On February 20th, Docsity collaborated with Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II to host an engaging webinar titled “Study in Italy: Experience Naples and Launch Your Career at Federico II University.” The event showcased the vibrant academic life in Naples, the admissions process at Federico II University, and provided insights from current students and researchers about their experiences studying in Naples.

    Hi hello everyone and welcome to this event in partnership with the unol fedo my name is St and I will be moderating this webinar on behalf of DX so I see here that our first participants have joined us so a warm welcome to all of you we’re just going

    To wait a few minutes before we dive into our session to ensure that everyone has that chance to connect in the meantime please don’t hesitate to say hi or introduce yourself in the chat here furthermore we are curious to know where are you joining us from so please take a

    Moment to share your location in the chat thank you for being here and we will start shortly in the meantime I wanted to inform you that we got a Q&A session just right after the presentation so this is your chance to ask your questions to our panelist so

    Don’t be shy go ahead and type your questions and Curiosities in the Q&A box we will be thrilled to answer them so if you’re interested in receive the certificate of attendance issued by doc City say tuned because we will give you more information after this session and

    Now talking about the lineup in today’s webinar we will talk about why studying in um Federico SEO University and also we will dive into the admission process and we will hear from students and researchers testimonials coming from different fields like medicine volcanology chemical science and electrical engineering so as you can see

    I will not be alone here with me there is a rich panel of Professor and students so thanks again to being part of this event and thanks to all of you so without further Ado let’s get started welcome Professor costantino Delegate for Erasmus project the floor is yours

    Thank you so much stepania for introducing me and now I will share my screen just to give some information to the students so this okay so uh welcome the University of Naples and uh on behalf of our recor also from all the community in the University of Naples Federico

    SEO I am very pleased to welcome you all and um to this virtual tour this virtual event thought to give you basic information on the University of naap university ofoli federo that we call unina so start to learn this award unina and so actually what we are and what we

    Do in term of courses educational activities but also research and training and uh social and cultural activities uh unina is a uh our university has been founded 1800 years ago as you can see here in the slide we are doing our most important beard day 800 years

    And this is the year 2024 of celebrating this important beard day with many social cultural activity also involving our International uh student and um the university is one of the largest university in in the world having more than 8,000 students and almost 6,000 among professors and staff uh we have 26

    Departments uh where you can find the proper courses for you and 143 Bachelor degrees seven 7 six master and 42 research activity centers and the university is in close contact with the city so as you can see from the slide our building are spread out in the in

    The city of Naples and also our building includes some very important Museum of the city such as the paleontological museum and the Royal Botanical Garden that you can see here in the picture in the slide where you will enjoy your relax in the shade of a centu so the Trees of rare

    Beautiful and um you can see here some our classes our course taught in English even if we I have to say that most of our courses are taught in Italian and um we have um we think we have an international vocation so we have a website dedicated to International students International

    Professors and researchers so here the address please take a note and you will find here all the Practical information about the relevant activities and whatever you need for for living in Naples and to U all practical information that we also be done in this uh in this webinar but also are here for

    Your enrollment in our uh University this virtual tour this virtual meeting is your first chance to meet uh students staff and professor of our University so take this chance and try to learn how to be enrolled down to leave our University uh here in Naples but uh to fully experience a new

    City a new place a new country I think it’s Al always very important to be able to communicate each other to know a little bit of the language and a little bit of the history just to know people just to share ideas to have a Noel

    Friends and to be able to say how to ask a coffeee or or how to ask Pizza our traditional food uh for this reason unina our University uh is proud to offer Italian language classes for international dedicated to International students included in the fee I mean they

    Are completely free of charge and for more information about our international language classes please visit the website of the CLA the linguistic language Center but CLA is not only language it’s not only uh Italian language courses it’s also um CLA is used to promote interculturality throughout events

    Meetings films uh tour in the city and much more so feel free to visit this uh web and this will be your way to be part of our International Community so that’s all from my side so welcome in Naples welcome from the University Federico SEO we said welcome benvenuti

    So this is your first word in Italian so Ben venuti in the University feroo of Nabors thank you thank you professor costantino and now it’s the time of Professor Bruno cilano Department of electrical engineering and information technology coordinator of Prisma lab I will share our video now and then it will be the

    Time for the professor welcome to Napoli a city well known for its Rich history art culture architecture music and gastronomy let me take you on a virtual tour to man The National archaeological Museum of Naples and this is one of the masterpieces of the museum the fares Hercules this massive marble statue

    Depicts a muscular Hercules leaning on his Club he just performed one of the last of the 12 labors which is suggested by the apples of the asperatus he holds behind his back so this is a bowl like one of her apples and I’m going to place

    The ball at the tip of a slender stick and I’m trying to hold the stick from the button by achieving a sort of dynamic balance that’s quite tough and this is beyond the capabilities of an average humans only a juggler can succeed in performing this task maybe a robot manipulator can likewise perform

    This task to success successfully perform this kind of advanced manipulation task we need sensory motor skills Beyond those of the humans so I’m going to take you to virtually on a tour in prismal lab at University of Naples Federico SEO my student has just released the stick

    And the robot is successful in holding the stick from the bottom and stabilizing this dynamically okay so Bruno you can go on yes yes I’m trying to just let me share the screen stepan has some problem with the screen so yeah trying to do her job just a

    Second okay now it seems that share okay yes let me move this okay I think do you see my screen y yes okay perfect so a very good afternoon to potential students of of our University of Naples Federico SEO uh I’m connected from Las Vegas Nevada I

    Visit the uh drones and auto autonomous sys Lab at University of Nevada Las Vegas yesterday this was a a picture from yesterday with hubo hubo was the humanoid which was a joint project between us and Korea and they won the DARPA robotics challenge in 2015 so as

    The video show you know just we are we’re working in robotics and Robotics is one of the emerging Technologies because it will allow in the future to have intelligent machines to assist humans in a number of tasks so as you saw in the video you know we are at

    Prisma lab in the department of electrical engineering and information technology and this is one of uh the largest Department in engineering but let me just go to the you know what what we’ve been doing so that you get a sort of idea of of what we do in in in our

    Department in our robotics lab this is my research team as you see you know just they’re having quite quite a bit of fun we’re currently uh in the team we have three full professors three associate professors and two assistant professors we have four postdocs 11 PhD students and nine support staff and I

    Want to spend a word on the fact that we’re very International in the sense that for instance I got an advanced Grant from European research Council from 2013 to 2019 and during those six years I hired postdocs and PhD students from four different continents because I

    Do I me robotics is one field which is very interdisciplinary so you need skills coming from different areas mechanics Electronics electrical computer sensing and U and not last but not least of course Ai and to perform research at the top level as we’ve been

    Doing in the in in the in the in the last 35 years we can count on substantial financial support my team is able to raise about 1.5 1.4 million euro a year from competitive research projects mostly from from Brussels from the European from the European Union and

    You have to realize that competition is very is very tight because normally when when research proposals are submitted less than 5% of the proposals are accepted so this is to give you an idea of how competitive is to perform research at the Forefront of technology and we have collaboration with more than

    150 foreign Institutions and companies uh since the eight years we also been active in a sort of joint venture between the School of Engineering and the school of medicine I’m speaking about the ecos center the ecos center is a is one of the center that Valeria kindly mentioned it’s an

    Inter interde departmental Center involving two departments from the School of Engineering two departments from the school of medicine and another department which is Department of physics which also is in the same school of poly Technic which we we call it poly Technic school which includes engineering and and and physics and the

    Goal of the EOS Center is to develop technology for robotics technology for surgery and we are one of the pilot platforms for The DaVinci DaVinci probably heard is the current state state-ofthe-art for for robotic surgery and we belong to a community of 35 labs around the world

    We want we are one of the five selected labs for Italy in which we test new control techniques on a sort of let’s say pilot system which corresponds to the one which is actually used in the operating room so this is to tell you that there’s a strong contamination

    Between research carried out in engineering and applications in this case for for medicine so this is our research agenda we active in six main Fields those are ordered here alphabetically so it’s but just to give you an idea of how broad in Justice like technology and how many fields are going

    To be involved and impacted by technology so we active in a robotics why is AR nor normally you are familiar with drones drones are also used commercially as devices to inspect so it’s a sort of flying flying eye but the challenge when we speak robotics to have

    Not only a flying eye but also a flying hand and I’m speaking about inspection and maintenance of infrastructures like think about the tragedy tragedy of Morandi bridge that fell out in Genova six years ago because of lack of systematic inspection and maintenance and this is the case also of inspection

    Maintenance of industrial plants where the human labor is both very expensive and also it’s risky you know it’s sort of hostile environment the other area is AI in cognitive Robotics and this is the area where we want to develop intelligent machines intelligent robots which would use all the learning and Big

    Data capabilities of AI the third area is dynamic and legged robots I’m sure you have seen some of the acrobatic videos by Boston Dynamics by the way one of my former students is now the CTO at Boston Dynamics working on on the stretch which is a mobile manipulator

    Platform so this is the uh the idea to uh develop some systems which could exploit all the capabilities of the of the artificial limbs like legs arms and so forth and as you can realize you know it’s it’s it’s it’s quite a challenge to develop this kind of system the fourth

    Area is human robot interaction why is it so important because you think about robot the robot was introduced in the 60s to replace the human work but the new challenge indeed is to have a sort of robot companion a sort of robot assistant which can share the task the

    Mission the application along with the human so we’re looking this kind of of application and of course you know manufacturing is the traditional field it’s the biggest market for for robots so you know just we we have been developing industrial robots since the very beginning of our activities that

    Dating back to 35 years ago and last but not least medical robotics as I mentioned which includes both the surgical field as I show in the previous slide and the rehabilitation field and when we speak about Rehabilitation we you know think about for instance prostate is like artificial limbs but

    Think also about wellable robots like exoskeletons why the exoskeletons were where where introduced for therapeutic reasons to assist impair people people hit by stroke or people confined to in the life to a wheelchair to just just walk and have a source of sensory motor Behavior similar of to that of normal

    People now the challenge is that the exoskeleton has become already a commercial a commercial device which can be wor not not only by the people need some sort of physical assistant but also by normal workers think about maybe a clerk in a retail store or think about the logistics like for instance Amazon

    So if you wear this passive exoskeleton you can have a reduction of the effort on the Skeleton on the column and this reduce the occurrence of muscoskeletal muscoskeletal diseases so this is Andel now cost less than 5,000 years so we’re not yet at the level of this kind of

    Device like a smartphone but we we’re getting close a final slide is about our department I mean this this really you know completes you know just integrates with the with with the data that was shown by Valeria earlier so we are uh there’s a program in Italy which is

    Called Department of excellence and this uh really outward the 180 best departments in the Public University system and this year when I say well of course we are February 2024 but you know just academically the year started in in October 2023 you know just it’s like we

    Were selected Again by by the ministry for this department of excellence and actually this year has been a fantastic year for Napoli I’m speaking about 2023 not only did we become Champion for the football Sera but also the University uh was awarded with 12 departments belonging to Department of Excellence so

    We are second in the country only to the State University of Milan and we are the largest the largest university with with we are the the top university with the largest number of Departments of exell so we have 18 different scientific sectors for instance I’m a professor of

    Automatica which is like control and and there are professors of computers science Computer Engineering Electronics bio engineering and so forth and we are the largest engineering department in the school and we have more than 200 professors and researchers and 50 administrative and Technical staff we have eight study courses and a

    Population of about 6,000 students out of the I think the current population of fedo SEO is about 880,000 students which means that 78% of the of the total student 7.5% of the total student population study in in a course in our department we someone was asking in the

    Chat about PHD programs we have two research doctorates one in it and believe Information Technology and Engineering and the other one is the new doctorate in ICT for health because of this successful joint venture between engineering and Medicine we currently have 80 PhD students 120 postdoc and research fellows and 50 plus

    Laboratories and the in terms of the research projects and patterns we are you know among the top Department in the University we’re also last but not least the picture you see in my background is the new uh site is the new venue for engineering where if you roll Unity of

    Naple probably you have the option to take the first two years either there in the San Joan complex or by by by the stadium you know just like I say by the stadium because my big passions my two big passion as my mates my pals you know

    Are like football and Robotics in in any order so in San joanni we have five academies and probably the most known one is the so-called Apple develop AC Academy which was the only Academy that Apple opened in in our country but also we have the Cisco Academy we have the

    Cyber security we have the digital academy by by deoe and also last but not least the 5G Academy with the team team is the National Broadcasting Company uh thank you very much for your attention thank you professor cilano and now it’s the turn of Professor David maroko internal ation

    Committee hello hello to everyone I just uh we will do a step back a little bit uh I thanks a lot my colleagues Valentina and Bruno had already gave a very interesting uh uh view of the whole university I will now share a few slides

    Uh on my side and uh I think it’s uh we will do a step back because now we will uh see briefly some more General opportunities that we have at the University level and of course we had a great introduction already from Professor Bruno cilano about um the uh

    Engineering uh aspects are extremely important and uh this is just to give you uh the flavor of the level of international internationalization that we have at the University This Is Me by the way n de marocco I’m I’m with the internationalization committee at the university is my email just in case you

    Need some some of you would like some more information and um I uh I’d like to um give you a brief overview of some of the opportunities and the courses and the way in which the internationalization is played in the at the University uh so I saw some question already in the

    Question and answer so it is possible that some of the question will be already answered uh the university is very open International wise so we have lots of agreements with many other universities around the world we have over 2,000 agreements at the moment some are more

    Active some less of course but what is interesting is that for all this agreement there are some scholarship that the university provides in order to keep uh going all the international interest of our students and of the faculties of course now I’m more talking I’m talking specifically about the

    Students uh so there are scholarship for example for the international Mobility there can be like short Mobility a bit longer Mobility uh there are different uh uh different measures that are available throughout the years uh there are scholarship for the final year projects so something that can be done

    In collaboration with other universities with Professor with other universities in uh in in other countries so to do the final year projects in collaboration with uh some uh some other University you may feel uh interesting for uh your uh for for your area of studies there are scholarships specifically dedicated

    To support International students I’ve seen some question about this uh the biggest the most important was uh something called study Naples but this has to be confirmed yet for this year H unfortunately this is provided by the private company but there are also few uh International let’s say some few uh

    Private entities that supports the international students of the University but I think the most interesting elements that the university puts on the plate let’s say to support International students is the fee waiver policy so basically the international students uh this will I I think you will see this uh

    In in in other uh in other slides from other colleagues uh the university uh thinks that it’s so important to get International students for us as a university and to give also to our students the possibility to live in a more International environment the possibility to International students to

    Enroll without paying any any fee and uh I think this is a very very interesting opportunities and this gives the possibility to uh foreign student to International students as as you are to uh enroll to all our courses of course as U my colleague Valeria said the

    Majority of our courses are in Italian but there are also many courses taught in English here you will see our courses in English it’s actually quite small um but but uh they cover a very broad range of areas going from uh food to biotechnology engineering marine biology

    Data science and uh a very interesting opportunity is also that we have a course in medicine and surgery that is taught in English right this is uh sometimes rare in the in the you know Italian uh panoramas and another interesting opportunities that you may have is also to enroll in double degrees

    Some are those of the double degrees not all of the double degrees but just to let you know that the double degrees is a very interesting way of following of doing the university basically because it gives you the possibility to study in Italy so through the University of

    Naples but also to uh do some of your studies in another universities in different areas uh different countries and you will have the possibility to get the double degrees so the the degree from the University of Naples and also from the University that is connected let’s say uh with the University of

    Labels uh so this gives you the opportunity to uh study one let’s say and get two which are the the the two degrees for the two University for which the university is in Partnership uh those as I say that’s only few of the uh degrees that we can offer and if you

    Want more information my colleagues already said Valeria there is the website v. international. un. it and there you will find all the information about the bachelor degrees about the master degrees the double degrees and also as also Professor bu cilano mentioned the PHD opportunities this is also very

    Interesting uh because in order to favor internationalization of the PHD courses usually the university has a certain number of scholarship P PhD the baries specifically dedicated to uh International students and this is a great opportunity I think also to uh experience uh the great possibility that

    We can offer in terms of research of course and more gener education and academic education uh I will be happy to uh give you more information if you need and uh enjoy the rest of the webinar thank you very much thank you professor marocco and now it’s the time for Professor Federica

    Visconti Department of architecture okay I cannot share the screen if the previous uh it is there is the could you please no no we have uh the the screen shared by prev uh David I called you please okay now now I can do it now I can do it okay

    Okay uh hello everyone uh I’m vonti I’m a professor of architectural design in the department of architecture of the federo SEO University uh in my department we have eight study courses in architecture urban planning uh industrial design and two PhD program but uh this evening I’m I’m here to uh

    To talk about a special uh experience I think an amazing experience I did in the last here in the framework of the Erasmus uh plus program um and the Experian is a bip bip is an acronym uh that means Blended intensive program and uh it is a um a new action

    Of Erasmus program uh that uh combine um a compulsory virtual component and a short intense Ive physical uh component uh in order to organize a blended intensive program uh you need to apply with a project and I immediately uh thought uh of Pompei uh because Pompei

    Um as you probably know is uh one of the most important archaeological site all around the world uh under the Nesco uh world heritage list and in 2023 uh Pompei uh hosted uh 4 million of visitors um so uh I uh built this program with uh many International partners that you can see

    In this slide uh three universities from Germany uh one University from land and one University from Austria uh the student um applied uh the virtual component uh following on uh on internet uh lectures seminars and uh developing small exercises but when they arrived physically uh in Naples they had

    The opportunity to visit uh very special places as you can see in this slide obviously the archaeological site of P but also our uh building that are uh in the heart of the historical uh City Center uh obviously it was an experience of uh architectural design here you can

    See students and Professor from the uh five foreign uh uh University um but uh they had to work on architectural design for the South Boundary of Pompei that is a um a special place uh where the archaeological City touches the Contemporary City and where all the system of the entrances to the

    Archaeological area uh are so here you can see only uh some uh drawings uh produced by the students in mixed group uh under the supervision of the professor uh in 10 days uh in Naples uh but obviously uh this experience um was not only an experience of study

    But also an experience of life here you can see the students uh meeting uh together uh and you can see the students uh in along uh a starcase of one of the most beautiful uh Palazo uh in the historical City Center of Naples um they have uh this experience

    Uh only for 10 days uh I hope uh we will be able to uh welcome some of you in Naples for uh a longer uh period of study in our University uh federo thank you thank you Professor Visconti and now it’s the turn of Cristiano prer University officer for federo SEO this

    Will talk about admissions hi thank you for your introduction stepania uh this is Cristiano um I work for the universal team uh which is a team um dealing with the admission procedure of international students of our University let me share my screen I give you

    Okay I hope you can catch my screen okay so um to begin with just try to ask yourself a couple of questions if do I need a Visa or am I a you student or EU equivalent student or am I non student residing abroad uh who are exactly EU student

    Area or EU equivalent student they are European citizens or non-european citizens with a stable residents in Italy or in another EU country for those there is no need of visa and you can enroll directly to the university in Naples if you are non student residing abroad you are a non-e Citizens residing

    Outside an EU country in this case you necessarily need a visa so you must pre-enroll first on universal website and then you will pre-enroll only then only after you will enroll directly to the university University so it’s a mandatory step the pre-enrollment on universityal website if you need a visa

    Uh before you enroll and before you PR enroll uh make sure you have chose the right program the right course of study so visiting the relevant Department website or program website in order to verify the entry requirements if the program or the course is a national

    Fixed quot or a local fixed quot I um there are National or local restricted courses and if there is an entry test or admission interview or any other particular requirements you are to comply with uh the two mandatory requirements you will find two mandatory requirements specifically in two cases

    For uh programs taught in Italian uh the B2 level uh certification in Italian uh is mandated or otherwise you will attend a remote assessment or a remote interview organized by the course coordinator the second requirements the second mandatory requirements is for the perspective student for second cycle and master

    Degree programs that is the pre pre-acceptance letter issued by the course coordinator which are the documents you need uh for the pre-enrollment phase or and for the enrollment phase for the pre-enrollment uh that we remember is only for uh perspective students that need visa and this uh and this a

    Procedure that you will uh perform only on University website you will need for perspective students to bachelor degree or first cycle degree only passport the transcript of the final year uh the high school diploma if uh already available in in case of second cycle or master degree perspective students you even

    Need additional documents that is the transit of records with a detailed description of the courses attended and exams passed uh to obtain the final degree the final degree certificate of course additional qualifications like language certificates motivation letter any kind of letter or recommendation uh the pre acceptance

    Letter is warmly recommended in this p in this in this phase in order to speed up the pre-enrollment procedure uh the Declaration of value released by The Italian local authorities such the embassies or general consulates or she may have statements of comparability and verifications are optional but not recommended in this

    Stage then uh for all once in AES uh the documents required for the enrollment stage are for first cycle perspective student or bachelor degree the identity card the passport passport photo visa and permit of stay of course mandatory for no new uh students residing abroad the Declaration of value or S statement

    Of comparability and verification in this stage is mandatory in order to enroll you if you are a new students the diploma supplement will suffice uh in addition to these documents for second cycle and master degree um the documents are basically the same you already uploaded during the pre-enrollment phase so there is the

    Trans transcript of records with the detailed description of the courses uh the detailed description on the course of the programs taken um in your country and the final degree certificate uh if you have any doubt about your status uh you want you can can find additional info on the uh visa

    For Italy website that is the website managed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in order to know if you need a Visa or not then visit of course our international. unina uh.it under the admission regulations you will find additional info and you will find our contacts so you can feel

    Free to contact us uh to our uh personal email addresses okay so see you soon in Napoli thank you so much crisano and now it’s the turn of studance and researcher testimonials that will talk about how is like to studying in Naples so we will hear from Fatima jao Lucas and Michael

    So Fatima uh student in medicine and surgery it’s your turn good good afternoon everybody H I’m honored to have the opportunity to share my journey and experiences here at University of federo SEO H I am Fatima Mahar originally from Afghanistan H my patient for medicine and surgery has been a driving force uh

    Since my school days uh the dream of becoming a heart surgeon uh fed my determination through years of uh hard work in uh 2018 I commenced my studies in medicine and surgery at cabal Medical University and uh it was uh the first of making true my dreams however H as fate

    Would have it the political crisis in Afghanistan in August uh 2021 uh forced me to leave my beloved country uh behind uh when I was a third year student of medicine and surgery H arriving in Italy I found myself uh grappling uh with the dting prospect of losing my dream

    Forever but uh a midst of uncertainty a lot of Hope emerged uh when I got the opportunity to see for the entrance exams at the University of Federico SEO uh this University uh not only welcomed me but also uh reite the flame of my aspiration uh here at the Federico

    I can say that dreams are nurtured and brought to life federo is not just a place to study it is a vibrant h of knowledge and culture that battling with the diversity from uh around the globe H they Championship among the students uh regardless nationalities uh Foster and enriching learning environment uh where

    We can exchange ideas and experiences Braden our prospective beyond the confines of our individual backgrounds uh beside the University of federo SEO I have to say about the city too uh neples is a place where history and Beauty converged uh niples offer A trasure TRU of the architectural Marvels and

    Historical sites to explore enriching our cultural experiences outside of the Academic Place and uh let’s uh not forget the H soothing embarrass of the sea where we can find a moments of quite Reflection by the shore H I have to conclude uh my journey from Afghanistan to Italy from C

    To Naples has been one of the resilience uh perseverance and hope that federo SEO has not only provided uh with me the opportunity to pursue my dreams but has also become a home away from home a place uh where dreams flourish and find new life I immensely grateful for the

    Uning support and warmth I have received from uh this University and city of Naples thank you thank you so much Fatima for your testimony and now it’s the turn of jao student in volcanology hi everyone I’m jao I’m studying volcanology here in Naples uh before this I studied environmental Sciences in Padova

    Northern Italy where I’m from I will share now some uh pictures from Naples and some field trips that we did during the course Okay so here there are a couple of pictures on the side that are that I took in napl on the left it’s a picture

    Of napos during a a day that Napoli football team was playing so there are all the the light blue decorations uh put uh uh between the buildings and uh on the right there is a beautiful sunset that I took uh at the Royal Botanical Garden that I really

    Suggest you to visit if you come to Naples because it’s beautiful then in the center this there is obviously a picture of vuse studying volcanology here in um here in nepos is beautiful also because uh the master degrees is completely focused in volcanology um differently from other universities around

    Europe uh here are a couple of pictures that I took during field trips on the left we were at Villa Regina close to Naples and uh on the right is a picture I took in procha where we did a 3-day field trips at the end of our courses of this

    Semester lastly there is this picture of all the students of my year H here we are at the fan fields we went there the with the researchers of the uh vesuvian Observatory to learn how to get gas samples from the ferals and uh in the back you can also

    See uh some researchers that are working on the sensors of the station that is set up there at the larian fs studying in napos is really a beautiful experience because the city is beautiful the food is really good and also the people are really nice and

    Helpful I really suggest you to come to neples thank you so much DMO for sharing this and now it’s the time of Lucas chemical science student hi everyone my name is Luke I’m a a student in the department of chemical Sciences here at Fondo um apologies for my connection and

    My screen turning on and off but I think we should be good for the next couple of minutes um so I am originally from the United States of America um I grew up near the city of Boston and then I attended University um in a state called Maine to

    The north and there I studied biochemistry I also studied Italian and um I had the opportunity to study uh antibiotic resistance in bacteria um specifically carbohydrate chemistry was my field of study and following that I wanted to continue both my studies in um chemistry biochemistry and my studies in Italian

    And that brought me to Naples to a lab group here for a year um on a fellowship uh through the United States government and I continued that that field of study I’m still in the department of chemical Sciences I’m still uh focus on carbohydrate chemistry but the direction

    Of the lab is slightly different and so I have the opportunity to learn uh a lot of new skills that I would not otherwise have had the opportunity to learn not least of which the experience of being in a completely new city which has been fascinating and

    Incredible and has taught me a lot about myself um and the people around me and I would highly recommend it to anyone considering going abroad for study and specifically the city of Naples um I think we were asked briefly just to say a couple of our our highlights of of

    Living in the city and one that I will share is the weather um people I come from a pretty cold place uh and people say that it’s really hot here and maybe it is during the summer but for pretty much the entirety of the academic year that I’ve been here it’s

    Been perfect weather um I’ve gone swimming um it’s sunny uh I love leaving work and it’s warm out and I don’t need a coat um and so I really enjoyed my time outside of the University as well as inside of it uh something that surprised me about being here is the

    Access to International students one of the reasons I chose Naples was because I wanted a very Italian experience and I wanted Italian exposure um and I’ve really gotten that for sure but I’ve also had a lot of opportunity to interact with International students and make a lot of connections and as

    Someone from the United States that is not always um the easiest thing to do and so I’ve been really grateful for that and generally I’m happy to answer any questions about my experience here and as everyone else has said um it’s a great City and specifically this is a great

    University thank you so much Lucas and now it’s the turn of Michael Electrical Engineering and information technology students yes thank you and thanks for all who joined my name is Michael sing and I’m also from the United States hi Lucas and I’m from New Jersey uh in the United States I studied Computer

    Engineering at a school named Villanova uh and right now I’m in Naples as a visiting researcher uh through a full bright scholarship and I have to say my experience in Naples has been extremely positive and enriching and I have a couple of photos that hopefully I can

    Show just to talk a little bit about it um this is my lab it’s named the laboratory of augmented reality for health monitoring uh and it’s a really cool group that I’ve been working with the projects span from artificial intelligence to virtual reality and even some collaborations in particle physics so

    This University of Naples is really top level research going on so it’s been super enriching for me um my project is related to something called brain computer interfaces so this is taking brain signals and turning them into information so there’s me on the right getting a setup to have my brain

    Scanned um but outside of academics as no Naples is beautiful there is so much history there’s a fantastic soccer team a football team uh and just a couple snapshots of friends and colleagues in different parts of the city um but my favorite part of course is the food um

    There’s a lot of great food here and if there’s one thing I would recommend is coming to Naples you will have lots of great meals and share them with a lot of great people uh and yeah if you have any questions about Naples or any doubts I’m also feel free to reach

    Thank you so much Michael and thanks again to everyone now I will go with few questions that are really interesting so the first one is when we can apply for 20242 yes uh can I reply stania sure this an important thing so the the enrollment will start in the midle of

    July um we don’t know um the the exact date yet but you will we will publish on unina the federo secondo uh portal the exact uh date but approximately from the the midd of July uh for the first and for the second cycle degrees um for the second cycle

    Degree the uh or master degree the enrollment will um the the deadline is the the following March following March for the first cycle degree is in December so this is the only the only difference okay and another another another thing another important thing is about the pre-enrollment procedure for

    Those who need visa the pre-enrollment procedure that is mandatory for perspective student students uh needing Visa is approximately late in March so we’ll start in March and will end for our institution approximately um in the end of at the end of of June okay okay thank you so much Christiano

    And another question is um do you require to provide an English proficiency test like I toel this depends on the on the course you wish to apply uh in jary uh if the class is in Italian of course we do not require the English proficiency but if

    The class is in English and there is a list of the English to classes on the website at international. on.it uh of course you need uh to provide your knowledge of English perfect thank thank you so much professor costantino and they are also asking if you offer fulled tuition fee

    Programs so and also how much does it cost to study Naples per year uh as far as far as the uh tuition fees concerned uh for non EU student for extra EU student are completely free or charge so they will pay only 16 EUR um stamp this is compulsory

    €40 for the but this is a regional tax but to fedo SEO the the tution Fe is completely a free of charge for each Academic Year for EU students there is a fix um fixed quota that is200 Euro and um together with the the of course with

    The regional with the regional tax that is always that is a fixed amount and this is always € 140 for you students or for extra you students okay perfect if I can add something sorry just to maybe clarify I think there are lots of question about scholarships the scholarships sometimes includes the

    Tuition fees and also maybe something else right so the tuition fees as as far as the tuition Fe is concerned it’s free like for the nonu students right so there is so there is no scholarship but there is no no tuition Fe right and there are also some scholarship that

    Give some funding to help the students to pay their living cost right so I I think this should be clarified because I’ve seen a lots of question about this right so the tuition is free for nonu students so it is true that there is no scholarship so you don’t you cannot

    Apply to any scholarship but because it’s free right so the scholarship only helps students for the living cost and in that case we have some opportunities that of course covers some in in a limited way the cost the living cost there are also many question on a

    PhD um so in Italy um uh we have um selected number of PhD position and uh you have to apply in a public call and I I put on the chat the address for the information about the um all the information about the PHD uh classes

    Available and you will find here also U the U the date for the call that is not usually it cames on the mid of August and in this case you will get a kind of scholarship that will cover either the tuition fee and either partially your uh expensive of living

    Here in Naples but Naples actually is not a very expensive uh um City you maybe the international student can give more information than me but it’s about 500 for a room in a shared apartment using of course bathroom and the kitchen and uh the food

    Is not really a problem you can also eat with a two or three Euros for a lunch uh it’s not it’s not bad it’s a very good and um so I would say that it’s a kind of 10,000 a year more or less to cover your living costs here Naples Maybe

    Student Lucas you wish to add something about this sure um yeah I can speak to that I would say that’s about right for accommodation depending on what neighborhood of the city you live in some are more expensive than others but that’s a good estimation and in terms of meal yes um

    Something that is not the case where I come from is that it is really not comparable to uh go out for a meal versus to buy groceries but here um it’s it’s reasonable to go out to eat um I eat a lot of pizza Michel can also

    Attest to that we’ve had many pizzas together um and it’s it’s never too expensive and so that’s something I’ve I’ve really appreciated yeah and experiences in general in access to other places the Metro Etc not too expensive thank you thank you so much for sharing I’m sure that this is really interesting for

    Our students so we got a lot of questions and now I will share with you a link in the chat where you can find more information about the university and also I will share super quickly my screen with you so you can see this website so this is the website for international

    So here you can see a lot of informations and also they got a frequently ask question sections that you can see and you can contact directly the university here in the page so if you have more questions please feel free to to just pop up an email to the

    University because unfortunately now we run out of time so it was a pleasure for me was this webinar was really nice to be with you today and thanks again to our panelists to be with us today and thanks to everyone to have joined us to have been so curious and responsive with

    Your questions so I hope you learned a lot and that this webinar helped you to discover more about Federico SEO University and Naples so I’d like to remind you that you can contact also the panelists in the University uh via the link that I share with you in the chat

    And if you’re interested in receive our certificate of attendance you have just to click in the link that I share right now in the chat and we will share the recording with you in the following days so please keep an eye on your maail and thanks

    Again everyone I hope to see you again in the next webinar in partnership with Federico SEO University it was a pleasure for me have a nice day bye bye by thank you thank you we’re waiting for you bye

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