Ever wondered why e-bikes come with such hefty price tags? 🤔

    Are e-bike companies genuinely providing value for money or are they taking us for a ride? Get ready to dive deep into the world of electric bikes as we uncover the hidden truths behind their costs! 💭 💸

    Interested in the Tenways CGO600 Pro? 🚲⚡️
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    0:00 Why does this cost SO much?!
    0:19 Join us 🙌🏻
    0:29 Ebike sales are high!
    1:32 The most expensive part
    2:38 Speaking to an expert
    3:19 Name brand batteries
    4:42 Quality motors
    5:52 Fancy features?
    6:15 Customer service
    7:35 The cost of charging your bike
    9:56 Ebikes = savings
    11:17 The verdict

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    Why does this cost this but this cost this now that we’re seeing sub 1K electric bikes on the market you lot are rightly asking if you should be spending more are ebike companies basically trying to rip us off with more expensive bikes today I’m going to be uncovering

    The truth about your ebike purchase but first if you haven’t already subscribed to the channel then I recommend you do because we have been working on some really sick ebik content for your eyes only so do it do it said do it this despite the general higher cost than an

    Analog bike ebike ownership is officially on the rise by 2030 the market is projected to be worth over $120 billion globally with a predicted 77.3 million electric bikes out on the road now this is great news except for those of you in Amsterdam my thoughts

    And prayers are with you all so to put this into context on a very minute scale if just 10% of the British population chose to cycle one day a week instead of driving their car 4% of life cycle CO2 emissions of car travel would travel car travel would be eradicated oh

    I can smell the fresher air with every ebike purchase and ebikes are also great for saving money on petrol and pricey trains plus you get health benefits like cardio and potentially reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes find out more in this video right here so let’s talk about why

    They cost what they do and keep an ear out cuz I’ll be telling you which battery Brands to look out for there’s a lot of extra componentry on an electric bike compared to an analog bike you’ve got a motor battery inbuilt lights and wiring perhaps some integrated tech for

    App connectivity and anti- theft systems but the most expensive piece of The Ensemble is the battery it costs about 30 to 40% of the overall price although you can get a few different types of battery the most popular on the market is lithium ion lithium so let’s bring

    Break this down inside the battery pack is a collection of cells 40 or more linked together operating harmoniously so one cell doesn’t overheat and cause the pack to go out of balance a bit like when us girls head to the toilets it’s always a group effort and I swear to God

    If Stace does another too many wkds like last weekend and is head first in the toilet bowl and I’m having to wipe the sick off of her dress I will lose it that’s kind of like how battery cells work okay the higher the quality the more range you’ll get the longer the

    Lifespan they’ll offer and crucially the safer they are which I’ll touch on in just a second but first let’s hear from an expert so Nick has a lot of experience in dealing with the manufacturing side of ebikes and of course you make your own boost kits and

    That in turn has meant that you’ve had to not only think about quality components but also trying to make it affordable so how do you balance the two out yeah so the the cells themselves have a have a certain cost you sort of get what you pay for there are some

    Crazy like this has got a million wat hours capacity which it doesn’t like it definitely doesn’t there’s just a load of madeup sales that don’t have anything like capacity they claim so stick to brand name sales I think is the answer they’re going to be more expensive but

    They will actually last and they will have been tested for their capacity now I would recommend if you can to have a quality sale made by one of the top tier companies I’m talking Panasonic Sony LG and Sam they are the big hitters so if you see any of these you know you’ve

    Made a good start unfortunately the rise in battery fires as of late have generally been down to the black market cheap ass batteries that don’t have a battery management system and have been DIY on no BMS means if one C overheats or even malfunctions the battery doesn’t

    Shut itself down causing what is known as thermal runaway AKA fireworks and not the cool kind it’s something very deadly that is so annoyingly very avoidable while ebite fires do occur they represent one of the lowest risks of all forms of transportation the biggest risk to cyclists is still cars and

    Interesting fact if you live in the gorgeous city of New York despite there being a media frenzy on battery fires right now well you’re actually five times more likely to die on the subway than an ebike fire that makes me feel better in fact I guarantee you’ll learn

    Some good tips if you watch our video on battery safety get clued up but stick around cuz I’m going to share a really easy formula to find out how much it costs to run your ebike and the results are they’re pretty cool so we know good batteries are at a higher premium but

    When you start to factor in the quality of all the other components for example Motors they can start at a few hundred but that price Rises significantly depending on the quality and the type Hub Motors are more popular because it’s a budget friendly option that is generally easier to fit rather than

    Needing a specific frame it can link onto the front or the rear wheel without any major modifications needed mid Drive Motors are more expensive because well it requires a specific frame as it replaces the bottom bracket of the bike generally mid Drive delivers better performance than Hub but I will not go

    Into the details as that could be a whole video in itself but do comment below if you want me to make a video on that for you but you can go even deeper with the drivetrain Wheels frame materials and breaks quality essentially good componentry will go through a lot

    Of R and D testing programming creating integrated costs That You Don’t See and generally won’t notice because it allows your bike to keep moving and be less prone to simple faults by the way my good ehas if you’re finding this video at all helpful hit that like button so

    We can get this to the farthest quns of the internet I wonder if you’re the kind of person that wants a more techers setup you know the drill the more integrated Tech features the more cash it’s going to cost you fingerprint recognition anti- theft systems smart app connectivity Radars they all require

    Your hard-earned greenage you certainly do not need this just like you do not need that push TI can but those who want to be flash can be and remember although ebikes are growing in popularity manufacturers don’t yet have the mass production facilities like analog bikes have mass production means it costs less

    To make which means you pay less but the price does not end when you hand over over that plastic when you buy a product you want to know there is somebody there somebody that is able to help you to assemble your bike and also can be a

    Point of contact after the sale for maintenance repairs and that is worth something having a human to talk to when things go wrong it costs the company so customer service and warranties it’s all baked into the price the cheaper the bike is the less likely you’re going to

    Have someone on hand when things go wrong having support makes your experience so much better and keeps you out on the roads riding for as long as possible but I completely emphathize that for many an electric bike even at the cheapest price bracket is a really big investment so please just make sure

    You do your research look at reviews and go for bikes that have common parts so you know you can get them replaced when you need them but have you ever wondered how much it really cost to run an electric bike well I’ve got you covered I have a simple is Formula that I’m

    Going to share with you that you can use to compare the cost of any electric bikee and you can smugly compare because the results are pretty astounding let’s use the ever popular 10-way SEO 600 Pro for reference now I cycle about 70 milish a week and I want you to work

    That out for yourselves miles or kilometers because that will help you factor in how much you’re spending with your calculations But first you need to work out the kilowatt hour so remember we’re using the 10 Way SEO 600 Pro as a reference so these numbers are specific

    To the 10 ways so first up amp power which is 10 times the voltage that’s 36 Volts for the 10 ways then you want to divide by 1,000 and that gives you your kilowatt hour so if my math is mathing that is 0.36 kilowatt hours you then want to

    Times the kilowatt hour by the price per kilowatt hour here in the UK which is about 34 currently and that is going to give you the price per full charge of an empty battery which is 0.122 4 so just to be clear and Power Times voltage divide by 1,000 you get

    Your kilowatt hour kilowatt hour times price per kilowatt hour equals the cost per charge of an empty battery you then divide the price per full charge of an empty battery by the range to get your cost per mile so for me that would be .1

    1224 divided by 70 m per week that I ride which equals okay I can’t even do this number. no not1 9 7 4 1 9 3 5 flight that that is your cost well my cost per mile with the 10 ways SEO 600 Pro so if I convert that to cost per

    Week the 10 ways will cost me exactly 13 if I were to cycle 70 m a week convert that to a year and that is my friends are whopping £7 and 18 that my friends is minuscule now if you want to find out a little bit more about the

    10-way SEO 600 Pro well we actually have an affiliate link if you’re interested head on down to the description below click the link and bag your own I’ve also done a couple of really great reviews so go check that out but remember it’s not just about the money

    Terial cost of an ebike this is Simon he’s an expert in atmospheric physics and a damn good YouTuber shining a light on our changing climate he explains why investing in an ebike for him has meant multiple savings so Simon when did you get your ebike two and a bit years ago

    Okay and why did you get your eike well so if I were say taking the bus into the center of town and back every day that’s like a fiver and with the electric bike it’s pennies that I’m spending um and especially actually in summer we have a portable electric sorry solar panel that

    I used to charge the battery so it’s effectively free cycling an electric bike instead of taking a car then your impact on the environment is significantly lower um I think it’s project draw down which is this amazing project uh that ranks climate Solutions describes electric bike as the most

    Efficient motorized form of Transport ever invented like it’s incredibly efficient from an environmental perspective so your carbon emissions are so much lower there is a environmental cost obviously when it comes to producing the battery and producing the bike in the first place but in terms of the cost per Kil om it’s astonishingly

    Low and so when you want to think about the cost of running the bike you kind of have to factor in sure the monetary cost is this but also the cost of not running it and running a bike a car instead is so much higher in terms of your impact

    On the climate crisis in terms of air pollution all these other environmental factors if you’re still here by the way you should definitely hit that subscribe button so look you’ve got to view your ebike purchase as an investment The Upfront cost can be pretty hefty depending on your budget but with how

    Much it cost to run compared to say a car or even an annual train ticket there is no competition cheaper ebikes and cheaper Parts don’t necessarily mean they’re bad but it could be a signifier that you’ll be spending more money in the long run now I know there will be

    Some of you ready to tell me how your budget ebike has been performing for however many years so do let me know which truste St you’ve got but now with all this knowledge in hand you can get on out there and find the right e bike that

    Sits in your budget I’ve done loads of reviews of Amazing electric bikes worth having a look at so have a nosy around look at the channel and I’ll see you for the next One


    1. I went with a modertly cheap bike, the rad runner 2. 48v battery, 750 w, single speed, top speed about 18mph. the bike weighs 60lbs and can carry me plus 100lbs. I weigh 150lbs, so I'd say this is the bare minimum for a good running bike. I do a lot of pedaling because I like to, and I can get 30 miles with work. Just riding I would get 12 miles. I would prefer to get a 52v bike, like the Murff. It would be nice to go 25mph to stay up with the cars in that speed zone.

    2. I use my ebike instead of a car. I added small rectangular plastic garbage cans to the rear carrier, to carry groceries, and also to carry my tennis gear to the courts. I have calculated that I will get the bike for free if it lasts about 12000 km, using the money I save on fuel. I am halfway there now. I drive my bike mostly throttle only, and don't feel guilty. Of course by the time it gets to 12000 km I will have to drive another 1000 to pay for tires.

    3. 50 billion last year in ebike sales, I read somewhere. Its a world wide explosion. Ive ridden one 2 years, and im buying a second one soon, and i ordered a pull trailer. I ride it daily for 9 months a year. I love my ebike.

    4. In real tearms the price of an ebike has fallen in the last few years yes .Tech has improved and high end prices are ridiculously and stupid
      high . But the cost of a cheap e bike vs the cost of taxi fairs can pay for its self in at the extreem end in a month or a few weeks at the most .as for maintenence E bikes are less complacated than a radio controled toy car and a bicycle combined, and in my personal experience after 10 years with the same bike reliability has never been an issue any more than a none electric bike has .As a simple tool to do a job (ie motorised commuter transportation )I do not belive that an E bike can be beaten.

    5. Always spend once – you get what you pay for. We also need better security for e-bikes. Not just bike posts in the street. Dry and secure parking. Better security on bikes too. 70 miles a week – go girl!!

    6. Good Morning, I love how you did your hair, very vice. I bought my e-bike last March from a local e-bike dealership in my own city and they have their own mechanics. However, my next e-bike I will buy will be from you guys, Electroheads. You offer the Best Price for e-bikes and you guys are easy to get a hold of if I would need help with it. Thank You & Good Video 😎

    7. I didn’t understand formula….as it didn’t take into the equation how many miles a battery charge gives….i don’t need convincing how cheap bikes are just wasn’t sure about the maths…..unless the ten ways is some round figure like 100miles of range so it wasn’t mentioned in the working out….

    8. Sony sold their Lithium Ion battery business to Murata in 2016, there are no more Sony cells only Murata ones. And there's also Molycell which makes great cells as well.

    9. I have seen it suggested that bike batteries life expectancy can be a low as 3 years and cost in the region of £500 to replace, sounds a bit like EVs and many internal batteries are not a DIY job. Would you buy a second hand ebike ?

    10. I have a cube 500e, Bosch mid drive. I have just clocked 6400 miles on it and apart from a speed sensor issue(which turned out to be a lose screw! It was the only screw they hadn't put threadlock on!), has given me no problems. I ride 55 miles a week to work and back. So one 4-5 hour charge a week is all that's needed. I would never go back to a car now.

    11. I have been commuting to work on bikes for past 8 years, half of which is on ebikes. I cover 60km per day or over 21,000km / year. Battery recharge at work is free as work provides great end-of-trip facilities with shower and ebike charging ports. At home, ebike battery gets recharged by my Offgrid solar/battery system. So energy-wise, zero cost to operate.

      However there is some not so visible component costs and running costs involved, even if you service your bike yourself.
      On the regular maintenance, buy yourself a chain wear gauge. Regularly measure the chain wear. Replace the chain as soon as it runs out of tolerance to minimise the extra wearing it incurs on the rear cassette, mainly on the top 3 gears. Forget about running a SRAM system, which will cost you an arm and a leg should the highest gear wears out as the whole cassette is a one piece CNC unit and the only way to repair a worn out higher gear is to replace the entire cassette, costing hundreds of dollars. Instead, go with Shimano system. You can easily swap out individual cogs and replace them with new ones costing less than a value meal from a fast food chain 😂🔗

      If you commute on ebike in rain, be prepared to deal with extra wear and tear on the drive system. But with some basic understanding and procedure to ensure the corrosion is under control, the extra cost incurred is not too bad.
      Then there is the tyre wear and punctures. I run a tubeless system with sealant. With a good set-up, a low rolling resistance, high puncture resistance tyres, running at a much lower psi than road bikes, a tubeless system with sealant will prevent 95% punctures. The sealant will need to be topped up every 3 months. Unfortunately good sealant still don't come cheap. But overall the running costs is still minimal compared to car maintenance.

      The shifting cable will eventually snap. It will happen around on the second year. So have the shifting cable swapped out for a new one every year or so.

      The brake fluid also needs to be changed and brake hydraulic flushed out to remove air bubbles. Do this once every year. Go with a Shimano type mineral oil system instead of a DOT4/5 type hydraulic fluid system, as the latter is hydrophillic and costs more problems than the mineral oil based setup.

      If you ride in wet, upgrade the brake pads to a more durable version specifically designed for ebikes. I upgraded mine to Swiss Stop. They are very good, providing exception durability and metallic pad grip and stopping power.

      Check your tyre pressure every time before your ride. Even just a few psi difference will make a whole heap difference in terms of rolling resistance and tyre wear. Invest in a good quality rechargeable air pump with digital readout. So much easier and quicker to operate.

      Checking your tyres regularly after each ride for sharp objects trying to work their way in, is critical. Remove these before they get a chance to create a leak or puncture. This will reduce your puncture incidents to almost zero. Obviously watch and observe the road conditions. Try not to ride too close to the curb as this is commonly where the sharp debris are. Be extra vigilant around construction sites as this is where many punctures can occur. Also in summer try to avoid running over grass patches as there may be caltrop seeds, which is the primary source of most tyres punctures we encounter in Australia 🇦🇺😂

      Other than these factors, ebikes are one of the best inventions and most economical way to travel around. It is way more efficient that a EV as the vehicle does not have a lug around a very heavy dead weight around. Recharging is very quick as well. Combining human power and ebike motor assistance is a better option than escooter/EV on just battery/motor. There is no range anxiety involved. Ebike goes quite well even with no assistance at all. Here it is important to run very low rolling resistance tyres at their correct pressure. So fat ebikes will be struggling once there is no assistance. The lowest rolling resistance 2.4" tyre i found that runs well with tubeless are the almost slick Schwalbe Super Moto. Do check them out. They run the latest ADDIX compound. I run them at 50psi. They roll just as quick as my G-One Tubeless but are way more durable than the G-One, cost much less, offer superior puncture resistance and are super durable. They roll very fast! Looks cool as well as it looks as its name suggests 😎
      I keep my front wheel running a low pressure 30 psi tubeless off road tyre. This is the best hybrid tyre combo. Should the road surface suddenly transit into loose gravel or worst loose sand, your front tyre would float right through and still maintain traction and control, instead of getting caught and loose control. 😂
      With the proper long travel front shocks, plus mounting technique, you can mount any curb on typical road surface and navigate around any dynamic obstacles that come your way to maintain good flow and momentum. 😊👍

    12. I still don't see why an e-bike costs 6x as much. From my own tests, it must depend on the route you take because I found a 40-45 min 16km journey took me exactly the same amount of time on my regular hybrid bike (not exactly light), vs a borrowed city-style e-bike. Yes it felt fast and easy going up hills but once I got to a certain speed on the flats I was left lugging that monstrously heavy thing mostly on my own and thus wasn't any faster overall. So for many people they could probably make the same "carbon" savings suggested in this clip but just using a regular bike at 1/6th the cost in the first place! Yes, e-bikes price-wise are pretty much a scam if you ask me. Don't get me wrong I absolutely used one just to get up the last hill home when walking the dog when I had an injured knee, they're great for less mobile or less fit people and probably better value for those who live in hilly areas where the motor will assist more often. Maybe that includes MTB'rs. But for me when I tried it on a regular commute journey I was wholly disappointed and thoroughly unimpressed. NOT worth the thousands and thousands they're asking.

    13. When prices trickle down on e-bikes with integrated gearboxes and motors (Pinion have a system on the way that will be ridiculously expensive) I'll get one. Till then, there are still too many compromises on ebikes (residual hardware that was only designed for unpowered bikes) for them to be a better investment than just pedalling harder on an unpowered bike. I can still get to work faster on a road bike than on an e-bike (I borrowed a very high end one FWIW – which I felt I was fighting with all the time because of its weight). The cake is almost finished baking – but we aren't there yet. This is doubly true of e cargo bikes, which is where I see massive unfulfilled potential (see the Babboe scandal as a case in point). We are only now getting to a point where cargo ebikes are finally coming out of the consumer beta testing phase and prices for the good stuff are insane.
      I live in a flat country and there are currently no systems out there at this point that I can wholeheartedly recommend. I'm also a shop mechanic and see the problems that come in day after day, particularly during the cold winter period: condensation in displays (even in Bosch displays), firmware problems, bad connectors, bad controller circuit boards (last 3 for the cheaper systems like Bafang) and hopelessly cumbersome warranty returns and exchange processing (Bosch I am talking about you – Bafang are a lot easier to work with). E-bikes wear drivetrains and wheels out a lot faster than normal bikes. And unless you can do your own repairs, you can be looking at a hefty annual repair bill, even before taking buying a replacement battery every 3 years or so into account.

    14. What?! No Chinese battery on the quality battery list? /jkg

      I live in NYC. Just ordered an ebike to commute to work. I would have used your webstore, but you did not have the model I wanted, the Evelo Dash.

    15. For your cost per mile, I assume you get your batteries, motors and drive components for free. My battery cost me £650 which needed replaced after 500 charges. At 30 miles per charge that is over 4.5 pence per mile. It gets worse if you add a range extender battery. Ontop of that there is the cost of a new motor every 10000 miles and new chains and sprockets needed due to increased wear and tear due to extra power.

      You only spend £7 a year, but you gonna get a surprise when you have to replace your battery or motor. A new chain alone is about £30

      Your environmentalist friend has not considered the huge environmental impact of making lithium batteries or the child slave labor used to mine the components. To be eco friendly he should walk due to extra Co2 emissions when doing excercise, by cycling.

    16. you say LG chem batteries are OK but they were all removed from Hyundai Kona and Chevrolet Bolt because of fire issues. There is also a class action lawsuit against Jaguar with the I-pace, which also has LG Chem batteries in it ? 😅

    17. And all those battery farms can be surround by trees and other foliage making rhe sites look pretty and blend in with the surrounding areas. Cant do that with an oil refinery or power station.

    18. I'm on a $5,000 road bike and it's and it's just middle of the road. Although the price of bikes is excessive these days e-bikes tend to be far cheaper than road bikes. Count your blessings imo.

    19. I have a Batribike Delta Plus and absolutely love it. Over the last 2 years I've upgraded the tyres, drivetrain, forks, grips, pedals and saddle, and the battery when last checked is still showing 99% health despite over a 1,000 miles on the clock. Great bit of kit. I still have my 'analogue' bike, but they both compliment one another perfectly! 👍

    20. 3:30… lets not forget Sanyo, Turnigy, GensACE, A123, BYD,… im especially a fan of Sanyo batteries, they still produce high drain cells/pouch packs, as well sell them under the Panasonic brand.

      Turnigy is my Go-To brand when i want bang for the buck (with LiPos cells) but still a good performance and quality. You literally cant get more Wh per $ with quality.
      Sanyo if i want performance as well, otherwise for just reliability and capacity i take typically Panasonic cells.
      A123 i bought long ago some batteries and they still work nearly as new, but their availability and price is too bad to buy them nowadays.

    21. I've done three homebuilts. For the first, I bought a Bafang (BBS02) motor and high quality BMS equipped battery with Samsung cells and grafted it onto an 11 year old upcycled world class full suspension lightweight mountain bike (Maverick MB-7) with skinny slick tires I added, making it capable of 30 mph, and was great for the 40 mile a day commute I did with it. That was about $2700 after brake disc upgrades.

      Next I rebuilt a 20 year old recumbent tadpole trike, an extremely rare Greenspeed GLR, added a Bafang (HD) motor and bought a second battery mount and I can use my original battery on either bike depending on what I want to ride. That'll do 35 mph, and is actually nicer for long journeys because it's very comfortable. This former human powered racer is a rocket. Figure $2200 because I saved the cost of a 2nd battery. Recumbent trikes aren't cheap, even 20 year old ones. Mine cost $1100.

      Lastly, I built a compact bamboo cargo bike from scratch designing it on Sketchup and using fittings, supplies, and guidance from the Bamboo Bicycle Club. James in London runs this business and ships DIY kits around the world. Please ask James for a tour and build and e-bike in his workshop with him!!! My bamboo cargo bike also has a Bafang motor (HD) uses 2 upcycled e-scooter batteries with Samsung Cells and BMS, and has a woven reed basket for the cargo bin. Yes, I learned out to join bamboo and weave on this project! That maxes out at around 22mph because I designed it with a very upright Dutch pedal forward design to allow me the right seat distance from cranks for full leg extension while allowing me to stay on the saddle at a light. That was designed and built during COVID so parts were a bit more expensive. It has full hydraulic Magura MT5e brakes, some really high quality used parts and still cost me $3500 all in. But it's one of a kind and it even fits on our local trains at 6' 4" length.

      So I've found that upcycling and even building from scratch is not cheap, but you can have world class, non-proprietary parts, build the bike YOU want and also have it be high performance if you live somewhere that allows for high speed e-biking. Here the legal limits are 750W and 28mph, so my bikes are all technically hotrods. But I rided them at appropriate speeds depending on the situation, and they're all pedal assist focused. I did add a throttle on the cargo bike to aid with starting the bike if loaded. Also for you home builders, EggRider V2 display w/bluetooth tuning and range gauge is a spectacular bit of kit to your bike.

    22. Great episode! E-bikes are the best way to achieve VERY sustainable transportation for anyone, because that Porsche Taycan has a big gnarly carbon footprint to build and power, even in the most ideal scenario. The transition to EV cars is unfortunately just a bridge step. We can't build them at scale and maintain that pace. Instead electric rail and micromobility are the sustainable choices.

    23. what? she's claiming she goes 70 miles in a week on a single charge of what is a tiny tiny battery. either 1. bullshit or 2. the e part of the bike is doing exactly nothing during that ride. my bike is a 500w and way down at 10 mph, i'm pulling 100wh. thats 700 wh for 70 miles. she's basically saying this bike pulls 50wh @ 10mph. i call bullshit.

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