Quinta y última etapa de la Vuelta Algarve 2024, en el Alto del Malhao se vivieron vibrantes emociones con un Daniel Felipe Martinez hoy desatado y un Remco Evenepoel que no se dejará vencer.

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    Vuelta Algarve
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    Vuelta Algarve 2024
    Volta AlGarve 2024
    Etapa 5 Vuelta Algarve
    Vuelta Algarve 2024 en vivo
    Vuelta Algarve 2024 donde ver
    resumen Vuelta Algarve 2024
    Isaac del Toro
    Remco Evenepoel
    Wout Van Aert
    Daniel Felipe Martinez hoy
    Sergio Higuita
    Tomas Contte
    Sepp Kuss
    Leangel Linarez
    Ciclismo 2024
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    dany pro cycling hoy
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    9. El domingo 22 de diciembre de 2024 se realizará el sorteo en una transmisión en vivo y la persona que salga ganadora deberá estar presente en el Chat, esto se hace con el motivo de premiar y así mismo verificar la fidelidad al Canal; en caso de no estar se podrá esperar 10 minutos hasta que escriba en el Chat, si no aparece al cabo de este tiempo se le da la oportunidad al siguiente en la lista de preseleccionados.

    10. El premio consiste en una bicicleta de ruta de la marca Trek Domane Al 2 por un valor comercial de $2.500.000 pesos colombianos o $639 dólares aproximadamente.

    11. El premio es de participación internacional

    12. En el caso de ganar una persona de Colombia se le entregará la Bicicleta con envío incluido a nivel nacional, en caso contrario y a menos que la persona no quiera la bicicleta y más bien desee el dinero en efectivo, este se le consignará mediante la plataforma que el ganador escoja y en caso de ganar una persona extranjera se le hará una transferencia internacional por el valor de la bicicleta (Esto debido a los altos costos de los envíos fuera del país).

    13. No se aceptarán comentarios de burla, grosería u ofensa al Canal, a los demás Suscriptores o a algún ciclista en particular.

    Mucha suerte para todos y gracias por apoyarme y hacer parte de esta familia ciclística.

    Fifth and last stage of the return to garbe 2024 today with a stage with multiple emotions, brave attacks, dangerous situations and above all great joys that these runners would bring us very early today with the start in the town of Faro we saw that start neutralized where the runners

    Would have to face metric today four mountain prizes the last the mayao they would have to face it twice a single Sprint with a special bonus this would be the planimetry and the following are the mountain prizes the pillory a third category prize this would be the

    Vermello a third category prize so the alte would be a third category prize and the fourth and last mountain prize the Maya a second category prize they will have to face it twice and so that last kilometer that has a ramps of Up to

    Double digits there we saw in the lead of the race up to 20 runners who were there had already passed through the Loule Sprint where Gerben Tysen had taken him they had also passed the Vermell where Andreas Leeson had faced him no Mr. Isaac del Toro had not taken the start

    Health problems in the The previous night they had prevented the peloton from starting, fully launched, trying to catch up with these men at the head of the race who are being pulled by the Burmese giant Filipo wins grenadier lines but pay close attention because with 39

    Km to go to the finish line Wood baner the bisma runner attacks there in a tangle that there was a kind of traffic jam between them but it is taken advantage of by Wood baner who is in fourth position one minute and 18 seconds away in the general classification So renko Ben

    Pool has to worry They hit Ben Hindley and from the head of the race Peer Strike Hagens emerges from that colleague of Wood Baner who had also passed the Alte Mountain prize where James Sh had taken him. The head of the race is also very close while behind

    We are going to see a situation with Magnus Sheffield, here we saw Geran Thomas, who cares about his partner, who has informed him over the radio that he has mechanical problems with his bicycle. Geran Thomas, this great champion, gives him the bicycle and pushes him so that he does not

    Lose. Well, positions, let’s remember that he is there in the general classification, also the head of the race, he has already been joined by wb Ben Hindle and the other runners who were with them and the situation becomes complicated because they are already facing the first Ascension

    To the Mayao where we see that it is Ben Hindley, who breaks that harmony as such, the head of the race sticks very well to him Wood vaner, the two of them are going to go, they are passing by. Those last ramps, let’s remember that they had up to the double digit

    11.6 on average in the inclination, there we saw how Ben passes Hindley, this top of the Mallo, several runners at the head of the race begin to fall behind and the peloton is one minute and 17 seconds behind. At one point, this begins to worry you, but the great work

    That Soudal did made that advantage fall to the 40 seconds and Ren benepol very fresh Ben hindley then leads that head of the race with relays from Wood banir and also games lenr the latter who had been in the initial break had not completely separated himself from his

    New attackers and companions at the head of the race launched because the advantage is only 30 seconds there we see how they are already climbing again this height of the mayao wbir is now the one who does the relays pay close attention because those

    Last moments of the 3 km race are coming for this to be over and there In the background we see the great work of Bora with Sergio Hi guita that they want a stage for Martínez today, let’s see if he achieves it there we saw how renco benepol with ccos

    With Mr. Ben Hindley who attacks There he goes So this Irish runner who was going to leave At the head of the race he does not want to be married, he does not want to be neutralized, but he is already neutralized because of the great work he is doing.

    So Sergio yita trying to wear down Renko, there we see him, who wants to be identified with the blue jersey of the mountain in the back. Daniel Felipe Martínez today attacking the last 2 km Ben Hindley was at the head of the race so he goes there pushing the last

    Kilometer arrives close attention the emotions turn ant red this is going to be defined in a mountain sprint again the one who pulls is Durango Mr. ccos del bisma also wants to surprise today we will see if he succeeds Tom picol was following him but pay close attention last

    800 Met this is going to be defined And you know who is going to place here the rhythm is positioning very well renco Ben pul there behind Daniel Felipe Martínez and launches the lame attack in the last 500 meters, Daniel Felipe Martínez responds with a lot of

    Attention, the monster stays a bit, but ahead is Daniel Felipe Martí, he returns friends there to attack in the mountain sprint, it takes him a few meters there renko benepol and we have Dani Martínez at the finish line again, winning the runner from Borjas groja, the

    Colombian. Look at the replay from the helicopter. How impressive does this get? Daniel Felipe Martínez responded there, just as he had already done on the first occasion once and for all. there are two when at the top of the [ __ ] in stage number two Daniel Felipe Martínez

    Beat Mr. Renco Benepol because today he gets his second spectacular victory. Let’s see how the classifications turned out. I also want to tell you that in 2024 I will be delivering this spectacular bike. Trek brand route totally free to participate, you only have to give this video a like, subscribe to the Channel,

    Activate the notification bell and leave me a comment for more information. In the description of this video you will find the legal bases of the contest. We continue with the classification summary. stage would leave us the Colombian Daniel Felipe Martínez from Boras Groja as the winner with a time

    Of 3 hours 55 minutes and 35 seconds Daniel Felipe Martínez gets his 15th victory in his record second Renco V Pulco in the same time third Thomas pitc a TR seconds fourth Cristian escari fifth TR sixth ccos seventh Tao gegen eighth Ben hiny ninth Team arensman and tenth Antonio Morgado

    Friends what we experienced today was spectacular at the end of making this summary he only had position number 10 in the stage classification while the general classification left renko benepol as champion of the return to garbe 2024 very well for reno benepol the Belgian champion of the soual quip step

    Daniel Felipe Martínez was second at 43 seconds third Jan tragik at 121 closing the top 10 Antonio Morgado the Portuguese from Tin emirates at 209 the points friends the mountain led by Daniel Felipe Martínez the best young Antonio Morgado spectacular what has been achieved

    Friends So far the return to the garbe with many emotions how nice Today to have seen the second victory of Mr. Daniel Felipe Martínez and don’t miss a broadcast later live from the pedal bugs channel, a collaboration that I will be there in a live broadcast on the bich

    Glyfos program where we will analyze what happened this cycling week and what is coming next so don’t miss it We are going to redirect below so that you can activate that notification and be present in the live broadcast My name is William Porras and from Colombia it has been a pleasure

    To have informed you bye bye Thank you very much for having reached the end of the video here I am going to recommend you another one that I know you will like


    1. Gracias a Dios se le estan dando las cosas a un gran ciclista como Daniel Felipe Martínez, tiene lunta de velocidad, escala bien y debe mejorar la Crono y la alta montaña para estar al nivel de los top de wste maravilloso deporte. 🚲

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