Victoria 3 1.5 Super Germany is the best nation and if you don’t agree you will be assimilated.

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    Victoria 3 is a grand strategy games published by Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved. This is an unofficial video, not endorsed by Paradox Interactive. Diplo Forming Super Germany As Prussia In 1840s The SECRET Prussian Path To Form Super Germany in Victoria 3 Diplomatically

    #vicky3 #victoria3

    You really cannot spell Victoria 3 without pressure in it that’s exactly why today we’ll be doing pressure into Super Germany to mix things up a little bit and tell you what I’m going to be recording all the way to 1936 today and I’m going to split this up in three

    Parts so I can let you guys see everything that I’m doing include as much as possible in the final edits and I will be releasing the next part of this campaign whenever we reach 6,900 likes and if we get 40 comments saying Prussia Universal is Broski the Broski

    Is necessary by the way in that comment now if you really want me to release this tomorrow cuz that’s also an option then let’s get 8,288 likes okay for no specific reason I just like that number what’s your problem bro obviously we’re going to have to have a little bit of a different

    Approach to our game today since uh having Austria join us when we formed Germany which is by the way what super Germany means it’s going to be a little bit tougher so we’re going to have to start by improving relations with them first and foremost and we’re going to

    End the Rivalry with the austrians because they need to have at least plus 50 relations in order to allow themselves to join us in the union also we’re going to need to go to war with them before that to become the only option that people have when it comes to

    Uh forming Germany here namely the launch unification plate that is going to be after we get nationalism so that’s why the first part of the campaign we’re going to try and get a really strong economy going we’re going to be improving relations with neighbors around us in the hopes that these

    Neighbors are going to be helping us out against the um austrians and the unification play and then we’re going to fight against these neighbors to get stronger and hopefully get the aan our side afterwards so it’s a lot of complicated schnaps but pay close attention cuz I’ll try my best to

    Include as much as possible so you guys can follow along if you like to do super Germany yourself before we do anything of course I’m going to be changing my uh armies here I’m going to set them to State and we’re going to rename them first first Imperial Army and so on give

    Them a nice green flagi is and I just realized I made first one the third one I’m I’m going to have to change this up all right now it’s a lot better so for the fourth Imperial Army we’re going to be uh doing something different though because the fourth Imperial Army is

    Basically only Lancers right now so we’re going to be switching this up and we’re going to send some of these Lancers to the army that doesn’t have enough Lancers that means the first and third Army which are lacking five Lancers each we’re just going to keep five Lancers in the uh fourth Imperial

    Army for the time being we’re going to get five infantry conscripts for now in that particular Army so that we have the balance and we don’t get the organization debuff whenever the war starts which is when we’re going to have the conscripts around also going to rename this chadus shipus Maximus give

    It a proper German name here and um that’s it when it comes to our armies for the time being we’re going to increase our army size before the wars with the austrians but that’s going to be in a while like I said we’re not going to speed it up when it comes to

    The unification because we want to have a strong economy beforehand and we want the austrians on our side we could just form regular Germany without Austria but we need to get Austria so that means we need to wait cuz we got to improve relations with them and we got to make

    Them nice towards us basically now we do need to get more Rivals so I’m going to go ahead and um I’m going to rival a few other nations like the Ottoman Empire the Spaniards I’m going to rival as well and hell even the Dutch I’m going to

    Rival I’m just doing that so I get some extra influence points that I can use to improve what nations around now I’m going to be improving and I’m also going to be Bank rolling Hanover Brunswick and uh Lipe which would break away from my Customs Union if I don’t do in the case

    Of Lipe and then just cycle my uh influence with the rest of the uh Nations around here because we want to have great relations with everybody in Germany so they would choose us as the German unificatory get-go which is we can change the university production method to the philosophy Department which

    Automatically is going to boost us from 58 to 62 weekly Innovation and we’re also going to do the same with the uh government Administration make sure you have standardized filing systems so you get more bureaucracy out of your admin centers General training as well for the conscripts that we recruited for the

    Fourth Army truth be told most of the production methods are already pretty good we’re just going to change Street uh lighting over here we’re going to change some of our textile emils to produce also uh luxury clothing now that means that we need to import some silk

    So that’s what we’re going to be doing we’re going to be importing silk so we can actually use that silk in producing the luxury clothing we don’t have that domestically uh constructed so we need to get it from around the world eventually we will be attacking some uh

    Areas of the world which have silk production so we have our own silk production but that’s not in the early part of the campaign we actually start with the surprisingly good amount of um buildings and we’ve changed the fishing TR here which means we’re going to need

    More Clippers let’s go ahead and import Clippers as well alongside the silk that we need we’re going to need to build some clippers uh manufactures we don’t have right now any shipyards so we need shipyards and Military shipyards one of each should be fine but first and foremost we need more construction

    Sectors so we’re going to build up 10 construction sectors in Silesia speaking of Silesia this is going to be our primary focus right now why is that well obviously Silesia has 120 up to co mines 60 iron mines lead mines sulfur obviously logging camps but most importantly we also get 10% coold

    Through put in this state and we have 15 extra infrastructure from the order River so essentially Silesia is an absolute Behemoth of a state we have tax collection issues though so we’re going to need to build an admin building here after we build the construction sectors

    So we’re going to queue it up like this we’re going to do the construction sectors then we’re going to do a couple of logging camps say four logging camps then a few iron mines another great state that we have is Walia and that’s why after we build up the stuff in Salia

    We’re also going to build up in Walia because this is where we have right now majority of our tooling workshops and steel mills and we’re going to need a lot of Steel to fuel our industry obviously we also need motor Industries and motor Industries have an input of

    Steel so building the motor Industries in the same state where we have steel mills means that we don’t have the debuff from having to uh get that steel from other states due to lowered Mappy right now our Market access price impact is actually pretty decent though as the

    Prussians we start with one of the highest Mappy in the world as you can see we have 85% Mappy so that means that only 15% difference we would be getting if we were to import the steel for our motor industries from another state but

    Hey that 15% can be a big deal so that’s why I’d rather have everything in here as required remember how I said we need ship yards and military ship yards that’s what we’re going to do next we’re going to do them in Pomerania one of

    Each cuz uh we don’t want to rely on uh importing Clippers and uh Steamers or whatever the hell they’re called from other nations that would take up our bureaucracy for new trade routes and that’s really not necessary when we can just have one of each and that should be

    Enough for the early part of the campaign now let’s go back to our research and we’re going to start by queuing up water Tu boilers that’s going to lead us to getting condensed engine pumps as our production method for our industry here so condensed engine pumps essentially doubles the output of Iron

    Coal and all of these other beautiful things that we need to fuel our industry now I also want to change a few things around my government obviously we’re going to stop bolstering the Evangelical Church we don’t want to waste 200 of our Authority points on bolstering one of

    The uh interest groups that we don’t really want to have in our government even for that matter and we will be changing over and we’re going to bring in the industrialist in our government it’s going to lower our legitimacy to 52 but it will allow us to go for lesser

    Fair which is honestly one of the best economic systems out there it’s going to allow us to get one extra company and it’s going to give us a lot more contribution from the capitalist and the shopkeepers by 25% more to the uh investment pool so passing less of fair

    Early on in the campaign is absolutely delicious if we manage to of course it’s not a guarantee obviously we also need more money to uh fuel our industry so we’re going to tax the [ __ ] out of people much like modern Germany we’re going to be uh we’re going to have a lot

    Of tax now we do want to cancel liquor and wine consumption tax because these affect primarily our lower strata but screw the lower strata for now we’re going to keep it there we’re going to add service tax we’re going to add porcelain tax and we’re going to add non-subscriber tax that’s right I’m

    Going to be taking all your monies in fact I already got it it’s right here because you didn’t subscribe you subscribe right now and I give it back to you I promise and I’m a man of my word maybe maybe not who’s to say you’ll never know all right now we’re also

    Going to use uh some of our Authority points to get the encouraged resource industry and St yes since this is where most of our industry most of our resources are going to be coming from at the beginning and pretty much the entirety of the campaign really but

    Especially at the first part of the campaign right and speaking of I also need to queue up the government administration building it’s not a priority though we don’t need to stress too much about the uh 20% tax efficiency debuff in silia all right let’s go back to institutions we’re going to go to

    Level three with this particular institution we want to level this one up to level three as well but we want to do it after we’ve changed uh from the local police force to the dedicated police force cuz we don’t want to give political strength to the yers they’ve

    Got enough as it is in my opinion now we do have two journal entries here a German National identity once 75% of Germans have research nationalism it’s going to trigger and we can do the uh leadership play for the German area I did start researching water to boiler

    Cuz most likely we’re going to research that before everybody else researches nationalism we can queue up nationalism as our second technology that being said sches viic holin question it’s very easy to do we just uh asked them to liberate subject we’re going to do it whenever the big boys are engaged in other

    Conflicts so they don’t care about us uh forcing the Danes to give ches viic its independence I’m also going to make Arabia one of my declared interests cuz I do intend on attacking the uh yemeni and bahini and nedi lands which are basically free kills they’ve got no

    Battalions no fleets so it’s just a matter of actually right clicking and attacking and that’s it usually nobody cares about this area 2 so no one’s going to actually defend them also going to set the manufacturing industry in Brandenburg and I said another resource industry edict in West FIA we will be

    Using our Authority points a lot in this campaign and we’re going to be changing edicts around and we’re going to use it for wherever is necessary obviously we’re going to get more Authority points once we’ve canceled out the liquor and the wine consumption taxes which will

    Happen very very soon not to worry about it now because we’ve built all of those extra construction sectors what happens is we have a massive debuff when it comes to our iron and our wood so we could for once when it comes to iron import some of that to make up for the

    Lack of iron and the same goes for the wood we can get some wood from other nations but we will be queuing up a lot of iron mines and a lot of logging camps sadly we don’t have enough market access in Silesia now because we don’t have too

    Much infrastructure so we’re going to build up some more of these iron mines in Walia and we’re going to build up a railway in silia we’re going to outclick it so it goes to the top of the queue alternatively we could cancel this edict and we can set up a road maintenance

    Edict in Silesia which will fix any sort of infrastructure issues we might have and that means we go back to 100% Market access actually you know what because of that probably will queue up more iron mines in here rather than West yeah we can queue up the West folan ones

    Afterwards I guess o 15% but that’s a big debuff for the industrialists man yeah why not screw it who cares about the opinion of the industrialists am I right guys all right time to queue up a few more logging camps I’m going to do not just in silia I’m going to do some

    More over in Westfalia as well and Halt and everywhere else wood is going to be one of the most important resources in this campaign and we need as much as possible of it let’s also queue up our universities actually now now that I think about it let’s get say uh six of

    Them in Brandenburg for the time being I should think is enough but I might be wrong we might need more now here’s the problem right we have an engine shortage unfortunately the only nation we can import engines from is the Brits but let that not fool you we are about to finish

    Building our own motor industry which we’re going to be needing in our uh Railways in Silesia so it’s just they they just got to be patient for a while Railways are going to have the motors they need very very soon and look at that we can change to our customs Union

    The nation of brunc and once the Brits lose their Union over the hanovarian we’re going to be able to get these guys over into our customs Union as well and they’re going to bring a lot of resources cuz Hanover surprisingly has quite a few resources to offer oh we

    Already at the consideration pH fors fair that is amazing news let’s also go ahead and uh queue up some more tooling workshops I’m going to get five of them in Westfalia for now because Westfalia end of the day has everything that tools need so it needs steel and it needs wood

    To function and we have steel mills in Westfalia we’re going to have some logging camps built in here as well soon so it’s a closed loop economy here with motor Industries as well being here and taking the steel that they need from the same state also I just realized

    Something I forgot to change my company so we start off with the freedish group company which is a really good company I actually like it however we’re not getting the prosperity because we don’t have much productivity from artillery foundries arms Industries and so on so we’re going to just disband this for now

    And I’m going to establish another company I just need to have 10 iron mines in uh one of the states and that’s going to be in uh Silesia very soon once we have the 10 mines we can establish a company that I’ll show you guys in a few

    Moments it’s not available just yet cuz it doesn’t have the prerequisites which is 10 iron mines in state dude we got super good RNG we just got less ofar to the adoption phase what that’s delicious my man that is absolutely delicious right there go ahead improve relations

    With some more Nations I actually would love to get an alliance with someone maybe I can try and get an alliance with the Russians if possible cuz a Russia would be really good in the war against Austria they got a massive army they can

    Use and we just got the 10 mines 10 iron mines in salesia means we can get the United silesian Metal producers that’s going to give throughput bonuses for iron mines for lead mines and steel mills throughput plus 10% so totally worth it especially in the early part of

    The campaign it is absolutely delicious and in case you’re wondering know it doesn’t affect only the stuff in silia it affects the whole country of course even though it’s called the silesian metal conglomerate or whatever it is just the name of the company it’s jover

    Boys it is actually freaking J we got L air on the first try so uh now we can do a lot of the other amazing legislations here like landed voting which is going to make it so much easier for us to become a democratic Nation but if we do

    Landed voting it’s going to be harder to get an alliance with the Russians which is kind of why I’m going to hold off on that for for the time being CU I like to get my allies in Russia and then we can go for landed voting afterwards and why

    Is that because we would be a different government type and they are not cool with that however we can try and go for dedicated police force there is some opposition for this from the yers primarily obviously cuz they’re the ones that get political strength lost but I

    Don’t care I don’t care we’re still going to be able to pass this if I’m going to play my cards right here boys all right let’s see what other company we want to be gunning for here now since we are able to get two companies from

    Pretty much 18 38 which is insanely fast most nations in the Victoria 3 get their companies way later way later you know there’s so many of them man I don’t know which one to even gun for like I like the United West fan Ste producers I like the Brandenburg homegood Corporation

    Even the Prussian paper the combined Prussian midd corporations I guess it’s just a matter of whichever we get to get the 10 buildings built first and then we go for that one I guess oh Russia wants a defensive pack okay I don’t mind a defensive pack with you boyos and the

    Trade agreement you guys absolutely you love me don’t you Russia oh my Lord all right I’m going to remove the consumption tax on wine so people can uh you know thoroughly enjoy some wine hey we got water to boilers and we failed the dedicated police force twice okay

    Whatever bro what freaking ever okay check it out everybody check this out oh my God we’re making so much money we’re actually getting ridiculously Rich right now now the problem is that this means we’re going to have a bigger demand of uh coal and tools so we’re going to need

    To up the amount of coal mines that we have let’s get another three in Silesia and another six in North rine and let’s also um actually probably should get all of them in Silesia right it’s okay it’s okay we’ll get more after we need more tooling workshops though I have five QED

    Up but I’m going to get another 5q in the queue as we speak and I feel like we need some more construction sectors so let’s get another three of them in stesia for the time being and there you have it the long awaited Alliance request from the uh Russians we didn’t

    Even need to use any of our obligations for this which is amazing now we are in the process of researching nationalism so once that’s done we might try to go for the uh leadership play and I just realized we’re getting joint stock companies uh passive research that is

    Really good we’re going to get three companies from the start God dang let’s get bmer process 2 and we’re going to go for canaries and then mechanized workshops right afterwards and where’s my universities man I thought I queued them up they really far behind or what okay it’s right after the logging camps

    I’m building right now very expected the Danes have backed down and as such we now have holon independent this happens like nine out of 10 times if nobody backs them up and right now nobody’s backing them up cuz the French are busy the English are busy as well so um the

    Only Nations that would potentially back them up are not there the austrians are not backing them up also actually the austrians is going pretty good right now even though we still are their Rivals I’m pretty sure that they’re going to cancel the Rivalry once we’ve um gotten

    The leadership play right so after the war with the austrians essentially Sak blue the French are revolting again who would have thought the nation that had a thousand republics cuz of revolutions would Revolt nobody nobody would have thought that all right looks like uh Austria is also supporting them sway

    With bank roll oh my God AA is trying to make money out of this you slimy scumback can we do the same actually can we can we uh no no bank roll okay well whatever bro okay I totally didn’t even want to support you for bank roll that’s

    Not how I roll here okay look at that we got consideration phase that is Juicy that is very juicy and philosoph philosophy Department 25% University through so how much are we at now 69 nice I’m also queuing up like one of each of these uh buildings or a couple

    Of them anyway so I’m going to queue up in Brandenburg a couple of paper mills more I actually would like to get 10 paper mills in Brandenburg West Prussia apparently is getting one built by uh Whatchamacallit investment pool so hey we can invite Hanover to our Union [ __ ]

    Yeah one more Nation to join the Customs Union the greatest Customs Union to be more precise I’d love to get these guys as well to our customs Union we can for obligations you know what I’m actually okay with that cuz I don’t think they’re actually going to ask me for anything

    For those obligations to be fair let’s check is everybody in here I think uh yeah Breman Hamburg and chesik holon are not I’m going to have to get them somehow in our Union as well got a monument to the king okay cool Prestige plus 3% or yeah sure we’ll take the

    Prestige it’s been a while since I played with the uh private investment po I normally like to have direct control over my uh construction queue but there are some bonuses well some benefits to having the private investment first off you know it kind of feels like there’s a Private Industry you’re competing with

    And I kind of like that to be fair and second off there’s also the fact that they build [ __ ] that you would not normally be able to use your private investment pool to build unless you had certain um economic systems enacted right but that being said it does suck

    When somehow they have for example five tooling workshops in Westfalia and they decide to build a random [ __ ] tooling Workshop in Prussian andal like what the [ __ ] is up with that bro explain that to me people can you actually explain that to me hey we got dedicated police force

    Hell yeah brother let’s upgrade these bastards to level Two all right enough of that enough enough of that all right let’s go ahead and get the uh secret police the police that nobody knows is secretly watching this video he I love I love Japanese immigration office I would I I love it I uh just want to say randomly just want

    To say it out loud I would love to see my next residency have 5 years and instead of you know oh dude are you kidding me right now why did Russia cancel their freaking alliance with me bro and we’re not even close to getting the Diplomatic the leadership play yet

    Cuz most Nations haven’t researched nationalism yet oh man okay you know what I’m not going to get Hanover Alliance get out of here Hanover excuse me I don’t think I’ve ever seen open market uh diplomatic play from the French against the Japanese like what what the actual fmen why would the

    French even care about the ja Japanese opening up their market like what the hell is this I mean don’t get me wrong it’s good for the Japanese it’s actually going to fix a lot of issues for them but it’s just weird to see the French out of all Nations actually try and do

    That honestly hey we’ve actually gotten the joint stock companies hell yeah man okay we got two okay we need to get someone all right let’s go temporarily with the textile syndicates and um that’s it really I don’t even know if we’re going to get prosperity for that

    Though let’s see is it actually going to go up I don’t think so now I remember why I wasn’t playing with the stupid private uh construction sector cuz if if you go for L at Fair 75% of your construction sectors goes to these bastards slows you down a little bit but

    You know what I’m okay with it I’m actually okay with it I don’t mind a little bit of slowy dowy hey a left secret police everyone you get gestapo you get gestapo and hey you get gestapo too everybody’s happy now cuz cuz if they’re not happy we’ll know about it

    Okay so you happy right you tell me right now you’re happy and I think the best step to move towards a Democratic Society is to go and become an oligarch up next hell yeah baby we’re going to be modern United stat I mean uh I mean Russia

    Russia clearly us is not an oligarchy also owned by big corporations and stuff corporations are totally not the ones that actually call the shots in the United States clearly not all right boys German national identity has been completed that means we have the journal here done so now in order to complete

    This we need to make sure that nobody else’s a uh unification candidate that means uh you know we got to fight the austrians that’s what it means look at that though 17 nations are supporting us now and nobody is supporting the austrians I’m not sure if I’ll be able

    To take them on though now though cuz uh they have double my Army size actually triple my Army size not even double holy [ __ ] oh hey guys we got a dissident Peter nrer here who uh would like to make us a theocracy well Peter what can

    I say oh oh I’m so sorry Peter oh I didn’t mean to click that no oh oh so anyway um what was I saying before before I forgot oh yeah we got to fight the austrians now I will attempt to get this uh leadership play done so I’ve uh

    Mobilized my entire country I’ve gotten the highest amount of conscripts I can get which is 52 it’s not many I know but it’s fine because check it out boys with the funk so brother we can call in the Ally of Russia cuz we did give him

    Obligations to Ally them and we can also call in Zeos as long as we give him a diplomatic play bankroll or transfer subject to hzo learn oh boy should we bankroll how much would that even be though bankrolling them that’s 45,000 holy [ __ ] man I’m not sure they

    Would even help much though maybe I just call in the bavarians that might even be a little bit better we get the we give him War reps from the austrians that should be fine verberg wants obligations from us we’ll give them that to okay the French declared neutrality all right so

    That should be fine then in that case I feel like we might actually win against them without having to call in the English and there you go [ __ ] I forgot to add more war goals no in the middle of my War freaking all Goldenberg Cen their obligation so I can fight against

    Their aristocratic revolts what the hell is going on here brother all right we do have uh a lot of uh leeway here so we could start pushing in this front here and uh this way we can relieve the pressure from the other front into the Bavarian areas basically which right now

    We’re kind of getting our asses handed to us over here so we might expect Bavaria to pece out any moment but yeah there you go we’re making progress here for sure cuz they don’t have too many units assigned to this particular front and it’s basically half the freaking

    World against uh Aristocrats which have no Soldiers by the way oh wait they have two soldiers never mind hey we’re an oligarchy everyone hell yeah does that mean our name is OE everybody’s name starts with OE is that what an oligarchy is clearly that’s exactly what it is I

    Like the way that we have the flag this flag is much cooler than the other one in my opinion and look at the steady progress we’re doing over here as well beautiful absolutely beautiful they want to enter a defensive alliance with us they’re offering us obligations hell

    Yeah Sweden I’m more than happy with that and okay let’s check what other legislation we can pass now so our government’s at 82 right now and we have a lot of freaking uh support for the industrialist holy [ __ ] we made them strong okay I’m guessing that’s a lot

    Because of less of fair and capitalists basically ruling our country right now maybe we can go for no migration control I’d love to get more population in my country from just migrants all over the world coming in right this battle here is going to decide a lot of freaking

    Things come on we need Bohemia that’s our way towards getting to the capital in vietna we need it we need it hell yeah baby hell yeah oh my God if we get oh my God please win this battle please freaking win this battle dude we’re winning we’re actually freaking winning

    My dude and this one is going to be a loss isn’t it yeah this one’s going to be a loss but hey we won two that’s more than one okay two is definitely more than one in my opinion sadly as expected Bavaria did get capitulated it is

    Unfortunately what it is and what the hell is going on here as well bro your Aristocrats are winning oh my God maybe I should have help eh hey Russia’s doing something as well this is the first freaking attack I’ve seen them do so far they’ve only been getting getting their

    Asses handed to them so I’m not sure why I even got them in my freaking alliance against Austria like honestly we’re doing all the freaking heavy lifting here the Russians haven’t done a single freaking thing this entire campaign come on crack Austria already crack you scumbags can you just crack please I

    Need to crack I’m using a lot of conscripts in this war which means my population is dying out I want a war to freaking finish so I can get back to restoring my beautiful country to amazingness okay all right we can also switch over to uh sewing machines here

    And mechanized workshops as well as canaries we forgot to do this a while back actually the canaries so good thing I remembered there we go rifles as well really should be paying attention to this stuff cuz I’ve been focusing way too much on the war you can also get

    4.1k progress for repeater guns which is really good too come on dude this is the battle this is the battle this is the battle for Vienna Boys we got it they we broke their supply lines they’re panicking they’re retreating this is it this is it come on give me Vienna

    Another battle are you freaking kidding me right now come on dude I need this so badly we got we got it we got it oh my wife’s calling me all right hold up a second oh we got my migration control all right well just had a quick chat

    With the Wu back at it boys the Iron Chancellor Appo Bismark as Chancellor 20 infam DK Dam oh oh hell yeah 20 infam DK I do like me some infamy DK all right we got the battle did we get the Vienna we didn’t get Vienna what the [ __ ] man can

    We just get Vienna already please I’m begging you begging begging you form super Germany oh we got it okay we won this boys we won this look at that it’s going below zero there going to lose they’re going to lose you guys are such losers that was um bit of a weird one

    But yeah we’ll just ignore that I laugh like that please all right we won this man we crush them we Crush their Spirits we Crush their souls and they can go f themselves cuz they’re going to be a part of me very soon um what is that

    Everybody abandoned me by the way so I’m I’m not going to forget that every single body abandoned me I had to win this war all by myself if it wasn’t for me you know just sacrificing my economy sacrificing my health sacrificing I ing bong when I send them off into that

    Suicide wave I wouldn’t have won this but we did it we did it boys look at that German leadership North German Federation has been completed so we can go ahead and we can do this now becomes the north German Federation now Boys in order to form ger for geros we need the

    Austrians to support us that means we got to improve relations with them still they’re at minus 20 poor relations they still rivaled us so there’s two options we can try and get them to uh be on the same side of a diplomatic play with us but that’s not a guarantee that they’re

    Going to be uh accepting us as the German leader the best way to make him accept us as the German leader is to just get the relations with them honestly that being said we do have all the conquered uh integrated Nations but yet as Incorporated States so that’s

    Perfect I just realized I forgot to liberate sches which means they’re still a part of Denmark so I’m going to have to do that later now of course the southern boyos are voting for us verberg is not voting for us verberg what the hell’s wrong with you bro got to

    Defensive pack with you too you scumbags vote for me God dang it also improve relations with schic holstone and it’s time to fix our economy fix our army because we have a few issues I mean we got minus 500 bureaucracy to start with which is not Gucci at all go cargo ports

    Standardized filing cabinets I kind of want to go for secular Administration philosophy Department secular Academia and generaliz training let’s go for these as well all of the good stuff here please thank you very much condensed engine pump for all the mines that we got from all the anex states is going to

    Be a big freaking deal cuz I’m pretty sure we’re the only ones that have condensed engine pumps around this area now let’s also make sure that we have some uh infrastructure in these states so we’re going to be building up some Railway networks around wherever it is

    Required so whilst we wait to get those relations with the austrians it’s time we do some conquests in the Arabian bits we didn’t do that at the start of the campaign we probably should have cuz if we did do this at the start then we would have had zero infamy just like we

    Do right now but with the addition of the Arabian Lance right time is for Shaden Rogue to uh worker magic here there you go five units let’s go and just realized I probably need to recruit some more generals don’t I yes did I actually have only a level one guy

    During the war oh my God that explains a lot holy [ __ ] I should have realized this man yeah that was a big mistake on my side going to disband the conscripts I don’t need conscripts anymore cuz I’m not going to be fighting anyway for um a while with anyone hey we got ni

    Nitroglycerin hell yeah baby what I’m talking about we’re going to be using nitroglycerin now as you probably know by now nitroglycerin does have its a debuff namely when you do use it it costs uh mortality for Laborers Engineers and Machinists up to 30% mortality for Laborers to be more

    Precise but look at the amount of extra coal we’re producing 630 more at the price of just a little bit of explosives super worth it guys Absol freaking lutely super worth it now we do need explosives factories we only have two of them right now so we’re going to need to

    Build a few more that’s why we’re just going to do uh the um iron mines first with Nitro glycerin and not all of them cuz then we wouldn’t have enough explosives for all of them let’s see probably 15 or 17 iron mines for now and we also can change the Glass Works to

    Crystal glass beautiful now we can also queue up some more uh explosive factories let’s say an extra four and the reinland should do it for now I guess also we do need a few more government Administration buildings so let’s get a one more in Brandenburg and

    One more in silia do we need more Railways in Saxony I think we do at least one more maybe even two actually minus 26 infrastructure that means we need two Railways in the sex cuz one Railway is 20 infrastructure and we definitely can afford some more construction sector so let’s get three

    More in Westfalia two more in Brandenburg and three more in Ryland I guess all right we got North Yemen that means we can start Conquering the adjacent provinces to Yemen and of course we’re also going to be gunning for for Bahrain which we can use later

    Down the line as a bargaining chip the Ottomans would love to get Bahrain state in exchange to help us out so we could use the Ottomans against the Russians or somebody else and we just give him the state of Bahrain when the time arises for that whoa French peasant Revolt what

    An absolute shock that the French are revolting again I cannot I I I don’t know I I’ve never seen the French doing this ever again you know yes in case you’re wondering we are bankrolling the austrians as well we need to get those relations up as soon as possible and

    They are damaging the relations with us so yeah can you just be nice to me Austria please I love you so much please be nice to me I’m also attempting to uh get right of assembly which eventually is going to lead to me getting guaranteed Liberties that is in my

    Opinion as a best security uh type of legislation now that being said after we’re going to start researching uh well not researching but we’re going to be enacting a colonial Doctrine since I do want to start colonizing myself and once I have some more [ __ ] ships I’m also

    Going to be invading these areas in the South here cuz they have extremely good resources there’s tons of coal tons of iron tons of sulfur tons of vicky3 virgins in the southern bits of South Africa and there you go boys we got it up to consideration phase so I’m fairly

    Confident that we’re going to be able to pass this on the first attempt let’s go baby we absolved the obligations that we got with the austrians which gave us a Frack ton of relations and they’ve stopped damaging our mutual relations no shot oh my God this is so good they’re

    Down to wary now and they don’t see us as a rival anymore cuz we have The Cordial relations oh dude it’s going to happen it’s going to happen it’s going to happen happen please vote for me mags they actually went to minus 20 now oh my

    Dude if we manage to get him from cautious to increase their relations they will vote for us my dude what oh my God this is going to be amazing can we do super Germany before the Italians unify cuz the Italians seem to have a lot of UNIF ification movement going on

    There as well from what I can notice right now it wasn’t on the exact first attempt but after three failed ones we did manage to get ride of assembly so that makes a not much of a difference it’s basically the same like the first one okay now let’s attempt to guaranteed

    Liberties if it works and it might work then we’re on the right way towards having the best Germany run I’ve had in Vicky 3 in quite some time my boys quite some time and yes we do need a lot more government Administration buildings let’s get a few more of those going

    Trade Agreement from the Brits sure why not that’s going to be actually pretty good cuz we can start increasing the trade volume between the two of us uh so let me do that right now actually cuz we do have a few things that we want to export to the British as well which

    Would bring us quite a little bit of cash there you go like grain and after unpausing there you go we gained an extra 6,000 duckets which is better than none right after all seem to have uh the start of infrastructure issues in these n in these uh provinces so we’re going

    To have to fix that up as well and you know what since we’re doing so well let’s actually remove the tax on lick here yeah yeah let’s get people uh a little bit happier with us shall we hey we can use uh Sweden we can get the swed

    In our customs Union and we just got guaranteed Liberties that is double wami boys double wami not only that but we got some extra um bureaucracy so we can use that to advance our law enforcement and we’re going to try and get our home Affairs as well so we’re going to need

    To build a few more government Administration buildings now I guess cuz that’s going to be 500 if I’m not mistaken my math might be a little off there but yeah it means we’re going to need more government and administration buildings also I strongly believe that Oman is going to be a really great

    Initial protector for us cuz uh they’ve got a lot of potential if you ask me in fact I’m fairly certain that oman’s going to be an absolutely amazing integral part of our country once we integrate them in the future and it looks like we can get some type of

    Health System I’ll go for Private health insurance it’s better than no health insurance at the end of the day right plus I’m going to be spamming a ton more of um of these logging camp CS cuz we just need logs I mean we need camps we

    Need we need wood we need wood is what I’m trying to say here wood needed basically holy [ __ ] we have 27,000 shortage of wood and 1,000 shortage of toolings okay we need a lot more tooling workshops buddy we need a Frack ton more of these bad boys and we

    Don’t have enough population in Westfalia so we should probably build them up in anhalt where apparently we do have a lot of population all right so we’re going to be uh getting the belgians now in a customs Union with us because apparently they’re cool with that and we’re also going to be getting

    The coreback that we have on Luxembourg which unfortunately is right now a junior partner of the vile Danish people and by Danish I actually mean Dutch okay in my defense they both start with the D so clearly there’s um there’s a very easy mistake to make all right and we’re

    Down to medium taxation but I feel like maybe we should go back to um high taxation so we don’t lose too much money I guess and I I know I cracked and I had to enact migration control the reality is that I’m getting 1.5 million uh loyalists from plaing these guys so I’d

    Rather have some loyalists at least for the time being we can go back to open borders later if if anything and we can actually sway the austrians to our side what okay I’m down for that I’m definitely down for that holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] that actually changed them so

    That we can get an alliance with them what no shot let me check no freaking shot dude no shot how are they now 55 so that means that they would accept forming Germany with us if we are not in a diplomatic play just back down Netherlands please back down TR G I’ll

    Give you everything you want from me Austria I just don’t want you to cancel those relations with me cuz I have a strong suspicion that they might cancel the relations with me and then I’m not going to be able to unify with them so that’s why I’m kind of thinking maybe I

    Should just back down and give the Dutch some Prestige or not no you know what we’ll make this a really fast War we’ll make it a quick War get the Dutch down and then hopefully these guys uh stay on my side and if they stay on my side and

    They don’t break the alliance with me then we’re going to be able to form super Germany in 1857 significantly faster than I did in my test run which was around 1865 but yeah that was also RNG right so you got to keep that in mind all right that’s going to be easy

    Okay this is going to be a super easy War fast quick to the point let’s go assign the designate strategic area so we can quickly uh rush for their capital and uh what the hell is this uh let’s go for this we don’t want to piss off the

    Russians for the time being we want them to be our best best friends and we’ve got some trade goods that we’re not trading with the Dutch anymore it’s okay we’ll trade them back afterwards once we’ve won the war which we pretty much already freaking won come on we need the

    Peace we need the peace quickly so we can form super Germany oh my God if I could form super Germany by 1857 that would be actually freaking mindblowing my dude all right War has been won now it’s just a matter of uh waiting for the

    War score to go down to minus 100 so we can enforce on them and it should be right about now we gave the Austrian treaty Port that was the requirement but it’s fine let’s see can we do it now please oh my God I had to on pause oh my God

    Sko and let me check what achievements can I get now what achievements can I get okay so I’m not going to I’m not going to finish a recording I’m actually like I said today the whole day I’m going to just play Germany okay so Stardust Prussia form Germany we did own

    10 states in Africa with fully owned okay so we’re going to go Colonial like I said unite Germany have Max ster rule your country not sure who the [ __ ] that is but we’ll try um what else is there anything else pertaining to Germany that’s it okay no problem we’re going to

    Go get both of those done and these are by the way Incorporated States holy [ __ ] we went up to 113 million GDP in just like 20 years as freaking Russia dude this is insane by the way I’m going to get the save game available to all my patrons and channel MERS Link in

    Description if you like to get the sa for yourself and I’m going to finish the first part here because I feel like this is a pretty good Cliffhanger for us and I’m going to continue recording but I’m going to release the second part as soon as we get the likes and the comments

    Really hope you guys enjoyed this run and I hope to see you in the second part of the campaign so until the next time check out this awesome video up next and I want to give a massive thank you to all of my patrons channel members and

    Twitch subscribers I would not be able to do this without all your support


    1. I assume (I haven't looked it up) that the private construction just builds the most profitable buildings so in the case of that random tooling workshop I think the ai thought "Hey there aren't any tools here and the price is slightly higher I should build there"

    2. 35:50 "Private health insurance is better than no health insurance."
      Maybe we should ask Americans about this. 😀
      They are such a backward country. Like it was the 1865 still. 😛

    3. Another tip, if you have to fight a war against Denmark but lack a decent fleet, ally Sweden and call it into the war, then you can simply land your army in Sweden and push through the strait crossing.

    4. When u make super germany u should always release the non german lands as puppet nations, thats what i do its more realistic and a super germany with all of austrias non german lands is judt beyond dumb

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