An amazing adveture to Aber Falls

    Drone footage
    Neil Godlieb

    The nott’s lass

    My gear
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    Bike luggage bags

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    bike side stand

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    Cycling aero bars

    Bike chain lock

    Hello and welcome uh now this wasn’t supposed to be a Day Tour it was supposed to be an overnighter but uh things have happened uh yesterday I had to go to the post office to pick up a parcel and then I had to wait in for a

    Delivery so that’s why I didn’t do a while camp on this one but uh nonetheless we’re going to go to Aba fall see what it’s all about uh it is a little bit Breezy today winds are about 10 m hour but it is a constant wind uh

    It’s it’s a seab breeze we get it all the time and at the moment it is in me face but hopefully after uh after um what’s it called now colwin uh I go a little bit more Inland so hopefully it’ll give me a little bit of a break anyway we’re not complaining

    It’s nature it is what it is right let’s crack On [Applause] [Applause] right so I’m roughly over halfway now I’m at Conway uh the smallest house in Great Britain and uh I’ve broken the tripod yet again it fell off the bike and the mount that holds the camera is now smashed so I’m having to do everything handheld but when you get

    Lemons you make lemonade don’t you so I’m just going to stop uh have some sandwiches I think I’ve got chicken and mayo um have some sandwiches have a brew admire a bit of the view and then we’ll get cracking on [Applause] Sh [Applause] Right so I’ve just uh been up to the falls absolutely magnificent it was well worth the effort set off at 8:00 this morning roughly it’s now about I think it’s half 1 but don’t forget I’ve been stopping filming and I’ve had a half an hour’s break as well uh I think Google

    Said it takes about 2 and a half hours to get here by private jet maybe but not for me you know when you bite it back in you’re ambling along you’re taking your time um yeah it’s been fantastic uh hundreds of people even well half term’s just finished it’s a

    Sunday of half term they go back tomorrow uh the kids uh and there’s still droves of people coming up um and it has been drizzling as well and it’s not stopped them as far as uh coming up here with your bike yes you have to be a

    The curties of people um but it’s a nice gravel path um it’s you know mountain bike gravel bike I dare say I could probably even get the road bike up here uh that’s how nice the path is yeah undulating uh not too difficult not not too many climbs but yeah it’s been

    Brilliant anyway that’s been waffling there’s a couple of YouTubers uh that have been looking at their channels and they can do a far better job than me with the aerial photography and I will leave links in the description to their channels and I’ll put on the screen

    Where their names so here’s a little bit of dramatic landscape for [Applause] You [Applause] [Applause] Right so I’m only halfway there really aren’t I cuz I’ve got to go all the way back to real yet um so Conway isn’t halfway it’s quar of the way right yeah so I’ve just had uh a Kendall cake and I’ve had some of the coffee that’s funny

    Enough still warm that flask is really good that I’ve got loads more people coming up now um and just down at the bottom there is like a little bit of an exhibition thing that I cycle past to see the waterfall so let’s go and have a look at that Now A So as you can see I’m back in Conway the cycle back to here wasn’t half as long as what it was going to AB a Falls obviously because I’m not stopping I’m filming every 5 minutes uh it is quite busy in town uh and I’ve just realized that as wells’s Schools go

    Back after the half term it’s England’s turns NE turn next week’s out that’s why it’s probably so busy cuz it’s not usually like this um lots of cyclists about as well today so as you’ve seen I’m just going to TU into my couple of snacks put a bit

    Of fuel in the tank and I think the coffee should be still war if not doesn’t matter uh I’ve got water on the bike as well so as I took into this lot I’ll just show you a couple of things that I’ve done on the bike right so the first thing I’ve done

    Is I’ve now got a first a kit on the front I need to tweak this little bit a little bit because before it was actually rubbing on the tire I think I need to pack this out a bit more uh in there it’s just my roll mat uh my roll pad for sleeping

    Um inflatable one that’s still in there from the last Camp not sure if you’ve all seen that but that just holds maps and phone equipment Chargers that kind of thing now this little mod that I’ve done here on the handlebars this is like the stuff that you put around um pipes to

    Give it a little bit more padding but it’s not actual closed cell foam it’s kind of a rubberized so I’ve just been testing that out obviously I’ve just got it kind of Cel taped there and there um to see what it feels like and I’m quite

    Happy with it it gives a lot more padding than just having the handlebars you know I’m doing long distances so what I’m going to do um I think it’s next payday next week I’m going to get some orange wrap for on there uh to go along with all the orange that’s already

    On the bike and then just in there uh obviously I’ve removed the shelter cuz we’re doing a day tour and in there is just my buty box my gortex over trousers which I’ve now taken off I did have them on before cuz we had a bit of the spitter spatter R

    And the micel F and that’s all that’s in there but yeah the uh the bike is doing well no issues whatsoever so if you are new to the channel um there’s plenty of videos about bike packing and the gear that I use and that kind of thing I’ve

    Not actually done a video about the whole gear that I take yet maybe that’ll be on a future video but this I will look through down from this one four or five the last four or five have been about bike packing right so you can see

    We’ve got a flight of steps here I don’t need to go up them I can go around the other way around there and I can cycle up to the next level up there but I just wanted to show you a little trick that I’ve got this is a this is a rock climbing

    Sling Dena sling so let me pick that up right so the slings around the center part of the bike obviously that’s going to go on me shoulder and then I can carry the bike up the steps no issues okay so the slings on there wonder if you can see there’s my

    Bike there’s a sling there’s the steps make sure I’ve not left anything behind which I haven’t so it obviously works quite well very quick to set up near at the top now right so there has been plenty of scenery on this uh this video that waterfall absolutely

    Amazing um I’m glad I didn’t do a well Camp there if I did I’d have to go higher up which means I’d have to get a train and do it by Rook sack and not the gravel bike uh I’d have to go right up onto the

    Tops um did meet uh young lass and I got chatting to her which she had some local information she was from cland dno so um if you’re watching this hello uh Nia and I also spoke to a chap in Conway when I stopped there um he’s now

    Subscribed to the channel as well so hello Paul and your misses and your little doggy um yeah it’s absolutely been brilliant it has been brilliant now if you’re just getting into bike camping I wouldn’t suggest you do this kind of mileage I think today I’ve covered about getting upwards of 58 miles so

    We’re up there at 60 M nearly again um ignore what Google Maps says to you I mean I’ve I’ve been stopping all the time to film obviously but what one thing that Google Maps doesn’t take into account is wind speed I’ve had a constant 10 to 15 M 15 mph wind on the

    Way there slows you down considerably and it takes a bit of steam out your legs as well if you want to get into bike packing maybe you are already but if you want to get into bike packing start with small steps you know try five

    Miles then you know 5 Mile there 5 Mile back 10 Mile there 10 Mile back build it up that way don’t be ridiculous like I am I do cycle to work um every day of the week I do 50 or 60 mile to work working back um plus all me shopping

    Going seeing friends all that it all racks up so I do a lot of mileage per month um another thing is make sure you’re physically fit and able to do it that’s why I say do it in small steps build up and most importantly make sure

    Your bike is fit um if you’re not mechanically proficient take it to a shop get them to give it the once over uh I do most of my repairs anyway even even if I go add a br wheel I’ll just buy a Wheeler liner and do it

    Myself I’m a bit like that I’m a bit handson uh and also make sure you take a pump and two inner tubes um two spare inner tubes you never know get yourself some uh some bite bags frame bags that kind of thing I’ll leave lists of uh to Links in the description

    Box below to some of the bags that I use Etc some of the gear that I use uh I’m not going to put all my camping gear on there because I been camping so you’ll have to go and have a look at a camping video to see what I take camping yeah so

    I’ve really enjoyed it now that little trick with the um Dena climbing rock climbing sling that’s what I want to show you it’s handy to have because like I say I didn’t need to use them steps that was just for a demonstration I could have just cycled around and up um

    But that’s something that stays in my one of my uh bags now and also a couple of t cable ties and a pair of um you know a multitool with players on it you know that kind of thing uh because I thought I’d be able to repair my mount

    With a cable tie today but didn’t work so I’m going to have to get a new one of them so note yourself I need to take the mount that’s on the tripod and another Mount so I need to buy two now but yeah I’ve managed to do it I’ve managed to do

    It all Handel I’m on the selfie stick now it’s been absolutely brilliant right I’m at uh where am I now cland dullis uh I’m near cland dullis thought this might be a little spot for a bit of a wild camp now there is a car park here we’ll just spin you

    Around there’s a car park and there’s there’s Ben there’s these benches everywhere so it might not be a good idea especially in the height of Summer anyway I reckon this place will be rammed because the beach is about 10 minutes down that road so up that way is

    A place called rid of oil it’s just a little village but you get traffic from there from ABI coming this way so I reckon in the it’s not so bad now cuz we’re in winter but uh in the summer I making it be quite busy anyway that’s me

    Waffling is it uh yeah so I’m at canderous I don’t know maybe 20 minutes half an hour cycle home now the bike needs a serious clean um but that’s not going to happen today going to start editing this video today when I get back and have something to

    Eat even though I’m not you know I’m not starving I’m getting that way I’m getting ready for me Sunday lunch so I think I’m on lamb chops tonight I think a lamb chop um Lamb Chop Sunday dinner few roses bit of edge that kind

    Of thing get some fuel in the tank in it what a beautiful area right as always I hope you’ve enjoyed the video if you have give me a thumbs up press that little button receive all press press the little bell receive all notifications every time you

    Upload a video it will notify you and is uploaded another video great you can watch it um also if you haven’t already subscribe to the channel it all helps the links in the description will be affiliate links I am Amazon Affiliated I haven’t made a penny off it yet I’ve had

    Like nearly 900 clicks on on this stuff and I’ve not made one penny so it just shows you you can’t make a lot of money you know out of doing this don’t even make that much on uh 3 monitorization so if you managed to get through all the

    Adverts thanks very much right me waffling see you on the next one guys thanks for Watching A


    1. I bet the smallest house in Great Britain pays the most Council Tax per square foot! Lovely vid Andy, some great shots. Reminds me of the time I spent living in Swansea in the early 1990's, it rained nearly every day and I never saw the big round yellow thing in the sky.

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