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    As an American I do not know much about British cities. Today I am very interested in learning about what the top 10 most beautiful cities in the UK are. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!

    What’s going on everyone I’m just a typical average American here today to react and learn about the 10 most beautiful cities in the UK as an American I don’t know all that much about cities in the UK but I think they tend to just be a lot more attractive

    Than cities here in the United States especially when you’ve got like his iCal buildings maybe even throw in a castle or two it’s not even fair really so today I’m really excited to see of all the great cities in the UK the top 10 most beautiful of all of them so let’s

    Take a look 10 Cardiff Wales oh car Wales oh okay you know this is a weird thing about Americans like we for some reason we don’t know much of anything about Wales a lot of us don’t even know where whales is um no offense to whales or anything

    Cardiff Cardiff that’s like the capital of Wales I hope I think uh cool cool so Wales number 10 very good let’s see Cardiff represents more than just the seat of government in Wales this capital city is an expression of the potential of a big city to retain its natural

    Beauty oh hence it has to be mentioned as early as now in this account the attra oh it’s even got like a whole Forest behind it or Cardiff Wales this is kind of cool it seems like a mixture of like older buildings and modern buildings as well which is cool the

    Attraction of this town started during the Industrial Revolution when it was a humble worldwide Port of coal huh among the attractions of this town are delightful boutiques of the Victorian era the grand Cardiff Castle in the city center and Cardiff Bay Y there’s a castle of course there’s a castle that

    Is one thing I’m still so jealous about in the UK that there’s castles of course there’s a castle and Cardiff that’s awesome the city lacks nothing in terms of Arts live music shows and modernist architecture wow it’s good to see how these have developed from what used to

    Be a mere dockyard less than 10 centuries ago the bay and castle are another way to tell the story of the United Kingdom especially the Welsh strips of the rich account spanning millenniums oh this is so cool as well yeah the there really is such a significant difference in just the

    Architecture of like buildings in the UK and in the United States like even just these buildings here it is so cool nine St David’s whales oh Wales again this is great because I really don’t ever see anything from Wales or like get to learn much about Wales Wales

    Is it’s part of the UK but it’s like us American Americans we don’t know anything about Wales it’s this mystery so it’s number nine as well St David’s I I’ve at least heard of Cardiff like the name I’ve never really heard of St David’s to be completely honest since we are discussing St

    David’s the smallest city in the UK we are going to make our comments so brief even though there’s a lot to talk about in this city this is the smallest city in the UK like the smallest but that doesn’t mean it’s devoid of Beauty on the contrary it’s number nine this looks extremely

    Like old school like the buildings are literally built out of like bricks and rocks here not in a bad way it’s very cool you you never see this in the United States St Davids is located amid the Rolling Hills of West Wales okay the city in size is smaller than many towns

    In the UK that haven’t been granted City status oh however it’s a of charm and awesomeness defined this is what I’m talking about this is what I’m talking about right here and it seems like these cities so far in Wales are like right next to forests and stuff really

    Connects you with nature you got like a historical is this a castle as well every there’s just all these castles I’m not jealous at all by its stone walls and buildings exotic Cathedral Lively markets and lush green wow the afternoon tea in the green Gardens of the pubs is a Norman St

    David’s with its mesmeric landscape you can view from a top the hills cool eight Edinburgh Scotland Edinburgh Ed not not Edinburgh like I used to say it like most Americans Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland um this is a very important city in Scotland I also want to say it’s

    The capital God I hope I’m not sounding silly here um this again right off the bat this first picture is like man it’s it’s like stepping back in time or something it’s very cool because I guess for people who get to live in the UK you

    Get to see this stuff like all the time if you’re living in one of these cities and and maybe maybe get used to it but this is just incredible to see um from my like American point of view I guess cross over to Scotland in search of the most beautiful cities in the

    United Kingdom if you’d ever find many cities before its beloved Capital City Edinburgh ah yes this is a breathtaking array of Gothic buildings wearing a modernist twist Arts Beauty and sceneries are in no short supply in this gorgeous City wow Gothic is that what we’re calling this Gothic scenery with a

    Modern twist the landscape of Edinburgh is enriched with dainty stores and bustling markets and as you wander through winding streets you could Marvel and gaze at the jaw-dropping landmarks such as the Palace of Hollywood house and Edinburgh Castle wow residents of this picturesque city of of course

    There’s a castle of course oh this like an aerial view and look at the mountains in the background as well and and there’s a castle on the bottom left hand side there’s like a castle in the middle of a city unbelievable always look forward to welcoming tourists during the annual

    Endur Fringe Festival the largest Arts Festival in the world held in summer seven Belfast Northern Ireland oh Belfast again it’s so funny because these are cities like I think this is common for most Americans like myself these are cities I’ve heard the name of my entire life I’ve heard these names

    Here and there Belfast and I’m I’m always like whenever it comes up I’m like where where is that what is that you know that’s somewhere in in Europe I know that’s so it’s embarrassing to admit but us Americans we’re just so freaking terrible at geography we’re terrible at knowing places outside of

    The United States but I don’t know uh watching this video is kind of my attempt to learn a little bit more expand my very limited understanding of cities uh that aren’t in America so perfect Belfast Northern Ireland cool oh this is cool cuz it’s also like I think

    I I I know a bit more about cities like in England but I never really like see or learn about cities in Northern Ireland or Wales so so this is cool that these are on the list too from Wales to Scotland and now out of Scotland we’ll go to the fourth

    Country in the Kingdom Northern Ireland yeah Belfast the capital city of Ireland deserves a slot here the city across the Irish sea is vibrant and a itic and beautiful as it proudly stands on the river Leon’s sweeping Banks uh I just got to stop it again real quick is this

    Just common like in the UK for cities to be located next to like giant hills and mountains and and trees and stuff CU here in the United States our cities are like mostly like pretty isolated like very artificial feeling not next to like not mountains and stuff it’s just so nice

    Like if you could actually live in a city and like look out into the distance and see nature that is s that is so cool like I I am appreciating that here its green parks and plenty of bars and restaurants cited on them will leave a taste of sweetness not only on your

    Palette but also on your mind wow the Georgian architecture and modernist buildings come together to yeah yeah yeah yeah that this like come ridiculous come on like these two this bridge in the distance like what are you kidding me that stuff is just like around in different cities in the UK architecture

    Like that ridiculous give the city a unique look such as the one radiated by Belfast City Hall a must sea Landmark others are Belfast castle and what what is this what what is this the White House in fast no this is uh what is this did they

    Say it’s the town hall or the capital building or museums that contain Chronicles of the Titanic wow six in vanesse Scotland okay like like I’m saying I’ve at least heard the names of some of these cities Cardiff I’ve heard the name Cardiff I’ve heard of Edinburgh I I have I’ve heard of Belfast

    I’ve never heard of Inverness Inverness Scotland the sixth most beautiful city in the UK okay can we just get back to Scotland before we finally move to England the cathedral city of iness is one of those beautiful cities that caught our attention the city located deep into the Scottish Highlands is idilic and

    Delightful with its remarkable Green Space it’s one of Scotland’s gems apart from the famous St Andrews Cathedral in Castle is also adding to the fame of this city in beress Castle of course there’s a castle of course um and the cathedral as well oh my the amazing and scenic city is so far

    North of Scotland it is like a precious that you have to make some efforts to reach however before you get to this city you would need to travel through the magic of the Highlands wow five I I’ve never heard of that one that’s a great City Manchester England Manchester

    Okay again finally okay this is a city like I I hear about It’s associated with like a football team what we would call a soccer team okay let’s keep going and we’re uh we’re in England now okay is like London gonna be on this list like

    London is London is my safe place I at least like know a little bit about London England and it is beautiful is it beautiful enough to be on this list I actually I actually kind of like that this is mostly cities like I don’t really know

    What they look like or that some I’ve never even heard of before I’m actually enjoying that a lot now let’s discuss the industrial city of Manchester which has gone through some transformation over the years to become not only one of the most vibrant and exciting but one of the most

    Beautiful cities in the UK it it is beautiful but this this looks like an American city finally this the first one that looks like an American city this this looks modern it has like tall buildings skyscrapers are there like some some historical buildings mixed in

    As well I I can’t quite see or what what what makes this like so beautiful just like many cities on this list Manchester has a rich and deep history in Arts and Music here we go interestingly the city is beautiful because it has maintained that tradition that’s why it has got numerous galleries

    Of music venues hosting artists and musicians from all over the world yeah okay y immediately once you get down into the city streets that’s where you immediately start seeing the beauty from far away like a drone shot of the city it it looks like an American city but

    When you get into the specifics it it is uh it’s got some of that uh UK architecture going on it’s fascinating museums tranquil canals arts in places like the Manchester art gallery and and history make this third largest major city in the UK cool and great for both

    Vacation and home it is cool four Oxford England oh Oxford Oxford I just think of that as the university for some reason I just think of the University I’m pretty sure of Oxford or it’s actually a city who knew um cool and I can already tell from this picture here this looks very

    Historical actually this city northwest of London is an embodiment of charms coziness and luxury yeah like Cambridge Oxford is also a University City yeah this city is home to the oldest university in the Anglo Saxon world what I didn’t know that oldest university in the anglosaxon world I honestly think

    That when most Americans hear the word Oxford we think of the University a lot of Americans don’t even know it is a city um you know but here we go it’s a beautiful city now now now that I see it it’s a beautiful one but I always for

    Some reason just think of the University this university has illuminated the beauty of this city in no small measure making it an Eclectic Cosmopolitan mix of Tweed jackets and international students ah yet this academic Aura hasn’t taken the shine out wow I’m just like soaking in this

    Picture for a sec like even in the background there like what is that there’s just so much cool stuff everywhere I’d just be like what what is that what is that I’d never get anything done in any of these cities I be like look at that castle out of the various

    Cultural attractions and historical richness of this city offering a lot of Modern Arts you can see several many tranquil canals in Oxford as you explore its thatched roof Pub celebrated museums and diverse art galleries wow among Oxford’s medieval buildings are those belonging to the university very cool three Canterbury England what it what

    Canterbury like the chocolate or this is amazing what am I looking at here Canterbury that’s a city in England Canterbury I’ve never heard of that one I’m glad it’s on this list it already looks beautiful what what is this place we’re looking at this city to the southeast of London

    Is often underestimated in discussions like this and will try to avoid such bloopers the cathedral city of Canterbury is home to a UNESCO world heritage site with remnants of its incredible history oh yeah this absolutely belongs on this list this city is awesome oh it’s somehow it’s so

    Like quaint and it’s yeah it’s got just randomly has like these beautiful stone structures as well I this feels like a smaller City somehow with all the cool stuff in it all the cool architecture I I really like this city you can have several scenic walks along the banks of

    The great Stow River as you Marvel at gargantuan structures like St Augustine’s Abbey wow what is this you just you can just drive through this thing this thing is just in in the middle of this the road you get to drive under this that’s a that’s amazing while

    You are at the river banks your time will happily fly by as you watch the world go by as you recline on the Green Grass and admire the rear duck species if you have to delve into talks about the architecture in Canterbury we might not be able to finish this video in a

    Short while as the stories behind many of those structures are very rich I really like this can Canterbury I’m going to remember that number three on this list okay so we’re we’re going into the top two now I think most beautiful cities in the UK we have have not even

    Mentioned London I don’t know if it’s even going to be on this list maybe it’s just too obvious or or something but I I love these uh these cities I’ve never heard of okay two bath England bath both excuse me both I’ve heard of ba bath both I’ve

    Heard of this um at some point along the line uh I I can’t say that uh anything comes to my mind when I hear of bath but it’s number two on the list so it must be very good this is yet another stunningly beautiful city rich in Georgian architecture and flourishing

    With sweeping green Gardens it has a unique connection to the Roman Empire that is symbolized by its famous Roman bath this relaxation spot for the ancient Roman soldiers where they usually Unwound is the first of the beauties of this town that we’d love to mention first its location has been

    Featured in many oh my God this is great holy cow I’m just looking at some of these look at this and it’s got this like a little river in it as well and like Roman bath that’s why it’s called bath cuz it’s literally got baths in it look at this this is

    Unbelievable wow this is just the city talk about talk about stuff you don’t see here in America this is unbelievable films including the popular Netflix series we can now discuss the iconic whiteness of the city this is a product of a law that mandates all new buildings to be built with a local

    Limestone known as bath stone okay you’ll also be moved as you admire the cobbled alleys and dainty shops you see while you gaze to have a glimpse of its mesmeric Waters this has so much amazing architecture it never stops River Avon is another spectacular Beauty in bath as

    You ride on a prco boat trip along this River you would feel like a Roman Emperor oh okay it’s got It’s got like fairies or boats you can take throughout the city that’s great and uh here I guess we have number one this is number

    One on the list I am looking at it I this doesn’t Remind Me of anything what is this city one Cambridge England Cambridge Cambridge is just like it it’s similar to Oxford where I’ve heard the name because of the University Cambridge but I I never think of it as a city for

    Some reason I don’t know why us Americans don’t like know about that um I guess the university is just so freaking famous um look at this I already am loving what I’m seeing it’s got like these colorful uh little shops and buildings that are really squished together

    Actually and I can already see like a like several cathedrals in the background of course Eng the idilic city of Cambridge is among the most popular cities in the world the city to the north of London is world famous for its prestigious University right back millenniums the city of Cambridge is

    Rich in history thus there is more to this city than its University yeah the grand architecture of the city is M look at these streets even like even I don’t know if this is weird to people in the UK but even these kind of streets where it’s like got big stones and

    Cobblestones and rocks that make up the the street and the sidewalk and uh even that is like awesome you you don’t see that in America the the street even even that is cool marvelous Cambridge City with many green Gardens and Parks will always be counted among the most

    Beautiful cities in the UK just go there for a pick and see how folks cycle Jog and amble by in the modern ancient city the the streets are are very narrow um like you could only fit one car on this road by the look of it unless you really cram it yourself in

    There it’s really cool these streets they’re so compact you really feel like you’re in this in the city yet there is no way of taking the influence of the campus in this University City away from its beauty and indeed every noteworthy and there’s got a there’s a little river

    As well well how do all these UK cities have like water or rivers or it’s just another element of like Beauty it’s not fair it’s not fair like so much of the United States is in the Inland and there’s not just rivers and lakes and stuff it seems like everywhere in these

    Like in every city there was some kind of water or something which just makes it beautiful in another way thing about the city the alamata of great men like Oliver Cromwell and Prince Charles contributes in no small way to the historicity and tourist attractiveness of this city yeah for instance you can

    Learn a lot about wartime Britain at the tree what is this what is this thinged Imperial War Museum the historic Kings college chapel and River cam produce truly authentic experiences we must admit though that we can’t insist on our opinion about the beauty of the UK cities we appreciate

    What you think about the most beautiful cities in the UK that was good okay I think that’s the end they’re just covering their covering their basis there saying this is their top 10 list well I think this was a very good top 10 beautiful cities in the UK I’m sure

    There’s other like beautiful cities in the UK but if you got to go with 10 like this was a great list this was by learning canteen and I like that I got to give that video a like that very good I loved how they selected quite a few cities

    That I’ve never even heard of in the UK and a lot of cities that I’ve heard the name of but I don’t quite know what they look like which was so it’s very fun getting to see those as well this is just fun in general and yes it’s just as

    I kind of thought at the beginning cities in the UK just have something extra going on something special it’s in the architecture it’s in the castles and the history and the streets and like the even the connection to Nature and mountains nearby and it they’ve got so

    Much going for them that we don’t have here in the United States and and I’m a bit jealous but at the same time it was just fun fun uh getting to appreciate the beauty of these cities holy cow I enjoyed this anyway if you enjoyed this

    As well feel free to give this video a like or leave a comment with your thoughts on any of these UK cities or if you agreed or disagreed with the top 10 most beautiful UK cities what should have been on this list that that wasn’t maybe and if you’re interested in more

    Videos like this me reacting to the UK and UK culture feel free to subscribe for more and until then thanks for watching and see you next time


    1. You know what makes a town a city. Traditionally, in England and Wales, city status was given to settlements with diocesan cathedrals. Though it's no longer a requirement.
      Hence thats why St David's is a city. Yet it's smaller than a typical town. Because it has a Cathedral.

    2. What are you talking about? Of course Amarica has castles. Your were built by a mouse. Ours were built by royalty and the landed gentry. Our's are several hundreds of years old The castles built by that mouse are probibly less than 50 years old.

    3. Manchester doesn't look an American city. There are probibly more trains going through Msanchester. Than are in the whole of the US.

    4. Oxford, Bath, Cambridge, Cantebury, Edinburgh – I get those. How in the hell did York miss the list? Chester is beautiful. London is stunning. Brighton is beautiful in a quirky way, plus it has the backdrop of the south downs. Exeter. Some of what they did show they missed off a lot of the beauty of those cities and instead showed some of the ugly bits. I dont get it. The angles of some of those photos were just odd. I think they probably just put in a city name in google and grabbed whatever photos came up – even if it was a photo from a news article complaining about why the road works were still ongoing or something like that. Bizarre

    5. In the UK, we bring trees and green spaces into the cities in a big way. London has a huge number of parks and green squares. The largest is a deer park. London is planted with so many trees that it falls under the international definition of a forest. London is, in fact, the largest forest in the UK.

    6. Living in Nottingham . We are close to many stately homes and historic places , One 1500s stately home in a large parkland , with a lake , and deer herd . The old stables house an industrial museum and cafe . The main house is now a natural history museum . Looking out of my window , i can see woodland . We have roads lined with trees. A main river , smaller rivers and canals . Just up the road from us , is Newstead Abbey . Historic home of Lord Byron . Also close to us is Sherwood Forest . Think Robin Hood .

    7. So glad to see my local city Canterbury down here in Kent on the list. The building that the traffic is driving through is the West Gate its one of the entrance points of this walled city in ancient times.

    8. Cambridge !!!!!! I'm a London boy, but I partly grew up in Cambridge because I got family up here. I moved here in 09, and I'm so happy I did because London is a massive shit hole. R.I.P London.
      ✌️ 🍻

    9. Wales has produced many famous actors Dylan Thomas, Richard Burton, sir Anthony Hopkins, Michael Sheen, Ilan Gruffudd, Mathew Rhys,Catherine Zeta Jones,, Jonathan Price, Luke Evans Tom Jones, Christian Bale , I could add many many more.

    10. This list is a complete nonsense! I was expecting Bath, York and Lincoln as top 3. York and Lincoln weren't even on the list?! Because I live in England, I didn't really think about scottish cities tbh, I can't believe Edinburgh wasn't #1, totally incorrect!! Edinburgh castle towers above the city center, it's really amazing to see and the old town is literally something out of a movie! Inverness and St Davids are really nothing special at all IMO.

    11. The pictures and footage this guy’s video uses are horrendous. The cities he features have WAY better scenes. One in Inverness even had a picture of social housing and road works. I mean wtf?!!!!

    12. America is extremely big compared to the United Kingdom, you can fit the UK into it about four and a half times, we a4e also a small island so everything looks so different.

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