beer said I saw that YouTube video where uh vtina is invading colonies I do not know was it a we Colony I do not know is it common is it a special

    Situation and I just say I don’t know but maybe when I speak with with countes we do not the situation they can give us this situation uh the the description behind such videos and we can help and we can also I mean yesterday there was a big discussion about being uh giving uh

    Beekeepers the ear he to hear what peekeeper said so I don’t want to say it’s always stupid things they say but they want uh to have a possibility to react in in um in the right right level also a is breaking down because of hornet then beekeepers speak about

    Problems in with wine Growers with food Growers we again we do not know is it the things beekeepers say that happen or are these things that happen What happens in other other countries we do have many questions at the moment also I I asked it yesterday what is the best

    Monitoring system for our early stage situation you can help with that in information and also uh what officials do not want to know at the moment what do we have to uh think of budget what does a nest removal cost so my request or my idea is that we think

    Of networking of how to share information easily that not only Austria but uh many other countries which are in a similar situation can extract that information and maybe can it be do a little bit better than the countries at the beginning so we really yesterday it was about 20 years of of of

    Estina and what we need what we learned I think we could share what you all learned and help countries which invading at the moment so that was more or less a a start for discussion and I hope for your ideas thank you yes thanks The Talk I’m wondering about the last remark how

    Do you how do you P how would you want to do that you want to what do you see what would be the output that you would like to I mean I think it would would be nice maybe to have a way of online Discussion Group if it be on slack on teams

    Whatever where people can post the ideas other can answer and everybody can look into it and learn from it maybe in the end that the idea of the bbok is always circling maybe that could be go into a bbok or b World article uh in the next

    But the Step but the first step would be really be to discuss yeah about the cost I think it would be very easy get information from from countries on what the cost Need Is Right can can just we all so expertise gu data so maybe we can also

    Specify which which dat that we want we work that sounds good now Lucas from kabi Switzerland ER recorded his presentation titled Invasion and management of bestest baltina in Switzerland of if taking this data and which you will see in the next and so here you see the potential distribution of basically sh poal

    EST one ler but still EST so you can see in and and if you look at the map of the actual you can see that has been progressing in the class so here the to see the distribution before2 you can see there were just CLE

    Cases in and the jur one single case in Theo and then um during 2022 B and distribution of and so basically and then this year the big on the right see and now some cas also so we can say in inv species very high densities so high had already some cases invas

    Completely being completely eaten by the agent so an indicator of quite High quite high density so this year alone until now we more than 7 in Switzerland in different regions this year we also took the opportunity to update on already existing implementations for the they’re now available Contin with German French and Italian

    And outline what is to be done Cas of is found so this document is written in a way that is especially relevant to decision makers in Switzerland those that need to deal with with the invasion but it can also be interesting to read we have also laun see notification Cas it’s a quite

    Website basically you and then you can enter D when is M coordinates there you know can a couple of um details um and this will EV sent to some specialist you can see how works so one submit respons and then find Des structure to it and turned out to be very

    Effici once we decide I find the nest this different first one tration just capture and release hor and following the direction FL he has quite good meage to at least the general area the N might be you can see in the map and then um they use quite a bit R langy then

    Was so we basically Have this has been very class find quite sucessful this from using T the Reon for this is it is very size once you get the one flying this T follow it to the nest so precise tell exactly where the nest is is in what was very helpful this is to work

    With so we have Js that are equipped with the J cameras also found by the people that resident enem in kills before the farm is going and later not so much for them so they veryan actually to come out inist and we have them sucessful cases to identify the expectation necessar

    Have um identified as a general care before using the TR or you can see on the pictures here that actually this this develop Mess by the depends conditions success but in neid to nest and in some case have from nest deide one before so it is really helpful to

    Work with clones and and scan the area to see if there for to point in the next so once this has been found of course we you try to remove and with um resources is possible um but it is found quite it was just not possible to get here with or

    With so um we have specialized treat CL that is able to cl to the Tre treated you can see it from this pictures here of course this is very to do so so well but also people in place that Poss be removed in in those and once this has been treated um

    Try to bring it back to theb say if we have the opportunity we bring it back the that and and count them out to study the in Switzerland so we’re especially of course interested in all the Mal present is there the possibility that already out and and become the teacher

    Found so we would like to know and this has been very help last can say in the Years many the efficiency of has to be increased to be able to slow rce the impact until now this is the fin or when would like to find better way

    To so in my is to embrace new techn to keep can questions for example what which are really working help opportunities to inze is the big issue here in especially when n for um it would also more for bi control I think we should take the opportunity to search for protection

    Future was because um this is just one case of since there so many that are coming and so maybe we can learn quite a bit from this case that can be applied later if there other cases for example basic hor was that fing so I think you did for listening to

    My and I hope that give you some insight and how progresses in Switzerland and how we dealing with it here and I wish a very nice rest of the conference thank you okay so Sandra toino from Torino is gonna talk about management of the invasive Hornet vest voltina in Italy

    From surveillance to early warning and control strategies okay so these results are from a life study that was managed by the University of durin with other other Institution and during the life project we tried to develop a control strategy a monitoring strategy and an early warning

    System so the control was based on the recruitment of two teams and then the collaboration with the civil defense and fight fighters and this is the increase of the nest that were destroyed during during the years but I think that the main question is what’s the control of vesa velutina really effective or

    Not so I can present here some data the spread rate that is the the how the front line of the species increase from one year to to the next one decrease During the period of the life uh the life project different color refers to different years and the increase in the colonized

    Area slowed down during the project because the the the area colonized by the pieces increased by nearly 170% from 2014 and 2016 and only by 35% during the next two years and in 2008 nearly all the nest n 8 % of the nest were inside the area the

    Range of the pre previous year so we can say that during the the last project the spread of the pieces drastically slow down and if we consider a linear increase projecting the uh the the range of incre the range increase of the first year we can also predict how the range

    Was reduced by by the project so was the control of vest valtina effective yes the spread was not sto it but was drastically reduced we monitor the and collected information of the nest of course with the collaboration of we beekeepers and citizen science I will skip this part

    Because it’s similar to the previous presentation I just point that 84% of the of 1,600 report were wrong so there is a huge effort to sort out all all the all the records and we develop the Polytechnic develop an harmonic r that was used to track some nest in this case the animals

    Were trapped in appery and they were targed and Then followed by a r that was located in P1 and tracking the animal it was possible to find two nest in 12 hour of Works in other case you have to move the r to move the R so in different position

    From P1 P2 P3 and so on and the nest was located at nearly 800 M from the h and the nest was just as an information was used also to track thatly in in moano and what about cost these are all the cost of of the project the removing one Nest

    Costed 100 uh Euro and this was a flight rate so we decided to pay 100 euro for every Nest that was removed and then you have of course to reimburse the gazoline and the isan and then then we have uh we also paid a civil defense for day

    Contribution 30 between 40 and 60 EUR per nest and then there were four full-time staff for at least three months to Monitor and check all the all the records and then coordination and what about the r it’s really costly it’s really costly and even if you have the r you need two

    Person two trained person one able to track to trap the the Hornets and tag them and the other working with with the R so it can be used only in very particular situation and now after the life all the activity passes through to the to the region and fed already presented this

    This data and uh these are the nest that were removed by the Civil by the civil defense that received some money through the through the park and nearly 2,700 Nest were removed in this year and from the information provided this morning by federo we know that the spad was not stopped

    Anymore so this is the end of my presentation but I want to present some point of discussion because uh just some point that ared in my mind during yesterday and uh to today so there are no presentation on biodiversity IET the presentation of Sandra yesterday and

    Some some review of the literature so it seems that there is no impact on biodiversity on there is no not not a great interest to really demonstrate if there is an impact I’m not really up to date in the literature because I don’t work on valtina particularly I’m working

    On other aliance pieces but uh as far as far as I know there are not really strong evidence of any impact on biodiversity probably it’s time to do a sort of literature review or even try to assess the the species the vped alien vested with the aat system you know the

    Environmental impact classification of alient asset that is accepted by ucn as a standard to evaluate the impact of onion species many presentation very similar maybe it’s time for a European Vision because all the presentation of this morning were nearly one similar to the other just changing the country so maybe

    The task force can try to work of a European Vision what really works probably n destruction is too costly and we need something new I don’t know what but we need something new and then just another suggestion that came this morning netive alien It’s Tricky especially in the in during a period of

    Climate change so probably there is a West orental is a case study and so so there is a a need of reflect on these pieces that can move and will move du it to climat climate change when considered then NE native Native or alien so this

    Is I think open to discussion thank you for your attention that the train three points you are very important as regards the impact on theodiversity is true there are May couple of papers One and also the one but you really don’t know from the barcoding of the diet what how many insects apart from these atina can eat can on for example they say there are estimate 11 kilos one single Mass so this potentially a huge impact on biodiversity AP I mean I think

    The theat is quite strong to this point and as regards the as you said the idea when we organize the the morning was to ask an update for the different countries but yet to uh come out with a unified view it would be very important and also one of the is

    It thank you yes I think that there are many papers say potentially there is an impact but no evidence valtina is sometime a predator and so of course they they eat trap and eat insects but this is not an Evidence of any impact on biodiversity if you

    Look at every way to assess the the impact of species probably vtin will be classified as low risk PES because there is no evidence this doesn’t mean that doesn’t have an impact there there are no evidence because eating insect every Predator itat aay but the problem is this pressure really decrease the

    Population of the na pieces or no and we I think we miss this form of data there is a competition with with crabro but this competition the similar diet the similar Niche really decrease the population of the Native species or no we we need evidence on this and it’s

    Strange because the valtina is on on the regulation and regulation is on biodiversity it we know that it’s in the regulation because uh in UK the risk assessment was already done and the European commission need some spes to to for the first list so they accepted

    Nearly all the spaces that were in the you in the UK risk assessment list but so it it’s in the regulation just by chance but now it’s it’s in the regulation and we I think we need to do more research on the impact of biodiversity another species for example

    The plant because can know several species that the plant will pay on so I think that is something important that we have to to put energy and Reser more in this we have in fact we have a a Ving in which we are describing the PO that

    Is in the in the body of the hor or in the digestive content and in this case we can see a very large profile or different Po from the plant that I think is important to know even for to import maybe some method like tring or I think it’s important

    Join there was another question just to com to the biodiversity maybe it’s a Problem From English I think we have to say thanks for foration of the use to and Now the rather it’s at the poly Technic so you have to contact the person in the poly Technics yes it’s they were not able to reduce the the size of the R so you still need a van to move it and the range is about

    500 Metter so if the nest is far away you have to move the rder in different position so it’s maybe you need one day to locate a nest so it’s useful in in some particular situation but uh uh I think it’s not it’s not a solution for monitoring this

    Pieces well there are some team a says there is first experimental proof of impact on the way to in Portugal I think stud I mentioned juster with regard to the biodiversity then Kennedy says I would agree that impacts on biodiversity have been understand stud but I will not agree

    That this equates to no impact there are various studies coming out on impacts there are also papers demonstrating large impacts that aren’t necessarily related to pration behavioral changes in Native species can be as impactful T says I think I us Vue for collaborative work would be to identify

    Best free areas in Europe based on red listed bees or areas with red plants that depend on pollination by potentially impacted insects so that control can be focused there there is also work showing impact in plant pollination through keeping pollinators away from dos such as the as

    Well so these are comments yes I I agree I I’m not saying that there is no impact but we don’t have strong evidence and this is 20 years after the species arrive in in Europe if I will go through the lerat probably the evidence are very

    Very scanty and I think we need more strong study and well done to demonstrate an impact on biodiversity okay thank you very much thank you okay hello everybody uh my name is Paula I’m from University of coimbra in Portugal and it’s a great honored to be here thank you for the

    Opportunity because I’m not a b specialist and neither a haunted specialist I used to work with other insects and as uh Annabella H cited um early in the morning today uh I started working with this project and last year uh named it control vispa and I will

    Talk a little bit about what is the idea and what we are doing in the in Kimbra and the main line of this project is um we have two main lines um one about Nest detection and other about Nest Nest elimination and about Nest detection we choose two methodologists and we are

    Working together with uh two institutional institutions um they are from robotic engineering so I’m not a really a tech person so if you have some doubts about it I would try to explain something that I know but um they are these two institutions they are working

    More with that and the idea is to use drones with these two methodologies the radi Telemetry and the mul to spectral Imaging because the first idea was to use ther Imaging but we are right now trying to understand more about M spectr Imaging because we have um uh PhD

    Student doing that with the ADI institution in the University of KRA and the idea with the Drone with the radio telemetry we already have the Drone and we made some tests with the Drone with to identify the text and it was a succeed uh success but um and we Tred to

    We use the protocol from Peter Kennedy to attach the tag to the The Hornet and it was um everything okay um we are right now testing trying to test the tag um attach it with the in the Hornet and using the Drone but right now the

    Weather is not really good to do that but we we already tested tested with um the harmonic antenna and the next steps will will be to do this test during with the The Hornet and with a drone and do some Auto autonomous wies um to identify the nests and with the multisector Imaging

    Um we developed a drone that can fly with the camera with a M Spector sensor and the data uh we are right now selecting pictures to our to and can be used to detect the signature radiation emission from the the nests and after that we are having we are try to have a

    Autonomous Nest detection by using learning classifiers and autonomo flights and that’s just an image showing the Drone and uh we are right now um trying to eras the enhance the bibliography with with some photos so the Drone is ready we are doing some tests um we are creating the n imag in

    Library and we are right now have to increase the number of AC activeness images um and we have some OB we have some some challenges with that because most of the trees in Portugal have a lot of we don’t have we have like uh we cannot see it the nest because of the

    The leaves about the elimination that’s what our team the B team it’s working more we are um doing some I I think I think in other places it’s it’s the same but in Portugal most of the inactivation is is is done by pesticide injection and we

    Right now don’t have um Works about um what kind of pesticide or biopesticide is the best and uh concentration and what is the damage that they can cause in the environmental and in other species that can go to the nest so we are doing some lab lab tests and fi and

    We’ll do field tests and this we did um a first test last year with the help of the Eric the the Jose team in n in t um and the field will do will be with Association that they do the the inactivation of the nest in our zone so

    The Civil protection of coimbra and the nativa association a nonprofit Association and the idea is to select okay is a select the pze selection will be um about the toxicity and if it’s authorized in Portugal so right now we are doing lab test and we are calculating the end points uh

    Ld90 and we will do lab test actually ecological ecotoxicological test with the nest after the the inactivation after after the the pesti injection and we will have samples from larve poopy and aots and Nest parts and to see quantification the quantification of the P sorry and uh the the P persistence in

    The in the in mental and after that we’ll do validation of our lab results in the field to see um to have some knowledge about the pesticide uh lethality and the pesticin in the in the nest and select the most suitable and to be used to Nest

    Elimination the idea is to have a nest elimination manual after that so right now we we are testing five pest sites so by contact and this this five there’s some biop pides and some pides and this ones it’s that in the quber zone and the north of Portugal they are most us it

    Right now and the thing is that as we don’t have Works about it studies about it um the problem is that sometimes um depending on the method you can put more or less pde inside the nest and most of the nest State they they don’t remove it

    So it will be three six Tre per P pesticide one control five concentrations and we aree made the range finding to see most um the best concentrations to test and I hope to in December I have the the results for these fights five pass sides and then

    Starting in the field for the next year okay is that the next Z we have to optimize uh the application and the going ongoing tests measure the p persisten and the efficency and then validation or La results I think that’s all thank you we have time for a couple of

    Questions it’s not about drones right this stud okay and you thought about including non Target controls okay I mean yeah is it possible that they Beed towards I mean you know we discuss already the topic with this morning but you cannot be certain that it’s not

    Harmful for all the non species yes so maybe just the tiny pie yes also yes good question actually actually the those pdes were already tested on honeybees so we already have the LD 50 for that and our lab it’s actually um we we work with a lot of On

    Target species as well so we already have some test about it and the thing is that normally we do the test to see if it harms the species and right now it’s the opposite we are doing the test to kill this fishes so but the thing is

    That we we want to find um a concentration that is not so harmful for other and non Target um like not just insect but mamals and birds as well and uh and um a Quant a quantity as well because the thing is that you can put like one liter or two liters of

    Pesticides inside or like 50 50 milliliters so yeah we have some tests about this and the M or the field I don’t know the insects or the other insects n in the nest okay theual in the okay oh yeah uh right now we are doing test in the lab with

    The individuals so we go there and collect and then do the test in the lab and the the initial idea was to to to bring the nest to the lab and this is like crazy we don’t have resources for that so what we are doing right now is

    We are collaborating with um some people that do the the in the inactivation of the nest so they put the the pesticide they already use this list of pesticides and they have to change every year because of resistance so they are going to the field and then we can collect

    Samples and most of the pides some p p sites are not but most of them not from Contact welcome we have some coms in the chat and I don’t know this this comment is for PA but we are aware of the impact of non-selective traps and control with biocides but how

    Can we overcome this without more knowledge that allows changes is very good question then same thing as question is there any knowledge on secondary intoxication of birds or other and why are the the Earth or dioxide not considered in your study uh I don’t understand the second question

    M is there any knowledge on secondary dation of birds no no actually we want to um to do some some models to to try to to see uh the quantity of pesticide per Hornet and then we can like uh do some models to see if it can be harm for other other

    Species like birds what we know it’s that we can see how many Hornets a bird can eat and usually they eat and then we can like extrapolate the number but in the second the second question the oroide in your oh okay to to kill the Huts is that the question yeah no I

    Don’t know right now we are testing the pdes because actually in Portugal at least in Portugal is the most used technique to kill and we are like we we we are trying to see if it’s cause some damage or not and in like a more environmental friendly and more respect

    Like more useful use of the pesticides because it’s the reality today it’s more about that said is also pesticide D use it and Belgian near water is a comment that and improve sound this still re and there is a second question what is your opinion on for using F isn’t a

    Very selective way of applying very little product comp CL application yes this a really good question well we we have some other projects with uh with some beekeepers and with the the municipalities from Portugal especially from the zone of Kimbra in the north of Portugal and the thing is people still

    Doing uh this and using fonel it’s a reality it’s a reality and we while we trying okay I I don’t think that this is a good idea not just because of the fiil but as we are talking about uh yesterday this kind of method it’s not like we

    Don’t have sure we’re not for sure that this is can be useful and that the nest will be inactivated by using this kind of methodology but um they still doing thee keepers are doing that in Portugal and we are trying to talk about about with uh some presentations to in fairs

    In Honey fairs and with uh along with the municipality to to talk about it and to convince them that they don’t have to use this but it’s very difficult because they really believe that it can be use it they really believe that it’s a good choice so I don’t I I don’t really

    Believe that it’s a good choice there’s another type of projects they doing I think there some capsules and with pesticide inside and I really don’t know if it’s a good idea but yeah I I don’t believe it’s a good idea to do this kind of methodology and using triple

    New okay thank you very much thank you the next presentation Maria Chantal Rodriguez Shantal is Reser of the University of in Spain her talk is urgency of the implementation of methods the joint assciation on best okay okay thank you a lot for your introduction asandra okay so um actually

    I’m working in the faculty of sence in O that belong to the University of of p and we are part of this resar group um is a group with a a large um research lined in e main line is about the study of a b product and so we work in

    Collaboration with the keeping sector that are the more affected by best ltina and this is one of the reason that we are or we start to study on best paba since 20 17 16 around so what is the situation of the butina in Gala the situation is is

    Terrible the the number of ns are very large and the spreading and the spreading seems unstopable h among the factors that can explain this success and there are a very good reproductive capacity a very good adaptability and a social and flexible H behavior that which um one

    Single queen can create a very large colony and many reproductive females in fact H in one of our studies H we have counted more than thir 13,000 individuals in average in only one Nest you can see in this table and also by meio quantification we have estimated 30 30 th thousands of

    Individuals so this is a very large quantity of heret and in Galia we have a a serving sign control program created by our region government in which the citizens the populations report the sighting of the nest that are registers thanks to this report we know that this spreading or the spread of

    Best ptin over the time H was very quick H in h 201 17 we had more than H 26,000 of Nest most in the coastal area that are the more effective since the beginning but also in the England where we have a higher altitude and a

    Continental climate so is the be is very very big okay um actually we have more than 30 ,000 nest every year reporting by thanks to this program but it’s clearly underestimated because the pend of the fitting sense so H it might isue to to be much higher in in fact some

    Specialist that are related with this with the removal of this Nest ER talking about more than 100,000 nest every year so I think it’s a quantity a crazy quantity uh what about the impact okay the impact are very well know for all us and in Galia we have a negative or a

    Impact that are negative environmental and socieconomic impact and this in can affect to several economic sector that’s already know in which we keeping Farm are the most affected the losses are very discor Um this spes can affect also to or is related with the decline of several populations of species of

    Pollinator H you can see in this slide this picture that is a a vtina hunting in our Florida this picture is made by me but it’s very typical see sertin and everywhere and there there is a increasing problem with the human human health also and with terrible death of P

    People um that um um found their when they are um working in Agricultural and Forest management practic like pruning or wedding also you can see some news about this death from of people okay but by far one of the sector must more affected are the B keeping sector

    ER de pressure in our IPR is are very high and is continue in the time you can see here um this graphit and this is the the the hours that vtina can affect in the in the AIS is continue over the day especially in the hours more favorable in regarding the

    Temperatures H in this case it is in the middle of the day but depend on the region for example in the areas um with higher altitude is a little bit different and those Colony that are not strong um enough strong or healthy are the most suceptible to die so we have to take

    Care about the the healthy L our colony in addiction utina can be um a a risk because can be at B virus transmission Vector so we have to take account this also and be very strong and healthy our Colony this is one of the best method in my in our

    Point of view to fight with best ltina in the half like in another regions um best ltina make that the colonies spend long time a lockdown periods exhausting their food Reserve so this is a this can cause more stress and weakly so again we have to to have um very healthy our colony

    And with enough um food Reserve stor it so um sorry is urgent take um actions of control h scienes around the world have already collaborated and some researches um in the study of Its Behavior or looking for some effect Ive control method for example the the project of Atlantic that

    Are people talk about this before um in fact um one of the impact of This research is the elaboration of the Practical management manual for the beekeepers under pressure of besta that are made by our lab and in collaboration with India Anabel H so um this impacts and the um rapid

    Spread um make Argent Implement a control methods derived from a joint resarch it’s very important so it is necessary H to develop maybe a integrated control system using the different control method that are already being researched so I going to introduce quickly because we talking about this in another

    Presentation H introduce each one of these researchers um the first step I think is improve the the regulatory systems in Gala we have this program that I say before H but I think we have a very large way and to improve this H normative or regul regulation

    N removal and trapping are the most known method but NE removal is very difficult for the B for example and especially in the forest areas and because they are very difficult to to find with respect to B trapping is still being are not specific method I sorry

    And is related with the decline of several species of insect and AR it as this paper made by our lab have shown how to improve this this method B trapping there are some method that can using or trying to us in feron or another chemical compounds like for

    Example volatile plant compon from the plant more visited by best patina as a okay and this last one is a input from this um for the Atlantic positive project okay regarding chemical control h the loses the loses in in Gala in the the big colonies are suban I mean something terrible and the

    B are discouraged so this H LED them to um use some damage or Dangerous Method like the poison of bait call TR you can see in this pictures this kind of method and you can see the quantity of hornet these are not a colony a big Colony a hornet Colony so

    This chemical control um is a potential damage because don’t read the intended Target the nest and can contaminate the honey production or have another animal like birth but there are some researcher about to use this kind of chemical control but only conducted by specialist is a proposal of this uh

    Paper from the Atlantic positive okay there are some research about the managing the hi ER with some focus in the effectiveness of for example physical method in the in the hive like a electric harp but other authors emphasize in minimize the damage in the in the hive by um practing very very

    Well practiced in the hive and this means enough resarch healthy conditions um well a very good practice and despite this beepers must to Rel relearn how to manage under these new conditions that is a very high pressure of best patina and sometimes this means looking for all the nest that are around of

    Theis um there are some researcher about how to H search in or remove this this Nest but are so expensive for the beepers or um very difficult so regarding biological control there are some research about the natural enemies okay um for example European butter or some species of bird like can stop orway

    Sorry and spreading by spreading of them but are I think there are a lot of Gap in these kinds of search with respect to the pathogens the B virus studies are the most abundant and but we have to take care that the virus are very difficult to manage and

    There are not so many chemical product that can destroy it so maybe we can focus on another researched like funi or another parasitoid like a insect or organic paracoid so there are several researchers about different control method but there are still many gaps um so maybe an integrated control system will be an

    Effective solution but I think um it must to be a result from a join resarch so this is again a call to join energy or research in best ptin thanks um I want to know the study you did with viruses did you control gr identification I mean from my point of

    View scientist I was wondering if you take that into account because it’s it’s such a devastating test right so and and also one of the things other things I was wondering is in terms of depletion of resources where these colonies in any way B with uh our hydrates sugar water

    For example because I think PO is not so much a problem because they just BL every live sorry I can’t hear the second question so I’m going to ask the first one and then okay with okay the with respect to V virus we work in collaboration with Pisa and and I start

    This research looking some control method but we have to take account that B virus are very difficult to manage and then we are looking for B virus that maybe we can’t make the situation worse I mean because I think we have to looking for another um not a specific

    Value for the Beast um to maybe try with again best pava so in in this case I think um B virus is not the best solution for meth control and but of course we have to continue in the study of this Emer risk that can be a vtina

    Because um the kilometers that vtina can advance and all the in ecosystem that can touch are so much so I think it’s a a risk a potential risk yeah and the second one I I can read all okay okay okay okay okay okay thank you very much now from National University of Korea

    With the presentation best post Invasion pathway and its distribution modeling in Korea hello good morning there and this is actually evening and this is Char from from andong National University and I’m going to talk on the invasion of honet into Korea and post Invasion and is distribution model and I believe that

    Most of you are familiar with PPA bellua so that I will kind of quickly move over to the main topic as you see in Korea we have AP s and AP mifer farming and this is the Korean Colony uh size in Korea total about more than two uh two million

    Hives we have from EP mif and S and its economic contribution to agriculture is very huge and so that people now aware that uh honey be is very important not only for honey production but also for the pollination service and we have um estimated the economic contribution for

    The Nation service in Korea but recently we have uh we have some decrease of population size in apifera and also AP s and especially AP s population has been dropped almost 90% mainly because of this SE virus uh outbreak and the detail was described in

    This uh uh chapter in the Asian H and now we go to hes in Korea we have BPA perutina neorx from 2003 and but before they arrive we already have nine species or sub species of pespa so that Korea is very diverse in terms of PESA hores we have analys

    Pami CRA Talis daroski and mandarinia and simila and later recently belua came on so this valtina showed a little different Behavior characteristics as well as the morphological characters so all knows that palotina has many different subp species over the Southeastern part of Asia and there are many many different uh Subs species but

    What we have is Destina negx here and this neorx how it comes so actually in the beginning we did not know much about how it come into Korea and but we know that by the molecular analysis and hype analysis with the French group with of bonss and we identified that uh Korean

    Hao type is has shared with Jang and jangu population of K and so that we consider this joang jangu area from the uh Port of Shanghai and moved to uh Korea in 2003 after then we had monitored its population uh distribution so in the beginning they were restricted in the uh Southeastern

    Path and then begin to spread and in 10 years and 15 years it covers most of the uh country so that distribution area increase and range expansions so with this we actually uh simulated with the climate uh climax modeling with the establishment in index so that actually as uh temperat change

    As climate change goes is establishment index increase so that it has more uh capable of distribution over the country so we know that the possible distribution range but we want to go a little more detail so that also we also had kind of a estimated the risk of this

    Invasion into beekeeping economy so economic threat to beekeeping was counted about uh 17 million US Dollars partly because of high PR preference long foraging behavior and extending foraging season and large colon population and successful over entering even in cold Korea so this is the basic population Behavior over the year and they show

    Uh somehow similar Trend over the year as well as over the place and also very interesting was that in the beginning is was from 201 19 most of other besta populations for example P mandarinia Talis crau and simila they distribute as uh latitude increase their distribution density increased but

    Actually pestina take another way so the pestina is warm adapted species so that they occupy more warmer place and lower latitude than higher latitude so that uh these are some photos we got from the collecting besta Nest from the tree and you all know that you know PESA elra usually have the nest

    On the top of the tree more than 15 uh 15 M high and also we had a lots of you know different method for the collecting individual pie for example with different color of trap shape of trap R of trap and we can collect different you know horness and right side this these

    Are the uh PPA mandarinia and left is PPA valtina and you see this is one day trap catch in one AP so more than 1,500 individual so it has a huge economic impact to Big keep Keepers and so that you know on for the ongoing management we try to make

    Effective monitoring Mass trapping and chemical control and this is one of the farmers uh behers practice to uh put the chemical on the body of The Hornet and then let them go into their nest and then contaminate The Nest but this is not approved officially yet but also

    They use the netting and this kind of proofing as well as you know as well as developing hor all system for example we had uh studied the wing be frequency profiling and then find out the bo Wing Pit so that if the wing bit comes and

    Then we can unlock to the bers then like giving the message board so there is hor all systems but also we are trying to do n remover and as you we know that most of the pestina nest is over the high place so that sometimes is very dangerous and

    Also very difficult to locate when this is covered by the uh tree leaves so this is only can be found from the Autumn season so that instead we had tried the tagging the insect and then try to C uh uh track this Movement by yagi antenna and receivers with using the St labels

    And somehow it has it has shown some of the uh possibility to be utilized Iz but in Korean landscape very hilly and uh heterogeneous this is not quite successful and now we are trying to track the besta Hornet as well as the besta nest by the Drone

    Technology and this kind of and another one is the economic ecological impact so before Invasion and after Invasion if you see that large portion is covered by Yellow by means yellow hor that’s partina so in most more in the residential area and city park and also this is the place where

    Andong this is the place where besta valtina did not come at the time no valtina but where besta vtina appears know about 60 70% occupi so that best part bellua is very competitive and also they are kind of replacing the nature of the local indigenous bestar

    Hess and and also there are human health issues sorry human health issues that in the case of 911 cor most of the call from the pestina as well as to the farmers in the lay season as the PESA valtina as well as pespa are searching for the carbohydrate source and they also occupy

    The grave oad and also apple orad and threatening the uh Farmers harvesting so we know that another Invasion into France and uh Japan also England as well as and very lently with uh we heard we hear that besta go to United State in Georgia in 2023

    August so now come to modeling so we are trying to do the two types of modeling one is a phenology modeling and the other one is distribution modeling so we know that uh honey pper quein over winter and spring emerse so the as temperat drop down reproductive mate

    They made and diose and once diose break then they go to Damas doas and then emerge as the temperature increase but we see that in warm spring they come about 128 julon date but in Cold Spring they come in one8 julon day about 10 days difference

    So that we try to model the this so using the early population and pck population and late population uh occurrence and also we give the stral temperature stral temperature and we try to estimate the um degre day so that it shows that uh degree threshold of eight gives a

    Mean and C very small so in early population is different but in the middle P population and lay population is show the small C that means probably they developmental threshold is close to eight and the uh degre day would around 300 or 300 something so we want to go more detail and more

    Sophisticated so that we use the many data set and try to estimate some important crucial uh parameters by using two parameter wable function so that we tried to this and found out the developmental threshold was eight and cumulative degree day was 350 so this is the spring emergence

    Pattern and this was validated but another question was that we want make a distribution map in Korea and we want know the distribution Factor in Korea so that we have uh collected data for about four or five years from 500 Point these are the point we took the date

    Collection and then with this collection we make a map L map but we had use the environmental variable of climatic factor and land cover data with this data we had multicorr relations and then we found the some variable which correlate much and these are the variable selection

    Process and these four five variable was selected as the predictors and the importance was bio 417 and Forest 12 like this bio four one is annual temperature and seasonal and this is Forest area grass land and so on so that with this variable we could randomize and then we could uh mix

    Into the modeling distribution model and this is the output sorry you have to finish your presentation yes yes I’m finishing sorry and this is density map and this is the proability projection and also we had calculated the beekeeping Risk Index so that beekeepers can be alerted from this

    System so they’re concluding so the we found some important environmental factors and this will be further extrapolated into the global distribution modeling and thank you very much yes sorry did I go too fast yeah one question we have time for one question yes please thank You um it looks the percentages ofical impact isft drastically after the arrival um I was just wondering what the damic is the percentage of eological impact is actually double TR and so on or has the suppressed some of the negative impacts that the other V species

    Had uh I’m sorry could you repeat the last part of your question yeah I was just wondering I imp do you find that the Suess some of negative am netive imp the other best species had or has it just increased in in absolute values uh

    That uh I’m very sorry that but if I understand your question correctly then how did the local indigenous PPA Community response to the invasion of the PESA valtina and if that is the question then actually there are two species which has been affected very much and is distribution range and

    Population size decreased that was besta simila simila Sima and it decreased very high and also second one is besta analyst also population size decreased and but besta mandarinia they did not show any big difference so we consider that uh PESA b n is more close to the PESA

    Simila and maybe with pespa analyst you might think that it’s time for lunch but actually I have a sort of little surprise there’s another short talk from the states so tonight they told me that they’re available to tell us what’s going on with vtina and the states so

    Please stay there so we have Natasha Garcia Anderson from the association of up inspectors of America and she going to tell us something about the invasion or the beginning of invasion maybe we hope not in the states um we should see your screen now yes perfect okay can everyone see it just

    Fine okay yes um so yeah so I’m Natasha Garcia Anderson and I’m from the apier inspectors of America so I’m just going to give you guys a quick update of what’s going on in the states um this is all public information um we don’t really I don’t really have

    Anything new and exciting to share but I’m just going to give you all an update um so just just to let you all know like some of you have discussed it was discovered here in 2023 um in early August a beekeeper reported some Hornets to the joria Department of

    Agriculture also at this around the same time a beekeeper at the Savannah be company noticed unusual hornets and reported onto I naturalist um which is an app that um people have on their phone where you can identify um snap pictures and have people identify them um this was confirmed August 9th um in

    2023 by um the USDA and the University of Georgia um and then about August 15th a homeowner near the Savannah B company reports a nest 23 meters high up in a pine tree um so by August 23rd they were able to remove that tree um with the

    Help of a tree surgeon was really high up and it was a pretty good siiz Nest so just some background information so this is the original report that was in I naturalist and as you can see um I’ll go to the next screen it was reported on WIlmington Island which

    Is very close um to the Port of Savannah not super close but close enough basically all ships have to come down through the river and you’ll also notice that across the river is South Carolina um so if you’re not familiar with um Georgia Savannah is right on the coast of the Atlantic um

    Oops it is also the um fourth busiest port in the US and it it brings in more containers um than any other um place in the country um so as of that um oops Yeah so these are the other spots that have been reported since then Wilmington Island white Head Island and

    Also um Thunderbolt so they’ve all been round this eye from the Port of Savannah to the first sighting and also where the first Nest was found um was 20 km um could everyone see okay um so since then depart um Georgia Department of Agriculture has put out 134 traps

    South Carolina has Department of a has also put out numerous traps all along the Border um both states have reporting sites um so far Georgia had 13 confirmed locations and like I said they’re all in that pattern right there um many states are doing monitoring a lot of AIA member

    States have trap set up as part of a non-native waser Bay and then on September 23rd um I mean September of 2023 the second Nest was found under a bridge and eradicated that Nest was also found on the same island as the first Nest um so these are some of the online

    Reporting forms um where citizens if they see something they can go in and report it is pretty detailed it will ask you like what did you see um give you some example pictures so it’s pretty good trying to weed out um some of the noise um because as you all know when

    Something like this gets reported a lot of people start reporting things that aren’t even close to what you’re looking for um so this has kind of helped a bit um and that is about it that’s all I have if you want more information on this you can go to our website AP

    Inspector. org and on there we have a whole section on the yellow leged Hornet you can click and get links to all the different um reporting forms and also information out of the states of Georgia and South Carolina but so far it we have do not know that it has spread from

    Those location and we’re hoping that we’ll get some something similar to what happened in Washington state um on the opposite end of the country with a northern giant hornet where it was contained they’re able to continually eradicate Nest so that’s that’s kind of an update of where we

    Are okay are you have you done are you doing genetic test to see the origin of this gnet in your place yeah so there was a genetic test that’s what I forgot to mention that was done and um it was discovered that there they were actually

    From Asia so that’s what I was talking about where that Port is highly suspect um since they weren’t from Europe well they could have been from Europe too on the container ship but within coming in all those container ships a little worrisome because those container ships

    They empty the containers a lot of them go onto the railroad and then across the US and then also onto trucks that are dispersed all over the country so um I think main thing we have to work on is just vigilance and keeping our eyes out

    For them um because the the the ability to for them to spread is is very high um I see in the thing how many sightings have reported since the secondness removed I’m not sure on that um there might be more information on the Georgia Department of a website but

    That was about all I could find was that information

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