taking part in the # CHEAP BIKE BUILD OFF #CHEAPBIKEBUILDOFF by mull3tmechanic and promoted by 2ND LIFE BIKES I am building a bike along the build-off parameters (total expenditure 150,- £, finish by Feb 28th, etc.)
    Base is a severely challenged 70-ties ATALA Touring bike frame. I apologise for half the video being off centre/ focus, I promise to do better henceforth 🙂 This are the full Fork fiddlings 🙂

    Okay around here this looks perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect yeah it’s fine what happened oh no here it’s not push it there you go nice this is obviously older so I am not expecting much of this perfect good um just obviously what I need to do is really make sure I don’t

    Touch it it’s very very delicate some more putting things away and then it’s time for a little bit of polishing for I love I love teac cut I’m not sponsored I just love this product though it just works so effortlessly and it makes such a lovely difference on any half decent quality

    Paint it will have a massive effect so here we go on the very left uh on the very back side here then we go in inside now we do this on the other leg back outside here we go now I’m going to keep this suspended as a not to give me some more

    Damage on the back leg so mind you this is not just the color fade this also a gloss fade meaning it’s glossy down here and it’s matte up there right top inside inside top outside Okay done and for the final trick we’re going to use the table hang on as I’m preparing for the next step no gloves for the next step and U for this apologize for obstructing it’s absolutely key that is absolutely clean clinically super clean so we got two items got the

    Fork I want to get rid of the cboard just need to Fork let’s apply these things let me explain and I want to check the camera whether you go with me okay you we are good I’m going to apply this so that as if this was the forks

    Logo so that will be on the outside and that means this wraps around so I am overlapping by not much I would say about 5 mm and that’s as much as I want the length of this thing here needs to be short because obviously if we go down the fork the fork is

    Curved and that means it’s not going to lay down very nicely we already have an issue can I shorten this even more let me have a look yeah do you see that this is Le this is T coming off there so I need to make this even shorter just cutting it down

    Here like so now don’t be afraid when you do that it’s either wonky or it’s not but you don’t have two choices and you cannot correct so you just go for it so now we have our two items the way this is applied is by simple most simple tape

    And um I’m coming from the inside yeah I’m going to start here with that in order to avoid air bubbles again don’t be afraid because the moment you are hesitant you create a problem and you can always repeat so this is the inside that’s where I’m starting thing

    And then I have the other side that’s the one that’s on top and that’s the one that’s visible if I’m not in the picture I apologize I will check in a minute and at least when I do the second one I will be sure so this is how you

    Apply this in Perfection now it becomes very very vulnerable okay because we get tape on both sides so you see the sharp edge of the blade it’s to the inside I can line it up with my aluminum piece take care and then you need to turn around and do this in the

    Other fashion like so so that means my tape is exactly the same with as the ium foil so now I’m positioning this this is the key moment I want the logo here sitting in the center of the fork I’m going to wind it in very tightly in the

    Center a little bit more to the bottom because it’s conical the surface that I’m gluing this on to and then I’m going to massage this down very carefully and then I can let it go now what I’m doing next is I am just making sure my tape is absolutely

    Tightly rubbed down use your fingernails to do so also if there’s any issue concerning your aluminum strip now is the time to straighten it that so now I use both thumbs and uh I’m focusing on the bottom Edge because that’s where it’s conical make sure it’s

    It’s tight it’s not going to be perfect that’s not possible because conle oh yeah my God that’s not good okay there we are there we are there we are and that’s it we’re home what’s left to be done is to make sure that the tape’s down now here you

    Go as I said this is not perfect but it’s not going anywhere this is not good for rain because water will go behind and so on let me show you from where you are okay got an issue again with the camera I apologize that’s the only phone that I oh nope

    Here is what we have done we have taped a piece of aluminum can to a bicycle fork it’s for free well you have to buy the drink and you apply Some clear tape which you have to buy but it doesn’t have clear tape so let me see what you can see all right that should be it and I’m going to do the other one inside first for okay now it’s positioned now I’m making sure there’s some extra piece of tape

    Here why why is that let me take care of that oh I see what did you get here little piece of tape okay now let’s go around and push and push why is that too short yeah that is so weird if I may say so why is that it’s too

    Short we have an issue do you see this we have an issue why is that that is so weird I must have cut off the piece from the aluminum can too short what can I do what can I do not sure what to do now I don’t like that but the story here

    Goes these are some aluminum cans that oh yeah that’s what I’m going to do that came from from a country that I’m far away from at this very moment in time I’m going to touch it and I can’t get this is a Korean a Korean thing stylish and refined how about that

    H and understand it’s a Korean brand and um of course the Korean stuff you can get wherever you have Koreans but I’m in turkey and the Turks and not sadly not as it seems too interested in widening their Horizons when it comes to foreign food that’s

    Just it’s just apparent there is not too much that is embraced by the locals here when it comes to anything different than their own sorry to say so so it’s hard to find important things and of course there is also theep the other reason as in import

    Taxes so here’s my patch I am not proud of this but what can I do that’s just that’s a patch a repair a repair who knows who knows what this will give us this always something to learn from something now it’s called stylish and refined which is a bit of a

    Joke come on Place yourself properly there we go it’s a joke it’s a joke but I like it okay so that’s the story of the fork what I will be doing is put a little bit of grease on my blank surfaces so they don’t rust in the next couple of

    Days and that is my Fork ready to rock and roll T the before I grease let’s bring back the T okay so what do we have I already accounted for the silver from the from my car of back then sandpaper we’ve talked about polish we talked about so

    What I I need to add here is um this paint so metallic goes up from 11 to say another three to 15 should be enough to 15 15 wow and we were not accounting my hours because then we would fail we would have failed a long time

    Ago let’s just call this pleasure I like doing this so I’m going to put lots and lots and lots of grease in the Gap actually that’s not because I don’t want this to be in a harmless way so make sure it doesn’t touch so that’s that clean because that’s where it’s going to Lean just a very thin layer of clear grease okay spinner spinner I like spinner and for that I need the toothbrush yes I do not like Rusty threads so that will not rust and I’m going in here as deepest this toothbrush will be so this is ready to go this is 1 okay

    You didn’t see what I was doing I put grease on the threads and on the inside and uh silly me I forgot to put grease on here Dam damn and this is already not staying so what do we go to oh I know I know I

    Know okay so here’s something we need to follow and the way I will do that is by going round it and let me zoom out so it can be a bit more yeah see that would work huh what I’m going to do I’m going to start like so where I’m for sure picking

    Up the other side of the sley thing and then I’m going to work my way around so this is when you don’t want to have grease on your fork so that’s the first one that should help it now I’m going to do the other one where is the other one

    Okay that should fix it that should hold it as this is completely crude and free and cheap and uh some kind of you give it a name it doesn’t have to be perfect it’s like 75% and now it’s fixated properly I could let me think about this for a moment I

    Could yeah let’s do that I’m going to seal it well I’m going to see if that’s possible let’s go around the center I’m overlapping here now in order to seal it I’m going to start at the bottom because you see less of that that’s not good is

    The more you touch this tape the more fingerprinting it will show so I don’t like to finish it but what can I do my process is off my process is off that’s because I already put the grease on yeah I’m sure if it comes to water going in and uh not this

    Helps so I don’t get some water going in behind on my aluminium piece so that’s me sealing it from the bottom outside outside front front back inside inside front back outside yeah it comes now rather challenging to do this on the top layer that is because we going past the

    Breake but as if I just don’t give a monkeys and I’ll continue it’ll be good it’s all clear clear tape so it’s okay right right right right right mhm okay I’m underestimating the quality of this clear tape it’s a little bit flexible so that’s shall be that organize clean away

    Don’t know what I clean with that I do not know about how sticky this will be and we will find out that’s it let me put some grease on here and Bobs your uncle what do we look like from here yeah I think you can see very well how compromised this is

    But if you don’t look it so carefully you judge okay anyway that’s it um you always learn something from doing something so let’s call this the fork and I hope you enjoy the video please comment subscribe like let me know um how you uh how you think and uh

    Looking forward to your videos too have a good day

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