Livestreamed Sunday Service from Darlington Baptist Church (UK)

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    Hall hallelu in the presence of my enemies ra the Hallelujah louder than the unbelief I raise a Hallelu my weapon is a melody just move that hand K I raise a hallelu heaven comes to fight for me and I’m going to sing in the middle of the storm louder and louder going to hear my Praises Ro Up From the Ashes hope will arise death is defeated King is

    Alive I’ll Raise A Hallelujah with everything inside of me I’ll raise a hallelu I will watch the darknesse I raise a Hallelu in the mid of the mystery I raise a hallelu fear you lost your hold on me oh I’m going to sing in the middle of the storm louder and louder going to hear my Praises Ro Up From the Ashes hope will arise death is defeated King is alive sing a little

    Louder in the presence of my enemies sing a little louder louder than my unbelief little louder my weapon is the melody sing a little louder heaves to fight for me sing a little louder the enemies singing little louder louder than the unbel singing it louder my is a Melody sing a little

    Louder heaven come to fight for me we’ll sing a little louder sing a little louder and I’m going to sing in the middle of the storm louder and louder you’re going to hear my Praises Ro Up From the Ashes hope will arise death is defe the king I’m going to sing oh I’m

    Going to sing in the middle of the stor louder and louder going to hear Praises H From the Ashes hope will arise death is defeated King is [Applause] Alive Hallelujah we welcome you Lord hallelujah Excellent well good morning everybody good morning lovely to see you today as We Gather in this place to worship God together why don’t you take a moment this morning go and find somebody that you haven’t yet welcomed especially if they’re new to us this morning and go and make sure that everybody feels

    Really really welcome here in this place today equal five string Bas because I always think the Bottom’s e and I always end up playing on the wrong bloing string I I only only fabulous I just begin to encourage you to take your seats again this morning playing rugby again

    About lovely so if you could take your seats we will begin our time together just to say if you are in a row where there’s seats in the middle of the row if you could move to one end of the row so the seats are

    All at the end it would be super helpful for Marilyn to be able to see where the spare seats are as people are coming in this morning well can I just extend a really really warm welcome to you as We Gather to worship God in this place this

    Morning if you are with us and visiting for the very first time you are really really welcome here we do have some connect cards um which Marilyn um has at the back of the room there if you get one of those on your way out if you want

    To find out more about Darlington Baptist Church and this community of Believers We Are One Church three locations serving many nations so if you want to find out more about the church here and what we do if you pop an email address on here here for us we would

    Love to be in touch with you a really warm welcome too this morning to those that are gathered With Us online throughout Darlington and the surrounding areas you two are really welcome this morning if you’ve not yet been in touch with us we would love to be in touch with you

    So please do drop us an email at ministers darling. org and we would love to hear from you just a few announcements as we begin this morning um we do have our church actual general meeting coming up annual general meeting coming up on the 14th of March and I

    Need to read this out to our church members we are seeking to appoint Mel IOD as a trustee as we move towards a new CIO members please attend that meeting so we can be quar that’s on the 14th of March straight after church today if you you are here for the first

    Time or if you’ve been coming more recently just in the last month or two we have a new friend’s lunch so the after the meeting just out the back here we’re going to have lunch together and you would be really welcome to stay with us have some lunch and find out more

    About the church here we have our small groups or live groups this week on Thursday if you’re not yet part of a live group but would like to be please catch us at the end and we’re also looking to extend that from simp Thursdays we’re going to have more

    Evening options for Life groups um after Easter so if you can’t do a Thursday you’ll be able to do a different day as that expands we are still in need of one more room for our American team we’ve got a team of American Bible students coming

    Over um to do some Mission with us in a couple of weeks we’re still in need of one more room for them uh from March the 18th to the 27th finally has anybody had a birthday add add to add to is being pointed out who else have we got oh come

    On up come on up any more birthdays just two have we got just two today you birthday could have been last week or it could have been coming up this week fabulous we oh Liz add it to New K Juno lovely what we’re going to do we’re going to sing Happy Birthday to to them and then we’re going to pray for them so let’s celebrate their birthdays together happy birthday to you may God bless you too and may he be with you in all that you Do lovely Juno how old are you on your birthday six six this year she’s getting bigger and bigger isn’t she I won’t ask you to 21 again I think 21 18 I haded new 18 this time okay let’s just pray for these guys for their birthdays shall we father God thank you

    For birthdays thank you for the joy of life thank you God that every breath in our bodies is given by you that every day of Our Lives is given by you that you have ordained our days and our steps before we were ever born Lord God I

    Thank you that you are a God that watches over us the god that neither Slumbers nor sleeps you watch over us through the day and you watch over us through the night you are the god that guides our path you lead us Lord God into places of peace and calm and

    Righteousness and goodness and mercy father God we thank you that your mercy and your grace overflows for these three day after day after day and Lord I pray for their birthdays May they be filled with joy may they be filled filled with the peace of God may they be filled with

    Friendships and family Lord God may they be filled with cake and good things so Lord bless their birthdays and in the year that’s to come Lord God through all the ups and downs that the Year may bring the joys and the Sorrows the hardships and the celebrations Lord

    Through the coming year may they know the god that takes them by the hand the one who never leaves them nor forsakes them and Lord God I pray that in this coming year the best we could pray for each one of them in this coming year may

    They know Jesus Christ more and more we pray and all God’s people said amen amen amen give them a round of applause for their birthdays let’s stand together as we begin to worship God in song this morning we believe in this church that God is worthy of Praise we believe that

    He is great greatly to be praised we believe he’s living he’s active he is at work and so we sing Our praises to Him so would you join us this morning in lifting High the name of Jesus Come All You Weary come all you thirsty come to the well that never runs

    Dry drink of the water come and thirst no more Welcome All You sinners come find his Mercy come to the table he will satisfy Taste of his goodness find what you’re looking For for God so loved the world that he gave us his one and only son to save us whoever believes in him will live [Applause] Forever bring all your failes bring your addictions and come lay them down at the foot of the cross Jesus is waiting with open up the God so love for God’s all love the world that he gave us is one and only son to save us whoever believes in him will live

    For the power of hell defe is the power of Hell forever defeated now his is well I’m walking in Freedom for God’s all the contr of the world praise God praise God praise God praise God from whom all blessing praise him praise him for the wonderers of his love praise God praise

    God from who all blessings Praise Him Praise him for the wonders of his love but God so L the world that he gave us is one and only son to save us whoever believes in him will live forever the of Hell forever defeated now it is well I’m walking in Freedom God’s so love God so love the [Applause]

    World this morning some of our young people are leading Us in worship we can see they’re getting their hands clapping some of our younger worship leaders who began to lead worship with us on a Sunday they were clapping their hands and leading Us in Praise this morning

    Cuz the Bible says clap your hands to the Lord so let’s do that shall we the god the God’s all love the world that he gave us is one and only son to save us whoes in will live forever yes the power of Hell defeated the power of Hell forever defeated now

    It is well I’m walking in Freedom for God’s whole love God’s whole love the world and bring all your failes and bring your addic come lay them down at the foot of the cross Jesus is waiting God so love the world we worship you in this place we lift your Holy Name Hallelujah

    Lord friends we have a god this morning that is worthy of all of our worship a god that is ever good to us ever kind to us ever merciful to us and I just want to celebrate this morning and um Sue I hope you don’t mind but Scott came to

    See me so I hope you don’t mind but we’re just celebrating this morning Scott told me that on the 1st of March Sue has been been sober for 6 months so we just want to give thanks to [Applause] God he is the god that gives us strength

    Isn’t he friends all things are possible through Christ Jesus all things are possible and we just also want to give thanks this morning for you Iris as well don’t weit Iris down here was run over by a bicycle in the week and I ended up having to have IC surgery on her face

    And um she’s done so well she’s been such a superstar and we’ve been praying for it all week I know and we’ve been praying for it all week and we just give thanks to God Iris for you and for your recovery as well this [Applause] morning worthy of every song we could ever

    Sing worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you Jesus the name above all Names Jesus the name above every other name yes he is Jesus the only one who could ever sa worthy of every breath we could ever breae we live for you we live for you we live for You there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in Wonder show me who you are and fill me with your heart and Lead Me In Your Love to those around me sing Jesus the name above every name Jesus the name above every other

    Name Jesus the only one who could ever say worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you oh we live for you we live for you holy there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in

    Wonder show me who you are and fill me with your heart and leave me in your love to those me Lead Me In Your Love Lord God we pray you would lead us in your love for I will build my life upon your love it is a

    Foundation I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be Shen I will build my life your love it is all Sal I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be Shen oh Lord I will not be shaken though

    This world may fight against me I will be victorious in Jesus right for there is no one you are great pra We Sing of Your Love We Sing of Your Love holy holy holy there is no one like you there is beside you open up my eyes in Wonder and

    Show me who you are and fill me with your heart andad in your love To Me Lord we come to you this morning acknowledging that we can build our life upon the rock the rock that does not move the rock that remains firm The Rock who is Jesus Christ who never changes but Remains the Same steadfast in love this week Lord we may have done great

    Things we may have done things that aren’t good but Your Love Remains the Same so Lord we come to you this morning asking you that we get a sense of Your Love again that we tangibly feel the power of your presence through the power of your Holy Spirit at work this morning

    In this place because where two or three are gathered there you are in the midst and you’re here this morning we declare Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that save a w like me I once was lost but now I’m found was blind but now I see was Grace that

    Tau my heart to feel and Grace my face how preious did that Grace appear the I I first by my chains are G I’ve been set free my God myor has ransomed me and like a his Mercy R unending love amazing Gra the Lord has Pro good to me his word my

    Home he will my shield and be as has Life my chains are I’ve been set free I God my S me and his Mercy unending love amazing the Earth shall soon disolve like snow the Sun for to shine but God who call me here below will be [Applause] forever will be be forever you are Forever my chains are gone I’ve been set free I God myor has [Applause] me his unending love unending my chains are gone my chains are gone I set free my God myor hased me and like a FL his Mercy r unending love amazing Praise praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise praise God we’re going to sing that again praise God praise God but I know that in our church here we have at least 20

    Nationalities and lots of different languages and what I’d like us to do this morning and is a sign of our Unity of one God of many nations is to sing praise God in your own language whether it’s Romanian or euroba or isoko whatever language you have this morning Australian praise God whatever language

    You’ve got this morning whatever language you are most comfortable with you might have a Heavenly language and you might want to sing that this morning but let’s all together in our own language praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God euroba sing it out praise

    God praise God Romanians sing it out praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God African brothers and sisters you sing African brothers and sisters sing PR PR European brothers and sisters join in praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God God praise God praise God praise God amen amen hallelujah beautiful moment take your seats would you for me thank you Vicki children’s song lovely so boys and girls and adults just now I am going to need your ears and your help but before I do just one quick announcement next week is baby Noel’s dedication we’re really

    Excited oh what’s a dedication good question so in this church we don’t baptize babies we only baptize people that are old enough to choose for themselves right so you have to be able to choose to be baptized so baby Noel too little to choose to be baptized so

    What her mom and dad are going to do next week is they’re going to bring her to the front of the church and we’ll organize the way in which that’s going to happen but we’ll bring her to the front of the church and then we are

    Going to dedicate her to God and her mom and dad are going to say and the church is going to say Noel we are going to bring you up to know about Jesus until you are old enough to choose for yourself and they’re going to make some

    Promises and we’re going to make make some promises to love and support her and her family and that’s a dedication so they’re giving them to God until they’re old enough to choose for themselves yeah good we’re good we’re good so next week’s the baby dedication and we um there’ll be lots of visitors

    In so just to say if you park um in the car park you might want to get here super early um because there will be lots of extra family and friends coming to support um this dedication so um parking will probably be an issue next

    Week just to warn you you might want to get here early and find another parking space they’re also then going to advertise this week but they’re having something over in favale um sorry furthmore at the community center but they’ll let everybody know um and that’s after church next Sunday okay so just so

    That we’re all aware of that big family event next week all right boys and girls and adults I’m going to need your help we’ve been talking about faith in this church over the last number of weeks so we’re going to think about a story story that Jesus told that’s about

    Faith it goes like this but I’m going to need some help so if you hear me say the word Rock I want everyone to do this rock okay rock rock if you hear me say the word bird I want everyone to do this just twice co co bird

    Okay if you hear me say the word weed I want everyone to do this weed weed okay and if I say you’ll all know this one if you’re regular is the word rain I want everyone to do p p p p Splish Splash okay this is a story boys

    And girls and adults that Jesus told and it’s a parable which is a story that means something and it goes a little if I say forer and it goes a little bit like this there was once a farmer and he went out to his fields and

    He had a look around and he thought to himself H it’s time to begin to sew some seeds and so that farmer went to his shed and got his seed and went out to his farm and looked around and that farmer began to take handfuls of his

    Seed and throw it here and there and everywhere all across his farm boys and girls that farmer through the seed where there were rocks rock that was terrible that was terrible boys and girls that farmer threw his seed near where there were rocks rocks that farmer threw his seed onto the that

    Farmer threw his seed onto the path where them Birds co co might be that farmer threw his seed onto the thin soil where there might be weeds weeds that farmer through his seed everywhere there was not one spot that that farmer did not throw his seeds I’m not doing good with that word

    Today okay so the time passed boys and girls the sun came out and sha beautifully upon the ground and then the rain came P Pata p p splish and then on another day the sun came and then the rain came p p splish splash splash and then the sun came and then

    The rain came p p and then a bit more sun and a bit more rain p p and a bit more rain and eventually some of those seeds began to grow but boys and girls because that farmer had thrown his seeds everywhere the seed boys and girls that the

    Farmer threw that landed on the path even though the sun Shone and the rain came down the birds co co SE the seed upon the path and came down and swooped and gobbled up all that seed and boys and girls because the farmer through his seed everywhere some

    Landed amongst the Rocks Rock and the Stony grounds and boys and girls even though the sun Shone and the rain came down bit b b that seed began to grow but because of the Rocks Rock didn’t have enough depth to get any roots and so they started to grow

    But and and then they died boys and girls because some of that seed that the farmer through began to grow in the good ground he began to grow up but alongside it began to grow some weeds weeds and as the plant grew the weeds weeds grew and they began to choke the

    Plants so that they had no room to grow and they took the water and the other things that they needed and eventually those that grew amongst the weeds weed died but boys and girls there was some seed that the farmer through that landed on the really

    Good ground and that seed when the sun came and the rain came piz p p grew and grew and grew and grew and grew and grew and grew into the most amazing Harvest now boys and girls that story isn’t simply about seeds but that story is about what kind of Hearts we have

    Today do we have hearts that are filled with rocks and stones do we have hearts that’s hard like a path do we have hearts where we let weeds come in or negative thoughts or bad things has come in that will choke the word of God in

    Our hearts or the faith that’s in us or do we make sure our hearts are good that our hearts are good ground for growing Faith who can tell me which boy girl can tell me how can we make sure our hearts are good ground for growing Faith yes reading the Bible

    Yes loving Jesus yes good yes say again not lying to your mom and dad not doing things that are wrong yes leaving people better than we found them yes last one not worshiping anyone but Jesus Iris loving people a really last one by following the Ten Commandments

    And what the Bible teaches us boys and girls oh I’ve got two more that I didn’t go to the back Juno oh she forgot do you have one here in the middle as well no we’ve moved on from that okay boys and girls we’re going to do a song together just now so

    Do all the boys and girls want to come up to help us come on boys and girls there’s loads of you this morning morning you’re all welcome to come up onto the platform and help us with this song come on boys and girls we’re going to take our offering

    As we do our Our Song this morning we’re going to do taller than the mountains deeper than the sea so everyone needs to stand please please stand if you’re able we’re going to do taller than the mountains deeper than the sea and we’re taking our offering opportunity to worship god with our

    Finances let’s do that together here we go tall in the mountains taller than the mountains deeper than the sea I can’t think of anything as big as God’s love for me taller than the mountains everybody actions deeper than the Sea I can’t think of anything it’s big as God’s love for me it’s longer than the words at school you find it really hard to spell it’s wider than an elephant and it’s more faithful as well it’s greater than your football team winning 15 mil the love of God is wonderful

    Absolutely everybody taller than the mountains deeper than the sea deeper than the sea I can’t think of anything as big as God’s love for me taller than the mountains deeper than the sea I can’t think of anything as big as God’s love for me it’s bigger than this

    Church this street it’s bigger than this town it’s great because it picks you up when you’re feeling down it’s not bothered if you’re F thing or if you’re big or small you could have it any time you taller than the mountains with smile taller than the I can’t think of anything as big as God’s love for me taller than the mountain deeper than the sea deeper than the sea I can’t think of anything as big as God’s love for me as God’s love for me God’s love for me everyone on the actions God’s love love for me last Time God’s love for Me amazing we’re just going to pray for our boys and girls as they go to their class so boys and girls just be quiet for a moment father God thank you for every boy and girl in this place thank you that you’ve chosen us and you you’ve

    Uh brought brought them to this place to worship you as they go to their classes now may they be more like you and learn all about you in Jesus name amen boys and girls if you don’t know where to go follow the leaders out to your classes they will take you to the

    Appropriate places I just take a per moment to say hello to the person next to you if you’ve not done that yet if you weren’t here at the start just take a moment well the boys and girls depart just before I open God’s word I’m just going to have a moment of prayer

    With us this morning so if you can adopt a prayer position whatever you find most comfortable whether that’s closing your eyes whether that’s kneeling whether that’s having your eyes open there’s no right or wrong way to pray but we are going to pray to God so let’s just adopt

    A quieter pos position for a moment father God we come before you this morning thanking you that you are good thanking you that you’re here thanking you that through our week you have walked alongside us and at moments you have carried us you’ve never left us

    For a moment but you have been with us and you are faithful Lord we thank you this morning that you’re present by the power of your spirit in every circumstance and every situation Lord we come to you this morning knowing that we need you knowing that we have done

    Things wrong this week and knowing that you are forgiving God we bring to mind those things and we ask you to forgive us knowing that you’re faithful to forgive we come before you this morning asking you to heal asking you to uphold and asking you to strengthen many of our

    People in the congregation who are unwell we think of Alan Stewart back in hospital we think of Ivon Jones um away with a a broken leg and um struggling we think of um the blow family who are all at home this morning and watching online through illness

    There are many who we bring into your care this morning knowing that you are faithful we bring our world situation to you also Lord some things seem really difficult for us to to bring into your care because they seem so big but you are bigger than everything you created

    All things so Lord help us not to fear that you are not able but to trust that you are we bring our own personal circumstances to you as we open your word we ask that you would help us to listen attentively to what it is that

    You’re going to say to us and through us your word always brings forth the fruit that it was intended to do so Lord bless our time together now as we open your word in Jesus name amen amen so let me take you back to Saturday night in in the

    1990s in my childhood home which is actually about a mile and a half from here we’ve got nl’s house party on the TV with Mr Blobby we’ve just had sausages mashed potato and onion gravy because that’s what we had on a Saturday night after going to the football and we

    Decide to get the board games out we get should we get Monopoly out no cuz Dad always cheats and he’s the banker anybody know that should we get operation out well you know oper a little game where you have to get the tweezers and you have to get the little

    Pieces out and if you don’t quite get it out it buzzes but unfortunately we’ve lost the Adams apple and we’ve lost the funny born so we can’t get those out so we think well what about guess who everyone loves guess who it’s a board

    Game where you get a set of um faces in front of you on a Flipboard and the other person gets a card and you’ve got to work out who the person that they’ve got is by asking them questions like do they wear glasses do do they have a

    Mustache and I love that game so much as a child that me and the boys often play Church guess who sadly from we’ll sit we’ll sit together and we’ll I’ll pick someone from church and they’ll go do they work in Sunday school are they African but their first question is

    Always this is it Jimmy seon Jimmy I don’t know why but that’s always their first question is it Jimmy seon and sometimes it is this morning we’re continuing our series on Kingdom Heroes and we’re going to look at somebody who rejected their most defining attribute if we were to play a

    Game of biblical guess who so if you’ve got a Bible with you would you turn to Hebrews chapter 11 this famous passage of scripture that we’ve been looking at for six seven weeks now and we’re going to read the next part along from verse 24 to verse 29 so this is Hebrews chapter

    11: 24- 29 n I’ll read from verse 23 actually because that puts it in context by faith Moses parents hid him for three months after he was born because they saw he was no ordinary child and they were not afraid of the king’s edict by faith

    Moses when he grown up refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter he chose to be ill treated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin he regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of Greater value than the treasures

    Of Egypt because he was looking ahead to his reward by faith he left Egypt not fearing the king’s anger he persevered because he saw him who is Invisible by faith he kept the Passover and the application of blood so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not

    Touch the firstborn of Israel by faith the people passed through the Red Sea on dry land but when the Egyptians tried to do so they were Drowned God always blesses a public reading of his inspired and his infallible word so let me give you a bit of backstory to the life of

    Moses many of you will be familiar but I know that there are people in here who are reasonably new to Faith so he Moses was a Hebrew boy and he was born in the time of the king’s edict as verse 23 says and the King’s edict was that every

    Firstborn Hebrew boy was to be thrown into the Nile we find that in Exodus 1:22 where it says this Pharaoh gave this order to all his people every Hebrew Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile so Moses is born he spends three months being hidden by his

    Mom and then his mom goes to the Nile and puts him into uh the the the Reeds along the River Bank his sister’s watching and watching what happens next Pharaoh’s daughter finds the baby and uh the baby’s crying MOS is crying so she feels sorry for him so she um goes to

    The baby and fair Pharaoh’s sister’s watching all of this Pharaoh’s sister goes up to uh sorry Pharaoh s Moses’s sister’s watching all this and goes up to uh Pharaoh’s daughter and basically moses’ real mother gets paid to look after Moses through some miracle of God the child gets older he was given to

    Pharaoh’s daughter she calls him Moses which means she Drew him out of the water Moses then goes to kill an Egyptian and because the Egyptian was beating a Hebrew Moses then does a runner in in a place in the backside of the desert in a most dire moment Moses

    Has this encounter with God in a burning bush God tells Moses he has to go to pharaoh to set his people free out of captivity Moses says I don’t want to do that I’m not equipped for that God gives him Aaron who is Moses’s brother who can speak for him because

    Moses has got some sort of speech impediment so he goes 10 times he says to Pharaoh let my people go and Pharaoh says no eventually pharaoh lent after plagues and uh the people do go Hallelujah but then sadly the pharaoh changed his mind chases after the people the people have

    Got the Red Sea in front of them they’ve got the is the um Egyptian Army behind them Moses raises his staff Red Sea Parts they go through the Red Sea get to the side Moses raises his staff again the sea then drowns the Egyptians that’s Exodus chapter 1 to verse 15 the Barry

    Thompson translation it’s all there if you want to make sure but there are six things that Moses did within this that I want to look at this morning and each of them will be shorter because there’s six and I usually do three you’re got in double bubble this

    Morning the first thing I want us to notice that Moses did by faith was that he refused Moses was a son of Pharaoh’s daughter the Pharaoh is basically the top person in the country some theologians believe that fa that Pharaoh only had a few descendants and Moses

    Would have been the chief of those descendants we can’t prove that in scripture scripture doesn’t go that far but what scripture does say is that Moses would have inherited he would have been the heir of a lot of wealth from the Pharaoh but he refused that he

    Refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter because he had a greater identity his identity was as a person of God and friends we have an identity crisis in our culture we think that admiration plus achievement equals acceptance or wealth plus wine is well-being or power plus personality is

    Prosperity but the truth is we only find ourselves when we find Christ we only find who we are when we find who he says that we are you see this morning I could label myself many things many positive things I could label myself as friend friendly or caring or positive I could

    Label myself with my attributes um musical leader speaker or I could label myself with my titles Pastor dad son husband yet none of these are sufficient you see each of these are subject to my status and each of these will no longer one day be true I don’t want to shock

    You but there might be a day when I’m no longer caring there might be a day when I’m not positive although they’re all they’re they’re less at the minute with darlington’s form let me tell you but there might be a day when I’m not friendly or not caring or not positive

    There might be a day when I’m Ill or through older age are not able to have the skill set that I have now I might not be always be able to play the piano or the guitar my titles will change there’ll one day my parents may pass

    Will pass away and I will no longer be able to be called Son by them but there is one name that will never fail and that is the title child of God it’s an issue of identity in my experience it’s not so much however that we think of all

    The positive attributes of ourselves but often it’s we think of ourselves negatively we place labels upon ourselves that the Lord would not have us Place upon ourselves we feel like we are ashamed we feel like we’re unworthy we think of ourselves less than others

    Losers in love or life or in our line of work and in our deepest moments we all feel like that but it is a lie of the enemy sometimes we feel like the words that have been spoken over us are our own fault that will never amount to

    Anything that what happened in the past was our own fault that will be stuck where we are forever but friends listen the good news of the Gospel is that there is New Life available ailable available today someone decided to follow Jesus a couple of weeks ago just

    At the front here and they sent me a message this week they said everything just seems to be falling into place lately I feel like it’s a chance of a new life and it really is you see I want to remind every one of you this morning

    That you are the apple of God’s eye you are dearly loved you are called and adopted into his family you are a child of God you you are the head not the tail you are joined to God you are accepted unconditionally loved a coair with Christ no longer condemned a new

    Creation set free and a friend of Jesus if you choose to be hallu thank you Jay by faith Moses refused to be hemmed in by what the world thought of him but chose to be recognized by who God said he was this morning maybe some of us need to refuse the world’s boundaries

    And call on The God Who is our father secondly I told you we were going to be quick secondly we find that the Moses by faith chose to be aligned with the people of God so he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter but he

    Chose to be aligned with the people of God Moses was brought up in a society that didn’t recognize God much like our society today friends there a world outside of our doors that really doesn’t care about our spirituality many of us find when we become Christians and start living life

    Differently that many of our friends are no longer our friends anymore because we’re not doing what we used to do many of us here this morning have decided to follow Jesus but following Jesus is a daily Choice one day we may set that that course that we’re going to follow

    Christ whether that’s in a service or a small group or at home but Jesus invites us not to take up the cross once or on an annual basis on Covenant Sunday or once a month or one we feel like it but we to take up our cross daily so every

    Day we get up and every day we’ve got to choose to follow Jesus every day we have decisions and choices to make as to whether we’re going to accept the things that God has ordained in his word is right and is pleasing or whether we’re going to reject them we all know that

    Doing things that against God’s commands isn’t good for us yet we find ourselves embroiled in the sin that the writer of Hebrews says so easily entangles us and if you and I don’t make choices towards God then we will make choices in the other direction even if there is no

    Choice to be made because by not making a choice we will follow our other path you see Paul talks in the Book of Romans about having two Natures about having a spiritual nature and an evil nature and Rod often says which one do we feed the

    Most you see if we feed our spirit by opening the word by praying as the boys and girls helped us to think about if we feed our spirit by worshiping if we feed our spirit by being in fellowship if we feed our spirit by praying if we feed

    Our spirit by coming out to meet with Christians then the spirit will grow but if we don’t feed our spirit then the evil nature wins out see I’m really aware of humans Humanity’s Pro propensity to sin because I’m a human and I too have Temptation day after day whether it’s Financial or

    Sexual or relational or emotional there’s probably something you know that is a bit of a thorn in the flesh for you something that could easily take you off track with God that’s why Moses here aligned himself with the people of God which brings suffering rather than the pleasure of sin which is

    Fleeting we need one another to help us out to warn us when we’re straying to correct Us in love for not living the way that the Lord would have us to to align ourselves with the people of God means that we listen to others when they point out that we’ve gone astray

    When we’re not honoring Christ with our lifestyle and sometimes that isn’t easy sometimes that’s a rough road and sometimes you wish people wouldn’t tell you but 1 Corinthians 15:33 says Bad Company corrupts good character who do we listen to if there’s any aspect of Our Lives when we’re choosing anything other than following

    God’s way with the greatest of respect we need to seek his forgiveness and his help I don’t need to go through a list of fleeting sins you probably know them all I simply pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart right now in fact I’m just going to pray that

    He will father God would you just touch by the power of your spirit right now any areas of Our Lives when we are not honoring you Lord you’re welcome as I place my hand upon my heart to T to search me and test me and to know my

    Anxious thoughts and to see if there’s any offensive way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting Lord would you do that for each person here this morning in the name of Jesus Amen thirdly over the last few weeks we’ve talked about exercising Faith by waiting

    For the promise of God whether it’s 120 years like Noah 25 years like Abraham and Sarah or 20 years like Joseph with faith there is always always always an element of waiting always an element of waiting you see Moses was waiting for the long term he reg guarded disgrace for the sake of

    Christ as of greater value Than The Treasure of Egypt because he was looking ahead to his reward there’s a famous experiment done where children aged around four given a marshmallow and they’re told if they don’t eat that marshmallow within 15 minutes then they’re going to get another everybody leaves the room and

    There’s just a child in a marshmallow 80% of the children nibble at that marshmallow the average time of that they nibble it 12 minutes which I think is quite good I found it fascinating though that the children were willing to wait for so long and just a short time before their

    Reward they give in just a short they’ve only got three more minutes they’re about 80% of the way through they reward is just there but they fail at the last minute to hold on friends you and I those who have decided to follow Jesus have a lasting reward Hebrews 12:2 says for the

    Joy set before him Christ endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God how was Christ able to endure the cross because they knew there was something better to come the children in that experiment wanted their reward here and now and

    Actually the statistics say that the children who were able to delay gratification their CH those children were much more successful in later life we’re to live for eternity not for Earth We’re to set our hearts on the things above not below we to live for heaven not for Here We to

    Have a kingdom mindset not a nowden mindset what would it really like if we like Moses lived for eternity you see often we keep things back just in case God doesn’t come through just so that we have enough s safety for our time here on Earth sometimes life has been described as

    This sometimes life has been described as getting to death as safely as possible that’s a bit of an oxymoron isn’t it life is trying to get to death as safely as possible our lives should be about living for the reward that is come because like Moses those of us who

    Follow Christ have found him to be of what does the scripture say found him to be of greater value Christ is of greater value than the world around us than the treasures of this world we spoke a lot about this in 2023 we spoke a lot about having counterfeit

    Gods we had a throne here and we spoke about the different things that we put on the throne whether that’s finances or relationships or money or whatever it is what we put on the throne instead of Christ Jesus do you remember we spent about 12 weeks I think looking at that

    So let me ask you as we go back to that for a moment how are you doing on that is Jesus still on the throne of your life you see Romans 122 calls us living sacrifices and the problem with a Living Sacrifice is it can roll off the

    Altar and I wonder if any of us this morning have rolled off the altar are your relationships sacrificed to him is your time sacrificed to him is your job sacrificed to him are your finan is sacrificed to him there is no greater treasure than knowing Jesus but

    Often we don’t live like that and I would love us to sing along with Graeme Kendrick this morning knowing you Jesus knowing you there is no greater thing and live in that manner fourthly we’re halfway there you see Moses Faith looked like something he acted in verse

    27 faith without works is dead says the Book of James and the faith of Moses looked like leaving Egypt not fearing about the king’s anger Faith sometimes is a bold Act of Courage that looks a little bit crazy to the outside world but the people of God know it’s an Act

    Of Faith we’ve said a number of times in this series that faith is believing that God will act on his promises and living like it faith is believing that God will act on his promises and living like it and here we see Moses acting in faith he

    Decides what that God will do what he said he will do and he sets off out of Egypt but we quickly find out that just because God says it doesn’t mean that everything is going to be plain sailing indeed Moses might wish that he could have done some sailing when he gets to

    The Red Sea with uh the Red Sea in front of him and the Egyptian Army behind him the New Living Translation says that he kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible how do we keep our eyes on

    The one who is invisible how do we see something that is not visible we see it through spiritual eyes not through our physical eyes you see Moses in this moment could either say God has forgotten me God has forsaken me God isn’t there that’s what his people were

    Saying behind him they were all mourning at him complaining at complaining at him saying well we should have just stayed back there what have you brought us here for to die so we could have we can have a an attitude where we can say God’s forgotten me he’s forsaken me isn’t real

    Or we can say well God’s got me this far he’s going to see me through I’m going to come back to that in just a moment the fifth thing I want to think about is in verse 28 By Faith he continued in his relationship with God it’s important to

    Recognize in verse 28 that Moses continued to be faithful in the small things he kept the Passover not just meaning that he kept it going for himself but meaning that that he instituted it over the entire Community the people of God could have thought the Passover was something from the old days

    It was no longer required that God rescued his people from Egypt he would rescue the firstborn but God and Moses had a covenantal relationship that needed to be upheld and friends so do we our relationship with God though our relationship with God is not through the blood of a lamb painted on a

    Door but through the blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world how do we prioritize that relationship do we make time for our relationship with God coming out to life groups and to prayer groups to be in community together with Christ Moses

    Commitment to the Passover affected the whole Community Moses commitment to the Passover affected the whole Community his relationship with God affected the whole Community your relationship with God affects our community Community do you know that tell a person next to you your relationship with God affects our

    Community now say it with a bit of meaning your relationship with God affects our community so my question is if your relationship with God affects our community what is your relationship with God like is it the best that it could be reading here reading and praying and

    Life grouping and all that stuff serving giving is it the best that it could be see a couple of weeks ago we had a shortened service here didn’t we do you remember and encouraged everyone to pray and to think as this church continues to grow with hardly a spare seat this

    Morning you’ll see we’ve had to close some of the balcony off for for a short period of time um to make it safe so we’ve got people up on the balcony this morning with the kids in there was hardly any seats was there so if we want

    To continue to grow because this isn’t this isn’t it just because we’re full here this is just the start of what God is what what he wants to do and we had this prophetic word those of you who are visiting in 1847 I wasn’t a pastor at that time but

    There’s a prophetic word in 1847 when uh the church was just beginning to be birthed the Baptist Church in Darlington it was this this little one will become a thousand we’re about 250ish now with our amongst our three congregations so there’s still a lot of

    Work to be T we’re seeing boys Bo I look down there said boys we’re seeing men and women and boys and girls coming to know Jesus Lord and Savior for the very first time we’ve seen nine this year in two months God is at work but we need

    One another and we need you and let me tell you this church need you don’t think that you can just come on a Sunday morning and go away again you can’t because it is not the kingdom of God you’re here to serve and we talked we

    Put a couple of caveats upon that a couple of weeks ago saying that if you if you’re like if you’re in a in the hospital place and you need some res you need some time to rescue and to reflect then that’s fine um we put some caveats

    On that that’s on YouTube if you want to watch that but your relationship with God affects us as Moses faithfulness matters so does your faithfulness matter here and over the next few weeks and months we’re going to be continuing to ask you where your faithfulness with God

    Lead you to serve and finally and this is I believe the most significant part of our scripture this morning is that by faith Moses overcame we’ll see that in verse 29 Moses is the leader of the People by faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land but when the

    Egyptians tried to do so they were drowned Moses had the Red Sea in front of him the Egyptian Army behind him the people complaining in his ear and yet his faith said do not be afraid stand firm and you will see the Deliverance the Lord will bring you today and I

    Believe that prophetically some of us need to hear that word and take it on board today do not be afraid stand firm and you will see the Deliverance the Lord will bring you today by faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land but when the

    Egyptians tried to do so they were drowned and those of us who trust in God will also overcome those who trust in God will also overcome in a American churches would have said amen in African churches I would have thought you might have said amen too we’ll we’ll overcome we’ll overcome

    Addiction and struggles and ill health and even death friends is overcome through Jesus that’s the good news of the gospel of Christ The Light of Christ has Shone on the world and the Darkness cannot what overcome it 1 John 5:5 says who is it that overcomes the world only

    The one who believes that Jesus is the son of God if you don’t believe Jesus is the son of God yet if you’re gathered here today or watching online and you’re you’re just kind of working out if this God thing is true let me tell you the

    Scripture is the truth and the scripture says only he who believes in the Son of God is an overcomer Jesus himself says in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world we serve a God who overcame death on the cross

    That he might live again that we might live because he lives Because He Lives I have tomorrow because he lives my hope is secure because he lives my sin is Forgiven because he lives and so friend I declare today in the name of Jesus and

    I hear some of you will need to take this on board really powerfully today I was just praying this morning and God gave me this extra bit friend I declare in the name of Jesus that in situations which will lead others to sorrow you will pass through in circumstances that

    Look like death you will find a path that leads to life in Times where it appears as so you are surrounded you will know the pathway of Peace no weapon formed against you will prosper you will find Victory where defeat seems inevitable you will triumph over testing Temptations you will rise when ridicule

    Rounds upon you you will see the Savior success over Satan’s schemes in moments of panic you will stand on the word of the prince of peace unharmed and Unbound like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace you will find a fourth man in your fire and he will be the son

    Of man Jesus Christ surrounding you protecting you holding you and keeping you until the day he comes again and you will see the goodness of God Amen come on Jesus Come On Jesus you might believe that you’re a good as good as dead but

    Last week who did we a few weeks ago who did we look at who was as good as dead Abraham who’s as good as dead you might feel you’re as good as dead spiritually physically or emotionally but in the name of Jesus I prophesy in the name of Jesus I prophesy

    This morning as there was once a man who was dead who rose again that in your spirit physically or emotionally you will see a rising too there is a spiritual comeback listen to that word powerful word there’s a spiritual comeback that I believe will occur this morning such a

    Strong prophetic word as I Was preparing this morning the word come back you might feel dead but Jesus was dead and he reigns forever more friend if you feel dead this morning believe me there is a Resurrection coming Hallelujah there’s a Resurrection coming and it’s coming this morning it’s coming this

    Morning will you take it do you leave it will you receive it there’s a comeback coming and as I’m prep preparing just this morning the Lord said this The Comeback isn’t only one who rises again but that word is this come back somebody here this morning is away from

    God and he says come back someone or maybe more than one one person’s drifted away from God and he’s coming for you like the shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep and goes for the one he is coming for you will you come back to his fault right now your heart’s

    Pounding and you know it’s you but you don’t want to admit it maybe you’ve been on the verge of committing to follow Jesus maybe you’ve been coming close to him but you’ve never yet crossed over that line and said I want to follow him Jesus says this morning come back come

    Close make sure your identity is in me friend come back I want to pray for us this morning that we would be a people who would refuse to be known by an identity other than Christ who would choose to follow Christ rather than the fleeting pleasures of

    Sin in that we will be patient in seeking his reward that when he asks us to act we would do regardless of what it might look like that we continue to do the small things of faith and that we would know in Christ Jesus we overcome let’s pray Jesus you’re welcome Jesus you’re

    Welcome Lord this morning we come to you with many different thoughts in our hearts and Minds maybe some of us come this morning feeling spiritually emotionally or physically dead and Lord you want to raise us to life just as you raised Christ from the dead you’re going to raise us to life

    This morning just as we feel hopeless and Powerless you’re going to raise us Lord give us boldness and courage this morning that we wouldn’t stay in our seat but that we come and get some prayer because actually that’s what we’re going to do those of us who need that Lord

    Convict Us by the power of your spirit right now in Jesus name those of us who need to stand on that prophetic word this morning that the comeback is coming the resurrection is here Lord help us to be faithful to stand in your promise and on your

    Word and Lord if there’s anybody here this morning who doesn’t yet know you and that word have come back is for them or has anybody drifted away and that word is come back is for them then Lord in the name of Jesus I ask you to convict concerning that word and bring

    Them to the foot of the cross where we know there is level ground it doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire or if you’ve got no money doesn’t matter if you’ve got a job or you’re unemployed it doesn’t matter if you’re old or young doesn’t matter if you you had a

    Great upbringing or a terrible upbringing the ground at the foot of the cross is level anyone can come so this morning we’re going to sing a closing song together and as we do so we’re going to respond to Jesus and I would love like and encourage anybody who needs prayer to

    Come into this area down here on my right your left or to the front where Mike and Liz will be and one or two others will be to come we’re singing a song about Christ being our Firm Foundation The Rock on which we stand Vicki didn’t know what we were

    Preaching about today but with that message with the boys and girls it’s just so been had God all over this this morning so would you maybe stand all together just now would you stand in Jesus name and if you need someone to pray with you

    I want to encourage you not to wait but to come and you might be the sort of person who says I don’t get prayer I don’t I’m not the person who comes for prayer then I think God would be challenging your pride this morning so let’s worship Him and as we

    Worship him stand on his word and come and receive some prayer and welcome him the god of the comeback Christ is my firm foundation The Rock on which I stand when everything around me Shen I’ve never been more glad that I put my faith in Jesus he’s never let me down he’s faithful through generations so why would he fail now he Won’t he won’t I’ve still got joy in p i’ got peace that makes no sense when going under I’m not Hell by My Own Strength but I put my faith in Jesus he’s never let me down he’s faithful in every season so why would he fail now he won’t he won he won’t fail he won’t fail he won Rain came and wind blew but my house was buil on you I with you I’m going to make it sing it out this morning rain came and wind blew up my house buil on you I’m safe with you I’m going to make it through I’m going to make it

    Through cuz my house was built on you Christ is my firm foundation The Rock on which I stand when everything around me Shen I’ve never been more glad that I put my faith in Jesus he’s never let me down he’s faithful through Generation so why would he fail now won’t he won’t he Won’t he won’t fail he won’t fail he won’t fail he won’t Fail he won’t fail he won we’re going to sing the bridge rain came and wind blew but my house was built on you I’m safe with you I’m going to make it through and this morning if that’s you and you want to just declare that you’re

    Holding on to Jesus I’d love you to raise your hands to symbol that symbol that symbolize that and he might want some prayer there’s people to come and pray in Europe available this morning rain came wind BL rain came and wind but my buil on you I’m safe with you I’m going To my house was bu you safe with you I’m going to make it through I’m going to make it through cuz my house is built on you rain came winds blue I’m going to make it through I I’m safe with you my house was built on you my house was built on

    You oh I’m going to make it through Christ is my firm foundation The Rock on which I stand when everything around me Shen I’ve never been more glad that I put my faith in Jesus he’s never let me down he’s faithful through generations so why would he fail now he w he Won’t he won’t fail he won’t fail he won’t fail he won’t fail he won’t fail no he won’t thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you God that you’re faithful to your promises help us to trust and hope and rely upon your goodness we say with Peter where else could we

    Turn who else holds the words of eternal life Jesus thank you Jesus Holy Spirit you are welcome here come FL this place and fill the atmosphere your glory god is what a heart long for to be overcome by your presence Lord your presence Lord I’ve tasted and seen the sweetest of

    Loves i’ tasted and seen of the sweetest my heart becomes free where my heart and my shame is undone and my shame is undone in your presence Lord in your presence Lord Holy Spirit you’re welcome In Holy Spirit you are welcome me come flood this place Billy atmosphere your glory god is what a heart long for to be over overcome by your presence Lord your presence Lord Father thank you for meeting with your people this morning thank you that you’re faithful may we go from this place with your resurrection power knowing that you are at work may we like Moses fix our eyes on the invisible we love you God thank you in Jesus mighty

    Name amen amen amen thank you for being with us this morning if anybody would like prayer then we do make this prayer area here available if you have decided to follow Jesus this morning and you’ve never yet done that then please come and see me and Vicki down here we’d love to

    Pray with you and to solidify that just come down here otherwise um tea and coffee is served in the um Conservatory through there and if you’re staying for lunch we’ll be getting that organized in about half an hour or so so please just stay for lunch if you um are

    A new person and you haven’t signed up for lunch don’t worry just come along the Lord did it with a few Loaves and a few fish so he’ll do it with a few gelof rice and pizza so I’m sure that’ll be fine so thank you thank you for being with Us He won’t he won’t fail he won’t fail he won’t Fail no he won’t he won’t Oh Oh

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