NO HOLES, DON’T PUSHToday we are in Newcastle and a place called Wolstanton and we are going to look at the potholes on Southlands Avenue in wolstanton, I’ve just driven down the road and The must be. I would say about 25 or 30 potholes down the road so let’s go and have a look and check them out
    #potholes #Newcastle #staffordshire #stokeontrent

    Hello today I’m in southland’s Avenue which is in wall Stanton in Stafford chip and I’ve just driv and down southland’s Avenue and I can’t believe how many potholes there are so I thought we’d take a look so we’ll start with this one here that you’ve just seen and

    That must have been about 3 or 4 in deep I just walk another few yards and there’s another one again quite big quite deep and if you hit that with your wheel you would make a mess of you car as I walk a little bit down you can see they’ve patched some potholes

    Up uh but they have left a load there so they’ve they’ve patched up to the left there and in the middle of it there but look at the size of the pothole that’s opened up again and that’s because they don’t repair them right I don’t know what’s up with the

    Council why they letting all the roads get so bad so we’re walking past more potholes there and you can see the road is breaking up absolutely everywhere so in a few more weeks I should say this road is going to be absolutely terrible and look at that there’s one two three

    Big passive potholes there and all the rubble that’s come out of the potholes is lying on the road which could easily be flecked up and break you wind so as we go down the road’s all cracked and the is places there look where they’ve patched it up but again

    The must have left all these other ones there’s two two three more potholes there one Lum another Lum and an absolute massive one there that must be 3 and 1/2 in deep and about a foot wide so we don’t have to go much further and we can see there where

    They’ve patched one up but amazingly at the front of it and to the left they’ve left them so they have seen these potholes but they’ve just done an absolute terrible job of repairing them so the road again is all broken and cracking up and in the center of the

    Road here we’ve got another deep pole which if you’re driving up and you don’t see it and your wheel goes down it I would imagine it could quite easily damage your car or your van or whatever you’re in and the the road just everywhere is cracking so even if they patch that up

    If they don’t res saish it right and do the old road we’ll be in the same boat again in a few weeks a little bit further down and again we’ve got one two three potholes in the metal and a massive one at the side of a patch that

    They’ve done and again looking at that it’s full of water full of bricks and it must be a good 2 and 1 half 3 in deep so we’ll carry on and again by these uh Park cars here we’ve got more so I’ve actually lost count now how

    Many there is I’ve gone past and shown you them many and again that’s right in the middle of the road and it’s deep but what’s amazing they have been patching the road up there and laugh the others beggers belief to me this Road once completely and utterly

    Digging up and resurfacing and the job doing properly it must be absolutely terrible for the uh residents to have to drive up and down this particular Road and bounce up and down these potholes I wonder if any have damaged the car if anybody’s watching from Southland Avenues in West in W Stanton

    Drop me a comment and tell me if you have or drop me a comment and tell me if you know when they going to patch the road up and when they going do something about it CU as I say they have been patching up there but missed majority of the owes absolutely

    Ridiculous so we’ve walked down what I’ll do now we’ll start walking back up and we’ll just have a quick look at the pot of now as we walk back up and get a bit of a closer look for you so you can try assess for yourself how bad and how

    Deep the actual holes are it’s a lovely area here so it’s you know such a shame really that uh it’s in this state like I say I’m virtually at the top of the road now so I will turn around because it looks like they’ve ped

    Them up at the top of the road here as you can see there’s patch after patch so I’ll walk back down and we’ll have a look we’re still walking up the road yet and there’s still loads of potholes in the guty and that’s why I’ve just walked a

    Little bit further up cuz I’ve just noticed them so we’ve got a lovely tree area and grassy area there so as I say it is a very nice place so now we’re walking Back and there’s the first little hole a patched up hole there and here they go here they start Let’s uh take a look at that one like I say quite deep and could do some damage to your vehicle been a bit of water in there and there’s loads of loose

    Bricks so again they if somebody drops down there they could fly up and either hit somebody or H another vehicle and break the window we’ve got another bot hole there deep Again full of water so I think if we uh did have any more heavy Frost or anything like that

    These potholes would just open up more and more and more and just look at the size of them look at that one and that’s right in your tire track where you drive down the road so if it was dark or you weren’t aware of it you’d go down there and you

    Would do a lot of damage to your vehicle and there’s just more of them full of bricks full of water and as I say as cars are getting down them it’s just digging them up more and more and more so thanks for watching this video please subscribe to the channel and

    We’ll see you all soon thanks again Me Hey


    1. I find now potholes on most roads, some areas are worse than others, I have found it you report them on line they do the one you have reported, and leave any others, I try to avoid them, but you will get one you don't see, I have fitted heavy duty tyres on my car

    2. Does road tax pay for road repairs?

      The money that road tax raises is paid directly into the central government fund, which is used for projects that benefit everyone – including road work and maintenance

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