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    I have discovered that Albania is indeed safe, the people are awesome and it has some of the best roads I’ve ever cycled on since starting my adventure in London. In my video I have an Albanian lunch with a view, cycle into Greece and nearly get attacked by killer swans.


    1. Only the people that visit the country will understand how simple and beautiful it is! We should learn to ignore all the propaganda spread against Albania on social media! Awesome video, thank you Nathan 🙂

    2. I lived in the USA for 30 yrs and I'm planning to Retired in Albania. its the best place to retired, it's cheap and great people to be neighbors with.

    3. Snezana Radojicic,zena kraljica,od 2011 godine putuje biciklom po svetu.Bez para,bez drustva,sa ogromnim strahovima krenula je u svoju avnturu,sa svojim privremenim saputnikom,bez koga ostaje posle par meseci,a takodje ostaje i bez novca,ali ona nastavlja da se kotrlja i evo vec sedam godina povremeno zaustavljajuci se da svoje putosestvije prenese na u svoje knjige,kao i na svoj blog i na youtube kanal JE,I PUTUJTE ZAJEDNO SA NJOM,,,NASE MALO NEKOME ZNACI MNOGO!!!!

    4. I absolutely love Greece for it's countless of landscapes and things. But I also think Albania has some beautiful landscapes on it's own. Never been there but as with Greece's video's I have seen plenty of video's from any country on the planet. Like this area and the mountains in the North of Albania. Good stuff

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