Today we take a look at 2 Police Constables who had a report of a Man Filming and Flying a Drone on an Industrial Estate in Deeside.

    They ask about the Operators ID and the Weight but then make a few comments which riled the situation up a little so I have my turn.

    Should we be able to pick fault with them, just like they do to us? Damn Right we should!

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Well you might be in uniform but you’ve got no epep and you’ve got no warrant card it’s ridiculous where are you based the Side we have the police here are they for us I think they are I think we saw them earlier as well on the industrial estate we let them come to us if they want to talk to us so we are now back at shoton Mill where we

    Started in the phase is it phase five six and the police have caught up with us we saw that vehicle earlier they finally found us and my guy’s putting his seat Bel on DJ hello mate do you want a key ring no way guess why there here

    E no way what happening me you good yes I mate what’s your first name na nice to meet you m nice to meet you m thanks for watching yeah wor you got someone behind you big you lat cheers Mate so yes the police may be hovering around Nathan may have to put his seat belt on nothing changes does it nothing changes filming from a public place everybody is entitled to do it looks nice inside that cab what’s his name Big Dave hello Big Dave here he comes and is scna 73 Plate we’ve had a report um I believe it’s yourself is it from from the company over here reporting there was someone here with cameras find a drone over I take you’re aware of all the regulations are you but I’m asking you oh of course I am yeah okay so

    You’re happy that you’re not breaking any laws I am yeah is there a camera at all there is yeah have you got an ID I have yeah can I see it you can although I’m not operating the drone at the moment so I don’t need to show

    You anything but because I’m a nice guy yeah you’ll see on the top there the operator ID displayed I’ve showed you how much is it wa let’s have a 249 249 what does that mean to you when I say 249 mean much to me so where we going then

    Cheing I’ve got a body one on so you know if there’s any offenses we can we can deal with them retrospectively me so retrospectively what after the event that’s what it mean to are you happy that this is not a restricted Zone have you have you got

    Any eclipse on the outer garment no 314 my is why not what you mean why not why you not got any show number on my is quite happy to give me col no it’s uniform policy yeah Bo we’re quite happy to give you I’m sorry my friend

    That’s not good enough good how do I know that you’re telling the truth can I see your warrant card the number on it please it’s not on me at the moment you need to have your warrant card on you all times no conversation’s over I’ll

    Talk to you that’s fine yeah I have my epileps on yeah you’re fine your your un perfect if you’d like to see that as well the fact that he’s not got his warrant card on him okay what’s that all about he’s in uniform though isn’t he no

    Well you might be in uniform but you’ve got no EP and you’ve got no warrant card it’s ridiculous where are you based dside dside yeah your Sergeant’s name on duty today it’s Sergeant’s Christopher poen I’ll been making a phone call Mate cuz you’re come you’re come in not knowing

    The law saying I’ll deal with it retrospectively well what does 249 mean to you what it should mean you for ID and you’ve produced ID what it should mean is low 250 and we’re we’re satisfied with that okay why is he saying retr somebody who hasn’t got his you can

    Speak to me we’re satisfied like you’ve shown us you’ve shown us the idea and you’ve told us obviously we’ve seen below 250 so we’re satisfied with that okay when we have a report we have to come in obviously see what’s going on we’re going to engage with you we’re

    Going to speak to you but we’re satisfied with everything that we’ve seen but I’m not satisfied that you’re doing things correctly well what do you mean your I’ve told you two of them shoulder number not on display on the outer garment of the uniform and no warrant card going engage well you

    Wouldn’t because you wouldn’t work for me would you if if I didn’t have the operator ID on displ or was heavier than 249 you’d be interested then wouldn’t you well we’d be advising you I think I felt quite you adise him okay listen to me for a second I felt quite confident

    Anyway you seem like you know what you’re doing with your drone I don’t personally think you’d fly over here if you weren’t able to I think you’re quite confident with what you do know and don’t know with your you know what the most ironic thing is about this when I

    Went in there gentleman is a viewer he came out yeah and he asked me for one of my key rings that I give out to viewers so the boss viewers what do you mean sorry if if a viewer if a viewer of my video sees me out and about filming I give

    Them a keying you post you you film and then post yeah okay I know you just say viers I don’t know who you are it’s content creation this type of thing pays quite well on YouTube Facebook Tik Tok all that crap okay so we just go around industrial Estates we find interesting

    Places we having a big construction project here that’s great it was great to see from the Drone yeah I’ve filmed have you been to IA Williams earlier as well have you yes I’ve been everywhere around here SP the whole day yeah it’s just so we had a report from them as

    Well that was all do you know EA Williams yes right at the end of that video a staff member came out and says I know who you are are you ex I says hello mate yeah do you want a key ring so I give him one that made the manager calm

    Down cuz he didn’t believe what I was doing I says look I’m just making a video you’ll see it in a week I think um I think what some people obviously get concerned about especially on the industrial Estates around here is there’s quite a lot of people that come

    On site and they take things so I think when they saw the cameras I think they just panic in case obviously you’re recording that they’re seeing stuff and thinking oh do you know if that happens my footage yeah will be useful to them the more people that are around filming

    There going to be more evidence for others to use oh yeah no sorry what I’m trying to say is I think the concern especially from Iva Williams was obviously with their stock and everything they weren’t sure initially what you were doing on site so when they saw the Drone concerns only were that

    Obviously they didn’t know you initially so the concerns were oh who’s this and obviously filming over our like store so to speak and seeing what we’ve got it’s just Panic isn’t it from some people if they don’t know and don’t know why there recording you do know that on all these

    Sites you’ve mentioned like ala Williams I never went on the site oh no no no sorry I just They Se and the Drone is also never on their site cuz the airace isn’t property it’s an aircraft people can fly over you know these paragliders they’re always filming from what their

    Helicopters hot air balloons yeah people are above nowadays and you just need to go on Google Maps you can see exactly what’s in the Ia will IA Williams yard when I started filming I thought it was some sort of um composite Material Company cuz it doesn’t say IA Williams on the building

    At all it just says iwt or whatever that is I think they’re just more concerned but when you know when they get to speak to you they’re all right and we’re quite we’ve just come here just to advise you basically well you will actually regret this unfortunately because

    It’s uniform policy is very important you know yeah I know of course it is and if you wasn’t with your colleague you’ve got no way of identifying yourself not even with a warrant card I appreciate that so this isn’t a restricted zone I’m sure you know that

    Already so we’ve had a callio basically so we’ve just come to check it out so may all you needed to check was the operator ID on the Drone which you asked for first of all and the weight yeah once you know is it below 250 why did I

    Showed you it show 249 there you go so why did you mention after the event investigations whatever you said I said if there’s any offenses it could be dealt with retrospectively yeah those two things tell there’s no offenses so why even mention it a lot of things can

    Happen but there’s no point riling the situation up with words that did R me up cuz you say no if there’s any offenses then we’ll deal with it after you we know what how to find you okay well but it’s not be it’s not a restricted zone

    Is it are you asking me or you telling me well it’s been it’s been checked and it’s not cuz we weren’t sure at the time but it’s been checked and at the moment our understanding is this is not a restricted Zone okay okay all right you plan to go around

    You’ve been looking for me for a long time haven’t you that was I saw you in the um is is it own too oh yeah that was when the call came in yeah everyone gets a little bit but it’s great the more people that get educated with these videos that’s

    Also the entertaining part of the video you know when they come to the police stations and some of your colleagues say you’re not allowed you’re not allowed to do this and then it all stopped because they got educated as well now it’s time to educate the industrial States whilst

    We do our interesting filming content creation you know who would have thought it not me well me you know what you’re doing I don’t cause any issues as far as I’m concerned so all right what’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get

    Back me yeah think I’m going to have a cup of coffee mate you’re going to put your epep on your outter garment and you’re going to put your warrant card in your wallet the top but I all right take care thank you so there we have it headl

    Police they have been looking for me for a long time we saw them at least 2 hours ago I don’t know why people are calling the police when both of the sites they mentioned here and EA Williams both members of staff at the end got a key ring but why attend crazy

    A’t it maybe they were were so obsessed with finding somebody without an operator ID and with a heavier drone than 249 then it would possibly have been worth it but not today you go in home empty-handed and off they go into the distance he’s gone to get his warrant card and his

    Epileps so if you have enjoyed that video on the way back to the vehicle we got 2 hours to drive to Leicester now it’s been great visiting dside today all the zones I think we’ve covered everything that we need to and there’s no need to come back let’s quickly hide

    Another key ring because there’s already one well there was already one I’m not telling you where it is in case this video goes out first but the key ring for this video will be yeah the location of the DJ AIT key ring on this video is going to be under

    This cone here so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with that and we’re going to get out of here if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you

    On the next one guys bye-bye for now


    1. The female constable sounds like a cross between a yakky bird and a 2 year old at a birthday party rubbing her hands to get the first piece of cake😂

    2. The police have not got a clue about drones.they need to get educated. And get their uniform right. They are all a bunch of idiots. No the law you key stone cops fraco

    3. Hi dj we are new to your channel and we love it but I must say the money you got for that pathetic arrest given to that lady who lost her husband was the most generous heartwarming act and we will never forget that keep up the great work mate 👍

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