30 Minutes of Extreme Building Demolitions
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    ► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements

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    Landmark Tower; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpU6A2xoAl0

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    From an incredible close-range demolition of an abandoned Russian Factory and a 20-story building in China that came down in a matter of seconds to a well-built power plant in California that was easily turned into a cloud of dust and a massive skyscraper in Texas that might just be the craziest

    Demolition you’ve ever seen here are 30 minutes of extreme building demolitions tongqing is a major city in central China its position on the yangi river makes it a strategic Gateway into the western part of the country there’s always something going on whether something’s being built or getting torn

    Down on January 14th of 2015 Chongqing waved goodbye to the shin Yi building the 20-story tower sat in the middle of the shopping bar business district but it was getting old and standing in the way of a new Expansion Project it only took 2 seconds seconds for all 20 stories to come crumbling Down they worked on the area before tearing the shinyi tower down the giant pit caught the building and contained much of the dust and debris still that didn’t stop the cloud from spreading into the streets people were forced to cover their mouths as they walked through the

    Area you can even see where the dust settled on the sidewalk those Footprints and bike tracks would wouldn’t be there under normal circumstances the new project was meant to expand the Chongqing City Center they plan on rebuilding the shinyi tower this time it’ll be five times larger than the

    Original the new center will also become a traffic Hub improving the efficiency of public transport the marina View Park in Chula Vista California was buzzing with excitement in February of 2013 about a thousand locals gathered to to watch an old Southern California icon implode some even arrived as early as 4:00 a.m.

    To get a good seat the 165 ft South Bay power plant was a staple of Chula Vista built in the 1960s It produced enough energy to power 500,000 homes across Southern California but in 2010 the plant was decommissioned as other cleaner facilities could make up for the

    Lost power some believe it was an eyesore on the marina others called it part of the family and were sad to see it go at least the old Landmark went out with a Bang the South Bay plant was a stubborn roadblock for the longest time Chula Vista dreamed of building a beauti beautiful Bayfront Community with Parks hotels housing and shopping but that darned power plant kept getting in their way they’d been fighting to have it dismantled since 1998 in 2013 they finally got their wish

    Today the area is being transformed into the Gaylord Pacific Resort and Convention Center the centerpiece will feature a 1,600 room Hotel Four ballrooms and Resort style amenities like Spas pools and a lazy river construction is underway with everything expected to open in the summer of 2025 The Landmark Tower was a 30-story

    Skyscraper in downtown Fort Worth Texas it was the tallest building in the city for nearly 20 years between 1957 and the opening of the Fort Worth National Bank Tower in 1974 in its Heyday Landmark was famous for its 77 ton revolving digital clock on the roof the clock cost

    $196,000 or about $2.1 million today the building itself was the home of Continental National Bank until 1982 another bank bought the building in the mid 80s but it was ultimately abandoned in 1990 it stood vacant for 16 years for safety reasons the city removed the 77 ton clock which hadn’t worked since 1991

    The tower even survived an ef3 tornado in 2000 several projects to utilize the tower went bankrupt and restoring the building was too expensive so they decided to tear the whole thing down on March 18th of 2006 [Applause] wow it took 364 lb of explosives to take

    Down the Landmark Tower due to the dust and debris the city evacuated a 15 block radius around the building until everything settled from 2008 to 2016 the old Landmark property was used as a simple parking lot in 2016 Crews broke ground on Cowtown place a 312,000 ft

    Parking garage that opened in 2017 it can hold up to 833 cars in one of Fort Worth’s busiest downtown areas there is no rotating digital clock though the old Georgia Dome was a $214 million Stadium completed in 1992 at the time it was one of the largest state-funded construction projects in

    Georgia’s history it was the home of the Atlanta Falcons NFL team but also hosted concerts and basketball games when it debuted the Georgia Dome was the second largest covered stadium in the world it was eventually surpassed by AT&T stadium in Arlington Texas home of the Dallas Cowboys it hosted two Super Bowls the

    1996 Summer Olympics and WrestleMania 27 but all good things must come to an end in 2017 the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium went up next door with no need for two stadiums Atlanta tore the Georgia Dome down on November 20th of 2017 some locals gathered on the rooftops to watch the stadium

    Disappear I like how everyone’s all quiet some people are still driving over that bridge over there although I think they just got it down the one Lane wow I I think they did that on purpose that was Impressive you can hear it ring still it took 4,800 lbs of explosives to bring down the stadium when the dust finally settled two large sections were still standing but it wasn’t anything some heavy machinery couldn’t handle or so they thought it turned out that some of the explosives didn’t detonate so a

    Second demolition was scheduled this time a window on the neighboring Convention Center shattered but was quickly replaced as for the former Georgia Dome it was turned into a green space for tailgating Falcons games in the heart of North Texas Dallas stands out as a contemporary Metropolis acting as both a commercial and cultural

    Beacon for the area with its array of local attractions and compelling affordability it’s no wonder many Americans are keen on relocating here over the years the skyline has changed dramatically old buildings are brought down to make way for new developments on February 16th of 2020 one of these demolitions didn’t go quite as

    Planned it’s safe to say that didn’t quite go according to plan as you can see a major part of the building is left standing leaving Crews scratching their heads at what to do now locals quickly adopted the term leaning tower of Dallas for obvious reasons only a few weeks later

    However the Demolition Company came back with massive cranes and finally took down the remainder of the building it may have been short lived but the leaning tower of Dallas was a landmark many locals won’t soon forget jungo is a prefecture level city in fujian Province China it sits in the

    Southeast Corner overlooking the Taiwan straight it’s home to about 5 million people who rely on an intricate highway system to get around on August 25th of 2015 those drivers had to find alternate routes that’s because demolition crews had lined a long stretch of overpass with explosives a crowd gathered to

    Watch what was sure to be a spectacle Oh According to reports this was one of the longest bridges ever detonated in Chinese history the fun colors in the middle were a little cherry on top of the record-breaking explosion otherwise we don’t know much about this bridge why they tore it down or what they replaced

    With if we had to guess it was probably in bad shape and they wanted to build something safer the AF Tower was a 38 story office building in the West End District of Frankfurt Germany between 1972 and 1974 it was the tallest building in the city

    It was quickly outsized by the DZ Bank building and a Marriot Hotel the building once housed the social sciences and education departments for Johan Wolf Gang Gerta University but when they moved out in 2013 the campus no longer needed the 381 ft tower on February 2nd

    Of 2014 a crowd gathered to watch the building crumble to this day it is the tallest European building to be demolished by an implosion Hallelujah Woohoo it took over 2,000 lbs of explosives to bring the AF Tower down thousands of people gathered but nobody was allowed within 250 M of the blast site they were supposed to take the building down gradually but locals protested the idea they rather did come down in one Fell Swoop than endure

    Months of noisy demolition work hiron Ohio is a small city west of Cleveland where the mouth of the hiron river meets Lake Erie it’s home to nearly 7,000 people and used to be the site of an old ConAgra Mill and grain silo for those who don’t know ConAgra is

    An American Consumer packaged goods company they make and sell products for Brands like act 2 microwave popcorn and Chef boy Rd in 2006 the Ohio Department of National Resources bought out the old ConAgra facility in hon the 20 acre parcel of land sat on a key piece of

    Hon’s Waterfront they wanted to turn it into a Riverfront development featuring restaurants condos stores and green space they just had to get rid of that eyesore of a mill First not not one more [Applause] [Applause] Time the implosion attracted thousands of people from across the local area it became a real itical when people started tailgating and selling VIP tickets and t-shirts thankfully that money went toward the hiron food pantry in the Parks and Recreation Foundation taking down the mill building was only the

    First step once the dust settled heavy machines moved in to take down the remaining grain silos most of us take water towers for granted we see them everywhere but we don’t stop to think about what they do in a nutshell they help regulate pressure and water levels throughout a

    System by storing treated water and managing flow they kick in during peak hours like in the morning and fill back up during slow hours like the middle of the night as a community grows so does its need for water so old Towers must be replaced by newer bigger and more

    Efficient ones the best way to do that is by tearing down the old Tower and building something else and because these things are so big they make for great demolition Clips like this Tower in belon Texas this 150,000g tank was built in 1979 it was decommissioned several years before this demolition due to safety concerns they were worried that the agent Tower was deteriorating and could become hazardous to the drinking water most modern Towers can hold about 1 million gallons they’re usually large

    Enough to hold one day’s worth of water for the community they serve the Red Road Flats once a Marvel of glasgow’s skyline were an ambitious housing project built in the 1960s consisting of eight blocks they were among the tallest residential structures in Europe upon their completion as

    Decades passed the Red Road Flats faced challenges changing social conditions structural issues and a shift in public perception about high-rise living led to their decline by the 2000s many viewed them as symbols of Urban Decay and discussions about their demolition began it took some time but on June 10th of

    2012 one of the main buildings was finally brought Down My goodness the demolition was a m massive success watching it again in slow motion is always surreal to see a building that large disappear in only a matter of a few seconds the remaining buildings you see in the background were also all eventually demolished over the next 3

    Years with the flats gone a chapter closed on a significant piece of glasgow’s urban history but hopefully also paved the way for fresh Beginnings the Clarion Hotel and Casino was a 200 room hotel that had been opened since 1970 despite its prime location in Las Vegas Nevada the clarion’s commercial success ended in

    Failure due to the appearance of its buildings and its rooms which looked like cubicles as claimed by its owner this led its founder to embark on creating a new hotel that would stand out from the rest without having a generic look or cramped feel to make way

    For this new development the Clarion was demolished on February 10th of 2015 5 4 3 2 1 after a countdown by onlookers the explosives rang out and the building came crumbling down or so they thought after a few moments it became evident that the building’s Elevator Shaft had withstood the explosion and remained standing Crews were quick to act though just 12 hours after the initial blast a

    Crane was brought in to finish the job once and for all Lower Swatara Township is a little town in Dolphin County Pennsylvania about 100 Mil west of Philadelphia it’s home to about 9,500 people with quick access to the Pennsylvania Turnpike but on March 29th of 2015 locals were barred

    From using a 19m stretch of highway that’s because a bridge was about to explode don’t worry it was a controlled demolition crews fit the rigid frame structure with explosives but waited until Nightfall when the highway closure wouldn’t impact traffic too badly one local man arrived just in time to record

    This amazing moment 7 6 wow that was in slow motion you can see where the explosives begin in the middle of the bridge and quickly Branch left and right the blast sends debris flying in every direction thankfully they set up a perimeter so nobody got hurt what you’re

    Looking at used to be the nissle Street Bridge they tore it down to make way for a new project that would allow them to widen the turnpike below today the newly named Baker Avenue Bridge sits in old nissley’s place the official record for longest bridge demolition in China goes to a 2m

    Viaduct in Wuhan viaducts are bridge-like structures meant to carry Road or Railway traffic they usually feature arches and look like old Roman aqueducts but the Romans weren’t the only ones building these architectural marbles the Chinese had them too what makes the Chinese ones different are the densely populated areas where they’re

    Built the shuangyong viaduct in Wuhan was extra tricky to take down it was surrounded by 100,000 volt wires 30 gas pipelines and many residential buildings luckily this demolition crew got all their math right the viaduct was built in 1997 but came down in May of 2013 you can see where

    They covered the bridge in cloth wrappings and reinforced the pillars with water-filled bladders ideally the water combines with the dust and prevents it from spreading that’s why you see some demolition crews spraying these projects with water when they explode according to the BBC Wuhan took this bridge down to replace it with a

    Six Lane Highway that’s over 3 m long demolition of the ferrybridge power stations in West Yorkshire England began in the summer of 2019 they kicked things off by tearing down a 374 ft cooling tower four more buildings came down in October leaving three large silos behind slowly but surely the rest

    Of the station came down between 2020 and 2022 one particular demolition in August of 2021 attracted a large crowd to the old Power Plant it was time to take down the 650 ft chimney stacks and one of the old boiler houses both went down and spectac acular Fashion so why do chimneys and smoke stacks like these always break apart midair but has to do with the difference in acceleration at higher points on the chimney that’s because objects that fall while following an arc fall faster than a Free Falling object because a falling chimney moves with rotational motion the

    Furthest point from the bottom Falls faster the difference in acceleration becomes too much for the mortar and concrete and it eventually breaks apart in case it wasn’t obvious there is a lot of math and physics involved with building demolition it’s not as easy as making things go boom

    Located on the picturesque island of New Providence in the Bahamas the cable Beach strip once boasted the iconic Crystal Palace Resort and Casino this Grand establishment met its end in October of 2018 marking the first significant demolition in New Providence since the montigue beach Hotel yeah The entire complex came down in about 2 minutes at first only one Tower goes down but after about 90 seconds the next two follow suit the demolition was done to make way for new development on the sought-after waterfront property after some time cleaning up debris and

    Breaking ground on a new resort the site is now home to the Baja mar Cino in the heart of gaziantep turkey a towering 65 M High Silo once stood as a testament to Industrial might but like anything years of wear and tear left officials no choice but to demolish the

    Building demolition was scheduled for April of 2021 and Camera Crews were there to capture the moment it all came crumbling Down the demolition went off without a hitch thanks mostly to the expertise of mhmed guler a seasoned Turkish demolition expert with an impressive 40-year career that spans across 18 countries including places like aeran Iraq and Jordan to bring down this particular Silo located in a gaziantep cement factory a total of

    60 kg of explosives and 248 capsules were employed guler remarked on the complexity of the project noting the inherent risks of using machinery for such a task instead using explosives was actually the safest way to ensure a successful demolition nestled in Hilltown Dundee the iconic Darby Street multi-story

    Flats stood tall for 40 years these twin Giants known as buckle maker and butter bur once dominated dunde Skyline representing both the city’s ambition and the architecture Spirit of a bygone era however as the decades passed challenges arose the buildings became increasingly difficult to maintain financially and equally tough to rent

    Out their once modern Allure had faded and the structures while proud and sturdy had outlived their Peak utility the city’s officials keeping an eye on future development and revitalization saw it fitting to bid the meder in June of 2013 Spectators watched the icon IC Towers crumble into Dust Qui to complete a job of this scale requires extreme expertise and precision safe demem the local firm responsible for bringing down the buildings utilized a whopping 10,000 detonators placed all throughout the buildings to get the job done and in the end it worked perfectly interestingly amidst these Giants stood a Humble Church

    Despite its proximity to such a massive demolition it only bore minor cosmetic scars according to our research the site where the buildings once stood has since been redeveloped if you enjoyed this video and want to see another one just like it then be sure to click the link

    On screen now with that thanks for watching and be sure to tune in next time


    1. "There is a lot of math and engineering involved with building demolition" –

      So what you're saying is that buildings could simply never fall neatly all on their own 😁

    2. Interstate 5 bottlenecked in Chula Vista because it couldn't be widened due to its crossing an environmentally sensitive area. Not much environmental sensitivity seen with the posted demolition video.

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