Let us explore Trier’s Petrisberg, one of our modern city quarters. We will see modern architecture, nice views and a lot of nature.

    Hi guys welcome to Tri we are today here in our modern quarter and as you can hear I more or less lost my voice yesterday we had our World tourist guide day we did three tours in town had a lot of people coming yeah but we got only

    Yeah a not so wellworking mic I’m glad we had it our colleagues organized it but so I had to shout and yeah I hope my voice will not die during our tour and I need you to tell me when it’s uh 5:00 that’s the only bad thing with

    YouTube I don’t see when I can start so I’m waiting for 5:00 do you hear this helicopter not sure why it’s here we got a soccer game in town at the moment but it’s been here since yeah since I arrived here so 20 minutes I walked here because we are going to walk

    More or less towards my car okay so I can nearly start sorry so let’s see yeah I guess we can start so welcome to Tria yeah I’m yulani you’re guide here for Luxembourg Tria MOS region Z region and we are in Germany’s oldest town but in our one of

    Our yeah newest City quarters you’re looking at a private home here and we are going to leave quite soon here CU neighbors have been watching me quite strangely so I hope they don’t call the police I’m allowed to walk here I’m allowed to live stream here it’s public ground

    So and here you’re looking at a modern house done by our most famous graffiti artist he’s working with his colleague as Mantra and laugh and he is doing a lot in town so obviously people paid him to do it and it’s really a cool house I

    Believe that’s why I wanted to show it to you yeah this quarter here is quite new well 20 years more or less but still this counts as new in a town that was founded in 17 BC so if your town is over 2,000 years old 20 years is New yeah the Romans that did found our town B only in 17 BC but here I had military barracks in 30 BC already just nothing is left of them here on top of the hill yeah and later um we had the Nazis you are going to see

    Some of their buildings later on they converted them and after the second world war the French came and this was military area so all those houses are new and and we had huge French military Barracks here about 20,000 soldiers and a town of about 100,000 people and they left only around

    1999 and in 2004 we had a huge gardening show here we got the land back and afterwards they did build this huge City quarter our TV tower bit older it’s our tallest tower in town it’s from the 19 uh 60s and before that our Cathedral actually had the tallest tower in

    Town on this side we got an old sorry guys water tower from the 1950s not in use any longer and today it’s a listed building and we are walking towards our pedestrian area here and when we are on the other side I try and find something for my voice

    So I will have to put my gimbal down for a Second but I want to give you a better View and when they did yeah plant this whole new city quarter it was intended for families and it was actually intended to be nice affordable housing for families yeah low energy well this didn’t work out today it’s our most expensive city quarter

    So homes here cost between 800,000 and 1.2 million EUR so affordable housing well not here but you had a nice uh yeah location here you got uh a nice view it’s cooler here in Su town in Zas and in our city and it’s cooler because we are much higher so we are

    Nearly 100 m higher than our city center and that’s our old water and let me see I’m going to put you on the bench get something for my voice got it in my back and you can look at Modern Art and as you can see it’s Sunday evening so people go for a walk that’s traditional on a Sunday you go for a walk on a Sunday and now I hope I don’t mess this up so hang on we will continue in a Minute I just need water And something for my Voice And now I must be careful I got my mic here I got my backpack and I don’t want um to kill myself with my mic with my backpack so give me a Second and let’s go and hi everybody who just arrived we are here in Tria weather is much better than yesterday yesterday we had a little bit of sunshine we had rain we had hail at the end we had a nice rainbow but it was quite cold so this is much

    Better and here you are looking at wind TOS it’s Modern Art I give you a closer look and they were made when we had this gardening show in 2004 so they added um Modern Art here they tried to make this part of town green as well so we have some

    Trees we have a little park but at the moment it’s still winter time so nothing to see in our Park but in summer times it’s really lovely people go for a run here they walk or it just enjoy The View and that’s what we are doing quite soon so those three things here depending on how much win is they make noises so you can listen to some wind

    Music which can be either nice or extremely annoying depending on yeah how loud it is And here you see we got some homes here having a nice View yeah and this Viewpoint was also made on our gardening show yeah it’s of Steel and it’s the same steel we had um in shenen the other day in Luxembourg yeah and I’m never sure if this one is okay so if you hear me screaming it Crashed and here you see we already have our wyards here so our wyards are directly in the middle of our town and let me turn you around let me turn you around so our wyards are down here this part that you’re seeing here is called olish part of our town today

    In former times it was an independent Village and our town is our main town on the right hand side so down in the Valy and it’s getting windy so this building sorry coming up here today it’s part of our University campus the big uh bluish white one in former times it was our French military hospital later we used it for student accommodations and today it’s for some of our faculties so a colorful uh buildings

    Here are student accommodations and this brown thing in distance it’s not a sculpture it’s yeah Tiny Tower we get a better view of it later so I will zoom in later it was a present from Luxembourg for our gardening show also made of the steel where I’m standing on and now let’s

    Walk into this direction to see a little bit more of the houses see more Modern Art and I hope this helicopter disappears so sorry about this sound but yeah can’t stop it at least nothing happened in town it’s just because of the soccer games with about 7,000 Spectators and our soccer team our local one is not even a great one Not sure tiny cat coming here probably looking for something to eat and we got our wall lizards living in those stones so maybe the kitty found one and wants to get it but I guess all lizards are much Faster and let’s take a better view Here it’s a little bit better with a wind so I can zoom in so you see this brown thing it’s a watch point a tower we got little soccer place here more modern houses they’re building this part of the quarter at the moment it’s here where we had the housing for the French

    Military and at the back you can see our modern energy so we do quite a lot of um wind energy here and trying to get your back trying not to make you sick I you see people bike here they walk they go for a Run and it’s really a contrast to our city Center so lots of modern architecture here whereas in our city center we got all the nice old stuff but it’s nice if you can afford to live here they also have um about 1200 people working in this part of town mainly science it media lot of um doctors are

    Here so during the week it’s really difficult to find a parking so I’ve been discussing yeah adding a huge parking lot but so far nothing happened you can get a bus from town but if you don’t live um in town if you live in one of the villages yeah you need your

    Car yeah it’s a French so we’re here extremely long and in the end they left as friends and people were quite sad when they left it was also bad for the town um I mean if 20,000 people are leaving it’s bad for your local um economy as well we also had one really

    Famous French guy here during the second World War War he was a prisoner of war sh Paul satus a philosopher the Germans captured him brought him here to a camp not a concentration camp here this one was one of the working camps so they were for forced to work but not as

    Bad as the concentration camps but still not funny but he managed to escape quite soon and he escaped when he had an appointment um with a doctor so he complained about bad eyesight they brought him to a doctor and he managed to escape luckily he came back to Tria after the

    Second world war wants to visit but never um to spend long time here and I mean I wouldn’t want to spend a long time somewhere where I was in prison so it’s understandable and coming up on the left hand side another quite interesting biring it looks a little bit like a tin

    This silver looking Thing not sure if it’s warm in summertimes inside but it reminds me of a huge Tin you can also see lot of slate here that’s a local Stone here also in our wyard so they used slate here and made those walls just to remember the walls we had in our Vineyards trying not to get people directly onto my camera so you look at our

    Vineyards they will look prettier in a few weeks at the moment nature is still sleeping but they start um to do the first Works already they have to bind um our wines have to cut some and in a few weeks we might see our first leaves

    Here and then I’m going to take you on a walk through The Vineyards but at the moment it’s a bit pointless and coming up one of our little Parks it’s part of our um Twin City Parks it’s still yeah closed because of winter it’s for our Twin City Town in

    China in they used material that they use in China to build it yeah it’s warmer there in here so the materials they used does not work with our Winters it always gets damaged because of our Winters and that’s why it looks a little bit Sad but first let’s go over here and find more Modern Art and new Trees yeah we had some problems with our trees here lately quite a lot of them died it was extremely tried during the last few Summers so here they already planted new ones but in the woods behind this part of town yeah they have to replant about 253 trees because they died which is

    Sad and here little bit of spring trying not to make my gimbal too angry I promised you nature so you got a little bit of Nature just a little bit but it’s coming and here so sculpture it’s called yeah he is responsible for our trees so he should protect our trees so protector of our trees and also made um for our gardening show in 2004 so they added lots of art lots of new plants Yeah and here is a guard of our trees and so it’s our artist here and that’s the back originally this thing was used as a main entrance for our gardening show and after the gardening shows I moved it here yeah and in Autumn you can get nice chest nuts

    Here so if you are on time you can get your chestnuts down here and you’re allowed um to collect some so we are taking a look over here we are coming towards our Science Park towards the first homes here and that’s a view I used for at

    Least as the YouTube One or the TV advertisement So I took the picture somewhere from here down to those pretty homes and this yeah pink building on the left a more older building so this one that’s one of the old buildings from our Nazi time when I had military Barracks here but today it’s used for

    Science so they kept a few of the old buildings but most of it is modern and the colors here are really nice so let’s see let’s go down Here yeah it’s the water down here it’s not supposed yeah to be just pretty it’s to retain our rainwater so it actually has a function and they managed to make it pretty let me just look where I’m going to don’t want to fall over on the

    Stairs and this sculpture here it’s a w also for the gardening Show and I hope I can give you some nice Reflections Here it’s still a bit windy so won’t work 100% but you get the ideal So a child coming don’t want to get her on Camera yeah you see it’s for kids to play so it’s in Ed to be um a living quarter as well and we got a cute kitty face here and Here we got some nice Reflections the water is not deep I would say up to my knees are maximum my hip and I’m not tall so you can’t swim in here but you should still keep an eye on your kids if they can’t swim could be

    Dangerous and you can’t use it for ice skating in Winter times also not allowed but we pretty here so you see even our modern town can be pretty and it’s a nice contrast we got here we got our old town we got our modern town this one also reminds me a little

    Bit of our Amphitheater so you can sit here it’s really lovely and I’m going to take you up here walk past S Building because I’m parking into this direction so you get a view of some of our modern um buildings oh and somebody has a palm tree on

    Top so so they’re expecting it to be warm weather forecast or something about minus 5° during the next few Nights so I hope this palm tree is going to their wife if not poor tree our town still keeps our palm trees for the town inside and it’s usually the sign when our town gets them out out it’s safe that you can get um your flowers out on your Balcony yeah and for the next tours we will be going back to zaborg and when I’m home later I’m going to schedule quite a few Tours so I take you into town again we are going back to Luxembourg this time I hope without a protest in town we might go to a castle next to my parents place um what else yeah if few new to us we are looking for street art on I believe

    Tuesday I need to have a look at my calendar at Home so lots of things coming up I will add some on the free calendar first because something was uh TV didn’t work today So I wanted to buy another month of membership and managed to kick me out of my account so I did write um to Kelsey I hope uh she can fix it but so far um it will be listed on the other calendar first and then on TV again Yeah I messed up um my password got a link for a new one and managed to kick me out so yeah things like that happen and if you liked this tour please subscribe to my channel like it if you can buy me a coffee it would be

    Great because I can only continue with those tours um if I don’t make a loss and please check out my colleagues lots of tours on TV and on the other calendar on the free one so check it out we try to make it happen but we need

    You just for support so tell people there is a chance to travel online tell them they can discover nice places new countries quite a lot yeah here you see private homes some yeah Media stuff so you can work here and you can live Here so now I’m going home get a cup of tea and hope that I still have some voice left for tomorrow because we got a workshop tomorrow in town yeah for new iners tours and I want to be able to talk and not only write something on a piece of paper

    And hold it up so thanks for coming and bye guys

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