I sold this one the next day! I really can’t say enough good things about these bikes. The Toyota Camry of bicycles. So easy. So comfy. Love ’em to death!


    My Wife’s AWARD WINNING DEBUT NOVEL! (print, kindle and audiobook!)
    STILL TRUE by Maggie Ginsberg – https://amzn.to/3uSBGbn

    Park Tool AK-5 Advanced Mechanic Tool Kit – https://amzn.to/3S0oeLZ

    My favorite TOOLS and JUICES and stuff!
    Hozan JIS Drivers – https://amzn.to/3TqIqYj
    Hozan BB Pliers – https://amzn.to/3REHMFb
    Hozan Cable Cutter – https://amzn.to/3tc2zH1
    Pledge Polish – https://amzn.to/3TiI0TV
    Dawn PowerWash – https://amzn.to/4ak8KJS
    Tri Flow Bottle – https://amzn.to/41lHxST
    Tri Flow Can – https://amzn.to/3REsJvc
    Finish Line One-Step – https://amzn.to/3uWkWjH
    Finish Line Speed Degreaser – https://amzn.to/3GDNxga
    Bondhus Allen Keys – https://amzn.to/41jd9Zo
    Park Tool Grease – https://amzn.to/4afWbz7
    Hozan Spoke Threader – https://amzn.to/3TF3s5R

    This bike is good for anyone Not Just Dads hey bike Farmers thanks for clicking in we got ourselves a Bonafide dad bike here these are some of my very favorite bikes to get in on trade they sell super quick it’s just a great general purpose bike it’s like a 2000s

    Era T 7200 they come with a suspension Fork that kind of softens up the front end suspension seat post here that softens up the rear end a little bit this one H happens to have a huge saddle that I’m actually going to swap out for something a little more reasonable

    Hybrid Wheels they were called hybrids for so long I just call them hybrids now you know it’s just a good oldfashioned comfort bike perfect for riding around getting out on the bike trail you can go fast on them you can go slow on them you

    Can haul the kids around you can use it as a grocery getter not only that the best part is they say Trek on the side anything that says Trek on the side sells quick and sells for more so these are perfect bikes to flip you can find

    Them at garage sales all the time I am going to show you what I look for when I bring them in on tradein to see what’s going to cost me money and how hard it is to fix and what we’re going to do about it I think this is going to be a

    Great bike so let’s get [Applause] Started the very first thing I look for is the rear tire and brake pads so the rear tire is always going to be in worse shape than the front and you know the first thing you can kind of notice is it still has its whiskers but I’m looking at the center

    Of the tire here for any inconsistencies and this one appears to have none so very light use on this bike and I can kind of tell too by a few other things there’s a little bit of mud over here this little bit of Gunk is is

    This bike was only ridden once after it was cleaned or only ridden once when it was wet outside but wasn’t ridden a whole lot more than once um you can kind of look here where the dust builds up and behind the brake and it just I think it had a few rides

    Out on the um out on the crush Limestone gravel bike path and that’s about it these brake pads are um just about brand new so there’s nothing to worry about there so I don’t really need to check the chain because I just know that this bike hasn’t been ridden much but we’ll

    Do that anyway so to check the chain we use a chain Checker I like these Park Tool ones they have two settings they’ve got 05 and 75 so 05 will show you when it’s starting to stretch basically you hook one side in to a link over there and

    Then another one you let it drop down in there and if it drops all the way and oh which it did look at that imagine that maybe this bike has been ridden um you know it’s just starting to wear out but not in need of replacement and then the other side is

    75 and that’s the one where if it drops down then you know all the bushings are worn out and you want to replace it so this one is good to go and this you can tell it’s not dirty or anything so it’ll Lube right up be good as new so I really

    Feel the bottom bracket in a couple of spots just to see if it needs replacing and this one doesn’t and by what I’m doing is just in and out on the um in a few different spots with the crank arms um and I’ll do the same thing with

    The wheels just back and forth so I’m going this way with them just to feel if there’s any play in the bearings any play in the hub bearings and then you can check your front pads too they’re good to go and then if you just kind of grab the

    Handlebars and go side to side you can feel the headset I can feel it just needs adjusting but it’s nice and smooth and then I just kind of look at a general condition is there a lot of rust has it been outside and this one has not

    Um the saddle isn’t ripped so I don’t need to replace it although I will but those are the things I look for on the bikes that I flip tires are expensive so that’s a biggie as if it needs tires are not bottom bracket is labor intensive it

    Takes longer to tune up and then uh General rust to see if you got to replace cables and that kind of thing and check the chain so you know if the chain is stretched then it’s a chain and cassette that’s expensive too so there’s what I do let’s get started on this

    Tuneup so I like to put air in the tires in the beginning just to see if they’ve lost any air through the tuneup this one I just happen to know this by bike it’s been sitting around a while and the tires are holding air so I’m not too

    Concerned but just throw a little air in there make them firm that’s good Enough there we go so then I take both shifters I put the chain in the little and the little I pop the wheels off so then you can take the rear derailer and push it in like that which creates enough slack in this cable you can just pop the housing out like

    That do that all the way up and then if you’re lucky you can do the same thing by holding the front derailer out disconnecting that piece doing the same thing then your rear brakes already done so now all your cables are loose on that bike you have really good

    Access to the frame this way for polishing and cleaning and you can Lube all your cables so for the lubing of the cables I use a little bottle of triflow and I just I let gravity help me out here and I just kind of Squirt a little on the Cable let gravity pull it in or can you know you can take your ca cable housing way down like that just a couple drops is really all you need a little dabble doya okay so I just did both of the shifters the fronts here’s the rear brake cable this

    Is something that I I noticed right away but right in here you can see how there’s kind of like this white film and if I just rub it a little bit it turns darker that’s like old dry lube so it’s not rust or anything but if

    You put the triflow on there it makes it dark right and now it’s relubricated so that’s basically what we’re doing it’s just a nice visual aid to kind of show you you know when it gets dried out inside the housing just a lot more friction and

    Uh you know then the brakes don’t feel Snappy and I like everything feeling Snappy so just anywhere that I mean you can Lube the whole cable if you want but I focus on where where the housing goes this is probably the most important part of the rear derailer system this back

    Loop that’s where the most friction is so just really make sure you get that lubed and same thing with the front is you know you’re kind of making a right angle there these bikes are really welld designed as far as the cable routings they always tune right up the front

    Brake cable is always a little different it’s harder to get access to the cable I don’t know how do you say that so it’s pretty much all gravity at this point and then don’t forget to lube your noodle it’s also a spot where the cable dries out and a lot of friction builds

    Up it’s right here in the in the noodle Zone and then this bike is just Dusty it’s not greasy greasy bike I’ll hit with Dawn power wash first cuz it’s a light Degreaser it’s like doing the dishes and then uh but with a Dusty bike I just go straight with the furniture polish I use behold cuz that’s what my

    Grocery store has it’s the cheapest stuff I found that the cheaper the better you don’t need to buy the expensive stuff but just spray everything down I don’t worry about it getting on the brake pads It All wipes off and then first time you use the brakes it burns off so

    Just get it everywhere I uh I really get a lot down in the nether regions cuz that tends to be a filthy part but you do that then you go through with a rag and wipe it all off you got yourself a clean bike hey bike Farmers I just wanted to

    Take this Lull in the action to let you know how much I appreciate apprciate that you’ve clicked in to watch this video now that I’ve been added a little bit I’m starting to learn why everybody’s always asking for more the AdSense money is just barely enough to

    Make it worth starting a channel if I want to sustain this for the long term I’m going to need everyone’s help now don’t get me wrong your attention is enough don’t feel obligated to give more but I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible you can always click the super

    Thanks that’s the heart with the dollar sign in the middle of it or consider a monthly membership the monthly membership will give you a little star next to your name and if you have any questions you can ask them in the comments I’ll see the star and when I

    See it I’ll definitely give you an answer you’ll also have access to a little more behind thes scenes action that non-members can’t see with all that said thank you so much and let’s get back to some bikes Okie does folks we’ll get uh our cables hooked back up Here There we go so this I’m hitting with some power wash just cuz it’s a little greasier down in here a little dirtier rag get that polished up nice and clean lot of this reconditioning of bikes to flip them is you know just making them look good you know nobody wants to buy a

    Filthy bike mechanically a filthy bike could be working just as good as a clean one but especially you know I’m doing this out of a shop it’s guaranteed you know I want to have a good reputation you know give the impression that I care that’s all important and take my cleaner Rag and

    Just kind of take up some of the residue and I’m always kind of rubbing as I go yeah these bikes are just really great my favorite flippers here we got ourselves a pretty filthy Hub Dawn power wash sometimes just a get at the get in the spokes and stuff I’ll get the brush

    Out hit that that’s the hard part to clean right There I do this to just about every bike I tune up I don’t think a lot of people do this is how I do it this is how I’ve been doing it but I I look when I look at bikes I look at the hubs and see how dirty they

    Are I don’t know it’s just how I do it to see if anybody’s ever cared if you’ve cared enough to clean the hubs you know and I wipe down every spoke again this is a this is a tack cloth at this point it’s got a bunch of

    Dawn power wash and behold on it it’s damp it’s got some good filth filth likes to attract filth you know look no further than Washington [Applause] DC this is another one of my techniques Here go through one by one it’s like flossing your teeth folks get in between each one and then go on either side and if you take a somewhat cleaner egg you don’t need much just a little Bit so a lot of times when you clean the rims like this um it makes the braking surface too smooth smooth and you get howling brakes at the end but that’s pretty easy to fix with some memory cloth just rough them up a little bit okay I can still see some

    Grunge on the other side of this Hub reach in there again and help it out from the other way so while I have it in the stand I should probably true it we’ll just use this side for now for demonstration yeah so I’m going to loosen this

    Spoke so you loosen the spokes on the side that it’s touching and then tighten the ones on the opposite side this Rim has like a little bit of a a bump in it like a Bend um it took a hit at some point so we’re never going to get this

    One really good and true so I just use an old spoke to hold this side of the the gauge Over so I can I trew from both sides of the rim I think everybody does I don’t know I guess I haven’t watched anybody through a wheel in a very very long time but I was taught to go back and forth it’s the way I do it works pretty good

    So this is just kind of a normal spot but then there’s right right there you can see there’s a dent in the rim it’s actually right at the seam so you can push the reflector out of the way yeah this is a tricky one and it’s very temperamental I’m getting there yeah so

    This spoke is really loose and so you’ll find you’ll get to a point where you know this one’s loose and this one’s tight so it’s going to be as good as it gets there’s just no more adjustability but we should be able to get it so it

    Doesn’t rub and you won’t feel it when you’re breaking it’s nothing too serious not in need of replacement or any kind of expensive fix good enough for who it’s for okay always look for a good reason to sit down on Woody Chelson some of the regular viewers understand the story of Woody charlson

    All Right little bit of Filth there that one’s broken it’s a three Pronger three Pronger means it’s a 36 hole wheel 36 spoked wheel 36 hold Rim you know wiping as we go there’s a joke in there somewhere wiping as we go just like uh day after hitting the Burrito House okay so this is not my usual angle on things but these are keyed there’s the little guy there and then the little guys there you got to line up the little Guys this is a great tool if you do this a lot Park Tool FR 5.2 That looks way nicer same story with the front wheel we’re just going to clean her up and check it for True needs a little bit of a touch up so we’re just going to hit it with behold let it rip see you on the flip side hey bike Farmers a quick note if

    You’re looking to get serious about fixing bikes at home look no further than the park tool ak5 tool kit I have an affiliate Link in the description this kit provides all the basic tools you’ll need to tune up just about any of the bikes that you see on this channel

    It also comes with the big blue book of bicycle repair written by Calvin over at Park Tool also in the description are affiliate links for all the basic things that I use the grease the Degreaser the one step the dawn power wash we hold if you see anything else that I don’t

    Already have a link for let me know in the comments so I can add it I hope these affiliate links will help encourage you to take this on as a hobby or even start flipping bikes for a living like I do I think I just finished up this Wheel okay back up on the stand we’re going to turn it back into a Bicycle I do this without even thinking but I put my thumb here and then my finger straight out and I hold this do hickey then I grab this thing of a job and I pull the works towards me it goes right in every time needs some adjustment

    But that’s pretty good feels very um tuned up already I like that I like it when I comes together same thing back here get that out of the way do a hickey thing ofama jobber Mama Jama see how that one feels not quite as balanced as the front

    Good spot to drop Lube on brakes is right behind this washer and then right there do that to both sides right behind the washer and right there gravity’s going to pull it down then you can kind of wiggle it like that and then work your lever and wiggle it give it some Chaos all right just let the lube work its way into the system then these are the tension screws I’m going to bring the whole system over this way a little bit that’s still pulling mostly from that side so I’m going to just double check to make sure I got the wheel in Straight okay I’m going to take a little tension off of this side sometimes that’s a better adjustment than adding tension I’m going to add a Little these old prac Promax brakes are better than you’d think okay so that was a little too much um it gets to a point where you just make subtle adjustments they make quite a bit of difference oo there it is when you get it you find it you know It yeah so this guy there’s it’s uh just loose the the brake feels loose it’s got really good tension it’s got an amazing feel but it’s loose so we’re going to tighten the cable a bit loosen the anchor and pull it through and that’s pulled through tight I’m just going to

    Back off a smidge I feel like that was too Much okay maybe it was good back it off a smidge there we go okay and I’m not like tightening it down a ton cuz I want to be able to make micro adjustments as I go there it is I know you’re all doing it aren’t you who there there it

    Is what a stupid song that was man oh there it is oh there it is somebody’s got to do a POA version oh there it Is God I’m already I’m thinking about my next YouTube channel that’s going to start with that video oh there it is this bicycle is damn gorgeous and this cage is hideous it’s got to go I am I haven’t figured out yet if like keeping the bottle cages on the

    Bikes helps them sell or if taking them off and then giving them one for free makes it feel like I’m giving the customer something for free but most of the time I take them off then you can get things really clean too these bolts are a little rusty I

    Should just be able to clean them up with some steel wool then a little bit of Grease there we go I do things left-handed a lot when I’m filming that looks better and then I always just put a drop of triflow in the bolt heads something I learned at budget bicycle Center many

    Years ago where I learned how to do This okay triflow Aerosol you don’t need to use the AOL but I do and then then I use it to clean the chain I go one way and grab down here I go the other way then I shift it up and I Floss make everything clean that’s good stuff right there see how she shifts back down Now Flawless Oh oh okay so Cable’s just a little loose oh yeah you can see it it’s a little loose so that’s what the barrel adjuster is for you can see it’s just poking its head out there we can give it a turn or two here and then what it does is it makes

    The essentially it’s lengthening this piece of housing which will tighten the cable so it’s Lefty Loosey but you can just add a little bit of tension now it’s shifting really good and I think it’s shifting too good yeah I’m just going to turn it in like a half a turn

    These drivetrains are the easiest so good love it bombproof 21 speeds it’s all anyone ever needs actually what’s at 24 speeds whatever love it hard to improve on it and then I believe this front one is yeah it’s non non- indexing so essentially it’s a friction

    Front which as long as the low limit and high limit are set if it’s not throwing a chain you’re good to go spray some lube where it counts one spot underneath spray a Lube little bit of lube up the kickstands butt take a 14 mm and just snug down the kickstand bolt

    So this big Springer saddle super wide is just overkill for this bike I think it’s too much um these are nice Saddles to have on hand for when that conversation comes up so yeah it’s super heavy I mean that’s a big boy saddle but this one does about the same

    Thing it’s just a little bit smaller I think it’s more appropriate for this bike so I’m switching it oh dropped a wrench that was a good one that was very loud and clanky that saddle is pointing straight up into the Heavens oh Lord that looks pretty good this bolt needs to be glut and tight that’s German for good and tight getting towards the end of things here check my petals make sure they’re tight there we go check your crank bolts so this bike I don’t think has ever been tuned up before I think this

    Is its first tuneup It’s usually the second tuneup where I think I think the second tuneup is where bikes really kind of settle into themselves I’m going to tighten the stem bolt down now these adjustable stems this one’s already Way Forward most people that buy these bikes want to be

    Upright so I set it in the middle um I learned to set it all the way up and one click down um but I go in the middle and then I can tell my customers it’ll come back if you want it’ll go down if you

    Want so I set that in the middle anytime you have like adjustability anywhere I just go middle That’s My Philosophy at least you know for most General casual cyclists it’s really hard to imagine um adjustability or how the bike will feel one way or the other and of course you

    Know just a little test ride around the parking lot might give you quick impression worthy of making a decision but you don’t ever know until you go on that first you know 10 M bike ride put that up a little bit I’m guessing here you can do this on

    The ground and then you don’t have to guess guess my angles these bikes ride so nice when you have them set up like this too hard to keep them in stock this is a nice medium size going to have to find a mediumsized dad I’m going to lube the seat post cuz

    I didn’t do that actually I’m going to lube the seat tube it’s always a good idea to drop a little triflow in the mechanism here and just kind of set it to a middle position I okay I’m satisfied with that seat angle it looks like it’s pointing up a little bit but

    Most of the time that’s okay for these upright bikes I’m definitely not okay with this um stem angle that’s pointing straight up into the sky I also don’t like the kickstand length um I hate to replace the kickstand kickstands are pretty cheap so it’s not the end of the

    World but that bike’s going to fall over all the time like I said I was guessing while it was in the stand there is a gauge on the side I could have been reading the gauge but this kind of stuff is easier to do with the bike on the ground you

    Stand over it I see everything’s straight parallel perpendicular tight oh maybe that kickstand is not so bad that kickstand is not bad bad at all actually and I see a little bit of rust in the bolts on the brake levers there’s some dust back here this bike was hung up

    From its rear wheel and stayed that way for a long time that’s what that tells me how do we feel about that bike Huh Woo well there you have it bike Farmers my latest dad bike creation a medium 7200 this bike is good for anyone Not Just Dads so thanks so much for clicking in if you like this content want to see more you got to support the channel you know to click

    The like button subscribe if you haven’t you can send me a super thanks five bucks goes a long way actually right back there is a taco shop five bucks will get me a taco if you watch this far that’s good enough we really like the watch hours so thanks so much for

    Clicking in and don’t forget to click the notification Bell so you and your bike can stay [Applause] tuned


    1. Hey Mr. Farmer, love the videos and love to see your channel starting to gain traction but a small thing that I think would improve the enjoyability of your videos is investing in rights to use some better background music. This one was almost a little distracting to me and didn’t fit the “vibe” of the video. Keep up the great work!

    2. Hey Bike Farmer! I wonder if used Treks sell better than other brands in your area due to the fact that you are so close to the Trek facility. I've got a Trek FX 7.4 that I'm going to put up for sale as soon as the weather hits that sweet spot for riding. It will get the Bike Farmer treatment and someone will be happy with it.

    3. Heya BikeFarmer, love your videos. And because I want you around for a while, I don't feel bad for saying: put some darn gloves on! Tri-flow isn't the kind of thing you want to be washing your hands in. Nice tuneup.

    4. Thanks for all of the videos. I just pulled an old raleigh rapide out of my shed and got it shined up nice and running well. Now I have a nice vintage 10 speed to go with my modern MTB. One to tear up the trails and one to glide around on pavement.

    5. I also clean the hubs every time I tune a bike, but I think my way's a little faster and easier: Wheel is in the truing stand and valve is at 6 o'clock. Grab opposite (diagonal) corners of the rag. Pass one corner between the spokes at the valve, and loop it around the hub so it comes back out towards the valve. Hold the corners of the rag and floss back and forth. Then, to hit the other half of the hub, turn the wheel and push the rag as you go, and do the flossing maneuver 180 degrees from the valve.

    6. Great video! I’d love to see you tackle refurbishing one of the suspension forks that used to come on old Treks like this one. The fork on my old Trek 6500 is getting wonkier by the minute. Still a great bike though

    7. If I didn't know better, I'd say this looks an awful lot like a Giant Cypress DX. I was once told by a Giant high up guy that these were the bikes that ran the industry back then.

    8. Thank you for the great advice. I teach a bike class through Project Bike Tech. I use your videos often for the class. Your explanations make it easy for the students to follow.

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