Cycling can be full of emotions from good to bad and sometimes it can boil over and unfortunately many times there is a camera to capture this outburst.

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    Not everything can go to plan especially in the World of Sports despite wearing lyro shorts and not boxing gloves sometimes whether it’s a world champion or a Tor of France Champion the pressure and the fatigue can get the better of these writers and show that even these

    Legends can lose their tempers and are human as well in today’s video we’re going to go through some of the most memorable moments in terms of the sports history where writers just lose their tempers a bit career number 10 the year is 2008 kadal Evans has taken the yellow

    Jersey after the stage as is usual for the yellow Jersey he’s answering questions from journalists this seems all to be fine until one journalist decides to get a bit too intimate with the Australian touching his shoulder which has been injured in the past obviously cadel not too pleased about

    This lashes out showing his more Primal side slapping the journalist’s arm whilst evans’s Swan also knows this and shouts out don’t touch the thought behind the journalist action we will never know but despite his great pal marrez this Split Second has become one of the classic moments from the

    Incredible career that is cell Evans coming at number nine and we go to the 2019 Jalia and things got a little bit tense between Mar oalla and a fan where the fan instead of asking politely for the water bottle as a souvenir from Marco Hala proceeded to grab it out of

    Hal’s mouth which Not only was incred L rude but also was very dangerous and could have given Marco Halla an extensive Dental Bill if he was unlucky it’s fair to say that Marco hel dished out some curses in response to this very rude action what the fan was thinking in

    That moment was yeah pure nonsense coming into number eight and here we have the brilliant Bradley Wiggins the UK’s first Toral France winner an incredibly decorated olympion despite this he also is a man with a colorful vocabulary at times this was captured perfectly after a stage at 2012 to

    France when the TV crew focused on Peter Sean didn’t really see Bradley Wiggins who proceeded to knock the camera over and the cameraman really saw the angry side of Bradley Wiggins as he collider into the British Rider coming in at number seven following a very wet addition at the Monsterland jro in 2019

    Things got a little bit heated in the mix Zone after the race even though Floren Cal’s teammate Alvaro won the race he was still up for a scrap with sunweb’s bide after the stage this was because a crash was caused in the final moments of the race between valide and

    Florence senal in the crash shal looks to be wiped out by valide and obviously a little bit angry and frustrated after this although we didn’t see any uppercuts embarrassingly the whole thing was captured on tape while valide was interviewed by German TV after the race coming in at number six if you can’t

    Fight after the race why not fight during the race is what seemed to happen between Ivan rney and Jan Luca brambila at the 2014 welta spia during the 16 stage both Riders were in the Breakaway for quickstep and Tinker respectively something must have exchanged between the two and they started scrapping on

    The bike this was all captured on camera and the two had nowhere to hide subsequently the UCI declared them disqualified even after brambila started attacking for the stage win nevertheless it was certainly a unique moment at that Year’s wel spia and just astounding for our cycling fans number five let me

    Transport you to provance in 1984 well it’s not all that rosy as 1984 is the year when Bernardino showed us that he was not only a great cyclist but also a great boxer on The Province South stage of Paris a barrage of protesters blocked the road during the decisive part of the

    Stage and instead of talking things through Eno took matters into his own hands quite literally and punched one of the protesters it appears to have worked so fair play Bernardino number four and we are in 1997 and here the Danish Superstar Biana Reese came into the Tor

    Of France as the reigning champion and with Great Expectations on his shoulders to defend his crown after disappointing tour overall however Reese vented his anger on stage 20’s individual time trial which took place around Disneyland Paris of all places and it certainly wasn’t all smiles for the Dane as his

    State of the-art time child bike had multiple mechanical failures in the space of just 30 seconds this fueled the DNE to launch his bike deep into the perisian field although this wasn’t Reese’s finest moment let’s just give some credit for that incredible bike throw by the Daye which was very

    Respectable number three and the eighth stage of of the 2015 Welter spia is the scene and it will not be remembered fondly for the Slovakian Superstar petus Gan as he was on the Quest for another stage win in the green jersey he came down in what appeared to be a mysterious

    Crash and from the onboard footage which surfaced afterwards you can see a motorbike that accelerates sharply with almost no concern for where Sagan was riding the result of this is a nasty crash for Sean so he was fairly angry afterwards as he seen shouting at the motorbikes around him Not only was he

    Frustrated but the team owner orak tinkov demanded an apology from the race nevertheless San abandoned the race that evening but the motorbike driver and San met in 2018 to bury the hatch coming in number two and we have to transport ourselves to trano adriatico we all know sprinters can get a little agitated

    After all their job is to navigate a Pelon at 70 km an hour while Mar kill didn’t even have to make it to the final 100 met to show his anger on the stage the German Powerhouse fell victim to an incident at 2.5 km to go leaving him

    Mightly frustrated instead of punching a fan or shouting at a car like others on this list kle decided to throw his €1,000 giant bike onto the tarmac and this was met with a poor reception by the team and the sponsors however KD made up for it by posting this picture

    The very next day on Twitter before we go into the number one pick on this list here are some unrean mentions or dishonorable however you want to see it firstly Remco Veno getting angry that he wasn’t getting help quick enough in The crucial moments of the race or even Mark

    Cades who we haven’t mentioned yet who was pictured shouting in the green jersey at his mechanic in 2021 at the Tour of France but Mark hdes was also very angry in 2013 when a journalist asked him at the team presentation about Lance Armstrong and this is what

    Happened can you get him away please you’re just asking about lands please get this guy away he just wants to talk about land well now it’s time for the number one pick and we’ve decided to go for the moment that seems very bizarre and for this we have to go back to the

    2019 Belgian tour and whilst riding for the Belgian national team Nathan m hoink is victim to a rear wheel puncture with 17 km to go and as usual he pulls over to the side of the road and asks the neutral service for a spare wheel in

    Instead of you know doing their job the Shimano mechanic begins a slow motion Chase with man hoink man hoink subsequently loses this Chase and screams give me the wheel before shouting a number of very Flemish insults eventually the belan does get a spare wheel from his team car but this

    Moment is certainly a masterpiece in its own very strange way and a very unusual incident with a pro cyclist and the neutral service that’s basically it for this video make sure to hit the like button if you haven’t already and let me know down in the comments if I missed

    Any moments out and if you haven’t already subscribe to the channel and of course as always thank you for watching and have a nice day


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