Hi there! Here’s what I did in Bordeaux and St. Emilion in France.

    Follow for more @whatnowlorenzo

    Hi welcome back I’m Lorenzo and today I wanted to share my trip to Saint Milian in the Bordeaux area spent four days there total two days in each kind of area so here we go first stop was a winery tour and this was more in the Bordeaux area so we stopped here

    First with our rental car tons of different wines and they really ranged in price so there was actually like really affordable ones like six euros but yeah you could go all the way to like 500 euros depending on what you wanted so yeah this area was just really

    Beautiful we mostly just wanted to do this tour so that we could do the tasting but also so that we could take some pretty pictures and like a pretty chateau I love a turret like put that on a building and I’m gonna want to go there

    So yeah it was really cool to be able to go into the fields a little bit and learn a bit about how they make their wine and how they grow their grapes it was also pretty historic land so it was interesting to learn about the history of the winery and how it was

    Originally owned by Cardinals and all that all that good history stuff then we hopped back in our rental car and drove to our hotel in Saint Emilian and this was our Splurge for the trip we stayed in a really nice chateau it was so gorgeous the building was

    Beautiful it was updated really nicely our room was really beautiful and we had a lovely view of The Vineyards in the front of the estate and then what I’m calling the backyard of the hotel is just this beautiful garden it’s very simple we have wild flowers kind of in different sections

    And then just this beautiful view of The Vineyards Great photo op if you’re looking for a place that’s a great backdrop I know you can have weddings here as well it’d be a beautiful place to have a wedding And then we ended the night with dinner at the hotel this isn’t included you have to like reserve it and then pay for it separately but it was amazing food definitely the fanciest dinner we had on our whole trip in Europe it was really wonderful and the food just kept coming

    Like because all the dishes are kind of small I expected that I need to eat everything in order to get any sustenance but I was so full at the end of the night the next morning we drove out into the village of Saint Emilian to kind of explore a more historic features

    And kind of just do a little Joyride going through and looking at all the different Wineries and Vineyards that are in the area it’s such a beautiful area I just I love the stone that they use to build their buildings so beautiful so we took a little bit of a walk around

    It was really nice because they had these kind of informational posters around so you can read about the different spaces that you’re looking at and get more context so it was really like tourist friendly The Village itself was beautiful it was very hilly and some of these steps were not

    Super stable so definitely wear tennis shoes but tons of little nooks and crannies to explore like we found this like old Monastery and you could walk in for free and just kind of take a look around as well as the church that it was connected to I just loved all these like

    Arcs and structural Stone in the buildings I just thought it was so beautiful Yeah just a lot of stuff that looks old because it is old um I just think it makes a great backdrop if you’re taking photos or if you just kind of want to learn about a new place I thought that was fun then we ended the day in the pool at the

    Hotel it was small but lovely space and then had a little picnic out by The Vineyards the next morning we were driving back into Bordeaux it’s only about a 40 minute drive 30 to 40 minute drive so it’s not too far we dropped off our rental car and then booked into our

    Hostel we stayed at the central hostel which was an impeccable location we could walk to everything that we needed to walk to it was great thank you we took a walking tour I mean it’s a made-up thing but there was a video on YouTube that we watched which I’ll try

    To link below that did a walking tour around Bordeaux so we tried to follow that so it started over here by the Saint Andre Cathedral and this Cathedral actually pretty much wowed me I was kind of shocked by the scale of it and it was just really special I have

    Been in a lot of churches like like Cathedrals churches in Europe I did study abroad in Rome so tons of churches like maybe a hundred but that one was really special I thought it was really beautiful next on the tour we’d kept walking around to see the different historical sites and just cultural

    Things of note this was by the opera house just like kind of cool art all around I really really recommend taking that walking tour if you can because it’s it’s just a great way to kind of get your bearings around this city and it only took us I think a little over an

    Hour to do the whole thing from where we started one thing that I will say that was kind of like shocking was that there was like no barriers around where their streetcars went so people would be driving in between them and like walking through them and it just like was kind

    Of shocking to me because I’m used to having like rails up so I don’t like get hit by the train um so that’s something to get used to if you’re uh yeah if that’s not something that you’ve experienced before we walked through the public garden which was really big and really beautiful

    Um there’s a little garden behind this wall that you can go and see as well with like plants and their labels it was really fun and interesting then we ended with a walk along the river And we had to see the reflection pool which I thought was really cool it was a hot day so it was kind of nice to have water all around yeah lots of kids running around and splashing so if you don’t like that maybe a void but I thought it was really

    Fun it’s just a nice public space for everyone then for dinner we wanted um some Ramen so this was the best ramen I’ve ever tasted in my life which I didn’t expect I love this restaurant would totally recommend it then we headed back to our hostel for the evening Next morning we needed to do laundry so we went to this place called wash bar so you can order drinks while you do your laundry there’s bathroom it’s really great for breakfast we went to The Breakfast Club had a full English I had the vegetarian version

    And yeah it was just a lot of food and sometimes you just want a huge meal we then spent a couple hours at the school of wine just trying different wines they’re so inexpensive there so we could try a bunch of different ones we got a little a little tipsy and then we

    Had our dinner and this was probably one of the best dinners I’ve ever had this pizza was incredible and that is everything that we saw so let me know what you thought of this video I have a couple more little travel Vlogs coming out in the

    Upcoming weeks so stay tuned for that if you like this video please like And subscribe I make videos every week about fashion style travel so if you’re into that stick around I hope you all have a fabulous day and I’ll see you next week with another video just foreign

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