The Wigan Hotel in Wigan, housing migrants. I find a car wash business set up on the hotel grounds. I investigate this and quiz the owner who comes out taking photos of me.

    Also told that some of your workers are working illegally at this car wash here do you have any comments on that no yes then the people we’re here at uh Wigan Hotel today britania britania Wigan hotel in Wigan so let’s go and say hello let’s go and see what condition this Hotel’s

    In got a security guard right there got one bike massive Glass Center so the Drone is going to be able to see straight into here hello mate right you okay I’m making a video go about what hotel uh well just to check the condition of the building really check everything’s intact I don’t

    Think is intact here yeah you would say that you don’t know that though do we I like to walk around and check everything uh I’ve got a drone in my bag so I’m going to fly over oh ah oh so it was you that’s that right okay oh you’ve heard

    About somebody yes with a drone yes ah I shouldn’t have mentioned anything what did they say that thing was yesterday yeah was it yesterday years ago yeah yesterday what was said what’s the reason people are interested mate really yeah you just making video to get views

    Yeah yeah well you need to remember this is a private land yeah yeah so you want a private property I am at the moment yeah but so that’s the only thing you need to remember so the Drone fly in so yeah as long as you know on the private

    Property that’s fine but now right now you are right now I am yeah okay yeah cuz right now I have to check the condition of the building no condition is perfect is it yeah can you prove it can you you want to show me because we

    Got company so they they got their job done so they right so yeah so I just want you to move from the uh private line please okay mate what I’m going to do I’m going to walk around to check the condition of the outside yeah yeah you do whatever you want make

    Sure not to be on the PIV well to check the condition of the I’m going to walk around that side I’m not sure what’s around there I haven’t been before I’m going to walk around the back is there a back Garden or anything or no

    Back Garden no uh is it possible to have a tour inside no fair enough mate so what what did they say to you on the phone another nothing see you later thanks buddy cool there we go I had a phone call about me yesterday which is is a shame isn’t

    It everybody in the Northwest has probably been warned about me oh dear well at least he was professional and polite britania Hotel Wigan let’s have a look around this side then problem is we’re going to every hotel at the m6 at the minute so they’ll ring through to head office and head office

    Will warn the next one hopefully not but there we go it might happen oh look at this around the back of the hotel look at this that’s where they’re working 100% F you know looking it do oh very good very Good so TR to check around the back of the hotel got a big back Garden there full of bikes which we’re going to fly over another look at like an idiot I left my phone in the car so I have to go and grab that before we can take the drone Over that car wash is definitely employing people from the hotel 100% maybe got have a word with him in a minute at the car wash look at this nice mirror there could do with that what’s going on here pretty dangerous isn’t it fire risk to the building and he told me everything’s

    Fine it’s not fine at all and here there’s an Open Door straight in H stuff only hello you see all this stuff right here all these bottles what are they for mate oh flammable liquid it’s a bit of a firez is it that I don’t know ask the uh oh it’s nothing

    To do with you guys it’s nothing to do with me to do with the uh handyman ah it’s a fire hasard that is it it’s right by the building well we need to talk to management about that I have no car only started here a month

    Ago oh you a chef I’m not a chef I’m a porter kitchen repter oh fair enough mate yeah cool all right thanks a lot ah kitchen Porter oh we’re going to go and report that back to the front door in a minute after we’ve uh had a quick word with this car wash

    Take a picture of me no just take pictures you work for the hotel mate yeah is a personal phone okay but if you guys are in charge of the hotel I’d like to show you something at the back no oh you’re not you got a A fire hazard

    At the back okay got a load of flammable uh liquid bottles by the door and I’m also told that some of your workers are working illegally at this car wash here do you have any comments on that no do you have any comment to make on the some of your um residents working

    Here at the car wash illegally no you’re quite happy to take my photo but not willing to really say anything no okay fair enough well I will be looking into it further unless you can allay is my concern sorry buddy are you in charge are you mate no

    No what it is I’m here to investigate that no have you got permission to enter in a private property I’m not coming inside no no no no no you’ve been you’re going backside as well have you got any permission to enter in a prop private property came to the front door to let

    Him know what I’m doing no no I know I’ve came back out now to you but private property yeah yeah you should have permission personal so stayed off now no in private property my question is in private property yes I don’t need permission to come on not in the first

    Place I don’t need it if I if I come back on now then I need permission yes you need you need to tell them first I’m on a private so if you knock my front door you don’t need permission to knock my door do you no you’re not knocking on

    The door if I tell you to leave and you come back then that’s different you’re making video on the front door without permission on a private property that’s a crime as well is it yeah because it’s private property I walked on I said what I’m doing walked off well

    Is respect we respect you but you making video as I’m not going to come back on I’m going to stay here I’m going to go back off no one giv me permission what you doing I don’t need permission buddy I know but it’s private property yeah

    Which is why I’m going to stay off now whatever you doing over the road legally I’m going to fly my drone over the backyard I’m going to fly the Drone Over the Garden on a private property not all no I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be out there it

    Will it will be report to yeah mate I can’t hear you I’ll be on the pathway but I’m going to fly the Drone in the back Garden all right now sorry sorry it’s a private I’m trying to talk to you mate oh dear he wasn’t very happy was he

    That tall white guy didn’t look impressed at all but this car wash is a different business well supposed to be so more than entitled to be on this road Here do you know who’s in charge of this car wash me oh I’m just investigating yeah anybody from the hotel working there no that’s all there’s not no no no okay are you sure you can work there good I know yeah not meant to work are they no no

    All right I’m just doing an investigation on the hotel today yeah yeah and I noticed there’s a car wash no no this is different different different business different business no no they’re not allowed to work I know that yeah yeah they’re all good all right mate cool

    You how is business good yeah it’s good yeah the rain yeah oh yeah the rain all right then let’s go back out the front all right let’s have a look well there we go she straight inside from here can’t we the big glass thing at the front of the

    Hotel doesn’t help them does it no they go imag in there really going to be in the air for 5 minutes got a feeling they’re going to come out and try and stop me I’m not sure what police force it is here to be honest with you may well be Lancashire police which

    Is not a good thing at all Lancer police May recognize me and the hotel company May well know my channel and who I am as well which doesn’t help things with the Lancer police we know what Lancer police are like any excuse to uh arrest and seize

    Equipment so we’re not going to be long here we would rather go before the police arrive on this one well let’s get up a bit higher now there it is look britania hotel in Wigan it looks like all of this is part of the hotel here but I want to see that backyard

    With the bikes there it is oh there’s not many bikes at all only a couple more buildings here look it’s quite big at the back this hotel quite a few rooms I’d say H that’s where the fire hazard was and here we got the car wash do we think some of these workers

    Are from the hotel I think maybe they are it looks very uh official this guy just pulled up could he be a policeman what do we think or maybe just an owner of the property no he’s gone uh next door this guy did you live here mate

    Yeah yeah you no I thought you going to the hotel I’m just waiting for the police to arrive I thought you were copper what going on no I’m just flying my drone over it do a little story on the hotel today all right yeah sure you know why and

    Just uh just flying over they called the police so when you pulled up I thought that was a copper copper you did a little bit anyway take care mate cheers no he’s not involved Well we’re going to be gone in a Second was that a big red B for a minute no well goodbye Hotel we zoomed in guys we’re not that close camera looks super close it’s not zoomed all the way in three times someone waving there what the hell hell wow so thank you very much brania Hotel

    Wigan we’re going to go now going to get the Drone back so guys if you enjoyed this video at the brania hotel in Wigan give it a thumbs up guys please ladies and gentlemen and we’ll see you on a future video


    1. You think they'd we well proud of the people they're saving from tyranny and there would be ads on telly preaching from on high how great the company is.
      And there would be a good few thankful patrons going round blessing the locals for harbouring them in their time of great need,But,NO!

    2. Oh yeah they are using immigrants from the hotel to work at that car wash.
      Typical their attitude says it all they couldn't give a toss .
      They will do what they want,just like flamibile cylinders and other fire material up against the wall .
      They probably have it well insured so if it went up it wouldn't be a loss .

    3. Anyone else think that AB, DJ, DJE, northern audits and laughing auditor need to strt doing 'cop BS bingo'? Print off bingo cards with thr usual lines and start marking tuem off as the police use them on video? For example: 'you must understand', 'in this day and age', given the current climate, as you can appreciate, sensitive building….

    4. The police need to get down there fast, the hotel staff have illegal immigrants washing cars, absolutely TAX FREE, making a nice bit of money illegally, the staff that is and manager, they already have everything done for them cooking, cleaning, heating, hot water, tv , free bikes, money, then they take the f’king p’ss with this out of the British public, us the tax payers. This is the only country in the world that f’cks over its own people. Tax evasion in the extreme.

    5. I had cpc course and instructor told me that I can get in troibles to filming people without promision.
      I Google it I can, but what I supoustu told her tomorrow. What the law saying and where is WRITE on

    6. Come here illegally, work illegally for cash and still entitled to their free benefits, free accomodation, free gas, free electric, free food, free phones, free travel, free dentists, free doctors, free legal aid, hardly surprising many Brits can't be bothered to work anymore when they're expected to pay for it!

    7. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to work in a car wash and top up their pocket money that our government give them. It must be obvious that they are not from the hotel as that is illegal and the wealthy owner of the car wash could be fined.

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