Doing a recce for a Brompton Nottingham ride at the weekend

    Good morning everyone welcome to Nottingham Nottingham Council house Nottingham slab Square Nottingham left lion and my Brompton s6e with kuzak midrise bars so today’s video is going to be a little bit about leading bike rides I guess I’m down here to to to do a REI for a bike ride next

    Sunday uh today’s Valentine’s Day 14th hopefully uh I’ll um show you some things which I look at look for doing a bike ride organizing a bike ride uh the bike ride is this Sunday but you’ll see the video after the bike ride if that makes sense so this is the starting

    Point the left line been the meeting point for people in nottingam for years so here beneath the castle walls we have Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem that’s the oldest in in England rumor has it there’s a ship in the in the bar on the wall if you take the ship

    Down to clean it you don’t lift to see the day out I don’t know how true that is but nobody’s Live to Tell the tale we’re going to up off through through house yard here and then uh see where we end up it’s interesting spot spots like this

    For me that make a bike ride welcome to the Magnificent Brew House Brew House yard Museum well worth a visit just below the castle here at the bottom of Castle Rock as I said in the video last week um casty Rock’s famous for many many ways especially the

    Caves speaking to the people here who have no obviously no saying anything that happens but if you if you’re on a bromton and you contact the people in the castle not in Castle the uh people that organize events here things here it may be possible to arrange storage for your Brompton if

    There’s a few of you if you’re on your own it’s quite possible that the people on the door here may have the discretion to let you part your bike inside orbe it very much at your own risk so Sunday’s ride is essentially how Nottingham is a Brompton bike friendly

    City just passing the the railway station the side entrances and uh a bit further along we’ll get to the main entrance drop over the road down to the uh Canal I’ll have a look along there not sure about this BL 72 vlr well done an opinion just slip around this is hopkinson’s

    Hopkinson shop Antique Center quite interesting we’ll slip around the back got a graffiti wall used to be graffiti wall around the back I don’t know if it’s still in use or not yeah bit of graffiti there oh I used to be able to do a a circuit of this but this door’s this

    One’s all now locked off but little bit of Nottingham’s street art and I believe that is an official graffiti wall there’s a view of the of the station I’ll bring you back soon doesn’t sound for as you can see this is pretty much Nottingham’s water side area Canal House Bar via FAA Clayton

    Fellows of Morton or fellows Morton in Clayton nowar about here which is part of a project don’t know what’s happening with that these days we used to have a canal boat Museum here or Canal Museum that’s long gone so this is just adjacent to the railway station well worth a visit area steeped in history there’s a very interesting

    Piece of history about one of the warehouses uh I’m not going to show it here you’ll have to come on a Nottingham history ride organized by one of our groups are Nottingham Val venturers Brompton Nottingham or even Nottingham classic ride so again we’re on of Nottingham’s lovely smooth segregated

    Infrastructure going down by the canal I think it ranks in the top 10 of cycl cities and there’s they’re currently doing more work in the city they’re starting the project this week top have made Maran way which will make things a lot safer taking out a roundabout essentially putting a te Junction in

    And segregated cycleways little bit more soon so we’re at the qmc now or Queens Medical Center all perfectly accessible by any kind of bicycle how friendly these places are inside of bromton I don’t know but certainly bike security and not like anywhere else is a major concern and uh I just think if

    You if you leave your bromton somewhere you’re not going home on it unfortunately bicycle theft doesn’t seem to be just on the on the radar for crimes these days for whatever reason this is a riverine I’ve done well today temperature’s knocking at 12° Centigrade I think so I’m slightly overdressed at the

    Minute may have to uh do a bit of a strip teas soon anyway Queen’s Med big road at the side of it which you saw in my last video and all the rubbish and the car dealerships and the uh the sewer right we off some more

    Soon and as for City cycling Vistas go this is pretty good this is a site of the the old lock and the uni and the green man to go go so we have some of our oldest architecture mixed with some of our newest there’s a cafe in

    There never never I’ve been to it four times I think and never been successful because sha staff shortages broken till power cut and oh we’ve just closed obviously not a private Enterprise if it is obviously run by somebody with loads of money anyway that’s the University campus I’ll stop here

    Because we thought of heading up to towards won Park um what is good here is this is on the fringes of what they used to call I think a Garden State a garden development where houses were built and at the end of every street you

    Had a bit of a green Vista it was to make places Pleasant for people to live again keeping look out on Nottingham an architectural tour possibly bikes love you zigzag tours they do something with architecture and stuff in Nottingham all brmt and friendly I’ll bring you back

    Soon so sort of top side of Queens Med Now on the Ring Road mum has these Green Cycle Crossings I’ve shown you some of those in Kings Lin but not green I in Cambridge they’re not green either so lum’s chosen green this is cyclist right of way and motorist giveway obviously

    Pedestrians have righted lay over everybody although I do question now I suppose your giveway has to be there but now every every Junction every Crossing in the country is now legally like this because pedestrians and cyclists have right of way over the crossing to Vehicles entering and

    Exiting I’m not going to put it to the test until they remove all the giveaway lists that have in places like this for cyclists and put them here on the road that’s what the law now says anyway we the entrance to won Hall I don’t go in this entrance I go in the

    Derby Road entrance um but I’m not going to go that way today I don’t think I come out this way simple reason it’s a bit of a hike up from the Derby Road entrance but coming down this way it’s on tarmac smooth and fast all the way to

    The end here in fact you can give one sh pedal at won Hall and not pedal again until you get to here bring you back soon guys so we have a bridge number six which isual stone work an underpass on National cycle Network six look at that Art Deco Public House pretty

    Cool Hardy to get your view from over here there’s lots of people about so this is sort of Radford area rad Radford not Bradford area of Nottingham and uh Raleigh isand anyway there’s there’s the crown Public House oh Deo don’t know if that would have been home ales or shipston in its day

    Possibly Kimber Hardy answer I W have thought so probably home ales anyway we’ll keep going this is a rally Island we’ll see what we can see here so everything Nottingham is uh everything University these days quite Splendid though we have the adrium restaurant here haven’t been don’t know about the

    Opening hours closing times I have been in only to use the facilities though I think if you study architecture this is one of the universities you come to as you can see style upon style upon style of architecture it’s got to be a good thing to see uh

    To see styles of architecture in one place just look down here very close to uh just China I think China we’ve got University complex very similar to this in many ways use the kickstand so convenient that’s s the Sai y center it’s a cool place to be in the

    Summer especially if you get bag of spots with picnic I don’t know if you can see the effect of the waterf there good news is I made it into spokes for an incredibly good cup of coffee I think spokes it’s called spokes because it’s either built on the site of the stury

    Archer Hub Factory or the rally wheel building Factory facility or even both anyway there’s bits some bicycle memorabilia in the cafe absolutely gorgeous G through lovely 200° coffee that’s one of the better known coffee brands certainly the mainline change could probably learn a bit or to going to 200° for their

    Coffee that waterfall is incredible it’s got some Brakes in it which I guess is stuff that’s caught behind it but it’s like a has the effect of glass wall shimmering I get the camera out and try to take a picture welcome to Inner City peace and solitude although it be a little bit

    Polluted very disjointed ride as my style is it’s a case of putting together nice bits of cycle infrastructure to do a a loop perhaps in this case a figure of eight I don’t know till I upload it on Kut I’ve got Kut running today forgot the other day

    In the end of that little bit of cycling Lo we go down one of the streets opposite to the end and then probably left and then right I think all come flooding back to me no doubt this is cool I’ve picked up a bit of a job today as well um delivering

    Flowers and I’ve just delivered some lovely flowers to a lady in the uh welcome to Nottingham tourism and travel information center poping to have a look around in here guys loads of stuff see you soon just to finished the video I’m in the car park now I drove down to nothing this

    Morning this is the portal to a railway tunnel long closed oh I don’t know it’s called the Victoria the Sherwood or whatever it’s called and I believe it has been open for people to visit if there’s a video on YouTube I will post a link to it and um

    Be able to see see something about it certainly uh it’s Evers along and totally closed off apart from the days they open it for people such a wasted space this you see more Railway embankment stuff there in blue brick such a waste of space of course a

    Victoria Center where we are all the edge of the Victoria Center in the car park was um was built on the Victoria ra railway station many years ago anyway bit more useless information to add to my videos but had a cracking ride around Nottingham planning a route I don’t know

    If you’ve seen anything of Interest I don’t know I’m going to go on Sunday I’ve just sort of suck it in SE ear it’ll be a a nice day out anyway and I guess I’ve been out for I have no idea to be honest third time on the GoPro probably been out

    For let me just look at my phone that will tell me cool bit a car par this so it’s 1538 so it’s down near 4:00 I was down here for gone just gone midday I think so had a good 3 hours right around Nottingham looking my rid are

    Slow with many stops to look at anything to take photographs because as you know my belief is we we’re in this we’re on this planet for we’re on this planet for one one stab at things so you only pass so I’m not look I’m not looking at we only passed this

    Way once so it’s important that we stop look at everything we come across and meet people and talk to people catch you on the next one


    1. At the end you mention stopping and talking to people, On my rides I stop and talk and a few times people have thanked me for talking to them, talking to them! its a sad reflection on society when people feel the need to say thanks for what should be a normal daily occurrence?

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