In Part Four, I explore the remaining quadrature alignments of the precession sequence: the the 90-degree square alignments.

    Some of the dramatic events which coincide with these alignments include the beginning of the Copper Age (at the Pločnik and Belovode sites in Serbia), the first-known gold artifact (from Yunatsite, Bulgaria), the development of proto-writing (the Vinca symbols from Vinca in modern-day Serbia and Turdaş in Romania) and writing (the Kish tablet from modern-day Iraq), the domestication of the horse (in Ukraine or other steppelands north of the Black Sea), the invention of the wheel (with the earliest evidence from Bronocice in modern-day Poland as well as from Uruk, Sumer), the invention of the plow (from Bubenek in the Czech Republic), the first astronomical observatory (Nabta Playa in North Africa), the earliest pyramidal structure (the Anu Ziggurat in Uruk, Sumer), the megalith and stone circle explosion (primarily along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines), the oldest anthropogenically modified mummy (Arica, Chile), the first year of the Egyptian calendar, the onset of the Bronze Age beginning in Sumer, and the onset of the early Minoan culture in Crete – all of which occurred during the precession square which came into alignment one quarter of a cycle ago).

    Other correlations include the onset of the Epipalaeolithic era in the Levant, the first pottery used for cooking (from the Xianrendong Cave in China), and earliest-known spear thrower (from the Combe Saunière Cave near Dordogne, France) (three quarters of a cycle ago); the early beginning of the Gravettian period in Europe, the first of the famous animal murals painted in the Chauvet Cave in France, and the earliest-known map of the stars (in the Geißen-klösterle Cave near Ulm, Germany) (1.25 cycles ago), and the first-known cave paintings of Homo sapiens from the Leang Tedongnge Cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi (1.75 cycles ago).

    My website is:

    The excellent graphics in this video were created by Darrin Drda.

    The quadrature alignments we have now explored dramatic correlations between the powerful axial alignments conjunctions and oppositions of the procession cycle I.E the relationship between the winter solsa sun and the galactic Rift with Watershed events in the archaeological history of humanity after examining these in detail I turn my attention to the 90° Square

    Alignments their addition completes the powerful quadrature sequence of aspects following again from Taris research my hypothesis is that we might expect squares to be most strongly operative when they are within 10 Dees of exact but may demonstrate a penumbral orb of up to 15° precession Square One qu cycle

    Ago the most recent Square alignment between the solsa Sun and the galactic equator before the conjunction of our own time was the remarkable period one quarter of a precession cycle ago close to exact in 4,431 BC with a penumbral 15 degree orb extending from 5,510 to 3,360 BC this profoundly pivotal time

    Saw the beginning of the copper age the development of protor writing and writing the domestication of the horse the invention of the wheel the invention of the plow the first astronomical Observatory the megalith and Stone Circle explosion and the onset of the Bronze Age an estimate for the human

    Population on the planet at this time 5,000 BC is 40 million our earliest evidence for copper smelting comes from the plotnik and bellod sites in Serbia dated between 5,500 and 5,000 BC this development Falls within the 15° penumbral orb of the precession square and marks the early beginning of the

    Copper or chalcolithic Age The Mining and application of copper for weapons farming and other tools and implements the first metal to be widely used constituted a powerful leap in human technology also from this period the earliest known human artifact made from gold is a 15 centigram gold bead

    Discovered at unat Bulgaria and dated at 4600 to 4500 BC very close to the exact PR Square the next major advance in Metallurgy occurred sometime between 3500 and 3,300 BC when the Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia made the consequential discovery that adding tin to Copper during the process of smelting

    Created bronze a substance which was much harder and more durable than copper it was also easier to cast into longer weapons and other complex shapes this marked the early onset of the Bronze Age as br bronze implements replaced those of copper for making tools and weapons hunting and farming became more

    Effective leading to surpluses of food which could support greater numbers of people in larger Urban centers and ever more complex societies Bron swords axes and daggers which can maintain a very sharp edge were highly prized and helped to create an elite warrior class which could afford the more lethal and durable

    Bronze weapons this is thought to be one of the factors leading to increased social stratification of this period the development of protor writing and writing was a deeply emancipatory theme that unfolded during the precession Square which reflected a major leap in human intellectual development dated around 4,500 BC the vinka symbols found

    At the settlement sites of vinka in modern day Serbia and turdos in Romania are the first clear Undisputed examples of human protor writing the time in is extremely close within one degree of the exact Square alignment of 4,431 BC even older symbols found on clay tablets at the site of tartaria

    Could originate from as early as 5,300 BC though their dating is considered controversial the next Quantum Leap in this process was the famous Kish tablet of 3,500 BC or possibly slightly later a date which Falls within the 15 degree penumbral orb of the precession Square this Limestone tablet of pictographic early cunia form

    Which was discovered at Kish in modern-day Iraq is considered the first known example of human writing though it has not been successfully translated 3500 BC is also the earliest date proposed for the still undeciphered IND descript the invention of the wheel was another Quantum Leap in human cultural and technological development the

    Earliest known depictions of a wheel vehicle can be seen on the brono chiche pot discovered in modernday Poland as well as on pottery from UK Sumer in modern-day Iraq dated about 3,500 BC this invention occurred near the end of but still well within the 15° orb of the

    Precession Square wheel carts and wagons enabled people to carry large quantities of goods for long distances greatly broadening the range of trade networks and cross-pollination of cultures perhaps just preceding this invention The Potter’s Wheel is also believed to have emerged in Sumer about 3,500 BC in several other developments the earliest

    Evidence of the plow comes from buban in the Czech Republic dated between 3500 and 3800 BC the estimated construction of the first known three-story building built by the catini trilia culture in what is now Ukraine is 3700 BC the maiden settlement in Ukraine during this period is thought to have been home to

    Between 12,000 to 46,000 people and over 3,000 homes the most populous city in the world at this time another notable development during the period of the pression square is the oldest anthropogenically modified mummy found in arica Chile and dated at 550 BC over 2,000 years before the first Egyptian mummies mummification suggests

    A stage in human consciousness associated with increasing fear of death and desire to preserve the body and ego the earliest known pyramidal structure the Anu zigurat built about 4,000 BC in Uruk Sumer also predates by almost 1400 years the first pyramids in Egypt It is believed that the Egyptian pyramids were

    Elaborations of these much earlier temples from Sumer the Magnificent white temple in Sumer was added to the Anu zigurat some time close to 3,500 BC dedicated to the god Anu or Heaven the temple was a site of religious rituals which were thought to unite Humanity with the Divine the year

    4,242 BC is also thought to be the first year of the Egyptian calendar a date which Falls within three degrees of the exact precession square of 4,431 BC the earliest possible domestication of the horse in what is now Ukraine and other step lands north of the Black Sea is estimated around or

    Before 4,000 BC and dated around 3,500 BC still within the 15 degree orb of the precession Square the early minoan culture began on cre evidence for Humanity’s growing interest in Celestial observation was found at the North African site of napapa sometimes referred to as the Stonehenge in the Sahara dated at 4,8

    800 BC this correlation Falls very close to within 5 Dees of the exact Square alignment of 4,431 BC natilia is possibly the world’s oldest astronomical Observatory Keystone seem to have been aligned to the summer solstice and onset of the summer monsoons archo astronomical analysis also suggest that key parts of the Stone

    Circle may have been originally aligned to the Stars serious Urus and Alpha centu the final profound development during the time of the precession Square was the explosion of stone circle and megalith Construction in Europe along primarily the coast of the Mediterranean and Atlantic beginning around 4,700 BC

    Within a tight 4 degrees from the exact precession square of 4,431 BC this surge would continue for another 2,000 years to create 35,000 men megaliths the giant Stone circles and megaliths can be seen as evidence of powerful shared religious feelings in our ancestors similar to that of the

    Dramatic Stone circles erected in the fertile cresant during the immediately preceding precession opposition as we have seen as well as to the cathedral building fervor in Europe of the Middle Ages in which every cathedral was devoted to Mary they also indicate a burgeoning passion for astronomy and astrology

    Some of the most important Stones were aligned to cycles of the Moon earlier dates and the sun later dates the impassioned construction of these circular temples and rows of stones erected during the procession Square suggests a time of intense spiritual enthusiasm in the collective psyche it

    May also be seen in some ways as one last imp passion celebration of the Eternal rounds of Mother Nature and her Primal immersion in the natural world the circles as well as profound yearnings for vertical Transcendence the upright Stones these formations also represent a powerful honoring and

    Celebration of the medium out of which many human tools have been made for millions of years Stone this was the substance that formed the very basis of the 2.5 million yearlong stone age a period which was just ending the spiritual and creative Euphoria of the stone circles emerged just before the

    Onset of of the patriarchal ERA with its challenges of increasing population ongoing competition and escalating Warfare these pressures would drive human evolution forward at an accelerating speed in the Millennia ahead toward a far distant but deeply yearn for Omega point of peaceful coexistence and higher meaning for our

    Species pression Square 3/4s of a cycle ago after looking at these Watershed events which occurred during the process session Square just preceding the conjunction of our own time I was curious to examine the period of the square alignment from three quarters of a cycle ago this was the Midway point

    Between the opposition of the Agricultural Revolution half a cycle ago and the conjunction during the first permanent human settlement one cycle ago the period around 18,000 BC is considered the onset of the epipaleolithic area in the Levant in what is now Lebanon is Isel Jordan and Syria nomadic hunter gatherers began to

    Make more advanced tools from splint and obsidian blades which were hafted in wooden implements 18,000 to 177,000 BC also coincides with the earliest evidence of pottery used for cooking as opposed to making figurines discovered in the shanan dong cave in southeast China it is thought that these clay

    Vessels might have been used to boil snails and clams the extreme cold of the Ice Age and resulting food shortages may have prompted the transition to cooked food which delivers more energy than raw food and finally the earliest known Ole or spear thrower made of a reindeer

    Antler was found at com sonier cave near dordoy France dated at 15,500 BC or earlier this correlation is also somewhat close but not exact it is also possible that spear throwers may be much older in origin the next period I looked at was during the square which came into alignment 1.25 precession

    Cycles ago exact in 30,233 BC these rich Millennia coincided with heightened creative activity of our cultural ancestors across Europe and the earliest known map of the Stars 31,000 BC is considered the early beginning of the gravettian period of modern humans in Europe there is evidence of burgeoning widespread use of plant

    Fibers to make baby carriers clothes bags baskets and Nets Innovative Fish Hooks and alls as well as tools made from animal teeth and bones were common in this period in another development the first of the famous animal murals painted in the chave cave in France is dated at about

    30,900 BC within the tight 10 degree orb of the square with most of the paintings determined to be from the period 30,000 to 28,000 BC finally the world’s oldest possible star map of Orion the hunter is estimated at 30,000 BC within 3 degrees of the exact precession Square this Tusk

    Fragment with carvings on both sides was found in the guisen clera cave near urum Germany recession Square 1.75 Cycles ago after these discoveries I was curious to look at the seminal period spanning the Millennia 44,000 to 42,000 BC which gave birth to the first known cave paintings

    Of homo sapiens I found that these important Works were created during the precession square of 44165 to 42020 BC which was exact in 4389 BC 43,500 BC is the date determined for the earliest representational art of humanity and the first ever that depicts animals which are warty pigs the these

    Watershed paintings created with dark red ochre pigment were found in the leang tedong cave on the Indonesian island of sua wessi recession Square 2.25 Cycles ago a recent discovery places The first Homo sapiens in Europe chromagnon as early as 54800 BC found in a rock shelter known

    As the grot mandran in the Ron River Valley these fossils push back the date of the first modern humans in Europe by 10,000 years there is also evidence of neander TS living in the shelter with various layers suggesting that homo sapiens and neander tals occupied the site at different times replacing each

    Other for several Cycles until the neander tals disappeared or were blended into modern Humanity these discoveries possibly coincide with the precession square of 2.25 Cycles ago though the date of 54,8 Falls one degree late of the 15 degree orb of the square the square was exact in

    55,974 BC with a penumbral 15 degree orb of 57,5 to 54,9 BC another recent discovery May Place members of homo sapiens in Greece as early as 28,000 BC though the exact dating remains uncertain this could coincide with the precession square of 2,320 to 20989 BC but the dating estimate is not

    Accurate enough to evaluate a correlation in this study pression Square 2.75 Cycles ago following these discoveries I was curious to look at the square which occurred 2.75 Cycles ago I found that the earliest use of heat treated mixed compound gluing from the sabodo cave in South Africa is estimated

    Around 68,000 BC the complexity of the glues cre ation and processing is evidence of a burgeoning advanced cognition in another development the earliest known abstract or symbolic art of homo sapiens was discovered in the blombos cave in South Africa from 68,000 BC these Stones engraved with cross-hatch grid patterns are considered

    Strong evidence of a growing modernity in human consciousness and behavior blombo’s cave in South Africa has been called The Cradle of human culture idyllically sit situated near the edge of the Indian Ocean our ancestors who lived there left a treasure Trove of unique artifacts important finds include shell

    Beads engraved ochre and the earliest drawing of homo sapiens as we have seen humans visited blombos cave repeatedly between about 101,000 to 70,000 years ago it is thus interesting to note that the first abstract symbolic art of humanity emerged during the procession square of 2.75 Cycles ago 68,000 BC in lombos Cave

    Of South Africa the earliest known cave painting emerges from the opposition 2.5 Cycles ago 62,000 BC in the malra Vico cave in Spain the first cave artwork which depicts animals is dated during the square of 1.75 Cycles ago 43,500 BC in the leang tadong cave in Indonesia and the earliest carve

    Figurative art of humanity May coincide with the opposition of 1.5 Cycles ago in the holenstein stle cave in Germany but the dating of that of art is not accurate enough to know in the next section we will look at several of the octat alignments and important archaeological correlations with Them

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