Join me as I buy an unseen Decathlon bike off marketplace for £20 and ride it back home to Mansfield through the North Nottinghamshire countryside along NCN and the trails of Sherwood Forest

    So good morning Notting your Madness fans uh it’s Monday I’m not sure the date probably the 12th of February well I’ve got 20 out the bank got my debit card and I’m off on a little bit of a an adventure this adventure starts with a walk uh I was titling about on Facebook

    Marketplace yesterday evening and uh came across at De cathlon City bike steep through frame for 20 quid so a quick message to the to the seller to see where he was and it turns out is 8 miles further down my local bus route so said I’d have

    It so he brought me 20 quid out of the bank as you saw I got my debit card to pay my 2 bus Fair because here in in the UK we have a uh a maximum single Journey charge on the uh on the on the local bus

    Services and that’s um a maximum charge of2 so I guess little bit too quid cuz it’s about 8 Mile journey I think by bu probably a bit more by bus pick the bike up up sight on seen other than the fact I’ve seen a photo and ride it

    Home I’ve got can of WD40 a couple of inner tubes a pump basic bike tools a bottle of water and a pair of gloves and a cycle helmet what can possibly go wrong and uh it’s actually where I’m collecting it from sort of the other side of shood

    Forest so I can do a skip skip around the perimeter of shood forest so it’s all going to be mainly off-road um dises Railway line cycle track National cycle Network 6 and back home I’ll bring you back soon I made it to the bus welcome to uh Stage

    Coach just heading through blid at the moment so I guess I’m about a quarter of the way through the Journey this is pretty indicative of uh briish buses public transport bit rattly a bit bangy but the seats are really quite comfortable beautiful sunny day temperatures still only about 8° a

    Believe so I’m going to enjoy the ride I going to enjoy the view from the windows and bring you back when I get off the bus thank you very much sir thank you well we’ve made it to the destination there goes our stage coach for the day bring it back in a few

    Minutes right well picked it up and uh just stopped to take stock of take stock of what we’ve got and check the tires give it a bit of a Lube be in there and uh set off home there he is 20 quid City one decathlon

    Right and give it a spray around CH the tire pressures and then we’ll see where we go Bloodworth war memorial erected for those for in the 1914 that’s we forget not blidworth Bill stop I came through blidworth on the bus oh oh the bike’s falling over

    Anyway it was all going well so it just fell over on you I’ve got me I I’ve got me bag on the stand so Saddles up bit of a spray round bit a in the tires I’ll set K going and uh see you on the way

    Home right well I’m on the trail now from billthor towards shed Pines and shed Forest National cycle Network 6 this has got a national cycle Network number link number I can’t think what is it something so bills Thorp is a sort of mining community that was now changing dramatically uh modern housing being

    Built loads of housing being built it’s got amuni shops couple of pubs one cracking Pub actually um and it’s this is sort of on the Southwood Trail Bill stop is actually the start of the Southwood Trail which travels on the Old Railway line from bills Thorp through farnsfield to past kirklington kirklington station

    To southwall lovely ride but you can ride it out to showed Pines along here there’s a link on the road through the village onto the onto the other railway line but I’m just going to give a shout out here this is a community garden in bills Thorp it’s marked on Google Maps

    And uh they’ve got plants got tulip tulips available next week honesty box three three easy ways to pay I got my tomatoes from here last year so worth a sh out for this table and hesty box and it’s it is literally well the bridge there is the

    Road into blw into bills Thor so it’s it’s literally on the on the billthor route Shan show you this bit cuz we’re riding into the sun anyway is a bike it works let let you know more in a bit so we come up there it’s up here all the way slight headwind as

    Usual we’re heading up there halfway to show Pines I guess we just at the Crossing point of the a614 which cut through nothinga through North nothingham sh and I believe goes to Hall I think maybe wrong anyway it’s an absolutely gorgeous day here in North Nora but it’s cold but not when you’re

    Riding a bike still going strong been through some great mud you can’t reach a bit of mud tires are a bit soft make mental note to oneself to bring out CO2 cylinders anyway we’re still working we’re still going that was Bill th a614 show finds up there bring it back back

    Soon so we’re further along the track we’re just about to enter showed Pines which is up the hill in the distance as The Shining mood disappears oh so we going strong it’s uphill all the way all my bike rides were uphill or maybe maybe it’s not uphill no it is

    It’s a gradual it’s a gradual incline all the way to the top and that’s where we’re going next I’m having an absolute blast so we’re to Crossroads so we’ve come up there from bills Thor and we’ve got to the top of the hill and it levels out here and that

    Heads off to vickle water and columber park show you on the old signage so Water Country Park 2 and 1/2 miles that’s a good starting point and clumber park 11 1/2 miles as we know we’ve come from bills Thor South bills Thor’s 2 and a half miles it seems like six we go

    Here try to get you out this one a bit blidworth 3 and a half new 8 well we’re going that way which is nadab 8 through to Nottingham or you can even get the train from nid railway station it’s all pretty much s cring off-road to here although s strands have

    Disowned National cycle Network six between blidworth and Raven’s Head you will need to find the national cycle Network work six on a map because it doesn’t go the obvious way and it’s a horrendous road but it won’t affect us cuz we’re heading back to Madness Manor oh it’s been

    Muddy it’s been proper muddy but it’s fantastic 22 quid it’s worth all its money not a penny more no is it’s all right it’s all right it’s too small for me I guess it’s it’s probably a medium frame I don’t know or a small frame It’s

    A Lady’s bike it’s it’s I don’t know how this how they work anyway I’m 5 foot 7 and if you’re 5′ 7 or less it’ll be available when it’s had a clean and a service and everything else for the grand sum of 22 more of that later

    I have no idea what time it is I must have been out the house for well over two hours yeah when you get two hours worth of entertainment for 20 quid have not done yet anyway that’s it show with pines National cycle Network 6 like I said brilliant getting there camping with

    Camping probably a mile from where we stood so great stuff10 p a night for C campers catch you later a little bit of on bike action guys typical hardcore type of Fire Road through the forest we on National cycle Network six one handed with a bag on the front makes it all very

    Challenging there’s the signs for National cycle Network National cycle Network goes down there I can go down there for a mile turn right at the bottom for a mile turn left again up out of the valley for about for a mile uphill back to this elevation we’re on now then head off towards

    Mansfield or I’m going to go that way through what was rough with cery and come out 3 mies from here at least yeah I’d say 3 miles from here but just a mile and a half from there so that’s where we’re going to go wow absolutely amazing I’m want to go down

    There this is now the back of the old rufford pit complex I’ll show you on commut oh so I’m the Blue Dot and I’ve come along here we go down there that way a bit and down there to this R Junction here what that has done is cut off all this

    Zigzag it’s quite possible I’m trespassing but if I told me to clear off I will do wow it’s black black Muk black Muk from the days of the pits and the pit slag eats which this ones was and they dug it all out the slag and fed it into the power stations under

    Pressure and uh and managed to burn it off obviously that’s all gone now but they’re shifting out of here oh there must been 50 L of day going out of this place with this stuff onto the power stations along the river Trent gosh like to have a little ride with

    Me let’s put the uh let’s just SLE the phone in the pocket then bear with me whilst I shuffle you and everything else around zip up it’s cracking in the so but not so cracking when you’re not in the Sun but it’s too warm for gloves maybe because we don’t go fast

    Enough for gloves move the upper gear I seen last time I came through here I seem to remember having to get off and push through I don’t know what I did do a video on there on this with um probably old rord pit something like

    That I think the sand I think the sand got the better of me oh there’s a puddle after it we get to first gear first gear low ratio four-wheel drive wow go with me it’s certainly changed since it was last year but look we’re on to armac the road R in good B

    I know uh the rain W up last night in the early hours of this morning was absolutely nailing it down we’ll just grind away Along here tires are really soft it’s like pedling through tree coil I did bring I did bring the pump the one I use for the bromton Noto

    Bromton pump it’s like a small it’s like a mini track pump perfectly adequate for the bromton not so good for this and like I said on the way out I did bring some inner tubes and stuff like that this must this must have been a way Bridge here so we must be getting

    Close to the in and the out cuz of would way on the way in and out I guess slightly uphill and a cracking headwind oh bit of a vist at the top here though so this is the pit s Side the batter is about to go flat I’m not going to change it I bought batteries with me but they’re in the bag so we’ll uh when it goes I’ll bring it back from Badness man we need to head off oh the road goes that way need to head off over

    There head this way then the left that takes us down to the gates I’ll save you save a bit of battery and bring you back from the road well this is pretty much the end cuz you’ve seen the bit from here to home that’s rain withd over there this

    Is the old rord color site and if you see along the horizon we follow that tree line along there to about here and then we’ve cut our way through the old rff Cy side it’s not a close place I’ll be coming again on the bike because all the low

    Areas are getting washed getting all the black stuff and it’s 3 in deep in places but I’ve been through I will link the videos of in on the r Co site in the desri description and I’m trying to link a video about this so fast so Furious

    Ah so we’ve come from over there and we could have gone right up there and then this way along the road or we just sort of cut the corner off cutting the corner off work well for me I’ll conclude the video back at Madness Manor thank you very much guys oh we made

    It I went on the uh straight on the compressor 20 psi in the front tire and 15 in the rear tire so I’ve now got 50 each end and it sails along the road like a dream so the cathlon short a small frame the cathlon city one or one

    City I find out what it is I’ll find more about it I got it home I probably didn’t I know I’d got home with it one way or another I’ve been out of the house I’ve been at the house for 4 hours that’s cost me today’s entertainment has cost me 550 P an

    Hour what can you get for £550 p an hour wasn’t the day to do it after yesterday’s downpour that Sout was atrocious I was two hands all the way back he’s got to me throat the cold whiskey will sort that out in a bit I’ve got a hot chocolate so yes 22b bike

    Off Facebook Marketplace found it yesterday £20 two quid bus Fair 22 quid will it get me home yes it did I’ve had a fantastic 4our Adventure I’ve been through mud and Gore absolutely brilliant that’s how I did after bills thought that home is brilliant anyway it’s a lot better in the summer

    And it’s a lot better in the other direction and uh cuz it’s not it’s not it is uphill from Bill thought here or most of the way it’s got easier 15 psi didn’t matter I’ve really felt it when it got onto the onto the tarmac but I’ve just been down the road

    Here and it sails along lovely so who wants it let me know you know what it’s cost me take it on pick it up manway station I’ve been in mansway station for you can pick it up from home you make an adventure with it please somebody

    Will I’ve had an adventure with it I bought it purely to have this adventure and I’ve had a cracking Adventure um so whose turn is it next let me know I’m going to give it a good wash I shall give it a service a bit of a clean

    Round the gears need adjust it just doesn’t quite shift upwards there’s no rust on it if you look at the the spok nipples there’s no there’s no rust on them you look at the nuts they’re not Rusty the hubs are black all that Hub is black wheel

    Nuts very Rusty bit of discoloring of on there the chain stay there’s rust on the edges of the mud guard slightly good chunk of rust here paint peeling it’s what we call Patina so I should give it a wash give us some o rag you can have it

    Next thank you for watching that Adventure absolutely brilliant outstanding it’s I’m leading up to something else you always know I’m leading up to something else because I keep thinking I could beat off into Europe Mainland Europe I.E the Netherlands or could fly down to cologne and uh take some minimum Gear with

    Me pop into the cathlon by a a basic type of hybrid type bike and ride it home just an idea if I flew down I’d have to pick gas up or G so I’d have to go to the cathon and pick gas up but rather than cycle down to Cologne I could

    Uh I could ride it back from cologne I’m not sure which way the prevailing wind is because I’ve been cycling sort of North West most of today and it’s the wind has got me especially when I came out of the forest M’s getting cold the wind has got me it was

    Uh it was BL bloody Gale so that’s one reason I did this because I thought well can you buy can you go and go somewhere by a by and ride it home yes you can I’ve already done 10 Mile something before 4 hours a 4 Hour

    On the bus Journey 4 hours out of the house absolutely brilliant I’ve enjoyed every minute one last look thank you for watching thank you for coming along if you want it message me email not Madness or Facebook not Madness by Andrew Marshall bring me a message I meet at the

    Station take it on adventure yourself take it home on an adventure thank you guys


    1. What a marvellous video. I used to be a member of an online camera group and we had an old-ish camera that was available to anyone who wanted to use it – for the price of postage – the only proviso being that you put at least one film through it and shared the results. It would be cool if whoever buys this bike off you does something similar to you on video, shares it on YouTube, then sells it on again to another 'Tuber. @rizalsapi007 I'm looking at you! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣👍🏼

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