#politics #uk #westminster #snp #humzayousaf #resign #murrell #scotland #sturgeon #glasgow #susanaitken

    Glasgow Council bankrupting itself this isn’t just about the cycle Lan that I brought you of course just the plans for cycle Lane that were going to cost 800,000 it’s now been revealed that Glasgow city council officials lots of them are going to be sent to New York

    On a fact finding mission that will cost you the taxpayer thousands of pounds at a time when the council I’m not underestimating here I’m not OV exaggerating is on the on the verge of bankruptcy yet they’re spending money like drunken Sailors on Shor leave not very dissimilar from the situation in

    Birmingham of course where that Council also went bankrupt where the labor Administration kept spending money despite the fact there was nothing left in the coffers and to make the situation worse in Glasgow now businesses are coming out and saying you are killing us this is going to be the end of the city

    Center basically a well- Renown good night out not that I’ve been but I know people that have the Chamber of Commerce is now calling on the counselors to ask the plans to extend parking charges up to 10 p.m. nothing more than a money grab of course but something that will

    Kill businesses we’ve just seen I think it was the Hard Rock Cafe shut down in Glasgow that is going to be the first of many many businesses many night spots because footfall is down by a huge amount at the moment and people simply aren’t going into the city center they

    Can’t drive there if they do drive there they get fined if their car passes the low emission Zone standards then they’re going to be charged through the as just for parking people going to work in the city center are now going to be charged just to park at work up to

    £650 a year people aren’t going to go there at all they’re not going to go to the coffee shops or to the bars to for a glass of wine after work and this is what these idiots don’t understand they’re taking away tax income by doing this they’re taking away the money they

    Should be receiving and they can’t even see it I can only assume this is some sort of scorched Earth policy to destroy everything they possibly can before they’re voted out at the next general election


    1. It would be worthwhile funding their flight-only to America…..as long as they weren't allowed back! The council could recoup the cost easily, provided that they had someone sensible in charge.
      My home city have also tried their damnedist to discourage traffic from our city centre. The result has been empty shop premises as people went elsewhere for their needs, and businesses closed or moved elsewhere, resulting in less revenue for the council.

    2. SNPhobia is destroying my mental health, Can I sue? Is treatment available on the NHS? I hear it might be the cause of Bidens problems. Would an injection of Trump serum work?

    3. Bankrupt Glasgow city council , sending employees to bankrupt city of New York on a "fact finding mission" 😯
      What facts are they wanting to know , that they can't find on the internet ❓
      Sounds more like their going for 'a jolly' , at the expense of taxpayers money 🤔

    4. Not sure if our Council could manage to run a house hold budget, as for Glasgow we have lost so much, Paddies Market, Virginia Street Market, Glass Dome at Peoples Palace, and the Barrows is almost gone, lots more has disappeared, Glasgow has become a Sterile City.. SAD

    5. It seems the council's never learn Shrewsbury Birmingham Leicester Coventry bring all these charges in and people vote with a wallet they just don't go is like London nobody goes there and unless they have to all these councils should be answerable suspending public money and nobody does

    6. What's wrong? It is just your typical left wing socialist government spending all the money until there is none left.
      Once there is none left they will try to tax there way out of the hole that they find themselves in.
      But, of course, the problem does not lie with them. It is the evil capalist system, it is that horrible english government, it is the tories at it again.
      It everyone else'e fault, anyone else's fault but their own while they continue to fill their pockets with free tax payer money.

    7. Please don't insult or compare drunken Sailors with the SNP sailors are Honest Decent hard working members of the UK who have a code of morals they follow unlike the SNP Party and Goverment who appear to have none of the above values whatsoever or when elected to a political office any form of Democracy Decency or Morals are automatically shredded and the role of the Qusling takes over Lies Deceits Falsification Fabrication Redactions Mismanagement causing Poverty Destruction And Destitution throughout the whole of a Once Proud and Great Nation
      They hopefully will go down in the History Of Scotland so that others can view and learn that we are an Island made up of Four Nations If we want to succeed we must and it is Imperative that we work together as one United Kingdom to overcome the great difficulties we have created or to be more precise were created for us by our Goverments past and present this means better affiliation with devolved goverments
      with a better rapport following the same laws Rules and Legislation thus stopping the individuals Interpretation of them to please themselves as Scotland has done and destroyed it It's the old adage United we Stand Divided we Fall or if you wish
      IN ARDUOUS FIDELIS ( Faithfulness in Adversity )

    8. What did you expect.
      There is so much corruption in the Council’s that you wouldn't believe.
      We all need to stop the voting there needs to be change.
      Voting for someone new in the same party will not change anything because they fellow the same policies.

    9. It’s all part of the plan brought forward by WEF policies. They want rid of cars in cities, they want you your zone with all your needs delivered to rather than you actually going out. Welcome to the now.

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