Thank you to the following websites for their information regarding today’s topics.

    The People – (
    2005 Lance Armstrong Wins 7th Tour De France
    1847 Mormons settle Salt Lake Valley

    Mormons Enter the Salt Lake Valley: 1847

    1911 Machu Picchu discovered 
    The music used as the background track for this podcast is Americana created by Kevin MacLeod on

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    Hello and welcome to the this happen today in History Podcast I am your host Mr Miller this podcast will cover a number of topics that happened on this date in history please visit the podcast web page at this happen today. there you can download the notes page which will help you

    Organize the information as well as develop your own ideas on how these events change the world around us if you’re interested in hearing more please consider subscribing so you will not miss out on what happens tomorrow in history today is July 24th on July 24th 2005 American cyclist

    Lance Armstrong wins in a record setting seventh consecutive tour to France and retires from the sport after Armstrong survived testicular cancer his rise to cycling greatness inspired cancer patients and fans around the world and significantly boostered his Sports popularity in the United States however in 2012 in a dramatic Fall From Grace

    The one-time Global cycling icon was stripped of his seven tour titles after being charged with the systemic use of performance-enhancing drugs Armstrong started his Sports career as a triathlete competing professionally by the time he was 16 biking proved to be the strongest event and at age 17 he was

    Invited to train with the US Olympic cycling developmental team in Colorado he won the US amateur cycling Championship two years later in 1991 and then finished 14th in the road race competition in the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona Spain he turned Pro later that year but finished last in the Classico s

    Bastian his first race as a professional in 1993 he bounced back to win 10 titles including his first major race the world Road championships that same year he also competed in his first tour to France the grueling three-week race that attracts the world’s top cyclists and

    Won the eighth stage in 1995 he again won a stage of the tour to France as well as a tour to Pont a major US cycling event Armstrong began 1996 as the number one ranked cyclist in the world but he chose not to race the tour to France and

    Perform poorly at that Year’s Olympics After experiencing intense pain during a training ride he was diagnosed in October 1996 with stage three testicular cancer which had spread to his lungs and his brain he underwent surgery and chemotherapy then began training again in early 1997 later that year he signed

    With the US Postal Service team after he quit in the middle of one of the first races back many thought his career was over however after taking some time off from competition Armstrong came back to finish in the top five both at the tour of Spain and the world championships in

    98 in 99 to the amazement of the psychon community Armstrong won his first ever tour to France went on to win the race for the next consecutive six consecutive years in addition to his seven overall wins a record for both Total and consecutive wins he won 22 individual

    Stages and 11 individual time trials and led his team to victories in three time trials between 1999 and 2005 after retiring in 2005 Armstrong made a comeback to procycling in 2009 finishing third in that Year’s tour and 23rd in the 2010 t tour he retired for good from

    The sport at 2011 at age 39 over the years Armstrong’s intense training regimen and his famed dominance of the difficult and treacherous Mountain stages of the tour to France inspired awe among fans and opponents his cycling Cadence which averaged 95 to 100 rotations per minute or RPM but

    Reached as high as 120 RPM was considered remarkable particularly during climes in addition to being exceptionally talented climber Armstrong performed extremely well in time trials throughout his career Armstrong like many other top cyclists of his era was dogged by accusations of performance boosting drug use but he repeatedly and vigorously denied all allegations

    Against him and claimed to have passed hundreds of drug tests in June 2012 the US anti-doping agency the US Ada followed a 2-year investigation charged with a cycling Superstar with engaging in doping violations from at least August of 1998 and with participating in a conspiracy to cover up his misconduct

    After losing a federal appeal to have the US 88 charges against him dropped Armstrong while continuing to maintain he had done nothing wrong announced on August 23rd that he would stop fighting the charges the next day us Ada banned Armstrong for life from competitive cycling and disqualified all his

    Competitive results from August 1st of 1998 through the present on August or October 10th 2012 us Ada released hundreds of pages of evidence including sworn testimony from 11 of Armstrong’s former teammates that the agency had demonstrated Armstrong and the US Postal Service team had been involved in the

    Most sophistic at and successful doping program in the history of cycling a week after the US Ada report was made public Armstrong stepped down as chairman of his Livestrong cancer awareness Foundation it was also fired from many of his endorsement deals on October 22nd Union cist day international the

    Cycling’s world governing body announced it accepted the findings of the US Ada investigation and officially was erasing Armstrong’s name from the tour to France record books and upholding his lifetime ban from the sport after years of denials Armstrong finally admitted public publicly in a televised interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired on January

    17th 2013 he had doped for much of his cycling doped for much of his cycling career beginning in the mid 90s through his tour to France victory in 2005 he admitting to using a performance-enhancing drug regimen that include testosterone human growth hormone the blood booster EPO and cortisone the first members of the

    Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints historically known as Mormons arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847 they immigrated to what is now Utah which was then part of Mexico to plant Fields build homes open businesses and establish a religious community members of the LDS church had searched for a

    Permanent so home since the first leader Joseph Smith organized the church in 1830 many citizens of the United States disagreed with the practices of the new religion and sometimes they attack members of the LDS church until 1847 the main body of the church moved several times hoping to find a place where they

    Could practice their religion in peace in 1844 president bringham Young led a group of members Westward from Illinois to find a new home in Mexican territory they hoped to find a place to practice their religion free from persecution while Mexico claimed ownership of the Great Basin there were

    Native American groups who lived in what is now Utah in fact they had lived there for thousands of years when Mormons arrived they were one of many groups to make homes for themselves in the Great Basin the first group of Mormon immigrants arrived in the Salt Lake

    Valley on July 22nd 1847 after 111 days on the trail they immediately began planting crops and establishing homes ringham young came 2 days later and also started to make plans in 1848 the Mexican-American war ended in the great base and became a part of the United States once again members of the LDS

    Church found themselves on American soil as members of the LDS church built settlements in Utah their choices influenced the territory’s political cultural and economic makeup for years to come most members of the Mormon Church took a train to Utah a small percentage traveled by horse and wagon pulled Hand cards or

    Walked many Mormon immigrants came from around the United States and Western Europe While others migrated from the Pacific Islands and other regions not everyone settled in what is now Salt Lake City some moved across the Great Basin to establish communities where they could practice their religion and make home for themselves and their

    Children and finally the spectacular lost city of the Incas High among the Andes Mountains in Peru attracts so many visitors today and their presence causes so much damage that a limit has been put on their numbers Kum Bingham the man who first revealed it to the world and was a

    Buccaneering American Explorer born in Hawaii in 1875 his parents were missionaries and hoped that he would follow in their footsteps but his youthful efforts to do so made him feel physically sick and he preferred playing American football educated privately in New England he went to Yale University

    In 1894 to embark on an academic career he was strongly interested in Latin American history and studied for his PhD in it at Harvard fortunately for him the World At Large in 1900 he married to his parents dismay a girl called Alfreda Mitchell she was an arys to the Tiffany

    Jewelry fortune and Bingham used her money to travel in South America he was appointed a lecturer at Yale but found exploring far more interesting than teaching his enthusiasm for exploring extended to women as well and he took full advantage of his travels away from home in 1906 Bingham traced Simon

    Boulevard’s routes through Venezuela and Colombia in the 1820s in 1909 he explored historic South American trade routes and took old one from buenos series to LMA in Peru going on the kutco in 1911 he led a small expedition to Peru in search of a lost city of vaka

    The last Refuge of the Inca Mao Capac II who fought against the Spanish conquerors in 1530s this took Bingham and his party of seven to Cusco and from there by mule on foot to the small settlement called mandor Poma near Augustus centes where they encountered a local farmer named

    Melor artega through bingham’s policeman interpreter artega told him that there were extensive ruins in the high mountains nearby what artega and his native Keta called Machu Picchu meaning Old Mountain they climbed up to the ruins the next morning through a persistent drizzle of rain no one else in bingham’s

    Party showed any interest but Bingham aranga and The Interpreter spent two exhausting hours clambering up the mountain to a small Hut occupied by peasants who are growing crops there they greeted the American Hospital L but and debuted a small boy to show him the astonishing things close by they soon

    Came to what Bingham called an unexpected sight a great flight of beautifully constructed Stone Terraces perhaps a hundred of them each hundreds of feet long and 10 ft high they continued along one of The Terraces and suddenly I find myself confronted with the walls of ruined houses built of the

    Finest quality of ink of stonework the ruins were overgrown by trees bamboo thickets and Tangles of vines and covered with moss but the white granite walls were carefully cut and exquisite ly fitted together and the scene fairly took my breath away bam was sure he had discovered

    Villaa he believed that the end of his life mistakenly as it turned out they was fascinated by the mystery and magic of the place with a great Snowy Peak swimming above it returning in succeeding years he took thousands of photographs he also took thousands of objects to the United States for study

    And safekeeping which is to cause wrangling between Peruvian government in Yale University for years afterward after the first world war binghams was into politics in Connecticut was a US senator for at for the state at the turn of the 1920s and 30s he and Alfreda had seven children but by 1937 she could

    Stand his persistent infidelity no longer and divorced him in the 1950s he had a controversial role as head of President Truman’s new loyalty review board which made it easier to dismiss civil servants for communist sympathies he died in Washington DC at the age of 80 in 1956 the Spanish conquistadors never saw

    Machu Picchu and consequently never wrote about it a few other Outsiders had seen it in the years before Bingham but he was the first one who revealed It To The World At Large and made him famous he has a moon Creator named after him and the character of Indiana Jones

    Is thought to owe something to him but is not highly regarded by Scholars he was not trained in archaeology his theories were wrong and the real Villa combo was discovered by another American Explorer Jean savoo in 1964 Machu Pichu is now believed to have been the mountain Retreat of the great Inca

    Emperor parch he who shakes the Earth abandoned at some point after his death in 1472 you have been listening to the this happened today in History Podcast I thank you for listening and I hope that you have enjoyed learning about historical events from the past thank you to the following websites for their

    Information regarding today’s topics the peoplehistory decom Lance Armstrong wins seven tour to Frances at Mormons settle Salt Lake Valley at I love history. and Machu picu rediscovered at historytoday dcom the music used as the background track for this podcast is Americana created by Kevin McLoud on if you enjoyed this

    Information and would like to hear more please consider subscribing as this will keep the historical events in your feed in the morning for each day I hope you have a great day

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