I got creative when it came to adding space for taking things on longer road trips. I found this polish military bread bag at a military surplus store and I thought it would be perfect to mount on the bike. Watch the video to see how it turned out.

    #e-bike #cycling #bicycle #accessories #creative #improvising #military #surplus #polish #bread bag

    [Applause] hey everybody Welcome to channel purple and the channel some of you already know that but if you’re somebody coming across me for the first time welcome we’re a variety Channel and we do video on a variety of things so if it sounds like something you might enjoy

    Or if you’re curious just to see what kind of videos I do do it’s very easy all you have to do is subscribe love to have you as part of our growing little group here and I think it’s a darn good group so I had done a previous video today

    Showing some Outdoor Adventure Gear that I bought one of the things that I am a collector of is military items and I had purchased a Polish bread bag polish military bread bag but it was not something that when I eyed it eyed it meaning when I was

    Looking at it that I was looking at it to add to my military collection I thought it might make a nice little addition for some extra added storage space on my ebike uh for some people if you follow e-bikers a lot of people uh ebikes have opened up the possibility for doing

    Longdistance traveling a lot further than maybe you might have been able to go on just a regular bicycle especially for the senior citizens like me uh yes I know hard to believe by looking at me that I am a senior citizen but I am and

    As a result uh you want to pack things that allow you to be on the road and be prepared for anything uh and you need of course places to store these things so that’s what I saw this bag for and I just have added it to my ebike and I

    Want to swing the camera around and show you how it looks and there it is it’s mounted on the front I needed a bag that would not be too long that it would interfere with the operation of the wheel or that wouldn’t be too bulky uh

    Because uh you know first of all I I have sort of the curved handlebars and I don’t have a lot of room you can have a Bell mount a phone mount a headlight uh that’s basically the brain of the bike and over here you have your

    Controls and so forth so I had to come up with something that would enable me to put this on the bike and not interfere with the operation and still look good so the Polish military rad bag seems to give me that little bit of extra storage space that I was looking

    For and I don’t think it looks bad uh obviously it doesn’t match the color cuz you can see the bike’s more in a blue and and black color scheme but that’s okay it’s military green but that doesn’t bother me so much uh it is going to allow for more things to be carried

    On the bike uh on the back here I have a little a little p on top of a cargo rack that you could put clothes and some things into and an area here for carrying water and one of the things that I’m going to be doing is doing long distance spiking you

    Know so uh I may be 40 50 Mi 60 Mi out and your battery depending on how much you use your power assist or your throttle depends on how much battery life you have it’s like a car with gasoline some point you may get down to

    50% battery power it be like having a half a tank of gas and maybe you want to have a that full tank to get you to your destination so what I want to do is start carrying the battery charger which uh is uh a lot light lighter to carry

    Than the battery cuz the battery is very very heavy it’s a lithium battery some people they order extra batteries and and and carry that but that’s going to add weight to your bike it’s going to make it a little heavier now one thing you want to do is not make the bike so

    Heavy that it is going to be harder for you to pedal and as a result you’re going to use more power if you need to use the pedal assist more so the charger being smaller is something that I could rearrange some items out of there and

    Put into here or I may even be able to put the charger right in this bag and whenever I’m on the road if you can find an electric electrical source some of these public parks have Outlets you can pull into them and uh plug up your

    Battery and charge it up and get it back up to uh to the level you need to make sure you can get home and I don’t think weight is going to be an issue uh sometimes you’ll see people if you watch or anybody if you watch bike videos they

    Have bags hanging down both sides of the front of the wheels they have uh some of them have the crossover bar I don’t I have the stepover but they have bags uh in this area here they have bags hanging down both sides and they have bags on the back and they’re carrying a

    Lot of gear and I don’t know how they do it um and I and I’m not sure how that affects the bike uh CU you want to make sure your weight is distributed evenly so what do you guys think do you think it’s a good

    Idea uh I think it’s going to work out just fine and uh I you know was a $10 per purchase and worst case scenario that if for some reason uh I wasn’t able to make it work I would have just used it for my hiking uh added that is just

    An extra bag I could put into my backpack which is over there or I would have just added it as part of my military collection so it wasn’t something that you were going to buy and go well jeez that was $10 thrown away so I had plenty of uses and and backups um

    So uh but I think it looks good on the bike I’m planning on leaving it there and uh I’m happy it worked out um I don’t know if I mentioned but what I was able to do is get those zip ties and that’s what is securing it to

    The hooks here that had you know this bag came with a strap but I took the strap off and I’m using the zip ties to keep it uh secure to The Handlebar thank you that was just an update uh get ready as I said for the the ebike season and get

    Ready for some hikes and uh maybe some backyard camping Adventures just to try out the new pup tent when I get a chance to set that up uh so I’ll you know hopefully you’ll be able to join me on some of these adventures and I’d love to have you along because you’re great

    Company you’re great company for the teat yes you are so thank you everybody for tuning in for this video and it’s it’s TGF another Friday is here I hope everybody wherever you are in the world has a great happy and healthy weekend I’ll see you real

    Soon on my next video till then it’s teat for teat purple saying bye-bye from teac cat’s garage take care


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