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    Time for another round of overrated or underrated I’m going to read out a list of things and you are going to tell me if they are overrated or underrated first up we have a suggestion from Alex about jerona so I found Jona to be overrated it’s nice but almost everywhere in Spain

    Is nice to ride bikes but a lot of places are cheaper less busy in Brackets with influences and have great food too so is drona overrated my I’ve never been there myself I’ve been to Barcelona I a decent chunk of that coast and it is all

    Very very nice uh the pictures I’ve seen from lots of my friends that have been to a Jona it looks pretty basic it’s definitely not somewhere people are going because it looks beautiful it looks the same as a lot of places in Spain um apparently the riding is very

    Good historically lots of Pros used to go there because it was quiet but it had a lot of variety in the style of riding and I think that’s probably why it’s become very popular I’ve never been so not qualified comment but this has come up in the bike shop quite a few times

    James jobber that works me uh races for KY team usually Ones based in Asia so he he’s really lucky in terms of that kid just rides in the nicest places around the world like guadaloop in the South Pacific he rides in the Caribbean every year he’s done last year it was Poland

    France Bulgaria he races in Taiwan he raced in China he did uh the tour of Saudi Saudi Arabia so he he rides everywhere loads of people always ask him in the shop because he’s always way where’s the nicest place you’ve ever in your bike and he’s answer 100% is always

    Your owner he loves more he’s not an influence or anything like that he just really likes the roads riding over there specifically the riding rather than the no no he’s not a coffee or any kind of fancy person like he’s that kid loves to ride his bike CU isn’t that the thing

    About Jona it’s got like little cycling specific cafes and shops and that sort of thing well there’s a couple there it’s not it’s not a huge scene it’s it’s obviously grown recently because it’s become popular but become a substitute to mayorca because meca was very busy it

    It became popular because lots of pro teams used to go there right and and I believe the reason and this is actually one I’ve spoken to James about it as well I believe the reason it’s popular is that you can get a lot of variety in

    Riding in a very small space so you can do flat rides you can do Mountain rides you can do gravel rid you know you can do lots of different types of training from one base whereas for example if you go to 10 Reef you’re going to get a lot

    Of altitude train riding a Blum Mountain but that’s about it that’s that’s all you’re going to get whereas you can go to droner and you can you can do your easy rides you can do your hard rides yeah when I was in infantry we did for the Infantry Cy sorry for the Army

    Cycling Champs the Infantry sent us all to uh the Pines for two weeks to train on a training camp and I must say some of the nicest places that I rode was near Andora and closer to Barcelona and Jona so I just assume if that is what

    The scenery is like over there it was just really nice to ride your bike um I’ve always found once again I haven’t been so I’m not but just from looking at the climbs and things in mayorca everybody loves to go there I’d like to go and see what it’s like I just don’t

    Think the climbs are big enough well you want to go tenar Reef then it almost comes down I mean people like different things on holidays some people don’t like to be bothered some people want to be around hustle and bustle but it’s one of those things as well and I always

    Think it with films if you see that a film is really highly rated you usually watch it and are disappointed if you just find something and you know nothing about it and you go and you’re like oh and you watch it and you’re like oh that was actually really really good

    Sometimes overhyping can make you like stuff less if you’re going there thinking it’s the best place on Earth it probably isn’t going to be so I think it probably is overrated however I don’t exactly know oh what I can definitely say is underrated is cycling in Spain so

    I’ I I’ve started in alante and I made it as far as I can’t actually remember what it’s called until I got food poisoning and the whole of that east coast of space is just it it isn’t amazing to look at but the roads are good cars generally stay away from you

    There’s climbs there’s not climbs the coast is beautiful there’s loads of food options riding in Spain I think is massively underrated the context of this is we live in the UK and it’s really cheap to get I don’t know a flight a Ryan Air flight over to Spain and go and

    Ride if you’re in the US listening to this do not think that you need to go to Jona or Spain because it’s the greatest place on Earth you know what I mean so you you’d have such an anticlimax going to drona from America if you live in the

    US you going to fly some you ride a bike it’s 100% Newcastle gravel cuz this is where everything happens next up we have uh and this is one for Nick we’ve actually I’m pretty sure we’ve covered this previously or at the very least Francis and I have had a conversation

    About it but I think with Nick being here being a bike shop owner and a mechanic for a bazillion years it’s a good point of view or a good angle to come from direct to Consumer Brands overrated I say this from a bike shop perspective um they want to have their

    Cake and eat it and I suppose that is fine but constantly we have issues I’m going to use Canyon as example wiggle as an example for the online well they sell things to people and they aren’t able to offer proper after service so something’s broken and the always answer

    Is take it back to your local bike shop but these brands are actively trying to kill local bike shops but they still expect us to help them are well they’re not they’re not actively trying to kill bike shops they are because they’re trying to cut out the bike shops but

    What they are doing is likely to kill they I guess I guess they have to have an awareness that what they are doing will have an impact on I can guarantee if you ask Kenyon can we sell can are you would you what your end goal would

    Be to sell everybody their bikes and make sure people only buy from them which is yeah uh you seeing it on the forums more and more like bike shops saying they’re going to stop selling stuff they’re just going to work as service centers but then it’s yeah

    Um the big thing is that you’re buying stuff from there it is better priced most of the time but at the same time it’s when you need help or advice or somebody like it’s just you still have to go to the bike shops I know I’m biased I completely understand that I

    Think yeah I I guess the problem with this is from a consumer’s point of view they get they think well I’m getting a better deal if I buy a bike from someone like Canyon so that’s not my problem um and if you don’t want to service my bike

    Someone else will you’re not always getting a better deal though that’s the one thing I keep trying to tell to people cuz in some instances uh people go off back in the day everybody went off pricing of group sets it’s still a massive thing where somebody says oh

    It’s got an aler group set and you just assume whatever bike is got an aler groups that should cost this much and then that would be a cheaper bike and it’s yes but you can’t just go for the groups and what are you getting for the

    Rest of the bike um we’ve seen with custom builds as well if you’re buying a very expensive bike you could buy something for cheaper on there but then you instantly have to change what Wheels you want what tires you want what handlebar length stem I think Canyon’s

    Getting better with that but it’s just more of a yeah I’m biased it’s it’s it’s killing bike shops um and it’s overrated I do agree it will be having an impact on some bike some regions because there’s going to be certain shops which are impacted more than others just because that’s how things

    Work like like Canyon selling however many bikes doesn’t have an impact on you uh not as much it or it might have an impact but it be an insignificant impact whereas a bike shop which sells predominantly sells 1,000 to 3,000 bikes will definitely feel more of an impact

    Than someone like yourself which sells a lot of highend custom bills we’re not the norm like as a bike shop we’ve been very fortunate and we are completely we do only custom we deal in we only do drop our road and gravel bikes we don’t deal with anything else we don’t stock

    Bikes in either by not stocking bikes in we’re not pressured to sell a customer something because we’re overstocked and stuff so you don’t get the case of I’ve got 40 bikes in the shop you come in to buy a bike and technically the right bike we don’t have but then as a bike

    Shop you think oh I have to sell one of these bikes because if I don’t sell it I’m going to be stuck with it which a lot to which is a problem so then all of a sudden the bike’s selling in the wrong bike so we don’t have that we we’ve got

    A stock in groups now because it’s easy and I need stock of them but it’s I’m not pressured to sell you any of that um and then the frame sets we just order in at the moment I think we’ve got three frame sets in that’s not sold but

    They’re all ordered my size Kind Show kind of but it’s just to show people some stuff but I’m not pressured to sell them they’re not your specific models either um but yeah the online bike shops is sorry direct consumer is killing the the traditional Bike Shop Yeah by trying

    To uncut them all these things and then expecting we get phone calls of people saying I’ve bought these wheels of Wiggle uh they’re not true straight away um you’ve got to Wiggles just said I should bring it to you to have a trude and they’ll pay you and they they tell

    Us how much they’re paying us which is another thing gets me we’ve done a canyon before where they’ve had those extendable bars it’s come in the bar was cracked day one so then Canyon sent the guy to us and then said we will pay you this much well you can’t dictate how

    Much you’re paying the shop because it was less than what we would have charged to have it fixed and then that came fited and that one cracked right away again so the guy got to say and second time I just said I’m sorry just send it back to Canyon then the customer

    Says to you that well it’s not convenient send it back to Canyon you’re like but you can’t you wanted the convenience of buying it from them you can’t have Best of Both Worlds the convenience of buying it from the online but then allone inconvenience if he taking to your local bike shop when

    You’ve got a problem it’s a bit of it needs to be a balance you surely can but you can’t assume that it’s not going to be expensive to fix so like like if like you can charge whatever you want but then the customer can go to any bike shop that they want

    So like ultimately if someone is buying something from a brand like Canyon they just need to be aware that if stuff goes wrong they might have to find a solution and pay money to fix it exactly um yeah what I actually think a lot of people

    Miss is is there are a hell of a lot of good independent bike shops there are also a lot of rubbish bike shops out there if and I there The Annoying Thing is there isn’t an easy way of working out what’s what if you do find a good

    Independent bike shop then you’re going to get VA as much value from buying a bike from them as you are buying a canyon like I know if I’m buying a bike off you excluding the fact that you’re my mate and you’ll do me a good deal or

    A better example example is I know you’ve sold bikes to customers that are not your mates that are unbelievably good value because you understand the bigger process and they would get the same value on the surface if they were buying one from Canyon but they don’t then get all of the additional Aftercare

    We’ve started doing a new thing in the shop which has been quite good it’s just to kind of give us an idea of what’s happening but also the customer where every day I get one of our customers coming in saying oh this is wrong or that or something small problem

    They’ve had they’ve been to M hanger or they’ve had a puncture or uh leine is quite a good example tubeless top up and then most of the time I’ll just do it for free um but what I’ve started doing now is I do stick it through the till

    Still against their name with the charge zeroed out just to kind of track the discounts um and there’s somebody like Chris who you know one of the club members we worked out he’s had something like £6,000 worth of discount this year already for free if you add it all up

    It’s kind of well yes if your initial Buy bike was2 or 300 more expensive over a year or so with small things you need doing to your bike you’ve won again massively I mean they massive massively won on what yeah um so that’s the anomaly is the person that buys a bike

    And has no issues with it yeah which which does happen as well which does occasionally happen so some there are people out there that will buy dtoc bike brands off the internet they’re going to have zero issues and they’re going to go well why wouldn’t I do this I’m getting

    Better value it’s I I understand in some rural areas where you live and there’s no bike shop nearby you and it’s you need to get a bike to you but it’s yeah just in terms of it’s not the the end solution if all the bike shops disappeared it’s going to be a problem

    For people next up proper coffee overrated so I I guess I guess the I guess by proper coffee what we’re saying is like a proper coffee machine in a coffee shop with fancy beans third wave is that that’s that’s the name for it isn’t it third wave coffee is that what

    We’re talking about coffee so yeah um there is a point where you Jimmy he was obsessed near nearly bought a coffee shop because I was so obsessed with coffee he obsessed with coffee I’ve got a coffee shop and an 115,000 coffee machine with roters and a 2,000 pourover grinder and all these

    Things and it’s all good and I’m not going to lie to you in the morning at home I have little coffee whatever the Browns called like I don’t know what they do with their own thing instant coffee with a sugar in it and it tastes beautiful and like even

    This morning we had proper coffee from the bike shop and from tiny tiny downstairs which makes lovely coffee it’s really good but I was really sad that I missed on my instant coffee this morning because we ran out um I get it people love it just for me personally

    It’s nothing like a I like an instant coffee it is without a doubt overrated but I do enjoy the experience of a good coffee preferably with a super fancy almond quason what I discovered is so I don’t really I don’t drink coffee because uh I don’t know I think I’m very

    Sensitive to caffeine and it makes me feel like I’m having a heart attack um but what I discovered is lots of people really really rely on coffee and the point where that became apparent was on day two of our um Extended Coast to Coast route so me and a couple of lasses

    Did this extended Coast to co and it was 100K the first day and something like 170k the next day and day two um it was also like 30° outside as well it was boiling and I we we started kind of in the center which was in the middle of

    Norway and we were riding in the middle of Norway I think it Wason wasn’t it yeah and I hadn’t planned any coffee stops along the Route cuz I was like okay we know there’s nowhere to stop so just have your food and have your drink

    On your bike and we’ll be fine and I made enemies that day because I hadn’t planned in any caffeine stuffs and it just completely didn’t pass my mind but there was there was some evil looks I was getting I was were angry I’m massively addicted to caffeine I mean I

    Have about seven coffees a day in the bike shop I just knock on the window now to LS and he comes around with it it’s really good so we used to do quite a lot of bike packing and I used to buy Pro Plus just to simplify everything cuz i’

    I’ve been bike packing and I’ve taken a hand grinder and uh a brewing kit uh an aerrow press and things like that so literally whilst we’re bike packing I could like Brew coffees in the morning but also throughout the day but then I was just like Pro Plus makes sense and

    Then I started buying Pro Plus you have a couple of Pro Plus and all of a sudden you just don’t think about needing caffine honestly it’s so good it’s one of the most addictive things in the world but yeah it’s it is it is definitely what made me realize how

    Addicted to to caffeine I was so I was used to think that I really liked coffee but I did it’s I actually don’t care about coffee I I historically was very addicted to caffeine right last one on the list is I don’t know why this is in there but I

    Feel like it’s targeted at me formal or suits Formal Wear I feel like this is something France has suggested before he went away and it just never got done he he must have been thinking about it because of the secret reason or one of the secret reasons of him going away

    Yeah um with him buying suits and things like that I think it is massively underrated I love Formal Wear and I I don’t necessarily mean like um I I hate Tuxedos and that level of formal wear but I do like smartware I like well you’ll have known I’ve known

    You for basically a decade now and I quite not so much these days or not so much whilst I used to wear atus clothing to be on brand but I wear a lot of ties but like casual ties and so at the Christening that we went

    To on the weekend we found out it was smart casual I told you what I was wearing you were like that’s that’s not smart casual that’s just smart I’m like no no it’s it’s it’s a smart casual tie and a smart casual shirt not a formal one what’s your opinion Nick the

    Christening we went to was Nick’s child’s christening and the the dress code was smart casual we were told but I don’t own any smart clothes anymore you were there a t-shirt I used to have a lot of suits and fancy stuff you go boss and all the different things you could

    Get and I love the idea of it I think I love the idea of working somewhere where you wear a suit but then realistically I work in a bike shop and I started off with the nice clothes in the bike shop Levi jeans and things like that um and I

    Just get ruined so now I own one pair of nice jeans which I wear for every nice jeans isn’t formal weather no for me it is the most formal is going to get keep sending your suggestions to Wild Ones podcast at Cad media. and we might read yours out in the next



    1. As a consumer who has bought bikes from a local bike shop and used on the open market with zero coverage. I have had HORRIBLE experiences with bike shops.
      I've been forced to buy my own tools and learn to service my bikes myself. I've learned from YouTube videos and online forums. I understand that "not all bike shops…" And I will say I have one bike shop in mind that I've had to get service from, where I was in a time crunch and needed my bottom bracket serviced they took care of it in like no time flat AND charged a reasonable fee. But another bike shop that has MULTIPLE sales men walking the floor who work on commission trying to nickel and dime every transaction, always trying to up sell. It has put a genuinely bad taste in my mouth for local bike shops.

      I'm interested in riding my bike. Nothing more.

    2. I had my steel frame Lemond serviced at the lbs trek dealer (who I wanted to love) and it was given back with the brakes disconnected 😮 –
      I then went three towns over (to a much better bike shop) and spent $$$ on a specialized and a year later bought a Canyon ebike.

    3. After sales service is much more important to me than the selling part. You can't expect this if you buy online, and it does kill bike shops. This is not a 'likely scenario' as Francis claims. It is happening everywhere. In my area of the UK, a local dealer disappeared pretty much overnight in three towns and an insider I know said that apart from the extortionate overheads to run the business, online sales was also a major contributing factor. If we're serious about creating 'real cycling communities,' not supporting your local bike shop /service centre means you are part of the problem.

    4. I’m happy to support my local bike shop even if that means I pay a regular price to the items I buy don’t get me wrong everyone loves a discount but the local shop I use Chester cycle hub really go the extra mile when servicing my bike and I love the convenience of dropping in for a chat getting good advice and paying for it by ordering through them. Can’t get that online

    5. I think the pros liked paying less taxes there compared to other countries in Europe that still had decent riding. Maybe the taxes went up and some left?

    6. My Canyon CF SLX has been fantastic. No issues, nothing but a great bike. I did buy a rear bike light from Canyon that didn’t fit the aero seatpost, and Canyon refunded my money and let me keep the light. What more could you ask for?

    7. A guy who relies on a bike shop to keep his ride healthy probably shouldn't be riding.
      Maintaing my rides is an ingoing constant.
      It wouldnt be sustainable to take my rides in everytime I needed a wheel trued or a drive train replaced..who can pay wages and overhead to someone else.
      Bike mechanics is pretty straight forward stuff and collecting the tools is fun.

    8. One thing that annoys me with some of my LBS. if I walk in and I’m not 100% sure what I want, they treat me with a bit of arrogance and it makes me feel looked down on. Fortunately I have found an amazing LBS that mostly services bikes and doesn’t make a lot of money from selling bikes.

    9. My LBS happily services my Canyon and I spend at least $1500 on servicing and tyres and sealant etc, per bike ( 2) each year. I tend to have have spare Canyon parts in reserve, like headsets and hangers, which they are also happy to fit when needed. If it's drivetrain, well they have those parts. The owner has told me that selling bikes (Trek, Cervello) is actually a marginal proposition for them, all the money is in workshop service. Service!

    10. What's killing bike shops is bad service and ridiculous pricing. The service of the big bike chains (at least in Germany, i.e. B.O.C. and Stadler) is mostly abysmal. The staff is poorly trained, they don't even know how to sell the correct size of a bike and mostly only service bikes bought in their store. The small bike shops "might" have better trained staff, but their prices are even higher and they often also don't service bikes bought somewhere else, and even if they do, you have to wait literal months to get an appointment and in the end they'd rather sell you a new bike anyway. So basically a lot of bike shops are trying to bully consumers into buying new bikes and try to chain you to their shop. No surprise more and more people go to direct-to-consumer brands and do their own servicing. And don't get me startet on prices for spare parts. I'd be willing to pay a more, but not double or triple the internet price.

      There is a real market out there for JUST service. Bike shops should start focusing more on service than sales, maybe sell refurbished bikes for a good price. The margins may be lower, but I believe it's the same like with every craft: A good craftsman will ALWAYS have work and the shop is less dependent on economic cycles (pun intended).

    11. i have 5 bike shops in my small city (8 if you count the new e-bike only shops).
      all of them are bad mechanics (some even might try to kill you with how they set up the brakes)
      some are racists
      most of them are permanently in a bad mood
      all of them overcharge alot
      none of them keep relevant items in stock
      all of them look bored but cant help you without taking your bike for 2 weeks

      In berlin, there are hundreds of shops, and I only found one that is genuinely interested in helping (not saying it's the only one, impossible to visit all of them, but I've been to many)
      I love to visit that one shop, but they are also always booked for months in advance.

      It's really saddening

    12. I love supporting my local bikeshop, but they just sell crap. electric bikes and low end regular bikes. Outside of lubes there are nothing they sell that I would buy. I've had them do bar tape and such when I haven't been bothered to do it myself, but the price of the job makes it hard to justify. I mean, bit of a job to remove the old tape but not a 100 quid job (apply my provided bar tape two bikes, and they didn't even apply it properly. it had a particular end tape but they just ended with regular tape instead. so next time I'll do it myself and properly)

    13. lool 7 cups of coffee?! also completely understand the formal wear. I still have some shirts and suits but they're at least a decade old and probably don't fit.

    14. if you buy a brand that is not sold in the region you live in then you got the same problem as when buying from canyon. most bike shops these days only service bikes they sold you. and if they do, they try to overcharge you.

    15. seeing these comments about local shops all being elitist or just rude or whatever makes me sad, especially as someone who runs a shop. I’m always open and honest with my customers and am very transparent with everything I do. How do others live with themselves? I take so much pride in my work, it’s an extension of me, and when someone has a bad experience with me it really truly bothers me down to my core. Maybe this is why I’m the only bike shop in my city with exclusively five star reviews…..

    16. 100% agree on the DTC bike brands (Canyon) trying to kill the bike shop.
      And for the coffee, proper coffee (in any form, really) is underrated. Freshly ground beans, properly dosed, properly brewed (any way) is like an elixir. Espresso, pour-over, French press, it doesn't matter. It is essential and pure joy!

    17. As a Brit living between the city of Granada and the coast I think it’s a great area for cycling, road, mtb and gravel. To the west of the city is flat/rolling roads but the obvious way to go is up. Mountain routes including the highest road in Europe or the beautiful Alpujarras. The roads are in good condition and the motorists are patient. A coffee is €1.30, a beer is €2 and you get a free tapa!!

    18. My Local Bikeshop guy is very cocky and used to look down at me when i used to go to him for smaller repairs.
      I got my bike online and learnt to repair stuff myself (most of it).

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