I’m currently training for the biggest endurance event of my life, whilst holding onto a 600kg+ powerlifting total… This is what I eat around a big training day.

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    #hybridathlete #running #hybridtraining

    I’m Fergus cley I’m currently training for a 250 km ultramarathon from Edinburgh to Ben neis in W go and this is why in a big Training Day w hello good morning and welcome to another video and my first full day of eating round training in quite a while why that is I’m not quite sure but here we are up in Glen Co in the Scottish Island to get through two big old training days ahead of my 250 km

    Ultramarathon in one go that comes through here at the end of March so we’re just under 6 weeks out as this is being filmed about 5 and a half in fact and big day today 30k on my feet with about 800 met of elevation and the same

    Again tomorrow more or less wrecking the root we’ve got the whole team here everybody’s slamming their breakfast now and we’re going to be out in the rain cuz it’s horrible today just getting a feel for one the pacing the terrain the strategy how we’re going to film it who

    Needs to be where at what time what we need to have with us etc etc just figuring things out so logistically we can get ahead but that’s probably not what you’re interested in as this is a full day of eating so I have already had whe BX banana raspberry and a pint of

    Milk I’ve had May coffee and I now have an expertly cooked by Jamie slice of white toast lawn sausage because we’re in Scotland about one and A2 eggs and two rather crispy slices of bacon so I’m going to get to this now calories macros on the screen for you just now bit of

    Context as to how I approach nutrition in general terms what I’ll do when I’m training for big volume events is have a baseline daily intake that means that that’s what I eat in line with my goals currently it’s maintenance so maintenance calories for me is about 3,000 calories that’s accounting for

    Daily step count and weight training and then on big training endurance days like today I will eat back 90% of whatever my devices tell me I have burned not an exact science but essentially working within the ballpark figure and I’ll eat back 90% of what I burn on top of that

    3,000 calories so today I’ll probably end up being around the 5,000 calorie Mark so there’s going to be a lot of this there’s going to be a lot of this and I might even just take this if you don’t mind Scott if you want more context and much more detailed

    Approaches to exactly how I approach nutrition how you can to look for this video on the screen but I’m going to get into this grab an KN and Fork Now consume this food probably have another coffee and then we’re going to get in the car to head about an hour south to

    Inveran to then start running back up this direction to the bridge of Ori and then we’ll drive home and I’ll show you what I’m eating along the way thank you very Much all right we are ready to go in terms of what I’ve got on my person in here I have all my electrolytes and carbs actually a bit of a secret project my protein and I are working on so in there is 80 g of carbs and 600 Mig of

    Electrolytes in 1 and 1/2 lers of water so that is there and I have a whole variety of snacks and things in here I’ve got squares bars the usual no squashies this time though if you’re a longtime viewer of the channel you’ll be aware that I ruin them for myself with

    The double brutal prep got some little oat bars and things but generally speaking a lot of my nutrition will be coming from this and just topping up on Little Bits like this as we go I can keep stuffing in that car as we as we

    Crack on too but I’ll let you know what I’m consuming as we go but I will put an account for the macros from this on the screen for you just now adding to the total that is on the screen just now but as always essentially there’s three components to consider when you’re

    Fueling Endurance Sports fluids carbohydrates and sodium and essentially I’ve always been really keen on tripling down on that as my main Supply and staple of those three things so in here I have water carbohydrates and sodium and then I will be topping that up with

    Other things as I go but using this as my Foundation means that I can really keep on top of all of those three things without really needing to think about it much as I go obviously as time goes on 5 6 7 hours deep you’re going to want to

    Be consuming more things that you enjoy more a little bit more morale boosting you don’t want to be relying on Performance Foods all the time but today tomorrow is going to be getting a feel for the terrain and the pace that I’m moving at and how I can consume things

    How often I can access the car how much I need to carry on my person and it’s in some truly truly Scottish weather so if it ain’t raining it ain’t training Good we are in inveran about to head 30 km that way to the bridge of Ori Jamie’s going to be joining me for the first 15 20K give or take you might end up doing the whole thing but I’ve got everything mapped out here power save let’s avoid

    That to keep my GPS on food Drink All on my person I’ve kind of got everything I need with me so I’ll talk you through it as we go on this bad boy GoPro right here cuz the weather is not exactly conducive to using the camera that we’re

    Currently filming on as much as we would have otherwise liked to it’s 4° C it’s raining pretty consistently that is not going to stop so all that’s really left to do now is to get moving So goodbye So those three components of fueling for endurance that I ran through earlier it’s important to try and set yourself a bit of a structure or a regimen protocol if you will to stick to so I have a little buzzer on my watch that goes every 1550 minutes I do this for

    Triathlon Ultra stuff whatever it may be where I just open this up I’ll have three decent zps and then put it away and then that means that I’m just keeping on top of a rhythm so that if I do start to get pallet fatigue if I

    Do start to get a bit sick or something if I do fall a bit behind then it means I’ve got some sort of structure to hold myself accountable to as I’ve said I’ve got sodium water and carbohydrates in there so I just keep topping things up

    That means that when I get the food in I’ll be able to not necessarily consume as much all it wants which means digestion over time can be a little bit more manageable and that’s ultimately part and part of why days like today days like tomorrow are so important for

    Events like this because you’re sort of going through the motions in an event setting and traling things in training so you can make your mistakes here so that when it comes to event day you’ve got your strategy you know what you need to do and it’s just about execution so

    I’ll checking with you shortly for my first bit of something sweet You see the trail there look yeah he go have all those trees in his R there’s no way in for the car here we’d have to get down across the river and up past the the farm there so we’ll have to mark that in there a no support

    Area and then feed him again up here okay half an hour has elapsed so first bit of food on board trying to get something in every 30 minutes alongside fluids every 15 so squares bar calories Macos on the screen if you just here and what’s interesting at the moment is one

    My feet are completely soaked through which is kind of freeing in a way because spend the first section of any runs like this trying to keep your feet dry and then when they’re soaked through you suddenly don’t need to worry about keeping them dry which means you can

    Basically just throw your foot out in front of you and hope for the best so we’re in a bit of a flat rolling section now where I nearly rolled into the floor good Lord that would have been entertaining and the challenge at the moment is actually heat cuz we’re in

    Proper waterproofs today because of the temperature to try and keep ourselves somewhat dry if we’re moving too quickly temperature does get a little bit uncomfortable and a bit unsustainable so we’re just making sure that we’re keeping a pace that’s manageable so enough for me going to get this on board and keep Moving no way of keeping these feet dry that’s for sure good training for come whatever may be at the end of March I guess is the way that I’m framing things [Applause] today cheers Quaker Flapjack 224 calories details on the screen totals on the screen rout hour and a half deep feeling solid lots of undulations big inclines at the moment so keep moving about to drop down into tindrum which is sort of the last bit of civilization

    Before you enter Glenco and it just becomes long beautiful baren area so very good to get to grips with the area so I know what to expect I uh just slipped and hit the deck though so that’s that’s good fun shame that wasn’t on video I would have

    Loved to share that with you all because Jamie was cackling but nonetheless nothing snapped Nothing Hurt just a reminder that I think I need to upgrade my trail shoes to ones with a little bit more aggressive lugs on them as I’ve been saying make the mistakes in training so

    That everything is Easy Breezy aside from the fact that 250 km is a very long way come event Day no cross over the back here somewhere I Tri and very easy could have broken my he wasn’t There You see that yeah yeah boy so total sent so far 516 so we’ve done most of the elevation for the day so far very undulating so it’s kind of frustrating mainly cuz my brain is really focusing on like Logistics of the actual event which we’re all just discussing not many opportunities to get

    The car in and out so the camera guys for the main thing are going to have a real real challenging day what’s that 15K bang on hour 57 moving pretty much exactly as we expected Pace wise no real Spike and demand in my legs heart rate’s never really got up breath always been

    Under control heat I’m a little bit chilly right now but I’m not moving so that makes sense and one of the key things for the day itself I think it’s going to be Forward Motion which is why I’m eating more dense foods like I am

    Today on the move so that I can just keep moving forwards cuz Ultra endurance stoppage time can absolutely murder you so if you can keep moving forwards keep topping up as you go your stomach can hack it build a stomach of iron and you’ll be good to keep moving in the

    Right direction hopefully we’ve only gone off Course once but don’t tell anyone weather has taken a turn we had a glimpse of blue sky for a second there after the run deing with the team but alas Misty sideways windy rain bread and butter for Scotland cheers all right gel

    Going in mainly just cuz Jamie’s been stealing all my squares bars and flat Jacks that’s not what I want right now you should have brought your own food you prick I’ve got it I’m just taking those everybody comment Jamie you’re a snake brackets but thank you for supporting Fergus on this training run

    In the comments down below and this video gets, 1500 likes to celebrate hitting 100,000 subscribers I’ll run 100K around the track so drop a comment like it share it with your friends if you want to watch me suffer for one of my last training runs before the 250

    Then you know what to do calories and macros for this on the screen here totals on the screen there hados Amigos well you won’t remain my Amigos if you give this video, 1500 likes but for the time being Amigos it is absolutely wild how quickly the weather can

    Change I cannot believe that we’ve gone from really quite brutal Wind and Rain 10 15 minutes ago to ibly a lovely day big section where you come out after Bridge of you’re Hing the that’s [ __ ] pain in the ass of the car you can get all

    The way in that’s the last point we can get you in we get you in there and then that’s where we put probably me in with you yeah we run the dark together like the heavy hard dark getting dark again there that’s where you’re going to be at most

    Risk and at the least the least opportunity supp my main point is focus I mean already now just been a little bit fatigued in quite a big training week already I’m finding myself just tripping a little bit and when I’m 30 hours have somewh for the support team

    Bring him out for a little bit have him I just thought to acknowledge how hilarious it is that Jimmy and I in the exact same jacket black shoes dark waterproof trousers and have hats on backwards sign pack as well same pack that is mine as is all the food that you’ve been eating

    This whole time so just thought I’d acknowledge that before anyone else has commented well are you guys brothers or something Yes it does feel quite interesting doing this with only 10K or so to go yeah is that right 9k thank you very much cheers um but ultimately this is the exact attitude and approach that you need to take when it comes to the event itself so learn to be able to eat solid

    Food on the go best guess on macros someone this going you now that’s delightful hot food out the cold feeling suitably fueled this Savage next to me Ultra endurance training is ultimately an eating competition with movement involved simple as that Really whenever you’re ready me all right had a toasty not feeling very toasty because of the temperature okay she probably just leave ungracefully Now cold the line Bast had to work quite hard there to get some temperature built back up up but mission accomplished hear my breath a little bit for the first time actually just working a bit harder but job done now walking up this gradient here weather is rank but that is what

    We’re here for so just glad it’s still positive digits temperature wise otherwise I’ll be in probably less positive experence overall we’ll keep on moving still sipping my fluids as we go I just can’t be out filming every time aiming for about 60 to 75 G of cars per hour as a

    Rule with my endurance distance training that’s not necessarily something to generalize for everybody but it’s definitely a good starting point to work from so if you find yourself going over the 90minut mark 2 hour mark you should definitely be taking some carbohydrates on whil you’re doing endurance work and

    Sodium is a huge consideration as well and it’s up to you to play around with how much water fluid is involved Heat’s a huge thing as well obviously if you’re doing this in Lanzar roosi versus where we are right now if you’re on the bike versus on your feet there’s lot of

    Considerations so Yeah I like to think the occasional castle that I run past in Scotland in these videos is a bit of a novelty for anyone not from around these parts but here’s another one we have ourselves some highing Cows average face jermy for the whole thing this is remarkable guess the average PA for the whole thing I’ve just looked but yours might be slightly different 741 I’ve got 730 on the no the pacing aim for today was 730 is an average I have an average of 730 so

    That was accidentally perfect anyway dat on the screen for you just here I did have one gel up there that I didn’t record because I was vibing hard that was a big big section that we could just open up and really run we had a few k at

    Like 534 545 so really enjoy just getting into his own and going in there anyway that is that how do you feel they’re good all things considered I think it was the pie that did it he’s a man of many words anyway I think we should get in the car and back

    To the House in the car being driven by Mr pay and I have myself a my protein white chocolate brownie which I’ll have a average of one to two every single day because I love them and I’ve been saing this for the past couple of hours as I weigh to finish calories macros on the

    Screen somewhere totals also there good to have things like this when I’m up North because infrastructure up here is next to nothing which means protein can be a little bit hard to come by so having some convenient protein is a huge huge win and means that by planning

    Ahead you don’t find yourself in a pickle where you’re living on white bread butter and jam for your dinner we’ve got what we got oven pizzas for tonight we have yeah so protein will be reasonable in those but not enormous I’ve got some clear way at the house as

    Well which I’ll get into later on refreshing hopefully we’ve got some ice in the freezer can’t imagine that other provideed that but either way having stuff like this having clear way on the road whenever I’m traveling whenever I’m going anywhere even in the office convenient easily accessible protein is

    A huge component of being able to basically train into a hybrid athlete whereby you’re going to be consuming a lot of calories to hold on to muscle mass and body weight alongside endurance work so with protein being one of the main foundations of that if you set

    Yourself up for failure by not having access to it then you’re making an already difficult task more difficult so having things like this is essential if you want to have some things like this available to you then use the code Fergus at checkout at my proteins website to save yourself some percentage

    Off and you’ll be helping out the channel in doing so link is in the description see you at the House okay call complete that was with with our wintering intake at ONN performance who are essentially all training towards a 12-hour max distance time on feet at the end of March when I’m going to be running my 250k so suffering and solidarity you will be able to get involved for winter in 2024

    So if you’re looking to be in the know and even if you want 15 resilience hacks delivered directly to inbox then sign up to the newsletter down below and you can be kept in the loop so yeah essentially we’ll be covering three options for people to approach the 12 hours with a

    Backyard Ultra style out and back style or a sort of bigger Loop or Point too option and that’s that so I’m going to have this in here which is some rice cheddar black bean chili and I’ve got some chicken I’ll probably have one of these and I’ll probably have some of

    This as well so I’m going to get some food on board and I will see you very soon okay 6 minutes past 8 and I have two servings of rice Chi cheddar and the black bean chili con Carney thing with a very sad looking wedge of lime that Erin

    Very kindly gave me here I’ll will get to that shortly and a just over I think 1.2 chicken breast give or take I do know exactly what’s in this it’s on a sheet of paper at home and the information is on here and the totals

    For the day thus far are here so 31k on my feet 800 mm of elevation and some food to weat back so as I mentioned before what I tend to do on big train days like this is I look eat back 90% of the calories burnt according to straa on

    Top of my daily maintenance which at the moment is 3,000 calories so I have burnt 2,938 calories which is 2644 so plus 3,000 I have 5,644 calories to eat for the day which is quite a lot but ultimately that’s what is required if you’re going to be

    Doing big volume whilst also trying to maintain muscle mass body mass body weight etc etc and I fluctuate on a daily basis like that so that I’m effectively fueling big training days but also I get very very hungry on big training days so I’d rather eat on big

    Training days and eat a little bit less on days where I’m just doing a weightlifting session or a rest day for example again refer you to previous video on the case I’m going to get into this and then probably need to get some pizza down me as well to be able to have

    Enough calories for the day so I don’t know what this is like cold it doesn’t look very appetizing and that cheese is kind of sitting like a little platform hold do hold do all right that’s boxed off and I am feeling quite full I must admit but in front of me I

    Have 1 two 3 four five pieces of pizza these vultures kindly left for it I also have one over there before before J do you not really not really no so five piece of pizza plus one that I had earlier C’s Mac on the screen here

    Totals on the screen for you here this is a little bit somebody nail all the cheese off that or is that my deceiving me I don’t think anyway getting close to the amount of calories required for the day I might end up calling it a little bit short

    Just so I’m not force feeding myself before bed cuz it’s much later than I had originally anticipated it would be going to eat this and then I think we’ll close off the video how’s that sound okay positive training day overall finishing the day about 5,250 calories I

    Believe totals on the screen for you just here obviously overshot protein and fat intake a little bit carbs are pretty skyh high as well but that is just the nature of the game when trying to sort of bump up my calories around bigger training volume I want to maintain my

    Strength I want to maintain the M I’ve worked for over 13 years to build and try and hold on to so if you are training as a hybrid athlete it is very important to not accidentally put yourself into a deficit through bumping up your endurance volume and therefore having more calories to essentially

    Balance the books with final reminder done a video on this in the past if you want to go and check that out in more detail as that is the best place to contextualize a lot more what I’ve been saying today and sort of skimming over a

    Little bit all in all 30k on my feet today 31k on my feet today in fact about 28 tomorrow positive wcky team as a whole feeling pretty confident it’s actually quite late on 10:23 300 calories or so behind where I said I’d be but I’m full it’s way past

    My bedtime I would like to go to sleep and rest my weary legs ahead of tomorrow but yeah I’m not going to lose any sleep hopefully over 300 calories or so behind that will do the job but Logistics practicality confidence and planning all in a really good place ahead of the next

    5 and 1/ half weeks ahead of game day so exciting times let’s see what the rest of my prep looks like for a 250 km ultramarathon make sure to hit subscribe so you see what that looks like drop the video a like there is a big fat

    Incentive for you to do so as you should already be aware from earlier in the video and do comment with your thoughts feelings questions below thank you very much for watching and see you next time


    1. 20:40 I can't believe you have Arla protein quarks in your fridge. I've literally never seen anyone outside of Finland eat quark, and I'm not even sure if I should be calling it quark or curd or something else in English

    2. 100k round a track would mentally be more brutal than a 250k round beautful scotland. Physically the 250k will obviously be alot worse. Both are fucking savage. Your a machine fergus 👏🏻🙌🏻

    3. Great video Fergus, I wish I looked as good after 30k! This may have been asked and answered already but what carb drink are you loading in to your bladder? I'm researching and testing fuelling for the Thames Path 100k and I could do with some alternatives to gels.

    4. Comment INSTEAD of a like…I vote you do NOT run 100k on a track less than a month away from your epic trail effort. If you insist on 100k. Make it prettier haha 🤣🤣

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