Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Stage 1 of the UAE Tour 2024.

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    Footage | UAE Tour Press Office
    Photos | Cor Vos (unless stated otherwise)

    A sad but heartwarming scene to end the UAE Tour opening stage today the tourist St Riders crossing the line on the same bike the opening Sprint stage it’s a new stage uh but the UA tour has got Cavendish here merer yakobson wellsford Groves gavia you name it every Sprinter

    Is here except for yasper philipson and terms of GC the big favorite is uae’s Adam Yates after winning Tran there’s also Ben Conor here and po Bill Bal but Yates is the big big favorite supported by mcnalty and Vine but yeah this opening stage they went South uh 141k

    It’s a Sprint stage although they go into like a sand June hilly area where I didn’t know if there was a prospect of Crosswinds or whether the San Junes block uh the wind wellsford after the tour down under he and his Bora train looked the overall best lead out package

    But two corch riders in the break Stewart and Morano they were controlled pretty well by I mean pretty much every team here want to Sprint except for EF Education First so the chance of the breakway winning I guess not not zero because breakway one with the gazprom

    Riders in in 2021 I think uh but with no cross wins and two riders in the Breakaway it wasn’t happening so really Bor yeah they put Bookman on the front to control as well as quickstep I think put a rider maybe as well but there were bonus seconds on offer at the

    Intermediate Sprint po Bill ba actually jumped across and nabbed a couple of them and L van Bell took one to go into The Young Riders Jersey but still the sprinters teams and the sprinters were chilling it’s one of these classic stages where they do 100 150 watts all

    Day and then the last 5 km on big roads are absolutely chaotic at high speed not withstanding Thomas de try trying trying something that didn’t really go anywhere but as you can see even at 10ks to go they’re not flat out at this point the breakaways been caught there’s no real

    Win it’s not that technical at the moment there’s a couple of big big highspeed roundabouts so you see inter maré sprinting uh against DSM and uh the Caton as Des there to be first through that roundabout but even up to 5Ks to go it was mainly the GC teams outside of

    UAE like the cath na is out yeah they’re going for Bennett here but they’ve also got Ben Conor for GC inos I presume moving fos up or protecting him for GC UAE moving up Milano who’s their Sprinter but Bora DSM quickstep alerson you can barely see them in the picture

    The few lead outs they do have a deeper at the bottom of this screenshot so really they everyone like all the big sprinters teams that brought a proper lead out here were all thinking let’s move up late cuz the roads are so wide why don’t we move up late and that’s

    What Bora did here and it becomes this huge rush where the speed changes massively Bora move up on the left hand side with uh gamper and massio but that comes at a cost you burn through those Riders really really fast they’re not doing like a smooth 7K to 5K pull they’re doing a

    Sprint effort basically and here Masuk and gamper are cooked already 2.2k to go TOS R the for Melisa bike he’s leading out Koy who’s number 181 you got Mullen Van Poppel welid they’re the lead out that a lot of teams wanted to be on in

    This stage and gamer Muk as I said it kind of cooked but it’s two Cas to go and Mullin normally hits the front much later than that this is not when he wants to hit the front so after Vander kind of dangles ahead of them Mullen

    Looks to I think gamper to move back up but the problem is they lose a lot lot of speed he’s cooked and they get washed over so that was Bor had problems today it wasn’t as good as in the TDU Bahrain they’ve got basically Nikki asan as a

    Pilot for bouse trying to keep him in good position he looking looking for him he comes across the right hand side Groves is on the alberon which looks like a that kit is a quickstep kit that got put through the wash on too high heat and got washed out there in the

    Middle with two Riders the kathin ases there actually did a really good job I would say for a first CR in a world tour race of this caliber with like this is the sprinters World Championships just about but when an I think it is opens up he’s got bouse fourth wheel wellsford is

    Detached from his lead out you’ll see it better in the overhead and predictably too many riders even in a wide Road creates problems and Riders do get boxed in merlee goes to the right hand side follows that decathlon lead out that Bennett couldn’t follow and then it’s Milano who actually jumps first we

    Thought looked like gavi jumped first but actually he was on Milano’s wheel American flag flying with the on the left hand side big crash as well unfortunately with riders going down hard and merer comes out of their wheel the Colombians and wins handle are a decline second maresco third he is that

    Overhead Wells box into the right hand side his lead out with Maron vble goes left with Koy on their wheel and basically everyone that goes left gets a bad result everyone that was deeper and goes right gets a good result is pretty much how this Sprint ended up working

    Whether that was because van poble couldn’t do the high speeed lead out that he would expect but yeah merus slid really fast up onto that AZ Des lead out of these Riders on the right hand side you’ve got first second third fifth sixth seventh or maybe even fourth and

    Welid comes Fifth and bous like ninth or something on the left hand side is the best result so the right side is the fastest side when it opened up and then when Milano launched uh to the right you just see merer get into that big gear

    Finally get up to speed get into their draft and for some reason the helicopter crops in really really close but we see M here just destroy everybody so gavia could have got a better result maybe top three if he stayed in Milano’s will for longer but uh I don’t think he was going

    To be able to win anyway launching from that far out in terms of the crash it looks like Mullin coming back after finishing his lead out and then an into Mar Rider and I think underp a lot of Destiny Rider are bumping shoulders fighting for wellsford wheel and I think

    It’s Bennett I’m not entirely sure rer and white on the barriers then comes across and he moves those two even further right and basically that domino effect causes vapa to chop Mullen he goes down and then aana FR Fran and yeah there a mass pile up I think VTA goes

    Down hard and inos rer goes down hard and then gadoli brings tah harda across the line on his bike I’m not sure exactly why because I presume the bike wasn’t working or I know tahar was banged up but also the rules say that you don’t have to do this Luke uh our

    Producer brought out the rule that if you crash you can just start the next day because of the 3 km R but anyway here’s the top 10 results there more than 10 good sprinters here M WIS had a decline mesco yakoba wellsford gavida Milano consone bous Yan Vanda rounding

    Out the top 10 here’s what you had to say after the stage a win is always nice and uh I’m happy this year I have a picture I make the decision to to go the other side with I think five 500 minutes to go and uh yeah I think I did make the

    Good decision there to to go alone hope you enjoyed the video TT tomorrow 12ks no Gana bisa Kung van not here so a good opportunity for someone like Mikel b or Ry Cav to win a world tour level TT I’ll be back with a recap of that tomorrow till thenia


    1. просмотрела раз двадцать. Такое впечатление, что завал нарочно ко-то замутил, подлецы прямо.

    2. I really like these highlight clips, but I have a pet hate. At 3:09 he says "Bora move up on the left hand side”, but they are on the right side of the road. It seems to be the standard way of commentating, which is very confusing and really annoying, especially when coverage is interspersed with helicopter views from above.

    3. The classic Gaviria leadout from 400 meters. Dude is nothing if not predictable, he literally does it in every sprint and it literally never works. It baffles me every time.

    4. Bro's balls must be oval shaped this morning eh? The least they could have done was put a baby seat there for him to sit on 😅

      I imagine if there was a Tour of Mars it would look something similar to this. Maybe Elon Musk can put that into the works.

      Thanks Lantern as always an interesting and concise recap! 👏

    5. This is the kind of analysis that can bring more fans to the sport, you could not know anything or anyone in cycling and still get the immersion that any sports fan looks for. Love your work.

    6. I could not see hardly any spectators how long any of the highway? Maybe I just didn't see them? However, I really don't think cycling is very popular in the middle east. Sounds just like the UAE has plenty of money to spend, so they can sponsor a bike race.

    7. did you catch the Decathlon rider with a GoPro on the front of his setup? not even a compact model; he was using a boxy unit capable of 5k recording. that's how i ride track: the video is worth the aero penalty for the wisdom gained.

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