Rich House Poor House S09E03 | Full Episodes

    When it comes to money Britain is a divided nation the cost of Basics like food and energy are going through the roof and it’s hitting the poor a lot harder than the rich but is money the key to happiness two families living at opposite ends of the wealth divide are about to find

    Out mom Heather became pregnant with daughter Lois when she was only 20 dad Brad was even younger just 19 it was an unplanned pregnancy I didn’t know anybody else my age that was having children Nursery fees are crippling in the UK Child Care is so expensive it’s more than our rent each

    Month the couple both work full-time but on low wages there’s never any spare money you come home and you just think what’s the point phone bills 155 just 5 years ago divorced mom of two Abby was also struggling I was in 24 Grand worth of debt because I’d just

    Been not very good with money then she landed a job with an estate agents boom that was The Day My Life changed now she has a company with assets of 7 million it was a game changer for me and my children for one week the families are swapping homes this is probably the

    Most beautiful kitchen I’ve ever seen budgets we’re going to have to be really careful and budget everything and lives I think we needed this to discover whether money really does by happiness this looks a bit Wonky shood forest in Nottinghamshire Robin Hood country he robbed from the rich and gave to the poor and in the nearby town of Mansfield there’s a young family that could do with Robin’s help we live in a two-bedroom Terrace house with our daughter leis who’s 2 years

    Old mom Heather is 23 and Dad Bradley just 22 it was an unplanned pregnancy and it was terrifying to be honest oh you know what that one is 2 years ago when they first set up house together the couple soon got into money trouble we were very

    Naive at the start and we didn’t really know how to set bills up and that sort of thing so they slowly accumulated over time until it sort of got quite overwhelming councel tax 150 so when the debt was at its peak At His Highest uh the debt was coming in at around

    £12,000 they both have full-time office jobs but still can’t pay their debt off the biggest problem they face is the cost of child care for Lois over 30% of people paying for full-time care are in dire Finance fincial Straits yeah our child care is so expensive it’s more than our rent each

    Month despite money being tight they’ve done wonders with their home largely down to a talent for Upcycling I just enjoy the process of you know making something that’s quite rickety making it into something that looks like you’ve just spent a lot of money on it in a shop they both have dreams to make serious money from their skills we really like up cycling Furniture

    Especially with Heather’s flare we could provide something different Brad’s Ambitions don’t stop there I’ve also been looking into property a lot that’s something I’d be really interested to do and and look more into the first step on the ladder would be to own their own house but with all their money being

    Socked into child care costs saving for a deposit just isn’t on the cards that torturing yourself thinking oh you know I’d love to buy a house but we just think it all we don’t really see it happening anytime soon definitely again well done just 40 m North you find the town of

    Doncaster wealthy businesswoman Abby hookway has recently moved into a four-bedroom luxury house I love my kitchen Diner I love having people over I love entertaining and in the summer when we have the kitchen Diner then we have the big Garden it’s just brilliant and then I love my bedroom because yeah it’s just

    Perfect Abby can spend up to £5,000 on one shopping trip this is a Gucci belt I think that was about £350 but it’s nice nice belt so these are really gorgeous and these are about I think £ 800 L I haven’t worn them yet I’m not quite sure

    What to match them with life wasn’t always like this just 6 years ago times were tough let’s get I decided to divorce my husband and anybody that that goes for sports for young kids you know how hard that is and i’ moved into a little rented house I was in 24 Grand

    Worth of debt because I just been not very good with money and I can remember them being some really tough times half of all single moms have serious money struggles but ab’s the proof you can turn your life around an internet search on how to make money from Real Estate altered

    Everything boom that was The Day My Life changed I think the first year in property I’d paid off all my debt it was a game Cher for me and my children so I have an estate agency and we work on behalf of developers and Sell Off plan property and then the second

    Thing I do is basically buy property my portfolio is worth about 6 to 7 million it makes 300,000 a year but Abby hasn’t forgot her struggles all her properties are renovated to a high standard for the tenants donc cast is known for really good value houses they’re all brick

    Built you can tenant them really easily life’s busy so Abby knows about the challenges of balancing children with a career while she has a housekeeper to help her out there’s also a big downside I’ve missed out a lot of things from Thomas and Ellie not spending enough

    Time with them and that’s why I want this year to be the change help people that haven’t got aot every day she’s waking up extremely early to get us out of bed to go to school then she has to go to work I think she’s the most hard

    Worker I know absolutely so we’re at aby’s business partner gordi will be joining her on the swap get size the windows he’s also her ex-boyfriend what we found is that we were working all the time together um so we had no separation between business life and personal life

    So we decided to split as a as in a couple um and just move forward as friends and and business partners which is going great tomorrow the T-shirt it so what do the families hope to achieve by changing places for a week I think this swap is going to be amazing for

    Them so they value things I really want them to just realize just how much we’ve got you Got Heather and Brad are hoping the week will help them find a way out of the financial hole they’re in we uh know where we want to be but at the moment it feels like you know you can earn more money but then things are always going to get more expensive and

    It just feels like we’ll never not sort of struggle we are both very creative people we’re both willing to learn and I know that if we did have the knowledge and if we did get that motivation from somewhere the ideas that we do have could come to Life it’s day one of the Swap and G’s arrived to pick up Abby and her children Heather and Brad had to sell their car when they got into debt but to sample the rich life a car has been hired for the week I don’t know what to actually

    Expect no I don’t it could be anything yeah it could be I don’t know anything about these people just need a nice bed and I hope it’s not cluttered I can’t deal with clutter the two homes are less than an hour apart here we are here got oh it’s cute look Thomas and

    Ellie that was really really nice that was a really nice house here come on let’s have a look wow this this is Lovely isn’t it oh you’re straight into the living room oh this is cute the first challenge for both families is to find out about their mystery

    Host you see a picture there oh wow young f oh Wow oh my god oh this is probably the most beautiful kitchen I’ve ever seen in my life oh boy and a girl oh to Our Guest look Welcome to our home please make yourselves at home we have a small budget but we do all we can

    To make our house as nice as possible we unfortunately had to sell our car to cover bills a does that mean we don’t have a car no car look forward to meeting you Brad he and Lois I enjoy everything here don’t annoy the black cat don’t be afraid to get

    Things out have a great time reminder child care cost going up 10% next month that means they must both Work this is stunning yeah it’s amazing if I could have any house like genuinely serious I’d look at this and I’d be like y sold in the office next door there are clues about where the family’s money comes from Abby hookway is that her could be the lady

    Who lives here Abby is a managing director of a three multi-million pound companies and a single mom of two children Heather and Brad’s house is very cute but it’s also very small where are they all going to sleep this is definitely the adult’s room so I

    Definitely need to be in here this looks a bit wonky doesn’t it yeah a PR I don’t know oh it’s a bit stuck isn’t it looks like they need a new one yeah think so I’ve actually got no words for this room this is honestly stunning and look that’s Chanel

    Chanel clothes are stunning aren’t they yeah and you know what smart business clothes aren all smart businesswoman the families aren’t just swapping houses they’re also swapping budgets how much have we [Applause] got 60 7 it looks like the money’s just not running out 80 100 80 85 £87 52 £

    1,267 that is nearly my full wage for for one month the things You’ be able to do with that with only £87 for the week Abby and her children need to come up with a plan we’re going to have to be really careful and budget everything but that’ll be fine be Okay an activity board in each house tells them what they’ll be doing over over the week so how do the rich live personal shopping so personal shopping it where like someone tell like helps you buy stuff food shop we have to do that one first definitely look market research pitch to

    The team apprehensive about the market research and Pitch to the team but equally really excited family lunch the family lunch but what if we’ve got a cook for everybody theme park Lois is going to be with the moon she’s going to love it one that scares me the most out

    For them is the furniture project seen me try and build anything before yeah I’ve never been to a far of you no a camera’s been fitted where privacy is guaranteed and with no one listening the truth will out we’ve spent so long like just dreaming of having that amount of money

    It was just a really it was it really you know like eye opening and just exciting inspiring just so many emotions just all all at once one of the things I want to do is teach Thomas and Ellie the value of money and I think this is going

    To be a great lesson them understanding how how much things cost and sticking to a budget 3 2 1 coming up Heather and Brad step into aby’s shoes to test their potential as property investors we need to like blow the away with our ideas gordi teaches the children how to bargain little lot

    30 quit for you could you do it for 25 yes excellent and Lois has the best day ever she just absolutely loved dick copying all the dance [Applause] Moves millionaire mom Abby hasn’t always had things easy that’s a really good present idea I was in 24 Grand worth of debt because I’d just been not very good with money but she’s the proof you can turn your life around the first year in property I’d paid off all my debt young

    Couple Heather and Brad both work but still struggle financially Child Care is so expensive it’s more than our rent so what could they learn from Abby Abby is a managing director of three multi-million pound companies and a single mom of two children we are both very creative people we’re both willing

    To learn we’re trying really hard it’s day two and with a 2-year-old in the house the day starts early in Doncaster he guys thank you so how are they settling in first night in the house was was really nice it was really cozy uh the most amazing bed I think I’ve ever slept

    On in Mansfield everyone was up early too they need to get get some food in oh it’s chilly it’s raining they’re going to the market and with no car they’re on foot well you got to walk had a walk 15 minute walk usually be in the car

    Wouldn’t we yeah but it’s raining now we’re going to have to carry everything back too yeah well Thomas carrying everything back what Abby doesn’t normally have time to go food shopping with the children today’s a great chance to teach them the value of money should we get some

    Vegetables yeah they’ve ever been to a market store you know rabbit carrots how many the onions do you want they’re quite big onions aren’t they we got quite a lot for £640 didn’t we good aby’s put Ellie in charge of tracking the budget my children don’t normally go shopping it’s normally our

    Housekeeper that does it so for them to do it themselves I think it was great learning for them G’s going to show them how to get a bargain to get the meat yeah so what do we need what’s on the L though we’ got chicken yeah um mins

    Mints uh chicken we got the chicken fet and we got the big bags of steak mins as well you got just under a kilo in weights fiber on those fiber bag get a bag of these in as well for kids chicken and bacon slices there a lot 30 quick Bo

    You do it for 25 go on yes excellent it is quite a difficult shopping on a budget mainly to get things that are the right price there you go oh there’s a good L are you old enough for this probably not you change Budd you thank you very very

    Much first up for Heather and Brad is a visitor from aby’s family her stepfather Fred has come around to tell them all about her tell us about Abby what’s what’s what’s she like 3DS I think driven determined dedicated there used to be another D in aby’s life

    Just like Heather and Brad she struggled with debt overspending on her credit card so how much you know was was the debt what was the scale of that it were well in excess of 20 grand probably nearly 25 and 20 I think we found out

    That you know ab’s a single mom well she obviously split and divorced from her from her husband and uh then went alone I guess and worked hard to support a kid to see that she’s made this for herself from nothing paid off all her debts and worked really hard um it’s just yeah

    It’s just inspired me to do the same in the book that Abby left it said Abby and gy do you know who gordi is Abigail was a single mom she then met gordi and lived with gordi and obviously they’ve ped way but they’re still together as uh

    Business partners and the the kids think the world of him all right oh cheers you take care be good we will you only get one chance at this remember thanks Fred back in Mansfield aby’s discovered something that worries her it’s he and Brad’s bills right and I thought you

    Should have a look so they rent this place we were asking whether they rent or own um so £695 on here £ 764 on CH hair that’s mad utilities look at they £640 so 86% of the money goes towards outguns yeah don’t end enough money and they’ve

    Got too much outo just looks like everything’s got on top of them plus with the cost 11 and everything going up recently that’s going to really squeeze everything they’ve got think of the pressure they’ll be under just now that’s awful I’d hate that absolutely hate it but they must not have any choice

    To find a solution to the couple’s money problems Abby and Gordy need to know more Brad’s mom and sister are calling in they’ll be able to help I’m dying ask what do they do for a living so Heather works and and admin role and Bradley does as well is Lois in fulltime Child

    Care yes so it that that’s I think that has been the biggest issue for um because they’ve had to work fulltime and so she’s gone to like a child minder such a big cost isn’t it it is we did see their um gas and electric bill it’s

    It’s extremely high what what why is it so high probably probably past debt that they’ve got on so what’s been the number one issue of why they’ve got themselves into so much dead you think they just got behind and and then they just tried to brush it under the carpet and then I

    Tell you to be to be totally honest and truthful with you they didn’t tell us until it was a bit too late yeah what would you love to see for them as their more you know if you could wave magic wand what would you love to see them

    Doing or being just I just first and foremost I want them to be happy they’re bright young adults and I think they could do anything they just they’ve made some bad choices I think housing experts Abby and gordi can see that not all their choices have been bad their home

    Looks great has it been comfortable enough for you I’ve loved it you can tell put so much effort into it they really really have bearing in mind they’ve not really been bought up doing decorating they’ve really got stuck in and I can’t believe how good they are at

    Painting can you definitely there they a lot of projects lot of upcycling they’re house proud they’ve done their ultimate best with what they’ve got yeah really really is nice just for this week Heather and Brad have no money worries so with £1,200 in their pocket they’ve jumped in the car

    To give Lois the kind of day she never has £81 thank thank you an £81 entry fee is almost their usual spending in budget for an entire week thank you sis yeah but it doesn’t stop there oh lo photos wow ice cream rides it all adds up oh no I think in

    The first half an hour of us being there we’d spend our weekly budget um which which which was crazy to us you’re going to scoop him up just felt Freedom like you know you’re not checking your bank you’re not thinking oh you know let’s cut corners

    And not buy this and stuff like that it just felt like we just had total freedom of the day and we could do what we Wanted is that Funny Lois’s favorite part of the day was definitely dancing with all the characters she just absolutely loved it copying all the dance moves you know in the car on the way home she was saying I want to dance I want to dance so you know it just shows it she’s absolutely loved

    It see you [Applause] later she’s coming by I promise having a good time it was kind of heartbreaking today to to see how much Lois enjoyed it because it’s just Bittersweet you know I can’t give her these things that back home that we’ve been able to give her this week

    With no money worries even exiting through the gift shop is stress free what a good day back in Mansfield the children continue their crash course on how the other half lives at home a housekeeper does most of the chores so helping with the cooking is a new experience Ellie was doing the

    Dashes Thomas was helping with the salad and we all mocked in together I think it’s really good yeah it’s nice the chicken’s lovely tasted it every little bit of what someone did help exactly we do um get the kids to set the table when we’re at home but they don’t really cook

    Because we either have it brought in for us or the housekeeper Cooks um so this was a really nice change for them to be involved in the cooking as well and I think they enjoyed it more than I thought they would who’s doing the dishes I think’s doing them you did a

    Good job of washing up little let’s do them again that’s a sh it’s kind of fun to do it because Thomas is doing good CH do that awesome we forgot pudding it’s day three Heather and Brad have come to the center of nearby York the most important part of aby’s job is assessing

    Properties she’d like to use this house as a serviced holiday L Heather and Brad are stepping into her shoes how much will it cost to bring the property up to the standard Abby B Xs and obviously this is a big open space so we can put like big dining

    Table they have to work out if the house is a good investment and present a report to aby’s senior managers oh wow W lovely is it it yeah so what we need to make sure obviously when we’re looking at the property for service accommodation is like how much

    Refab will need to be done we need to check how old is the boiler if the kitchen needs reinstalled or anything like that so you know if the carpets are new or they will need to be changed and if you want to come through to the first bedroom the couple really enjoyed doing

    Up their rented house this is a fantastic chance to find out if they could use those same skills professionally me and Heather just both agree that we need to like blow them away with our ideas all of our ideas about how we could maybe utilize space a

    Little bit better how we could decorate make it more appealing to cut the cost IR you could upcycle a lot of this stuff windows are in really good condition it’s really important that we have a hard thing and really think outside the box um of how we could make this house

    You know suitable for what they need in they’ve got their work cut out and have just 3 days to prepare the pitch coming up aby’s children are tested on the cost of living hom much do you think it cost to feed the cats for a week £20 on the spot they’re expensive

    The cats aren’t they yeah I know all about running and do Heather and Brad have what it takes to make it in the property World your deposit covers 10% of the house price your ltb’s 90% this is just like information Overload yeah that’s a really good one wealthy businesswoman Abby is giving her children a crash course in How the Other Half Lives they don’t really cook because we either have it brought in for us or the housekeeper Cooks every little bit of what someone did helped and the

    Pressure’s on for Heather and Brad they’ve stepped into aby’s shoes in the property business to cut the cost out you could upcycle a lot of this stuff windows are in really good condition Heather and Brad have done wonders in their house on a very limited budget their secret weapon is the furniture

    Project staffed by volunteers it’s a charity dedicated to providing lowcost Furniture to anyone in need Abby and gordi are off to replace the wonky bedroom drawers they notice when they first Arrived do they stick in so searching for the right set of drawers they run into someone with an extraordinary story to tell were you looking at this as well I was yeah but I couldn’t quite F out how to work it open to the top look bit deceiving actually

    Do you shop here a lot I have done yeah I have done it’s helped me out quite a lot oh has it yeah I’ve got quite a bit of furniture well I was homeless for quite a bit were you yeah I was living in um like a shelter wow yeah and

    Obviously I got third and they helped me out with furniture without this place i’ would have been down on the floor literally yeah just to hear about the importance of this place to the local community was unbelievable now you would just drive past it and think it’s a a

    Secondhand furniture shop you would never think of the impact that that place makes to people’s life but you happy and sorted now you know what I couldn’t be happier good the chest of draw search continues and aby’s got a sharp pie so how about that one over there that’ be quite easy

    To upcycle I think obviously it’s Pine color and Pine’s not in right now in interior design and it was scuffed um and I don’t think it been touched for a long time but it was well used but it was solid and sturdy here’s your drawers brilliant thank you the visit has got

    Them thinking so myself and I were speaking and the furniture project had a massive impact on both office bye so one of the things that well actually Abby came up with is that we could possibly get all our staff to bring in it’s furniture at Home Electrics at home that

    They’re not going to use they don’t need anymore so we can donate it to the furniture project back at the house the 25 purchase is about to get a makeover you do one of the drawers Heather’s a dab hand at restoring Furniture so can Abby and gordi meet her high

    Standards going to have to have two coats of paint then we’ve got to put the door H handles On G never does anything DIY definitely did not appeal to him we have bought so many houses and refered them and we have never ever stripped wallpaper painted anything I I’m not going to lie I’ve completely made a mess of this side I can see why I’m so Bad the experience was just how I thought it was going to be which was horrific um I didn’t enjoy it whatsoever yeah you can get away with that ready for app pause well Done in Doncaster the clock is ticking in Just 2 days time they have to present the report on the house in York and all on the first floor single glaze Windows now for energy performance they’re going to need to be double glaze it’s sink or swim to be honest I think

    Anything anything I’ve got to give me and Heather collectively anything we’ve got to give we’re going to give it because what have we got to lose at the end of the day the challenge is to keep the budget low but also make the house a nice place to rent we’re treating this

    Property as if it’s somewhere where we’d like to stay without sounding vain I think we’ve got good taste in terms of properties you know that’s what we’re into so it’s it’s really good it’s really interesting your deposit covers 10% of the house price your LTV is 90% they’re beginning to realize that

    Property management is a complicated business this is just like information Overload Abby’s using the wig to teach her children the value of money she’s come up with a game they can play so first question is how much do you think a bottle of fizzy Cola would cost uh 150 locked uh what’s your final answer 666 okay [Applause]

    Thomas75 how much do you think it cost to feed the cats for a week 20 okay what do you think three quid £0 on the spot they’re expensive the cats aren’t they yeah I know all about running how much do you think it cost to fill my car for pedrol

    Oh 80 quid £80 for you well I’ve changed my 95 95 100140 so you’re both wrong to fill up my car everything’s too expens sh it’s a lesson well Learned day four Heather wants to look professional for the property pitch at aby’s agency she normally buys the cheapest clothes she can find so going to a boutique is a new experience I feel like if I go in there feeling confident and looking nice then I’ll naturally just come across more

    Confident aby’s personal shopper Sarah is on hand to give advice you’ve got lovely colored hair and yeah we could really get um a jacket that makes your hair [Applause] Pot right oh wow that looks lovely think it looks nice yeah yeah really it pops your hair I feel like it’s really versatile I can work with lots of stuff I can you know go into to the pitch and feel confident that’s just £90 today please 90 I felt guilty because even though

    I’ve got this budget I still feel like I’m on my own budget it’s just something that’s like embedded within me the visit to the furniture charity had a big impact on Abby and gordi they’re back to donate furniture from their office and and stuff in the future we think you know

    Maybe once every few months we can have a big massive Drive in the community uh in Doncaster get all the furniture dropped off at our office and then we can arrange for it to be deled and donated to the furniture project you know how many people you help on a yearly

    Basis I think we’re into 40,000 40,000 people yeah elderly homeless just moving in disabled You Name It We deliver to them it’s a it’s a lovely project with You day five Heather and Brad are about to present their report on the house they inspected really well done so do they have what it takes to make it in aby’s world the best thing about the pitch is it was an opportunity for me and Heather

    To go and present something to real you know to real business people you know it’s not it’s not a joke today we’re going to be pitching you a beautiful three-bedroom mid Terrace in the heart of York um and the reasons why we think it’s a great investment when we went to

    View the property the key property features that we sort of noticed straight away was the private Courtyard Terrace the purchase price of this property is £400,000 the mortgage deposit that we will be putting down is £100,000 numbers is not my strong point but luckily Brad’s very good with

    Numbers so the return of investment is 18.24% and with a 8.64% yield Heather’s got some tips on how upcycling could save money the main bedroom the furniture that’s already in there the dressing table and the two Chester drawers they could be upcycled after a stressful presentation

    It’s judgment time how did they do I think you guys have really hit the nail on the head cuz you’ve covered every single area that we would generally want from you or ask of a person you both nailed it I felt really really proud of me and Heather I think we executed

    Everything in the pitch exactly how we wanted to you know we put a lot into it but then the comments and the feedback we got is just it was just amazing to hear thank you lovely to meet you thank you thank you after the stress of the pitch

    Meeting we better to relax than at a Luxury Spa it’s a new experience for both of them that massage was absolutely what dreams are made of I don’t know how she did it but in that moment she just made all of my problems Fade Away people

    Spend a fortune to be rubbed with mud but Heather wasn’t sure she’d like it I don’t know why I think it’s just because it’s something that I’ve never done but I actually really loved it for Heather to have a distraction and to see her really relax

    And you know chill out it was it was lovely to be able to do that you know quite regular would just be amazing like that would just be the dream yeah that’ll be £250 please I don’t know how exactly how we’re going to get out of our financial situation but I’ve

    Promised Heather that we’re going back to that spa for the day uh before the end of the year and I will do it next Abby and gordi hatch a plan to solve Heather and Brad’s money problems there has to be something that we can do that supports some longterm

    When the couples meet there are big decisions to be made it doesn’t take long to change your circumstances you’ve just got to do the right thing would you consider moving out of mansfields if there were job opportunities Elsewhere Heather and Brad delivered an impressive property pitch and learned a lot the best thing about the pitch is it was an opportunity for me and Heather to go and present something to real business people Abby and gordi have learned that DIY probably isn’t their strong point we have bought so many houses and

    Refer them and we have never ever stripped wallpaper painted anything I I’m not going to lie I’ve completely made a mess of this side I can see why I’m so bad it’s the last night of the swap over the week Abby and Gordy have kept a

    Close eye on their budget with £ 13 left over they can even afford a drink cheers cheers you enjoyed it yes what about your biggest learnings do you think you’ve taken away that you’re going to maybe use going forward I think the biggest eye opener with me is you

    Hear about the cost of living crisis don’t you but it kind of not hit us and why I generally want to figure out a plan that we can help them long term and not just a short-term fix that there has to be something that we can do that supports them Longterm Heather and Brad have enough money left to go out for a meal but instead they’ve chosen a cozy night in Brad’s cooking his signature dish pasta carbonara you can’t be a homecooked meal I think and it’s like yeah takeways and nice but we do have this meal at home

    But we do cook Corners with it you know we’ve had Panetta instead of bacon L on so it’s still a treat for us isn’t it sitting down for dinner gives them time to look back over the week thank you I think um we’ve learned a lot you know

    Ab’s a a Serial entrepreneur made a great Fortune for herself a great success and they’ve come from struggles like we’re going through now it’s just motivated me the pitch has gave me the confidence that I need to to set me in good stad for life I think I’ve got

    Exactly what I wanted to to get from this experience so are they looking forward to going home or dreading it we don’t know how we’re going to feel do you know what I mean it’s like it’s it’s a two different totally different our lives and while we’ve been here we’ve

    Sort of just forgot you know what I mean just forgot about our real life it’s day six the final morning of the Swap and time to go Home come on then let’s Go on their way back the couples meet at the halfway point to talk the week Over after living each other’s lives they finally meet for real how’s it been oh it’s just been amazing really enjoyed ourselves you got a lovely home thank you how did you manage living on our budget it was tight um we did well with the food I think what shocked me was the

    Price of um eggs milk and bread again we don’t look at the price of things the biggest shock for me was your child care costs so I don’t have kids you know and I’ve never looked at the cost off it before so it was incredible to see how

    Expensive it is it’s more than your rent it’s like we make do with budget um but like I say with these sorts of luxuries that we’ve experienced that’s what it doesn’t leave room for and I think that’s the important thing in life I think we do work hard but we don’t

    Really reap the rewards it doesn’t take long to change your circumstances you just got to do the right thing Abby and gordi have come up with a plan but it will mean big changes for Heather and Brad are they up for it the feedback from the presentation was incredible they said you absolutely

    Nailed it so we’ve been thinking what we can do cuz we’d love to help you guys would you consider moving out of Mansfield if there were job opportunities elsewhere yes we would we would love you to relocate to Doncaster and we’ll pay a relocation package and we’d like you to come and

    Work for us a don’t cry you going to set me off thank you this is this is amazing thank thank you so much you we’re going to work harder than anyone’s worked for you before I promise so the two roles we’ve thought about is um hether we know

    You do a bit of HR right now and we’ve got a vacancy for HR within the office we thought that would be a great fit for you and then Brad we do have sales positions yeah so I think the sales job will be perfect for you I know what

    You’re currently on just now um the sales guys typically in four times what you’re currently earning just now they work hard they deal with a lot of stress they do a lot of hours um but the potential turn a significant amount more money than what you’re on just now is

    There we’d like to help um do some coaching with you as well and some accountability stuffff number one we want to get this debt paid back then you can really then get your own home then you can really start to build this is it’s it’s life changing and we’re so

    Grateful and we’re going to work so I just can’t believe it’s like be it’s happened like to us cuz we’ve just been in this like position for so long it’s hard to see a way out of it so thank you it’s a lot for Heather and Brad to

    Take in but the deal’s sealed with a hog no worries just go for it we’ve just been offered the most lifechanging amazing surreal opportunity that I think we will ever get in our life I didn’t expect the reaction to be as big as it was they were so shocked

    Weren’t they shorts yeah but that just shows you the type of people that they are don’t expect anything from anybody it’s going to take a lot of work to get to where we want to be um but we’ve certainly got the the best Head Start probably anybody’s everever

    Had the last week’s been a roller coaster ride finally back so what’s it like coming home I’m sweet home oh back the experience has changed our lives and opened our eyes to what life can look like if you take risk we will be forever great Oh theyve brought us some new stu oh absolutely amazing and it’s too much it’s overwhelming and they’re just amazing amazing people people yeah the biggest thing I’m going to take away from this is spending time with Thomas and ear no electronics just me and them you know doing the simple things in life

    Playing games reading oh rickety drawers are no more and was living in the rich house a dream come true money doesn’t buy happy money buys choices and it buys freedom and it allows you to do more in your life and have better opportunities you know there’s there’s small things we

    Should be grateful for and happy for cheers well done nailed it the three of us together as long as we’re spending time together we’re happy wow next time are you are kidding me it’s an OB the mon of money for the week you start trying to do this crap

    Food I’m not eating it I will refuse I refus I feel like it’s a bit big I’m shaking don’t be a princess get stuck in hello I think I know you so well already you know what that’s all we’ve been saying all week a the new series continues next Sunday

    At 9: and if you’d like to switch lives and budgets and be in the next series of rich house Poor House all the details are at Channel sakeart don’t miss Channel 5’s gripping new psychological drama starring Joe joer and Rachel shenton for her sins starts tomorrow night at 9: next this

    Evening bargain loving Brits in the Sun


    1. Child care more than rent 😮😮😮that's madness

      Hopefully Abby can help then they both a beautiful family loved this show

      Oh how i cried watching the end thank you Abby and Gordy

    2. I truly wish they would do a series like this in the US. A lot of people would understand. Even the rich to middle class has a huge gap. I can’t imagine them trying to relate to the poor. People in the UK seem more genuinely kind. People out here mostly accept charity for tax purposes

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