Great British Menu 2024 Episode 16 : NW England – Starters and Fish

    The top seeded chefs from around the UK are heading to the Great British menu kitchen what can go wrong we’ll find out they’re in a race I need to crack on to cook a course at a record-breaking banquet things you do on the great menu the Ultimate Prize in any Chef’s

    Career a Sprint 100% this year the banquet is celebrating the Olympics and Paris Olympics W as team GB limber up for the 2024 Paris games move move move come on it will be held in the Sumptuous British ambassador’s residence in the heart of Paris the home of classical Cuisine

    Oh competitors need to come up with dishes that are worthy of such a majestic Feast so get the mouth watering Olympian in their ambition Famous Last Words am man and strive for a personal best wow that looks incredible because some former Champions Veterans of the competition and relax are returning to

    Score them wow Michelin St winners themselves I’m ready for action let’s go and they won’t be pulling any punches I’m scoring you a four it’s a fish course it’s been about 8 years since I last gave a 10 the dishes need to be worthy of a place on the

    Podium heart to impress the demanding lineup of judgment they’re searching for courage spirit and ambition in every dish I love it on your marks set go it’s Great British menu let the games commence hoping for gold This Time come on are four of the very best from the Northwest I’m only widening you

    Up this week the most promising chefs from the Northwest compete with creative dishes celebrating a wide range of Olympic and Paro Olympic sports including Taekwondo dress and cycling first through the door is Nina mat anaga from the Lake District this is her first time in the Great British menu

    Kitchen showcasing her Fusion food it’s quite intimidating as long as I can execute everything that I’ve planned well I think there’s a good chance next is fellow newcomer Manchester Born Ryan Stafford who’s gained confidence and experience working under some big names including Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver

    I think the biggest competition is going to be with myself just got to get my flavors right hi I’m Nina nice to meet you Nina returning for another crack at the title is Blackburn born plant-based Chef Kirk howth who narrowly missed out in 2021 you too everything’s at stake for

    Me in this competition I need to stay focused stay calm finally it’s Andy Sheridan from Liverpool this isn’t his first rodeo either hello Chef okay Ryan nice to meet you trying in 2018 before reaching the final in 2019 I’m feeling a little bit more confident than last time hopefully Third

    Time Lucky Third Time Lucky there we go feel like it’s Christmas Eve last night Tsing and turning waiting to get going hello chefs hello it’s lovely to see two wonderful Chef’s returning and to brand new Mina yeah any nerves yeah Ryan how about you sir confident feeling

    Good okay chefs think of this as your Olympics we are going to start with with canipes let these games commence let’s go do it let’s go the canipes won’t be scored but ranked and used to decide a tie break should one arise I know you’re all thinking it smells

    Insane agree more Ryan serving a carrot puree with a cafe lime coconut yogurt served in a mini Cru R isn’t hot enough so we’ll do that again Nina is also cre creting Cris stards topped with lamb mackerel and a kimchi tartar with cured egg yolk I just

    Need to make sure that the batter works out and then that the balance and the TARTA is Right Andy’s canipe consists of a pineapple chutney with a cheese mousse and pineapple caramel served in a mini pastry Cornetto the only thing that I’m really worried about is myself ruining

    It to be honest with you Kirk’s also serving a cornet I’m going to have to improvise here but his is with cashew cheese Arch choke jam and black truffle woohoo but who’s this week’s veteran the chefs need to win over all right chefs I’ve got a few

    Names I want to give to you Lisa Goodwin Allen Spencer mea who’s quite a new he’s a brand new veteran for us um Tom ains or my clo hair my CL hair would be good what about you Nina bit intimidating yeah whoever walks through those doors I want you to impress

    Them the veteran our chefs need to wow is our very own Sporty Spice he’s holder of a michelan star a previous Great British menu fish course winner known for his Innovation with both presentation and flavor all right that’s time please chefs thank you very much yes it’s the one and only Michael

    Oare hi chefs chef chef chef Nina what have you made CAD with Sor and kefir and lamb and kimata and puff rice c yeah we’ve got a Cornetto of iy Choke Jam whipped cashew cheese and black truffle Andy we’ve got a Cornetto of cheese and pineapple Ryan my Heritage carrot tart composed

    With a carrot puree with a charie spice in there balance with a beautiful cir lime coconut yogurt Chef’s a brief this year is a dream you know I want the the food to tell me the story and underlining that I want delicious flavors all right chefs yeah thank you thanks I’m really happy

    With my glow here he’s all about innovation creativity really excited he’s quite fair I rate my chances with Michael oare quite strongly so who was the least favorite on it my least favorite was Andy Cornetto that could have easily been a pred desert so intensely sweet oh wow

    Sweetness so then who came third I would say Ryan it was a nice pleasant mouthful this was the carrot tart but it wasn’t particularly explosive it didn’t blow any doors off pretty good second it was Nina so nice and crisp um the Tatar on the top was beautiful the crunch for me great

    Journey so that means that first it’s Kirk it was beautiful so well executed that’s very nice yeah cashew cheese is amazing does it give you hope for the week ahead yeah cuz I only to go to Paris so good next it’s onto the the first scored course starters one more

    Little Blitz and then we’ll get that out they must be vegan and themed on the Olympics or par Olympics hey Ryan hey tell us all about your dish Chef so the name is the Eternal torch as a Wii Nipper my grandfather taught me all about the Olympic torch and what it represented so

    What are you cooking I’ve got some beautiful variegated kale cabbages purple white and cavalino the dish is going to be composed of a light parfait of Jerusalem Arch chokes some Truffle in there toasted shalots crispy arter chokes and they’re going to come out like flames and then also an ember oil

    It’s a pafa traditionally be like with some toast or something like that is this being spread onto the ks what’s happening so you’re going to eat it with a fork or a spoon well wish you lots of luck Andy Chef thank you Che thinking along similar lines is

    Andy the title of the dish is the Olympic torch really another torch I know who my main competitor is now in the kitchen for sure what’s the inspiration so the inspiration is when the torch arrives to the host country and it travels through the country I’ve

    Got a bowl that kind of looks like Flames the bottom of the bowl then I’ve got a whipped pure from the Frozen seps that I’m using and the Truffle on top of that I’ve got the myi mushroom and then I’ve got some SE mushroom pastry in the

    Shape of the runners to represent the people that are running with the torch most worrying thing um it’s going to be sweet sour and saving dish you know I’ve obvious got to make sure that each balance lays let’s hope it works this is not for small people Kirk

    Should be on home ground here as it only cooks with plant-based ingredients and never uses dairy or meat my dish is um called ability not disability it’s inspired by an incredible par Olympian Taekwondo gold medalist called Amy trusdale is from the Northwest Taekwondo is a Korean sport so

    We’ve got Korean flavors what are you cooking yeah so the base is a matake mushroom caramelized and then brushed with an iy CH caramel and then on top of that is going to be a kimchi and then it’s sat on a Merle but Asian so a black

    Rice Merle and and on the side I’ve got here the black Bel cabes and then we’ve got a little Yuzu AIDS oh so that’s a drink yeah just a drink yeah quite a lot of processes do you feel you know extra confident going at this particular round

    Yeah for sure but I don’t um look at it as just one round if I deliver on my flavors I can match every other course hoping to gallop in front of the others is Nina with her take on the Olympic brief so it’s valro um a gift of

    Gold and the inspiration behind it is shot du Jadon who has won three gold medals with the horse valgro how going care that on for plate it’s supposed to be a horse’s head you know a fun horse’s head um steamed bun in the shape of a

    Horse’s head Okay and like a little hay B the main element of the dishes the called rabi and it will be flavored with like Korean barbecue sauce okay so this is like a handheld bun yes yeah and the the hair Bell uh Kad pastry okay this must be incredibly labor intensive

    Getting it all shaped up into the right shape is hard good luck chefs we will see you on the pass thank you all to stand a Fighting Chance of success with the bun Nina’s dough needs to be spot on yeah it’s really really over rooved this

    One because it’s a bit warm in here but it will it will do hopefully fortunately now and it’s a little bit late in the day to get another one on so Nina’s dish it’s a horse’s head which of course has so many Godfather it’s going to look

    Sophisticated and it’s got to be an actual starter that’s very true because this is at the moment it’s a bun that you pick up stuffed full of barbecued col R bead I have zero experience in making horses heads so I can’t help you with that one

    Thank you to represent the flames on his Olympic torch Ryan’s using deep fried cavalo Nero and barbecue roasted white and purple kale I feel like we’re going to need some sort of toast or Cracker or something yeah potentially I think you know you eat this with a spoon crank the heat

    Up BR that over there and he’s Ed to the Olympic torch centers around fungi cooked multiple ways right now I’ve got the uh shitaki mushroom which are barbecued I’ve got the glaze which is just reduced just to go over them um mushroom puree on the stove pastries in

    The fridge looking good the mushrooms sound amazing my concern with cutting out these little Runners is it it could quite easily look childish I think it’s lacking a little bit of substance so I’m just going to cut and weigh the mushrooms 35 G perfect Kirk hopes to tip

    The scales in his favor with with his Korean inspired mushrooms and with his vast experience in Vegan Cooking shitaki juice he’s serving them with a mole made from black rice black beans and toffee Turk is in fact a plant-based Chef so this is where he lives it’s what

    He does every single day yeah I mean this is this is very much his R to lose he’s got everything there he needs to succeed um it’s just if he hits the brief with her Korean barbecue sauce cooked and her Rie roasting Nina tackles the fiddly horse head

    Buns I’m not 100% happy with the dough but I’m just going to hope that it it’ll look as good as it can in her day job at the award-winning gastro pub the Black Bull in Cambria head chef and co-owner Nina draws on her Heritage to inspire her

    Cooking a lot of my influences as a chef comes from uh three different cultures just so being from Germany but born to Japanese parents and living in the UK which heavily influences the food as a chef I think the proudest achievement um so far is we’ve gain two rosettes within

    The last four years how long on the pork m 2 minutes on the pork being on the graish menu to me means quite a lot it was really exciting when my sister gave me the first grade British many cookbook and I’ve still got it I’m hoping to uh

    Stand out from the other chefs by bring different flavors to the show service please hi Nina hello where are you at what have you made I’ve just finished the barbecue sauce um with fermented chili sauce Can I taste it yeah of course and is that texture finished yeah I’ve just tasted Nina’s barbecue

    Sauce I really enjoyed the spice level in it I still have massive concerns about how this is going to look those doors look a little bit ch dish the Flames for Ryan’s Olympic torch are almost done shots have been roasted and Archer chokes deep fried trying to curl them while they

    Cook there a little things you have to do to push the brief next to Jerusalem Aly choke puree is Blended having been cooked with shots garlic and apple juice it’s got to be extra thick boys having learned his trade in restaurants and as a private Chef Ryan

    Is now executive chef at fold be stroke near Stockport my culinary Journey started in London working on the great chefs like Gordon Ramsey Jamie Oliver I’ve worked in michelan restaurants and traveled the world the vibe here at fold is about accessible dining an experience that we’re trying to create where everybody’s

    Welcome if you come here you can expect to eat you know fun exciting showcase dishes Great British menu to me means the world I’ve watched many of my Idols come through the kitchens here when I Reed the brief I could have been more excited I mean look at the Olympics

    Power Glory winning success Triumph what more do you want in a competition hands please is this the PA this is the parfait Chef so you’re going to lighten that with a cream yeah uh give that kind of pafa on toast kind of feel with the texture of the Crunch and the soft

    Puff Ryan’s adoke Pur is seasoned beautifully I just can’t see how this Ur is going to turn into a PA and be the basis for a dish so guys do you do a lot of kind of PM based dishes in your restaurants I don’t cook for vegans in the restaurant

    It’s not something that we do so so I’m not I’m not welcome then at your it’s not that you’re not welcome I’m not I’m not confident I’m not very confident I’m only widen you up Andy’s making a mushroom and truffle puree saving it for a silky texture as well as a black

    Garlic ketchup with cherry vinegar you I try this mushroom yeah of course so what’s in that um so in there’s the um seps uh truffle some dashy vegan cream uh Madera as well I’m really impressed to see how Andy’s working he’s very clean and precise and his mushroom puree is

    Delicious Kirk’s pickled col rabi in charcoal powder and is smoking my tacky mushrooms on the barbecue that I’ve then glazed with an artichoke caramel some flavor on that b boy his dish May center around fungi but he also needs his black rice mole to deliver Punchy Korean flavors can I try them all

    Yeah sure and what’s in this black rice black beans tofu um lots of Misa uh fam shitaki juice and I’m going to finish it with a bit of smoked shoa juice give it a bit more body okay just tasted Kirk’s mole and it tastes a little nondescript I’m just concerned at how

    It’s all going to come together first to the pass will be Ryan with his Olympic torch but not before his roasted shots get a final Char we wanted fire his arch choke and truffle paa is garnished with Arch choke crisps and deep fried Brassica Flames just want to pop a few of those

    In creating as much drama and height as possible it’s finished with shots and black truffle I’m feeling quite confident about this the title of the dish is the Eternal torch we going to test it yeah let’s go show the consistency of the paa is that what you were looking for I

    Think that’s you know exactly what I was looking for the puree was really tasty I just think it’s missing a main component you know to bring it together and the art chokes the art chokes are my favorite part probably you know that kind of umami that little crunch as well

    Like a crackle of a flame you know I really put a lot of thought into this I think it’s um almost um more like a b SN where you’d have the crisps separate and then you dip them in rather than like a full star sometimes you get them they’re a bit not

    That crisp what have you done with the shots so the shalots are a salty caramel shot and you’re happy with the texture of those yeah I think there’s a lot of crunch in there the flavors are lovely that ember oil is a little bit all pervasive is there anything that you

    Change in the dish potentially the type of spoon that we eat it with I practice this a lot and I’m really happy with it if I had a like a really earthy caramelized arage work in in there give it the body so Ryan what would you your

    Dish be looking for something around the eight I think would be fair I would give this one a seven I just think it’s missing that main element uh same for me a seven um yeah I just don’t think it’s a a finish starter if I’m honest M I’ll

    Go with seven I’ll go with seven how was it you know what I’m happy with the dish let’s just hope it’s enough yeah next up C with his Korean mushroom dish you have 8 minutes cook what are you spraying on and this is a small Japanese vinegar

    This is just the juices from the kimchi so I’ve got to make sure that they taste that kimchi cuz because of the Korean link what’s in your bottles looks really good basically just a take on an energy drink for athletes after some Asian black mayonnaise each mushroom is

    Covered in Gold puffed rice SK you’ve got 3 minutes Andy if you can do this for me yeah of course can’t wa yeah it looks bang in that Andy okay got a whole lot more dangerous this PL quick costume change and the mole is topped with the mushroom and served alongside the col

    Rabie black belt my dish is called ability not disability it’s inspired by an incredible Taekwondo par Olympian called Amy trale is Taekwondo a spot that you plays yourself no I do Jitsu oh do you he it well but this is this is her training one oh really her personal one

    Yeah oh my goodness W should we go and test it yeah the mushrooms what have you done to these I’m just very lightly smoked them off of Birchwood and then finish them on a barbecue are you happy with the seasoning on the dish yeah I think it’s

    Think it’s good loving Korean food I think we could turn it up a not one one or two Jerusalem out of CH caramel over the mushroom does that come through for you no it’s not really Mena you’re not Mena taste like ay Chu and do you think

    The dish is well balanced yeah I think so I actually thought it was quite well balanced I think everything is there yeah I just want more of it what about the ratio the the mole and the mushrooms and the rice yeah I think it’s I think

    It’s a good balance do you think this dish tells a story yeah for sure that definitely links to a black belt I think the little belt was quite clever so this is the user word yeah this is just just something like acid just to clean your palette I think the Yuzu lemonade is

    Lovely it’s a really good touch and is there anything you change on it um no I don’t think so presentation everything was fantastic yeah and what would you score this dish out of 10 um an eight or nine I think I’d scored an eight Andy I I think an

    Eight’s Fair I’d say an eight with Improvement it could go a little bit further hey Chef how did that go yeah I think it went good but for me mate I thought it was banging dish Nina’s next to the pass need a hand benefit mate just this on there the roasted col rabi

    Is layered in the horse head buns chose plenty yeah then topped with a carrot gel just to the squiggle on the horse the Korean barbecue sauce and a dipping chili oil are placed in a horse’s tack box Chef where do you want the ha bells

    Oh just on there it’s fine thank you and the plate is garnished with pastry hay bales and fermented col rabi leaves did you it the past now Nina Nina has requested a particular track to serve her dish Tu why did you play that music it was the routine that

    Shala jadan and valro won go to oh I was so lost so it’s valro a gift of gold the inspiration is toering team and the horse vgro should we going test it yeah yeah okay so CH me through these sauces Again Korean style spring onion Ginger soy

    Mirin the idea is they can go in the sandwich right they can go in on the side what’s the pickle here fermented corabi leaves with ginger M strong yeah really salty is salty yeah as a as a dish do you think it works as a stter course food should

    Be fun and especially at the banquet I think it gets people talking My worry is is it refined enough for a banquet the the presentation the horses had is obviously a very bold move to to do that think you pulled that off the dough could have been a little bit smoother i’

    Probably say the the Balon could have been a little bit fluffier the presentation do you think that works I think it’s recognizable as a horse and it comes in a tack box you know this is what this is yeah it’s a bring to speed with horse life I’m not sure how much it

    Looks like a horse’s head but I’m not sure it matters is that it tastes incredible but I think the flavor she scared me a little bit what would you score this dish out of 10 I think in terms of the brief I hope it works um you know six seven there’s room for

    Elevation I’m going to score it quite fairly at seven um I’m going to score it an eight and that’s looking at it both from Flavor and presentation combined yeah I go with an eight on that I think purely on Flavor alone how was that really stressful yeah yeah Andy’s garnishing his Olympic torch

    Starter with mushroom pastry Runners what’s it made from like a cocodile so I’ve got the mushroom cream going on the bottom it’s topped with pickled shots be generous on the pickles and dotted with a black garlic ketchup what’s underneath the plate it’s a flame just to represent the torure raw Lion’s

    Man and in noi mushrooms Crown the dish what’s the dressing Chef it’s just liquor from the pickled onions just put tiny little bit of truffle oil in there this is the Olympic torch relay and it marks the start of the opening of the games when the torch arrives to the

    Host country all right happy eating the Lion’s man you’ve kept raw yep does that work for you yeah I think the um the textures of the different mushrooms really lovely really rich I think it’s very good um flavors very strong does the Truffle come through on

    The dish um I hope so I think it threw a whole Truffle in in the puree and grated half a truffle on top as well the biscuits with the runner that’s just S A texture to the dish have and does that add enough texture for you yeah I could

    Do with a little bit more mush mushroom pastry potentially you know I only had a sort of half a man do you think this dish has a strong link to the brief um I I mean obviously I’ve got the runner and stuff on there the I think it’s more

    More of a visual link to the brief I’m just not sure that the mushroom pastry dude is enough of a connection dude without that I have a bowl of mushrooms yeah I think agreeing with you there as well and is there anything you change um I mean I’m happy with it is for

    Someone that never ever Cooks vegan dishes I feel like there’s something missing what would you score this dish out of 10 I think it’s a strong eight strong eight definitely I’m quite happy with it je I’d give him a strong seven I’m going to give him an eight I think

    I’m going to give him an eight there he is hi guys all right how was that how was that know he doesn’t give anything away does he Michael I think as as Chef say we’re all very composed I’d maybe even use the word overly confident listen I like the taste

    Of it you know tasty very tasty I think that everyone got the balance of textures wrong so for you nobody’s excelled particularly I haven’t been blown away by anyone right an interesting first round chefs and we can see your talent very very clearly perhaps a couple of stumbles in

    Terms of connecting the brief to the food Ryan for your dish the Eternal torch R I thought the presentation on this was excellent I think if you call something a pafa then I’m going to be looking for a pafa and to me the Truffle and Jerusalem AR choke pafa wasn’t really a

    Pafa and felt a little bit confused the deep fried brasas were nice and crispy I don’t think there was a focal point to the dish as a as a bowl of food cirk for your dish ability not disability the presentation was incredibly refined however I don’t think it’s

    Smacked in the face about Taekwondo or the story of it although I did enjoy your outfit change because the the Mo’s consistency is quite soup likee I thought there was a bit too much of it on the plate alongside with the black Asian mayonnaise it was quite a lot of the

    Same texture which I felt took away from the star of the show which was the mushrooms the col rabi black belt was really tasty and it helped superbly with the the richness of the dish Nina for your dish vro a gift of gold the presentation was fun and I understand the

    Connection however that box is enormous for any plate but particularly just one small dish the horse head steam bun I thought was a a super ambitious idea but I don’t think it was precise enough the barbecue col rabi was delicious and really well cooked and I

    Thought the hair b i add a great texture inside the bun also but for me I don’t think that a steamed bun is a starter for a banquet Andy for your dish the Olympic torch relay the presentation on this as a whole I think needs to be a lot

    Stronger it was a beautiful looking plate of food but putting a bowl on a picture of a flame isn’t enough for me if you take that Runner off it’s just a plate of food the mushroom and truffle cream I thought was absolutely delicious The Hen of the Woods were

    Super tasty I just think it’s it’s really lacking a direct link with what you’re cooking to the brief yeah I think that’s that’s the one that struggle with the m well you you need to hit that y to do well in this competition yep and so to the scores Kirk I’m giving you

    An eight you do really need to punch up the flavors in that mle and give us more kimchi cuz it’s amazing cooking Andy scoring you a seven one of the biggest challenges in this competition is connecting the dish to the story I do think you have a little more work to do here

    Nina I’m scoring you a seven I Lov your dis exploding with those incredible flavors but you do have to work on that presentation because it just didn’t quite come together and Ryan I’m scaring you an eight I love the dish at the past I thought it was wonderful the fire I just

    Felt it was a little incomplete I wanted something to dip into that delicious parf so chefs one course down and we move on to fish next we do so focus and we go best of luck chefs thanks thanks done guys I’m glad that it’s over fish isn’t

    My favorite course I don’t think I just need to organize my timings and thoughts I’m feeling pretty good about getting an eight got to keep that momentum up and just keep pushing really I think an eight is a good score I obviously wanted more but I’ve just got to stay positive

    And push on for the next one yeah the link to the brief that was the feedback still got another course to go so we feel fine at the minute I’m just getting the leaks chopped for the leak por I’ve obviously got a claw a couple of

    Points back so I need to make sure that I execute it all correctly and he needs to nail this course if he’s going to cook his whole menu so this dish is called Open Water Swim um it represents the swimming Marathon so I’ve Got Hand dive scallops how are you cooking the SC

    I’m just going to do a heavy roast in the pan chef with that I’m doing a Bonito Holland days so I’m serving that with Crispy leaks a dill puree and then I just finish it with with a little smoked butter truffle and cavar I am starting off with a sauce and then I’m

    Going to move on to my fish and then the batter for the jellyfish also needing to pull something out of the bag and in the bottom too nah is going all out with a fusion fish dish the title is challenge 3000 and the inspiration is the British sailing team

    And in particular Hanah Mills and the the challenge that was spearheaded by her at the Tokyo Olympics to pick up 6,000 pieces of Plastics in the ocean what are you cooking so it’ be a piece of Brill and some jellyfish takoyaki fisheye crackers and some Brill skin as

    Well did you say fish eye crackers so making that so it’s literally fish I made into a cracker how are you cooking the brill on the bone over fire I think fish cooked on the bone over fire that’s pretty great stuff isn’t it one as long

    As you get it right pretty sure you will this is going to be a Step Beyond usual fish and chips tell us all about your fish dish then my love so the title of the dish is made in water and I want to do uh a lot of Justice with the

    Incredible force that is Dame Sarah story she started her Olympic journey of swimming and then she went on to recycling in the par Olympics she’s got 28 medals 17 golds insane 17 she’s the most decorated par Olympian in the country wow so what are you actually

    Cooking I’m going to pay homage to the great Cy m a bit of Cy sauce they’ve got a dish composed of halber I’ve Got a New Concept on the chip New Concept on the chip well U don’t want to reveal too much going to make a beautiful really

    Silky PPR I’m really interested to see the chip conceptt thank you for his reinvented chip Ryan starts by creating Matchstick potatoes just put the potatoes on in joint first place Kirk as a plant-based Chef is facing the biggest challenge of all but he’s confident that he can bring all the

    Flavor of a traditional fish course without using the main ingredient I’m not using fish so I think there’s a lot of pressure on this course but um I believe in it I think it’s delicious tell us all about it please it’s uh called a celebration of table

    Tennis and the founder of ping pong was an English man called de Foster so we are celebrating that with like a whipped creme fresh kind of fermented cheese with lots of Siri caviar and then crackers that imitate the table tennis bats what’s seaweed caviar it looks like

    Caviar but it’s made from seaweed the challenge that you’ve got ahead of yours is such a big a mountain to climb no fish means Kirk has to conjure up flavors of the sea just with plants his dish comprises three ceramic pingpong balls one filled with seaweed salad one

    With parsley porridge and pom puree and one with vegan cream cheese and seaweed caviar he starts with a parsley puree for the porridge I want to blend that silky smooth meanwhile Ryan adds peas to sweated shots for the Pea puree and makes his batter scraps with beer IPA

    From Manchester it’s going to be delicious nah is working on her garnishes for the brill I’ve got deep fried fish skin and uh fishey crackers fish eye yeah so you feel like in a horror movie digging out all the fish eyes and you get like a like a really

    Fishy cracker right Andy starts his dashy hollay whisking egg yolks with Bonito and dashy vinegar for this dish I’m kind of Hing that you know it’s luxury and a mouthful Andy’s used to cooking with these Asian ingredients at restaurant 8 in Liverpool where he’s gained three AA rosettes amongst other

    Accolades started out working in kitchens all over the UK sort of styling at uh we’ve got quite a big Asian influence not that I’ve traveled Asia or anything I just love that sort of cooking and I love them sort of flavors ours is all about using the best quality ingredients cooking

    Them really really simply and delivering them in the best possible way for the customer to enjoy them truffle on top wagu beef and truffle this year’s Olympic theme I think it’s um I think it’s a good theme but my Chef’s Point of View I think it’s A Hard Theme as

    Well I think I’ve got everything that it takes to get a dish to the banquet and to succeed this year because I’ve matured as a chef I’ve matured as a person and I think my cooking Styles completely changed as well so for me if there’s any time to enter the competition it’s

    Now Andy you’re looking very calm is this your hollanders can I try yep so tell me again what’s in this dashy vinegar and then I infused the butter with the dried an trees Bonito flakes the Nori seaweed just to give it a real sea flavor I’m a little concerned about the

    Thickness of that sauce and is that going to work well with just a cooked scolar Kirk’s making the pom puree for his parle porridge ping pong Bowl having boiled whole potatoes he peels them before passing through a SI save some of that Mash mate I’ve got a mashed potato

    On my name if I make it through Kirk’s learned the ropes as a chef at some of the best restaurants in the world 8 years ago Kirk had to temporarily give up working as a chef due to an autoimmune disease but found that eating only plant-based food helped

    Him recover and now is one of the best plant-based chefs in the UK he’s currently working on the menu for his restaurant plates which is due to open this spring who I am now as a chef is certainly determined by um my health challenges is completely changed the way I create cook

    Work at plates what I’m trying to do is create a new genre of cookery to Showcase fruits and vegetables in a new way with lots of creativity Innovation and most importantly deliciousness to get a dish to the banquet would mean the absolute world to me just to Showcase you know the last

    Seven years of Journey Through My Health into changing the way I cook um to really get that recognized and understood um on such a huge stage would mean absolutely everything to me service what’s this um so this is just the base of for the seaweed salad white

    Comboo and Nori can I try it yeah yeah sure I’ve just cooked it down in uh white soy and water um and the Nori I’ve just toasted it off and then chopped it for you okay KK seawe a Nori salad it was really really good um it tastes just like the

    Sea um these are just uh caca sprays to imitate the rubber on the bats the things you do on the great wish menu with his pea puree blitzed Ryan’s also made a mash that he whips with buttermilk maltt vinegar and seasoning it’s not going to look like a chip it’s

    Going to taste like a great chip is this your curry sauce now this try it’s about 80% there what else have you got to do so just starting to whip the potato for the base of the Chip he’s been very guarded about these amazing Next Level chips now all I can see there

    Is some mashed potato that to me does not replicate a chip Nina is making jelly fish takoyaki dumplings by cooking a batter that she’s added spring onion Bonito and jelly fish strips too you got enough time to get all those Med yeah I think so and what’s this that’s a sauce

    Can I try this yeah go ahead so it’s miso saki vinegar creeme fresh uh culted butter just tasted Nina’s miso sake sauce there’s a strange texture almost like a pasty texture I think from the Miso so I’m hoping she passes that before she serves it can I just move this one trap course

    Can yeah Che first to plate is Andy with his celebration of the Olympic Open Water Swim let me know what I can do to help I just need to uh get the scallops cooked first Andy pan fries his Scallops healthy amount of butter I just want to get a really nice

    Color on one side of them scallops then you’re just pasting over the top yeah yeah that’s it mate the scallops are finely sliced and placed on the leak puree you have one minute Andy wait right guys does somebody want to um just carry on carving them for me like that

    Yeah how many slices you want each just get three the dashy Holland a is added along with smoked butter M this smells insane and a good grating of black truffle cavat leaks let’s go the title of the dis Chef is Open Water Swim the inspiration behind this

    Is a 10K Marathon Open Water Swim all right shall we go taste it yeah we go for this one’s got the most caviar on I think so you’ve cooked the scallops on one side yeah are they cooked how you’d like yeah definitely for me the scet was nice I

    Think think it goes to the individual chef and how they think you should cook seafood what about the size of the dish you happy with that yeah I would have preferred a a larger scallop I think the dish is lovely I think you could do a little bit

    More the truffles on top of the scallop with the Cavo yeah that’s right does that work with the dish I think so Chef it’s it’s quite rich but I quite like it because it’s Rich what would you score this dish Andy it’s a nine Chef I

    Think it’s a strong nine I mean it’s a delicious plate of food I’d say like 8 n as well quite really enjoyed so like a nine how are you guys all right hey Chef how was that uh don’t know don’t know don’t give anything away does

    He Nina’s next to the pass and having cooked her Brill over hot coals it’s now finished in a pan you happy with the cook on the fish yeah I wanted to keep it this is slightly under the taco Yaki dumplings are topped with a seaweed Emulsion and taco Yaki sauce couple

    Pieces of jellyfish that jellyfish yeah oh wow K if you can put them one each one nice one each on there you got three minutes Nina blanched sea lettuce is plated with the brill just need another spoon it’s topped with the fisheye crackers crispy fish skin and tapioca

    Pearls are they marinated in yeah so ponzo and and Chinese black vinegar and some ginger Nina finishes her dish with the Miso and Saki sauce so the title of the dish is challenge 6000 and the inspiration was the British sailing team that have raised awareness of Plastics in the

    Ocean it’s really good to see somebody picking up on the less obvious elements of the inspiration yeah it’s great should we go and test it yeah good luck chef you gave yourself a lot of work to do on this um did you manage to get it all

    Done in time I did yeah it it was challenging so the jellyfish Tako Yaki are you happy with that it can be a bit crisper but actually I am quite happy because I think the flavor I think is definitely there I don’t think these have quite we

    Down quite the Takaki yeah the Takaki I think they’re still quite they bit raw in the middle in the middle yeah the brill you’ve cooked that on the bone I did yeah is that cooked how you wanted it to be um yeah I think I’d say the br’s

    Slightly overcooked for me I think the brill’s B under seasoned as well and does anything you change on the dish potentially the the takoyaki could be a little bit crisper and what would you score this dish I think a seven I’m quite yeah I’m quite happy with it I

    Think there’s been a lot of f g into it I probably agree with Andy on some of the points that he mentioned I think I’d give a fair seven I’d give this one a six hey how’s that Nina stressful but a little bit better than status so all

    Good good yeah next to serve is Ryan who’s pan roasting his halber so what’s in the pan now just got some butter Ginger fresh turmeric pepper corns amazing salt and Curry leaves you have 3 minutes around while Sandy looks after the mash the Matchstick potatoes have been deep fried this is the danger

    Moment when I said I’ve Got a New Concept on chips hopefully it’s not going to disappoint Ryan positions a chip cone his halit and a spoonful of pea puree before topping with the mashed potato so just got some of these crispy potatoes going on yeah batter scraps

    Sort of batter scraps and then we should be there are you do at the pass now Ryan y his plate is finished with a touch of luxury what’s up Ryan 24 karat gold oh do me do me do me and served with curry sauce the title of the dish is made in

    Water and the inspiration is the incredible Dame Sarah story this is champagne vinegar it is so we just sprayed that that on yeah should we go and T thanks chess thanks for your help so the fish how have you cooked this just really simply in a pan um and

    Finished it with quite a strong kind of Curry happy with how that’s cooked tiny tiny bit over my fish is a bit inconsistent it’s little dry at the ends are these your scraps they are and what’s inside these Cloud water IPA which is made in Manchester with some

    Malt vinegar powder to finish is the seasoning on those where you want it to be I think the sauce for me is quite powerful I was hoping the sauce can bring it all together could do a little bit more Spice in the sauce but I I

    Think sauce is really good I just could do with more of it the curry sauce is that reminiscent of a chip shop Curry not particularly but that’s not the plan I wanted I wanted something new but something that would work with fish and chips I think it’s got enough heat I

    Think too much heat might be a bit of an Overkill you might not be able to te the PPR and stuff the potato element this is the um the reinvention of the chip does that replicate the chip well for you um yeah I think the idea that I wanted to

    Portray was the crispiness on the outside of the potato and the fluff B on the inside and just try and deliver it in a new way I didn’t get the chip elements on it though no I got fish fish and mash it’s almost a little overthought some things just can’t be

    Changed yeah I get where you’re coming from and do you think your plate hits the brief and tells the story I think I I think it does yeah what would you score your fish dish I’d score it an eight I’d give this one a

    Seven I’d give it an eight I I liked it think it’s tasty how was that mate how was it have no ideas definitely seen some improvements I can make last of the pass is Kirk with his plant-based dish celebrating Olympic table tennis served in ceramic ping pong

    Balls let me know what I can do sh yeah if you could uh open me the champagne he starts by placing his painted Nori seaweed table tennis bats on Mini ping pong tables what is that sh so we just got olive oil salt new nutritional yeast and then parsley the

    First bows are filled with pom puree and topped with parsley porridge you have 3 minutes cook and the rest are filled with whipped vegan cheese and vegan caviar someone can create the horse R over or the combo salad you e the P now C the tyt of the dish is called a table

    Tennis celebration I mean do you think people would know that that was what table tennis yeah so there’s like some facts about ping pong inside first B was a champagne C so that’s why I did champagne should we go and E it yes sure I’ll carry that one okay

    Hey what is underneath the Cavo fermented cheese with creme fresh lemon juice and then SEI Cabo on top are you happy with the amount of horse radish in there um yeah I think it just tingles at the back the muchh potatoes that work with it the O have

    Got a really different texture so they needs something and just itti B some body I really like this heavy porridge I’m not usually a fan but this one’s really good and the mash at the bottom as well gives it more of a body clever and obviously you’ve got the difficulty

    Of not producing fish on a fish cost you think this still manages to hit that section of the menu yeah I think it definitely links to like the ocean I think it’s very clever yeah to be able to not actually have any fish on a on a

    Fish course but it still tastes like the sea so you’ve got a car split into three dishes do you think that all works together I believe it works really well I quite like that people can do their own mix and mat little combinations that they would enjoy so what would you SC

    Your dish out of 10 um I think an eight or a nine I I think it Nails everything I think it Nails the brief flavor everything I give it a 10 totally agree I would give it a 10 as well I give it a nine yeah I found it really tough I

    Think there’s some really stiff competition you’re right hey guys hey how that go yeah Ty in I for one I’m quite excited about one of those dishes me too I didn’t see that come in it was just a beautiful thing and I’m talking about Kirk I’m well aware and what he

    Brought to the Past I’m well aware I was ready to dislike it yeah no absolutely brilliant talk about the other Three Chefs how do you think they did there’s quite a few kind of basic errors I feel there’s something about that kitchen that can make a chef forget

    Kirk and Ryan are currently in the lead on eight with Nina and Andy both on seven chefs some of you did well in some places one of you did really well Andy for your dish Open Water swea I felt that the scallop was cooked abruptly given you had so few elements

    On the plate it seems like it came straight out the pan wasn’t allowed to rest and a knife went straight through it the flavor of the dashy hollanders was nice uh but I do think the choice of sauce was wrong with a scolar something a little bit lighter would coat the fish

    Nicely without overpowering it the Truffle I thought was a little lost on the dish and I’d question whether it was needed Nina for your dish challenge 6000 I feel you take on the brief was very good but it didn’t smack me in the face when I saw it on the plate the

    Brill unfortunately was was both overcooked and underseasoned the taco Yaki was a little undercooked and as a result wasn’t crispy and a little soggy crackers had great flavor I like the fisheye one but it’s lost a bit of the crispiness the second you put it onto a wet

    Product Ryan for your dish made in water I like you take on the brief I like that you pick someone from your area and you chose to take on something as British as the chippy tea the cook of the halber for me was nice and I like the crust on top of it

    The curry sauce had a great depth of flavor and a nice thickness to it my problem was you told me that you were going to create the ultimate chip and it’s fair to say it’s not the best chip I’ve had it was a potato purer with some

    Crisps cook for your dish a celebration of table tennis the presentation was excellent It’s told a story and I learned some fun facts about table tennis The Parsley porridge with mashed potato was delicious and the horse Rish levels for me were spot on the seaweed salad uh gave it that

    Saline flavor that I look for in a seafood dish and the way you eat the paddle with the seaweed cavea it genuinely felt as good as the real thing but overall the skill that you’ve implemented in this I think it’s extraordinary so to the schoes Kirk I’m giving you a 10 elegant

    Sophisticated and surprising you completely blew us all away congratulations Kirk to create a fish dish of that caliber without any fish unbelievable amazing Ryan I’m scoring you a seven I was a bit disappointed with this dish I thought I was going to get some Innovation and it didn’t happen Nina I’m scaring

    You six I think there’s just too many things happening on this plate you didn’t really have time to focus on your main element it kind of lacked any love Andy I’m scoring you a five so unfortunately Andy with 12 points I’m afraid you’re going to be

    Leaving us you had a bad day in the kitchen I would say today Andy it happens to everybody I’m really really sorry to see sorry guys yeah Andy I think it’s worth saying from my perspective that you have some delicious flavors and the ability to cook some

    Really beautiful food I think the main focus for you is balance on size on ratios yeah well we’ll see the rest of you tomorrow for Mains and desserts cheers thank you chefs that’s all nice that’s all right mate well done it’s been amazing cooking with you mate apprciate it well

    Done I know I can do better I’ve just got a really knuckle down excited to cook my whole menu but a little bit terrified more than anything yeah I can’t believe it to be honest but I want two more 10 so for me we’re only just starting is what it is

    Isn’t it you know I can’t I can’t do anything about it now I’ve really enjoyed cooking with the guys in there really good team really nice people the chefs have really got to pump it up and give me everything they’ve got if they want to go through to the

    Judge’s chamber just Five Points divide them and next time it’s Mains and desserts like any Olympic sport competition is fierce and even the best chefs can fall at the last hurdle oh it doesn’t look good there is only gold and silver in this competition so it’s all

    To play for one more time for Mama


    1. Kirk’s starter was supposed to be Korean but all the ingredients were Japanese except Kimchi..The guy needs to educate himself they are not the same country 😂

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