In this episode: We leave Tarbes, France, and head south into Spain. We stop in Lourdes to see the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes church before continuing south and crossing into Spain thru a very long tunnel. Once in Spain we promptly get lost do do a loss of data on my phone so we eventually have to pick a town to stay the night and find a nice place in Ejea de los Cabelleros! The next day we struggle with navigation while heading to meet up with a friend from my high schools days. Then, significantly behind schedule, we head towards Vitoria Gasteiz to meet another good friend.

    0:00 Intro
    1:22 Map
    1:37 Into Lourdes
    2:45 Underground Church
    5:35 Into Spain
    6:45 More Cows!
    10:15 Heading off to meet a friend
    12:08 Wrap up.

    Hi and welcome back to WeRideMotoz!  I’m Glen and I’m Carrie. In this episode we are heading from Tarbes down   to and I’m going to try to say  this Ejea de los Cabelleros. Wow. It’s probably not right but I tried uh and along  the way we’re going to stop at a place called  

    Lourdes and apparently they have a church there  to check out. Yeah check that out. See you then. Okay so this morning there  wasn’t a whole lot to see   in Tarbes so we got up early and we headed out.

    Uh and zipped the way along and when we got to  Lourdes, which wasn’t very far, we stopped at   a coffee and, oh my goodness, probably the  sweetest waffle I think I’ve ever eaten! It was it was just tiny but holy  mackerel they put a lot of sugar in it.

    It was jazzed you right up for the rest of the  day that thing did holy! Yeah that’s for sure! So the reason we stopped in Lourdes and I’m  reading my notes because I’m not going to   remember all these details but there’s  a huge Cathedral here and it’s a it’s a  

    Big ticket item if you’re a Catholic (it is)  and uh it all started in I think around 1858   a young girl was down by this Grotto and  she had 18 apparitions of Mary. The local   priests they all figured this was worthy of  a cathedral and by what do I have here 1876  

    They had built the upper Basilica and underneath  it was the Crypt which was the original church   now I believe it was all built at the same  time but that’s where uh where they started. Yeah it was quite a a different  type of church because it just  

    Had all these layers and it was it was  actually really interesting to visit. Yeah big long walkway you approach it  so uh you wander down this walkway and   as we’re walking along we heard music or singing. We heard this music and it looked like  it was coming out of this tunnel well it  

    I thought it was just speakers. Yeah  but we have of course we really like   under anything underground or tunnels and stuff. Ahh my inner gopher was coming out. So we had to go check this I so we  walked down this long tunnel and sure  

    Enough there was this huge underground  ,I guess it’s an underground church,   and they were having mass and all the people  were singing and it was just. This (actually   really) this church is massive it’ll seat  upwards of 25,000 people (this underground  

    Church) this underground church. This isn’t  even anything to do with the main church (yeah) As we left uh we came around  so I’m not exactly what sure   but we came down the front stairs and  kind of swung around to the left and  

    Around behind they were holding another  mass or another another event anyway. That was an outside Mass. Yeah and just past that you can  come to a wall where you can fill   up your water bottle with the  Lourdes’ water (that’s right)   which is spring water piped out of The  Grotto where the apparitions happened.

    So it had all these little fountains but it was   I we saw some people trying to fill  them up it was kind of just dripping. Well, I actually did some research  on that and they made that portion   where it dribbled out like that so you  only got enough water for your I can’t  

    Remember what they call that but your the  basic religious stuff and if you wanted to   fill up a water bottle well they had another  space where the water flowed (oh that’s why) This particular Church and the  surrounding area has been criticized   as the Disneyland of the Catholic church  just because of the commercialization.

    So well on the street leading to  the church yeah it was just yeah. The church itself is great there’s nothing  on the grounds but yeah definitely on the.   Gift shop selling everything  you could possibly think of. Once we were done in Lourdes we packed  the bike up and we headed out on what  

    Was supposed to be a reasonably short  day because tomorrow we were going to   meet up with a friend of mine from high  school so that didn’t turn out as planned. In Carrie’s favor we did go up a little  mountain road and guess what we saw up there.

    Oh it was just lovely we’ll show you hopefully  yeah there’s we’ll show (you took some videos   of the cows) yeah there was more cows with the  bells which yeah I’m a sucker for that and it   was I guess in we’re cross crossing over into  Spain today and in these mountain areas the  

    Families on Sundays, it was a Sunday, they pack up  their picnics and they go up into these mountain   areas where all these animals are on range  and they take their tables and their picnics. Yeah they hawked everything, they  had boxes and bags and everything  

    And up into the meadow where the cows are set up. Set up their tables at lunch. Yeah it was it was really neat (pretty cool)   it was really pretty up in the  as we got up into the mountains

    Barrier? Bar the Canadian? Which I had to kind  of stop are they saying we can’t go there? No Canadians? No Canadians. Something about their  cattle guards they call them Canadian barriers. We cross into Spain and it happened a little  differently than we had anticipated we entered  

    This tunnel and actually I think we  were getting low on fuel at the time. We were. We actually stopped on before we  enter the tunnel and there was some kind   of police police checkpoint or something there. So we just asked how far to the  next gas station and of course  

    Language barriers we didn’t quite  understand what she meant but she   said after the tunnel and I thought  she said like 12 km or something. This tunnel went on and on  and on (so we went into the   tunnel) and it got colder and colder and colder.

    The France side go into the tunnel  and came out of the tunnel in Spain I was navigating from the back  and my Google Map recalculated. We got lost basically. It was a little longer day. We hadn’t booked our accommodations for  the night so we had we came down out of  

    The mountains and stopped for a coffee and  figured we probably better find a place   in Ejea de los Cabelleros and that’s  where we stayed for the night and uh. I think there was lots of little towns that we   went through but none of them  seemed to have accommodations.

    It was little, we might not of had a spot because  we were having trouble finding it tonight. Yeah. Winging it usually works for us  because we’re off season but uh   it was a little close on this one. It was yeah.

    So I parked Pepe in the no parking  zone and we called it a night So we packed up in the morning   and uh we’re leaving Ejea de los  Cabelleros! I just love saying it. You like to say I was going to say.

    And uh but part of the reason we got lost  yesterday it was we realized now that our   data had (yeah) failed or ran out. I think  we were running on my Italian SIM card.

    We found out later you only have a certain amount  of out of country data which we had used up as we   made our way through France so by the time  we hit Spain we didn’t have any data left. So we we we left got lost again took a big D tour,  

    Rolled into town an hour and a half  late because we couldn’t contact   anybody because we didn’t have any data uh  but in true European style uh my friend who,   you know it’s been 30 plus years I didn’t  recognize her at all from back in high school,  

    Uh but they were just enjoying a coffee and  waiting for us to finally show up so yeah we sat   down had a had a coffee had a great visit you know  they showed us their home and and uh her husband  

    And her sons are into for sport or for fun it’s  kind of like running the bulls or hey uh you know. I think they’ve had some close encounters. Yes they have. So it was quite interesting we  were kind of wondering why you  

    Would do that as opposed to play soccer  but. Yeah soccer seems a little safer! Certainly does. Yeah so we finished up the visit it was  great to see them again. uh saw her and   her brother uh who were both in high school  with me and we headed out uh quite a number  

    Of hours behind schedule because uh we  did have a straight shot on the highway   into Vitoria and that’s where we’ll end  this episode when we catch up with our   friends Mike and Shelly in Vitoria and  we spend a couple days with them. Yeah.

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