Brace yourselves for the epic conclusion of our Berlin Series with “The Fight For Berlin: To The Last Man | World War II (Finale).” In this gripping finale, witness the intense and brutal battle for the heart of the German Reich, culminating in the fall of Berlin and the demise of Hitler. From the relentless street-to-street fighting to the iconic battle for the Reichstag, this episode explores the resilience of both Allied and Axis forces as they clash in a fight for survival. Immerse yourself in the historical significance of the last stand and the desperate measures taken by the defenders of Berlin. The narrative unfolds with unprecedented detail, providing a comprehensive look at the final moments leading up to the end of World War II in Europe.

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    ‘Catalyst’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Goliath’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘The Long Dark’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Discovery’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Emergent’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Rise Above’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘This Too Shall Pass’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Chasing Daylight’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Vanguard’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

    ‘Ignis’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

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    [Applause] Following our first episode we are now set to uncover the finale of The Battle of Berlin marking the most brutal and bloodiest stage of this series at this juncture the German High command is mobilizing every available man for a final defense of the capital utilizing any means necessary simultaneously the s

    Soviets have encircled the city entirely with zukov more determined than ever to deliver a decisive blow that would secure a Soviet victory in Europe on the German side they find themselves outnumbered outgunned and engaged in frantic battles in the west against the Western allies this conflict transcends

    A mere pursuit of a German Victory it has become a desperate struggle to delay the inevitable Soviet triumph over Berlin for as long as human endurance permits By April 25th generals jukov demonstrated their strategic prowess by reorganizing their Frontline units in Berlin drawing on their extensive experience gained from the brutal siege of Stalingrad armed with the hard-earned lessons from that historical ordeal the Russian forces were well prepared to undertake the formidable task of

    Besieging the city to tighten the Noose around Berlin they meticulously formed assault groups each consisting of a company of infantry supported by six or more anti-tank guns a troop of tanks or assault guns engineer platoons and a flamethrower platoon the assault groups embarked on Relentless and continuous operations advancing through the city

    With unwavering determination their methodical approach involved demolishing buildings and clearing rooms leaving no room for respit for the Defenders this unyielding action set the stage for the final phase of the Battle for Berlin the combined Soviet forces encircled the inner city with an imposing array of almost half a million troops 12,700 guns

    21,000 rocket launchers and 1,500 tanks up to this juncture the Soviet front line had breached the capital’s outer defensive ring in only two primary areas to the East and North The Defenders on the perimeter largely consisted of remnants from units that had been withdrawn after the fervent displays on

    The 18th 20th and 25th by Panza Grenadier divisions the muncheberg division ninth paratroop Division and SS divisions nordland and Charlamagne alongside them were vog storm and various other formations collectively forming a Garrison of nearly 300,000 armed Personnel notably a significant portion of this Force nearly 50,000 comprised inexperienced combat soldiers

    Rather than seasoned vet veterans the challenge of facing such overwhelming odds added another layer of complexity to the desperate defense efforts of Berlin in light of the challenging circumstances surrounding Berlin’s defense General helmouth viding faced the critical task of organizing his staff efficiently acknowledging the complexity of the situation viding opted

    To appoint two capable officers to lead key aspects of his team obus Theodor Von duing who previously served as the Chief of Staff of the 56th panzov assumed responsibility for overseeing all military Affairs concurrently obus Hans reor who had previously held the position of Chief of Staff under Ray man

    Was designated as the liaison officer with the civilian authorities regrettably viding encountered considerable obstacles to his operational autonomy the interference from prominent figures such as Joseph Geral and other party leaders added an additional layer of complexity hindering the overall defense efforts the chain of command face disarray both vertically

    Within the military hierarchy and horizontally across different branches resulting in inadequate collaboration between vafan SS and verar commanders this chaotic State of Affairs further compromise the effectiveness of the defensive strategies implemented in the face of the advancing enemy forces as the Battle of Bin unfolded the once orderly streets now lay cluttered with

    Debris constantly under the barrage of artillery fire that severely impeded the movement of couriers the Relentless bombardment created a chaotic environment compelling sector commanders to make independent decisions on how to allocate their scarce resources and prioritize defensive lines General Raymond’s initial defense plan faced formidable challenges in execution

    Primarily due to a shortage of troops consequently faced with the scarcity of Manpower some commanders made the Strategic choice to maintain control contr over the Outer Perimeter for as long as possible their objective was to delay the advancing enemy forces and buy crucial time for the overall defense effort meanwhile others focused their

    Efforts on strategically defending fortified structures within the city recognizing the importance of holding key positions simultaneously in response to the evolving and challenging circumstances of the battle some commanders opted for a tactical Retreat falling back to the esbar line this Retreat served as a secondary defensive position allowing the German

    Forces to adapt to the Relentless pressure from the advancing enemy the fluidity of the situation required commanders to make quick and pragmatic decisions to maximize the effectiveness of their defense strategy in the face of the overwhelming odds posed by the besieging forces for the French SS on the first night in Berlin soldiers

    Encountered an eerie calm that defied the anticipated sounds of combat instead of the expected Echoes of battle the air was filled with the sounds of people dancing and laughing intermittently interrupted by distant rumbles of Soviet artillery their Journey LED them from west to east Berlin culminating near the

    Herman plots in a brewery where the initial Skirmish unfolded here members of the Hitler Youth armed with Panza fasts engaged in a confrontation with Soviet tanks belonging to Advanced guards near the temple Hoff Aerodrome following these initial encounters the Sturm Battalion bolstered by Tiger 2 tanks and the 11th SS Panza Battalion

    Herman Von salza launched a counter attack on the morning of April 26th in noolen a Southeastern District of Berlin near the sonen AL unfortunately for the Germans this counter offensive fell into an ambush set by Soviet forces potentially involving a captured German Panther Tank though uncertainties lingered regarding whether it was a

    Friendly fire incident the regiment suffered substantial losses with half of its available troops lost on the first day in Nur despite this setback the storm Battalion valiantly defended no’s Town Hall in subsequent actions facing increased infiltration by Soviet combat groups in noi K general krukenberg in charge of sector C Defenders

    Strategically established fallback positions around Herman plats his headquarters were relocated to the opera house as the nordland division withdrew to towards Herman Platz during this withdrawal the French SS and 100 Hitler Youth members affiliated with their group demonstrated remarkable prowess destroying 14 Soviet tanks using Panza fasts additionally a machine gun

    Position near the Harland Z Bridge played a pivotal role effectively stalling any Soviet advance in that area for an impressive 48 Hours these early engagements painted a vivid picture of the varied and intense encounters that characterized the ini IAL days of the Battle of Berlin as street fighting erupted in Berlin the Red Army employed strategic lessons gleaned from past Urban conflicts drawing from experience they organized infantry units into small specialized attack groups for optimal Effectiveness a similar approach was taken with artillery and tank units fragmenting them and assigning specific supporting roles a typical attack group

    Consisted of a platoon of infantry one or two tanks Engineers flamethrowers an anti-tank gun section and two or three field guns while generally effective challenges arose from the convergence of different armies such as chuikov’s eighth guards Army and katukov’s first guards tank Army operating in the same Southeastern sector leading to

    Occasional complications despite restructuring that assigned tank troops a supporting role and placed katukov under chuikov’s command discontent persisted among the tank units concurrently the red Army’s artillery continued to bombard the urban area area heavy howitzers sometimes integrated into the attack groups forcefully cleared their way through barricades and

    Debris in the Eastern sector under Colonel General Nikolai e Bin’s fifth shock troops buildings were systematically destroyed by cannons and mortars advancing through the center Colonel General vasilas kosnov’s third shock troops adopted a similar approach methodically reducing buildings to Rubble Relentless barges from howitzers and catusa missile launchers targeted

    Defenses while tanks and lighter artillery addressed closer range and persistent targets the density of artillery was such that guns were often arranged side by side wheel against wheel in the southern sector ralco commanded a staggering 650 guns per mile of the front line highlighting the overwhelming Firepower at the red Army’s

    Disposal in their determined push through the German defenses Soviet armies adopted a meticulous strategy during the street to- Street combat in Berlin assigning each Infantry Regiment a specific Street daily in this approach two battalions Advanced on either side of the road with soldiers taking great care to minimize exposure progress often

    Involved demolishing partition walls between houses and sellers allowing for strategic movement to facilitate this anti-tank guns or explosives were employed to blow away walls and doors inadvertently leading to extensive fire the destructive aftermath was vividly described by a German soldier who lived through the harrowing experience gradually we lost our human appearance

    Our eyes burned and our faces were soaked and smeared with the surrounding dust the Blue Sky became invisible everywhere buildings were Ablaze ruins crumbled and smoke drifted back and forth through the streets the Relentless cycle of Destruction and Chaos unfolded with each advancing step of the Soviet forces leaving the cityscape in ruin

    Winds the soldiers recollection continued noting that the brief silence following each bombardment only foreshadowed the impending tumult the Roar of engines and the clatter of tank tracks signaled the initiation of a new tank assault this Relentless and methodical approach coupled with the destruction wrought upon the city Illustrated the intensity and brutality

    Of the streetby street combat during the Battle of Berlin During the intense advance of both jov’s first Bor Russian front and kev’s first Ukrainian front towards Berlin a critical lack of awareness regarding each other’s positions led to a series of surprises and misunderstandings jukov initially unaware of Stalin’s permiss mission for Kev to move towards Berlin in response to zov’s perceived underwhelming

    Performance at CeeLo found himself taken aback when chuikov’s eighth guard’s Army and katukov’s first guards tank Army encountered ralo’s third guards tank Army kev’s armored spearhead at shonfeld airport on the morning of April 24th advancing from the southeast this crucial information reached jukov only later that evening and he hesitated

    Initially to believe it in response he ordered chuikov to dispatch reliable staff officers to verify the units involved highlighting the lack of coordination and communication at the higher command levels it became apparent that zukov had not been informed of Stalin’s authorization for Kev to participate actively in the Battle of

    Berlin following this Revelation instructions from Moscow directed that the demarcation line between the two fronts starting from the southern suburb of Lickton raid would follow the railway to ANH halta station this strategic decision meant that kev’s troops still had the opportunity to reach key objectives such as the tiergarten and

    The rag zukov belatedly coming to understand the broader strategic picture had to adjust to the evolving situation and coordinate with kev’s forces to ensure a more unified and effective approach in the Battle of Berlin the episode underscored the challenges posed by insufficient communication and coordination among Soviet commanders

    During this critical phase of the conflict upon assuming the role of K commandant General helmouth viding took practive measures to fortify the existing defense system recognizing the limitations at this Advanced stage of the conflict despite the minimal impact these efforts could have he sought to address the situation by replacing

    Several incompetent commanders and consolidating defense sectors in the northern front Herman’s ninth false kerer division held a resilient position around the flat Tower in Humble the steadfast defense in this sector allowed German forces to maintain control over substantial portions of the area between the spray and the northern section of

    The espan until the conclusion of hostilities in nol and east of kitsberg krukenberg’s 11th SS panag Grenadier division nordland held crucial positions despite significant depletion with only 70 men actively engaged in combat krukenberg’s leadership ensured the division persisted in its defensive efforts M’s Panza division muncheberg fought valiantly at templehof Airfield

    Still boasting 10 tanks and 30 half-rack Vehicles meanwhile ral’s 18th paner Grenadier division relatively robust and equipped with a substantial number of tanks and vehicles successfully defended the zindorf region in the southwest however schulz’s 20th Panza Grenadier division faced isolation on the vanzi island between zindorf and pdam with

    Only 92 soldiers holding their ground despite the challenging circumstances these German divisions under viding command demonstrated varying levels of resilience and determination in their defense of strategic positions within Berlin the diverse situations across these divisions highlighted the complexity and intensity of the Battle of Berlin during its final Stages [Applause] as the Relentless March of Soviet forces pressed deeper into the heart of Berlin the shifting defensive strategy led to the gradual contraction of German lines this tactical adjustment though resulting in significant casualties brought about an increased troop density on the front lines notably featuring a higher proportion of battle hardened

    Soldiers a German officer stationed at the reiches can reporting on April 25th acknowledged the prevalent issue of desertion among vstorm units highlighting the Grim reality of the situation in stark contrast members of the Hitler Youth demonstrated exceptional loyalty and courage while regular army units exhibited a stoic

    Calm determination in the face of the advancing Soviet forces amidst this desperate defense the innermost fortifications proved to be formidable obstacles presenting a daunting challenge for the advancing Soviet troops across various sectors by April 24th two Soviet armies had reached the critical esan line the third shock

    Troops in the north and Northeast from wedding to prenzlauerberg and the fifth shock troops in the East and Southwest from prenzlauerberg to trepo in the Northern and Eastern sectors Fierce resistance emanated from the imposing Flack Towers in Humble time Park and friedin park accounts of brutal Close Quarters combat unfolded around these

    Fortified positions as German Defenders acutely aware of the Strategic importance of these structures fought tenaciously to repel the Soviet Onslaught the decision to bypass the humaine tower was not without cost as the Garrison within maintained its operational capability until The battle’s Bitter End the fried’s hind Tower though a formidable obstacle

    Eventually succumbed to the Relentless Soviet assault its Defenders holding out until the morning of May 1st interestingly resistance varied acoss different sectors with some like the confrontation on Frankfurter alley in the East surprisingly proving to be less intense these brutal encounters on the front lines of Berlin exemplified the

    Ferocity and complexity of the Battle of Berlin where each Street and fortified position became a Battleground for survival leaving an indelible mark on the city’s history at this juncture the Soviet front had successfully breached the defensive ring enveloping the German Capital primarily FOC focusing their advances in the East and North the

    Defending forces on the perimeter were a patchwork of remnants from units that had been withdrawn after the intense clashes on the 18th 20th and 25th these included Panza Grenadier divisions the mberg division 9th paratroop Division and SS divisions nordland and Charlamagne alongside volog storm and various other formations despite a

    Garison totaling nearly 300,000 armed personnel only around 50,000 were SE seasoned combat Soldiers the German defensive perimeter faced an unrelenting barrage that resulted in the loss of thousands of Defenders and civilians paradoxically rather than weakening the central districts this Onslaught made them even more formidable obstacles fanatical SS units armed with artillery

    And entrenched tanks fiercely contested every strategic Point often fighting to the last man the city streets morphed into death traps for Soviet tanks with thousands of Hitler Youth armed with Panza FS fiercely resisting their advance in the vicinity of the templehof aerodrome on the southern side of the

    City the fighting reached an exceptional intensity the Russians grappled with the haunting fear that Hitler whose location remained a mystery might attempt an escape using one of the aircraft stored in an underground bunker the order was given to rush the Airfield as quickly as possible no matter how many Germans were

    Holding or def ending the Soviets would send man after man to secure this Airfield as soon as possible following a determined assault by noon on April 26th the Soviets had secured control of the runways and buildings at the aerodrome capturing the aerodrome commandant in the process as the Red Army pushed

    Closer to the heart of Berlin seemingly indifferent to the cost desperate German Defenders resorted to Extreme Measures creating obstacles by systematically destroying everything in the path of the advancing Soviets with many streets blocked by Rubble the Soviets had to blast their Way Forward by dynamiting holes in house walls or tunneling

    Beneath the city from one Cellar to another only then could they progress from Street to Street often engaging in brutal hand-to-hand combat German bunkers pill boxes and strong points were systematically eliminated with some Defenders surrendering more readily including elderly vogstrom and reservists however units of ss nordland and Charlemagne along with soldiers from

    Various European nations who had joined the SS against the Bolsheviks tenaciously clung to every mound of rubble despite their native being invaded by the allies and the Reich collapsing around them these men had no option but to fight to the end exemplifying the fierce determination that characterized the Battle of Berlin

    In its most brutal and desperate moments A As the Soviet troops closed in on the zadel general viding presented an evacuation plan to Hitler during an evening meeting on April 26 despite discussions with Geral Hitler rejected the plan expressing a steadfast desire to remain in his current location and meet his end alongside his troops unfazed by Hitler’s decision viding and

    His staff continued refining the evacuation plan preparing to implement it when the right opportunity presented itself under intense attacks from choof the German Defenders of krukenberg’s nordland division retreated across the land Canal on the night of April 2627 as the conflict reached the Citadel new misunderstandings and communication

    Issues emerged the zadel had its own Commander obus Lan cyer of the LT Rafer over seeing the defense sector however the defense of the government District including the fura bonka and the rice canai fell under the responsibility of ss troops led by SS Brigade furer vilhelm Mona Mona considered himself not

    Subordinate to viding or Cipher but directly answerable to Hitler krukenberg who independently offered his division to Mona also refused to heed wiid Ling’s Authority living conditions within the zadel deteriorated gradually due to the perilous streets from ongoing artillery shelling a significant number of civilians sought refuge in the espan

    Tunnels these tunnels also housed numerous injured individuals who couldn’t be evacuated from the combat zone a German Lieutenant describe the situation in the tunnels under the ANH halter station stating the station looks like an army camp women and children hide in the niches some sit on folding

    Chairs listening to the sounds of battle grenades hit the roof and cement crumbles from the ceiling Hospital trains slowly Roll by underground corridors served as various headquarters with krukenberg’s headquarters located in an abandoned rail car at the uban station stat MIT despite lacking electric light and Telephone Connections the space provided some shelter

    Occasionally artillery shells penetrated the roof resulting in significant losses on the 27th water suddenly inundated the tunnels beneath the anhalter station leading to drowning and panic in produced trampling among civilians and wounded whether the flooding was intentional to prevent use by the Red Army or a result of tunnel damage

    Remains unclear despite its utility to civilians the wounded and Military Headquarters I remember the dim glow of flickering lights cast Long Shadows across the cold walls of the Berlin espan where I found myself amidst a gathering of battered and injured soldiers many were Dutch I remember also one next to me speaking Dutch I think it was my left leg throbbed with pain a

    Constant reminder of the shrapnel that had found its Mark during the hell up on the surface sent down into the underground Railway system for medical care I joined the ranks of wounded comrades seeking Refuge from the Relentless Onslaught above ground the distant Echoes of explosions seemed to

    Resonate through my injured limb as I gingerly made my way to a corner of the tunnel the air was Heavy with the scent of antiseptic mingling with the acurate smell of smoke that wafted down from the surface in the subdued light I could see the faces of my fellow soldiers each one

    Bearing the visible and invisible scars of war the esbar once a bustling Hub of Transit had transformed into an impromptu field Hospital Medics hurriedly moved among the wounded doing their best to provide Aid in the cramped conditions I lowered myself onto a makeshift cot my left leg throbbing with

    Each heartbeat around me other injured soldiers groaned in pain or winced as medical personnel tended to their wounds the sounds of distant artillery fire reverberated through the tunnels a constant reminder that the battle still raged on above the wounded myself included the fear in our eyes was mirrored by the flickering lights

    Overhead struggling to maintain their luminance amidst the hell of this war children innocent faces stained with dust and tears were among the displaced seeking Refuge their presence served as a stark reminder of the toll war exacted on the most vulnerable despite my own pain I couldn’t help but feel a sense of

    Responsibility for the protection and comfort of those around me many children missing parents and many parents missing children it was constant the doors would bash open and a new Soldier would be rushed in with severe wounds and after seeing so many horrific stains and wounds my leg started to feel better a

    Little bit I guess I was lucky I was still breathing okay and was conscious in the central districts of Berlin uncontrolled fires raged fueled by incessant artillery fire creating chaos that hindered the effort of firefighters the extensive smoke not only made it nearly impossible for German planes to drop supplies but also

    Thwarted Soviet planes from executing bombing raids by the 26th the already sporadic Telephone Connections between the pocket and the outside world were permanently severed while military communication systems within Berlin had ceased to function the regular telephone Network surprisingly remained operational in a desperate bid to maintain awareness of the military

    Situation kreb’s staff resorted to randomly dialing numbers from the phone book occasionally connecting with unsuspecting Soviet soldiers a surreal instance was recounted by a Soviet officer who claimed to have engaged in an unreserved conversation with none other than Joseph Geral after being connected from Simon in West Berlin

    Amidst the escalating chaos an evening discussion in the fura bunker on April 29th revealed the Dire Straits viding offering a grim assessment reveal red that ammunition was nearly depleted and further drops were deemed impractical anticipating the imminent end of fighting within 24 hours vling sought Hitler’s guidance on the course of

    Action after ammunition exhaustion Hitler rejecting the notion of a total surrender of Berlin suggested that small groups could break out despite the Grim circumstances viding still commanded close to 30,000 combat ready troops tasked with defending an 8.5 stretch from Alexander plats in the East to the

    Havl in the west with some sectors only a mile wide throughout the day Soviet forces had reached the Spree River in the north overcoming resistance from Bin’s fifth shock troop Army east of the Spree to the Southwest Bin’s Left Flank successfully captured anhalter station from the south small storm groups from

    Chuikov’s eighth guard’s Army navigated the landare canel with rafts or crossed the remaining Bridges despite concealed German artillery and machine guns inflicting heavy losses on the Soviet infantry chof had by day’s end seized postam plats and reached the iconic grosser tiergarten the Relentless advance of the Soviet forces Into the

    Heart of Berlin marked a critical Turning Point setting the stage for the final desperate moments of the Battle of Berlin to the West the pressure on the German lines was notably lighter with ral’s 18th panag Grenadier division holding the crucial espan line from vest end to hoen soland Dam recognizing the

    Strategic significance of heasa and more critically the bridges over the har at pickles dorf connected to this street Ral aimed to maintain German control over these bridges for a potential breakout two Bridges located a few hundred yards further north also remained intact defending these vital points and he stasa itself was a Hitler

    Youth regiment initially comprising 5,000 boys but reduced to a mere 500 due to Heavy Artillery fire seizing on this situation some redundant adjutants and liaison officers from the fura bunker successfully escaped on the 29th by traveling down the Harville to the south on April 26th wenk initiated a dawn

    Attempt with the 20th Army corpse under General de cavaleria Carl Eric ker they managed to surprise the less fortified Soviet troops Southwest of Potsdam capturing numerous Red Army logistic units and workshops intact act cola’s forces Advanced to a point 15.5 mil from Berlin establishing some contact with the Potsdam Garrison however by April

    29th the 20’s Army Corp found itself compelled to defend in the area south of Shilo unfortunately another planned attack by General lutant Rudolph H’s 41st Panza corpse originating from the ranau region west of Berlin failed to materialize this Western Front presented a mix of strategic Maneuvers and unexpected challenges as German forces

    Sought to maintain control over key points crucial for any potential breakout the complex Dynamics on this front showcased both the resilience and limitations of German efforts during the waning days of the Battle of Berlin shortly before midnight on April 29th Hitler sought a final update from the okw regarding the progress of the efforts to assist venk and busu at 1:00 in the morning kitle responded delivering the Grim news that ven’s Advance had been forcefully halted due to intense Soviet assaults south of Sho

    Simultaneously bus’s ninth arm found itself encircled with some elements desperately attempting a breakout to the west and holsters 41st panacor had shifted to a defensive stance around ranau faced with the realization that relief efforts had proven futile Hitler was left with only one desperate recoil of course suicide the looming Spectre of

    A significant Soviet attack on the Reich canay in the early morning hours of May 1st was anticipated by Mona the combined setbacks on the Western Front and the encirclement of key German forces marked a turning point signaling the inevitable collapse of the entire regime as the final hours of the Battle of Berlin

    Unfolded Hitler’s decision to end his life was a symbolic admission of defeat in the face of overwhelming Odds on the morning of April 30th 1945 kig plats the vast Square nestled at the base of the Reich tuag presented a desolate and lunar-like Landscape the once grand square was Now marred by numerous craters and a substantial anti-tank trench its length filled with water creating an ominous atmosphere for

    One of the most poignant chapters in the Battle of Berlin in the preceding days Soviet infantry backed by numerous tanks had methodically secured control of several buildings within this symbolic enclosure kik’s plats centrally located in Berlin’s diplomatic District had undergone a radical transformation rendered unrecognizable by the Devastation wrought by artillery and

    Bombing the Red Army cognizant of the need to minimize losses in tanks and infantry meticulously planned the Takeover of strategic points including the nearby malt bridge and the ministry of the Interior the latter still resounded with gunfire from the last German Defenders even as the surrounding buildings lay in ruins the operation

    While successful had exacted a toll on the Soviet High command resulting in considerable casualties as the shots from the blea Ministry of the Interior persisted the stage was set for the decisive and final assault on conix plats the square witnessed to the Relentless and brutal engagements of the

    Battle of Berlin stood as a somber Testament to the cost of this protracted and devastating conflict huddled within the craters that pockmarked kik’s plats German soldiers braced themselves for the imminent Soviet assault with the first light of day accompanied by a Relentless rain from the overcast Sky nervous hands meticulously inspected the

    Weapons that would soon confront the impending Russian Onslaught the mp40s weathered by the passage of time and the harsh conditions of battle seemed to have lost some of their initial luster brave Soldiers gazed at the patina adorning the metallic surface of their weapons as if it were a earned

    Decoration a testament to their Endurance on the front lines remaining steadfast until The Bitter End as some verified the correct functioning of the trigger mechanisms others stood ready to load ammunition each weapon h held 32 cartridges a crucial Lifeline at the impending Moment of Truth the more seasoned soldiers drawing from their

    Experience knew that to avoid issues with the weapon it was more prudent to load 30 rounds as some comrades betrayed by the capricious loading system were no longer present approximately 5,000 men positioned in the rag sector listened to the terrifying Symphony emanating from the other side of the river spree the

    Molt Bridge a vital pathway for Russian armored units spanned the wide river and echoed with the ominous Roar of approaching Soviet t-34s the German Defenders soon spotted the Silhouettes of these tanks on the street leading to kik’s plats amidst the smoke and dust shrouding the capital these steel behemoths Advanced cautiously their

    Crews Having learned that recklessness on Berlin’s unforgiving streets led to Swift demise suddenly the air is filled with several streaks of death ger Panera Rockets soaring towards the approaching enemy tanks in a matter of moments a barrage of explosions resounds marking the success of a daring German at the

    Forefront who has skillfully hit the target the shaped charge projectiles capable of dismantling the formidable Soviet tanks like mere tin toys engulf the armored Giants in Flames the initial cheers of the Defenders blend with the anguished cries of the Wounded as the courageous German tank hunters in their

    Retreat towards the r tuck fall under under the Relentless fire from the advancing Russian forces despite the Ferocious resistance mounted by the Germans an increasing number of Soviet tanks continue to forge ahead toward the RAR accompanied by infantry groups these colossal monsters Rumble forward unleashing the thunderous Roar of their

    Powerful cannons incessantly the ground seems to tremble as if on the verge of breaking apart the t-34s and formidable kv1s violently breach kik’s plots their menacing presence just a step away from claiming victory in this harrowing chapter of the Battle of Berlin brutal hand-to-hand combat erupts as the Soviet

    Infantry fueled by an unprecedented determination to secure Victory clashes with the exhausted German defenders in the Square emerging from their craters or taking cover behind the makeshift bull workk German soldiers extend their weapons aimed at the surging tide of brown clad adversaries hundreds of Russian soldiers unleash a Relentless

    Barrage of gunfire recogn I izing their numerical superiority over the worn out Defenders above their heads dozens of shells are launched from artillery and tanks creating a storm of Steel and destruction to Shield their advancing comrades the verak and Waffen SS infantry engage in a Relentless exchange

    Of fire to repel the enemy’s assaults The Familiar sound of the MP 40 submachine guns resonates singing their death hymn skilled combatants empty one cartridge after another their fingers pressed against the triggers with 30 cartridges lasting less than 5 Seconds soon the customary calls for assistance and ammunition echo through the chaos

    Wounded soldiers and miraculously unharmed Shooters making their urgent requests the Soviet forces managed to breach into the first lines of trenches but not without paying a steep toll in human lives not to mention the losses of formidable tanks Beneath the facade of the Reich tug desperate Defenders their fingers firmly on the triggers of MP4s unleash a hail of gunfire in all all directions in front of them Red Army soldiers collapse like bowling pins Behind the Walls of the government building additional Germans intensify their fire from k98s

    Sdg 44s and mg 42s in a seemingly suicidal attempt to maintain their position the air is thick with the acrid scent of gunpowder and the agonizing cries of the Wounded as the struggle for control of the symbolic Reich tag reaches a fever pitch the basements of the Reich tag emanate the unist aable

    Stench of death crowded with Wounded individuals the dimly lit space offers little visibility for administering first aid to those arriving crushed from the battlefield and even less for surgical interventions the innards of the Colossal building mutilated by Relentless artillary Fire have transformed into a scene of true Carnage

    Even the dimness down there cannot conceal the heart-wrenching Tableau witnessed by dozens of men some determined to fight until the end others teetering on the brink of losing their sanity as time passes the battle escalates to unforeseen Heights A desperate request is made to the anti-aircraft Tower of the zoo to sweep

    The entire length of Kik plots with its powerful cannons and it is granted the moment arrives the deafening whistle of large caliber shells approaching from the Western end of the nearby tear Garten Park soil geysers capable of concealing a building erupt from the ground with murderous Fury the Soviet

    Infantry is flung through the air like rag dolls even the Russian tanks weighing several tons are propelled into the sky only to crash down again transformed into glittering scrap metal and human remains the Relentless barrage delivers a brief rest bite for the blea German Defenders turning kik’s plats

    Into an other worldly landscape of Devastation as night descended the forward lines of the Red Army achieved a breakthrough successfully breaching the defenses of the richar out side the scene bore witness to utter Devastation hundreds of corpses arranged in grotesque postures lay side by side their weapons steadfast companions until

    The final breath still emitted smoke from their barrels These Arms had toiled ceaselessly since the early hours of the morning the lifeless bodies of Russians and Germans enemies until a moment ago now embarked on the journey to eternity together several PPSh-41 and MP40 submachine guns discarded on the muddy

    Ground of kerik’s plats were eagerly picked up by Red Army soldiers who would imminently receive the command to storm the r behind its formidable walls it was more fitting to face the enemy armed with a submachine gun than with a simple bolt action Mosen Nagant rifle the weapons having exchanged hands were now

    Poised to play a role in the final chapter of the Battle of Berlin within the historic confines of the Reich tug in the early hours of the first day of May the Relentless battle persisted without resp bite inside the reichstag the conflict unfolded in the narrow corridors staircases and dimly lit

    Basements it was an all-encompassing War fought room by room where the Echoes of gunfire and the anguished cries of the Wounded reverberated through the once hallowed Halls hand-to-hand combat became inevitable in the claustrophobic and dimly lit spaces of the historic government building those who defended

    The rice tag knew that they were in a dire situation with their backs against the wall and expecting no mercy from the advancing Russian forces their only option was to endure until The Bitter End fanaticism once rooted in ideologies had now boiled down to a desperate attempt to preserve one’s own life in

    The Grim and desperate struggle Defenders resorted to shooting at Point Blank Range against every Soviet soldier who entered even if it meant doing so alongside wounded or dying comrades the corridors of the Reich tuug became a Battle Ground where survival trumped all else and the struggle for every inch of

    Ground was marked by the intense desperation of those fighting for their lives in every room of the rear a fortress emerges a stronghold defended by men desperate to eek out one more day the attempt to raise the Soviet flag at top the rear exacts a heavy toll on the

    Red Army each room seized by force resulted in a bloodbath for Stalin’s troops despite the Staggering cost Soviet commanders persist in throwing more men into the Grim building that has become a nightmarish meat grinder Shattered by shells the place is illuminated only by candles lamps and the intermittent flashes and explosions

    Of hand grenades electricity a distant luxury is nowhere to be found throughout the day amid the red Army’s Relentless efforts to Vanquish their Eternal foe Fierce battles unfold behind the dam damaged reag walls Vermont and raffen SS units stationed there resist and Counterattack many of which are Latvian French and other nationalities the

    Soundtrack of the day is defined by the clatter of submachine guns and exploding grenades a carpet of spent 9mm shells lines the path of the last Guardians of the third reich’s political symbol numerous mp40s continue to punctuate the darkness joining the deafening Symphony alongside stg44 assault rifles and

    German Lugar on the other side Russian infantry systematically clear rooms almost blindly amid the thick smoke that pervades every corner of the basement the intense odor of death explosives and burnt Gunpowder saturates the lungs of those still alive pressing them to persist in the fight the claustrophobic and dimly lit Chambers become a

    Battleground where survival takes precedence and the struggle for every inch of ground is marked by the Relentless determination of those fighting for their lives on the afternoon of May 1st Labor Day the Soviet offensive having rejected kreb’s truce request and with no contact established with the fura bunker resumed

    Tof’s core launched an attack after a heavy artillery bombardment on the zoo defenses where the Flack Tower was operational firing at Soviet troops in the Southeast and at the Reich tag since the tower could withstand direct hits the Soviets opted for a surrender proposal on April 30th assuring the

    Safety of German soldiers late on May 1st the Germans accepted the offer surrendering at midnight south and west of the zoo mumm’s munber division defended the area on the night of May 1st to 2 Scouts discovered weak Soviet troops in Spandau hinting at a potential breakout despite suggestions for a

    Westward Escape mon decided on a northward break towards the Flack Tower in umal Hine on the evening of May 1st widling informed officers and ncos of Hitler’s suicide relieving them of their personal oath negotiations with the Soviets were planned post midnight with breakout attempts before while the Flack Tower surrendered General major Otto

    Sido of one Flack division attempted a breakout from the zoo late on May 1st a group led by soldiers and civilians made a silent Escape through uban tunnels unnoticed by Soviet forces other attempting Escape faced clashes and casualties the charlot and buer witnessed a tragic scene with vehicles

    And a crowd rushing across amid rain and artillery fire following WID Ling’s radio message to the Soviets about sending another Envoy Theodor Von duffing along with an interpreter approached the Soviet lines on the land Canal at approximately 1:00 a.m. on May 2nd an agreement was reached with chov

    Determining widling surrender at 6 a.m. and his troops an hour later contrary to the expected time at 5 a.m. using Moscow time widling was picked up and taken to chuikov’s headquarters accompanying widling were retired generals Kurt Vash and Walter Schmid danward who had volunteered in April 1945 to Aid in the

    Defense organization at tof’s headquarters widling drafted his surrender order for the Berlin Garrison emphasizing Hitler’s abandonment of his soldiers through suicide and urging an immediate end to all opposition the message was recorded for broadcast via propaganda Vehicles near the remaining pockets of resistance although the directive stipulated that all

    Hostilities cease at 1: p.m. the last German troops didn’t surrender until 5:00 p.m. many soldiers unable to escape to the West became prisoners of war after Berlin’s fall to the Red Army contributing to this was v-x 12 arm moving away from Berlin preventing the majority of German troops from joining

    Wank or reaching the Elby with the hope of surrendering to the British or Americans General major sida’s unit numbering several thousand surrendered west of Berlin on May 3rd krukenberg who initially hid in North Berlin eventually surrendered to the Soviets Mona’s group reaching the Flack Tower in humal hine

    Decided to surrender around 8:00 p.m. upon learning of widling capitulation in a nearby Brewery in in the final days of Berlin the Red Army despite its numerical and technological superiority suffered significant losses due to Hasty and careless attacks some units led by Marshall KV witnessed the loss of every

    Officer infantry units of the second guard’s tank Army reported staggering casualties of up to 95% street fighting took a heavy toll on tank brigades leading to substantial losses the Battle of Berlin resulted in around 880,000 Soviet casualties with 275,000 soldiers injured the Soviets claimed losses of 2,56 Tanks self-propelled guns

    1,220 cannons and mortars and 527 aircraft however actual losses may have been higher the Soviets reported around 70,000 prisoners of war in Berlin including a significant number of civilians including women sent to labor camps in the Soviet Union the uniform type did not matter even firefighters and Railway officials were included

    Estimating German casualties is challenging but surveys conducted shortly after the war suggest over 22,000 civilian deaths in Central Berlin and a similar number of killed soldiers including suburbs the German casualty figure is estimated at around 106,000 helmouth vling who commanded Berlin’s defense for 9 days faced a

    Military Tribunal in Moscow in 1952 and was sentenced to 25 years years for alleged war crimes he died in a prison in Vladimir east of Moscow on November 17th 1955 verer mumut former mberg division Commander died on January 28th 1950 in shuya northeast of Moscow generals like Gustaf krukenberg vilhelm moner Joseph

    Ral and Otto cedo were sentenced to 25 years but returned to Germany in October 1955 less prominent officers like voas and Schmid danwood volunteered for widling staff and were released in 1949 widling Chiefs of Staff Hans reor and Theodor Von duing eventually returned to Germany most prisoners of war in lower

    Ranks were released by the late 1940s and those labeled as war criminals by the Soviet saw Germany again in 1956 prisoners of War held by the Americans or British generally had more tolerable conditions and shorter durations senior officers not extradited to the Soviets and without war crimes convictions were usually released after

    2 or 3 years Theodor Busa Gotthard Hinrich hovon manul Felix Steiner and Walter wenk all returned from captivity in 1947 or 1948 the toll exacted on the civilian population during this time of conflict is profound extending far beyond the Grim statistics of death to Encompass a landscape of enduring suffering nowhere was this more evident than in the aftermath of World War II where the German civilian population bore witness

    To unprecedented levels of trauma the magnitude of this Devastation is reflected in the Staggering number of reported sexual assault cases in and around Berlin with estimates suggesting that nearly 2 million German women fell victim to such heinous acts one harrowing snapshot of the consequences unfolded in the heart of Berlin in

    August 1945 where the plight of the civilian populace reached a tragic scenario out of 2,24 children born a chilling 1,14 did not survive their infancy the Spectre of infant mortality loomed large with rates soaring to nearly 100% these distressing figures as documented by us correspondent Dorothy Thompson when Nations crumble and the protective

    Fabric of society disintegrates women are left exposed and vulnerable the surge in sexual assault cases witnessed in in Germany serves as a brutal reminder of the dire consequences that befall societies torn apart by conflict it shows us the urgency of learning from such historical lessons to safeguard the well-being of future

    Generations French SS volunteer provided a chilling account of the brutal street fighting in Berlin in his diary and Memoir he detailed The Haunting experiences of the wartime Urban Battleground recounting how amid the lulls in the intense combat the piercing shrieks of women echoed throughout the desolate streets creating an atmosphere

    That he described as nothing short of hellish F’s firsthand narrative offers a sobering glimpse into the profound human suffering that unfolded during those tumultuous moments and that brings us to the end of our gripping two-part series on the Battle of Berlin if you’ve enjoyed this journey through history don’t forget to

    Give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more exciting content doing doing so helps us a lot I hope you found our exploration of the Battle of Berlin insightful and engaging it’s crucial to understand the events that shaped our world today if you learned something new

    Or have any thoughts to share drop a comment down below we would love to hear from you also remember to check out our patreon for more content and the support on there helps a lot we thank you and also check us out on Instagram for extra content will be linked below as always

    We thank you so much for the continued support and growth recently has been amazing and we will see you in the next video goodbye for Now


    1. Imagine if the Germans had half of the Soviet armaments available during the battle, the outcome would have been different indeed.

    2. We can all agree, that the Nazi ideology was flawed in many ways, and resulted in the death of millions. It was such an absurd manifestation, that it was bound to lose ultimately, led largely by opportunists and fools who led their country to scorn and ruin based on propaganda, tyranny and plain lies.
      Saying that, they had nice uniforms and a crazy mix of cutting edge weapons and a heavy reliance on horses and other country's leftovers.

    3. Ironically today it’s Russia standing up to Nazis and remaining undefeated through the strength and stoicism of Putin against the evils of war for $$$ backed by the puppet Zelensky $$$ and his cowardly bosses, Biden, Macron, Sunak, Schultz, Albanese , Klauss SCHWABB with the lackey journalists of western MSM whilst spineless moronic masses like sheep putting their pathetic “ save Ukraine “ flags out…..all the while kids, old people and half a million Ukraine soldiers being killed by the relentless but righteous Russian war machine. From Australia

    4. I’m a long distance truck driver in the empty state of Wyoming. A sincere thank you and respect for the time and effort yall put into producing these extremely insightful videos.

    5. I remember what was left of the French SS were supposed to be defending the Reich Chancellery area, not the Reichstag? (Tony le Tissier and Antony Beevor books)

    6. An incredibly well made documentary, far more detailed than any I've seen on Berlin in these final days. I can actually feel the terror in the civilians and soldiers on both sides. If only people could learn from history instead of repeat it.

    7. I know a woman Erica , who was in berlin when the russians came in some of the stories confirming ,
      contradictory To what we learn about history ! she's up in years Sometimes she'll talk sometimes she won't but she has told me some very interesting things. Thank you for your documentary i'm always searching for truth🎉 !

    8. That opening is just epic for these series. So this is Kiev in late 2024, maybe even Berlin again if Rusia keeps going after the Ukraine falls.

    9. The Soviet revenge against the German population was one of the main reasons the Germans kept fighting for so long. There's alot of accounts where Germans would fight their way out of Soviet encirclement just so they could surrender to one of the western allies.

    10. The use of photos and paintings rather than video deliver a more powerful message than visual means too, It gives it an old fashion pre modern feel to the description almost. And they called here January 6 an aggressive takeover of the Capitol. In Berlin, they literally filled the Reichstag building with dead and wounded bodies. Putin probably dreams somewhere inside him of doing that again, just maybe.

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