Come with me on a dream roller skate trip to the South of France. From skate adventures and great food to breaking my expensive camera. I’ll show you the best places to roller skate throughout Europe starting with Nice, France.


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    Probably the best skate ever… probably the best skate ever…. ha… I’m smiling because if I don’t smile I’m going to cry. We’re going to Nice to skate, bam, bam! Hi guys! we are in Nice! ahhhh! I can’t wait! I’m literally 30 seconds walking away from the beach from the promenade

    Where I’m going to skate tomorrow morning. Right now, I just got in. This is like this gorgeous studio that I found on Booking. And it has a balcony. And it’s really just like for one person or max two. With it’s own balcony… And the tram stop is right in front right here.

    And literally gorgeous. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Okay guys! So this is the first outfit, first night. And I wanted to look cute and girly because it’s hot! it’s warm outside and I love this ahhh!! and then tomorrow morning I’m going to wake up super early to skate again

    And I’m going to get myself some nice little boulangerie (bakery) and you know that I can practice my Français. That I haven’t spoken since le high school. So yeah. We’re going out to dinner and I want to skate there over the Boulevard it’s getting dark but I don’t care!

    Um and then we’re going to skate to meet each other on the Boulevard then one of the girls is coming by bike because she’s not that secure yet about street skating. and then we’re going to have dinner, finally! cause I am starving and I need to eat otherwise I get hangry! So yes…

    It’s 1:04am and I just got in from our dinner slash late night skate we went quite far over the entire Boulevard which is amazing. And it’s Friday night and the vibe was good. We decided to do a random midnight skate over the Boulevard hills and downhills and Irene is scared

    And Frenna is just like… she doesn’t care she’s just going and I’m like along for the ride. People were just looking at weird because who would skate at midnight.. But we went skating at midnight and my skates of course have lights. so a lot of people like commented on that

    Or they started cheering me on So, so far my findings and recommendations Nice is amazing the vibe is great the people so far have been very nice and very accommodating to English which you don’t really see a lot in France at least not like in the northern parts of Paris and stuff um

    Skating in Nice I think is very doable of course you have the Boulevard but where I’ve been so far off the Boulevard has also been quite nice the only thing is it is quite hilly so you need to be able to do your speed control and you need to be able to stop

    Um I’m going to make a tutorial on that because I think that’s one of the most important things you need to know as beginner skater. That is how to stop, how to uh slow down when you’re on a hill. um but yeah it was really nice

    Tomorrow we’re going to do a very long skate so let’s see how that goes. have to wake up early so I’m going to go and take off my face and yeah sleep so plan for today is skate on a Boulevard then do kind of like a tour to some type of Cape

    And see how far we get so we skated the same way we came last night we skated back up ha ha and then she came with the idea that tonight we have to go and climb those stairs up to that castle over there. Ambitious, very ambitious. yes… so status update

    That hill was way too steep we couldn’t make it coming down we had to hold on ,and then we still couldn’t make it. So we had to take off our skates and then we came here to this lovely spot to have some lunch little bit of drinks

    And then we’re going to try to see if we can reach it by either bus or tram um to have a little swim and yeah explore a bit so Boulevard is a yes the rest of the town questionable if your skills are not awesome with hills and I don’t have brakes

    So that makes it even worse. oh and another cool thing happened we were skating and then these two girls call me over and they actually live in Amsterdam they’re not Dutch but they live in Amsterdam and they recognized me they follow me on Instagram so we had a nice little chat and yeah

    I love it really really nice great way to connect with people that actually like follow me in Instagram um so thank you thank you girls you made my day so happy and yeah look forward to meeting more of you in real life. so we’ve arrived at Cap Ferrat.

    With a nice little square and you’re skating there all these yachts and sailboats and whatever so maybe you’ll snatch yourself a billionaire behind a mountain that’s like a bit foggy behind there that is Italy this is crazy look at these yachts like I I foresee my future this is my future

    I’m supposed to be here there are signs that say no skateboarding so I’m guessing roller skating is also not completely accepted. I’m still doing it but if somebody comes and complains I have to take them off this is literally the coolest stairs I’ve seen

    It looks like a cave and it’s like winding up and it’s covered in plants which you really can’t see because backlight. great, great day at the beach um didn’t swim because I saw jellyfish floating around and they were like it’s not poisonous I’m like it’s red red means poisonous I’m not going in

    So night No. 2 somehow it feels like I’ve been here way longer but I’m skating we had dinner and I was going to go home but I decided to take a long skate to the whole other side of the Boulevard and then back to the middle where my accommodation is

    And yeah this is so peaceful I love it. Everybody’s looking at my wheels though so that’s funny but *peaceful sigh*. Day 3, talking to my mother on WhatsApp and walking around trying to explore the old city there’s so many unique buildings in the city it’s just crazy it’s so beautiful

    And all these different styles feast for your architectural eyes. This is my skate outfit for today I’m wearing my set from Aliexpress that I’m in love with and then this beach cover up on top Decided to take a break from skating and getting yourself cocktail.

    Drinks by the beach is the best way to end my third day here and it’s just I’m loving this. Good morning guys! it’s my last day in Nice, um well last day it’s my last morning actually I have to fly at 2 and it’s now 9:45

    I still want to go for a short little skate but my injury is flaring up so I have to see how that goes yeah I still want to be on time because I missed my flight from Berlin to Amsterdam last week and I don’t want to miss this flight. so yeah…

    Time for the last skate of this trip. I have about 30 minutes to skate before I have to come back and get ready, change my clothes to go to the airport so I’m on time. So it’s going to be a very short skate but probably the best skate ever

    So I just got back from my last skate in Nice, um just showered so I’m not like smelling to sweat on the flight. and I have to leave in about 20 minutes but I’m smiling because if I don’t smile I’m going to cry so I’m going to like smile through this

    So I had a freak fall there was a car in the middle of the Boulevard like one of those garbage collecting trucks or whatever. and I had to swerve onto the biking path to avoid it um and somehow I think my long dress got caught in my skate or something I don’t know

    Something happened that made me fall. like full speed fall. I’m fine though like I didn’t even hurt like I think I scraped my knee a little but I’m not even feeling it but I was holding my phone and my Insta One X2 in my hand

    My phone because I have a Protection thing on it it’s fine it’s like I just need to replace a Protection glass but uh my Insta 360 One X2 is not fine… So this is what the touch screen looks like the lens is actually quite okay except for this part

    Which has something broken in there. and if you see look at the case closely the case is also cracked see um it is dead, dead, as in dead. As in when I started up it tells me that there is no um internal memory card so the core is dead I contacted them

    They told me well the core is probably dead if I want to replace the lenses going to be $200 to replace the touch screen part is also $139 um but yeah the core is dead the core is dead so I think the best course of action

    Would be to buy a whole new Insta one X 2 watch my YouTube video guys watch the ads because I need the funds… This is not in the planning but okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m just gonna buy a new one ha ha it’s gonna be fine okay

    I’m going to hurry up and get dressed because I don’t wanna miss my fight again so bye guys I’ll see you back in Les Pays-bas Le Néerlandais, Holanda whatever you call it so deuces!

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