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    #triathlon #swimming #triathlontraining

    Good morning hello my name is Daniel this is the trian YouTube channel and you are welcome for the view check that out absolutely incredible can see about 15 20 m in front of me Saturday morning cool and foggy starts the morning icy in fact is 0 deg I’m meeting swim coach Ash

    And Liz for a little gravel spin I’ve been very very tentatively cycling this week I’ve done like two 30 minute spins with a tiny bit of knee niggling so I’m just going to be taking it really easy today if it hurts for any reason we’re staying

    On really local Trails so I can just call it quits pretty Pronto but more than anything I just wanted to get out I can’t just keep doing like little tiny spins indoors it’s not doing anything for me like mentally getting out about this is what cycling is about for me so

    Anyway I’m cycling two ashes save us going through the fth of two bikes in a car I should be there in a minute so let’s say hi to the gravel Squad and get rolling good morning gravel gang we all okay no we’re freezing Liz what’s the matter the

    Temperatures are so cold they like they some nice gloves look like they’re made for a male extra extra large oh that’s lovely a good to be out hav seen you for a couple week on the bikes yes it starts to be out the again fresh air you’re

    Feeling better A lot better yes the snots have gone thankfully stuff would you like to hear about my latest injury my wrist hurting my left my left yeah yeah my left wrist is hurting I think it’s due to the amount of power I’m now putting out in the

    Water oh it’s the S inj sorry something else left wrist Family Channel anyway as abouts where we’re going today what we’re doing we’re going up the Silver Hill Trail along to roor up pleasley around the usual local Trails really it’s uh stay local while it’s cold and freezing yeah

    And we’re going to do maximum effort to get as warm as we can this is got a slight bit of Tire rub when she stands out the saddle well I told as I told her I said to be all right so that’s why I fitted them not because they were in the

    Ass already so they were free anyway right come let’s let’s get ped I knew I’d never get it right so Liz and I have swapped gloves because she only brought thin running gloves so you’ve now got my thick winter gloves I what’s the problem now is now my hands are sweating so we

    Might have to swap that obviously also that’s my fault so sorry about that Liz not your fault we’re going to go up to tal Miner AR we yeah I’m trying to get above the fog although it’s clear in here actually what’s this clim light is The

    Summit in kelpe no the secret Summit oh the secret Summit called the rat super that’s us right now look at us the sun’s blazing down on us yeah thisp top of Cobra I that you’d be walking no not good oh look at that there we go we made

    It to the top yeah and I bet not many of you you not many of you know this but this statue is actually Ash it’s his first job is Ash 70 years ago call Ash give us the uh give us a local history what does this signify

    Local history well all this area was a local mining area loadest pits within a few miles radius and this is one of the uh memorials to the miners yeah and this is the highest point in Nottingham I’m sure apparently so there’s a plate there oh yeah yeah look at that Silver Hill

    Summit excellent feel in the altitude get into here those bled there is a um in the summer there’s a booth decorator running League which comes up here I think it actually comes up past here as well doesn’t it done it a few times years ago maybe again this year

    We shopping gloves back now lizard’s hands are too sweaty and that’s my fault well you probably sweated them up so we come from down there where the fog is you see a big castle that’s Ash’s house just down there it yeah it is BS you’re right I love how this is caught

    On you just steady up that would you I’m you just over there you know you know feel it’s are you talking about the temperature of your hands yeah I’m joking what were you saying how much what GL dropped into the cold I just have one of each right here again oh that looksy

    This is British gravel by the way it’s just mud lizra said get the Swans in the vid I’ve got long sleeves on can’t really see him a is that good enough for you D yeah I’ll get in trouble if I don’t put that one specific clip in the video Liz

    Will be murdering me Liz beautiful you go back down there right right turny oh that’s the thing Happ to take a picture of your dog you see that it says Top Dog and you put your dog’s head over it and take picture that you so cool I knew they’d crack me eventually

    I’m just going to spin back I can feel my knee getting a little bit worse little bit worse it’s so confusing some days it’s not hurting at all and I think oh yeah I’m through this and some days it’s like not good today and I get to

    The point now I need to start thinking about events in March committed to three crits and put a lot of effort and stuff into it like I I’m not going to go right after yet it’s two weeks today until my first crit of the year and as at today I

    Just don’t see how I can be there racing I don’t mind being unfit but I can’t do it not not healthy but we will I’m seeing physio this week so I’ll see what happens from that I’m keep doing the rehab I’m doing all I can and maybe it

    Just needs a bit more time who knows but in any case really happy to have got out I’m only a few miles away from home so I’m an hour and 18 in I bet it’s only 2 20 25 minutes home so I’m going to end

    Today’s video there what a day to be out on the gra bikes really really enjoy this bike good to get out with Liz and Ash and hopefully I’ll be able to share with you some much more interesting training in the not too distant future cuz I am chomping at the bit to get

    Doing this properly but just doesn’t seem to happen for me at a minute anyway hit like And subscribe alliz thank you very much for the support and I’ll see you again tomorrow at 1:00 for some sort of triy on training I don’t know might go for a spring


    1. Have you thought about how temperature affects your knee? When I've had knee problems in the past, I found keeping it warm really helped. I even used to wear knee warmers under my bib tights on really cold days and maybe a support bandage on the affected knee to keep it all compact and warm. No idea if there's any science to this but it did really help me.

    2. Did you have the recent MRI on your hip or knee?? If it was the hip I think you should do the knee. I had to do it, it gives you piece of mind and let's you have more of an input with your physio. Hope you get back soon Dan.

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