On September 1, 1939, WWII begins. Over 50 countries take part and 65 million are killed. It is the deadliest conflict in human history.”
    — Sledgehammer Games
    Gameplay Mission
    Collateral Damage
    Location: Aachen, Nazi #germany
    Date: October 18th, 1944
    Use the Field Phone.
    Reach the Theater.
    Clear the Plaza.
    Reach the Hotel.
    Secure the Hotel.
    Retrieve the Truck.
    Find Anna.
    Return Anna.
    Defend your Position.

    Call of Duty: WWII[3] is a first-person shooter video game developed by Sledgehammer Games for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows. Leaked concept art for the game was initially found in late March 2017[4], a month before the official reveal on April 26th, 2017[5]. The game was released on November 3rd, 2017. Call of Duty: WWII is the fourteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise and Sledgehammer Games’ second to be developed in a three-year development cycle.
    #callofduity #callofduityww2 #ww2 #ww2games #cod #codww2 #codww2gameplay #wargaming #wargames #ww3 #warfare #dday #ddaymission #codww2walkthrough #campaign #codcampaign #cops5 #ps5 #ps5gameplay #codgameplay

    October we’re in Ain CRS are fighting like hell for it cuz it’s the first time one of their cities has been invaded by the Allies won’t be the last we thought with the liberation of Paris we’d be one step closer to home but our troubles are just

    Beginning we’re fighting in the city now aing crowd’s got a death grip on it for good reason we’re drilling a hole clear through their western border Davis has is going block by Block House by house knock them all down he calls it Turner and Pearson I ain’t seen out of eyes

    Since we got here grind’s taking a toll on us all time for more beans and bullets if I tell you to do it it is the goddamn Mission hey pick up the pace we got to hit CP by Nightfall hey on this line around from your girl

    Thought I told you not to go through my things what kind a chump doesn’t open a sugar report uh the kind who thinks it’s a Dear John see the address she wrote Daniels not red only one reason to be so formal hate to say it I think she’s cutting you

    Loose or hey maybe it’s like scher’s letter you know you don’t open it she’s still your girl maybe her what’s wrong with you quit screwing around we hit the State Theater at 07:30 tomorrow everybody’s got their limits everybody true or not Hazel I got to believe you still love me if I’m going

    To stay strong let’s go let’s go come on Daniels Daniels I got you keep your head down God damn it we keep crushing them and they keep coming back we can’t hold the plaza much longer artillery is on its way they’re saying 10 minutes time well 10 hours Lieutenant

    Turner we need T support now the cakes are covering our F pipe down and let me think this thing all right Daniel you and I all go with Pearson and call it in move cover fire Daniel get to the field I’m going from thewest Daniel here you go Serge a d wood white

    27 a villain we’re drawing fire requesting immediate support to phase line 2 over over copy that but we’ll be leaving our flank exposed all right just get your asses here as soon as you can understood working on it over make it quick these packs are tearing us apart over and

    Out all right boys we’re rerouting to the stat theater the first platoon needs us enemy dispositions unkknown switching to radio and intercom radio Master on rapson we’re taking a right to cut back to the theater right ahead Roger thatz Abrams pool hold position here with second platoon and cover this flank

    Until we get back copy that you got it for tank T [ __ ] it’s tiger lure it back we need to hit it Flags we got another Baner here too reloading perfect hit he’s got to targeted Dr Armor to our left where are they not seeing them any great shot around Ricochet office

    Front we have to move we’re too exposed we’re in their crosshairs tiger on our left just gling gra in the breach we’re getting beat up Tiger shot Us in the back enemy tank destroy we still got a tiger to take out we’re not leaving till we kill that last

    Tank lost track of the enemy we have to find them straight shot good hit where are they not seeing them anywhere killed him the tiger came in theer should be over the rise Dagwood white 27 villain we can’t hold out much longer villain to Dagwood white 27 rapson is down it’s

    Just us now we’re on our way prepare what I can down here’s just around the corner take out those pack the gear there’s the theater looks like Turner Squad is into [ __ ] got German over here take out that P tank now reloading we’re getting beat up enemy tank destroyed incoming enemy

    Vehicles take them out reloading infantry and B get ahead they’re pulling back keep on them almost there po up the Str ready to fire on right ahead anyone got eyes on more targets not seeing anything I think we’re clear that’s all of them filling to Dagwood white27 Plaza is

    Clear repeat Plaza is clear appreciate this sis sir Dagwood wide out all right Perez is going to hold POS position at the theater to cover our flank we need to push toward the hotel allendorf without armor support let’s move all right let’s do this hotel’s been a Nazi stronghold for

    Weeks we need to capture it to take the city’ be a lot easier if we had a couple tanks with us perz needs to hold this ground we’re the spearhead on this one private eyes up check the Windows eyes on those storefronts something’s wrong it’s too

    Quiet just keep sharp stay calm stick to cover mg get off the street push forward and find an opening mg just hit dagger help Mo somebody help help me stop on the right get in be all Right keep pushing give me to cover hang in there buddy I’ll be all right an stay [Applause] cover I need more ammo Lieutenant head up dang call him out B the smoke we’re clear stairs there a noo we sure as hell can’t go back into the street this wall looks weak Daniels use your launcher to clear a path get back Enemy grenade P keep moving Need targetting smoke IO coming at you taking a Yanke I have a first aid Ki okay we’re clear stay alert there she is boys Crouch Last Stand Daniels take a closer look yes sir seems pretty quiet but that probably ain’t a good thing Daniels what do you see skies look clear

    Guess our bombers did their run you take it in the sights private what the hell you looking at I got eyes on the hotel no troops on the balcony not seeing them anywhere else either must be hold up inside reinforcing their defenses they’re betting it all on this place then we

    Should be able to get close without too much resistance but once we hit the hotel we got to be prepared for the worst we’ll need to take the apartment first could be swarming with crows we’re going to sweep it to cover our rear then advance to the hotel fall in Daniel zman

    Take Point let’s go stay alert those apartments could be crawling With the Enemy like whole two blocks send it this way move up stay alert on it Daniels we need that launcher again watch the back blast grenades and St I can’t see anything ger are cross back them out can’t see them stay

    Down get ready to fire coming head down there’s more F cover take ammo [Applause] danielsank grenades here rally up over here Rogers head up Daniels door’s blocked we’re going to have to squeeze through looks awful tight I’m not sure I can make it should have laid off the corn beef oh real

    Funny Daniels you’re up [ __ ] [ __ ] need help over here you going to be okay I’m good thanks CRS are everywhere coming at us Kit grenade out okay we good good enough got ammo for you private hotel’s right there keep quiet till we hit them okay let’s go thr over here they are down the stairs call them out better to check your vision no enemies that truck’s blocking our path

    We’ll push it IO pop the brake and steer rest of you put your backs into it hey you got it Daniels need your help son of a [ __ ] ties still look good it’s got some gas battery work we need a ride out of here pretending I think I can hot

    Wire big surprise there sh College okay let’s move get ready boys dang it one more wall punch through it knock them all down right keep clear push in keep moving we need to clear the lobby Suman take right a yellow left with me sty second floor with piar we’ll do on it

    They’re dug in by the main staircase Far Side mg’s on the stairs push around to their flanks damn they’re all over the place Toss it out a grenade we enemy mov ahead he’s leaving cover Daniels got to push into the back hallway behind the [Applause] stairs 12:00 moving in from the West could use some help we have to reach that back hallway Daniel thanks I got it the lobby is clear hope that’s all of

    Them everyone on turn to sweeping the upper floors we need to secure the basement on me everyone stay close could use some targeted smoke how about we wait for it Grandma a little spot for Dan get the door lights on C sounds like a kid Daniels you still

    Got that chocolate bar yes sir bet y’all are hungry go home take it h whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it’s all right it’s all right we’re not going to hurt you we’re not going to hurt you no food my sister please help us no no no crutd reinforcements will be here

    Any minute we don’t have time to be babysitting civilians there’s only two of them sir you better come see this a just perfect [ __ ] we passed that truck a few hundred yards back we can drive it here and we can get them all out with all due

    Respect our mission was to secure this hotel you speak German when the hell were you going to tell us that it wasn’t all right we’re going to get these people out of here Daniels iello you take that truck rendevu with us on the west side of the hotel get

    Moving makes me wonder what else you’ve been hiding from us hair’s Usman come me some slack Sergeant n not on your life private not on your life looks like it’s you and me Daniels can’t believe zusman didn’t tell us he spoke Crut his family is German

    Jewish he just didn’t want to anyone to know about the German part I guess we all got something we ain’t proud of leave we got to worry about a bunch of cruts they got a kid in there old folks too can’t save everybody they’re civilians we send them to the rear

    That’s what we do yeah yeah there’s the truck come on okay just need a minute to get this baby started all right we’ll cover you German troops incoming ahe get it moving i’ never started a CR truck before clear out m apc’s incoming take cover out there we can’t stay here you

    Got to hurry need more time on the left we need heyo hurry the hell up got from theth tar in the open they stopped coming in looks like they’re falling back okay it’s get on you got her running thanks for covering I think they might be regrouping on the

    North side got to let the squad know we got to get these folks out fast that we dig in too risky we don’t want them caught in the crossfire a little late for that just hurry Pearson’s right Daniels we don’t have time to worry about these people they’re civilians

    They need our help drive through and park it on the street yes Sergeant all right get the civilians out of here let’s go let’s go let’s go sir we got to move reinforcements are on the way hold on where you going what she saying she thinks your

    Sister went back to the basement well then that’s where she’s standing we got to get these people out of here come on Lieutenant let me go nobody’s going you got 2 minutes I’m going with you nope just Daniel it’s too dangerous I need everyone here to cover the

    Perimeter yeah yes sir you get back here fast we’ll do sir [ __ ] sh Something oh [ __ ] Anna got to find Anna Anna where are You she’s got to be here somewhere hello Ana hello hope she didn’t go upstairs Anna hey kiddo come on let’s get you back to your sis Y come here you sh it’s all Right you’re doing great I to your house we’re getting out of here this is okay KAS this is okay [ __ ] [ __ ] fore huh isn’t Kasa you’re doing great we’re almost there just need you to be brave a little longer I’m getting us out where do they keep coming from we’ll make it out

    Through there we got to keep moving can’t go there I’ve got you you’re going to be fine [ __ ] it’ll be all right Daniels we need to get the hell out of here get her to the truck we got this covered yes sir time to clean house falling back

    Lob Danel Daniel get over here theob Anna thank you okay they can take it from here let’s go we’re escorting them and that’s final Pi’s right sir if we go with them chances are they’ll draw fire seems like a risky move private cman we are clearing this street and then getting

    Them out understood I understand sir I just think they might be safer on their own and if we let the Germans reoccupy this hotel every Squad that comes through here will be in danger this isn’t casserine we have the upper hand and get them on the truck it’s your show defensive

    Positions we got to clear the street Ming in the more coming in hold your ground keep fireing grenade we clear all quiet Garden Clear Street’s clear everyone okay everyone accounted for Kanye man lost come on look out they shot up the truck she’s gone go on go what the hell are you

    Doing following orders everyone back to the hotel move move move hey there’s nothing we can do

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