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    00:00 Intro
    01:06 Kowshik’s Introduction
    03:20 Goa’s Portuguese Culture and it’s influence on people
    07:10 How people around you influence your study abroad destinations?
    08:15 Rat-Race of Education and it’s effect on Students
    10:55 Are you a product of NATURE or NURTURE?
    15:57 Why Indian Entrepreneurs are preaching fake facts?
    21:57 Can you earn more in India compared to Western Countries?
    26:40 Why no country is the β€œBEST” Country for you!
    29:50 Salary in Top Indian IT Companies
    32:08 Pros and Cons of Moving to Germany
    33:45 Different People – Different Experiences – Same Country
    38:36 Bharat’s Experience in India 2023
    41:22 How quality of life can be improved in India?
    42:31 Why confidence and public speaking skills play an important role?
    46:01 Why should you improve yourself and be’SELF-AWARE”
    48:08 Would you be friends with the 5-year-old version of you!
    56:24 Why you should have a good company of friends?
    58:34 What factors helped you improve in the last 5 years?
    01:01:07 1. Being Independent!
    01:04:59 Be Exposed to Newer Perspectives and Experiences
    01:08:55 Kowshik’s Internship at Porsche – Finding Jobs in Germany
    01:15:51 How Kowshik started working on the GRE Course?
    01:18:16 Kowshik’s method to work efficiently and meticulously
    01:26:20 Kowshik’s German Language Germany
    01:30:25 What Kowshik’s learnt from Bharat?
    01:31:35 Why β€˜being independent’ makes you a better person?
    01:34:32 BiG’s new Free Course – GRE Strategy Framework
    01:38:15 People are scared of β€˜responsibilities’
    01:39:30 Outro

    Like you know in the ninth grade hey like 10th is like super important then you come into 11th and then yeah you know 12th is very important and itj and all of these things are like super important to give the race the rat race for engineering or whatever it is starts

    At 9th standard when in reality these days it’s not 9th standard it’s 7th or much below than that see it’s not that there isn’t opportunity there isn’t way to do it in India there is but you have to recognize that you cannot paint a broad picture and say that today life in

    India is easy this is the best place in the world this is the greatest thing in the world for you if India works well and good for someone if it doesn’t work let them live their life no I think inflation concept is somehow nonexistent in India because of how crazy the

    Population is like you can always get somebody to work for you at the same like price and you don’t have to raise the salaries because you can get somebody who can do it for cheaper when you become responsible for washing your own underwear washing your own uh

    Clothes and cleaning your own room and making making sure that you know when your next meal is coming from and how it’s going to come from you will immediately learn the realities of life so today’s podcast is a little bit special because I have kosek with me and

    Kosek is somebody who is going to do an internship in my dream company which is paraa so that was something super interesting for me to hear from him and he’s studying into you he comes from Goa and he has been uh working in the big Academy alumni team for almost 3 years

    Now and um so we get to talk about different kind of topics what kind of topics are a little bit disturbing to the students because we get a lot of emails too so we want to kind of like speak about all of these things with the

    Context of um somebody who has come to Germany who has learned German who is now going to be working in a super special company so kosek welcome to the podcast give us a little bit background about yourself other than what I already covered and um let’s see where we go

    From there I that’s a good way to bury the lead you just put up this thing straight up on the intro itself yes um I did land a inter not an internship it’s a thesis at Porsche but yeah we can get into the details of it much later like

    Like you introduced to me and I guess a few people would have seen me on the channel I’m Kosik sson I’m doing my masters in computational sciences and Engineering at um T brke I’m currently in I’m going to start my sixth semester by the time the summer semester starts

    And yeah that’s the journey I come from a small place Goa I live in a small place which is BR comparatively it’s kind of feels like the same thing so yeah I guess we can talk about the differences in uh what you have experienced in India and uh what you

    Experience in Germany but at the same time for someone who comes from a very Portuguese influenced um location like yesterday there was the carnival here the weekend which we have is the carnival and exactly the same time there’s a carnival happening in Goa also which means that

    It’s culturally a lot of things I’ve already seen so culturally a lot of things are very similar here but yeah we can always see what the differences and similarities are but yeah I’m really excited to start a conversation and um yeah like you said we always have a lot

    Of emails that come in and we want to talk about a lot of things with students so yeah you can lead the way you can start the conversation so kosek uh tell me about the story of um Goa because I actually when I was in the Goa for my

    Meetup I thought like okay A lot of people are going to come but in the end only like one person was there and he also I think drove 30 km with his bike to meet us in a restaurant or something and that was in 2018 so like the channel

    Was like absolutely zero but from him I got to know that like about this Portuguese influence that most of people also try to push to go to Portugal right so you growing up in Goa so were there like thoughts about like rather going to Portugal because a lot of people were

    Going there or was it no like I want to figure out my own things um let me frame it in two different ways so just as a historical a small historical context of how Goa came under Portuguese it’s um people would say yeah the British ruled India so what’s the difference there but

    The difference is the British the East India Company came in the 1600s but they didn’t technically start ruling till like the late 1700s or the early 1800s the difference is in Portuguese when they came here it was pretty much about the occupation so they were ruling Goa

    For 450 years can you imagine 450 so in that sense it’s very much ingrained into the culture of uh Goa a lot of a lot of people who converted to Christians or Catholics you know you can see their roots are still in the Hindu culture which was there there so a lot of

    Traditions are very common you know Carnival is not a religious Festival although you can say that it’s a very Western influenced Festival it’s not a religious thing for them it’s just a cultural thing so they just you know uh come out and celebrate it like like it’s nobody’s business and and yeah like

    Growing up for me the it was already I am not from Goa technically though my parents moved there technically my dad was there since the’80s I think yeah he moved for work uh opportunities and then once he got married and my mom and my dad both lived there so I was basically

    Brought up in Goa but culturally I’m from Tamil Nadu so there’s always been a mix Mash of cultures for me uh I lived in a community where it was a lot of rajasthan’s few gujaratis few people from Kerala few people from Karnataka so it’s always a hot podge of cultures so I

    Never felt at home let’s say either when I was in Tamil Nadu or I was in Goa it’s just it’s always been a mix of culture so for me the influence which you’re talking about like a lot of people wanting to go to uh Portugal that comes

    Mostly from these native goans who have the opportunity to obtain a Portuguese passport right so if for example you your grandfather or your father was alive and was a Goan before 1961 that’s when Goa got its Liberation then you definitely had the chance to obtain this citizenship and you can give up renounce

    Your um Indian citizenship and take the Portuguese passport and then with that a lot of people used to come to Europe even then the weird thing before brexit was a lot of people used that to get into UK also a lot of my friends their

    Fathers all of them were in the U um were either working in the Merchant Navy or they were in some company in the in the UK so that was always the roote but it was mostly for people who wanted to who had a lineage in Goa so there was

    Never there was never a consideration for me to go to Portugal and of course um it also helps that your family knows the language or your family is at least is influenced by the language right so because I studied French in school till 8th standard you had the choice to uh

    From 8th standard you had the choice to change languages so I chose French so if you were inclined to go to Portugal you would have chosen Portuguese so in that sense I was never about going to Portugal for that matter yeah right because the main story comes for example

    Even in India right um my surroundings were growing up in harana right so in harana what most people do is they want to go to Canada Australia um mostly Canada and Australia and then like us comes for the people who are like generally a little bit richer or a

    Little bit more more ambitious Canada Australia is more like you know this is the mediocre stuff like I’m pretty sure like I’m going to find something to do there for sure so like that’s the general like safer choice that I saw and if you take a look at the guati

    Community like for them like the most important thing is like going to Goa right like for them like nothing else like comes into question most of the times then you see the malali community most of them end up in Dubai or like Middle East or something so many people

    I know like so many malali people who are like just like you know there because other people went there so like that’s that’s what I find extremely interesting that how much of maybe where we end up being is um maybe influenced by other people in my case uh like if I

    If I think about it like I was also influenced because that um when I was 2 years old or something at the three years two and a half three years of age we were in um fror uh in bber and my father was working as a scientist there

    In the University ofor um and we lived there for around 2 and a half 3 years something like that so that was the time when I started going to Kad right and this is the time when you have your first few flashback memories you cannot really remember an entire like scene

    Yeah but somehow you can remember some kind of like pictures here and there like that like you know maybe that happened that happened and so on so like my influence was from that time when like um things were extremely nice in Germany um everything was super clean it

    Was uh relatively safe like if you leave your B bicycle outside or something like nobody’s going to come and steal it um and like for me it was like paradise when I like compared it to India when I came back that uh teachers were more lenient uh in the kindergarten like you

    Know they they let you do stuff of course it is kindergarten it is not school but even in the school like in Germany what I like found out from people afterwards like things were just a little bit different then a little bit like further pressure came when I think

    About the time of our 10th and 12th right like so it essentially starts in ninth itself like you know in the ninth grade hey like 10th is like super important then you come into 11th and then yeah you know 12th is very important and itj and all of these

    Things are like super important to give and I somehow K do not remember I don’t have any kind of like Memories which I’m happy about like from this time like from 9th to 12th is it’s a little bit of a black hole that I just like do not want to like remember

    Because it was more about how much time you’re spending locked inside your own room then it was about um what vacations did you go on what kind of trips did you take like did you go like hang out with your friends did you go visit another country things like that which I see

    Completely different here like I see people having the time of their life during their teenage years yeah of yeah no what you kind of gave away a hint at how old we are because I also agreed when you said that the race the rat race for engineering or whatever it is starts

    At 9th standard when in reality these days it’s not 9th standard it’s seventh or much below than that so that clearly shows how old we are that because at the time when we were studying it was still 9th standard was considered to be okay and yeah I see that’s the biggest

    Question right are you a product of nature are you product of nurture and it’s it’s that biggest philosophical question that you know they always keep asking and I think it’s like a mix of both right because for me nurturing aspect of it was that the par parents

    Because they didn’t get chance to study they didn’t get chance to you know educate themselves and work in an industry which valued education so they always insisted that you know education is the most important thing for you that is the key for you to succeed but at the

    Same time they were not pressuring me that you you have to get this you have to get that they recognize what what my ability was what my level was and then just said do to the best of your potential like if you know you can study

    Well if you know you have interest in this particular line make sure that you give your best in that line my diet was only about did you do better than what you did last time is there someone who did better than you and can you get to

    That level that’s it I always used to complain to him Dad look at this like the 10 people got below me I’m like no he doesn’t care about that he’s like can someone get better than you and can you reach that potential that’s that’s all

    Do you have it in you and he’s never like percent it’s never like that whereas the nature aspect of it I would say again going back to the conversation about Goa it’s I would say it’s a very different culture living in Goa maybe not now but in the early

    2000s than living in rest of India because Goa is there’s a term called suad suad means your late to uh wait what is it yeah late to rise and early to bed makes you a successful man in Goa it’s exactly opposite of what the US culture is right it’s because the life

    Is very chill there right people don’t they’re very self-sufficient I would say everything and anything they need can be attained or can be you know achieved within living in the 40 km radius they you know for them when they marry off their daughters or marry off their sons and they

    Say is 25 km away whereas imagine my mom when she was getting married to my dad it was 790 km away or 800 km away so for them the the the aspect of it when you said right you only one person came to meet you when you did a meet up there I

    Wouldn’t be surprised the exposure to going abroad for studies is increasing now because of the again the rat race of IAT J you know there’s an IAT and an nit in Goa and there are in all including itj and the local ones there are eight engineering colleges is8 or nine I think

    At this point so that rat race has started now in the past 5 years I would say since I graduated and much more today but in that sense I would say people were not that exposed if your family was well off to do and you had some connections you know that you can

    Go to the US you know that you may be able to go to the UK but beyond that no one talks about this in class right for me I didn’t know about Germany as like coming as a destination for studying till one one professor said okay do you

    Know when a Mercedes goes by I’m so amazed by it because I don’t hear the sound whereas when you see a maruti or some Tata Inda go by I can hear the sound coming from miles away so he was amazed by that when he talked about it I

    Like oh can you actually go to Germany and then you research and you find out and do it but I would say in my batch when I actually decided two years later to come and study I don’t think anyone came to Germany for that matter I would

    Say five or 10 people went to the US in that sense out of a class of 70 right whereas if you see in other more popular states more popular cities more where there’s a lot of exposure there’s people like 50% of the students straight away choose that Masters is the way to go

    Right it’s all about the access to information right I don’t know I was I’ll tell you um I’m exactly 1 month and 10 years from when I first had internet connection I got my first interaction when I was in 11th standard for me the World opened up only after 11th standard

    Mhm I after I finished my 10th exams I was chill 2 months I was off vacationing with my relatives and there was this wedding that wedding this when I came everyone is like hey did you know there’s a new I coaching Center we already took admission I’m

    Like wait when did the results come out I didn’t even know I was a thing and then Lu in that one two months I was running around finding out so like that exposure I think is the major thing which people lack and that’s especially

    True in Goa was in true in Goa for a few years now it’s not because of the proliferation of you know people wanting to study abroad and all that but that’s the biggest question right is it what you are exposed to or but then there are still people who don’t know all these

    Things and still they come out and they achieve right they don’t know anything about um their family is in a very remote Village and still they find out the best information so it’s Al also about motivation I guess but yeah it’s a bigger conversation which I guess you’ll

    Never have an answer to no I I actually find this uh conversation extremely interesting because I discussed about this video with my brother recently but I think like I wanted to also take your opinion on this um so there was this guy right I will play the video if you have

    Money India is the best place to live 20 years ago for all aspirational folks the best ticket for a good life was apply for Masters outside India is it still true today I don’t think so most of them are more like a economic migrants right you didn’t have opportunities here for

    The skill set and you had a better life out side but today salaries are on bar your saving potential will be much much higher in India than in the west because the West it is kind of saturated apart from very few roles T2 cities you can get a highend flat for 20,000 rupees

    Rent or something like that the savings potential is quite huge and also the quality of life is also much higher in India if you have money India is the best place to live you get you know five maids and driver and everything is taken care of in the west you can’t do that

    People are now probably thinking that’s not the only route oh like to me like this dude is like like from these chump statements he made like he became my lifetime enemy even though I absolutely don’t know him and here’s the funny thing kosek um like I definitely want to

    Take your opinion on this and um I actually the first time I watched this video I thought he must be living in India in Bangalore or something then I saw this on his LinkedIn Sid Cup England United Kingdom and this jump like sitting outside probably like made his

    Life outside and is now kind of like influencing people that hey like you know don’t worry like you know don’t go abroad like you stay in India India is the best country to live in but I’m telling you all of these things either from abroad or like from my short trips

    That I make to India and I want you guys to stay in India so I can afford you guys for cheaper money or something and you can have five maids and one driver dude like what kind of like disgusting like mentality is that like I

    Don’t know like I’m just so about this entire this is the problem with everyone having the ability to do a podcast right if you are nobody you can still do a first I mean I am a nobody right I’m still doing a podcast the problem is the

    Growth of people wanting to speak and the growth of people being able to actually say I know how to dissect information is gone if you see if you listen to his clip again you can see that a part of what he’s saying is true right if you have money in India the

    Comforts which you enjoy the creature Comforts which you enjoy in India you can never enjoy in the west right yes he may said it in about maids and drivers in a very not so PC way but just think about that you can you may want to pay

    Your domestic help more than how much you would normally right but if you have money in India stuff happens for you right Creature Comforts are amazing for you but the big butt is if you have money and the if you have money is not the middle class money it’s much more

    Than the middle class money which is where he falters he says that this this this group category of people are earning more right he gave some list of what iot architect and all of that yes those people earn a lot of money but it’s not easy to get into that those

    Kind of positions because there’s so much competition right every other random person you find in Bangalore will be doing the same thing that you are doing if you are somewhere in the tech space everyone is going to do the same thing see it’s not that there isn’t

    Opportunity there isn’t way to do it in India there is but you have to recognize that you cannot paint a broad picture and say that today life in India is easy if you want to live here you can live a happy middle class life it’s not possible not everyone has the

    Opportunity to do first of all let’s say a decent living and second thing there’s this another point which I saw where said in the industrial ages right in when the industries came about why did people stay loyal to their employers it’s because it was about Survival how bad your employer treated you doesn’t

    Matter if you don’t work at these companies you will not survive right so it was about survival that’s why they stayed loyal to you the next is around the it ID boom phase why did they still stay loyal to the employers it’s because now they they let’s say they needed to

    Pay emis they needed to buy a house they needed to buy their phone their whatever the car they needed to feed their dog whatever it is right so they still stayed but it assumed you can say that it looked like it was loyalty in reality it was never about royalty loyalty it

    Was about survival right today’s generation has evolved beyond that it’s not about can I live and make a survival it’s about is this job satisfying me am I achieving some higher purpose am I doing something which means something much bigger than myself right is that mass L triangle right you once you

    Satisfy your basic needs you start wanting more and more until you reach self-realization and claim for this higher purpose and in that kind of an environment and that kind of group of people you cannot tell them you stay in India because you have all this opportunity which is available to you

    They want something different right see it’s not only about the number of jobs and the pay which a job has in India it’s also the type of jobs we are still very service based industry and not everyone wants to do Services right people want to innovate people want to

    Do R&D you just look up the budget that we spend in India for R&D it’s nothing it’s abysmal right so you cannot claim these things without giving the full context and I think it is is upon the person who’s giving the podcast or the fact to actually make these things right because

    Audience audience differentiate audience will not know that audience will lap up whatever you tell them audience is smart they will figure out eventually but some people are just coming to it for the first time right they may get deceived by what you’re saying so it’s it’s upon the guy

    Who’s giving the information to actually fact check and provide the full context mhm I mean for me the question comes like the list of professions that he put up are very limited um I found some very interesting like comments there actually and one comment like directly spoke to

    Me because that was exactly the situation which I had and that situation was Kosik wat now 8 years ago um and this was this guy who was um getting into civil engineering or something look at this one the are 97 so should be around my

    Same age too 97 and 95 AR I’m a structur engineer the base salary is 15,000 rupees start after Masters if you are not an IAT not at I then you get 45,000 Max 20,000 Trent and left with 25,000 no you can still pay your Maids

    It’s just that you have to live on the road then you’ll be begging from your maids and the driver for like food then what about the savings and about things like yeah I I actually like you know found a lot of comments here actually like completely opposite to what he said for

    Example they were talking about lack of order cleanliness pollution corruption racism and Chaos then they were um talking about hey you can exploit Human Resources with just a few thousand rupees and then another one was I think um at the bottom when you can have five

    Mates it doesn’t mean that India is the best place to live it means India is a poor country where many people are available with no proper education at work so I just the the comment section that here like that really surprised me because many times uh when these kind of

    Videos come what these people bait for are people who are like you know Ultra nationalists they’re like India is the best country Indian food is the best food Indian culture is the best culture Indian airlines are the best Indian prime minister is the best Indian just

    Everything is the best right so I think like this guy was maybe like kind of fishing towards that direction but the kind of people like who watch this video was a little bit different which I actually also really believe like look in my civil engineering profession never

    In my life and never in my life I would have gotten the salaries that this guy is talking about and I wouldn’t have the peace of mind either like okay maybe you can have like decent jobs with mechanical with some kind of like you know computer programming side like then

    It becomes easier for you for computer science people it’s anyway super nice for us civil engineers kic it’s ridiculous like we are like treated almost like labor in India I mean I’ll tell you from um someone I know um let’s say let’s not go into who it is but

    Someone I know is working in the Big Data space okay in Bangalore they have let’s say 8 to 10 years experience they’re earning upwards of 35 to 45 lakhs a year yes you can earn excellent amount of money in India 35 lakhs is will take you a lot imagine if two

    People if you’re married and both of them are in the same industry you’re running close to a CR a year right which is is a lot of money but you have to recognize that it’s not those traditional fields which are valued those are those new hyper like I wouldn’t say creative but like

    Hyperfocused courses about data science and computer science which is yes a lot of people are going into these and you can have good opportunities but what about the people who don’t want to study that right for a lot of people like me it’s not about the money that you make

    It’s about what work are you doing right if it’s not in the same line of Interest why will you want to go into computer science and still to this day I can tell you I know my colleague my my colleague from my previous company he’s around 10 years

    Experience he’s earning less than a third of that less than a third of that 35 lakhs and he has much more experience than the other person I’ll say right so doesn’t matter because if you and that 10 lakhs 12 lakhs you can earn in mechanical engineering if you are either

    Let’s say at a very good OEM which is very difficult to get into and rise up the ranks or you are in some service inan company like a TCS or an infosis or a Vio if you’re in any other company which is like a medium scale small scale

    Company you are you’re fried you’re not going to get that much money yeah yeah that is why I like that is why I like the Middle St culture which we have here in Germany right so even if regardless of what profession you are it is possible for you to earn

    Decent wages and live that middle class life and at all scales of businesses it’s not only that you have to work at a seens or you have to work at a Bosch to you know live a amazing life you can work at one small company which is owned

    By some person for 200 years or their family and still earn like enough to be very comfortable live a middle class life and to your point about this hyper nationalistic thing I have never understood maybe it’s because of the way I was brought up or the place I grew up

    I never understood putting so much of your passion behind one idea of a place right it’s not it’s don’t even talk about India just go within India also people have problems within cities between states like my state is better than yours there is no place in the

    World which is great every place has its downsides I’m not going to sit here and tell that Germany is amazing there’s so many downsides to Germany also but at the same time you have to recognize what are the individual strengths of each place right if you look at the broad

    Demographic part of it India is so strong because of its youth right at the same time the youth or the potential of that youth will if it’s not tapped prop what’s the use of having that youth right so it’s it’s not about saying that this is the best place in the world this

    Is the greatest thing in the world there’s there’s never greatest it’s exactly what works for you for you if India works well and good for someone if it doesn’t work let them live their life no let them find some other place let’s say you find one these find this 215 or

    Less than 200 people living in Antartica right why do they want to put themselves through that torture of living in Antarctica when they’re surrounded by Penguins but because because they enjoy that right for them the best place to live is Antarctica because they love the research which they’re doing you cannot

    Tell them why are you living in Antarctica you should come and live in Brazil or something right for me the problem also comes from um like listening to people like these like who themselves built their business abroad like this guy like I checked the LinkedIn again uh the company uh is

    Mentioned to be in London United Kingdom yeah since 12 years and 10 months whatever and dude like this I find a little bit hypocritical because you didn’t make it uh in India you made it after you went abroad and now you are telling others to stay in your own well

    And don’t venture out because if you venture out you’re going to get expensive and if you’re going to get expensive it’s going to uh squish the profit margins that I have for my company and so on so the thing is kosic like about the story with the influence

    I really think like there are both kind of influences there like everybody is trying to influence you towards the direction where Maybe he sees his own benefit or he genely believes like you know there is some good happening that both kind of like people who exist there

    Like who got improved um through XYZ Journey themselves for example this guy like I would completely understand if he would tell me his story that hey I came to United Kingdom I did this and this and then afterwards I got this done and then afterwards that’s how I started my

    Company that’s like a um believable story for me because you are the living proof of that but now you you telling me about something which you haven’t done yourself like that is not something I can like really stand behind um and also to be honest like when I really see the

    Difference between the salaries Kos at that time I was thinking like you know 8 years ago 12,000 like you know that was bad but dude like right now 2024 15,000 that is bad it’s not changed yeah it was some form of an economic Forum or something where I heard this where these

    Two journalists are asking this person from I either TCS or don’t quote me on this some one of these big recruiting companies they asked why has the base graduate level salary at entry level salary not changed in the past 10 years 10 years ago when my cousin graduated in 20 2013 she earned

    25k a month okay today if you graduate and join something like TCS or infos you’re still earning 25k a month how is that going to be enough like inflation concept wage prices don’t match inflation and and to your point about where this person made success and why I

    Want to break you in the middle real quick sorry uh I think inflation concept is somehow non-existent in India because of how crazy the population is right like you can always get somebody to work for you at the same like price and you don’t have to raise the salaries because

    You can get somebody who can do it for cheaper in my first semester in bachelors’s in 2014 my social sciences Prof Professor he told me I met this very intelligent man through the four years of some some person appar some student former student through the four

    Years of college and once I met him outside he’s like sir I don’t have a job right now and then a few months later I met him sir I’m doing a job for 15,000 he’s like but you are such a brilliant student why aren’t you getting a better

    Opportunity why don’t you leave this and try somewhere else he’s like but if I leave this job or if I ask for more money there are 15 people who can do this job for 10,000 why I will I will let go and go and to your point about you know making it um

    The the guy telling his own story of where he made it in the country like he went in to the UK and made it I really like this quote from Shah rukan once when he said in an interview like don’t philosophy still you are successful right let others be successful and then

    Let them become a philosopher till you’re hungry till you’re having the drive to earn and become successful don’t listen to other philosophers it doesn’t work yeah yeah yeah I think that’s that’s just like a very important um thing which irritates me a little bit because I know okay like you know this

    Is also a bias for example like for me like life really improved like after I came um abroad and I saw the working culture I saw how things how chilled out things are of course I was not happy about the banking I was not happy about

    The paperwork that I had to do I found it really ridiculous like how many like documents you have to fill how many applications you have to file and so on when I started my business in Germany I was not happy about it either um in the

    Starting it was great but like then it just got absolutely ridiculous like every single week you’re getting like letters from the finance H and uh you have to constantly fill the same same document that they already asked like two three times before but they just

    Want it again the same with the TN Kasa the same thing like that you are a student that you are earning this and this much they just want to know again like they they will ask you four times in a year and you cannot do it online

    You have to like you know use your pen and like write things on their paper and then post it back so these were the things for example that I didn’t like but I really love that I did not have the pressure of working from 7 to 7 and

    I don’t know like also nobody’s going to call me on a Saturday or Sunday and ask me to do something these were the few things that I was like you know H like you know this is what I think is very nice when you can have some time for

    Yourself nobody disturbs you time for the family and so on yeah to your point about the documentation experience which you had in Germany right and this goes back to the point which I was saying earlier that no place is the best it’s what fits for you the best right I’ve

    Been here for almost 2 and a half years I have had no issues with any government authorities about any documentation like you would imagine that living 2 and half years some form of letter would come something would come right yes a lot of theft came but everything was very

    Smooth for me right and see just between you and me both living in Germany or both having studied in Germany as students there’s so much disparity right like I have found that maybe it’s the was because of its Brown swag or something it’s so smooth for me and like

    Getting an appointment in houselander Beholder for extension Visa or something I don’t have to do anything they will only send an email 3 months before say please send these these documents once I send that document let’s say 3 weeks later they’ll say okay you have an appointment date about 3 weeks before

    Your Visa expires I go there within 2 minutes I’m done I have to sit in the waiting room till they call me I go there I give my documents and they’re like okay fine sign this pay this you’re done and then 6 weeks later or 4 Weeks

    Later they’ll call me again to collect the card it has been so smooth it it was smooth during the pandemic also it was smooth after the pandemic also and I know people I because we do alumni emails here mhm I know people who write to me saying that I haven’t gotten an

    Appointment for 6 months I’m like what the hell if tomorrow I want an appointment I’ll get an appointment here right it’s that simple for me so that’s what I’m saying it’s even within students of same let’s say same background same level studying in the same type of courses but across Germany

    You see so much disparity so you cannot make these broad-based statements and saying that just because three people I know are living amazing lives as graduate students in India that their life is amazing but at the same time and hearkening back to the person saying that ke um people go outside they

    Struggle right there’s this very narrative they’ll struggle and this I saw in my own family like I never heard it from me directly at me because it was the pandemic and by the time I reached here I didn’t get in touch with anyone but I heard through the Grape Wine that

    This comment was made you know that why is this person going anyone everyone who’s going outside is struggling for even food and he’s coming back and all of that and literally last week I was talking to my parents about this and I told my mother you know it is true that

    I’m struggling for food the only struggle is I don’t know which amazing restaurant to eat at or which different Cuisine to try that’s the struggle which I have for food and it’s not about me not earning enough I’m I am earning enough as a hee student here to live the

    Most comfortable life that I can which I never did as a full-time employee working 9 and a half hours a day I don’t know you say 7 to 7 for me it was technically I had to leave the house at 8 because it’s 1 hour away and then come

    Back by around 8 so and I used to work 9 and a half hours and it was it was good experience to build up in the beginning but I couldn’t have done it for 15 years 10 years it’s not possible also for people like who need some more time for

    Their own I think I really thought growing up King that my life would be extremely you know like think about the bat in 9th or 10th grade or something uh and like making the first plans I remember when I was 14 or something I like you know wrote in the

    Diary that till the age of 20 I should be making this much till the age of 25 I should be making this much till the age of 30 I should be making this much my father takes a look at that he was like not happening kind of job like what

    Imaginary job is this that you’re like planning to um double your salary like every five year or something it’s like know um in one of my favorite sitcoms is Brooklyn 99 and in that one character quits the job which she has because she wants to do something on her own and

    When the other person who are concerned about her asks what will you do you have a young child also she’s like I’ll invent a app and make millions I’ll invent a new baby formula and make millions the point is about making Millions the point never

    Comes yeah yeah I think I I I find this like you know super hilarious and then afterwards I don’t know I think going abroad was extremely important just in terms of what kind of um cultures you get exposed to and like how relaxed the life becomes I don’t know like for me if

    I really compare the things in India versus things abroad is simply like how Rel you get how much more relaxed you get like how much more um organized things are like people standing in the lines and so on uh and dude I went to India this time right uh in December I I

    Went had my eye eye operation like my here on the neck and things like that all these operations I had and after I had my checkups things like that I go to ban and I was like you know I want to eat a kachori and I want to eat a samosa

    So I want to like go and uh get that I stand uh behind the guy who was authoring and I was like you know okay like you know next would be me no another guy comes and then some other guy comes and then one more guy comes

    Who just puts his hand in front of me and like you know on the counter and he’s like you know like do this and this I like dude like like this I will be like standing till the evening so then another time when I was um at the

    Dermatologist same all of this the same time I’m met the dermatologist and uh right afterwards is the um this medicine shop there was two women who were like ordering the medicines in the front so like to give them some kind of privacy I’m like standing you know two or three

    Steps backwards so that there’s some kind of room yeah and Auntie comes in the middle just like stands in the middle of like you know me and them and I was like dude like this cannot be real and he’s like you know like then oh okay okay and then like I

    Didn’t see like absolute like you know dumb my goodness yeah like these are the things that I absolutely like these things these tiny things irritate you know like you are doing these things because you want to respect somebody else’s private uh privacy and you want to respect somebody else’s time and I

    Just feel like you know that kind of like um that is not a concept there and like for for me like these kind of like small confrontations exactly like that’s the word I was looking for these confrontations lead to unnecessary stress confrontations on the road confront confrontations in the public

    Transportation at the bank because we were in the university and in the University we had a SBI Branch um for the University itself so where we were um uh paying the bills for the menza paying the bills for the hostel things like that all of that had to be done in

    The um this University bank branch like just all sorts of of like you know nonsense happening there like you standing in the line there going for lunch uh or like for tea break exactly like you know when there is not even time like there’s no declare time when

    They go for lunch when they go for tea break so that you can plan things better yourself and you are not standing or like waiting for one more hour to like you know pay the fees and things like that so uh and these small confrontations I simply did not get here

    So and then life feels more relaxed um it’s also this question about you’re not used to a better way so the way you have you accept it right so I’m not saying that no for me maybe it’s the difference between living where you lived and living where I lived yes I had

    All those experiences which you also talk about but for me they were not as aggressive because maybe the number of people in Goa is not that high so the density is not that high because I know that in the green belt in north of India it’s very dense population especially

    Near the har up belt and all of this it’s it’s a very dense population so there’s a lot of opportunities for such instances to happen but yeah like I don’t know it’s it’s not that easy to say whether uh if they know that there is a better way to do it they’ll adopt

    It I think it’s also about a systematic change not only from the person providing the service the shopkeeper the government officer whoever it is but also a systematic change in the way that you you educate your population right you the the way you teach stuff in class

    And today I was having this conversation about um you know confidence gaining confidence social skills all of these and I asked a friend do you think in any time in the 16 to 20 years that we studied when we were in school were you ever thought how to talk to people were

    You ever thought how to interact with people how to give a presentation in class the reason that I used to be always you know called out to say that oh he’s very good at speaking is because I spoke one line and people spoke zero lines doesn’t mean I was good I will

    Never put myself on a debate stage but the reason they actually think I was a good debat is because if five people are standing on the stage and no one speaks a line and I speak one line suddenly you’re like oh you’re great but that

    Shows the level of or the lack of such skills being taught in schools right because what you see here what I see in the west is if you speak with confidence if you speak with Clarity that and it’s not about language people make a lot of mistakes saying that oh you’re so fluent

    In English that’s why you can speak it’s not about language yes that does play a role if you can think much better if you can think much clearer in let’s say Your mother tongue and you’re not able to express that in English that can hinder you but at the same time confidence is

    Much more than just language confidence is about the way you proceed and way you where you project yourself right and the the conclusion that me and my friend had at the end was no you not taught these things and that’s why once you come here it some people take a long time to

    Adjust to that some people don’t even ever adjust to it right and I think for me the two two and a half years I spent working in a company where it was it was a company which is in the Engineering Services space so a lot of the clients

    Were not Indian most of them were either UK or Germany based so there’s always this corporate culture which was there in the company even though we were in a small place in belgam the corporate culture was still there and for me I fit right into that and that gain allowed me

    To gain the confidence which I want because if I was coming to do Masters right after my bachelors I wouldn’t have the confidence which I have right now the posa engineering which the posa thesis which you brought up in the beginning I would have never gotten that

    If I was the Kosik of 20 let’s say 2019 or 2020 it took all those life experiences to build up that and make me open if you speak to my parents or any relatives they’ll say this is the shiest person ever till like 10th standard I

    Used to never talk to people right I was very shy I used to talk to the three or four people that I liked and maybe one or two cousins when we meet in some family functions but now the way like uh my day in the life video came out and

    Then a couple of other videos I was there on the channel and when I shared this with my family and they’re like wait is this is not the Kik that we recognize because I was so open and so confident that you gain with life experiences right that you g when you

    Are exposed to things when you thought these things if you never thought how to present yourself how to behave in a diplomatic way how to behave in a classroom how to behave in front of a stage and I’m not saying everyone should be good at it but at least you should be

    Exposed to these things right and if you never thought this how will you develop those skills right and I’m I’m sure it must have been same for you also because you’re also coming from this not so I would say it’s like tier one city it’s

    Like you’re in a place which is not uh I don’t know what what year you want to call it as it’s a small it was a small City dude yeah um you you made some very nice points um and I think like you talked about exposure what I also really think is

    Like along with exposure right like you have the nature nurture story too kind of like mix into that so like you have exposure but then there are two kind of people like you know one kind they cannot be less bothered about what kind of exposure you’re giving to them like

    They ignorance that’s the difference right exposure is King but ignorance is bliss yeah yeah yeah so like they can still go back to their own thing I think there are like two things which kind of like go hand in hand one is like of course the exposure but the second is

    Also just um the need or the want not even the need the want of being just one person better every single time or two person better every single time just like a little bit better than before like you said like you know previously that your father was asking you that if

    Somebody was better than you and were you better than what you did previously I think that’s that’s such an important thing to cultivate in on that like were you better than like or like are you going to try to be better next time when the same kind of like situation comes

    And I think then kosic that comes somehow like it’s it’s closer to ambition also like you know like you also want to only do these things when you are ambitious about the standard of life that you want to build for yourself or the personality that you want to build

    For yourself and um I think like this also takes like two separate branches afterwards the first branch is like you getting depressed because you are not at that stage right now and the second branch is like you pushing yourself further and saying like you’re not at

    That stage right now and you’re going to do something to get to that stage now I think I’m having so much fun having this conversation because this is a conversation which either I have with my own self with the 10 people living in my head or two or three friends who on one

    Random night will have a deep conversation and the biggest thing which the the best way I can put this is if you were to meet the five years before version of yourself would you be friends with that person and if you ask me I will not be friends with the person who

    I was in bachelor’s I will never be the friend because for me right now I choose friends who are open who can talk who offer up information but also absorb information who are willing to share stuff if you do not want to share anything not even one anecdote about

    Your life you’re not my friend and I was that person when I was in college I was not a person who was sharing stuff so I will definitely not be friends with myself when I was in Bachelor and I think see the way we think about these

    Things right see no one is teaching you this I’m pretty sure that what you thought about your life how you envisioned your life and how you reflected on on where you are and how you want to grow is not something you were taught right and it’s it’s the same

    For me also I was not taught about this but at the same time you you have to recognize that there are a lot of people who are not exposed to such ideas they don’t know that you should think about yourself and improve and that’s why I think whenever any person is having any

    Sort of platform where they can you know tell something and influence let’s say even five people should always espouse people to think for themselves she always say don’t do this don’t do that that’s a different case but at least tell them you think for yourself reflect on yourself see where you are standing

    See are you self-aware that’s the biggest question are you self-aware do you know exactly what every hair cell in your body is doing right now right there shouldn’t be one thing which you do not know about yourself which someone else knows better than you maybe the way you

    Look and the way you present is something which other people can have a judgment about or an opinion about but you only one person should know you the best and that should be you and it’s yes it’s difficult I can understand having had conversations with a lot of people

    Who weren’t exposed to such ideas I can understand how difficult it is for them to you know do this introspection do this analysis and improve themselves but at the same time once you are exposed are you taking the opportunity that is what comes right are you are you

    Ambitious enough or are you at least open enough to take this as an opportunity and say okay 25 years of my life I didn’t know this thing I know something better now so why not at least use something from this and improve my life are you doing that are you

    Improving your life and one very important book which I think I would like to recommend to some people who want to read is atomic Habits by James Clear I picked up this book I think during the pandemic and he talks about something if you’re one% better every

    Day for a whole year you will be 37 times better than you were when the start year started imagine that 37 times better right let’s say I I don’t know you you are but if the the way he said it is if you’re 1% worse then you are

    Doomed right if you’re 1% worse of each day if you compound that you’re like what 99 of what you were or I don’t know some math what is the basic idea is compounding of good things leads to a lot of improvement and like like it doesn’t have to be that you have to

    Improve every day but at least if you were to average out the last four years and say did you do better in this four years than in the preceding for years you should be able to say yes did you achieve some life goal which you set for

    Yourself yes did you improve yourself in terms of the way you interact with people did you put out something good out in the world did you let’s say help out few people in in their Journey or whatever did you leave a positive impact on the people you interacted with that’s

    The biggest question which you can answer for yourself I think and yeah thinking about these things and know I always thought that I was a weird one to think about all these things but it’s good to know that you also have ideas and there are a lot of other people to

    Have these things so no I think you dude like I’m also really enjoying this because you said about like you know being friends with somebody five years um the 5-year-old version of yourself like you know five years back I was an absolute loser like I

    Think what 5 years ago like at 24 U the business was up and um I chose the master thesis kosic I chose a master thesis of how to increase sales of digital products with marketing 4.0 and I was like you know like I chose the title of the thesis as increasing the

    Revenue and it’s been three months there is no increase in the revenue whatsoever so it’s going to be the master teachers conclusion is going to be doing XYZ things is not going to lead the lead to increase of uh sales IND digal products and things like that and that that was

    Like a really really um horrible situation confidence was an alltime low also for me for example um Alina she was working in the Indian Consulate in Hamburg and like she’s making what like 1,550 1,600 something like that 1,550 she was making like Netto at that time and like

    Dude I’m making like you know €300 on a good month and I’m making like making 500 EUR when I like really just make all sales everything is on sale things like that I was like you know like like this like you know it’s not really going to

    Work out like this is not going to be something which is going to be a viable business like afterwards and um going to the restaurants and then all of a sudden like you have to see that like you know the woman is paying like for me like all

    Of these things were nightmare like for me it was like you know if you are the man in the family you should be able to provide for your wife for your children for your parents like whatever like you know whatever kind of situation comes you should be the rock which kind of

    Like takes SC of everything and the situation I was in at that time was not fitting the world image that I had for myself at that time and I think this is this is a great kind of measurement I I really never thought about it in these

    Terms that like would I be friend with myself like who was like 5 years back or something and I think not really like I I would kind of like pity him a little bit but I I really wouldn’t be friends friends with him uh um and even though

    Like it sounds harsh but if you think about it like you know you at that stage also like I was trying to find people like who were always better than me like I always tried to find friends who were um better than me like who were uh I

    Don’t know like more social they were like kind of better in the places where I was like absolutely lacking so I think like this is uh not a bad kind of like strategy to have and that comes to the second thing and that is like you know always trying to improve yourself so

    That uh you could find people who are good in one field and in the field where they’re not so great at like you know you’re absolutely great there and that kind of like really leads to very nice relationships very nice friendships and um like you know crazy I I want to pick

    Up on one point which you said is you you wanted to surround yourself with people most specifically who are better social right socially they were better I used to be the person who us to avoid this people because I was like this is

    Too much for me I I was an introvert I I think still I am an introvert but the the social currency which I have has increased a lot I can give more I I can become a bit more extroverted now than I was before but I used to find circles

    Where people were less social so that I didn’t have to interact the way they did I didn’t want to go to parties I didn’t want to you know go on some Rando trips this was not me right now look at how the that that Pakistani M Cricket mem is

    Z something like that I have become the more social guy in my group now I have become the guy who is like let’s go to this let’s go to that never says no to any trip or never says no to any hangout session and I have come into a group where it

    Says but I have become the opposite and I don’t think I don’t think it was a coner choice for me like the question which I asked you right are you good enough friends or can you be friends with the five year old version of yourself or you 5 years back for me that

    All of that was only driven from social interactions and only about how you project but I think having this discussion is good because that goes to the broader point which you also picked are you also looking at what that prod person is doing productively what that

    Person is doing for a career can you also relate with that like you say that that person was a loser not only in terms of social maybe your social skills were actually good at that time but you still wouldn’t choose to be friends with them because of what he was doing in

    Business business or something like that and I think it’s important to have friends who are a good balance or a good Optimum of both right they should be social enough they should be well uh you know I wouldn’t say social me doesn’t mean you have to go and party every day

    It just means that for the type of Hangouts which you want those friends fit it right and they are people who will share and will also take in information which you have like some of the best friends which I have right now are not even living in the city where I

    Am but we we speak so much over let’s say a phone call once every 3 days or over text chat and there’s so much more I share with them than with any person that I meet and there are a couple of friends here and any person that I meet

    Here I share much more with them because of the character characteristic of being open let’s say just you don’t have to be open to 500 people but you can be open to that two or three people right but at the same time you also have to find a

    Balance between the social aspect and Pursuits and Ambitions and career and business and whatever it is like they don’t have to do the same thing as you’re doing they don’t have to let’s say have the same level of success as you are but at least they are driven

    Right they’re driven to do what they want let’s say a person just wants to make panipuri for the rest of their life well and good it’s your passion if you want to do it it’s okay but make sure you are doing it from a point of being

    Driven to serve people panipuri right I can be friends with that guy that’s not a problem I don’t have to be a friend with an engineer only I can be friends with a guy who sells p as long as him for him selling panipuri is a passion

    And he will do absolutely anything which he can to make sure that he does it the best way he can mhm yeah yeah that that that’s a great point now Kash if you take a look at the last five years or something right like you said like okay exposure is important

    Like but what other factors you’re going to like say that which help you improve or like help you completely change your life because the impression that I got from the day in life video was like you know somebody like who who came from India but like established a pretty

    Independent life for himself and more of a independent way of working independent way of thinking and this is this this question is important because I see a lot of people somebody who’s at the age of 28 36 they’re sitting with their parents like um you know in the

    Appointment calls and I’m like and the 28th year old guy like the one I spoke to like he’s not even asking the questions himself the mother is asking the questions and at the same time I also met somebody who was 16y old he had a Google Docs file ready with the

    Questions and that I was like so happy about I was like dude like this guy is so prepared like you know that he did his own work and there’s no parent or something like you know sitting right next to him but like the 28th year old

    When I was 24 or something and that he is letting her uh his mother speak his father speak or something that was ridiculous right so this kind of like you know independent way of like thinking um and what kind of like improvements um like if you kind of like

    Self analyze yourself and you think okay like these were the things that I did which kind of made me better every single year like what were those things I’ll answer the question the broader question you’re asking but just to the point of you meeting the 16-year-old guy

    I think it was a year or year and a half ago where you know on our Discord server where we talk about the emails you shared a presentation that one student made a a presentation was amazingly designed for that matter and it was a young student who was 18 or 20 and he

    Wanted to show that to his parents to convince them why he has to go to Germany I was Flo dude I was depressed for a whole day I’m like I am 27 I cannot make a presentation to save my life I suck at making presentations and

    I’m like dude you’re 16 or 20 or whatever you are and you made a presentation first of all which even if I didn’t want to be in Germany and I wasn’t in Germany I would still look at it because it looks so amazing and secondly why do you for me the biggest

    Thing is I will talk to my parents yes I’ll not have points prepared I’ll just say I want to go to Germany and see where the conversation leads I’m like dude you’re so prepared and I was flowed by that but coming to the major question which you asked I think the answer to

    The question is there in the question itself it’s about being independent I think when I was in the Rat Race about what I wanted to study for engineering I wrote Every exam that I could okay I wrote I J but I was not well prepared I wrote bits but I barely got anything

    Which was a good score I wrote viit and that’s the only thing which I uh was ranked somewhere decent not decent I would say but somewhere where I had a chance to get some seat the only thing which I was good at was the local C

    Which I wrote which I think I got 42 rank or something so but then you think that it’s only 2003 or 800 people or 2,000 people who write it so take a relative success whatever it is right but the vit thing I went to vit Chennai

    For the I think they call the counseling session where you all lot seats based on the ranks and by the time my rank mine was like 19,000 rank or something by the time my rank came all the mechanical engineering seats were gone for the first round of this the seat which I got

    Was electrical engineering and we paid the initial fees and we came and we were at my grandmother’s place and my dad had left and it was up to me and my mom to decide should I go here or come back and hope that I’ll get something in C

    Because C had not come out that time so yes for me mechanical engineering was the biggest thing which I wanted to do so I was anyway going to say no what my mom said was very interesting I got in VI Chennai she’s like I don’t trust that

    You can live alone because till that point I live when I lived in Goa I had no relatives close by there was one Aunt who lived like 50 50 km away but that’s it I had no relatives close by so all my life it’s been my mom who uh work like

    Stay atome mom and just been my mom me and my dad so I’ve never lived alone it’s either my mom was at home or my dad was at home right I’ve never lived alone so my mom had the foresight to say I don’t think you’ll stay alone right and

    She’s like okay we have relatives in chenai maybe we stay with them but then again she’s like no I don’t trust you to stay with someone and get along with them because I know you I live with you 22 years of our life 18 years of our

    Life I know you so she said no and then I came back did the whole Engineering in Goa when I got the job I’ll TR tell you for two years or two and a half years my parents never came to belgam even the first day that I went they came to the

    Station to send me off on this and I only went set up wherever I wanted to I had the help of a friend I lived alone I lived of course I first lived with some roommates but then 6 months later I lived alone and in the two years my

    Parents never visited and I explicitly told them don’t come and visit I want to learn to live alone right and I think that’s the biggest thing which I keep telling anyone who asking me right I have a cousin who’s trying to come to Germany but and he finished engineering

    And he’s working I I I say I tell him you’re working all well and good if you actually want to work find a job which is not in your home which is not in your home City go somewhere else live 6 months or a year at least independent

    When you become responsible for washing your own underwear washing your own uh clothes and cleaning your own room and making making sure that you know when your next meal is coming from and how it’s going to come from you you will immediately learn the realities of life

    Right especially if you live in a situation where let’s say uh a graduate engineer in civil or mechanical engineering enters at 20 25,000 rupees you know how to save money right someone who’s entering a computer science field at 10 15 lakhs may not need to save

    Money so it doesn’t know to save let the even pennies which you get right so that I think was very helpful for me of living alone for the 6 months or no I think it was what 2 and a half years 2 years or something before the pandemic I

    Lived alone that helped me a lot and then being exposed like you said all of these things see you can learn to be independent you can learn to do these things provided you know that this is a path that is more beneficial right and for me the way I learned that was just

    By watching other people talk about it I I I’ll tell you and this is going to sound crazy for some people my YouTube number of videos watched they used to show how many videos you watched okay this was something they did a few years back they stopped doing that that

    Hit 10,000 and it has it has it hit 10,000 8 years ago and the number of liked videos has been stuck at 5,000 almost 8 years ago and okay a lot of these videos are random videos I was into gaming a lot of uh the first few years I it was

    All those but there’s a lot of videos which was about information lot of videos about people talk talking about their experience lot of information about people sharing their journey through science or their journey through engineering whatever it is is just by looking and grasping as much information

    As I can like I can pull obscure references from some random podcast which I saw like 8 years ago and quote that to a friend because I was having coners because I consumed so much and I I’m not prescribing this it’s not a healthy way to live trust me because you

    Don’t want to be sitting at 3:00 a.m. at night watching a YouTube video and your mom shouting why aren’t you asleep still now that’s not a good way to live but at least find those one or two voices which are better than you which have achieved something in life take some life lessons

    From them don’t think everything they say is Gospel right even I’m telling the people who are watching this video don’t take us for what we are saying do your own research but just listen to these people to get a different perspective that’s what I say you don’t have to

    Listen to or you don’t have to follow the philosophy that they do but at least you can get a different way of looking at things and that that I think is what helped me um gain whatever Independence and confidence that I have and if I were

    To give a joke answer at the end a lot of people in the world are just bullshitting their way through man they don’t know anything so you also might as well your way through it I’m telling you this works to a lot of I mean fake it till you make it kind of

    Works to a lot of extent provided you know what you’re faking right you cannot fake something which you do not tomor I cannot go and fake that I I I can perform a medical surgery or operation I cannot fake that much but at least I

    Know I can get to a certain extent by just faking the confidence and it’s not about faking the skills it’s rather about faking the confidence which you have right and I’d like to end on sorry for again going on a long rant because these are thoughts which I’ve been

    Having for a long time there’s this very famous line right which says jack of all trades master of none right but that’s not the complete quote the complete quote is Jack of all Trad master of none but is still better than a master of one mhm learn different things learn to do

    Different things M you don’t have to be really good at one thing if because I growing up saw people who are very passionate about doing that one particular thing I was never about that for me it’s just about exposing myself to enough things to figure out okay I

    Like this I like that like I am a huge physics astrophysics nerd mhm do you think I’ll actually go into astrophysics no not a chance like I know what my skill sets are but at the same time I can have a conversation with someone about some how galaxies are structured

    For like an hour or two because I am interested in those topics just show interest be interested in different things the more information about small small things which you can gain the more conversations you can have the more you can relate to people the more confidence

    You’ll gain with that and once you gain confidence then living independently working independently is not a big deal mhm I think that’s super interesting K and so about improvements so how did you also get the internship at Porche tell us the story for that too yeah um I’ll

    Tell you how I started my mechanical engineering I said I do not want to do programming at all I was at the extreme I’m like I’m going to go away far away from the computer as I can right and this persisted through engineering through working and I said I want to do

    Uh fluid dynamics and that’s why I came here right this is the question about Exposure My limited knowledge at that time said fluid dynamics is the end all be all there’s nothing which will excite me more than that once I came here and the first we got through the first

    Semester with some basic subjects the second semester I was exposed to like wait I don’t actually have to do CFT I can learn so many different things within fluids which is about you know doing experiments figuring out how to process the data which you do in experiments or simulations how to do it

    In a mathematical sense all of these things and then slowly I said wait there is an opportunity to do it with machine learning I have now become a purely machine learning applications engineer in the engineering context something which I would have never imagined myself to do so having had no programming

    Experience even three semesters into two coming here okay three semesters into my masters I still had no programming experience but the way my course is built there is one specialization project that you do which is kind of like a mini thesis which is 15 credits

    You do it either for three or 6 months based on your registration and I did that from like April or May of last year till November or December and I think a few conversations when we were having uh on the behind scen I used to tell you

    That oh I’m very busy with my project can we do this later or something like that and that is the only project which has got me the internship or the thesis for that matter so what happens was I get this machine learning project which is applicable to engineering and I

    Already by some coincidence had built up enough base basic machine learning theoretical knowledge and basic engineering theoretical knowledge through the course which I picked here so this was a really good um let’s say mixture of the topics and stuff which came through and I did the project I I

    Did very well in the project and I was not sure whether this is something which is a viable career I don’t know whether Industries are doing this on a large scale whether they hiring people to do it so this is where exposure helped I found a student who’s one year senior to

    Me who’s also doing the same thing she was doing her uh thesis at Airbus in brayman here and she was in the similar field that I was in I’m like wait so there is a possibility you’re telling me to do this in a company so I used to

    Constantly interact with her ask her how did she go about applying how did she find these companies because finding these companies finding this position is not easy she gave me some ideas of what to do she suggested me some positions I prepared like crazy for those applications and let me tell you all

    Those applications which I prepared for 4 hours fir hours all got rejected straight away like nothing came off those I made an excellent cover letter I revised the cover letter five times I gave it to an independent uh peer review kind of a thing for from from from some

    From friend of mine nothing helped straight rejections whereas one random December night I was sitting at 9:30 or something I opened LinkedIn I’m like I’m feeling bored I don’t I’m I’m not sleepy yet let me just look what positions are there I’m like LinkedIn let’s just open

    These three or four companies website so I opened frown Hofer I found five positions I just applied with CV I didn’t even give my cover letter or something I found BM BMV I found two positions I just applied I found Porsche I found three positions I just applied I

    Didn’t even prepare my cover letter and this is not something I would recommend because a week later a few of these companies wrote back and said please upload all the documents upload the cover letter upload the transcript I’m like if you want me ask me I’ll upload

    But I’m not going to upload beginning so of those three four positions which asked one of poser so I uploaded the cover letter but again I forgot about it completely cut to early January we just coming out of the Christmas vacation and I just had an interview with a frown of

    A position which got rejected and the very next day I got a me email saying that you have an interview on the 26th of um January I’m like wait what position is this when did I apply for this me open up and see so literally then only I figured out

    What this position was and I did a little bit of my research what this position was how I present myself but in the interview I tried to explain myself as best as I can I they asked me questions all the way starting from bachelors’s even before Bachelors what

    Led me to choose my bachelors and all the way to the current machine learning project and the best thing which I will say helped me was not knowing a lot of things but knowing what I did the best right I don’t know is there a better way

    To say this right you don’t have to know 500 different things but the one thing which you know and the one thing which you have done no one else should know better than you m except for maybe the professor who guided you but no one else

    Should know better than you and for me that was the thing the project which I did I knew it back and front if you ask me any random question about the project I would at least give you a possible answer for it I’ll say this is how you

    Can do it and if there’s a further question question this is how you can approach the further question and I think that is what helped me because I asked them at the end of the interview why they selected me for the interview because they didn’t give the results

    Till like a week later I asked him why did they select me and they said firstly it’s about um the the Technical University because I guess for them that was that mattered the project which I did but beyond that in the interview itself they told me you know exactly

    What you’re saying you’re presenting yourself in a good way and I think that is what helped it’s not about I know know I know 10 people in my Batch who are much more knowledgeable about this but it’s that it’s not about the knowledge which you have with the way

    You present it right and I think that’s what kind of helped me and I’m not theorizing anything here it’s just the experience which I had but um yeah it’s a position which starts two and two months two and a half months later it’s a thesis position which will kind of put

    A end to my Master’s Journey probably by the end of this year so let’s see how it goes but the thesis positions are generally ridiculously good because most of the times if you do a thesis with a company most of the times they end up like you know assimilating you afterwards in the

    Company like this is the case I’ve seen in many many places so I think like working at par like if everything works out great like dude that that would be extremely there’s the cart there’s the horse let’s not put the cart before the horse let’s see what

    Happens yeah no that that’s pretty nice and kak how much of this like like because when we were like thinking about working on the GRE course right yeah um I saw a lot of these kind of meticulous way of working is not like this is not new like this is something which was

    Already there like you making a an entire document about your own experience or like your own way of how you prepared for the exam what kind of things you did when did you learn for things making an Excel sheet uh for that with the the dates when you were

    Learning and when the dates you have to learn again and things like that let me see if I can find it so that we can just have a look at that and I’ll not take sole credit for this yes I did make the document but it was a again teachers are

    So important for you right the teachers you meet in life are so important and one German teacher which I had she told me document every Journey that you’re going you never know someone will ask you 3 years down the line some student and you may not remember it but at least

    If you have it documented you can just look it up and tell it to to them and that is why I did it and I think what you’re referring to is uh this document which I have let’s see if I can share it somewh yeah exactly again this this

    Might sound crazy to some people but this is like a 9,000 word article that I wrote of how I scor 331 it has everything like I gave some caveats of you know not everyone can do this journey the way I did it because of some privileges which I had then I talked

    About every step like um you know what are the resources which I collected how did I start myob Journey what are the steps which I took look at the I mean I think this is the table you’re referring to yeah exactly like this was how I was

    Tracking my progress like you know I mean it’s pretty clear I guess that red is not the great and green is the good performance and all of that and yeah I was like meticulously going through this and like I said it’s this is not something which is possible in everyday

    Life for me luckily I was in the pandemic so I was able to build this skills up but I had I I wouldn’t say it was something new like through my bachelors also there was some there was some hints about these things right it’s not it’s not like suddenly I woke up in

    When preparing for GRE and suddenly I learned all these skills no there are some things which I this way of working right like this way of working is not some is 99.5% of people don’t work this way so how did you how did you is there a point

    That you remember that this was something that made you work a little bit more like medic ously on the things that you’re doing right now I don’t know some teachers some like videos some concept where you thought okay like you know this makes sense that I should be doing things in this way

    Okay so for the document which you saw and for the jari stuff there’s just one person on YouTube which I found called Ali abdal he’s like this very famous productivity Guru he was his himself a medical student who followed all these techniques and studied so just for the

    GRE I put this into a much better format but there are aspects of this method and this way of you know studying which I used to do all through my life it’s just that I never had put it in such a nice form and I’ll tell you I think it’s not

    Just one particular teacher or one particular experience or just not one turning point it’s in amalgamation of everything that happened and I think a good credit for that goes to my high school um I studied in a boys’s School uh it was like uh Jesuit priest school

    So very strict very disciplined all of that um and there we always noticed that we had our counterparts in other schools nearby and we used to be friends because we lived in the same Colony or something right and we always saw that in the internal exams they always scored

    Ridiculously high right everyone is scoring 95% 96% and we are like the top rank percentage for us is like 83 85 I’m like I know people are genius in my class also someone should get some good scores right so during one of the I think open open house sessions they call

    It right where on the after the exam results are announced the report cards are presented and parents can go and meet teachers and all of that I think it’s called open house or something so there we asked um one of my class teachers I think around the eth or 9th

    Standard my mom couple of moms asked why aren’t you giving more grades to the students and they said it because when 10th standard comes the internal grades matter for the final grade so they asked it from that point of view they said see the system that we drive is we ask the

    Students to learn the textbook in the sense we asking the students to go straight to the source and learn it from The Source because when you are in school what is the source for you the textbook right the textbook is Gospel you don’t learn anything beyond the

    Textbook but some people don’t even go to the textbook they just say ke this friend made this notes I’m just studying those notes right and for us it was always said go to the source find the source learn from that source and the way they built it up was when you come

    To these common level exams the Bro the the way they Justified it was when you come to these uh board exams and all people from all caders of Education are coming in from all levels of Education are coming in so if we make it tough for

    You when you are in school when you are in this environment when you actually go to an exam which is supposed to be easier so that everyone can answer you’ll score much better and that’s what happened like people who never scored 90 suddenly when we finished 10th standard

    They like eight people scored about 90 and we had one person who I think was like State third or something I don’t know I’m not remembering it exactly but like that whereas the counterparts which I had in these other schools I remember we were studying about French Revolution

    Or American Revolution all of this in the 10th standard in history and I saw that for a 10 page lesson they had 100 questions which the teachers gave every line question and these people are only learning the questions okay they don’t know what is there in the textbook

    Whereas we were told your textbook read it as a story if you want read it as a lesson if you want do whatever you say this is the source learn it from there so for me always is to drive from going to the source and finding that information from there and then adapting

    The best way for me to study that they never told me how to study they just said this is the information this is what we are giving as our opinion based on that information and then you find the best way to study so for me that was

    Driven from wanting to study and always like that and um something when it comes to Maths for example I remember um an aunt of mine made a comment that you should practice math so much your hand should break that much and I’ll tell you I have never done that

    M my parents used to shout at me because I used to study maths can imagine I used to study problems but for me because it was intuitive right I used to understand those problems um for the same for example derivations you must have done hundreds of derivations when you were in

    School and when you were in college right yeah everyone approaches derivation starting midle for me it was never that and I know where I’m starting I know where I have to go for me even in the exam my journey was figure out how to get there yeah never learn exactly what to do

    Right and when I was doing these other videos that translates everywhere El when I was doing these other videos if I’m talking with adya for example or I’m just having a conversation it’s so easy for me but if I have to any time put my thoughts onto words and then read off

    That I’m lost so for me it’s it’s good to know where you’re starting where you’re ending and then figure out your own way and that figure out thing started for me I would say in let’s say start of high school or something and that’s what led me through Bachelor

    Where I used to figure out the optimum way where I had to study I I am not I’m I’m not U claiming that I studied everything in bachelor’s because we had something called as Golden Days five days before each exam where that’s the only time you spend to study that

    Subject but those five days I used to focus a lot I used to start off each subject by saying pick out last 10 years papers pick out Last 5 Years papers look at the most common topics which are being asked focus on those first then

    Move on to the rest move on to the rest because it’s an Optimum way of studying it’s not the best way I would say but it’s an Optimum way you’re optimizing for something which is the more common way I would say right because let’s say you are in mechanical engineering and

    The most basic question they will ask is what is a two-stroke engine what is a fourstroke engine right no one’s going to ask you what is rotary engine very rarely even rotary engine has been around for like what so many years but no one uses rotary engines right so the

    More common one is two stroke four stroke because that’s a more applicable one so why are you spending 18 hours studying for rotary engine when the question is going to be asked about this right so all of this was incremental changes which happened through my journey of schooling and bachelors and I

    I think what you saw in the document was just a culmination of putting all of that in thoughts because I found a perspective from Ali abdal which said okay this is a way for you to do it visually because when you something is visual you can see that you’re improving

    Whereas for me it was just about in my brain am I improving can I track where I was improving and that’s not it’s not a bad way but at the same time if I can see that I’m losing weight every day for example if my weight loss journey is

    There if I see that I’m losing weight then I’ll be motivated right but I’m just assuming I must have lot 30 kilos I must have lot 20 kilos then I never know right so it’s an amalgamation of all different things which happened and I guess finally to the base of it I’m just

    Wired this way I cannot think any other way this is the way I’m wired yeah I think like this is very interesting um I feel like would also be interesting to kind of like talk about um spe maybe people who actually want to um work the way you work

    Don’t need this information because they will somehow figure out a way of doing it and maybe they will just look further for improvements by I don’t know looking at like productivity channels things like that I think like that that is something interesting but I think the

    Want has to be there like I think you cannot really teach these things or these advices are worth nothing to somebody who doesn’t want to improve themselves like where the driver is not there right so let me give you an example of my German language Journey

    Okay so like I told you I studied French in school and um it was for 5 years I studied and because again I was from Tamil Nadu living in Goa I already by default had to speak English because of school Tamil because it’s my mother tongue Hindi because that’s what a lot

    Of Migrant children used to speak and conani because that’s the local language so by default by the time I reached like first standard second standard I used to speak all of these four languages not to the best extent but whatever I could so language for me was easy right so I did

    French but when it came to German I noticed that I clicked the accent I clicked the intuitive sense of learning a new language but for me vocabulary was restrictive right and the way I found it best to study vocabulary is not by reading books or something that didn’t

    Work for me I was bored by reading books I didn’t want to watch any films to learn these things what I found best worked for me was flash cards and the best app again through because of Ali abdal is I found Anki a an Ki for those

    Who want to look it up and this is a very difficult app to learn it say a steep learning curve but once you get to that steep learning curve and you get past it it is one of the best apps to commit anything to memory and it doesn’t

    Work for everything for an engineering background it doesn’t work at all for a medical background it works because you have to memorize so much stuff right and for context Ali Abal is a Doctor by profession so that’s why he recommends it but for me I found okay let’s just

    Take take that and see if I can apply it to learning German and what I found was there’s already someone had prepared a deck of around 4,000 words by highest frequency I just use that I used to do like 200 300 cards a day and that’s

    Where that’s how I was able to improve my vocabulary and to give you an hint in my course you start off with an A2 um you don’t get enrollment unless you have an A2 but the expectation is you do a dsh one uh that is the hang mhm um and that’s basically

    Somewhere just above B2 level I would say so the expectation is within three semesters you have to do this and I was able to do it I finished my B2 even before I landed in Germany and that’s because all through the pandemic I was sitting I was doing these flash cards

    And learning so much vocabulary MH and and it’s it’s also not only about the accent the grammar more about is can you Express all the thoughts which you have do you have the words to express all the thoughts which you have right and because I did this I was able to express

    All those thoughts and I’m not saying this is the best way to do it but that’s something which worked for me and there drives to my summary point which I would like to say is there are a 100,000 different techniques to do something if you I also did this mistake of finding

    Every different technique you just sit on the internet you sit on YouTube and find 50 different ways to study one thing it doesn’t help at all tell trust me me just find one thing which works for you pick only one aspect which works for you and then use it find a different

    Person for a different aspect of life for me what what helps with Ali abdal is the productivity aspect of it but I don’t like to over productive or let’s say I don’t know that’s a word over plan my life he does that he plans every last

    Minute of it so that doesn’t work so I don’t take it from him I’m not criticizing him for it I’m just not taking that aspect of my life from him at the same time I find someone else really uh like Casey niat is a YouTuber which I really love and he’s he’s the

    One who made me fell in fall in idea with this concept of the city of New York I don’t take everything from him but what I take from him is this ability to just get done get done no matter what happens and I just take that from him just take these random things

    From people it’s not only help you in studying and you know preparing for exams and let’s say learning German or giving the G this stuff which will help you in life find one or two things which you connect with from these people and just take that you don’t have to like

    Everything that they do do you want uh to know what I learned from you can tell me I really you know we have for those who do not know we have countless conversations once in uh every two weeks or 3 weeks and I really like your business sense for me growing up

    Education was the only thing and working for someone is only thing so I never had it in me to think that I could eventually think about a business but I get to learn so much from that aspect of you like I I don’t know anything more

    Than that about your life to say that I like this of you I don’t like that of you but for me I don’t care what I don’t like about you for me I care that I like the business sense you have and for me I

    Try to learn as much as I can how to handle people how to we have had so many people come and go at the alumni team right and how to handle these people the emails that we receive sometimes we receive emails which escalate like anything and initially I used to be like

    Can you please handle this can you please handle this and now I think barely one email every week I send you because I’ve learned to handle these people handle these kind of situations and this is stuff which I learned from you MH thank you so much for

    That that was something nice to hear yes thank you so much I mean I don’t know like U from you like for me the story was I just have this admiration for people who are independent and I unfortunately don’t see many of them especially I don’t don’t see many of

    Them coming from our country so like you just like having this kind of like Independence all right like you know today I’m going to go to Belgium I don’t give a today I’m going to go there today I go there like these kind of things I found extremely interesting and

    Also like being open to things right away all right like I haven’t tried this ever before but let’s try it and the only thing I have to lose right now is the time and in any case I’m going to learn something from that and like these

    Kind of things are super nice K like I told you about um a friend like you know who wanted to like start with me on another project so like we were making translations for different languages of the German course yeah and unfortunately my Turkish friend like he just um like

    We were planning to like you know kind of make videos about this he already translated the course he already translated the course to to Turkish Turkish German and like he was not shying away from work but somehow something happened and one day I opened my um Turkish YouTube channel channel uh

    For uh for him that we like promoted and we did everything and all of a sudden like all the videos are deleted and the channel name is somehow turned to XY Z something something that’s like you know did it get hacked or something or what happened and turns out like you know he

    Asked me I think on 1st January or something on my birthday and I was anyways busy it was like you know on 31st December like if uh he can delete the delete his videos uh because he does not feel comfortable with them anymore and I did not respond to it because I

    Was like you know this this sounds a bit ridiculous it’s not like just one videos like it’s I don’t know 123 videos where like I put my time inside ad put his time inside like we were all like kind of like explaining him teaching him

    Things and like we went so far that you take somebody’s hand you bring him to a place where the only thing which is left is then kind of like a little bit more effort because like nothing comes from effort like from like if you talk about

    The YouTube videos like when I I it was 8 months before I made my first check of around €70 or something right so like the problem comes then with people like who are not just consistent or like just give up too early right I have you seen

    This image of this uh minor who is like digging yeah it’s a very common M exactly right like so he’s digging one minor quits a little bit too soon and right after that it’s a fat diamond mine like that he can find and the other Miner just like keeps on going he finds

    The mine and he keeps uh he takes the diamonds and he takes away so that was the story so for example like that was something I found extremely positive here that like you know that we launched the um the free course for GRE and we are planning to launch the complete

    Course for GRE soon and that like all of these things are like you still progressing like you know in a super organized way and like that there is no hesitation like okay like you know we don’t know if things are going to work out or not but we know that we want to

    Provide value and that was something I found extremely interesting that you even came back to the uh aw course and you’re like okay like you know these are these things need to be improved these things need to be changed you change those things it doesn’t matter whether

    The course comes out I would be happy if no one watches the course also as long as I get to make the course for me that’s a new experience I have gotten so much more comfortable with speaking to a camera I remember during the pandemic we

    Made a video to wish uh a grandmother or one of the cousins a birthday or something and I was so stiff I barely was anything and I guess some people can watch this video also on the complete course of studying in Germany page I have a testimonial where I talked about

    How what value I got from this course I look so bad in that course I will never make a video which looks like that but right now if I pick up a camera I feel so comfortable right now and this is a skill which I don’t know where it’ll be

    Used ful for me in life maybe I start a YouTube channel which works I don’t know maybe I become great at or I become very good at presentations which will help me land some good position I don’t know but this ability to put myself is something

    Which I learned because of the course so if nothing happens with the course nobody buys the course also at least that one thing I can get right and another inside baseball kind of thing which I want to give hint to people is I have been an alumni for big coming this

    March 2 years can you imagine it’s been 2 years and I have seen what 1 2 3 4 five people come and go four people come and go already and I think only MRE is the one who’s been there longer than me to do these emails and the you the

    People would ask why are you still involved in this you’re almost finishing your Masters why you’re still involved it’s two things the first thing which I ever told you in the first interview which we had or the call which we had is why do you want to do this is for me I

    Didn’t have people to help me out the course was something which helped me out yes but before that I wanted at least one person to tell me it’s going to be okay one person to tell me you’ll find a journey and I want to be that I don’t

    Know for how many people maybe three people maybe 10 people maybe hundreds but I wanted to be that and I still want to be that the second reason why I continue to do is I give a commitment right I gave a commitment to you that I’ll do this that’s Salman

    Khog I’m like I will say no to a lot of things but the moment I say yes to it I will do it I am lazy I’m lazy as anyone can be right but once I know there’s a deadline once I know there’s a commitment to be made I I’ll make sure

    To finish up even if I’m doing it in the 11th hour I will make sure to finish it up and this is something which you have to do right if you give a word to someone and you have to have some value for that right otherwise people will not

    Trust you yeah and today I think on a call I was 15 minutes late the only reason which you said it’s okay for 15 minutes late is because I’ve always been on time and we always make sure that whenever we do the call we are on time

    And that trust I have built and that’s what’s helping me out and that’s what you have to do you have to you have to give yourself to the project which you’re doing to the stuff which you’re doing to such an extent where they’ll say okay if I give anything which is new

    Also which this person doesn’t know to Kosik he’ll figure out a way to do it or at least he’ll have the ability to say I don’t know how to do this please help me people people who can work independently and who have their own brain it’s very

    Less kosic and sometimes I just feel like you know these are just a simple um character characteristics that somebody needs to have in order to Simply go towards the managerial and CEO positions and things like that because most people are so scared of responsibilities you know the same story like I was speaking

    To my brother yesterday U for the podcast and he was like you know I I actually spoke to somebody um like you know that who called his mother in India and asked which t-shirt I should we and it was like when he was 2021 or something and he was like you know

    People are so scared of like taking decisions because if they take a decision of course it could be right or it could be wrong and if it gets if it’s wrong then there are going to be people who are going to um come after you and

    Things like that but that is the place where you start you have to Simply start taking decisions and when things go wrong you have to learn how to deal with them yeah right and they’re so so so vinish people who actually are capable of that so I think that that’s that’s a

    Great um thing to have and I was actually checking your email kosek the the first email that you sent to the academy email was um 16th November 2020 and I sent you a loom video um for the letter of recommendation from employer yes yes yes because I I quit my I quit

    My job on in November I think it was 20th of November so 16th of remember I was trying to get oh get it get it get it signed as much as I can as quickly as I can yeah crazy like you know how how far things come but yeah this was very nice

    Yeah I think this was a very nice um conversation just one thing I would like to add is for the previous point which you mentioned about someone asking their parents about something right I hope people don’t get this wrong I am someone who tells everything to my parents right

    If I did something today I’ll tell them but there’s a difference between informing and relying on them to make a decision for you right today I’ll book a I booked a trip to Brussels I told you that I I’ll go to Brussels I’ll not be available for two days in December I

    Booked the trip and then a day later I told them that I booked the trip whereas if I was let’s say in the earlier version of me who I’ll not be friends with I would have asked them about it but that Independence doesn’t mean that you don’t have to tell the people in

    Your life what you’re doing it just means that you take the decision but at least you can seek consult from them or at least you inform them that’s I think that’s why people say oh bat is saying don’t ask your parents but what about parents who have supported me all life

    It’s not like that you tell the people you tell them what to do but the final decision is yours you have to make sure that you make the decision because it’s your life it’s not anyone else’s life it’s your life you have to make the decision absolutely I think the biggest

    Um Learning lesson from this is become somebody that you are not friends with um 5 years later on from now yes yes and I think like that that that’s a pretty nice lesson to have from this podcast again we have a moral of the story to wrap up our podcast it’s I

    Think we’re coming to a long time now yeah yeah yeah but I think like you know Kos for me like um this was a very interesting podcast is there anything else that you’d like to add I think we have spoken enough for this for the first whatever this becomes later on

    Maybe we do we have talked about doing a podcast on some uh like current topic which is relevant to students uh because we have so many ideas we have so many conversations we like why why not put a camera and record the same conversations which we have offline so I think we’ll

    See what happens in the future maybe this picks up if people like it we come back and have a conversation in a few weeks time absolutely and if you guys have any kind of comments to this just post in the comment section we’ll be checking it out and we’ll be taking

    Those comments in the next podcast first thing yeah thank you so much for kosek and um everybody we see you again soon ch


    1. Most Tamil I have seen abroad is in Malaysia and Singapore , During British era they took lot of people from India from Tamil Nadu to work in Malaysia and Singapore.

    2. I was having a conversation with one of my friends, and he said something that was really heart-breaking. He mentioned that currently, we are the youngest country in the world, with a youthful population. However, the concern is that if we don't harness this youthful energy for the betterment of the nation, in 30 to 40 years, India could be facing one of the oldest populations in the world. Politicians are contributing to the downfall of this country. From my perspective, the situation in the country is on the worst side. There is a prevalence of unskilled individuals, and politicians are exploiting the youth for votes, while enjoying their own lives. Even if you raise questions about why the government isn't providing jobs, someone will divert the conversation by questioning your math or geography skills. Then, the entire crowd will join in, blaming the person . They fail to recognize that they are part of the problem too. Despite having a similar population and GDP as China did before its rapid development, our government has not achieved the same progress. Some people might argue that China is a dictatorship, while we are in a semi-democratic system. However, mark my words, our future doesn't look promising with the current mindset.

    3. Can we make recorded or live podcasts a regular thing?. It really helps in shaping one own's personality by taking away pointers while listening to new people and their experiences of living abroad or literally anywhere.

    4. It was a really interesting podcast and I will come again to watch it , his journey from introvert to being a self sustained student is really motivating factor to me .

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