So guys another Friday and a chance to ride and Muse our love of biking, and dreams of the elusive Voge DSX 900. We are all hoping it blows us away, but with so much expectation are we heading for a fall, even at the crazy introductory price. Time will tell

    Okay guys been a while since I made a video a good few weeks been kind of busy with the work and other bits and pieces plus there’s not a lot going on at the moment uh with regards to news on the DSX 900 I’m still waiting uh for a

    Confirmed delivery date there’s been a lot of speculation on YouTube of when it’s going to be arriving and I’ve seen a few posts on Facebook saying that the first uh first bikes are going to be in uh Spain whether they’re going to be test bikes or they’re going to be first batch

    That’s going out to customers they’re going to be arriving the first fortnite of April so yeah we’re looking at uh another four or five weeks maybe till we get the first batch of uh bikes here into Spain and lots of speculation lots of banter on the internet and on various

    Forums as to the quality and uh the vog 900 DSX isn’t a BMW well anyone with Alpha Brain will obviously know that the DSX 900 is not a BMW it’s not built by BMW it’s built by uh launching under their brand voge but we know from all reports that a

    Few of the components are sistered over from the f900 GS uh namely the new 900cc engine although it’s uh downrated on power somewhat so to uh the f900 GS the GS model I believe is under 45 brake horsepower where the DSX is going to be somewhere around

    94 so about 10 10 horses less 10 ponies less than the BMW model but I think to the people who are buying the DSX the reasons for buying that bike are pretty obvious to be honest $8,000 888 here in Spain plus about €300 onroad cost so hovering around the 9 Grand

    Mark and even the cheapest F uh 900 GS you’re looking at 5 grand more but looking at the specs on the DSs DSX 900 voge they’re more comparable not to the base model of the uh f900 the BMW but more akin to the adventure model uh so yeah we’re looking at the uh

    F900 GSX Adventure which has got the uh the bars and bits and Bobs fitted well you’re going up considerably when you’re looking at uh them options on there with the heated grips uh cruise control all the bells and whistles quick shifter Etc the price starts Rising dramatically from the base price of around

    14,000 so yeah it remains to be seen what the DSX 900 is going to be like what the build quality is going to be like uh whether people are going to be pleased with it whether people are going to continue with the orders that they’ve placed now again a lot of speculation

    With uh pre-placed orders and amounts of deposits put down on this bike here in Spain I’ve noticed on various forums some bike dealers are taken a 300 EUR a deposit others aren’t stipulating you can pretty much put down what you want on the bike I put a a grand down on mine

    ,000 and the general consensus was that uh it will be a non-refundable deposit or that’s the way people were looking at it now I don’t think any motorbike dealer is going to hold you to a full non-refundable deposit without seeing visually seeing the bike you’re obviously showing an interest and

    You put a deposit down as an early early investor if you like in uh this particular motorcycle or early uh Trier or whatever you want to put it as so I would assume what will happen if you decide to pull out of the deal that you’ve arranged with your local

    Dealer there’ll probably two options that I can think will be available the first one is that the dealer will refund your deposit in full once another person has purchase the bike so the bike will going to stock I can’t see it remaining in stock for any period of time to be

    Honest there’s a a big amount of uh interest in this particular model so I think that’ll be option number one that the you will get your deposit back after the bike sold which will be very very quick in my opinion the other option if you put a

    Small deposit down you will probably get a voucher for inore apparel elmets or whatever you want to spend it on but either way you’ll get your value back that you put down if you want to pull out the deal not that I think many will some

    Maybe will a very small percentage but I I think in general the overall build quality is going to be just fine with the components that are on the bike uh yeah so I’m out and about on the Suzuki vrom the 650 uh I have advertised it for sale to

    Raise some of the money to go towards the DSX 900 uh but uh as of yet I haven’t sold it I’ve had a lot of interest I’ve had a person who wanted it was going to pay me the full price but couldn’t raise the money and at the moment because we’ve

    Still got a month or so and I’m using the bike uh the vrom I’ve got the uh Royal Enfield if I need to get out on a bike but I tend to use this one more and I tend to use this if I’m going out with my wife ping especially with all the

    Luggage on it to go shopp and in some ways I’ll be reluctant to uh get rid of the vrom it may be I know this sounds completely off kilter and it sounds stupid it may be that I’ll uh hang on to the V for a while alongside

    The uh the new bike and uh see what direction things take now one of the things I’m looking forward to with the new bike where the vom falls short is like I’ve said in previous videos I really enjoyed the little Himalayan when I had that and the reason

    I enjoyed it was was surrounded by some stunning Countryside and trails and Forestry tracks up in the mountains that we get out on and I just find the vrom just not up to the task the suspension is nonadjustable on the front the setup is more geared to Adventure touring on road and off-road

    And the suspension travel is very very limited probably about 150 160 m of travel uh and to be honest the suspension is not overly soft even though you’ve got uh manual settings on the rear of the bike so you can soften it or Harden it however you like yeah

    So things are changing within the automotive uh motorcycle industry the Chinese have as I’ve said in other videos they have been notorious for cloning bikes and copying bikes but the fact that BMW and KCM are Outsourcing their manufacturer of their engines even though the design patent and everything

    Belongs to KTM and BMW gives us uh a lot of confidence in the fact that big Brands like KTM and BMW have got confidence in Chinese Manufacturing in on their their setup that they’ve got over there I mean you’ve only got to look at Apple with the iPhone and iPad

    And nearly all the rest of the phones that we use are made over in China so they’ve got the technology there but the the blatant copying has been a problem in the past I know the people some people especially with phones and applications uh via the app market are a

    Bit dubious of Chinese and Chinese phones there’s this crazy idea that we’re all being watched and Big Brothers got an eye on us why they want to keep an eye on us I don’t know to be honest if you’ve got nothing to worry about there’s you know there’s nothing really to be

    Scared about unless you’re doing something totally illegal and then obviously you should have some uh concern or reason to worry yeah it’s uh it’s not in I think anyone’s interest to try and scam you out of anything so if you buy a Chinese product Chinese phone like likewise once

    We get the DSX 900 we’re going to get the same thing with the TF screen I saw a video the other day on uh Facebook of a guy who’s got the 525 DSX and there’s a mod for the screen which is virtually the same as the 900

    So that you can mirror the your phone and straight onto the screen so you can have your Android mirrored just as you would on a TV or a monitor so you can use full uh Google Maps on the screen integrated and at the bottom of the screen you still have integration for

    Your speedometer and rev counter and gear changes Etc Etc so there’s lots of things you can do and I mean people are going to be saying well you know the GPS and all the rest of it on the Chinese bik is going to be tracking you but I

    Think people are overthinking things too much to be honest I there’s no most people apart from your buying habits and shopping habits I don’t think uh anyone is really interested in anything so uh where are we well we’re into the first week or so of March we just past the first week of

    March and here in Spain the temperatures have dropped a little bit it’s a maximum of 17 today currently 14 I hope this wind noise that’s uh on the outside is not being picked up too much on the mic really really Breezy today I’m getting a

    Lot of buffet in a lot of wind noise so yeah we’ve got 14° at the moment with a high of 17 I quite quite like it I mean i’ I’ve only got cycling jeans on boots on a jacket I haven’t got the uh winter bossoms on and I’m quite happy in 14

    Toodling around as long as my top of my hands are warm yeah so yeah another couple of weeks till we get to Spring officially spring on the 21st of March and uh temperatures looking to rise a bit next week we’re looking at midweek temperatures rising up into the

    Mid 20s with lows of 9 and 10 overnight so they’re going to be quite uh quite mild feel quite mild so guys I don’t know how many of you uh who watch this channel have put an order down on the DSX 900 whether here in Spain or in Europe in general as

    I’ve said previously the price varies and I know in Germany I think it’s about 995,000 EUR in Germany Italy is probably similar Portugal and Spain seems to be the same price uh South American countries I’m not sure what it is over there in uh Mexican dollars or Bas or whatever

    They use over there but uh I’m sure we’ll find out when the bikes get uh Road tested it’s quite strange the absence of any real videos are road tests by customers at the moment I think a lot of the videos we’ve seen are by uh test mules if you like who are testing

    The bike in Portugal in Russia not in Portugal in Russia and uh South America yeah so I think the same thing occurred with the imilan prior to it being released for public test there was a few videos put out by Royal mfield of the mlay and go around the MERS with the

    Test teams on the pre-production models and I think things have been pretty tightly kept Under Wraps what I can’t understand is that we’re now seeing pictures and videos showing the vog DSX 900 to be the 2024 model and previous models are slightly different showing the 2023 model well you would

    Think if it was released in 2023 there would be Road goinging models but uh I’m assuming that’s because of the timing with the f900 GS from BMW so I’m assuming that BMW had a not a gag order but a a stop order till they release their bikes and we know

    Their bikes are out being tested and Road ridden uh from dealerships I’ve seen a few videos and the bike looks fantastic yeah so very much uh a period of anticipation you would think that uh over the last 12 months that this bike has been seen to be shown on the internet through Chinese

    Bikes Russians ikma and the different shows that they would have tried and tested the bike and ironed out any bugs that are in the bike I know when the uh mt800 came out there were a few uh few bugs with that with the mapping on the uh KTM engine that’s in the

    Mt CF Moto mt800 and I think they’ve iron that out pretty much with new mapping so from what I can gather especially on the videos that I’ve seen from Peru in recent days the guy saying there’s plenty of talk in the bike and it runs smoothly Etc so we’ll have to wait and

    See a few more reviews and hopefully as soon as I get mine I’ll uh get a full uh pickup and ride review and a full overall view of the bike and my opinions my Impressions build quality like say I have had a Chinese built bike before I

    Had the Benelli 500 with the little Scrambler and to be honest I couldn’t really fault the build quality on that I didn’t like the uh the Riser ends on the top they looked a bit a bit faux if you like or not F what’s the word they didn’t look as high

    Quality I mean probably just the design of them and I think looking at the DSX the oh the adjustable heads on the top uh do very similar so a similar design that uh maybe not to everyone’s liking but we’ll have to wait and see anyway guys I’m going to carry on

    Toodling around uh the local Countryside and enjoying uh a bit of uh Chicken Soup for the Soul for motorbikers and I’ll uh leave it with you here and I’ll catch you in the next video and any updates I get any news I get on the DSX 900 I’ll get a video out

    To you guys so ride Safe Keep two wheels down and I’ll catch you in the near very near future peace out guys

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