Today we visit the holiday inn migrant hotel in burton on trent.
    The security where very unprofessional and the migrants appeared to be very angry.

    We hope you enjoy watching please like, subscribe and share.

    #migrants #migrantcrisis #audit #photographyisnotacrime #pinac #vlogger #britain #public #viralvideo #vlog

    Hello guys welcome back to the channel today we are at the holiday in express in B on Trent uh yeah M Hotel as we can tell here look at that look at all that right so we’re going to start walking along there you can see Allan Express we’re just walking along the

    Path at least we know if they kick us off we can join the public footpath and video on the zoom camera but yes I’m going to go sort of um not going to go up to the reception yeah I’m just going to take a look around first I

    Am and uh I think we’ve got the mother load of bikes on this one we can see look at all this down here look at all this the absolute mull load of bikes yes let’s take a walk down let’s have a look yeah guys look what you brought

    Here what been Dona now a lot of subscribers have sort of said to me uh different places where these bikes have been donated that one there is a cube and as you can see it’s got rock shocks on now I know for a fact that that’s they’re expensive

    Bikes um because I’ve got one myself which cost me $999 brand new and that was on offie but yeah look at this no entry down there so I wonder if they’re having like any Works done at the same time is where is their hous in them what are look at them they just

    They’re just absolutely I mean they’ve obviously been working on these bikes and you know a lot of people have said you know they get them um donated from uh alfreds um but also I wanted to bring your attention is don’t forget a lot of these bikes have got these locks now

    Them locks cost a lot of money too uh so if you think about sort of got a nice basketball thing there um if you think about how much like just these locks alone cost um another one here they’re going to be about5 a piece now

    If you add all them up it’s money enter in his money that the taxpayer has paid for uh so anyway um we’re going to we’re going to sort of go along a little bit there we see some BLS just coming out smoking so we got money for cigarettes aren’t they

    Um I’m on my own on this one guys so I’m a little bit nervous and but we will continue to go like these as well lot it’s some that one of the subscribers put in the comments so I thought I’d touch up on that a little bit and how

    Much just in locks that this would cost the taxpayer just in locks alone so here we are and we’ve got the reception just there I’m not going to go in just yet I’m just going to have a look through the windows um there’s the security guard just there

    We can see him just there on his phone not really doing much um but yeah we go along a little bit what have they been eating oh yeah they fed well there aren’t they guys look at that hey look at him look at him who who kicked off a little bit there an’t

    He we got one kicking off guys one kicking off I PID for that meal I pay for that meal you spilled it you better pick it up off the floor so uh the security guards has spotted us anyway so uh we will vacate they do doing another building up here and we

    Will vacate once he tells us to leave doing some works here I don’t know what that’s about but yeah that looks like another bit of the hotel that has been built um don’t think the security guard is going to come out to us um but yeah

    That shows you how vient they are anyway bloody H so let’s go and have a look what’s going on no bikes that’s funny ain’t it nothing really going on in this sort of windy um but yeah once he tells us to go we will I don’t know why they come out

    Because the security cameras can do the job for them can’t they so they just need to observe and report really which is in their job sort of description yeah so you’re not allowed to be here we’re not allowed to be here yes it’s just private why why is why can’t we be here

    It’s close to the public and it’s private public why is he close to the public well it’s just close to the public I can’t how come we can’t book a room in here because it’s not really open to the public so it’s not open to

    Cuz I can see loads of people in there so is it just not open to us but it’s open to who yeah I just said it’s not open to the public that’s what I’m saying but i’ have to ask you to how many migrants were in there I’m not sure

    I don’t know the exact number but I’ll have to ask you to get off cuz you yeah I’m I’m going to leave don’t don’t worry about that just uh you got your badge on show aren’t you yes yeah good lad good lad that’s what we like to

    See yeah so I’m going to carry on filming no you’re not but I’m going to do it from I’m going to do it from the public land okay yeah you can yeah you can go as long as you’re off the P property that’s not problem yeah that’s

    Fair enough L isn’t it yeah yeah so I’m going to leave but just so you know I was just there by the windy and one of the migrants there mhm smashed the wind well hit the window where he stand that’s a bit violent that is maybe you

    Should go tell him don’t do that yeah that’s fine I will yeah I’ve got that on camera as well so that’s fine but I just have to ask you to yeah yeah I’m going yeah there’s no time limit so I’ll just take my time cuz I walk really slow I do

    So uh as as as I’m going I’ll just uh do a bit of videoing yeah so there we go anyway guys when we’re asked to leave we always leave because if you don’t that means it’s aggravated trespass um so yeah so we as we say we’re just backing up here um and then

    I’ll uh I’ll hit it with the zoom camera you guys and we’ll see what we can get with the zoom camera but clearly the guys that were in there are quite violent so yeah so is this far enough here mate this far enough here here here cuz this

    Is where the T M changes so it’s probably here ain’t it from there I think from here well there we go anyway guys so we’ll just uh think we’ll just get a shot that so we’re just uh sort of I’m going to keep the GoPro running as well as running

    The yeah it’s not right now oh no I know that just saying it’s publicly accessible so you can wander on you know what I mean yeah it’s open be with me there’s no barriers or you guy here where’s your badge I don’t need to show you you need

    To have it on show all the time otherwise you’re breaking the law you know this you should have done that in your training why are you recording me because I can because I’m a member of well I can of course I can you so you don’t you don’t know about hang on you

    Listen to me for a second you need to have your badge on show and you can record so that means your training Haven been done right where did you do the training no I’m not can we just talk where did you do your training I’m not

    Supposed to answer is that a real badge you’ve got I’m not I’m not supposed to answer you why who’s told you that who told you who who’s who’s told you I’m a member of the public doing a documentary on this I’m a citizen journalist today the story is this building and you

    Not having your badge on show no that’s fine that’s fine no I’m not supposed to answer you so you do know I’ve got a copy of this yeah so I’m going to complain about you you know that you’re free to do and you’ll probably lose that

    Badge then yeah yeah you’re free to do anything you want you need to have it on show you we yeah we know you’re wait for Ciro you need to have it on show yeah yeah I’m not stopping you it needs to be on show cuz otherwise you’re breaking

    The law you can’t pose as a security guard he got you’ve got to RIT on show this guy’s done the right thing can we just yeah yeah we’re off you land on stop being there there he’s being petty come any closer to me and I will

    Myself I mean come on mate just give her some room a that’s me wife there I’ll stand there oh are you happy now you happy now look at that there that’s look at this guys look at that yeah woman over one footstep yeah what are you doing it for we can

    With citizen journalists citizen journalists it’s it’s what we do it’s it’s my job the purpose to find out why all this is a massive secret that’s a secret yeah well you you’ve been told to stay quiet so Summit secret is it you’ve come running out

    What what it is is the taxpayer pays for all this all them bikes all your training all your Foods okay we I’m documenting where the money’s going so what’s the purpose what’s the purp I’ve just told you that’s the purpose that’s the purpose you don’t know listen you’re

    Asking the wrong people we don’t know you been T yeah I know but our job is just to keep you know people who come B have a tyrant he is I know you’re a tyrant you look like a tyrant as well that’s why you’re badging on show to be

    Fair I don’t have to do anything you tell me cuz you haven’t got that badge on show so if you were to ask me to leave I can just tell you piss off to record I want to call really I want to call C I they don’t feel safe what about usn’t

    Feeling safe yeah I don’t feel safe I don’t feel safe a fake security guard coming out to me telling me what to do do with him do with him but not on OWN on own no chance anyway guys there you go I’m going to get the zoom camera out

    Now you don’t go to any private property there we are we’re on the zoom camera now anyway guys I’m just going to zoom in to reception why aren’t you telling him leave why aren’t you telling him leave no that’s why is he is he is he a resident yes

    He so he’s open to him and not open to me that’s a bit weird is it don’t need per face you record you’re recording me me recording me do you know do you know the rules around recording anything your eyes can see you can record there you are anyway guys

    Record de God he look Dody don’t he why God look at that we not left it looks like he’s going throw some acid in your face well not probably been Town g t we’re not that stupid we’re just human beings like everybody else are feeding properly are looking

    After in there there we go anyway guys the reception um the waitman guys are watching us uh they’re having a laugh at there but there you go anyway I’m not going to try and not get the Workman are cigarettes you’re paying for them too hey look at him there you

    Go I do know I’m not stupid I’m outside and you can’t harass me when I no but I’m saying if you don’t you can go away now we’re not going to come back told us wearing some nice clubber there into guys all sorted got his got his cigarettes got his airbuds in

    Earbuds can you please stop recording no I’m not going to stop recording and you as well on now you don’t understand public you’re on the public landine now so you’re at your jurisdiction you’re you know no no no no this is where the path cross is here

    This is where the path cross is here so you know technically it’s public land which means you’re out your jurisdiction so you can’t tell me what do you might you might you might be able to do a little bit when you’re in there but you

    Can’t uh you can’t tell me what to do when I’m in public so I’d shut your face if I was you there we go he’s been a bit started being a bit of a Tiant now try and tell me what to do when I’m on public land

    You might be able to have a bit of Dury jurisdiction when you’re on your land but when we’re on the public land you can’t anyway guys we know the laws around um recording in public does this man want to go in do you want to go in mate no what’s up then go

    On get back to work get back to work you toss go on get his number plate as well there guys nosy bastard I think he’s just called me a racist H anyway let’s have a look in these windows let’s see what they’re having well sorry guys I called him a

    Toss ass there I don’t know where that came from but uh he came out your mouth so I’m sorry about that there we are there’s the Tyrant D there you go anyway guys that is that is I’m a journalist the holiday in express Jal standing you already know

    We go guys we we are back on the GoPro now um yeah so he’s still blocking the land there without his badge on this guy’s got his on Professional Security well I mean this guy here has been very professional this guy a tyrant but anyway let’s go and have a look around the

    Perimeter um see if they follow us yeah we’ll have a look around the perimeter um looks like they’re going back in um yeah me wife’s doing her own little um bit of Citizen journalism there um look at that one that that bike there let me just see if I can get closer to

    It is a barracuda now it’s got triple clamp Forks on as well some of these bikes aren’t cheap you know some of these bikes are quite expensive like we pulled up on the cube one just over there that’s an expensive bike um there’s one just over there that’s an

    Expensive bike and I tell you one thing I can smell guys and that is cannabis I can smell a big whiff of cannabis now I don’t know where it’s coming from uh it could be this guy in this car here or any of these that are going past but I

    Can smell big whiff of cannabis just up there we have the curs being closed as we always see um when we do these videos um that uh they all like to close the cens anyway guys that’s the Olan Express in Berton on Trent and oh look

    We’ got a manager out there so I’m going to get the zoom camera let’s see if we can film this manager if I can get my camera working he’s gone back in he’s seeing me get the zoom camera out and he’s gone back in sorry guys I didn’t quite get him he

    Saw me get the zoom camera out and he’s rushed off back in he was wearing black trousers and the white shit shit you can just I I have got the zoom camera on um so if I do capture him I will try and include this footage too um they’re going back in

    Now um so yeah right guys they’ve all gone back in anyway um so from the holiday in in um beting on Trend there’s a man there looking at me I don’t know what he’s looking at me for so he’s obviously staring at me for a reason there’s no cars coming this way

    It’s all the way down there the car is so I wonder what he’s waiting for cuz he’s having a right good stare at me so I’m wondering what he’s doing he’s going now he’s going yeah he going now uh but anyway guys uh yeah it’s G A bit chaotic on this one um

    So anyway guys uh for about the fourth time uh if you do like that video give it a thumbs up sorry it’s a bit all over the place um bit chaotic on this video but if you do like this video please do give it the thumbs up and we will see

    You on the next one


    1. Get ready for all out chaos, I don’t believe these migrants are just going to sit in these hotels for the rest of there lives, there brought here for a reason.

    2. Who is on shift today? Your turn to wear the yellow jacket. Look at employments these days. Recruitment Agency's, can get you a person available in no time. Visa's expire then they move on in jobs.

    3. Its very sad to see this country in the state its in and i think you should be very proud of bringing it to the fore so well done and keep up the good work with the videos thank you

    4. Look how they treat the bikes, just throw them anywhere.
      They just treat the hotel like a doss house.
      We pay for these people who have no respect for anything.
      Anyone who says they have a right to be here , they should house and feed them.
      Let’s see how long they do it, I’ll give them a week and there opinion will change.

    5. The police are not doing there job they are getting paid for nothing. They ignore everthing around them. Why dont the british people do something sboutit you are all shit bags

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