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    In this explore we discover a treasure trove of abandoned Luxury Cars and SUV’s.

    Stored away for who knows how long, these vehicles were likely involved in Fatal crashes or perhaps criminal activity!

    Join us as we explore this fascinating place.

    Joined today by,

    #abandonedplaces #abandonedplacesuk #derelictplaces #timecapsule #urbex #vacanthaven #cargraveyard #abandonedcars

    [Applause] Yo guys how we doing hope we’re all well now today Mr Pomo joins us yo folks just to let you all know he’s back with us today he’s all good so he hasn’t been with us for a few weeks but he’s found um quite an interesting place actually

    We think there’s quite a few like abandoned cars and quite nice cars as well is there looks where we are now is where all the spies do their training so we’re not sure cuz there’s a lot of Range Rovers blacked out windows all black out cars and we don’t know if they

    Was used for Trump oh this is what I was told well yeah we’ll have a look ins so and see what the hell’s going on with this place it sounds quite interesting but yeah just quickly um if you are new to the channel don’t forget to subscribe

    If you enjoy the content it helps us out immensely it’s free to do and it just notifies you when our next videos are out which is usually every Sunday hit the Subscribe button turn notifications on and all that good stuff [Applause] wow what this is there [ __ ] cars down

    There Ed that’s full of cars mate wow what so that must come in off the docks he this is huge anyone in in them no it wasn’t there right this has not been you used for quite a while oh wow yeah watch out a glass mate that’s really old I wonder where that’s

    From the paper behind it August 25th it says wall wow that’s really old is it the new the new city of London what a good day no 1834 1834 that can’t be 1834 get the old paperwork it’s really old paper though with an old map of something in the W

    This is absolutely lovely stuff I can’t pleas some smash oh Ed look at them mate glass you wanto glass that’s this is good lot people play a lot of money for that stuff fruits the buttons there might be old buttons in there look look mate look at the car hang

    On these are really old what is this place tracks goes all the way through car yeah so you would have had standing trains here it’s a big old place is it [ __ ] huge it’s like an old Freight yard wow look at these obviously it’s off a ship is it

    Like ship front edge I know it looks like an archway there’s a plaque up there that a plaque that’s a plaque can’t see it yeah it is is it yes another head another base yeah not they are amunition oh wow this one look steamy it still work oh God was that you

    No well this is quite clearly um der and it goes on there next is that way oh yeah be on there have to look oh that’s bloody H that’s big oh there an entrance at that is just walk past that on the way In they’ve had a big fight magazin over there I’m not going to go there i’ be covered in Black yeah wonder what they are bracelet down there where yeah let’s have a [Applause] look there we Go go there don’t go there I’ve got enough bad luck as it is wow they’re quite abstract is they wow that’s quite nice that one that one’s cool that’s been an auction see the T that’s been under in an auction yeah right so I’m just going to turn the

    Camera around guys look at this Range Rover Range Rover Range Rover 4×4 BMW BMW Range Rover full what the hell have we just found what’s up there let’s have a look from up here they are dusty as is they BMW Mercedes over there no right against the

    Wall yeah well we’ll going and have a look at them look that what was this where we are there’s no Railway line no Railways no but we’re quite close to dockyard trap railway tracks railway tracks ra track track look at this it’s on this camer

    Up wow look at all that there though we got all that yet and the pontoons look at the pontoons we could go to oh bloody H there’s more cars out there yeah I know let’s have a look in there then why would the windows be sealed up

    If there in a indoor this just to keep pigeons out yeah probably to keep the pigeons out wow this is bit mad hello bit stiff nothing in there just a square lots of hooks in the wall I think you have to give this zero worst one we what’s WR there yeah

    Zero wa this it’s quite creepy is it quite Eerie we’re creeping yeah we can’t creeping no the size of this so Ed are you going down there mate to the cars it don’t leave very far up but oh yeah cut off there I can’t get over

    Yeah does it feel spooky H it’s very eerie in it yeah you got to think this is probably like 20 19 20s yeah 30s got to be body warmer oh this there’s a toilet oh yeah that’s quite nice actually that’s quite nice toilet I’ll

    Give that just on the S the one the one yeah one oh look your key Ed your key cupboard oh yeah why that really key there there’s nothing really here are where are yeah if this was a train yard I don’t we have to look in to

    Find out what it was we’ll do some history here we go no no basement Ed no no nothing meres Mercedes yeah it’s not [ __ ] it’s not a Mercedes it’s about the engine it’s not is it I wonder how long this has been s look at that range over mate I know that

    Myself how long’s that been sat there for this is mad is it windows down it’s gone X6 is it locked locked yeah is an X6 yeah oh yeah oh lovely uh lever interior up [Applause] holster who after you nice oh oh I want it oh what I want it it’s a

    Lovely little RV is it there Toilet Man toilet wow oh with the plants mate look at that I’ll give that [ __ ] six compared what we just seen that’s lovely microwave cooker that’s a really I not going to open the fridge this time oh look at it look all the elrics

    Yeah oh the big look at the bed oh you climb up into it it drops down it drops down oh this is that’s nice isn’t it could do with this filming could we wow with the old swivel ch 85,000 M on the clock what a dashboard this is

    Amazing we’ love this would we as a motor run to use this G this would be cool for our little road trips yeah plenty of seating we got all the old electrics in the cupboards as well W this is real yes is is it what a

    Find look at look got this Lo of stuff in it Fans a music guns guns oh imagine we found that in a boot one of these Beamers oh rainover what is it um the S6 not the S6 boys know what you’re saying you don’t know do you looking asleep behind the two more one two three there another one

    There it could be full of stash of gear look at it ax bloody H that does look like it’s had an axe through it you look at that in a minute look at that one yeah see it yes yeah you’re white definitely it looks like a thick old

    Glass is it yeah that’s bulletproof is it no I wouldn’t say it’s bulletproof get in yeah let’s have a look there oh wow the leather seats mate look a Telly what a Telly that’s for the age of this is probably quite um this is nice is it quite

    Dated still like Wellies and stuff in there but it’s all cobwebbed anything in the back though uh just car parts mate weird is it yeah just weird a another one there white and Le they’re like gangster cars a they yeah we like to have one yeah bit juicy having it to run around

    In yeah you’re gangster Ro get the man look at it all I’ll be going I’ll be going and the money over please please this is nuts just left in this look four van mini mini mini we had mini doors and stuff over there they don’t look like they’ve been

    Scrapped they look like they’ve been taken away and then just left the amount of dust on them that’s an astro a it how nice is that yeah oh these plus a few shorts but that I mean that could have been involved in a crash yeah someone’s going

    Through the window yeah so he’s hit someone so yeah I think these have been involved in either bad accidents or murders it on there oh yeah the Harvest by Leonardo there’s more stuff in there wow my antiques well you never know there is an anti kid ready the alarm goes off

    Yeah it’s a carbon fiber as well look look that look at the wheels on there St what two STS three STS that Mercedes is another Range Rover no wow I mean you washed that and looked at that and you would think nothing of that yeah they’re nice Wheels is they

    Yeah the thing is they’re not car so look at that interior oh wow I’m just going to have a little sitting it’s even got look all the controls all the cruise controls and window look settings yeah wow that’s lovely not though is it it’s not it’s

    Not as as you think they come up anything in the back of this we got keys in them night that’s a proper that’s a prop 4y one oh look at the back definitely been involved in some sort of rear end fire that’s a fire the way the windows bow no I think they

    They’ve seized up they’ve been pushed out they got any money stashed them hidden drug dealer stash never know do you only Peppa Pig magazines I think this this all full of you B yeah watch your fingers Ed he must be a small man there’s his sunglasses I’d buy that now something

    Like that wasn’t decent well yeah that’s water I think yeah more train tracks where did the trains go well they would have come there’s the sea and we got a couple of and I know for certain that’s always been there that water so where does these go well obviously the water’s

    Always been there but they would have loaded from boats train to here and then loaded them onto a vehicle and out oh see up the end here yeah so they would have driven up here and thenook yeah a Grand Vitara oh locked up a window yeah a really TIY inside I think these

    Been involved in serious accidents oh big Naughty Boys Naughty Boys yeah naughty boys cars is they in there clean ass mate inside and another one it’s got a weird line green quite popular in car yeah green and silver this one hey 2015 Honda and they’re good M

    Cars is they yeah they don’t go wrong do they and Insignia not being funny there’s not much wrong with that is it’s just a just a new Bumper in it taxi got slow cooker in there yeah good old English taxi guys this should be do look how tidy it is

    Inide say spotless some Chelsea boots over there Ed no they’re not Chelsea boots they’re not proper Chelsea boots let’s open see what the taxi driver was holding toys no he’s got football cards Cedric and Daniels bouth and Southampton hello good that’s nice taxi actually is it giving me money through the little

    Window it the Body Works absolutely perfect is that a fair as well yeah that’s for the fair is it look the wheels left now that’s why I want oh yeah lovely I them on mine that nice mate they are nice is they see if this one opens look at the wheels on

    There look at the Leever seats oh look at the controls on the [ __ ] seat Jesus Christ automatic I want those wheels on motor lovely motor it hey really nice yeah can’t believe the just left can’t believe them look at them look at the size of them with my

    Hand they’re lovely is’t they you do like them M yeah I can tell look at I want them we have to find someone on my motor by the car love s AET so we’ve got bullet holes and we’ve got axe marks I don’t think some of these

    Are boys is it looks like it it well oh that’s that’s good oh those pedals mate oh they’re nice is they yeah just weird is it anything’s being taken to like stop looking at the wheels headed look at that not waste it is a waste mate there’s a door

    Open it’s not brilliant it’s not brilliant well those seats are quite no I mean it’s not brilliant I would go my way to buy it oh that is so low at aood I like it look how low this is it’s the best car one of the best cars here but I don’t like

    It I don’t know mate I do I don’t know what people like about I don’t like the long it’s so 80s M this you’re well on the floor yeah 108,000 Mi on the clock don’t touch the whatever you no they probably only need like one tap this is a big old crazy is

    It just messes oh we never went down in down in the bottom of it anyway this this is beautiful mate I do I love this oh look there’s the dodgy bit what can’t touch that that’s the hairbag no not going there some suspect stains going on here red nothing

    Wrong look at it is it another Beamer these are theate they I like these that’s bloody open wonder what’s happened in here we’re going to have to start doing investigating for each car I tell you trugs trucks all these cars are like drug dealers cars aren they yeah yeah you

    Could get this one started again no not just needs a lick a paint gun I told you I find a gun yeah you did didn’t you we better call the police mate no engine that’s been removed got all over there yet there’s more out there is there what w i

    Don’t weird well they’ve been moving stuff is they maybe they were moving stuff when they crashed broke down that’s why everything look that’s why everything’s just car boot gear it’s like they break suddenly and everything’s just gone flying I told you that chair will kill

    You one day back oh I got a Land Warrior here that’s nice ni things still H yeah oh there’s a um what are they called elf on a shelf in there elf on a shelf yeah that’s nice mate no suspect signs of blood in here yeah oh they’re spotless inside

    They look at it yeah beautiful look at see they look they’ve got the accident triangle you put out when you’ve had an accident some there’s not dust in there’s nothing wrong with it there’s not dust nothing no you all it pretty pretty clean inside yeah I can’t I think we’ve got our theories

    Yeah there’s another one there where someone’s gone through the windscreen look you’ve definitely had a big old crash here big dent and then some has gone into the wind screen but the airbag is not deployed yeah but that’s what’s giveaway bit look at this you say something it looks like

    Someone’s hit it with st ax is a again fting if some of it I think some of these vehicles look that one over there the same it’s not like it’s been dented it looks like someone smashed it or something so looks like it’s some of this has probably been

    Used and then and then they’ been written off yeah yeah I I’ve seen so many BMW well what happens to criminals Vehicles please take them away don’t they and then what auction auction them off if they’ve been involved with C they auction them off really yeah but I don’t

    Think you’re allowed to use them on the road afterwards so just auction them off for parts guess yeah they’ve been written off I mean I would say no would you no actually all of them I think I like the BMW full you have the BMW with

    Wheels like that mot mot I’ll have the Mark or the St or the little I his teammate that yeah it’s funny cut glass isn’t it are we going to go and have a look over there yeah another taxi taxi goes off go off toward towards the

    Sea we got boats in it [ __ ] me I didn’t realize there [ __ ] loads in here yeah another Wonder smashed Windows oh yes look at these there jet skis skis that’s an in board yeah mate you’d look good on that you got wers or Wellies in there all oh it that suit you

    Mate that rud Would this is team Picton I reckon that went quite fast mate I was into boats but I’m not there there’s they expensive especially when the engines go and all that got a dry dock look yeah it’s a slipway head look this old slipway oh yeah there’s the tracks so have pulled

    Them up when now it’s fenced off but ah ah is it a railway line or watch you don’t fall in or is it to pull boats up yeah on tracks just goes on a track and goes on to another track all the way that’s one that’s what that is that’ be

    Interesting to find out would it yeah one of that’s what this is I mean look at this that’s quite cool and Sol is it white trim Suzuki stinks it look at the [ __ ] allo on their M oh they different they yeah for suuki for the BMWs yeah are we going to walk the

    P have a little look there’s two there’s one on one one one the other one yeah fish look at the goart M go oh you’re having a go that’s yours that’s got you written all over it have a chains come on chains broke I think got I love

    That going to be is it concrete or I think they’re Steel W they well this is half funed watching you fall in the sea oh they B wow so f definely M up look at the big there would have been a lot of boats molded up on here

    Look that’s why you’re clearing them for me mate old Breeze is getting up I was going to get the Drone up but hold your hat look at this we’re practically in the uh middle of the harbor now right yeah let’s have a look over the edge

    Quick it Ain all you ain’t going to hurt yourself but we jump then we oh yeah right let’s get back to dry land D yeah there we go look at the size that’s nice mate that armchair yeah what’s that jewelry all jewelry boxes all that all burn oh yeah Past

    Times probably come out from here it probably was yeah they’re probably all the stuff they’ve picked out of the fire tried to rescue yeah I can’t get over them there they’re amazing not going wrong with that mate I’m telling you that no it’s not that’s it just a window needs

    Replacing yeah you’d see that I reckon the door open you reckon watch the Slate wow oh my god wow how old is this wait that’s all as not no no no no that is cool but it’s a bestos all over here look yeah there I want that

    Motor that’s all you keep saying is first you want the BMW wheels now you want the motor run the motor which is it they’re digging in they through plan yeah but look at this head that’s a proper gangster car is it over gangster car horrible gangster car

    Right we’re out guys just like to say thanks to Pompay for finding that one did some scouting out and found that so yeah hope you guys enjoyed that video leave us a like leave us a comment in the comments section we’ll always try and reply to you and

    Ed yo don’t forget to subscribe till the next time guys take care we’ll see you soon


    1. are you guys a bit silly? clealry is someones yard. you guys juts make it up and have no idea what you are doing are and are teachig others to unlawfully snoop through peoples land. this is not good. showing others eans its at risk

    2. naughty boys cars….. this guys is clearly mentally disabled.. just making stuff up. its not weird its clealry someones stash of stuff, how ridiculous are poeple. what someone does with their stuff is upto them, can tell these guys have never had any money. moocher free loaders

    3. Uno de estos dos tipos agarraron un boton de un uniforme. De las fuerzas armadas de venezuela. Y debe tener algunos años que tantos para aparecer allii? Tan lejos de venezuela. … No saben que. Tenian en sus manos un tesoro muy valioso saludos

    4. Ngl I’m getting gang vibes and Mafia vibes with the cars like you got blacked out BMWs mercs ranges alsorts then the astra could have been a get away car because they have about 300 bhp

    5. First time watching you lads, greetings from SE London. Really enjoyed the first couple of videos. I looked up 3 of the number plates which were all in use just completely different makes and models 😁 anyway thanks for the journey…. Cheers Andy.

    6. A few vehicles with the letter and numbers may represent ex-auction vehicles – perhaps they were bought to disassemble and part them out. Would love to know the back story as to why they were just left there.

    7. That was cool to watch, I found it strange that the Zafira just had an MOT in Jan. and the blue Honda outside was taxed till Jan 2025 and still had an MOT till March. The Range Rover inside with the axed small side window is an armoured version, and I think some cars are ex government and the others possibly confiscated.

    8. today is 6th February 2024. The silver vauxhall Zafira BF61UMR @15:15 has had a brand new MOT on 8th January 2024, which is only a month after this video was released. So since filming, someone has been in here and MOTd this car.

    9. looks like a place for small businesses, looks like a salvage yard for write offs, tracks coulf off been overhead cranes.maybe a boat building yard.

    10. I hate to say this, but what you've found is most likely an old insurance company storage facility where a now defunct insurance company went and stored the vehicles and other odds and ends that they paid out claims on. Nothing very shady or dodgy about the whole thing really. And the facility that you're in wasn't so much for trains but rather was a boat repair and/or storage facility in its heyday for small craft like sailboats and smaller engined sailing craft, hence the numerous mooring piers. Originally, somewhere on the property, you might find where there would have been a rail-mounted, overhead gantry-crane that would have lifted and lowered craft out of the water for taking under the shelter of the facility.

    11. A large collection of stolen vehicles, stolen property (inside), used getaway crime related cars, stripped vehicles (for parts), and even some vehicles still on SORN 😳most have been cleared from DVLA records … incorrect/false number plates, the list goes on.

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