Ma’am, I love them.

    It is not lost on me that my top three characters are all magical in some way šŸ˜š

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    Hi! Iā€™m Olivia-Savannah. I studied English Literature and Creative Writing at university, and currently work in publishing. Iā€™m based in London, the UK but I visit The Netherlands where some of my family live from time to time. I love reading, writing, travel, yoga and working out, cooking and baking. I enjoy reading all genres and age audiences. Nice to meet you x

    Hey there! It’s Olivia-Savannah here from Olivia’sĀ  Catastrophe, and today the day that I’m bringingĀ Ā  you this video, it is my birthday. Happy birthdayĀ  to me! I am turning 25. So to celebrate my 25thĀ Ā  birthday I always do a video about whatever I wantĀ  my video to be about. And here I’m bringing youĀ Ā 

    For my 25th birthday. My favourite book charactersĀ  of all time. And as it is my birthday I have alsoĀ Ā  cheated and grouped some of these charactersĀ  together. Bear with me. It’s my birthday,Ā Ā 

    I can do what I want. I can break my own rules.Ā  There will be no spoilers in this video for anyĀ Ā  of these books. And I’m going to start with myĀ  top three in order and then just randomly mentionĀ Ā 

    The other ones, not in any particular order. ButĀ  let’s get down to my top three. So I think a lotĀ Ā  of people can predict this, but my number one bookĀ  character of all time, my ultimate book boyfriendĀ Ā 

    Who I love my whole heart is Adam Parrish from TheĀ  Raven Cycle. You meet him in the first book and IĀ Ā  have loved him since then. I will say that I haveĀ  a thing for mechanics and Adam Parish knows howĀ Ā 

    To do the mechanical stuff. I think what I likeĀ  about mechanics or like, people who know how toĀ Ā  build stuff and fix stuff that is broken, is thatĀ  they have a logical part of their brain. A way ofĀ Ā  puzzling things out, thinking through thingsĀ  that I don’t possess myself whatsoever. I’mĀ Ā 

    Rubbish at following instructions. I do lots ofĀ  things intuitively over logistically. And so evenĀ Ā  though I can use the logistical of my brain if IĀ  really put my mind to it, I think that’s one ofĀ Ā 

    The reasons why I’m drawn to mechanic characters.Ā  But also I feel like he’s one of those boys that’sĀ Ā  just like a really sad boy, who’s trying toĀ  recover and just trying his very best. He’s alsoĀ Ā 

    Full of pride and he has to learn how to get overĀ  himself. I just love seeing character development.Ā Ā  So seeing him learn to get over himself but alsoĀ  like learn how to love people in terms of like,Ā Ā 

    Found family. It was beautiful in The RavenĀ  Cycle. And there are many reasons why I loveĀ Ā  Adam Paris and I don’t have time to get into allĀ  of them today. But I wish this character eternalĀ Ā  happiness. My second favourite character of allĀ  time is Jasper Cullen. Now, he is from TwilightĀ Ā 

    And I absolutely love him. I’ve been on quite aĀ  journey with Twilight. I’ve reread those booksĀ Ā  countless times and if I was a teenager, whenĀ  I first read it and you asked me my favouriteĀ Ā  character it would have obviously been EdwardĀ  Cullen. But then by the end of the series it wasĀ Ā 

    Jasper Cullen. And as I’ve grown older it’s fallenĀ  into like, Jasper as my number one, and Edward andĀ Ā  Carlisle tied for number two. And I have a specialĀ  place in my heart for Leah. But truthfully, like,Ā Ā 

    Jasper just takes the cake. I love him so much. IĀ  try and ignore the confederate past that StephenieĀ Ā  Meyer just did not choose to address. And I thinkĀ  of him as my polite Southern Cowboy vampire of myĀ Ā 

    Dreams. And I just love the way that he loves hisĀ  partner through and through, and is so dedicatedĀ Ā  to her. I think his gift is really cool and theĀ  best thing about Midnight Sun was being able toĀ Ā 

    Learn more about his gift. And I love the nameĀ  Jasper. I just think he is wonderful. And my thirdĀ Ā  top character of all time is actually a woman.Ā  Praise be! I love scary women. I love scary womenĀ Ā 

    Who can just like steamroll over me. And ScarletĀ  from the Lunar Chronicles is definitely that. SheĀ Ā  is a handy shot with a gun, she knows what she’sĀ  doing at all times. I absolutely love how bossĀ Ā 

    She is in this series. But also how loyal andĀ  dedicated she is to the people she loves. SheĀ Ā  would fight for them. She would do anything forĀ  them. And actually tied in third place with herĀ Ā  is Wolf who you meet in Scarlet’s book as well. IĀ  think he’s a fantastic book boyfriend character.Ā Ā 

    I just love that he has that werewolf thing to himĀ  about pack, about found family, about loyalty. HeĀ Ā  would do anything for Scarlet. He sees her as hisĀ  Alpha and I love that respect. So now we just getĀ Ā 

    Into the rest of the characters. I’m just going toĀ  do them higgledy-piggledy in any order. So firstĀ Ā  up I want to talk about Darian. Now, you meetĀ  Darian in Glitterland by Alexis Hall. Darian isĀ Ā  an absolute ray of sunshine. I’ve never met aĀ  sun-shiney character that sunshines as hard asĀ Ā 

    He does. He is from Essex. He says, ā€œawh babes,ā€Ā  and speaks like that. He’s a model, and he justĀ Ā  comes into Ash’s life and changes it. And I thinkĀ  everybody deserves a ray of sunshine like DarianĀ Ā 

    In their life who’s just so sweet and honest andĀ  just so lovely to be around. He is the characterĀ Ā  that I could definitely see being my bestĀ  friend. I also want to mention Isabelle, Izzy,Ā Ā  from the Mortal Instruments. This is a series thatĀ  I grew up reading as a teenager and Isabelle isĀ Ā 

    My favourite Shadowhunter. I think that she’sĀ  got quite a discreet character in terms of howĀ Ā  much she loves all of the people around her andĀ  how much she sometimes kind of pushes them away,Ā Ā  but only because she loves them so much. And IĀ  think her relationship with a certain someone isĀ Ā 

    Really lovely and beautiful. But I just think IzzyĀ  can really kick butt in a way that I admire. AndĀ Ā  I just — I think she’s tough as nails and I justĀ  love a girl who’s as tough as nails. On this listĀ Ā 

    My favourite villain of all time is Queen Levana.Ā  Again, from The Lunar Chronicles. Queen Levana isĀ Ā  one of the few villains in books that I’ve comeĀ  across who actually petrifies me and actuallyĀ Ā  scares me. She is so strong. She is so powerful.Ā  And she is a manipulation Queen. I don’t thinkĀ Ā 

    There’s anything more scarier than the powerĀ  of gaslighting and manipulation and psychologyĀ Ā  mind games, and she embodies that to the T. QueenĀ  Levana is the only Queen in my life. She’s the oneĀ Ā 

    That I would just like — I would do anything sheĀ  wanted me to do. I would do anything at any point.Ā Ā  But also I would love to stand next to her andĀ  rule the world with her, and watch it all burn.Ā Ā 

    Like, for her, I would watch the world burn. I hadĀ  to choose a favourite character from Artemis FowlĀ Ā  series and so I went with Butler. I have a thingĀ  for loyalty. Loyalty is the trait in a person thatĀ Ā 

    I think is the most important and the thing thatĀ  I value the most. So loyalty is something I reallyĀ Ā  like in characters. And that’s why a lot of myĀ  favourite characters are not the main characterĀ Ā  but they are the like, the main secondaryĀ  character or one of the main secondary charactersĀ Ā 

    Who is always loyal to their friends and theirĀ  family and their groups of people. And that’sĀ Ā  why I think I love the found family trope so much.Ā  And Butler embodies that because he is the butlerĀ Ā 

    To Artemis Fowl. He is so loyal to him. He’s kindĀ  of strong and bold and very very protective. AndĀ Ā  I just love that. I just love how much heĀ  just does anything — not only for Artemis,Ā Ā 

    But also for his sibling who’s kind of involved inĀ  this book. And yeah, Butler deserves happiness andĀ Ā  he deserves it all. And his unwavering trust inĀ  Artemis is absolutely fantastic. On this list — aĀ Ā  very new entry to my favourite characters — isĀ  Embry Moore from the American Queen series. TheĀ Ā 

    New Camelot series by Sierra Simone. AnotherĀ  thing that I really love in my books is angst.Ā Ā  All of The Angst. Bring me angsty characters and IĀ  adore them. Adam parish is definitely one of thoseĀ Ā 

    Angsty boys and so is Embry. So is Embry. He isĀ  the vice president of the US. He would do anythingĀ Ā  for his president. There are lots of sacrificesĀ  he has to make for his president, and there areĀ Ā 

    A lot of sacrifices he has to make for the peopleĀ  that he loves. And he totally gets the short endĀ Ā  of the stick in a lot of the situations that theyĀ  end up in in the book, but he is still there. AndĀ Ā 

    He is pushed and he is tested and he is alwaysĀ  trying to do the right thing. And I love him forĀ Ā  that. And sometimes you can see that what he wantsĀ  to do is a little bit misguided but you know what;Ā Ā 

    He has feelings. He’s okay. Like, I love sad boysĀ  or like, angsty boys being angsty and Embry givesĀ Ā  me that and supplies it. Also he’s super hot andĀ  also his steamy scenes are super hot. On this listĀ Ā 

    I had to put my very first book boyfriend ever.Ā  He will still always be like a treasured part ofĀ Ā  my heart . H’s no longer a book boyfriend friendĀ  for reasons I cannot explain. But the first timeĀ Ā 

    That you read a book and you see a character andĀ  you’re like: oh my gosh, I love this character,Ā Ā  would do anything for them. That’s such a specialĀ  feeling. That’s how I felt the moment that I metĀ Ā 

    Edilio from the Gone series by Michael Grant.Ā  Now, I don’t know about if this series has rereadĀ Ā  factorbility because I know a lot of people whoĀ  I recommended it to. And they’re like, ā€œThis isĀ Ā  actually rubbish! The representation of this isĀ  so bad.ā€ But then there’s some people who if theyĀ Ā 

    Like, ignore the representation, really like theĀ  story. And I do think in terms of plot the wholeĀ Ā  series is genius. And Edilio, he’s the secondĀ  in command to Sam in a lot of ways. Who is theĀ Ā 

    Main character in a lot of ways. And he just is soĀ  supportive and so loyal. But he’s also so logicalĀ Ā  and like, precise. He’s got a good head on hisĀ  shoulders and he’s calculating and he’s cool. ButĀ Ā 

    He also makes choices for the greater good of theĀ  large group of people. And it’s really hard to doĀ Ā  that in the world that they’re in, especially asĀ  a teenager. And he manages to pull that off whichĀ Ā 

    Is why I adore Edilio. Ah, my prince! I don’tĀ  usually fall for the royal characters in books,Ā Ā  but Prince Ali in the Daevabad trilogy by S.A.Ā  Chakraborty really did that. I fell for him. AndĀ Ā  this was one of the things where it was a reallyĀ  interesting book boyfriend development because inĀ Ā 

    The first book I hated him. I could not stand him.Ā  I thought he was so naive and childish and makingĀ Ā  silly decisions. But again, S.A. Chakraborty blewĀ  that character development out of the water. andĀ Ā 

    By the last book I was head over heels in loveĀ  with him. I wanted him to be the one and I wasĀ Ā  fully supportive of all of his actions the choicesĀ  that he makes, and the things that he does to tryĀ Ā 

    His best to protect those that he can. He’s alsoĀ  in the midst of a lot of political Intrigue andĀ Ā  has to make a lot of choices or sacrificesĀ  based on that. And I am someone who lovesĀ Ā  political Intrigue. Especially in my fantasy andĀ  sci-fi books. Ao I think his stance in the royalĀ Ā 

    Family and the choices that he makes and howĀ  he grows. How he grows! Really made him growĀ Ā  on me. This one might seem as a bit of a surpriseĀ  choice but one of my favourite characters of allĀ Ā 

    Time is Poirot from the Agatha Christie books.Ā  I have not read all of them but I really loveĀ Ā  Poirot as a detective. He is my favourite mysteryĀ  man; my favourite detective that solves crimes,Ā Ā 

    Of all time. I think my problem with a lot ofĀ  mystery books and why I don’t read as many of themĀ Ā  as I do in the adult fiction category anymore,Ā  is because none of them compare to Poirot. EveryĀ Ā 

    Time that this man with his little mustache doesĀ  a dramatic reveal at the end of a book and heĀ Ā  pieces together everything and all of the cluesĀ  that he’s discovered, I am in awe of his brainĀ Ā 

    And how it works and how he manages to make it aĀ  whole dramatic scene. He loves to set the stage.Ā Ā  He loves to be a little bit of a drama king. AndĀ  I find that entertaining as well as seriouslyĀ Ā 

    Intelligent and smart. And no other detectiveĀ  since I’ve read a Poirot novel does it like heĀ Ā  does. He is the best. He is the best. One of myĀ  favourite little teenage boys is Todd from theĀ Ā  Knife of Never Letting Go series by Patrick Ness.Ā  Todd for me, is a really nice character becauseĀ Ā 

    He is so flawed and imperfect and he symbolisesĀ  a lot of things that I find really important andĀ Ā  true. Things that are to like, true values toĀ  have. So Todd in the Knife of Never Letting Go,Ā Ā  which is a dystopian sci-fi book that challengesĀ  toxic masculinity and also just unlearning,Ā Ā 

    Is someone who has been taught a lot ofĀ  things about the way the world works. AndĀ Ā  in the process of the story learns that nothingĀ  quite works the way that he’s been taught. Now,Ā Ā  a lot of characters I think in a lot of dystopianĀ  books go through that. But Todd’s process of thatĀ Ā 

    Was the one that felt the most realistic to me,Ā  ever. And the one that hit home the most. BecauseĀ Ā  his unlearning is so gradual and so intentionalĀ  and so difficult for him to do. Especially as a 12Ā Ā 

    To 13 year old boy. And that process of unlearningĀ  is so challenging but he really did that he reallyĀ Ā  put himself through it over the course of thatĀ  trilogy and I admire him for that. And you canĀ Ā 

    See how he grows and how he struggles and how heĀ  fights and suffers because he’s doing that. AndĀ Ā  yet he never gives up. He’s relentless with it.Ā  Todd is someone who everyone should be a bit moreĀ Ā 

    Like. If we all had a bit more Todd in our livesĀ  the world would be a better place. We have a guardĀ Ā  on this list as well: Grey. So Grey is from AĀ  Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer. IĀ Ā 

    Have not finished this series, I’ve only read theĀ  first two. So Grey is like my favourite character,Ā Ā  but I’ve only read the first two, okay. And I loveĀ  Grey. I think he is amazing. Because he is again,Ā Ā 

    He’s a bodyguard. I think I haven’t mentionedĀ  the fact that I love a good bodyguard asĀ Ā  well. The reason why I love bodyguards is becauseĀ  they are so loyal to the person that they’reĀ Ā  protecting and they would do anything for them,Ā  even sacrifice themselves. And again, it’s thatĀ Ā 

    Sense of unswerving loyalty. You’ve seen that inĀ  Butler for Artemis Fowl and then you’ve got GreyĀ Ā  here who’s just incredibly loyal to the personĀ  he’s protecting. And I just loved seeing thatĀ Ā  loyalty. But also sometimes that loyalty takes aĀ  certain sacrifice which you see in this series.Ā Ā 

    And I appreciated that. And that’s why I think theĀ  second book in the series hits so hard for me. AndĀ Ā  that’s because Grey deserved happiness and I wasĀ  kind of glad to see — okay maybe not everything’sĀ Ā 

    Happy in that book — but at some point he doesĀ  seem to touch a kind of happiness that he fullyĀ Ā  deserves. And also he’s one of the book boyfriendsĀ  who I think would actually fall for me. MyĀ Ā  favourite Shakespeare character had to be on thisĀ  list. Horatio from Hamlet by Shakespeare. HamletĀ Ā 

    Is one of my favourite Shakespeare plays, but IĀ  do have multiple favourite Shakespeare plays soĀ Ā  I don’t know if that’s saying much. Again, I hateĀ  to repeat myself, but Horatio is just so loyalĀ Ā  to Hamlet. Like, Hamlet is arguably, dependingĀ  on how you choose to read the play, losing hisĀ Ā 

    Mind. And yet Horatio is there. He is calm. He isĀ  steady. He’s consistent and persistent. And he isĀ Ā  there for Hamlet. But he’s also there to kind ofĀ  maintain the peace with everyone. And again, he’sĀ Ā 

    Just one of those secondary characters that hasĀ  such a clear sense of calm within his body. And IĀ Ā  gravitate towards people who make me feel calm andĀ  at peace. And I think Horatio definitely does andĀ Ā 

    Therefore we would be best friends in a heartbeat.Ā  And we would just like sit in the grass and like,Ā Ā  cloud watch and read books. Another favouriteĀ  character of mine is Jesper from Six of CrowsĀ Ā  by Leigh Bardugo. So I have not finished readingĀ  Crooked Kingdom. That’s entirely Jesper’s faultĀ Ā 

    Because I didn’t care about any of the otherĀ  characters. Just Jesper. And it’s really rareĀ Ā  for me to have that: when the fact that I loveĀ  a character so much is ruining the experience ofĀ Ā  reading the book because anytime you got anybodyĀ  else’s point of view I zoned out. I was like:Ā Ā 

    Give me back Jesper. And so I have still not readĀ  Crooked Kingdom. But I think that explains howĀ Ā  much I love Jesper. He’s a sharpshooter and he’s aĀ  bit silly. He’s a bit reckless. He doesn’t alwaysĀ Ā 

    Make the best choices. But again, he is loyal toĀ  a fault and I admire that about him. And even whenĀ Ā  he doesn’t have all of the chips in his corner —Ā  ironic that I’m saying that — he will still doĀ Ā 

    What needs to be done for the people that heĀ  really cares about. This is where I’m reallyĀ Ā  cheating because there’s three characters in oneĀ  here. But I see Margaret Rogerson’s books as oneĀ Ā  big canon and I can’t choose. Like, her fantasyĀ  books are some of my all time favourites and itĀ Ā 

    Was really hard to choose one favourite character.Ā  So I just took one from each book. We’ve got RookĀ Ā  from An Enchantment of Ravens who is fae. I can’tĀ  believe a fae made it onto this list! I do notĀ Ā 

    Like books about fae. I’ve said this many timesĀ  before. And yet An Enchantment of Ravens overcameĀ Ā  that. Rook overcame that. I loved him. He wasĀ  silly and funny and entertained me. I literallyĀ Ā  laughed out loud while reading this book. But heĀ  also was super powerful and yet just gave all ofĀ Ā 

    That power to the girl in his life and I loveĀ  that. Just give me a little fae sub and I’ll beĀ Ā  happy. Secondly I put the demon from VespertineĀ  on this list. So, not the main character but theĀ Ā 

    Demon who’s kind of possessing the main character.Ā  Again, her sense of humour with this demon isĀ Ā  fantastic. I loved how this demon begrudgingly hadĀ  to care about the body that he was possessing andĀ Ā  I really liked their camaraderie. And so thatĀ  was a demon that got onto this list. Who wouldĀ Ā 

    Have thought? And then last but not leastā€¦ I’veĀ  literally forgotten her name which is super badĀ Ā  of me if she’s on my favourite characters list.Ā  But the girl from Sorcery of Thorns. I love her.Ā Ā 

    I love how in some ways her relationship with herĀ  partner in this one, or her love interest I shouldĀ Ā  say, is a role reversal of some of the stereotypesĀ  we do see. She’s taller than her man, she eatsĀ Ā 

    More than her man, she’s the one who carries theĀ  sword. And she also loves books. So what moreĀ Ā  could you want? She’s like a scary girl who lovesĀ  to read. and then last but not least, the personĀ Ā 

    Who has snuck onto this list literally in theĀ  past week, is Gordo Livingstone from the WolfsongĀ Ā  series by TJ Klune. I love Gordo Livingstone.Ā  He is a mechanic. He’s also super loyal in aĀ Ā  way that you wouldn’t expect. He’s super loyal toĀ  a certain someone in the series. I love that he’sĀ Ā 

    So loyal. I love that he’s got his own garage andĀ  he’s a mechanic. And he is maybe not a bodyguard,Ā Ā  but because of what he is he is almost theĀ  bodyguard, and the glue holding together a certainĀ Ā 

    Found family together. So basically he’s tickingĀ  all of my boxes! He is just tough as nailsā€¦ andĀ Ā  underneath it all he is a soft one at heart. AndĀ  I just again I love that ā€˜I’m super tough, I’mĀ Ā 

    Super hard, I speak in like colourful language andĀ  swear at everybodyā€™ but deep down he cares aboutĀ Ā  them. He’s loyal and there’s nothing he wouldnā€™tĀ  do for any of them. I love Gordo Livingstone withĀ Ā 

    My whole heart. And he’s also super angsty. Like,Ā  he’s a man — he’s older than me — and he’s superĀ Ā  angsty. And he’s book boyfriend material. ExceptĀ  like I don’t think he wants me. There you haveĀ Ā 

    It! Those are all of my favourite characters thatĀ  I’ve come across. This is by no means a list ofĀ Ā  my favourite books. I think favourite charactersĀ  and favourite books can be very different things.Ā Ā  Thank you for joining me and for watching thisĀ  video with me to celebrate my birthday. Here’sĀ Ā 

    To another year of fangirling over books, readingĀ  too late into the night, reading too many booksĀ Ā  at once and just loving the imagination worldsĀ  that authors create for us. Please let me knowĀ Ā  in the comment section down below: who is oneĀ  of your, or some of your favourite charactersĀ Ā 

    Of all time? Don’t forget to give this video aĀ  thumbs up if you enjoyed it, hit that subscribeĀ Ā  button if you want to see more and don’t forgetĀ  to hit that notification bell to be updated everyĀ Ā  time I have a new video. And you know whatĀ  they say: onwards and upwards. Excelsior!


    1. Attempt 2 : Happy birthday lovely lady šŸ„³šŸ„³ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

      I love that you put some Luna Chronicles characters in here. I was cleaning my shelves the other day and got reminded of them.

      In terms of my favourite characters ā€¦ Muddy from Small Joys is the first name that jumps into my mind but I have only read it once last year. Will have to think about books I read over & over šŸ˜…ā¤

    2. Happy Birthday!!! I absolutely love The Lunar Chronicles! I read the books years ago but started listening to the audiobooks this month. Just started Cress last night.

    3. Happy birthday for yesterday! And I loved Jasper as a teenager too! I'm also absolutely here for Jesper (though I'm more of a Kaz girl tbh) and Hamlet is my favourite Shakespeare play too!

    4. Happy Birthday love!!! Hope you had the best day! So many great characters! I adore Adam too! Sad boys are my kryptonite hahahaha! Love to see Gordo making his way on to the list too!!!

    5. Happy (kinda late!) Birthday, Olivia Savannah!
      So happy to have seen an Adam Parrish mention in this video; you're objectively right that he's simply the greatest of all time (despite his many flaws, because he DOES work on them!!) Jasper is the most dimensional and interesting character Steph Meyer wrote by far, and SCARLETT IS MY ABSOLUTE LOVE!!! I'm rereading the Lunar Chronicles right now so this made me smile a whole lot ā™„ Really, the entirety of this list is just a demonstration of your impeccable taste in characters. No notes, only a purely agreeable video here to remind me to reread all my old favorites for these characters alone. But maybe only after I read the books on this list (The City of Brass, eg) and fall in love with your faves there, too.

    6. Happy birthday, Olivia!
      Love the side characters you've picked but it's your cinder villain sum up that caught my attention – how did she turn you Olivia! come back to the light šŸ¤£
      Jesper's wonderful, I was happy with Kit Young's portrayal of him on Netflix.

    7. 14:00 – I love this for you šŸ˜‚ I hope your friendship with Horatio begins from Thee end of the play after the chaos!
      I think Celia from as you like it would be my friend.

      Love hearing you talk about favourite characters.
      I am aware of the Luna Chronicles, but felt maybe they aren't for me right now. Have friends who love them. But hearing you talk about Scarlet and then being happy to watch the world burn (terrifying) with your favourite villain, well…I am rethinking my choices! šŸ’œšŸ“š

    8. šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚ Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful Birthday week!

      Argh I have too many characters to choose šŸ¤”šŸ„ŗ

      A staple is definitly Prunella from Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho, and Mrs Flickertint from Crackledawn Dragon, a helpful and loyal chameleon. šŸ’œšŸ“š

    9. "It's my birthday I can do what I want" exactly!!! Jasper surpassing Edward šŸ‘šŸ‘ I'm not shocked Jesper is on this list after you said you like the name Jasper. It's so similar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I wish I've read more of these books šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I can never pick a favorite book character of all time but a favorite character in general is Azula from ATLA and everyone in AOT is my child. And can't forget Kaneki!!!

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