Sometimes we all have an off days or just feel generally tired. Well so did I, but bit of exercise is better than no exercise, right?

    This is a course that is a bit boring I’m just being honest here, but it’s good to ride it anyway.
    Mostly you ride between fields and open land, but it does have some trees as well.
    Have a go and let me know what did you think of it?

    Hello I’m going to be honest uh I was not thinking of Runing today because I’m quite tired but since it’s only afternoon uh so I thought that easy exercise is better than no exercise so today I’m going to take you to K natural park in uh

    Romania uh it’s a uh 30.5 km course and has 116 M of climbing um and so nothing nothing really too too much it should be nice and kind of relatively easy uh for uh for this evening and I will keep you posted how going to go On are you h no how are you thany Is right I’m currently around 8 and 1/2 kilm in and uh I’m approaching the mor Hill which has whopping 32 M of climbing at is 1.15 km long but this is the section also which has the 10% uh heill in so let me see how I’m going to get On behind make you right on the Back stman turn was only around minute behind the K time uh didn’t really try anyways because I did a hard effort yesterday uh but yeah I’m now 10ks in what can I say the come the funny thing is the Comm natural park seemed to be not a park at

    All uh you just ride uh between agricultural Fields uh and that’s it really it started off in the forest but now I’m I can’t see any trees anywhere which is quite ironic because it should be a park but anyway into a tail it’s going to be there not going to be Shel you

    See funny some real F just got dropped woohoo Al Tre nice change for the scenery I just P right I’m 20ks in uh 10 to go and I have absolutely nothing to report I’m back between the fields and you can almost smell the fertilizers if you know what I mean uh and and yeah that’s it nothing to

    Report 2 12.9 km to go to start getting Bing Now all right I am around uh 250 M from the Finish Line uh what can I [Applause] say there is literally nothing to report absolutely nothing to report if you want to get easy miles in easy 20 miles 30 km go ahead enjoy the scenery I guess and uh that’s it really there is literally nothing that I can can say uh I finished

    It uh in uh 49 minute 5 uh 6 seconds which is what I kind of wanted to do and uh that’s it so it’s a it’s just a course uh let’s see where I’m going to take you next time

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