.this is an exact driving test in UK #driving #drivingtest
    we do driving test routes in isleworth , driving test routes in the UK
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    Here we go exact driving test through early morning you can see a driving examiner here they’re going to check out the car so this an exact driving test route we’re going to go through some of the mistakes unfortunately on this occasion the student didn’t pass on our

    YouTube channel we go more driving test route so go check out like share and subscribe so the first thing I noticed was examin setting up the satnav here you can see in the corner so it looks like the student is going to do some independent driving straight from the

    Driving test center when eyes of driving test center early morning so let’s see how this student deals with the peak time traffic the first thing to notice is they put the wipers on okay so good start already we got Learners around us you look another learner coming through

    The gate you have to be extremely cautious now and we have to watch out for other Learners also trying to pull out at the same time so fairly slow speed we coming now you’re going to go left at the gate cuz the right is a dead end so there’s a giveway line

    Here as we get out let’s see what this doing does they’re going to stop probably Peep and creep they peeped and creep it looks like and gone through so obviously do your check you don’t have to stop if you can clearly see it safe you can move and there’s another road

    Coming another giveaway sign again it looks like they’re turning let’s see where they’re going left coming to another giveaway checking thoroughly the soon this time didn’t stop again again you don’t have to in a giveaway if it’s clear to go then as you’re driving you got random but coming up

    Ahead so make sure you check right thoroughly you can see the car is also going straight blocking the right so good speed good core coming through now you got speed bumps you got meeting scenarios uh you got the wiper still on it is wet you have to watch your speed

    And stopping distance in this kind of condition okay driving through fairly slow it seems like now picking up a bit speed then probably going to slow down now for the speed bombs we got cyclist and the van to deal with checking your mirrors now at this stage making sure you’re in

    The appropriate speed and gear all right don’t forget again guys to like share and subscribe we got more videos online on our Channel FM driving school go subscribe we got also videos on how to pass the driving test how to impress a driving examiner you know having spent many many years with with

    The student with the examiners we know exactly what they want what do we have here we got a hazard vehicle and a van coming through students doing the right thing coming to a stop it looks like okay the guy’s gone through he’s moving out the way so at this stage you should

    Be checking your mirrors interior right it looks like we tried to move a little bit out the guys the GU flashing us to go U but you have to look out for the cars in front come through check your left Mir get back in excellent so just

    Go someone ways over you doesn’t mean you have to go you have to make sure it’s safe so obviously The Pedestrian didn’t see we’re waiting for cars as well we’re not just waiting for him okay sometimes in the exam you might be asked to park here at this Bay here in this

    Particular route and this occasion we didn’t we’re coming through again waiting waiting for opportunity we got a random coming up okay so you’ll be checking your mirrors um if you’re going left you’re going to indicate left you’re watching out for the Learners here we’re going left is anyone coming to your right no

    So we’re going to cut through driving through to the left of the roundabout these are this is an exact driving test route 20 M hour road should be checking your right mirror okay look how we pulled up so the examin must have asked the student pull up on the left check

    Your mirror interior left and pull in okay in the exam you’ll be expected to pull up a few times couple of times I’ve seen it in fact um sometimes even five times um looks like the examiner’s doing some of the wasat now maybe he’s moving

    It so it’s a bit more easier for the student to see we don’t know yet we’re going to find out so I know you’ve been asked to p now you have to move off you’re going to do a six P check as you move off so this soon as waiting for the

    Cars it looks like so make sure you do your six P check make sure you move off safely and as we drive you’re going to see um you have to make sure you pick up your speed appropriately so it’s 20 mph Road check all your mirrors follow the

    Band here um looking far ahead you can see another band you may may even be also to pull up straight away if if the examiner feels like it so look it’s B here on the left the examiner will say find some safety stop so you always park

    On the left hand side the examiner ask you to park on the right they will be direct they will say can you find some on the right to park and most likely if you park on the right you’re doing a reverse exercise again there’s more spots here

    To stop on the left um this is the exact test R sometimes they do ask you to pull over on this road as well sometimes in the exam the examiners May chat to you some well sometimes they may um you know just ask like what you get

    Up to during the day if you’re not doing your driving exam standard questions they’ve been trained to ask and what do you guys prefer do you prefer the exam to stay quiet um so you can concentrate or do you prefer a bit of interaction uh comment below let me know what you guys

    Prefer so right now we got temporary traffic lights that’s like we come to so there’s a sign credit to the student they did stop when red light uh shows waight here so as we’re waiting we should be checking our mirrors just scanning who’s around us uh don’t forget As you move

    Off you’re going to have to check your right mirror interior mirror and right mirror as you don’t want the cars to like go straight ahead of you so you have to check your mirrors and move out slowly let’s see what the lights are saying um green so you check your

    Mirrors and move across safely as I said the risk someone from behind might try to overtake especially with the L plates on people get a bit frustrated and check your mirrors to move back in towards the left all right so now you’re driving remember the examiner is going to be

    Checking uh looking at you to make sure you do your routines checking making making sure that you check your mirrors try to control the speed correctly you can see it’s 20 M hour road scanning far ahead we’re trying to figure out what to do if there’s any Hazard that’s going to come

    Across here we go slightly um restricted us we had to move across slightly to the left there seems all right driving fairly slow not breaking his speed limits maintaining a good speed moving out nicely away from the cars in advance so as move up make sure you check your

    Mirrors and when you check your mirrors now left mirror that is just to move back in we got a random back here let’s see where we’re going checking your right obviously um and then student didn’t wait they saw the car being blocked off and moved to the left so as you approach

    The random but you check your mirrors interior left you would indicate left 6 to8 cars length and if there’s an opportunity to go you should try to go try to be Progressive you got speed bumbs here um again the Su seems fairly slow in control of the car in control of the

    Situation a great Confidence from the Sun with that roundabout seeing the car the r being sto and taking advantage of it examiner would also have noticed that again good speed good control over the speed bumps all these things examiners are noticing so this one it seems a bit

    Rocky you can see it’s not really nice and smooth you got speed bombs you got meeting scenario you par cars and again good speed and at the same time trying to build up a speed between the speed bombs you can see it happening right now so good driving you can see them

    Going a little bit faster slow done for this uh particular bump again speeding up again between the speed bombs great driving so far if you can if you can let the tires go either side of the speed bumps you can be slightly bit faster on the speed

    Bump so here we are try to Center yourself on top of the speed bump and then you can go a bit more faster than usual you might be in gear two or three at this situation so again this is the exact driving test route so we’re coming up towards our

    Roundabout we’re Tak the fourth exit we’re going to get get oursel into the right and we check our mirror’s Interior right make sure you indicate in advance 68 calls length if the right’s clear try to get on there’s a first exit one there’s a second make sure the indicator’s on onto

    The right here’s a third as you go pass the third check your mirrors interior left at this stage indicate left and then you’re going to come off you going try and move across safely make sure I was trying to sneak in on the inside you can see the speed limit it’s about

    20 as we driving check all your mirrors make sure you’re aware who’s around us don’t forget to like share and subscribe click the button on the right we can load more videos on how to pass the driving test what the driving examiners are looking out for and don’t

    Forget we sit with our students in the test we know exactly what they get up to how the examin is Mark where the test routs so this is an exact driving test through if your test center is in isor this is definitely the video for you to watch here’s a zebra Crossing making

    Sure no one’s trying to cross we got Hazard on the left check your mirrors try be safe you have to be aware they might try to move off they haven’t get yourself back into the correct Lane so this Lane goes straight The Examiner doesn’t tell you where you’re going you assume you’re going

    Straight try to get yourself into the correct Lane we got a nice gap between us and the car in front of us remember you want to see ties and to Mark so we can clearly see ties and to Mark in this situation as a driver you want like a

    Half a car’s length gap between you and the K front lights change check your mirrors we’ve got a cycle in on the left so do check your mirrors a bit thoroughly here as you coming across you got a random part to deal with so whichever exit you’re taking the first so second X

    Should ideally be on the left third and fourth on the right in this particular area every area is a bit different with the roundabouts is of RS are fairly simple but there are some middle lanes that you have to deal with so as we said first

    And second ex exit ad on the left lane third and fourth on the right so we’re going to be taking the third exit therefore you should be on the right hand lane this is an exact driving test route we’re actually on our exam right now you’re watching the exact

    Driving test so as you move make sure you get yourself in the correct Lane in advance if we taking the third exit get yourself on the right lane you check your mirrors Interior right you indicate right uh we’re in the right lane lights are green double check the right on the

    Road and watch out for the lights to change as you’re driving get yourself on the inside Lane count the excess there’s a first on our far left as you go around there’s a second in front of you you should be checking your left mirror at this stage indicating left and trying

    Yourself uh best to move to the left lane as we have Wicked so that was a good uh roundabout we’re on the left hand lane now building up our speed checking our mirrors and looking out for speed signs you can see it’s about 40 m hour you can see cars on the right

    Overtaking um make sure you build up your speed make sure you hit 40 if it’s clear you can actually fail for being too slow so now we go draw Carriage Way and make sure you check all your mirrors you can see cars are turning left so you may

    Have to react to the these cars check your mirrors thoroughly as you’re driving try build up your speed it may be a bit wet but you you can I’m sure you can build up USB D40 right now as the roads are quite clear in your test you you may have to deal

    With drill Carriage weights like this um in this rad is 40 some Dr carries are National speed limit which at 70 and you may have to do 50 all depends on the area this area the maximum speed you’ll be doing is 40 so as you can see

    Whichever test center that you go to the area can affect if you’re want to pass or not cuz maybe um some test center areas um the J car are really difficult to deal with the random bu are bigger so it can affect your driving test so we’re we’re driving it seems it seems

    All right um obviously some of the fults in the test were the studio was fairly slow so I’m Miss okay so I’m assuming at this uh situation the studio may be a bit slow and they did get faulted for being a bit slow um and so this this seems like one

    Of the situations obviously you can’t see the speedometer on the on the video here as we’re driving so this is an exact driving test rout you’re going to come across another roundabout these are some of the exact driving test random bus you can to deal with in your driving test

    Now I’ve made videos about the random bus itself how to do random bus in is and other areas go to our Channel you’ll find it on our playlist so here we are we’re taking uh the second X in this situation you can see the two bars the

    200 yards you can see another one bar here literally on our left and right we’re fairly close to the random but we’re taking the second X there look far ahead and you’re going to see now it gets a little bit more complicated the far uh Lane on the left only goes left

    So you have to be in the Middle Lane in order to go straight yes you can be on the right lane but pick the Middle Lane cuz as you get to the middle here you going to now shift back into the far left lane there we go and then it leads

    You off onto the left lane if you’re on the mid far right lane you’ll be on the right as you come off which is where you don’t really want to be um if you do find yourself on the right lane you have to make sure you move back across to the

    Left lane so again really good um RAB seeing the lane marking picking the Middle Lane and then from the middle goes back into the left bit like a hook or question mark imagine that um so that kind of shape rewind the video if you want to see the roundabout it’s actually

    A really good roundabout make sure you check your mirrors as you come off that’s something you can’t see what the student is doing this car’s trying to get in might try to cut in and so if he does like this you have to break a bit

    Slow like it looks like the student did to create some Gap and then you should be coming off the the exams don’t take take you up this road and they should come off here and then you’re going to deal with another random but they never really

    Take you up that bridge um on this particular route it’s too far out um from the test center otherwise so now we’re on the left lane we’re looking forward it looks like there’s something in the way so the student is now moved across and credit to the student make

    Sure you check your mirrors you indicator move across and check your left mirror and indicator move back in so they’re now on the left lane taking the first exit so again try to see all this in advance you got zebra Crossing you have to deal with

    And when you get a chance if it’s empty try to get on this run back can be very busy very difficult it’s one of the bigger Rand USS in the area and probably um slightly hard harder than the other random us I would say so this is the

    Biggest run back you’re going to face in isor um so staying safe staying on the left lane in this situation taking the first exit you can see there’s a 30 mil hour right on the corner of the screen oh that was quite close to that white car there it’s quite

    Close anyway um it doesn’t seem like it was a for but it did seem a little little bit close for Comfort all right so as we’re driving you’re looking for speed signs we did see the 30 in the corner as we mentioned if there’s no signs on the road you should assume it’s

    30 what you guys think of the route so far do you think it’s a bit difficult do you think it’s easy do you think you can manage it comment below don’t forget to like share and subscribe so we’re holding back from this car RS are fairly wet keeping a nice Gap

    Checking our mirrors thoroughly make sure you check thoroughly so as you’re driving the examiners may also to pull up and this situation we have check can M interior left you indic can pull off The Examiner may ask you randomly can you just pull up just before the

    Blue car for example they might say that next to the driveway that’s completely possible or they might say can you find some safety stop um so in this situation it looks like the stud student would have been asked pull up just behind the blue car and then the examiner may want

    To chat to you or ask you to pull off again and you do a six1 check as you pull off they may want to like fix the satn get the sat out that’s that’s why they may also you to pull up as well but you’re also being assessed in pulling

    Off pulling up and moving off so you check your mirrors you indicate to pull up and then pull up fairly close to the curb obviously and then as you move off six point check indicate to move off we got round bar to do with make sure you’re slow follow the shape of the

    Roundabout if you have space so that we follow the shape we have enough space to go around you don’t cut across unless there’s no space so the students um driving it does see it looks like they pick picking up the speed now um it did seem like they were a bit

    Slow again and then you can see when they acceler you can see the obviously screen moving a bit faster so this one is 30 there’s no signs make sure you’re doing the speed limit you’re going to probably turn left down here yeah you going to check your mirrors indicate

    Left to move back in so these are some of the roots that I myself teach on cuz we know these are the roots we come around these areas we do actually practice all the exact same test rots uh just cuz as as we said we sat with examiners we know exactly where the

    Roots are being aware of this car trying to pull out he didn’t pull out so we’re fine check your mirrors and moving across there’s a giveway here so make sure you double check the right as you pull in here there we go and you can see

    Speed signs now you can see the 20 here so make sure you’re 20 we got bus lane to deal with if it’s uh not in operation um you can use it in this case we’re not using it but if it’s uh if it’s in operation you can’t use it

    Obviously anyway we’re on the right lane for now examiner may take you on the third exit or the second xit in this situation so if you’re taking the second xit make sure you move back across to the left um we kind another Ser it’s actually the middle and that should go

    Straight in this situation but um in this case uh there’s a sign on the left exam may also take the Third x set let’s see if they do you check your mirrors indicate right so we’re getting quite a lot of random quite a difficult route now um the stud has been assessed in

    Quite we’re back on the same roundabout which we just did literally so um The Examiner is really testing the studio out especially on top of the Rands quite a lot of randoms maybe one two three back four maybe even five big roundabouts we’re going to be doing so

    Um I’ll say the route is quite tricky um you can see it’s not that difficult if you practice on it it won’t be difficult but um this particular route with the student we’ve had a lot of roundabouts a lot of roundabouts so on the right lane make

    Sure the indicator is on it is control by traff light but you still double check the right as you move off there’s the light so as you move off make sure you look right onto the road no one should be coming but you still double check as you move across here’s

    The first on the far left there’s the second our lanes are going to split up and you should go into the middle lane or the far left so we’re in the middle Lane check your left and you can move you indicate of this Lane you can move

    Across to the far left even better if the student can move to the far left if it’s clear try to get try get yourself in straight away so again it seems like a really good random by in terms of the layout we can’t really see what the

    Student’s doing cuz we don’t have the clip of it but the students should be checking their mirrors indicate left to come off so now we’re going back towards the test center that was actually a test route so we’ve literally just came the opposite way now we’re going back uh

    Back towards the test sender the same Joe carries you the opposite way back so um you know I would say it was a it’s a little bit um it’s a little bit silly to do the same loot back but that’s what the test is um The Examiner really

    Testing the student out on the roundabouts um that’s why we’re back on the same Mo cuz all the roundabouts are in this particular area it’s literally a straight road and there’s about five big RAB us on on this Jew Carriage Way so um I’ll say this test through is really a

    Lot of roundabout practice luckily for us we have practiced a lot of roundabouts in the test um in our lesson sorry we practice all these roundabouts so we do know the student failed or got a fault for being a bit too slow on the jaw carriageway so if you look at the report

    Here you can see appropriate speed four minor faults the student has been a bit slow during during the drive and you can get faulted if you get too many faults you get a major fault we have got a serious fault which we’ll talk about when we get towards that fault later on

    So so far it seems all right there’s a few cars in front of us there’s no way you can really pick up your speed in this situation I do have a feeling though as we get closer to this round about we’re going to make Thea here I think this is where the examiner

    Mentioned that the student may have made a fault so you’re going to see why I think we’re taking the second exit and what Watch What Happens so as we’re driving the students now moved across to the Middle Lane to go straight they probably accidentally thought the left goes left only and we

    Moved to the Middle Lane and we didn’t check our mirrors and this is where this serious thought occurred so at the end of the test exam explain there was actually no need to go to the Middle Lane we were going straight on this roundabout now some of the roundabouts

    In isor you do have to be in the Middle Lane to go straight but that’s what you have to look out for the arrows in advance don’t don’t just assume the middle goes straight and if you are in the Middle Lane if you do go to the

    Middle Lane make sure you check your mirrors if you’re going to change lanes and indicate to move across so the major fa now is we moved across without checking our mirrors now the issue is when you’re in the middle Lane here is we’re going to come off on the right

    Hand lane and you’re now in the overtaking lane make sure you move yourself back into the left lane safely so you’ll be checking your M you indicate and you move back across so unfortunately this is where the major fault occurred moving across without checking the mirrors now this particular route The

    Examiner taking the student on um they had to De with almost seven big roundabouts seven big roundabouts it’s a shame because of one roundabout just because of one mirror check unfortunately the student fell apart from that um they’ve done all the roundabouts really well correctly um

    It’s just a shame that one lapse of concentration can lead you to a failure and that’s unfortunately how the driving test is so we’re dealing with another big Rand about in isor we’re taking the first first exit back into the test center we’re in the correct Lane we have to give credit to

    The student um they done all the Rand us ex even even the one where we made the major default it’s not wrong to be the Middle Lane they just didn’t check the mirrors and they were sharp enough to move back into the left lane so we have

    To give credit to the student they done really well with all the roundabouts with all the pressure that they had to deal with it’s a bit unusual to deal with so many roundabouts in the driving test but this is a a route that we given

    So we have to firm it we have to just um deal with it so now literally we’re off off the roundabouts the Jo casual was right behind us where all five random Buss are how the big random bus are there so now we’re now going all the way back now

    Back to the driving test center can see the lights changing again student reacting nicely so as a as a driving examiner um yes this student did seem a little bit slow that can be a bit frustrating for a driving examiner you know you should pel

    Up your speed we have to make sure we make the examiner in a good mood uh by you know having good clutch control checking our mirrors building up our speed showing the examiner we’re not beginners we have to show The Examiner we’re experience and I think we’re a

    Little bit slow throughout the test it seems like and maybe the examiner also didn’t like that um but yeah one literally one major fault unfortunately because of that we failed and so want the correct Lane again the right lanane to go straight credit to the student they’re seeing everything um they’re in

    The correct Lanes I’m assuming they’re checking their mirrors cuz they haven’t been faulted for these uh any mistakes around here uh and again I’m assuming they indicate the right terms to move across when they need to so we have to give the student credit everything we’ve taught they have they

    Have applied it’s one one literally laps of concentration that can lead you to a major F so now literally it’s just straight road down the traff light is going to be there’s going to be a left which leads us back into the driving test center so we haven’t as if yet done

    Any Maneuvers if you don’t do Maneuvers during your test you’ll be doing a maneuver at the end of the test which is your reverse Bay parking you can see the stud is building up the speed you can see The Cars Moving quite fast your nice experience drivers we can kind of see

    When you’re slow when you’re for so right now it looks like the stud buing up their speed moving across nicely with the car trying to right you’re going to see the student hopefully build up the speed again go on mate go on clear Rose no she they

    Didn’t so uh there’s a red light anyway so a bit lucky no it’s green light so again a bit frustrating maybe the student think it’s 20 mph Road um if there’s a 20 sign oh you can see them building up the speed now so this is

    What the examin they meant by they a bit slow building up this speed we should be going left here we’re in the left lane test centers back towards the left as a driving test center on our side we got other driving test centers we got greenford south or

    Ying uh chy to worth uh there’s quite a few test centers on our on our YouTube channel sorry go to our site and our Channel And subscribe so you can see 20 M hour on the road now and as we said um the maneuver may happen at the

    End if you don’t do maneuver in the in the test itself during the test sorry so we know it’s 20 M hour the road is a little bit cracked as you can see there’s a quite a few speed bumps um just maintain a good speed when you

    Can make sure you don’t lose your concentration on the way back stay composed everything we’ve taught you you’ve been taught uh make sure you apply it watch out for any hazards check your mirrors thoroughly indicate at the right times as you go back you’re going to come come back

    Towards the gate and if you lose control slow it down it’ll be a bit tricky coming back towards the gate if this car’s coming out um so here we go we’ll literally around the corner now we should be taking the left after these cars so you check your mirrors interior left it’ll

    Be indicating and they should be here on the left probably break for the speed bump there we go they did and then um on the left and left here bit bit slow a bit over dramatic that to be that slow as you’re coming in but it’s not a problem and then you

    Should be taking a right here at the gate checking mirrors indicate if you’re doing manual you may want to go down to gear one you may you don’t have to if you have control stay in two and get through so soon slow down quite a bit

    Maybe they going down to one which is completely fine nothing wrong with being a bit slow coming into the gate now if you Haven we haven’t done a maneuver as you saw you’re going to go go straight down you’re going to stop and then the

    Exam is going to ask you so you can see a learn on the right they probably finished their test and you’re going to go straight down you’re going to stop and then the exam is going to ask you to reverse back into the bay and this is counted as your reverse

    Exercise so as we said if you haven’t done a maneuver throughout the test you’ll be finishing off with a maneuver which is your reverse Bay parking so as you doing there don’t forget if you do mess up it’s not a problem you can always go forward and fix

    It let’s see what the student does they’re moving across lanes and they’re turning in okay so they kind of fixed about moving a bit to the left you can tell let’s see if they’re going to move forward no they reverse back yeah they’re moving forward forward again perfectly allowed to move

    Forward to fix it check your mirror thoroughly make sure no was coming around as well all right and then we come in that’s it that’s the end of the test so if you look at the fults not that many fults it was actually a really good

    Drive only five minor you allowed 15 so to make five is not a lot and again we saw the drive it was actually really good drive they dealt with quite a lot of big big Rands probably seven big Rands I didn’t count I think there was about seven you guys can count it

    Yourself so and usually that was quite a lot of random us usually examiner will do three random us maybe big ones and then back towards a test center but in this situation we’re taking down loads of roundabouts and um credit to the student they didn’t break under the

    Pressure they deal with all the Rands if they find in the wrong L they fixed it and unfortunately it was just literally one laps of concentration where they moved across to the Middle Lane when when there was no need for it and you know it can happen but even though the

    Middle Lane does go straight H they didn’t check the mirrors and that’s where the serious F came in the use of mirrors change of directions so that’s a test for you one little mistake one laps of concentration can lead to a major or serious fall and unfortunately you fail

    Your test so as you can see by the drive the student is good enough to do a test straight away we managed to find them a test within about 2 weeks so I’m we’re going to post that clip up as of them doing the test and so they’re definitely

    Ready for the test they don’t have to wait couple of months um especially if you done so many lessons you don’t really want to wait a couple of months you might lose your standing so we managed to book them a test in is off again in 2 weeks time so let’s let’s

    Hope they pass they’re definitely ready for the test um and as as we said it can happen one mistake and you fa and that’s unfortunately life you might make a mistake so it can happen but don’t take it too heart rebook your test and be

    Back on it if you need time off take a bit of time off but don’t take too long and lose your level don’t forget guys to like share and subscribe and hopefully you guys um have better luck as well passing your driving test it’s good to learn from other people’s mistake it’s

    Good to watch the video as well to see the route again guys don’t forget to like share and subscribe

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