Hello everyone this is February the 27th 2024 it’s noon hour and yeah I’ve been out doing video today I’m on my second one now so I same information as the last one but anyways it’s about uh 5° out right now last last video was 2° about 5 now out and such a

    Beautiful day it’s like spring out here really really nice day and uh I’m in the North End I’m going I think I’m going to walk over to Windsor Street maybe and do a bit on that area and then we’ll see where we go from there right now I’m at the corner

    Of Young Street and Roby right there young and Roby Camp Road take your back camp Camp Road just before Robby okay let’s go we’ll see when we get over here where we want to go not 100% sure yet I’m sure we’ll find something interesting to do

    I saw my wife go by while I was in the coffee shop see if I run into her night she went by while I was in there and I called her what she was in the area sometimes my path and hers don’t don’t cross because where she has to do her

    Deliveries and where I decide to go it don’t always uh not always the same sometimes it works out sometimes it don’t I may see may not we’ll see but one thing for sure if I don’t run into her here I’ll see her at home I remember when that building was

    Just a hole in the ground was that Longo here it is now all finished well I wouldn’t say it was finished but the outside looks pretty much done inside I don’t know looks like they’re doing a little bit of work to the bottom there are going to be here what’s in

    There last time I was over here it was it was much colder today is beautiful look at all the water in the road the snow is really melting oh we just can’t wait for the spring and the warm weather and get rid of these old winter

    Jackets and take them off put them in the closet not to be seen till next year that’s going to be the Happy Day take off these jackets the wind has come up a little bit since my first video today which was this morning now this is afternoon

    And the wind has risen a little bit but not really that much you see the flags there they’re kind of flying a little bit but not too much it’s okay you won’t even be able to hear the wind in the phone well now I got to figure out where I

    Want to go this is kind of the the crossroads here this is where we figure out where we want to go I had to stop at uh Tim whorton’s and I know that was just an excuse was it no really I had to stop at Tim

    Hardens and charge up my gimbal cuz it was one light flashing and once you get down to you need all all three lights going because once you get down to the to the flashing one and it’s it can go dead on here pretty quick so I

    I stayed in there I put plugged in my battery to it and charged it all back up and and I think that will see us through for this video wel on Windsor we’ll walk that wave oh right see we see where we go from here I’m not going to walk all the way

    Across on Windor I’m going to take some other streets here we got to explore places we haven’t been too much you know what they call that building right there it’s an arena what apparently by the sign is called the Halifax Civic Center I had no idea that was called the Halifax cific

    Center I’ve been here since 2018 didn’t notice that before H OFA civic center right there it’s uh Tim Horton at Young and Roby had a security guard on duty today in there I’m not sure if anything happened at that Tim Horton or what was uh up there

    But it was he was making his presence known for sure so all I can say something must to happen there to make them resort to putting a security guard in the in the store I didn’t ask around what brought that on but anyway I guess that’s the state of uh

    The state of things in the city now yeah they have to have security guards at Tim whon are things getting worse I don’t know I have no idea if things are getting worse why we need a security guard at Tim hoodens I don’t know

    Oh I might have the win now this is very calm right here have you guys had enough of winter yet I think I think that’s a sentiment of just about everybody we’ve had enough now take it away be gone we want spring I’m with you I think we had enough winter for now

    I got to say the time from since Christmas till now went by so fast I can I can barely imagine how we got to to we’re almost to the first of March to more days it seems like just a few weeks ago was Christmas here it is

    Now the rest of December past January past February P oh here we are little bit over two months have passed since Christmas look over here at this Horizon when we came here in 2018 none of this was here none of that and none of those buildings where the cram are were here

    And there’s more there’s more coming up I can tell you that there’s more coming up for Roby Street how do I know I just do I know there’s quite a a bit of project yet for Roby Street alond street right here at the corner of Windsor and

    Almond I guess I’ll hang out here and wait for the wait for the light to change I won’t bother uh going across right Now there we go go across almond just looking down almond the gold barers shop F cot styling shaving threading Walkins welcome I’m going to go soon and get my uh long hair cut back a bit summer’s coming on the warm weather and I don’t want to deal with that in

    The heat I’m going to get a I don’t think I’m going to get a buzz cup but I’m going to get her cut back a little bit look at the grass that got dug up here with plowing on the sidewalk now we’re building where we live there was new grass put down there

    Just before the building opened and I see it’s a lot of it torn up from the snow plows and Y look Windsor and Windsor Windsor Street and Windsor Terrace the people here can say I live at the corner of Windsor and Windsor that’s what I would say if I

    Lived here over there at the corner of Windsor and Windor and they look at you like are you joking me believe it or not the street if I stay on Windsor it’ll bring me out really close to where I started my well well where I came up from my video when I

    Came up through the H Halifax comment on my last video this will take me back to that area very close so then we got to decide where we’re going to go to make our video a minimum of 45 minutes there always that can only me one thing we’re coming out to the corner

    Of North Street and winds are very soon maybe a couple maybe one small street or two and then we’re going to be at the corner I think it’s one small street or this is just the driveway into a so I think there no more small streets so next intersection is is North Street

    North Street and yeah I had to go in spend about half an hour in Tim maron’s charging up my phone you know I couldn’t just sit in there and not buy something right so it’s it’s not my fault I had to uh drink another coffee are you buying it no

    Okay now it made the time go better though having a nice uh Tims yep sit in there for a while that probably took me half an hour to get this gimbal charge back up lucky I got my my battery my trusty battery I carry with me every time

    Before I go to make sure it’s charged to its fullest and then it can do the job one day I’m going to get a bigger one bigger battery that one is pretty good but I’ve had it a while now and things do get you know not like they were when they were

    New now I think I’m probably on my second year now of of that battery so that’s had a lot of use especially in the winter time your stuff goes dead quicker and you stopping coffee shop and wait while you recharge everything and then go back

    Out which I don’t mind CU it gives you a chance to take a little break have a coffee yeah it’s okay it’s all good right yep here we are North Street and Robi whoops sorry North Street and Windsor didn’t mean to say Roby Roby I’m

    Off R down a block okay North Street and Windor that’s the street we’re on hope I didn’t say Roy before I might have if I said Roby before forget about it it’s Windsor okay I might have made a mistake I just realized I had said Robby all right let’s let’s go down

    Let’s go down um nor Street want to walk East on North Street keep my direction straight and my mistake saying Roby it was Windsor Windsor not Roby the next uh major down here will be Roby we’ll jig jog her way home we go a little different route than I came

    Up how I know what we can do I know what we can do we can walk all the way down North Street then take Brunswick down town you want to do that that’ll give me lot to walking for today got to say Hey you know you got to keep walking keep

    Exercising we have a gym in our building sometimes I get on the treadmill there and but not the same thing walking down the sidewalk is not like walking on a treadmill oh we’re going down North Street now North is a is a through Street do will take you right

    To the bridge if I want to take the McDonald bridge over to dth I can go right straight down on this road but I don’t want to take the McDonald Bridge the darkness today look at that girl with a bare arms out and I’ve got a a coat and a sweater

    On I should be as shamed myself well I overdressed it was cool when I left the house this morning it’s not now now it’s uh it’s nice out now but I can’t do much about it because I got my coat on and my sweater

    And and there not much I can do got to keep it on don’t feel like carrying it so but that’s as the weather changes right you have to uh decide what you’re going to wear today see what I will do when the when the weather just gets a few more degrees

    Warm the days that it’s warm I’ll leave my heavy jacket home I’ll wear my sweater and I’ll put a light windbreaker over the top my sweater and that way it’s much better as the as the spring progresses there what’s going right there it’s a twostory twostory building no and then there’s that one

    Two three four four give be like six stories on one end and two story out here going right there across from Clifton Clifton Street and it’s also C in in that way just goes right across North Street okay ja a blends right over there I used

    To go in there all the time I don’t know lately I haven’t been going in the same path I was walking Jo I haven’t been in this area right walk right past you J blend very often there is one downtown on fille street and I’ve been to that one

    But I haven’t been in this one for quite some time and I just came from Tim Horton so I won’t be going there today as nice as it is I won’t be going there today so that little street that goes right down to those new buildings is King

    Street so that’s a good thing to know if you’re coming up North Street and you want to go down there what your buildings are all done and take King Street right after you a blend make a make if you’re coming up make a right after ja

    Then and the next street here is roing I’m not taking that cuz I walked up Roby so I’m going to have to go another rout here let’s see how long have I been walking wow 24 minutes it felt like 4 minutes it don’t feel like I’ve been walking 24

    Minutes oh well we’re off o clock I’m not even going to time it I’m just going to walk and it is what it is if it’s longer it’ll be longer that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to walk straight down North Street and then we’re going to cut down

    Over the hill just before the bridge and we’re going to go Brunswick Street downtown that sounds like a deal okay that’s what we’re going to do here we are north and Robi North and Robi now we really are on oby street now not wind it’s

    Roby before I think I said will be a couple of times when I meant winter make sure I’m not holding anybody up behind me there I’m going to move right along here Oh look The the camera got broken out at the thing that this is video surveil but it

    Won’t be from that one that one broke this is the phone company we were walking on the other side of it when I said there’s Bell a phone company building this is it right here I got a friend in Ontario guy used to play music with his wife worked at

    Bell right here before they went to Ontario she worked at Bell cuz one day I was walking by here and I made a video and he happened to see it and he told me that’s where my wife worked when we lived in Helifax at Bell there you go and I have a story

    About my wife at B her truck broke down once in the back part there’s a driveway comes in the back for deliveries she started to back out onto the street got halfway out and the front wheel flopped right over on the ground she couldn’t get back in she

    Couldn’t back out of the way had to wait for a tow truck they sent the wrong tow truck the first time I couldn’t pick up her truck then we had to wait again I was there with her I came over she called me and told me what was going

    On and I come over and kep her got me that was when she owned the other truck was older much older than the one she has now oh it was prone to things breaking cuz it was old but now she’s got a nice almost new truck mail I think it’s 2020

    3 or 2022 I’m not sure I think it’s a 2023 some of this right here can be slippery I just stepped on something back there and my heel slipped so I got to be careful see there’s ice right there so I guess got to be careful on

    That that I don’t take a cble even though stuff is melting it can still be uh slippery too like right here yeah I can feel it under my feet cuz it’s in the shade if I were on that side of the street it wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be uh

    Sppy it’d be all melted cuz see the sidewalk dry over there but here it’s in the shade more in the afternoon so it doesn’t uh dry out as quickly and here’s Mayor Street I’ll let this guy get out so I don’t hold him up a friend of mine I know casual casual

    Friend I’ll call lives on manner Street someone I met about I don’t know 3 years ago maybe and he was left two or three different places since then and one day I ran into him down at the water front Tim Haron he told me lived on men

    Down and there’s a bridge over there we’re not taking it I could but I could take it but not today we’ll save that for another day okay we’ll save the bridge for another day as much fun as it is there’s a Northwood uh Senior Care Center not sure what they call it that

    Says Halifax campus but uh nor nursing home it’s in there I guess it’s both maybe they teach nursing there too if the H that can I don’t know anyway it is the Northwood uh nursing area one of my wife’s delivery stopped well all my lights are still on in my gimbal so I’m

    Good I find once you get down to just one light flashing that’s when the phone starts to wander around on the gimbal a little more and you have to keep fixing it and then it uh does some things that’s not great so you got to keep all those lights lit up

    There’s one yellow one and three green ones so anytime I lose one of the lights I try to stop in somewhere and plug my battery into it charge it back up again and here’s gon and I’m not taking gon today cuz I walked out not too long

    Ago but we haven’t walked the whole length of brunck for a while especially going towards the city so we’re going to do that today well I saw my wife go by when I was at Tim whorton and I never saw her again so I guess I’m not going to see her now

    Today cuz I’ll likely be gone before she gets down to the Waterfront look at the water running down the sidewalk here this won’t have ice cuz it’s out in the sun but the Shady spots you got to be careful they could be slippery wood haveen you right here

    There’s the Navy base right over there the gate where you go in Angus McDonald Bridge right there I lived on the other side of the harbor for quite a while before I ended up moving oh I think this is it right there I think this is U the street I

    Want not down there here this one let’s take the let’s take the Sunny Side yeah this is this is the street I wanted go I was on part of the street the last week but not the whole street just just part of it so today we’re going to walk

    All the way downtown on it North news apartments and Tow houses down in there yeah Brunswick is a nice street because it’s uh well it must be only noon how about later than that it’s only noon the cannon goes off at 12:00 noon so it’s uh I got a bit of time

    Today very good as I was going to say Brunswick is a really nice Street to walk or ride a bike because it’s U almost level it’s got a slight incline right here but it’s almost level not hilly like some streets here yeah I like I like

    Runs runs parallel to Goden which is up through there and the other side of that Park area is Goden they both go the same direction make our way downtown and I’ll end my video when I get down to the oh I don’t know somewhere somewhere downtown I don’t even know what I want

    To do the rest of the afternoon if I want to get on the buos go back home I do I want to hang out I’m not sure I know I’ve had enough coffee for today so that’s not on my list for anything guys I haven’t got a lot of work to do

    Do at home when I get home I took care of most of the dishes this morning there was a few I dirty after that but pretty much most to take care of since my wife is working I try to look after all that stuff so she doesn’t have to come home and start

    Working it’s not really great to have to work all day and lifting things and you know and hurrying around then have to come home and start washing dishes and cleaning and taking up garbage no you don’t want to do that when you’re work all day I know I used to do

    It when we were in Ontario we both worked all day and we both got home most usually around the same time sometimes I was lzy but the last thing you want to do is housework when you worked all day so I’m I’m tuned into that I know look at this

    Here A new building going up right here that’s what it’s going to look like I guess like that right there trying to blend it in with the houses that are here I guess yeah 38 residential units on four levels trying to make it fit in with the

    Houses cuz the other houses there’s no tall buildings here you never get a permit to build a tall building here it’s got to kind of it kind of looks like those ones see there’s those there’s those houses and here’s these ones it’s going to fit right in where all the other

    Buildings and UNC Square come straight down here to brunwick then goes up to Gin so yeah that’s what that’s the look at that building good size building though one two three four one two three four five can look like 5, but they’re all Blended together so that’s

    Really yeah hope God this is a place where I guess I get free meals away stuff like that for the I think that’s Place seen it several times walking by here there’s a historic building down here there’s a few historic bildes down here’s one that CH that little church right

    There I know I showed that to people before not everybody’s been watching my videos for the last 3 years some of them just moved here maybe just discovered me on YouTube Jo always okay to show show it again because a lot of people came here from Ontario and Quebec and other countries

    And maybe they just discovering H Fox Walker and his videos and they don’t know the city well so in that case I’ll be willing to share what knowledge I have with you not saying I know everything I’ve only been here since 2018 I do my best to try to find

    Out and pass it on here’s a little plaque right here about this church the Little Dutch Church they’re called okay let’s see the church and burial ground be eloquent witness to the German speaking people who settled in this quality Nova Scotia okay and this the Baran ground was set aside in

    1752 and this building was erected in I’m not going to read the whole thing but was erected in 1756 and served as a church school and social Center well into the 19th century for the German population so let’s take a look this was a small church but it has

    A steeple on it look at that the little that shirt it says here 1750 to 17 52 okay Anglican it was the Anglican Church Anglican book of common car is All Souls curl East the minday and the real Church belongs to the same same uh it’s affiliated with

    The same denomination as the Round Church which is also Anglican which we’ve looked at that too it’s called let’s see I can’t quite pronounce it I got have another look it’s called gersy gersy street gersy street see if I got it right gersy g e r r i s h grocery Street all

    Right we’ll make our way on down down like I said there’s construction cranes everywhere you look in this city there’s construction cranes even the south end now we starting to get some uh construction going on down there yeah some of these Vance they can just picture them when they were new they

    Were like elegant they had like even got people faces all the windows you was put a lot of work into the decorating back then now they build it and put it up put some paint on it and there you’re good to go never mind any fancy

    Stuff can you hear that fireing going on that sounds like a ambulance how many minutes have I been at this 40 years something like that that’s good I’ll be past my 45 before I finish I don’t have to stop my 45 that’s my ideal Mark but an hour is

    Okay I think any more than an hour boy 45 minutes it’s just right I think 30 might be a little too L A Little Too Short but maybe not for everybody it’s hard to get everybody’s uh endurance level look at this little balcony up there on the on the Upper Floor with a

    Lot iron railing around it I love these buildings they’re so nice and I love buildings that come right out to the sidewalk so you can just step out your door the only snow you got to shovel is like the first step in this case two steps and you’re right there right there

    At the sidewalk love it this porch looks like an ADD and it probably wasn’t part of that house at one time but somebody uh built that and now it’s heated and this is a Catholic church right here say St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church looks pretty old too might we might get it

    Up I think it’s also what herit designated Heritage building they put B plaques on them a designated Heritage building St Patrick’s Church was being built between 1883 and 1885 it’s over a hundred years old I see it’s in na of some repairs up there St Patrick’s goic CHS join us for

    Our vibrant Sunday math at 9:30 a.m. vibrant that sounds like they might have a choir and maybe they got an organist on a hem and B3 and he’s uh throwing in some Hot Licks I don’t know I’m only guessing most of those big Catholic churches they’ve got pipe organs they got a lot

    Of those pipes up in the wall there and and uh that’s what you hear we were in a church in Toronto that had pipes a pipe wiring and they had a lot of pipes in that church some of them were like a foot in diam there and like 40 ft High

    Then others like real short and skinny you know to make all the notes right but that was an amazing sound coming from that pipe organ there’s the round chge right there and we can round CH which I did a little little story on that one time and one of my videos we

    Have to go back in the archives there a bit to find it well watching Brunswick is nice nice Street nice Street to walk see that tall building right there in the background that wasn’t there a year ago was partly there two years ago there wasn’t nothing

    Of it there I don’t think maybe the hole in the ground and look now they added a lot to the skyline right there there’s a church right there could use some work the paint is coming off but that’ be surprising with a little bit of work they did this side

    Right here and they did the upper part but with a little bit of work and that was all pain begin that would look good a little bit more traffic down in this end of Brunswick CU a lot more people live down here got multiple uh dwelling homes and apartments up there in

    Gan so it’s yeah much busier right here this end I’d say from from um that last corner to the end is the busy half of uh Brunswick when we were up in Montreal sorry there’s a lot of streets that kind of looked like this a good many streets up there Montreal

    Resemble the streets in Halifax oh I guess the the workers are taking a smoke break over there I see a United moving vehicle there they could be working on that or they could be doing some other working here anyway taking a break yep that wasn’t even there now

    Look it added so much to this area right here I love it every time I see a new building getting built it just excites me you think our City Halifax is getting more more like a a big city we’re about a half a million people right here now got a ways to

    Go that we are one of the good SI cities around in this country half a million is good now after living in Toronto where you got like three and a half million It’s a Small Change it’s a it’s a big change coming coming here from throttle

    But we’ve been here a while now we’re kind of adjusted made the adjustment I can tell you one thing about it that’s a lot better even in Russ shower it don’t take you an hour to get home in Toronto it does it can take you two hours depending on where you live

    Where you work if you live in missa and you’re working scy bro it could easily take you two hours to get home after work we don’t have that here not yet that way not for quite a while I suppose there will be stores in the bottom of this building right

    Here I would imagine some shops you want to see it for how high it is when you’re right close okay here we go here we go look at the new building there you go pretty high a good a good addition to our downtown guideline the wind is picking up because

    We’re going to get rain rain tonight and tomorrow and that’s why I wanted to make two videos today cuz I may not get back out making videos for another couple of days well somebody lost the heater was probably garbage bu Place Apple s stor that’s good good

    Uh thing to have in the area right here with all these new apartments going up CU a lot of times if you move your and your place you’re getting is smaller than what you had before you could be looking for a storage and it’s right there perfectly pled

    Trust him for over 35 years that story’s place right there right on brck corner of Brunswick and cwell now we’re back into familiar territory you want to have a look at the Cogswell project again and see what’s new every few days there’s something new so we could take another

    Look and see what it looks like here let’s do that let’s just take another little look oh they’re filling it in filling it in here wow yeah I would say there’s not there probably not going to be any more overpasses down there this is just going to be a street going

    Down and coming up what it looks like I could be wrong I’ve been wrong before can’t remember when but I know what has said happened you say what you’ve been wrong I know it’s hard to believe that is the case all right let me look at what time I’ve

    Get on here I got to get in the shade though to see it we have been past one hour now so what do you say I just sign off right here right here with that big building in the background and we’ll show a little bit of stuff up the

    Hill okay well that work work that work for you okay if you enjoy this video don’t forget to push that like and if you’re not yet a subscriber push that subscribe button that will help out a little bit and uh if you want to get a notification

    There’s a there’s a bell there you just push that and every time I post a video you just get a little thing I watch other people’s videos and I get a little dang and I don’t find it annoying at all it’s just a one Little D and you see

    Uh action K made a new video or Johnny strides in Toronto made a new video I got a few of them on my phone and I get a little ding say they made a video yes video makers like to see other people’s videos and uh so it doesn’t bother me

    That I get a little ding on there anyways enough about that yeah with that I’m just going to TI off here I hope you have having a really nice day take care be safe and I’ll see you all in the next video bye for now

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