In this video, I’ll do a little catch up on our packing progress, talk about our newly rented apartment in Nice, France… and we’ll take an evening walk in the Quartier des Fleurs in Nice, France. Join me!



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    Hi! I’m An Scott. I’m a happily retired 70 year old woman with my “golden years” on the horizon, living the “good life”, whatever that is on any given day, with my fun husband Jeff, and our “bossy” little Yorkie, Bella.

    In just a little over a month, in April, 2024, when my husband Jeff retires, we are moving from SW Florida, in the good old USA to Nice, France to live out our “golden years” on the sunny Mediterranean coast of southern France, in Nice France.

    Moving from the USA to a foreign country is no small “project”. Through my videos, we’ll be taking you through the process, sharing the steps, talking about what we’ve learned and the ups and the downs.

    SUBSCRIBE, FOR FREE, to my channel and as we progress through the steps of doing that, you’ll be able to follow along through each stage of our preparation and then catch up with us, as we settle in to our new life. We might even have some information you’re going to need if you’re also planning a move to France (or the EU)

    For now, come with us as we embrace our days and nights living everyday as though there is no tomorrow.

    ES_Herbal Tea by Velvet Moon
    ES_Never To Forget by Oakwood Station

    Most of my videos are shot with my Samsung Galaxy S20 Note Ultra Smartphone and a circular ring light, as needed.

    Boxes and stuff that we need to deal with to get out of here there’s Bella she has no clue what’s going on today want to show everybody a pretty shirt very Nice I watch you as you drive do you know I’m looking and I can’t help but smile do you know how much I love you you put my favorite song on I put my feet up and we just sing along and I can’t help but feeling just loving this moment

    Can we stay here forever I’m loving this moment can we stay Here so as you can see we are in full packing mode so it may not exactly seem organized but for example this is one small box of just Christmas stuff most of the Christmas stuff we’ve already donated or sold so that’s gone so I know that as I’m going around the house

    Finding little pockets of things if if I find some little trinket or something that’s Christmas related that we want to bring the box is open sitting in our living room I just come and add it here’s a box of pictures uh originally we had no idea

    How many pictures we were going to bring so I have now gone all around the house taken all the pictures down that we are going to take with us and they’re all bubble wrapped and they are ready to go and there were even a few things that we

    Were going to sell originally that had a pretty hefty price tag because I bought them at galleries years ago and when push came to shove I decided I didn’t want to donate something of that value um because I knew we could use it in our apartment in nice so this box is

    Open there’s still a little bit more room before we close it up and let’s see what do we have here these are just odds and ends from the kitchen and things that I like called knickknacks and I don’t want to get crazy with the knickknack thing because

    I basically got rid of 90 probably 99% of them there’s not a whole lot to worry about um and let’s see what else do I have well there’s my bubble wrap and then we went through the house and we found all the hats and so Jeff wasn’t sure he wanted to send

    His hat hat cuz he thought they would crush and then I came up with a I came up with a box and all these hats fit perfectly in the box so they’re not going to crush cuz they’re fitting inside of each other so the hats are

    Going in there and then let’s see what else oh this is our pile of hats that we’re selling remember these those of you that are from the United States these hats that came out uh so there’s those and we have Halloween hats and Jeff’s Halloween pimp hat

    And and then we have some more hats up there so we’re we’re trying to sell those but if they don’t sell by the end of this coming weekend which is like the day you’re watching this video that it’s premiering then these hats they’ll just

    Put be put in a bag and taken over to be donated because I mean how many hats can we take so and this is here’s a little little pocket of uh the KingSize sheets we’ve already given up our beds so now we are down to an air bed and here are

    The KingSize sheets that we’re trying to sell and then here we have this little box that I am making up this is like soaps and wonderful things that I actually bought um in the town of EZ outside of nice on a few trips from fenard which is

    One of my favorite places to get soaps this is my favorite soap it’s an orange blossom soap and it’s shaped like a heart and every time I go I would buy a couple more to bring home and then it turned out there another box somewhere around here where I’ve got four of them

    And I just found two more and we’re only going to have one bathroom so Jeff will be sharing those heart-shaped soaps with me currently we have two bathrooms in the house and I use my heart-shaped Soap by myself and Jeff uses our guest room bathroom with

    Manly soap maybe we’ll have to have two separate soap dishes in the shower now with our one person I mean one individual bath room instead of two like we’ve been living with for years so the air bed H if you’ve never enjoyed a night’s sleep on an air bed I can late because

    So far neither Jeff nor I have enjoyed a night’s sleep on this air bed we went from a king-size really comfortable bed with a very comfortable mattress two queen-size airbed and I unfortunately got rid of the mattress pad I wasn’t thinking so when you lay in this bed you can feel every

    Seam everything I tried putting a big beach towel under under the part where our bodies lay and then put the sheet on top that still didn’t make any difference so here’s Bella’s little purple blanket she loves to sleep on that and you can see we have replaced the nightstand with the airbed

    Box and this is Jeff’s lovely nightstand that he tempor has Closing this is our setup here in the bedroom not particularly ideal but we just keep thinking you know it’s not going to be for that much longer so then we have this okay so those two black bins I think Jeff has clothes in those cuz we sold the dresser

    Bureau and down below I’m living out of the suitcase here so my clothes dayto day are pretty much in there this pile there’s like four little piles I guess there maybe 12 dresses there um they’re going to get shrink wrapped and put in a box because I don’t need them right away

    And then I have a a few dresses here to hang on to that in case I need to put on a dress which is fairly rare but in case I need to put on a dress I’ve got like maybe three dresses and a wool blazer because once our

    Luggage I mean once our boxes are taken all our clothes are taken we are not going to see any anything for about another 8 to 12 weeks so I had to take anything that there is a possibility that I might want to have and everything else will go in the suitcase a

    Suitcase and over here we have boxes in the bedroom and this is just odds and ends like there’s a box of jewelry I put all my earrings in that little those little books with see-through Windows pages of see-through Windows here that was an easy way to do all of

    My earrings and I think I’ve got one in there for necklaces too and here we have clothes and so again the boxes are open because as I find things in closets and other hidden areas I’ve got boxes arranged and then on this weekend we’ll just come through and close up all the boxes

    And label them one of the suitcases is all of my where is it oh this one yeah I took all of my designer shoes oh this suitcase right here this is all of my designer shoes and there’s another purse and it looks like hang on we got one more pair of designer shoes

    That my darling husband surprised me with for Valentine’s Day unexpected so anyway this suitcase is all the designer shoes I’ve taken all the boxes and I put them in another box um I don’t want to let this out of my sight so this is going to be one of

    My carry-on bags when we fly to France um I had suggested to Chef that I just didn’t think that rethinking what we’re going to have as far as closet space I didn’t think we were going to have enough room for all these boxes he suggested that I bring them

    Anyway because the box boxes didn’t really weigh all that much so on the scheme of things will have them maybe even I just stick them in the guest room closet and that’s where I keep all the the fancy stuff who knows of course we have the liquor collection in one box so

    Over here and these are all the bottles of wine that we took out of some wine refrigerators um that we sold so we sold the wine refrigerators and these are the wine bottles this is an awful lot of wine for us to drink before we leave isn’t

    It I think we’re going to like pack a few bottles to take with us and here are actually a couple of boxes that are actually packed up take taped and sealed hello and welcome back to my channel my name is an and this is postcards from my

    Golden years so as you could see we are in a state of packing here this is like box Central I can’t wait we can’t wait to actually get to France unpack all of these things on the other end and like live with some sense of organization I

    Mean there are pockets of boxes over there and pox and pockets of boxes over here and things that are for sale over here and over there and oh my gosh I I hate living like this you know I’m the kind of person when I come back from a

    Vacation I have to unpack that day that very moment I can’t stand like a a suitcase full of stuff that isn’t put away so and here I am living in a house full of stuff that isn’t put away so anyway so by now if you’ve been following along with our Channel you

    Know that we did find an apartment we are so excited and let me tell you how it all happened okay uh because I know there are quite a few of you who at least the ones who have written to us uh quite a few of you are planning your move to

    And other parts of France and maybe other parts of Europe so as I mentioned in the past we contracted with Adrien Leeds who is the expert on all things expat over there in France and uh when it came to be our time she assigned a representative from her

    Staff uh a realtor an agent to go find us in apartment to work with us to go find an apartment and after all they’re the experts and we have to listen to you know how to do things so this is this is how it worked for us so she contacted us

    Now initially we had given Adrien a list of it’s like a wish list like we want an apartment that has all of these things it must have all of these things and then there was another column and it’s like it would really be nice if the apartment had has all of these things

    But it’s not a a deal breaker if it doesn’t and then there was this other list of things it’s like I will not accept an apartment if it has these things so they already had that and when we were assigned representative she did a zoom call from

    Uh she set up a time and we met via a zoom call um I believe it was on a Saturday morning hour time so I’m not sure what time it was over there I guess early afternoon anyway so she further went into uh understanding what it is we’re

    Looking for even though it’s on paper it’s good to have a conversation she understood our price range and then she went to town and and she did research and came back to us with a list of things that she had found available not things that she had called and made

    Arrangements to go see because why spin her wheels so those the list that she sent us she said I want you to look at each of these listings tell me everything you love tell me everything you hate and that would give her better idea and better Direction on what things

    Would excite us and what things wouldn’t and out of a list we narrowed it down to two apartments she then made an appointment and we did a zoom walk through with her it was great it’s the first time I ever read an apartment this way and let me tell you I highly

    Recommend it we didn’t have to spend the money for a plane and she simply contacted us and did a walkth through of the apartment we were able to ask questions on the spot um we were able to direct her can you go show us this can you show us that

    She was at with the management office representative who was showing the apartment so immediately we could get our questions answered it was fabulous I highly recommend it of course there’s nothing better than being there but you know we are you know how many thousand miles away from niece France living here

    In Florida so this certainly beat it so we did the walkth through we uh picked out an apartment that we like um and then we let her know okay this is the apartment we like then I wrote a letter you have to write a letter to the landlord and you know as

    We were advised it should be a letter from the heart uh something that uh May evoke emotion what have you this is what we did now I’m not the expert on writing letters to landlords I mean here in the US if I was writing a letter to a

    Landlord I would put things in there like you know my husband’s been working for this many years he’s an award-winning architect um we’ve been saving up for this amount of time and you know we have X amount of dollars and here’s a copy of our bank statement and all of this kind

    Of stuff we were told right off the bat French people they don’t make decisions based on money yes of course the dosier has our financial information so they’re going to know that we can afford the apartment but you when you do a letter to a landlord asking you or when you do a

    Letter to a landlord asking them to let you be the one they choose for the apartment you need to make it something special so what did I do in my letter I started by saying we love your apartment and that it has been a lifelong dream for me to move to France

    Ever since I was a little girl and I talked about how when I was uh 10 or 11 years old I went to the World’s Fair in New York so that’s how far back this goes I don’t even think they do world’s fairs anymore and at the World’s Fair my

    Parents took me to the France Pavilion and my father bought me a beret and I thought oh my gosh this is wonderful I’m going to be just like a French girl I imagined myself living in France and so I would wear my Beret everywhere and um it was a thing I

    Didn’t realize until I got to France many many years later real French girls don’t wear Berets and you can buy them in a Latin quarter or touristy stores but the Beret thing that’s not really a French thing per se so mostly tourists were the um the BR but anyway so I told

    Her in the letter that I have loved all things French and I have been a French file since I was a little girl and that I was in an accelerated program at school that allowed me to start taking a foreign language in seventh grade and so I studied French all through junior high

    School and high school and then for a couple years in college with my end goal wanting to be a translator at the United Nations and life didn’t take me in that direction and then I fast forward and I said so you know it took me three husbands to find another to find a

    Husband who embraced my love of France and embraced it as his dream as well and that we would love it if they if she would choose us for this apartment because it would make one of the last dreams of our lifetime come true to spend the rest of our golden years

    Living in France so I mean that’s not word for word but that was the sum and substance of my uh letter in not any place that I say we have enough money we can afford it or anything that had to do with money it was just simply a nice

    Letter I don’t know if it was the letter that worked I have no idea I do know that there were a number of people who viewed that apartment so I well we had to keep our fingers crossed that we were chosen because as Adrien leads often

    Says the landlord is the one who chooses who gets that apartment so you know we are thrilled and excited that the landlord in this particular case CH us so you know there are a few things we have to adjust to once we get there first of all we’re coming from a 1600

    Squ ft house and we’re moving into an apartment that I think is somewhere around 650 Square ft that’s big difference however we are downsizing with stuff I don’t know if I can downsize my shoes enough but we’ll figure that out when we get there and um so it’s going to be an

    Adjustment but you know we’ve shared with friends local friends that were moving into a 650 square foot or you know in round numbers apartment and some of them gasp like oh my goodness that’s small well when you think about it you know we’re we’re to seniors and our plan

    Is to go and use that apartment as a kind of a base from which to travel travel into Italy travel to Spain to Portugal to all the places that we can get to by train in Europe so sure it’s a little small but we don’t really need a huge place now in our

    Current house we have three bedrooms in our new apartment we have two bedrooms of of course we’re going to have some friends come and visit us we’ve got a list of people who say that they’d like to come and see us and we can’t wait and family is always welcome

    My son has already purchased airline tickets to come and see us in July so we’re excited about that and we’ve got some other friends who have already um book their trips to come to nice um between now and next fall so we don’t really need a lot of space

    And the onebro thing yeah I’m not excited about that but it’s kind of rare to find apartments with two bathrooms and after all it’s mostly just going to be Jeff and I and you know the biggest issue going to have is that I have girly soap and he

    Has manly soap and so maybe we’ll have two soap dishes you know it’ll be what it’ll be so so a lot of people want to know well where a niece is it it’s in a central area I’m not ready to show you the apartment because you know it’s

    Basically it’s Bare Bones it’s a furnished apartment but what furnish means to me and you may may be totally different than what the landlord of the apartment what it means to her um we’re not crazy about some of the furniture in there some of it has to be moved from

    One room to another we’re going to try to make most of it work a few pieces may be removed um we have to purchase an oven because the apartment was recently renovated but the owner put in a convection oven and microwave oven and I’d like to have a full regular oven so

    The landlord has allowed us to take those other two pieces off the other two pieces are right in where an oven would go so when we get there we’ll do the measurements and go get an oven and it doesn’t have air conditioning uh which is fine with us we still need the air

    Conditioning and so we’re fine with just going to get the they’re these long portable units that we’ve used actually when we’ve traveled to France in state and airbnbs often they have these long units they work with a remote turn them on turn them off they cool

    Perfectly and so maybe we’ll get one for the bedrooms and possibly one for the living room we’ll have to see um but that’s fine so you know we’re very happy we found a landlord who is very open to allowing us to do whatever we want to do

    To make the apartment feel like home so once we get there and we un pack and we have furniture I mean there is Furniture there but we have the furniture we like and it looks like home then we will give you the apartment tour so for now we’re just excited we’re

    Looking forward to the uh the shopping it’s got two great Terraces one looks like it might be big enough for a table with four maybe six chairs which if you know Terrace is in France they’re often little and maybe you’re lucky if you can get a table and two little

    Chairs there there we have one t like that off the kitchen but the other one that’s off the living room and bedrooms um that one is the bigger one so um so that’s the apartment some of you have asked about different areas in N because you’re looking around as well

    When we decided where we wanted to be we decided that we wanted to be along the tram 2 line now that goes all the way to the airport goes all the way to the port for those of you who know the uh the tram lines so the tram 2 line takes you

    To parts of n that are not too far from the prade deang we wanted to be no more than 10 15 minute walk from our apartment to the prominade which on the other side of the prominade of course is the beach and we didn’t want to have to get

    On a bus to go there so we want to the option when we get up in the morning if we want to take Bella for a walk we can either walk to the prominade or take Bella on the tram and take the tram to a stop that’s closer to the prominade but

    So that was one of the requirements so if you pick something that’s around on the tram 2 line it seems to be that that puts you in a section of niece that is close enough but again I’m not the expert on nie I’ve been to nice a few

    Times talk to somebody who has been there and knows niece really really well so today I wanted to show you when Jeff and I were in nice back in November and December we were it was suggested that we take a look at the um CER

    Deair um and we took a walk there and I just wanted to give you a little walking tour of what we saw when we were there so that in case it’s an area you’ve never seen you’ll get a a firsthand look at it without having to get up from your

    Armchair so the apartment that we chose is not in that area and and one thing I should add this is another good reason why you should contract with somebody like adrianne’s office office they’re not paying us a commission believe me they’re not paying us any money to say

    This and they’re not sponsoring this video it’s just we feel so strongly about the advice and consult that we got from her that we really think if you’re an expat and you don’t know enough about nce and don’t know enough about uh dealing with the French people over

    There that you really need to find somebody who is an expert it is very hard to find it i a apartment rental right now and maybe I don’t know about houses I just know that the rental market is extremely tight right now there are very limited Apartments there

    And that’s probably the biggest reason that we decided to jump on one of the only two that we saw because we knew that for every apartment that’s out there that’s a two bedroom there are probably you know half a dozen other people who also are looking for a

    Two-bedroom apartment in a nice area like we are where we are going to be um and if we said no or show me some more things by the time we got around to saying you know I really like that first one we saw it was going to be gone

    Because if the landlord didn’t hear from us that we wanted it and six other people said to her oh I Want It That landlord was going to pick from those other six people and by the time we got back to where be gone so if you’re looking for an apartment in nce

    Now get help get a consultant get somebody who knows that area and has the contacts that’s the other thing I think that Adrian’s people they have contacts that know about what’s opening up in buildings and the listings may not even have been posted anywhere online

    And if you uh decide oh no I’m going to do it myself I’m just going to search online on the Facebook forums and on Leon which is where a lot of people post their private rentals if you think that’s how you’re going to find an apartment you have got to be so

    Dedicated to that because not only do you have to send an email or contact the person you need to follow up and follow up and follow up and even from our own personal experience before we contracted with Adrian um if I saw any interesting listing I would contact people I mean

    The very first listing that we saw before we even went to nce in November there was a guy from the UK and be advised if you happen to see this one he was um from the UK renting an apartment in the center of n so it was nissant and it was a beautiful

    Two-bedroom apartment I forget how many bathrooms it had so I contacted this guy and he said he was a young guy he said that he and his wife had a little baby and that they were planning to rent out the apartment until their children were old enough and then it was their

    Ultimate plan to move to the apartment well first of all we didn’t like the idea that he was thinking of moving to the apartment eventually because that meant when we move in when he decided okay time for us to move in he would just end the lease and that would be the

    End of it um I mean at the end of our lease he just wouldn’t renew it so but he assured me we had conversations he assured me it was going to be years before he and his wife and children chose to move so we said great and he was making all kinds of

    Concessions but his rent um we didn’t have to negotiate rent his rent was right in the range we were looking for he was including water in that just as we’re getting with our actual new lease that we just signed everything was going to be wonderful and I had said to him

    Okay we’re going to be in niece in November the end of November and we will contact you to set up an appointment so about two weeks before we got to ni in November I contacted him and he said oh I’m really sorry we changed our mind and

    Decided we’re not going to rent the apartment well that was sort of disappointing uh so we just figured okay well we’ll keep on looking and so I would contact realtors that I found online who were posting rentals and occasionally we would get something in the mail but these people would say to

    Us I have to tell you it’s a real shortage of rentals and if you like this apartment you need to make arrangements to see it like now well we couldn’t do that because I was doing this in say early October all the way to the beginning of November so we

    Couldn’t go see it now and we didn’t want to commit to anything at that point because we really wanted to keep that meeting with Adrien first and decide if we were going to contact with her well so we didn’t find anything in advance which is why we didn’t get to look for

    It look at any Apartments when we we were in nice so as I was saying about this one guy who had this beautiful apartment and then told me at the last minute in November oh we changed our mind well while we were in nice suddenly I’m on Facebook and I see

    That he’s posted the apartment again and I contacted him directly and I said oh so you changed your mind and of course he did not respond so I don’t know whether that was a scam or whether he’s really renting his apartment but if you see that guy

    It’s a beautiful apartment in the center of N and if you touch base with somebody and he says he’s from the UK and it’s a young couple um be advised I’m not sure it’s a real listing and that’s what you have to deal with if you don’t go through a

    Professional to help you find find an apartment in this particular very tight Market that’s where we are so don’t think that you’re just going to go to nice and rent an Airbnb and spend a month looking and you’re going to find an apartment on your own yeah there are some people who are

    Able to do it but we found our apartment from the time Adrian’s agent got in touch with us to the day we signed the lease was about two weeks two weeks that’s it so and that included a zoom meeting with the agent the live walkth through

    Two places and then it included a zoom meeting with my husband Jeff and I the management company and the landlord which was the very final step to determine if she was going to approve us for that apartment and by the end of that Zoom call she said if you want the

    Apartment at yours which was wonderful oh and they all spoke English which was perfect I started the call speaking French with the um management office people the management company that manages the apartment she spoke French and I was speaking French and then I forgot that you know Jeff’s on the phone

    He doesn’t speak or understand French other than you know it involves croissants um so I suggested that we switch to English so that he could understand and then the entire conversation was in perfect English so you know it helps to have some French um but I understand that a lot of Realtors

    Because there is such an influx of people from the US um in many cases running away from a political situation here in the US because there are so many of us going and moving to France a lot of the real estate offices aren’t are now looking for people who speak English

    Because they realize they’re going to need to speak English to deal with the Americans coming over in these huge numbers so anyway that’s my advice don’t trust yourself to be able to find an apartment on your own unless you’ve got all the time in the world all

    The time in the world and all the patience if you hire a consultant I mean it doesn’t have to be Adrien but adrianne’s an ex patner staff all of them are expats hire somebody who’s an expert who will do all the leg work and have all those conversations and can

    Read the contract in French because the contracts are in French remember um and and find somebody to help you so that you’re not just standing there pulling your hair out so speaking of French after we signed the lease well fortunately when we got the lease for our apartment I don’t think this always

    Happens but the lease the first part of the lease is a document that talks about the policies for where you’re going to be living the rules um the uh rental laws basic things you need to know if you’re renting an apartment and then you have to check

    That box and sign that part of the lease and then the next part is the lease now that very first part was totally entrenched and so in order to understand it obviously the agent we’re working with from adrianne’s office she read it and you know said everything looks fine

    But when it arrived in our email for us to sign I literally just copied it and pasted it in sections into Google translate so that I was 100% on what it said then when we got to the lease they were very nice in that that they had

    Each point in the lease in French and then an English translation below French then an English translation so the entire lease was in both French and English so that there was absolutely no question about what the lease said so I don’t know if you’re dealing with a French

    Realtor uh in France if they’re going to have that for you or whether you’re going to have to hire a translator to come with you when you sign the lease we didn’t have to it was made very easy and then um you know one of the first things

    You need to do after you get the lease is you have to have renters insurance the renters insurance policy totally in French so again I mean I speak French but I don’t speak legal French again I have to copy it in sections and paste it into Google translate section by section by

    Section so I understood what kind of coverage we had and let’s see what else did we have to do um we got the renters insurance we had to of course we used Gant me so we had to send our information to garant me when you’re working with garant

    Me once you’re approved you have to get approved by them first then go find your apartment um then you upload your leas to the garant me website from your garant me account and then within about I want to say maybe an hour or two they

    Got back to us and they said okay all approved blah blah blah and you then have to forward payment to them and so we took care of all of that and I think that was all in French as well I forget I’m I’m pretty sure that

    Was all in French so you know French is going to be very important to you if you’re moving to France even though people will say oh everybody speaks English over there remember it’s their country and their primary language in France is French and that’s how they do contracts they’re in French so again

    It’s another reason why you want to hire an expert to help you with this we could have hired a what’s called a handh holder and at one point it was suggested that you know we hire a handh holder and you know she’ll take care of the Visa and all these other things

    Well I’m stubborn and I decided I’m just going to do this myself so I did our Visa online applications ourselves and I did everything else and as far as electric the management office is going to send me a link so that I can click on the link with the electric

    Company and put the electric for our apartment in our names so I will tell you about our long stay Visa appointment in the next video so come back for that uh and now I’d just like to share with you a nice walk through the CER defair and I hope you enjoy it Tonight we’re taking off and we are headed in the Metro we’ve never been to this Metro stop before I have to tell you it is fairly clean here lots of escalators quite a change from Paris this happens to be uh uh Subway type Metro train quite a different look and feel

    Here and where’s the graffiti no graffiti it’s beautiful took an escalator down so tonight we are just walking around at the CER de Flair which is an area that we’ve been advised to take a look at has a potential area to find an apartment in so the buildings here are quite Charming everything here in nice is so clean it’s amazing I I love Paris it’s my favorite city in the world but I have to tell you nce in Paris as far as cleanliness night and Day got grocery stores here say ptis it’s very handy you just walk right up to the window out here on the street or if you want it delivered I don’t know how you tell them but that’s how they deliver it right there on their little Scooter just notice the Christmas lights are not on I wonder if they come on at a certain time so here’s a building this is the first place we’ve seen where the railing is decorated for Christmas looks like they hung a giant ice cream cone outside well it’s kind of hard to see

    Anything beyond the street but across the street is the prage is the main walkway here in Ni that runs parallel to the beach and the mediteran ran none of the Christmas lights are on right now they must come on at a certain time of Night okay we got a bike path right in front of us here it appears to be a little foggy tonight there’s some rain Dew so the tide is in the beach is very Short there are the hills of n illuminated and if you know niece there is the negresco hotel over there just to give you an idea of where we are so this prominade is where we’ll walk Bella every day the airport is out that way every now and then we see a plane take

    Off but at least it’s not cold it’s about 60° F there’s some people walking on the beach with their little fur Baby we if you go online and Google I think it’s I’m still standing the song Elton John did his video I’m pretty sure it’s that song but this hotel is in the background and a lot of the scenes were shot right across the street on the prominade but you

    Definitely see the hotel in the Background For look how pretty this entrance way is what a lovely building so thanks so much for watching this video as always it’s great to see you and you know we’re counting down the days until we move by the time you see this video Jeff will have five more work

    Days before he is a retired architect and uh well one thing that he doesn’t know yet but by the time he watches this video is his employer gave him a wonderful sendoff retirement party at a nice restaurant we haven’t done it yet so I’m recording this ahead of time

    It’s tomorrow night which is Friday but by by the time you see it it will be Sunday and the party will have already happened and you know I’m sure it’ll bring tears to his eyes because my husband is very emotional and he didn’t think that I guess he didn’t think that

    They loved him enough or something I don’t know I kept saying to him are they going to do a retirement party for you and he said no it’s not that kind of company this isn’t we don’t do retirement parties I’m just going to leave they’ll say goodbye they’ll give me my last paycheck

    Well you know it’s not exactly going to be like that so anyway I’ll take pictures and we’ll put them up uh on Instagram maybe of his uh his special retirement party so again thank you so much for watching I’ll see you next week we’ll tell you about our

    Inperson long stay Visa appointment and um if you’re not a subscriber click click click subscribe give me a thumbs up so YouTube knows hey that was a good video we like watching her her videos anyway thank you again for watching I will see you next time bye for now

    Gra roll I’ve been asked to slow down firl do you know how pass


    1. Thank you so much for all the info. I liked your walk toward potential apartments. Do you mind if you share what are the range prices , Even though , I am sure depends on location & size. Yet to get an idea.
      Was this area one of more expensive area or mid range?
      I really appreciate you doing these videos.
      I wish you both most success and joy in your new venture 🎉

    2. Thanks for another great video! Seems like you have packing well in hand. We’re so happy you two found a great apartment. Will eagerly await to learn the area you chose. Like you, we will need a two bedroom, so it was good to hear they could find a good one for you. Thanks again!

    3. Congrats An and Jeff, on securing your apartment in Nice! We are actually in Nice right now as I'm writing this. We are resting before heading out for dinner on the Promenade. We drive back up to Lyon tomorrow and then fly back to Florida on Tuesday. I'm so excited for you, it's getting SO close now. We are prioritizing my parents and spending time with them, so our move is not going to happen for some time yet. Tony and I were talking today about how wonderful it would be to rent in Paris for an entire year just to see what it's like to actually live there, rather than from the tourist perspective. But we will wait until the time is right. Wishing you much continued success with your move ❤

    4. Lovely walking tour of that section of Nice! And a great job on explaining the process, which should be very helpful to others. My husband and I lived in Florida before moving here to the northeast corner of the Dordogne with our 2 German Shepherds. We love it here and are sure you will too because you both have flexible approaches. Félicitations à vous et bon voyage.

    5. Thank you so much for quick response with great detail.
      I am in CA and you can’t even get a studio in average location with those prices!
      Your location looked very good in video.
      It seemed , It was checking most all boxes for a good home.
      I am in my older age and I downsized drastically for making a move and it was one the best thing , I did !
      Yes all one needs to be in a good and safe and easy access for travel .
      I am sure you are going to love it.Exciting new beginning .
      I think , It is so good for our spirit not to hang in
      with same routine.
      You both seem like lovely people to share with open heart.
      I am sure life would be good to you.
      Thank again and wish you joy and success in your move and life

    6. I'm very excited for you. My husband and I are considering moving to Europe from Florida and Nice is very high on our radar. When the time comes, we'll definitely contact Adrian Leeds. We've watched her for years on HGTV and she tells it to you straight. We're binging her on Youtube now. Can't wait to see your new place. I'm at the point in my life when I too could give up extra rooms for a tram line.

    7. Did your visas come through?? I sure hope so! We have a call coming up with the same group. I’d love to hear what happened with what documents you were asked for, if any, after your initial application.

    8. The video is very informative and its very helpful for a lot of people. Your moving day is getting closer and closer. I am sure you are ready to be there. Congratulations on Jeff's retirement. We always enjoy watching your video. By the way I emailed you the other day 😊.

    9. Your preparations are so exciting! It would be great and so informative if when you are ready to show your apartment, you give us a quick look at how it appeared when you first saw it, before you give it your special touch. Congratulations to Jeff on his retirement!

    10. So excited for you two. Congratulations on getting the apartment in Nice. You have been so diligent about your preparations for this move and everything is unfolding beautifully as it should. You have worked so hard for it and have guided us to follow on your path by showing us the way. Thank you so much for sharing this exciting journey with us. It is so helpful. Counting down the 40 days along with you!!

    11. We love the Musicians Quarter in Nice with the lovely Art Deco, Belle Epoque and Bourgeois buildings. Even though you are renting, will your heirs still have an issue with the French inheritance taxes?

    12. Ann and Jeff, I could not be happier for you guys; embarking on a dream realisation-what could be better! Sending you both all best wishes with your upcoming interview which I know you will pass with flying colours. Could I ask you a few queries Ann (hope you don't mind). We plan to visit in Sept. (first time for both Marc and I) and I have to apply for a visa because I am not a naturalised US citizen and am of the opinion that I have to do this on-line (NM does not have a French Consulate). I am 72yrs old and retired; SS recipient and decent 401K. It seems like they are asking for 3mos. bank statements, confirmation of airline booking and hotel accommodations. When you can spare the time, please let me know your thoughts. Also, where in Nice do you plan to live (we will go to Nice from Paris to look around the area re rentals etc.) I do have an email which I could send to your email if it;s a better way to respond. Many thanks, Ann

    13. Many thanks An and I do appreciate your immediate response to my queries. I am so glad we have enough time to sort these things out. If it did not take close to 2yrs. to become naturalised, I would have gone that route, but I want to travel this year as I could not do so before due to having a sickly kitty who just passed. I will check out the link you very kindly attached. With all good wishes and enjoy your dream come true you guys!

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