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    The GoPro Hero 12, the latest version –
    My current camera: GoPro Hero 11 Black –
    The GoPro head strap v2 I mount the camera to:
    A good quality MicroSD card that is fast enough for this 4K camera:
    A 2 pack of GoPro batteries and the external charger:
    Spare GoPro Hero 12/11/10/9 batteries:
    (clone batteries are cheaper, but perhaps less reliable)

    An excellent selfie stick and tripod:

    I also use:
    The latest Insta360 Go 3 micro camera
    An Insta360 Go 2 microcamera:
    An Insta360 One R 360 degree camera:
    Rode Wireless Go II Dual channel wireless microphones:

    If you’d like to support me by buying me a ko-fi, here’s the link:
    YS71 DFP

    He to for so have the audio drive to park on the crossing the top phone resting on his leg back to a phone call how are you I’m good thanks how are you I’m very well I noticed that little guilty pushing off off the phone off your leg with a littleone screen also

    Noticed why don’t you get a life ooh lucky very lucky you really are a sad sad person you know I have a great life you really are I’m not the one you sad horribly sad that’s just distraction you know what I’m you’re coming across like a toddler

    Mate I’m really sorry but you’re are a sad individual I’m not sad you are you’re sad no no no you really are you’re sad because you’re upset that bad drivers are being caught absolutely why did you push the phone off your leg come on why

    Did you push it off your leg so why don’t you put that camera take to the police cuz I was doing nothing wrong what were you why did you individual and You’ got nothing to do with your no wife no nothing just ride about on your bike all day long like a

    Little quer boy yeah hate speech NOA lucky you sto for that red light cuz you were going to go through Itor sorry you do whatever you like but you know what no one and on YouTube all your little keyboard worried no one likes you all these little guys sitting the

    Only people who don’t like me are bad drivers and bad citizens in their mother’s B yeah yeah that’s you you’re the keyboard Warrior you ain’t going to do nothing mate oh yeah of course I am the all the people that sitting there green light pay attention focus on your

    Driving it’s always amazing how they think I have a sad life I have a fantastic life yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean sure it’s not always perfect but I’m pretty grateful for it of course he knew was doing something wrong I


    1. With a mug like that i am surprised he rolled down the windy to show it off in public .
      the roads would be far safer if he was confined to operating a peddle car until he has grown out of throwing tantrums at the wheel .

    2. The Audi plonker probably believes he came away from that interaction looking like the big man. Nah. He's more like a big baby.

      A grown man having a 600hp tantrum. 😂

    3. I do think that if the law allowed car drivers to send footage in of cyclists to get them fined, you would get quite a few cyclists reacting this way to someone making a living from shopping them. With no reg plate, cyclists are safe for now.

      We do live in a society policed by cameras and fines after the crime(s), so do as the Audi driver here at your peril .Mikey is not the only one shopping people, car drivers do it to each other, too.

      It does come across as sad to me, we should be better than this. Many car drivers on here send in videos where you can clearly see they drive into danger so as to get the footage. Some send in videos where all they do is show how awful a driver they are.


    4. 02:22 plenty of us like you Mikey! This guy is a moron, throwing insults like a child. Never understood why people think being called homosexual is an insult, says more about his insecurities than anything else!

    5. Another scumbag driver who thinks his life is more important than another persons life with all this swearing thats a public order offence and aslo road rage lets hope the police get him in court he should recieve a ban for the combination of offences and the sooner this entitled pathetic lout gets banned the safer for everyone else.

    6. Was that a cyclists riding straight through a red light in front of you .
      How about confronting the cyclists for a change.
      OK now let loose all the car haters .
      All my point is it not just the car users that break the highway code.
      But it only seems to be them that get fined !.

    7. I like you . Sorry you get so many with horrible people . Rather than people putting their hands up to their mistakes, i know you are generous in that regard .

    8. I’m very curious what the person on the other end of the line thinks of this conversation. Assuming the line was still open and could hear it. Was it his partner, employer, employee, customer, child, mistress maybe?😂

    9. Besides the consequence of incurring points, just wondering if this driver's insurers have seen this video and have now reevaluate the risk this driver poses to other road users?

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